الجزائر..ماذا بعد إقالة الجنرال توفيق؟

بعد أن أسال خبر تنحية محمد مدين من رئاسة المخابرات العسكرية بالجزائر، الكثير من مداد الصحافة المحلية والدولية، تتعدد اليوم قراءات مراقبي الشأن الجزائري للوضع السياسي بعد رحيل الجنرال توفيق، والذي اعتبر من بين أهم المسؤولين العسكريين في البلاد.

فبعد مرور أسبوع على إحالة الجنرال توفيق على التقاعد، والذي أمضى في منصبه أكثر من 25 سنة، يؤكد البعض أن قرار محيط الرئيس جاء ليقلب موازين الخارطة السياسية بالبلاد لصالح الرئاسة، في وقت يعتبر البعض الآخر أن القرار طبيعي بعد سنوات من الخدمة على رأس جهاز المخابرات، بل وتنذر بتوجه الجزائر نحو بناء دولة مدنية.

إلا أن هذه التخمينات المتفائلة ببناء دولة ديمقراطية لم تلقى صداها لدى بعض المسؤولين الجزائريين، وعلى رأسهم لويزة حنون، الأمينة العامة لحزب العامل، والتي حذرت من تبعات التغييرات التي طالت المؤسسة العسكرية، والتي من شأنها المس بأمن واستقرار البلاد.

يطرح عدد من الخبراء السياسيين تساؤلات حول ما تخفيه مسلسل التعديلات التي سنها محيط بوتفليقة في الآونة الأخيرة، وهل تهدف إلى ترتيب الأوراق لمرحلة ما بعد الرئيس عبد العزيز بوتفليقة؟

ووفق ما جاء على لسان رئيس حزب “جيل جديد”، جيلالي سفيان، فإن الجزائر اليوم باتت على مشارف إجراء انتخابات رئاسية مسبقة، حيث أن التعديلات الأخيرة التي شهدتها عدد من المؤسسات المدنية والعسكرية لخير دليل على سعي محيط الرئيس لترتيب خليفة للرئيس المريض.

وأضاف سفيان أن تنحية عدد من الأسماء الوازنة في المؤسسة العسكرية من الواجهة السياسية يشير إلى توجه محيط الرئيس إلى الإعلان عن انتخابات مبكرة، لعدة أسباب أولها الحالة الصحية للرئيس، والذي صار عاجزا عن أداء مهامه كرئيس للبلاد.

وأكد من جهته رئيس حركة مجتمع السلم، عبد الرزاق مقري، أن موجة التغييرات التي شهدها جهاز المخابرات العسكرية لن تكون له مترتبات كبيرة على الحياة السياسية والاجتماعية بقدر ما ستؤثر على “هيكلة النظام”.

وأشار مقري أن التحولات السياسية التي تعيشها بلاده، إلى جانب تردي الأوضاع الاقتصادية، باتت تدق ناقوس الخطر، ما يجعل من المرحلة القادمة، حسب رأيه مغلفة بالغموض.

وبالمقابل يعتقد أحمد عظيمي، المتحدث الرسمي باسم حزب “طلائع الحريات” المعارض للنظام، أن حركة التغييرات الأخيرة في صفوف الولاة ومسؤولي المؤسسة العسكرية مؤشر قوي على توجه البلاد نحو بناء دولة مدنية متحررة من “حكم الجيش”.

إقرأ أيضا:تنحية الجنرال توفيق..فصل جديد من مسلسل تصفية الحسابات

هذا ويبقى التساؤل مطروحا حول الدوافع الحقيقية وراء هذه التعديلات، خاصة مع تداول أخبار تفيد بتنحية أربعة جنرالات أمس الأحد من بينهم الجنرال محفوظ الملقب بالجنرال بوليساريو.

اقرأ أيضا

يحدد مستقبل بركة.. حزب الاستقلال يكثف تحضيراته لمؤتمره الثامن عشر

يسارع حزب الاستقلال الزمن، للتحضير لمؤتمره الوطني الثامن عشر. وحسب ما أكد حزب الاستقلال في …

259 تعليقاً

  1. IJWTS wow! Why can’t I think of thgnis like that?

  2. Dr Friday? Das klingt furchtbar. Meine Frau hat nur immer die Samstagsabendshows geguckt, so laut, dass er es bestimmt bis in den Bauch gehört hat. WOOOOOAAAAAAA EIIIII NIIIIIEEEEEEEE

  3. I, too, was some … I, too, was some kind of child or something in the ’90s. So I died of nostalgia just now.But, having the same name as a popular cartoon character, the nostalgia from #3 wasn’t… good.

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  5. I hate that they can touch you in Cannibal Creek. I thought it was illegal for any haunted attraction place to have the people there touch you. I still want to go though!:)

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  7. ja, stimmt, du hast recht, ist sowas wie fußball, nur mit mehr bällen, die auch noch aus holz sind und nicht so rund. und außerdem braucht man nicht so viele leute und kein tor

  8. why some mac boos are used why are they used allready are they dirty yet i like mac book pros me and my brother are getting two for both of us i wonted it soo badley.do mac book pros have games in it.

  9. Me he reído mucho con tu artículo. Pero te equivocas en un punto: Arjona no es medio puto, es puto declarado; si no lo crees, observa sus ojitos ensoñadores de la foto… Odio sus canciones, son hórridas; cree que hace metáforas y lo que le sale son sapos y serpientes por la boca. Es increíble que sea el “filósofo” de Televisa. En ese nivel cognoscitivo estamos.

  10. I might be beating a dead horse, but thank you for posting this!

  11. Jaded says:November 2, 2012 at 8:46 am Just as you’re in anthropoligical denial – All those rural areas are in Magisterial Districts, are they not?What was wrong with the Justice-of-the-Peace system?

