مفاتيح لفهم الأزمة النووية الإيرانية

ملخص عن أهم المحطات التي عرفتها أزمة الملف النووي الإيراني منذ 2003 ولغاية التوصل لاتفاق تاريخي اليوم الثلاثاء 14 تموز/ يوليو 2015.

المحطات الكبرى لأزمة الملف النووي الإيراني منذ 2003:

— 2004-2002 — المواقع السرية
بعد الكشف في آب/ أغسطس 2002 عن الموقعين النوويين السريين في نطنز وآراك (وسط) ، إيران توافق على عمليات تفتيش تقوم بها الوكالة الدولية للطاقة الذرية. عثر مفتشو الوكالة عل آثار لليورانيوم المخصب وحددوا لإيران مهلة تنتهي في أيلول/ سبتمبر 2003.
في 21 تشرين الأول/ أكتوبر 2003، تعهدت إيران بتعليق أنشطتها لتخصيب اليورانيوم خلال زيارة غير مسبوقة لوزراء خارجية فرنسا وألمانيا وبريطانيا إلى طهران. تم توقيع اتفاق في 7 تشرين الثاني/ نوفمبر 2004.
— 2005 – 2008 — التخصيب بنسبة 3,5% والعقوبات –
في 08 آب/ أغسطس 2005، إيران بقيادة رئيسها الجديد المحافظ محمود أحمدي نجاد تستأنف أنشطتها النووية في مصنع تحويل اليورانيوم في أصفهان (وسط) والأوروبيون يقطعون المفاوضات.
الدول الخمس الكبرى (الولايات المتحدة وبريطانيا وفرنسا والصين وروسيا) تقرر في نهاية كانون الثاني/ يناير 2006 رفع المسألة إلى مجلس الأمن الدولي. إيران تتحداها فتعلن في 11 نيسان/ أبريل النجاح لأول مرة في تخصيب اليورانيوم (بنسبة 3,5%) ثم ترفض طلبا من مجموعة 5+1 ( الدول الخمس وألمانيا) لوقف عمليات التخصيب (21 آب/ أغسطس) وتدشن مصنعا للمياه الثقيلة في آراك.
في 23 كانون الأول/ ديسمبر، الأمم المتحدة تفرض عقوباتها الأولى التي عمدت لاحقا إلى تشديدها بانتظام، فضلا عن العقوبات التي أقرتها الولايات المتحدة ثم الاتحاد الأوروبي.
المفاوضات تراوح مكانها وإيران تعلن عام 2007 أنها اجتازت عتبة الثلاثة آلاف جهاز للطرد المركزي، وهي عتبة رمزية لانها تسمح نظريا بصنع المادة الأولية لقنبلة ذرية. وهي باتت تملك الآن عشرين ألف جهاز للطرد المركزي نصفها قيد الخدمة.
— 2009 – 2012 — التخصيب بمستوى 20% والحظر الأوروبي –11705275_1059143880765327_6280463943920850992_n
في 2009 ، الرئيس الأمريكي الجديد باراك أوباما يمد اليد لإيران ويعرض عليها تخطي ثلاثين عاما من النزاع، وطهران تدشن في 9 نيسان/ أبريل أول مصنع لانتاج الوقود النووي في أصفهان (وسط). في 25 أيلول/ سبتمبر، أوباما والرئيس الفرنسي ورئيس الوزراء البريطاني ينددون ببناء إيران موقعا ثانيا سريا لتخصيب اليورانيوم في فوردو (وسط).
في 9 شباط/ فبراير 2010، بعد فشل اتفاق تم التفاوض عليه لتخصيب اليورانيوم في دولة ثالثة، إيران تبدأ بإنتاج اليورانيوم المخصب بنسبة 20% في نطنز.
الاتحاد الأوروبي يقرر في 23 كانون الثاني/ يناير 2012 تجميد أموال البنك المركزي الإيراني وفرض حظر نفطي سرى تطبيقه في 1 تموز/ يوليو. واستئناف المفاوضات بين مجموعة 5+1 في نيسان/ أبريل بعد توقف استمر 15 شخصا.
— 2013 — اتفاق مرحلي –
الرئيس الإيراني المنتخب في حزيران/ يونيو حسن روحاني يحصل على موافقة المرشد الأعلى للجمهورية الإسلامية علي خامنئي لإجراء مفاوضات. واشنطن وطهران تجريان محادثات سرية في عمان.
في 27 أيلول/ سبتمبر في نيويورك، اتصال هاتفي بين روحاني واوباما في سابقة منذ 1979، بعد لقاء وزاري بين إيران ومجموعة 5+1.
في 24 تشرين الثاني/نوفمبر، المفاوضات في جنيف تفضي الى اتفاق لمدة ستة اشهر يحد من نشاطات إيران النووية الحساسة لقاء رقع جزء من العقوبات.
— 2014 — تمديد المفاوضات –
المفاوضات من أجل التوصل إلى اتفاق نهائي تبدأ في 18 شباط/ فبراير 2014 وتتواصل على مستويات مختلفة لكنها تفشل بالرغم من جهود دبلوماسية مكثفة. تم تمديدها مرتين لفترة إجمالية قدرها 11 شهرا.
بموازاة ذلك، تمديد الاتفاق المرحلي أيضا. أعلنت إيران في 27 آب/ أغسطس تعديل مفاعل آراك المقبل للحد من انتاج البلوتونيوم.
— 2015 — على طريق اتفاق نهائي؟ –