  12. Wonderful! Now…THERE is a specific goal, and a useful one, too. 5000 words a week – it will be a challenge, but thanks for throwing down the gauntlet. Will you keep us posted on your progress?

  13. Great colours and great light, man. Big fan of your photographs. Say, is it too much to ask for tips on how to get these results on camera and on Lightroom? Thanks.

  14. Cool! That’s a clever way of looking at it!

  15. Semua orang mempunyai masalah yang berbeda, setiap orang memiliki cara memecahkan masalahnya. Semua dan setiap masalah harus segera di selesaikan dengan tuntas jangan ditunda-tunda untuk menyelesaikannya.

  16. As usual the writer (Ross Honeywill) misses the point: Boomers are very influential, but eventually they will all die. Old(er) people can only hold onto power for so long, and when the end comes, it comes quickly. Millennials (aka Gen Y) will be taking over in another 10-15 years and will have to fix much of what was torn down by previous generations. My opinion: Gen X (of which I am a proud member) will likely get short shrift in the history books. Boomers and Millennials will get the glory while Gen X will do the heavy lifting. But hey, were used to it.

  17. There are some attention-grabbing closing dates in this article but I don’t know if I see all of them middle to heart. There’s some validity however I will take hold opinion till I look into it further. Good article , thanks and we want more! Added to FeedBurner as nicely

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  19. There are some interesting points in time in this article but I don’t know if I see all of them center to heart. There is some validity but I will take hold opinion until I look into it further. Good article , thanks and we want more! Added to FeedBurner as well.

  20. What should be the role of Church leaders when we are in this predicament? Are they not trying to save the world which God made for its people? Or are they in a state of denial. They may be so cloistered that they do not know that the sea level is rising, Will they admit that as the temperature rises diseases caused by insects will spread? Have they not heard of any reports of islands being ravaged by rising sea level? Isn’t the attempt at saving the world an inspiration prompted by God ?

  21. Lovely photos. You capture people’s back effortlessly. At first I am hesitant to take someone’s back for I feel like it’s too awkward for a subject but after seeing your photos I realize that it could be presented with lovelier sense. Someone’s back could be as beautiful as someone’s face. Hehehe.

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  23. How cool to find those old photos!!! I remember my first digital camera, wasn’t as cool as yours and the quality was probably alittle worse too. I can’t imagine what the technology is gonna be like 10 years from now.

  24. It’s great that the sentence about how smart he is is the one that makes the least sense…‘…I have a competitive advantage that most people don’t, and then factor in that I am the quickest learner and my charisma, that is why I have accomplished so much in so little time.’

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  57. This is just a disgrace to people who are really socialists! Obama is far, far, and very, very far from being a socialist! As for he Soviet Union and (!!!) Germany during WWII (as well as Cuba, China, North Korea etc.) were/still are fascist states! With dictators, oppression, poverty and mass murder on their hands!

  58. Kerry, I do hope it gets easier as they get bigger. I’m in a stretch right now of absolutely no childcare or help and I find that even with my part-time help before I was much more sane. Just an hour or two a day without interruptions does wonders for my sanity!Jamie recently posted..Twitter:

  59. I hate my life but at least this makes it bearable.

  60. for little ones: Fresh fruit and frozen yogurt popsicles! These frozen treats were inspired by this post but altered a little bit.  They’re as fun to assemble as they are to

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  63. I really liked the Leslie plot in this week’s Parks and Rec. Seeing Leslie deal with governmental corruption and manipulation was one of my favorite parts of last season, and I hope we see more this season.

  64. Keep on writing and chugging away!

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  73. Very well-put. But of course, I can’t do that. The little neurotic voice in my head (shut up) tells me “it MUST BE PERFECT!” But you’re right – emphasizing the customer’s experience, rather than worrying about fitting some arbitrary definition of “perfect” makes far more sense.

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  80. uh mama, non ci posso credere, il larvotto in versione minimal….non ti ci vedo proprio. e vero che il blog si caricava molto lento, ma io sempre sono poi riuscito a vederlo tutto. su su, voglio il larvotto in versione westwood e mica in versione raf simons

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  82. AI came into LA last year with Detriot and had what was probably his best game. He is a tough cover for Fish, but may not end up matched up with him, as he is coming off the pine.I want to see the Lakers try to post up the Grizzlies wings. Mayo and Gay both seem too light in the pants to handle Ron and Kobe on the block. Start down there and it’ll open everything up

  83. Hvis jeg lige må komme med mine 2 cents, så er det prisen og tilgængeligheden, der gør at jeg er så begejstret for denne. For vi har længe haft gel eyelinere fra MAC og Bobbi Brown, men ikke til denne pris og ikke, som enhver kan gå ned og købe i Føtex. Det er den første, jeg har set fra de billige mærker, og det er virkelig dejligt at se, at de også kan.

  84. Caught the Melbourne Ice (ice hockey) game last night, and I’m already converted! It’s lovely to unexpectedly discover a new interest. The camaraderie and good-natured supporters really highlighted the negative aspects that turned me away from AFL. Other than that, I’m just deciding what kind of chunky biscuits I should whip up for my brother’s birthday – macadamia, almond, walnut, apricot or chocolate? Gah!

  85. by the attitudes of the people********When I read the latter article which states “it was hard to believe the three men’s story: that they were victims of physical abuse at the hands of their female partners********police here have laughed at men who claim to be abused, and the generally arrest the man, for the womans safety.

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  87. vitamin k1 is turned into k2 in animals(like us)It is a big hype by weston a price followers they call it the ‘x factor’.  If you are failing on a raw vegan diet it is probably more likely due to not enough protein or you are generally starving yourself or both; most likely both.People don’t fail because of low k2, fructose, etc. They fail because of lack of legitimate nutrients like B12, vitamin A, sodium and protein. Most raw vegans get anywhere from 25-60g of protein which is too low.

  88. It’s a real pleasure to find someone who can think like that

  89. Knowledge wants to be free, just like these articles!

  90. “Anybody who has to step on the grass before we get to the bridge is a sissy.” –Smily, as we walked barefoot down the black asphalt of Woodhaven Street with me on countless summer days between 1978-1984″Were ya’ll going to see a dead body by chance?

  91. I reckon you are quite dead on with that.

  92. Anon,I can't help but agree with the previous commenter. You sound like an inquisitor. If a person agrees with parts of what Kevin MacDonald wrote, he/she is guilty. Case closed. It doesn't matter whether those parts are true or not. That thought doesn't seem to cross your mind.I remember that we had a long debate about Kevin's trilogy on the HBES discussion group. The consensus was that parts of it were right and that others were wrong. I have trouble imagining how someone could totally disagree with it, since much of it consists of quotes from mainstream historians.

  93. Nice read, I just passed this onto a colleague who was doing some research on that. And he just bought me lunch as I found it for him smile Therefore let me rephrase that: Thanks for lunch!

  94. If Phil badly wanted to win this game he would have definitely played Kobe for more than 34 min. Nothing much to read from this game apart from the fact that the bench needs to step up in away games.

  95. Thank you Alastair for the link to this site. I had little knowledge and have tried to search more facts and real stories of what is going on. I have been a staunch supporter of Israel and it’s right to protect itself, but this story and other accounts are changing my mind on “how” they are securing their identity and “their land.” And yes, Jesus would never do what is happening to these defenseless families.

  96. Heya i am for the first time here. I came across this board and I find Itreally useful & it helped me out much. I hope to give something back and aid others like you helped me.

  97. That insight’s just what I’ve been looking for. Thanks!

  98. Dear Bangkok TemplesIt was different back in 1975. The war in Vietnam had just finished and there were a lot of American military still in Thailand. It may have changed on the outside, but the people are still as warm and courteous as ever. Thanks for your comments. Bob

  99. I am ipressed by the quality of opinions on this blog. There are a lots of good resources here. I just thought that you might be new to , than by all means come in and check our stuff. I am sure I will visit this place again soon. Nice job, it’s a great article. All the best.

  100. Blue heels, red bag, leopard clutch & heels it's too much and I can keep going this post is amazing I totally love the orange or red orange color it's just amazing…great post Hun !

  101. “Le fossé entre le rythme de vie de l’entreprise et les préoccupations des pouvoirs publics se creuse. Quand le chef d’entreprise voit les jours s’écouler sans avoir le temps de boucler son planning prévisionnel et n’a donc peu de temps à consacrer à une éventuelle reprise de son entreprise,”Merci de l’info.Tu découvres que les chefs d’entreprise sont débordés et que le fossé se creuse avec les fonctionnaires.

  102. This fountain would be so perfect for our cat Pharoah. He will only drink water out of a running water faucet. We can’t leave the water running all night, so he wakes us up when he wants “his” water faucet turned on so he can get a drink.I think he would be so fascinated with a water fountain that he would claim it as his very own new water source. This would help both my husband and I to be able to sleep better at night.Hope I; no I hope Pharoah wins this fountain.

  103. The paper was a bit twisted….was not sure if derivation was needed for youngs double slit experiment…the paper was too lengthy… had to answer the last few questions by just glancing a few words from the question paper…hope the corrections are liberal and the teachers will have the time factor in mind and will giv marks for attempting atleast…

  104. Eh oui et surtout niet. Assurément étant donné que il est probable qu’on trouve d’autres causes qui certainement parlent de de semblables significations. Non étant donné que cela n’est pas assez de recopier ce qu’on peut lire sur plusieurs site internet autres et le citer aussi aisément?

  105. After the earlier FKOF interview with Greek band The Finger, it’s onto the next one with Croydon’s L.A. Boxers. These two guys have been tearing

  106. I tried this product thinking it would make my teeth nice and white. It didn’t do a thing for me. Not even half a single shade lighter. This is a bogus product.

  107. taylor’s my angel,demi’s my inspiration,rebby’s my queen,selly’s my goddess (JELENA IS TRUE LOVE!),danielle peazer’s my sexy curly baby,perrie edwards’ s my girl of the milkshakes and flowers and 1D…ARE ALL MY LIFE (ZERRIE IS TRUE!) scrive:comunque,non incolpate tutti tay…se volevano entrambe rimanere amiche un’altra amica di una di loro non le avrebbe affatto intralciate!

  108. Куплю очередь на Vоlkswagen Polo Sedan комплектация Trendline или Comfortline, за разумное предложение.УФА или ЧЕЛЯБИНСКтел. 8-917-805-35-72.

  109. I think you’ve just captured the answer perfectly

  110. I am struggling to make sense of the whole Emergent/emerging thing. I attend a Calvary Chapel where the teachings that are coming from us call you all heretics. They say you accept all religions as equal to ours, practice ancient mystic rites and are basically part of the prophetic coming of a conglomerate, new-age style church that believes everything. They are throwing people I love in this mix, like Beth Moore, Chuck Swindoll, the Awanas organization. I’m trying to be a Berean here, but I’m feeling a lot of heat at church.

  111. well lets see first its not our money is it? Second we should know better then buying from milan, third he is almost 28, fourth he plays as a striker usually and we can use that. I don’t know if we should or or not, what if we buy other player YOUNGER ONES.Reply

  112. Your Asda description made me laugh – you are so spot on! Thanks for all your comments on my blog while I've been away – I'm still catching up with everybody else's blogs – and what a mammoth task it's proving! x

  113. Schade Schade Schade hätte so gerne wieder die Wasserwerfer gesehen. Aber Ihr brauch euch auch nicht zu wundern wer nach mehrfacher Aufforderung der Polizei nicht geht, der muss halt mit Anwendung von leichten unmittelbaren Zwang rechnen!!!!