بينما أصبحت مكافحة الجهاديين أولوية مشتركة لإيران والغرب، أصبح أوباما مضطرا للتشاور مع كونغرس باتت تهيمن عليه المعارضة الجمهورية، وإسرائيل تواصل حملتها ضد أي اتفاق محتمل يثير تخوف السعودية أيضا.
في الثاني من نيسان/ أبريل تفاهم المفاوضون الذين مددوا باستمرار محادثاتهم، على إطار عام لمحاولة التوصل إلى اتفاق تاريخي.
في 14 تموز/ يوليو في فيينا أعلن الاتفاق بعد 21 شهرا من المفاوضات وجولة أخيرة استمرت أكثر من 17 يوما. الهدف هو ضمان ألا يكون للبرنامج النووي الإيراني أي غايات عسكرية مقابل رفع العقوبات الدولية التي تخنق اقتصاد البلاد. فتح النص الطريق لتطبيع في العلاقات الاقتصادية والدبلوماسية بين إيران والأسرة الدولية.

اقرأ أيضا

المغرب ودول إفريقيا وآسيا

ما هي الأبعاد الاستراتيجية للعلاقة بين المغرب ودول إفريقيا وآسيا ؟

خلال السنوات والأشهر الأخيرة، أحدث الملك محمد السادس نقلة نوعية في العلاقات الثنائية بين المغرب ودول إفريقيا وآسيا كما يظهر ذلك مقال لجون أبي نادر.

257 تعليقاً

  1. What a joy to find such clear thninikg. Thanks for posting!

  2. Yours is a clever way of thinking about it.

  3. “Liberals have a new wish every time their latest wish is granted. Conservatives should make them spell out their principles and ideals. Instead of doing this, conservatives allow liberals to pursue incremental goals without revealing their ultimate destination. So, thanks to the negligence of their opponents, liberals control the terms of every debate by always demanding ‘more’ while never defining ‘enough.’ The predictable result is that they always get more, and it’s never enough.”

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  6. I don’t know anyone that works 30 hours a week. Standard working hours in the Netherlands are 38 hours a week.The average is down because of mothers working part time. It is not possible to live of a 30 hour/week salary for most people. Vacation days are mostly between 25 and 30/year.

  7. It’s really great that people are sharing this information.

  8. >My post this week is LONG. But there was so much to pull from. There were some sections I could ahve highlighted the whole thing! I am glad to hear Gene is recovering and so glad you gave me the privilege to pray for him. Looking forward to your wonderful insights next week as weel. Hvae a blessed Easter. He is Risen!

  9. How do you calculate the necessary height for radio transmitter antennas?Our instructor at school (broadcasting school) gave us a pre-test “hint-sheet” and one of the bullet points is “know the height of AM & FM radio antennas”.I know that heights of transmitter antennas depend upon what frequency they are TX’ing on so I suppose I need to know if there is a generic / standard way to answer the question.I also know that an AM antenna is the physical tower/mast itself, and FM relies on an antenna, independent from its tower/mast

  10. La muuulti ani,iti zic de acum fiindca si eu o sa fiu nitelus ocupata joi >> e si ziua mea de nume si am si test la romana si sunt baaaaata 😀 Stiu,Leda sunt eroii mei <3 Toata cartile alea in atat de putin timp… Si am o intrebare: odata ce au pus precomanda pe site,cam in cat timp se lanseaza cartea?

  11. I love to watch old westerns, especially those from 40′s, 50′s & 60′s. A lot of the later ones are really good and have great story lines but the vulgarity makes them unclean for some members of the family. As a christian I don’t like the strong language myself. I just wish I knew how to keep the movies from buffering so much.

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  31. 23aOiii Paulinha! Parabéns mais uma vez! Nem preciso dizer que o post foi MARAVILHOSO, os comments falam por si.É muito bom conhecer um pouco mais das blogueiras que me inspiram no dia a dia, e ter certeza do carater dela!Estou doidinha pra montar um blog, já tenho posts prontos e tudo mais, mas sou meio burrinha com a internet e um amigo vai me ajudar, esse texto vai ficar guardado pra eu dar uma olhadinha SEMPRE e não desistir NUNCA!!!Tks for all!Beijão, Manu Maria

  32. Gunter, as you and your friends are so fond of saying, nuclear power is just a very complex way of boiling water. Well, here’s an application that requires just that, why aren’t you happy?<extreme sarcasm>Personally, though, I am very disappointed that they’re not considering the use of the wind energy resources that are so abundant in Alberta. A study I just conducted proves that this would be a better choice for the environment!</extreme sarcasm>

  33. I just hope we (as a country/culture) are not destined to be re-written, even unwritten, back to failure. Your last quote is so true–as soon as we open our eyes to look it all starts to pour in–deciphering it takes a lifetime, but like restoring a wreck of a house, it’s do-able if you concentrate on and learn how to place each project one at a time. Patience (as opposed to endurance) seems the hardest thing to learn in life, for me anyway.

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  44. story as well, but crack and H. I would smoke until I couldn’t smoke anymore, and then do a few spoons, chill for awhile and start over again.A few of those cycles and you find yourself in 4-point restraints in a psych ward.I’m now clean the same amount of time I had been using… Too bad we don’t get “do-overs”, huh?

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  46. This is a very honest and well written reflection, Emily. It’s a shame to read you’re so disheartened with the competition scene, however. Hopefully it hasn’t effected your motivation for rock climbing in general.

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  49. As much as I loved Midnight In Paris, and I REALLY loved Midnight In Paris, I’d have to give the nod to Adaptation. That Kaufman succeeded in turning a subject as seemingly uncinematic as a writer’s struggle into such a compelling emotional experience is staggering. Woody, as great as his work is with MIP, is still playing notes on the same piano he usually plays. Kaufman’s standing on top of the piano on one leg, throwing golf balls at the keys, and, somehow, someway, an remarkable song is coming out.

  50. I couldn’t stop taking pictures of the guys with the bananas — those big stems are HEAVY and I have no idea how they get up and down the hills… even pushing! But when they spend $100 on a bike, they are going to use it to transport anything and everything — and you’re right, they definitely do! I was just blown away (as usual) by the work ethic I saw in Rwanda … it’s quite humbling!

  51. A Bella Martha nekem is abszolút kedvencem, a német dvd-t nyúzom folyamatosan. 🙂 De tényleg amerikai remake készül?? Martina Gedeck nálkül az egész egy fabatkát sem fog érni valszeg. Nem tudod, kik lesznek a fÅ‘szereplÅ‘k?

  52. You really must stop titling your posts 'Come dine with me', otherwise I'll be on your your doorstep with a bottle of wine. The lamb shanks looks incredibly luscious!

  53. Yes, yes, yes!! Thank you so much Carol for your insight! Now you can see why I’m coming to see you next week:) I’ll be talking more about your class… much more… so thanks again for offering some clarity here. -Robin

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  55. The Nets are under the cap. I believe the have the ability to take on a max contract right now without doing anything. If they amnesty Travis Outlaw, that opens additional cap space that should give them room to absorb Hedo’s deal as well.

  56. Check that off the list of things I was confused about.

  57. Well gosh, Gabe. I don’t know what to say. For what it’s worth, you’re probably a major reason why Wiley and I didn’t kill each other in the month before our wedding. Also…you should be proud of yourself. This blog is proof that you have grown and thought and accomplished and gone through a lot in the past year. But you’re the one who actually did all that. And that’s pretty big.