  114. to him, you don’t have a hand and he said casually “yes I do! Here.” And he showed it to her. Anyway, I love your honesty, your humor and your insight. Thanks for all that you do!

  115. Netvibes.com would love it if you would just fix the RSS feed!!!!!!!! why must php developers be so difficult… come to the softer and good side of .NET =)VA:F [1.9.20_1166]

  116. Yup, I too believe some of them will come to MWC 2013. PureView with 41 MP and optical stabilization though may come but it will again become a specialist device , if camera bump still remains. Let’s hope Graphene sensor becomes reality.Symbian with better screen resolution and may be some new form of pureview innovation and xenon is always welcome.

  117. Um, the Weird Al song is called “I LOVE ROCKY ROAD,” not “I LIKE ROCKY ROAD.”Though I think the idea of a song about just liking rocky road, rather than just loving it (or, to go back to the source, to think of Joan Jett not totally loving rock and roll, but really really liking it) is really funny.

  118. МиколаТа це взагалі якась расова дискримінація так як-би ми не у своїй країні живемо я це всюди розповім де тільки можна буде і Український переклад кращий і сподіваюсь усі українці такої думки ((((((((

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  120. Absolutely, Tessa!! Focus on being who you “want to be” and start stepping into BEING that person… and being AROUND others like her! Great! Thanks! XO, Katherine.

  121. Bankruptcies and airlines…partners in perpetuity.Continental built it’s empire due to Chapter 11. It was such a success that a bankrupt United (run like a giant turd) bought them out. Why don’t we just nationalize our airlines? Probably because the government would screw that up too. I think Clot is right!

  122. There are many places in America that are still taking a really big hit on the real estate market. When I lived in Denver it was great out there! People were moving from all over the US just to live there because the homes were affordable but they a job market to go with it!

  123. Greg, I am having the same problem, My business has 2 locations next door to eachother. I have 1 facebook page and want to have all the check-ins combined for both locations, is there anyway to do this?

  124. Personally I would have left out the scarf, but I really like the leopard and pink combination. On you everything seems to look classywww.tripsandtreasures.netnew outfit post

  125. I am sorry Nicolas. Will try and see if that can be fixed quickly. It is still possible to read the article though; most of the hyper-links are links to introductory content.If you look through my references and then read this, that should be good enough

  126. Blogs…This would have to be a new blog. Something that you want to read about, but havent found online. This can be religious, fashion-based, etc. Im just getting some ideas for the blog i want to start- Thanks!….

  127. hehehehee, I know what you mean, my skirt was blowing up in the wind and I don't think anyone was looking at the hideous spot on my lip! You look stunning though, is that a play suit? And you're so good at making clothes, well done for saving that fantastic material – mmmm gold and mint lurex – I love it! AGAIn – you have found all the best stuff at the bootsale – you genius you! XXXXXXX

  128. Si bien es cierto que, como dicen algunos, los paliativos y la solidaridad internacional no soluciona las causas que producen estas crisis alimentarias, también es cierto que mientras se presiona para que cambien las cosas y el mundo avance hacia un modelo más justo, mientras tanto debemos hacer algo, aunque a sabiendas que no es solución definitiva y suene a caridad por parte del mundo que no deja de despilfarrar.Gracias por difundirlo.Un abrazo.=)

  129. \\’\\’I want to thank my teachers – Vera Stelbaums and Irina Viner first of all. And also I want to thank all the people who supported me and believed in me! She was beautiful and she really deserved that award! I am so happy for her! This is a great point to finish this golden season

  130. I am forever indebted to you for this information.

  131. Porque q a comunicacao social nao faz rportagens e entrevistas a esses jovens q foram p o chelsea? Ta quieto q isso nao e noticia. Talvez abrissem a mente a mts jovens e adeptos.

  132. I agree with Joshua and Dave. Whatever justifications we provide for our filthy needs are just satisfaction for our soul, since whatever Jesus said and showed with the example of his life do not allow this. Its fine to comment on a topic, but with references and examples as Joshua. While being speaking with just own perception is a diversion. If we refer only an authentic manual of life in takings decisions, our job get easier.

  133. During the news the other night they reported a ship and submarine collision of the coast of Iran which spilled 25,000 gallons (apporx) of diesel fuel into the ocean. All the news casters could talk about was the millions of dollars in damages to the ship. What i wanna know is how much they're going to spend cleaning up their mess. People act like the Earths water supply is unlimited but we keep polluting it. What are we and our Earth going to do when it all dries up?

  134. J’adore l’araignée sur le papier toilette….surtout le soir car.. « araignée du matin chagrin, araignée du soir espoir » !!!

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  136. Hi Max ! Mint vezetÅ‘ség ( Staff ) igen tényleg azt feltételezhetik, hihetik !. Az érintett , érintettek hozzászólásaiból ítélve, mindent tudnak. Ami a Volt Staff javára írható: —AZT IS TUDNIUK KELL, hogy ebben nem volt egyetértés, sem anyagilag, sem pedig erkölcsileg !!

  137. Bien observé, Martin !C’est vrai, ça, qu’ils sont tous rivés à leur portable et à leurs SMS, le premier , à minuit !A peine si on trouve encore quelqu’un pour nous faire la bise … (

  138. La fel ca si iPhone, pot fi si alte modele de telefoane care confera aceeasi liniste personala posesorilor. Depinde de asteptarile fiecaruia.Spre exemplu, (stiu ca tu ai alta parere) eu sunt chiar multumit de HTC Desire.P.S.: Procesorul nu e de 1Gb, ci Ghz. Capacitatea de memorare se masoara in Bytes (si multiplii ai acestuia), iar viteza in Hertz (sau multiplii ai acestuia).

  139. Craww always makes the coolset pieces experimenting with form in a way that is always new to the viewer. In this shirt particularly, I love the use of darkness and the smaller details around the crow that really come together to make it look a little creepy, a little calming, and incredibly interesting.I should be wearing one of this design because there is no better way to let people know about such a great artist than to wear it all around Chicago. The Midwest needs to be schooled on Craww. Thank you, Blik!

  140. That’s way more clever than I was expecting. Thanks!

  141. Around 1969 or so I was infatuated with Grace Slick on those K-tel record commercials where she was wearing black leather pants! I didn’t know why I needed to see her so much back then!

  142. amazing… I can't stop reading your blog, there is huge amount of interesting information… I'll go to take my favorite tea and will return to your website. Thanks for the wonderful website!

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  144. Buenas,Tengo una duda sobre la herramienta para webmasters de google, en la sección enlaces a tú sitio únicamente se visualizan los 1.073 primeros enlaces, si te bajas la lista en un CSV obtienes los 1.073 enlaces ¿hay alguna manera de poder obtener un listado completo de todos los enlaces que apuntan a tu sitio?Saludos y gracias!

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  147. VangeIV,Your comparison of urban to rural density is irrelevant. Neither Tyler Cowen nor any high density proponents I know about are making any arguments about rural living. Rather they are comparing low density suburban development with higher density urban development. That's the issue being debated.

  148. Jeg ved virkelig ikke, hvad det er. Men det ligner bestemt ikke luftbobler i virkeligheden. Morede mig bare over, at der er smÃ¥ metalkugler i min neglelak. 😉 En veninde foreslog, at det er for at neglelakken kan rystes bedre, sÃ¥ den ikke tørrer ud, hvis den stÃ¥r i noget tid. Et godt bud, I must say. 😉

  149. Jen, you are doing such a great job and service to TREC. Long term and continued interest will keep the natives from being over looked as beneficial to our area.

  150. will threaten monetary policy. Currently, the Fed has control over monetary policy through the Fed Open Market Committee, which was established by an act of Congress in the Act. HR 1207 will do NOTHING to restrain the FOMC, but will audit the rest of the Fed’s actions. The FOMC already has to publish it’s target interest rates and it’s operations, so how will HR 1207 change any of this? It is because HR 1207 would disclose Fed activities IN ADDITION to its monetary control policies, and this is why Bernanke is concerned.

  151. Amigo.O sistema era o que está visível na foto.Garrafas, 2 a duas, em paralelo(exterior e interior do arame) sem líquidos.Um abraço,CMSantosCART2339 /Fá Mandinga e Mansambo68-69

  152. My first LOTR too, I was surprised that my local toy shop got them so soon as they tend to be a bit slow with getting in new themes. Yes the Shelob is very cool, lots of articulation in the legs which is great. What do you think about the other LOTR sets / figs?

  153. I didn’t know where to find this info then kaboom it was here.

  154. Career satisfaction be damned. I work for money. It does not buy happiness, but it makes misery far easier to bear.BTW, don’t romanticize the Amish. They are ruthless puppy-mill breeders who will sell anything to anyone for a price. A few years ago someone posted a sign on the Pennsylvania Turnpike Lancaster exit: “Welcome to Lancaster, Puppy Mill Capital of the World.” It disappeared rather quickly. But it was and remains true.

  155. Oh yes I LOVE LOVE LOVE Louise Bourgeoise! She is one of my absolute heroines. When I saw her retrospective at Tate Modern a couple of years ago, I was weeping by the time I came out. Such beauty. Such emotion. Such POWER.

  156. arkadaşlar nım nım nımı benim yeğenimin diliyle deç diyor yani aç diyor bende açmak zorunda kalıyom bıktım artık bunu dinlemekten belki de en çok dinleyen benim :))))))))

  157. Ce sac fait parti de mes favoris, un favoris encore inaccessible mais je reste optimiste!! Un jour…^^Donc pour ma part, je trouve que tu as très bon gout :p

  158. Liz armstrong – What amazing photos, they made me feel as if i was enjoying the day with the bride and groom. They certainly capture the personalities of Becky and Chris. happy and fun, all day!!

  159. Chantal Voogt zegt:Hoi Jeroen,Leuk en leesbaar artikel (met een paar goede tips! bedankt). En je site ziet er goed uit, ik vind vooral je libellen erg mooi!Groeten,Chantal

  160. Oh, by the way, please read the latest post on Ann Barnhardt's blog. Excellent work.barnhardt.biz. Sorry I can't link to it, she does not have that facility.

  161. Es que ya lo dijo Romanones y después tú: ¡Joder, qué tropa!Me río, pero es para "mear y no echar gota"Cuando nos gobierne este hombre, (guía de la ilegalidad manifiesta) tendré que delinquir lo más posible, ya que tengo yo un primo guardia de la porra, que me aconseja hacer lo que se me venga en gana…¡Uy que tentación!Besos

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  164. Thanks for the comment Peter and please don’t give up! There are some wonderful examples of how Twitter can help you socially, personally and professionally and I encourage to keep at it. Have a great weekend and thanks for stopping by.

  165. I’m not going to delve into this very much as I don’t have a dog in this race, I just hope that whoever the questioning party is remembers that we have bigger fish to fry than to delve into this sophomoric picking teams silliness. Sorry Bails, I know how you feel.

  166. Brian HedgerMy heartfelt condolences to you all. I have such fond memories of Aunt Thelma. I can only imagine the beautiful reunion she must be having with her family in paradise.

  167. Im a yeller too. Like you, after, I have repeatedly asked, told, requested, demanded etc etc… Maybe yelling has become the new spanking because the fear of CPS being called in. I mean this is America after all. Would hate to think we are allowed to APPROPRIATELY discipline our own children in this country. So I say yell on, Sweets.

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  171. Je me suis juste arrêté à traduire la première : S’engager (uniquement) à recourir au référendum (quand cela arrange le Président), et continuer à s’asseoir en tant que de besoin (naturellement), sur tout résultat (qui déplairait au Président).Puis, allez savoir pourquoi, je me suis arrêté net.