  58. ” ainda que Darwin esteja certo, isso não muda um milímetro a necessidade metafísica do Deus Criador”Mas pelo menos acaba com a cegueira intelectual que são o Criacionismo e o Design Inteligente. 🙂

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  62. Your faith is so encouraging to me. God knows the plan He has for your life, and He loves you so so much!I hope that today you feel renewed and encouraged! 🙂

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  64. Woooo, great swap gifties from Sacremento. I will have to do a linky post soon so everyone can share, a few people have been asking.Krista actually just did a post a maybe yesterday where she's wearing a bright sports bra under a strappy dress, gives a similar effect to the vest and I was very taken with it. Don't know if we can find similar here though.I'm in Summer Fair hell now, just come back from penultimate PTA meeting before it all kicks off on the 30th. x

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  66. If they awarded prizes for charlatanry and sleight of hand, lying or dissimulation – then Mike E. Mann would win prizes enough to fill a battleship.But um…………………..Mike even……… wasn’t weasel enough to win a K-noble-d award – you forgot about the bribes Mike – ask Rajendra how it’s done.Do you think Mickey-Mann is ‘losing it’………………………………..?

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  69. No ok. Mi w każdym razie wtórność przeszkadza. Jeśli jest masa gier o takiej samej mechanice i takim samym świecie gry, to wkręcę się w jedną z nich. Jeśli mam zaczynać grać w kolejną, to chciałbym żeby się czymś różniła.VN:F [1.9.22_1171] Ocena: 0 (0 ocen)

  70. Hehe… also das mit dem voll futtern kenne ich 🙂 aber was solls? Ich freu mich jetzt schon wieder auf weihnachtsplätzchen und stangenmarzipan. 🙂

  71. , “Gosh, really? I didn’t know anything. . .players don’t think that way.” His credibility vanished right there. This ‘telling on you’ with Jeremy Shockey takes him off the playing field and puts him back on the playground. Who on earth would hire/interview this man? And who could now listen to his opinion on anything, including on whether the sun will rise in the east tomorrow, with anything but skepticism?

  72. Draga Manica, kako dobro je da se zavedaÅ¡ moč molitve, da s svojimi molitvami pomagaÅ¡ duÅ¡am v vicah. Spomnil sem se enege primera, ko je neka gospa molila 30 let za varstvo njihove vasi pred hudimi nesrečami. Po njeni smrti se je v bližini njihove vasi po dežju udrl plaz in drvel proti njihovi vasi. Ustavil se je tik pred njihovo vasjo in jim ni nič naredil. Ljudje so to srečo pripisovali gospej, ki je 30 let molila za varstvo njihove vasi. Gospa je naredila je več kakor kateri koli politik…. Nadaljujte z vaÅ¡o vero in molitvijo, Bog vas blagoslovi.

  73. دوست عزیز این این فایل توی قسمت دانلود سنتر و توی پوشه مپ ترمینال هست دقیقا لینک زیر:متاسفانه سرور دانلود سنترمون مشکلی داره که اومدم لینک بهت بدم نشداما توی فایل های مپ ترمینال هست مطمئن باش.

  74. Voces estão a esquecer que como tudo na vida é preciso não cair em exageros, ainda a pouco Voigt dizia que parecia um radio telecomandado, acho que no ciclismo actual é tudo muito controlado e não há liberdade para os ciclistas usarem a cabeça, afinal é preciso usar a cabeça não só os ouvidos

  75. I do love the negative space here. I just woke, so I’m having trouble with the brain to fingers communication trying to clarify what I like about the composition. I love a photo that stops and makes me study it or wonder about it. These have done that.

  76. fiz minha inscriçao paguei mas nao revela o numero da minha inscriçãoja tentei acesar o site em que realizei a inscriçao mas la so mostra o codigo de acompanhamento.como estou tentando realizar a inscrição do prouni nao consigo pois ele esta pe dindo o numero de inscriçao do enem.

  77. WOW, decime como hago para conseguirlo desde acá, Argentina, vendo algo pero lo quiero,te mando un abrazo y sabes que tenés en mí,un fanático de los sanos, por favor que descubrimiento.

  78. Dearest Vix, you look beautiful. I love the eyelashes.Your friends, their house and the food look wonderful.Jon on the cognac made me smile. I have some shockers I must email you. Far too dreadful to blog! Have a great evening in front of the TV. That's all I'm fit for. Much love, C xx

  79. Wow, you are indeed a sight for sore eyes! Ugh, I hate having anything on my face. I'm also prone to spots I'm afraid and it does make you feel lousy. You would never tell from looking at you though. I love the acid blanket you found and once again your sewing skills win the day. I can just imagine you in your own super hero comic strip 'super sewer Vix, saving the planet once remnant at a time!! xxxx

  80. I have just moved into one of the houses next to air field used to play up here when i was a child..alot of people are having strange happnings in there house seems RAF watton will live on ………

  81. Ellie, there are so many people that are glad that you took the chance and started your blog. You have contributed to many satisfied eyes and bellies 🙂

  82. Certo che questi ritrovamenti ci pongono tante domande.Ma è sempre bello ritrovare tracce di fossili oggi inesistenti.Questo mette in moto la fantasia, la prima sono io.Non ho guardato il video ma lo farò.Ciao bacione e buona giornata. 

  83. Hey, you have a great blog here! I’m definitely going to bookmark you!I have a site/blog. It pretty much covers list magazine mailing related stuff.Come and check it out if you get time 🙂

  84. Extremely helpful article, please write more.

  85. Ð’ дипломе ДипИФР написано, цитирую: ” has been awarded the ACCA Diploma in International Financial Reporting”При этом присутствуют логотип и подпись АССА.Каким образом DipIFR не является официальной аббревиатурой, когда на официальном сайте указано “The Diploma in International Financial Reporting (DipIFR) is designed to develop your knowledge of IFRS ”И каким таким образом, получив диплом, я НЕ имею право указывать его прямо по их же формулировке “the ACCA Diploma”

  86. Hello :)Moi j’aimerais des astuces pour mieux entretenir ses cheveux au quotidien, des astuces pour les pauvres comme les moins pauvres (lol), des astuces simples et moins simples, un peu ce qu’on attend d’un coiffeur. J’aimerais bien aussi des événements participatifs, par exemple, une fois par semaine, quelques fans sont sélectionnées au hasard parmi les volontaires pour avori des conseils personnalisés sur leur coiffure etc..

  87. "Whatever it is, I'm against it" – Groucho Marx.The left is a world view that needs to wake up every day and be miserable and angry about something and someone to blame it on. If if they ever ran out of targets for their bile, they'd be angry and miserable about THAT.

  88. The honesty of your posting shines through

  89. There are many great cartoons so to each his own. I do not think that Cartman should have made this list and I agree why was Tom on here but not Jerry? I would have liked to have seen the Smurfs on here. Or remember the Shirttales? I used to love them so much. Or even the carebears!

  90. You’ve hit the ball out the park! Incredible!

  91. Meu caro Rui Duarte,Fico muito satisfeito com a sua publicação e envaidecido com a referência que me fez.Gostaria de saber se você me autoriza a publicar o seu artigo aqui, para que os seguidores do blog tenham também acesso a ele.Um abraço.

  92. My first comic was Batman 241 – a great Neal Adams cover but a throughly mediocre comic story. What cemented my love of comics was Batman 176 – an 80 page giant full of reprints of super-villain stories that happened to feature a reprint of Batman 73 “The Joker’s Utility Belt” – a story that I had on a comic book/record I had gotten a year or so earlier.

  93. Isn’t that what RSS is for? I never miss anything The Oz posts to the media section through my RSS reader…I agree The Oz website is now clearly the best read during the day. Best mix of wire copy and genuinely original reports from their journos. Real business commentary around lunch, and a dedicated political reporter breaking news for online all day. As much as I hate giving praise to Rupert and the Evil Empire, it’s really the only news site you need at work…

  94. La vache! C’est Gü qui sponsorise? C’est vachement plus classe que Danone (et meilleur)… Dommage que Paris soit si loin d’Andorre….…. Pour avoir la chance de rencontrer des auteurs sympas, bien sûr!

  95. Claudia Peresman / As usual I agree with all your initiatives Jeffrey but to end with “fracking needs strict regulation” really threw me! To me the only regulation needed on fracking is a complete ban! What a waste – spending time and energy (of all sorts) on this enormously dangerous process, lets explore other options – biodiesel fuels from plants maybe (industrial grade hemp, anyone?).Claudia

  96. Really trustworthy blog. Please keep updating with great posts like this one. I have booked marked your site and am about to email it to a few friends of mine that I know would enjoy reading..

  97. To a certain degree it depends on the type of glossy paper you buy but as a general rule laser printers are the worst of that lot. Photo printers and All-in-Ones tend to be inkjet anyway.

  98. Yanos …avant de lui lécher le clitoris, il est bien de lui embrasser l’intérieur des cuisses, autour et sur le vagin délicatement, histoire de faire encore plus monter la pression, croyez moi c’est efficace. 2  0

  99. rachel · mm. i made zucchini for lunch today! grilled! and i like friend eggplant made just like the recipe you posted mmm. good stuff.