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  173. Sometimes we ask those questions because, deep down, we know we SHOULD know the answer, and we’re trying to figure out if we’ve had a stroke. It has nothing to do with grammar.

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  175. Graciasssss por tus comentarios Ameeeeeeeee!!!!!! Los felicito por los cortos, los fondos q hiciste estan lindisimos y ni q hablar por lo del Angel. MIL FELICITACIONESSS son unos genioss!!!!!!!!!Te mando un beso grande!!

  176. Please let me know if you’re looking for a article writer for your blog. You have some really great posts and I feel I would be a good asset. If you ever want to take some of the load off, I’d absolutely love to write some articles for your blog in exchange for a link back to mine. Please send me an email if interested. Cheers!

  177. My problem was a wall until I read this, then I smashed it.

  178. Yo agregaría una cosa, no te empeñes tanto en girar las cartas en los dedos cada vez que coges una, eso una vez esta bien pero no cada vez que coges una carta.Por lo demas no esta mal, un saludo!

  179. Oh my goodness that looks amazing! And so healthy.I'm in the process of moving into a new house, but as soon as I get my kitchen set up I am totally trying this recipe. I've never used celeriac before so I'm curious to try it out. I love the idea of using beans to make a creamy sauce. Genius.:)

  180. That’s a quick-witted answer to a difficult question

  181. You’re on top of the game. Thanks for sharing.

  182. The days are long, but the years are short. I don’t want to miss them! For more short and sweet ideas on how to stop and smell the roses, to enjoy the little things in life, check out my 31 Days to Smell the Roses series.

  183. O nome até poderia ser melhor, Cláudio, mas o som deles é legal e vale ser conferido. Desses que você citou, acho que Astronauta Pinguim é provavelmente o pior. Meu Deus!!!! rsrsrsrs Abs e tuuuudo de bom!!!!

  184. EXCELLENT ANALYSISCogent, insightful, articulate and correct, but ultimately irrelevant because the conventional wisdom that pervades the nation and especially Washington is exactly the opposite. The Thomas Friedmans and Barry Eichengreens of the world dominate the conversation with their “America in Decline” meme and they are supported by the punditocracy and right-wing noise machines. Of course, they will be proven wrong simply because they are wrong, but they will never cease spouting their rhetoric.

  185. Super geschrieben!Erinnert mich von der Art her irgendwie an die Bloggerin aus meinem Lieblingsbuch “Liebe ohne Märchenprinz”, solltest du mal lesen

  186. I hope you do enjoy your sweets beautiful! If it is any consolation (and of course it will be!) you look absolutely fine here! And what a FANTASTIC deal! Oh, and how I envy all your passed down treasures! I personally think the boots would look great with what I wore in my last blog post! There, I just stole them in my imagination and took them for a spin. ;-Dheart:

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  189. Salut Chob, Merci de tes remarques. Le mobile first n’est pas la seule approche et pour les blogs de codes, il ne s’agit pas de venir copier-coller depuis un smartphone mais bien de pouvoir lire tout simplement l’article. PS: Je prends en compte ta remarque sur les titres d’ailleurs tu n’es pas le seul à me l’avoir signalé. Le changement sera fait.

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  192. Evu, ei saanud jah, määrati. Ja hea, et sinna määrati, oleks veel võinud hullemini minna, saada näiteks Musta lõppu kuskile, kus pole isegi bussiühendust. Üürimine pole mõttekas. Me saaks, aga rahaliselt oleks see hirmus laks. Ja eks ma ikka harjun ka:)

  193. Enlightening the world, one helpful article at a time.

  194. MichiBelieber.NeverSayNever. scrive:questo è poco ma sicuro,lei si metterà con qualcuno e poi lo lascerà ,perché aveva già visto un altro della band e poi alla fine,la band si separerà,causa: Selena Gomez e la sua falsità.

  195. I could read a book about this without finding such real-world approaches!

  196. Just wanna input on few general things, The website design is perfect, the content is rattling wonderful. “We can only learn to love by loving.” by Iris Murdoch.

  197. oh, ist das aufregend! bin sehr gespannt, wie die katze reagiert… und gott sei dank gibt es cecar milan auf sixx :-)lg pami

  198. Reading Tan's link to Chechar's site above, I have to conclude that Takuan Seiyo's flailing kitchen sink assault on the "jew obsessives" makes for an even better study in cajewistry than Auster's sputtering offerings, because Seiyo is smarter, more clever, and more self-aware.

  199. A Kryss: in effetti ogni tanto su Segretissimo pubblicano titoli che solo marginalmente rientrano nel genere. Vedi La croce sul volto, di Danilo Arona e Edoardo Rosati: splendido horror ma di spy ce n’era pochina. I romanzi da me citati invece integrano bene i due generi, però ovviamente posso capire che il lettore in cerca di spionistici tradizionali non gradisca. A me personalmente basta che la storia funzioni, se uno scrittore è mediocre farà fiasco anche nel raccontare un’avventura di James Bond di taglio classico; e se non esistessero i mix narrativi Lansdale sarebbe disoccupato.

  200. Yes Mindy. The ALP mismanaged it. Evidence of the presence of too many bright young things as advisers and too few members of the labour movement in parliamentarian’s offices. So, I don’t blame Garrett. I do, however, think he’s a nincompoop – recent i/v on teev he sprayed bureau speak all over the place to no effect at all except irritation of viewers. A better dancer than parliamentarian.

  201. Moi ma mamie excelle dans le gâteau à la brousse… et si elle venait à changer de recette, je suis sûre que j’aimerais moins (et que je serais super triste !). Tendance ou pas moi je préfère la première, ou à la limite, un mix des 2 : pâte à l’huile d’olive et garniture prunes-romarin…

  202. Alex, some of those sites are probably what inspired my comment about not letting your child design your website. Although it’s important to have an online presence, if your website is unprofessional and full of errors, it’s not going to do a good job of promoting your business!