  100. you think Barry & Michelle had the capacity to distinguish between Wright and a hole in the wall? And for TEN frigging years?? Hello??Why did Barry suddenly become Barracks at Columbia? Was it to get some cred with all the wunnerful white pwogwessives?How about changing your name?Che Fuster?

  101. I have not checked in here for a while as I thought it was getting boring, but the last few posts are great quality so I guess I’ll add you back to my everyday bloglist. You deserve it my friend

  102. you might want to trim to keep them tidy if that weird sporadic growth thing happens to you.By the looks of things some eyelashes grow more rapidly than others and some of them curl in on themselves. You already have really long lashes as it is, so it'd be interesting to see how the product works for you.

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  107. [72] eddie,If they were that farsighted, would they be manual laborers at a hostess plant?Seriously, I think you know the answer to that. Business wants QE-infinity, they’ll want UE-infinity.I wonder how many will suddenly discover a disability?

  108. Stilig det blir på rommet hans. Likte veldig godt det stoffet du hadde kjøpt hos Jysk. Kunne tenkt meg en rull jeg også.

  109. Eine tolle Idee.Es gibt Tage, da vergesse ich komplett das Trinken – seltsamerweise aber nie das Essen! Ich glaub, so etwas wäre perfekt für mich.Wenn ich einen bekommen würde, würde mir schwarz am besten gefallen.

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  111. Andrew Montpetit May 7, 2012 ReplyI really like this post, especially the emphasis on the importance of doing rather than simply talking. I also like the overall theme of advise being a new perspective on something rather than the thing itself.Good stuff! Looking forward to your future posts

  112. Ciaoo mi sono appena iscritta al tuo blog ^_^ A me piace molto il BIRTHDAY BABE! Se ti va passa da me,mi farebbe piacere averti fra le mie lettrici (tra l'altro anch'io partecipo al contest e se ti va puoi leggere la mia recensione =))

  113. era o mizerie? eu am auzit povesti cum ca de mult aratau si mai misto. auzisem povesti despre baile herculane si alte statiuni, care acum sunt in paragina, dar acum ceva timp erau adevarate bijuterii. dar te cred!

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  117. Great episode! Nice job in the kitchen, and at the bar afterwards… I agree with the commenters above me: you guys seriously need your own show together. I’d watch every week!

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  120. Wow, some powerful memories wrapped up in those songs. My daughter played “Butterfly Kisses” when her dad was walking her down the isle to be married. All the dads were teary! My TT is up.

  121. //இவ்வளவு தூரம் வந்துவிட்ட இந்த முல்லைப் பெரியாறு பிரச்சினைக்கு, சி.பி.எம் அரசியல் தலைமைக்குழு நிலைபாட்டை நிராகரித்துவிட்டு, இப்போது ஒரு சுமூகமானத் தீர்வை சொல்லுங்களேன் ஐயா, பார்ப்போம். // தீர்வு பற்றி கேரள அட்வகேட் சொலிசிட்டரே சொல்லிவிட்டார். காமலை கண்ணனுக்கு பார்ப்பதெல்லாம் மஞ்சள் என்பது போல சுயமரியாதையை கட்சிக்கு காவு கொடுத்துவிட்டு வட்ட செயலாளர் வண்டு முருகன்களாக வலம் வரும் சிபிஎம் கழுதைகள் கேள்வி கேட்கிறார்கள். நல்ல மார்க்சிய பேப்பராக தின்று செறித்தால் கூட சிறிது மூளை வேலை செய்யும் வாய்ப்புள்ளதை அவர்கள் பரிசீலிக்கலாம்.

  122. Hi Lakshmi! So glad to see you back to the excellent posts’ time!! Wonderful pictures, interesting text; what a great way to start the day!!Meanwhile has entered Rajasthan! Enjoy and have a great weekend!

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  125. David dit :Le bon coup en traître par derrière alors qu’il n’y avait même pas le ballon, ça c’est un homme un vrai… Ils sont encore un niveau au dessus de l’an dernier en terme de pourrir un match. Que des tacles et des coups par derrière. Je suis bien content qu’on les ait battus.

  126. It will be better, if we suspect any bad gang in our neighborhood and notify police on time,but d problem is, how save is d life of informant?. Bcos somebody like that informant that was stabbed will not make attempt to do such again, even any of his family, but never the less we still to help our selves

  127. Ogromne gratulacje dla pomysÅ‚odawcy! Åšwietna inicjatywa, która ogromnie uatrakcyjni rozgrywkÄ™ i nada kolorytu prowadzonym postaciom.Jak widać najprostsze rozwiÄ…zania mamy tuż pod nosem – to, co zazwyczaj opisywane byÅ‚o w profilu, teraz ma osobnÄ… otoczkÄ™ w postaci dokonaÅ„, osiÄ…gnięć, czynów wzbogaconych punktami sÅ‚awy.Brawo.VA:F [1.9.22_1171] Ocena: +2 (2 ocen)

  128. Bom dia Cah!!!Muito lindo o look!! E a make, ficou maravilhosa!!! O vermelho te cai suuuuuper bem!!! já não acho o mesmo quanto a mim.. kkkArrasou!!BJos.. []

  129. Mhm, yummy! I love eating all the “weird bits” – cheeks, belly, offal… you name it, I eat it. This looks totally delicious and right up my alley!Jax x

  130. Me 2! the first time I heard Believe I though it was going to be a bomb I loved One by One! I prefer the rock ‘n’ roll/soul Cher…VA:F [1.9.20_1166]please wait…VA:F [1.9.20_1166](from 1 vote)

  131. È una delle tante assurdità del sistema scuola. Non dirmelo; adesso siamo alle prese con l'adozione dei libri di testo… un delirio.Un giorno o l'altro apro un blok… o si scrive blog?;-)

  132. People normally pay me for this and you are giving it away!

  133. Puha, det kan hurtigt gÃ¥ hen og blive rigtig dyrt den 8. oktober! Hvor ser det bare lækkert ud det hele, og elsker totalt indpakningen 🙂

  134. mack u actually think that incompetent and ugly sow mops people up when they attack her? nucka u is craaaazy! that type of beat down can only occur when the person doin the beat down has sense and buceta breaf stank nasty carpet lickin banks has no sense and apparently neither do youif u think an almost fifty year old unemployed egotistical maniac 'mops' people up then u might be similarly deludedtoo bad eye thought u had some sense mack

  135. Posted on I think you have a great page heree2€a6 today was my first time coming here.. I just heppenad to find it doing a google search. anyway, good post.. Ie2€™ll be bookmarking this page for sure.

  136. Don’t be so hard on yourself! You are very beautiful and very talented, and I know that we are many who admire you and your style. I appreciate that you are so honest, and you should know that all us girls feel like that sometimes (even the models:)).. It’s the business and the unnecessary pressure that is put on us, and that we allow to be put on us. It’s so important that thoughts like yours are put out in the open, so we can be released from that horrible feeling of inadequacy. We are all perfect just the way we are!! Halleluja:)

  137. Fabuloso, mas faltam-lhe centímetros para se tornar um top 10 no circuito ATP e como David Ferrer só há um…de qq das formas já seria um feito se construisse uma carreira regular no top-50. Parabéns ao Silva.

  138. The honesty of your posting shines through

  139. Zix – E foarte frumos volumul doi, acum il citesc. Eu mi-as dori sa castigat Darul de James Patterson. Imi doresc cartea aceasta deoarece am citit primul volum si mi-a placut foarte mult si este o carte foarte interesanta.. si James Patterson este unul din autorii mei preferati.

  140. I worked on a project with the Baltimore PD. They spent most of the time fighting with the Baltimore Fire Dept over who got the money versus who did the job.Best of Luck.Gerry

  141. I love the frames! I also love the lampshade. Thanks for the idea. I have a really boring ugly lamp at home and hadn’t thought of a creative way to spruce it up.and ps…my favorite color to decorate with lately is teal. I dont know why but suddenly I’m obsessed with teal and yellow combined. I think thats how I’m going to decorate my kitchen!

  142. The paragon of understanding these issues is right here!

  143. No han sido pocos los turistas argentinos maltratados al querer entrar a España. No sólo los mantuvieron aislados y detenidos, ni siquiera les dieron oportunidad de ver siquiera a sus familiares que los esperaban del otro lado del aeropuerto. La verdad es que resulta vergonzoso el trato que se les da a la gente que quizás no llega con todos los requerimientos impuestos, me imagino a los inmigrantes ilegales!Un abrazo

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  145. love the dress and your crimped hair. just discovered your blog and am so excited to spend a day looking at such stunningly beautiful photos.xxxt

  146. Who’s talking about expanding liberal capitalism? I’m talking about a citizen’s ability to have a voice in how they are governed. This is not a pro capitalism or pro communism issue, but has to do with how a person is ruled and how to transition to such a system. I would say that for any economic system to work in the idealized versions that exist on the right or left, some measure of democracy is a prerequisite.