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  204. hi lakshmima,i couldn't acess internet for a long time,i have now started to do embroidary on a salwar material… you are my inspiration for this… i will mail the pic as soon as i finish it…. take care ma

  205. Jill si tanto te identificas con la madre naturaleza, ¿por qué no coges una azada y te vas a arar el campo? Seguro que allí se te olvidan esas chorradas de rezar a dioses que dejaron de existir hace 3.000 años.El 25S es una cosa seria, no para las pantomimas narcisistas de gente como esta.

  206. capo cvita!CAMILA 17/01/2012 20:20aguante cvitanich cvitanich es de Brendi Vignericamila 29/06/2012 19:05hola cvitanich como estas te kEREMOS mucho BRENDA Y CAMILA Deje un comentarioNombre (requerido)Email(requerido)Web

  207. Yo vengo preguntándome lo mismo desde hace mucho tiempo. Entre todas las causas que destacas creo, a mi parecer, que la más acertada es la de la economía sumergida, que la hay y mucha. También creo que el pasotismo general se podría traducir en "joer, ¿que hago?, ¿de que sirve salir a la calle y demostrar que estamos hartos?, ¿alguien hace caso?…..¿HAY ALGUIEN AHI?

  208. Genial la nota! y ojala que sirva como ejemplo de que se puede progresar, mejorar, y colaborar con los demás, sin nada a cambio, sino el simple hecho de ser HUMANOS! Gracias por difundir esta historia!

  209. Ahah bien vu Deedee, je suis étudiante et je cherche en ce moment un studio proche du 9ème, et rien qu’au mot "étudiante", les proprios me raccrochent directement au nez ! Sans compter que je ne peux même pas visiter et je ne me fie qu’aux photos vu que j’habite à 1000 kms de Paris..

  210. Alakazaam-information found, problem solved, thanks!

  211. . Im glad to have found this post as its such an interesting one! I am always on the lookout for quality posts and articles so i suppose im lucky to have found this! I hope you will be adding more in the future…

  212. Pensavo che potrebbe essere utile integrare l’indagine sull’892.892 indicando e magari confrontando i prezzi dei nuovi numeri 1254, 1240 e 1288, le cui pubblicità ci stanno martellando in questi giorni. Per quanto riguarda il 1288, gestito (pare) dalla compagnia spagnola Telefonica, non sono riuscita a trovare nessuna informazione, mentre per il 1254 di Telecom Italia e il 1240 (ProntoPagineBianche) sì: http://www.1254.it e http://www.1240.it (più facile di così!)Grazie per l’attenzione!SalutiAlessia

  213. As a Christian, I appreciate you speaking out and know that you have many God loving Christians on the side of Israel despite how our government acts. You are in our prayers each day. Thank you for this story of a teen who made the moral choice.

  214. Quel bel cestino di verdura e frutta fresca è proprio quello che mi ci vorrebbe dritto dritto a casa mia! Me lo invii? Ah… non dimenticare di inviarmi anche la torta!!! Lori da Vasto

  215. That’s not just logic. That’s really sensible.

  216. Yo no se ya que decir, esto apesta por todos lados, me tienen comida la moral, estos indeseables, impresentables, indecentes,inmorales y todos los calificativos que por educación no escribo.Que dimitan y abdiquen, es la única forma para que este país levante cabeza.Que Divar tire de la manta y nos enteremos de todo, pero que devuelvan los dineros robados, tienen que devolver el dinero, si no esto no vale la pena.Me están asqueando de una manera tal, que no tengo ni ganas de hablar de política.Salud compañero

  217. You can dooooo it! And-Cudos for enough guts to post half naked picture of yourself self online for accountability. I really think that helps a lot of people. If you ever turn into an early bird, you can join me at Boot Camp at 6am M-W-F.

  218. tgk makin ramai yg bertudung tiru style2 bangsa lain cnth tudung mcm yang ramai artis pakai skang ygbalut je kepala..cik tom tgk biasa tgk negara belah2 negro tue biasa pakai camtu..kl ikut lgsg x ikut syarat menutup aurat.. cik tom recently posted..Wordless Wednesday 1: Tips Menabung Yang Berkesan

  219. I wonder how he feels having his address known to all. I suppose ppl drop by and drive him nuts. He is brilliantly funny though. I was reading through “Better Lat than Never the other day and there is this one page where a guy is trying to quit smoking and he is wlaking by his monkey cage screaming “APA TENGOK” Cracks me up every time.

  220. I have this square in my natal birthchart. 1st house Scorpio Mars near AC squaring Leo Venus near MC. Uranus is in my 1st too at 22 Scorpio – the whole time I have been looking for some effects caused by the transits but no. It is a pleasant time I must say. I feel well overall and am looking forward to starting my new job next week

  221. Ser como niños?…Todavía hay gente que llama “pastor” a su guía espiritual , acá en Chile es común entre la “cristiandad” obrera y campesina… tampoco es raro oirles hablar en sus sermones de las “ovejas” y que los feligreses asientan cabizbajos rumiando su pesar…

  222. Hi there! I know this is somewhat off topic but I was wondering if you knew where I could locate a captcha plugin for my comment form? I’m using the same blog platform as yours and I’m having trouble finding one? Thanks a lot!

  223. Ooh, I'm loving it too. And that table cloth and that half door… What are they called, dutch doors, or something?Hey, I tried to mail you your gc with the address I had from Tonya's giveaway a while ago and it got returned. Email me your address and I'll resend: perfectsentiment (at) gmail (dot) com.Happy Weekend!

  224. It would have helped if you had included some photos of women actually WEARING these shoes … or better yet, some video of women actually WALKING in them. My guess is that they would've looked rather ridiculous.

  225. Ja, oliver är bra bÃ¥de i och utanpÃ¥ kroppen. sv:Jag kommer att vara med i 5 avsnitt och namnet “Dräparen” kommer nog bara att sägas i ett avsnitt, men jag är samma karaktär i alla avsnitten.

  226. Toevallig heb ik Zoenoffer net gelezen! Inderdaad dezelfde personages daarin. Ik vond het op zich ook een heel spannend boek, maar de schrijfstijl is niet zo de mijne. Ik vond het erg langdradig (teveel bij-verhalen), hier en daar ook warrig en soms niet helemaal “van deze wereld”. Maar ik denk dat ik nog wel eens een boek van deze schrijfster lees hoor! Veel lees-plezier!

  227. This operating line of credit is nothing to brag about. Banks are in the business of lending money and in earning interest on lended money. If a bank, or in this case a consortium of banks, lent money to Lionsgate, then this means the bank(s) believe the borrower has the requisite amount of assets and liquidity to repay the loan. If anything, this hyped-up announcement was ill-advised.

  228. on Hola! I’ve been following your website for a while now and finally got the courage to go ahead and give you a shout out from Wall Street! Just wanted to say keep up the good job! Cheers!

  229. At last! Someone who understands! Thanks for posting!

  230. c’est très joli mais j’ai dû mal à comprendre la technique ? On dirait que le motif est fait à partir de feuilles d’or. Je ne sais pas pourquoi mais ça me fait penser à la marquetterie.

  231. Nem baj! Minden férfi megnézi a nőket, nem tudom, mi ebben a pláne, nem vagyok férfi.Engem csak akkor zavar, ha én vagyok mustrálva!! És pláne ilyen formában, ahogyan ez ma történt.Másikhoz most nem szólok hozzá, adom a lehetőséget a Többieknek!

  232. Thanks for sharing. Your post is a useful contribution.

  233. Absolutely first rate and copper-bottomed, gentlemen!

  234. Jailbr3k dit :ton shsh servira a restaurer le 5.1 quand le 5.2 ou supérieur sera disponible….tu peux restaurer normalement en 5.1, je crois que Redsn0w est compatible iPad 1 mais le jailbreak est semi tethered.Mais un jailbreak Untethered sera prochainement disponible pour le 5.1 et tous iDevices.

  235. Burak Kale “HeruNolweo” / 03 Ocak 2011ArkadaÅŸlar çok çok hoÅŸ olmuÅŸ sizinle oturmuÅŸ sohbet eder gibi hissettim kendimi hem de düşünün bak pause edilebilen bir sohbet Cevaplamak için giriÅŸ yapın

  236. Merci Oui, lire dans l’herbe chauffée par le soleil, l’été est vraiment un de mes plus grands plaisirs, je dois avouer. J’adore ton head-band! Surtout avec ce top loose. Bisous

  237. toata treaba cu 2012 a pornit nu de la calendarul cela, ci de la un asteroid/meteorit/cometa (corp ceresc) care urma sa ciocneasca pamantul in 2012, cu o probabilitate destul de mica. Dupa mai multe calcule efectuate s-a depistat ca acel corp ceresc nici nu ar fi ajuns prin zona de atractie a pamantului, probabilitatea ca acesta sa loveasca pamantul devenind nule. Povestile descrise mai sus sunt o amestecatura de legende cu date stiintifice.

  238. – Hehe, what a vicious cycle! She wakes you up at night, you can’t sleep, you are exhausted, and then when she stops waking up it’s so hard to believe she’s actually sleeping, that you still can’t sleep–terrifying! Hope you continue getting some much needed rest

  239. I love the bag, love to quilt too. Might just try and make a bag to. My tip is have you tried free hand quilting. Just take a fabric bit and sew it to another no pattern no picture. I saw it on another blog and am tempted to try. Thanks for the chance

  240. Todo esse luxo, toda essa ostentação, todo esse esplendor, para inutilmente tentar esconder uma solidão sufocante, cruel e dolorosíssima.Dilma, Dilma, pobre Dilma… você precisa de um homem pra chamar de Deus, mesmo que esse homem seja ateu!

  241. Kids really need exercise but its unfortunate that most kids dont really engage in exercise, I love swimming as a form of exercise, because it will exercise every part of your body.

  242. Ah, vad synd. Jag tyckte creme brulé tanken var så bra. Väntade på ditt omdöme. =)Visst var Uggla bra igår! Ska läggas till på min spotifylista. Lite oväntat faktiskt att han gjorde den så. Men oväntat på ett positivt sätt så klart.

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  244. Karate Pig: contratado como corresponsal (es en serio). Apenas tengas una nota o algo interesante del viejo continente, mándalo a mi mail y lo [email protected]@gmail.com

  245. 14cHi,I experimented with a drug that was supposed to be out of my system before i completed my meps drug test. It was a horrible mistake and I have not touched drugs since. I ended up failing the drug test. That was 2 years ago. Am I disqualified from the enlistment process forever?

  246. Glenn is right! I once had a client who was pushing me to finish his design sooner than we agreed. But his answers to my questions and his feedback always came after 2 or 3 days.Back to the subject, good article Tayyab!

  247. Heh, that's scarily accurate. Although I think I'd look more cosmopolitan with a laptop that was less than six years old, and if I wasn't sitting in a coffee chain that epitomised the mid-90's. I could really do with a Segway though…

  248. "I think the Obama DOJ OFFERED to cut a deal and Arpaio OFFERED to lead us around some more with red herrings, lies, and disinformation.They are all crooked drug and gun running, CIA-connected sons of bitches.Joe is gimmicky because he is completely inauthentic."^^^THIS.Obama and Sheriff Joe are dirty, dirty friends. Running drugs, guns and scams is what THEY DO.Wake up Birthers. Wake up After-Birthers.You've been had.

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