  147. J’aime bien et ça m’étonne de dire ça aujourd’hui!!!! Voila j’aime bien aussi mais sans plus. disons que j’aime bien pour quelqu’un d’autre, mais je m’attendais a autre chose pour du Farmer.en revanche je rejoins alex, j’avais pas trop mal accroché sur Du temps, j’en suis un peu revenu, ca à l’air plus « marquant » ca va plus me rester en tete que Du temps  Paradis Réanimé11fb

  148. Nelson Paiva • 24 de Novembro de 2010 às 09:12Ok.Também andei a pesquisar sobre o que eram as chaves e vi isto por isso não deve haver problema.”You can change these at any point in time to invalidate all existing cookies. This does mean that all users will have to login again.”.

  149. Fantastic blog! Do you have any tips for aspiring writers?I’m hoping to start my own site soon but I’m a little lost on everything.Would you advise starting with a free platform like WordPress or go for a paid option?There are so many choices out there that I’m completely overwhelmed .. Any ideas? Bless you!

  150. Таки такТю, знайшли винних. За гроші чи ні, люди роблять реальне діло для україномовного світу. Не шукайте винних.

  151. Oi Paula,Faz um tempão q não passo aqui. Mas cheguei num post incrível!!! como sempre, né? rsrsOlha Paula vc escreveu algo q eu sempre pensei e nunca consegui expressar .Agora q migrei pra .com e fiz uma coisa diferente do q era o blog até então, choveu críticas maldosas, sabe? A gente tem q ter muita personalidade, muita força de vontade e realmente acreditar no nosso sonho.Bjão pra vc

  152. she got an e-mail from Dean Haskins. He's mad because she subpoenaed Virginia's LFBC. I hope this isn't the big lawsuit he's been promising as it is a failure even if he gets the copy of the LFBC.

  153. We could stand here an hour and bickerRaising our protest loudExchanging brand-new one line insultsThat would make the devil proudWe could dredge up past follies and failuresPerhaps even curse a bitOr we could simply say, I’m sorryAnd then ‘get on with it’

  154. Going to put this article to good use now.

  155. Jag får ofta höra från monogama just att jag saknar en trygghet som de har. Men det är nästan lika lätt att införvagga sig i tron att man i sina relationer med människor nått fram till ett mått av trygghet även som ickemonogam.

  156. Pleasing you should think of something like that

  157. Felicitaciones a todas las personas que han intervenido en esta feria del libro, y por haber tenido la magnifica idea de invitar a este gran escritor.Me gustaría q detallaran donde será la Critica literaria y donde el homenaje.Gracias,

  158. Basienko, salatka wyglada b.smakowicie, dla mnie taka salatka to tez bomba! Do tego kromka wiejskiego chleba albo podplomyka Dziadzia Mariana, i jestem w niebie !!! Wiesz ze bundzy nigdy nie jadlam a oscypka ostatnio jadlam u Niusi ponad 3 lata temu… Za oscypkiem troche mi tesko… Moc pozdrowien 🙂

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  168. Angie – My name is Angie Mueller, I live in a tiny town named Carney, Michigan. I am a full time student at the community college near where I live. I have many wonderful things in my life, but if I had to pick one, it would be my family. They are always here for me, encouraging me to live my life for Christ and pursue my dreams.I love your work, you are an inspiration! Thank you

  169. Superior thinking demonstrated above. Thanks!

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  176. It was my understanding that many Shia Iraqis resent the Palestinians because Arafat threw his support behind Saddam Hussein during the first Gulf War, and, because Saddam Hussein had so brutally treated the Shia, the Shia therefore hate the Palestinians.

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  185. It bears noting that the original recipe has been revised.Now the proper spoiler requires 1.5x packages of coffee and the very important step of tamping the grounds down firmly in the filter. These adjustments allow for maximum awesome. -rj

  186. Pas assez hispanophone pour relever toute la subtilité, en gros c’est un macho en colère, c’est ça ? Il n’y plus d’assholes, même Soderling il est devenu trop correct ! Un vrai bad boy genre Rios, ça manque je trouve (oui j’adore les bad boys !)

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  189. Your cookies are THE MOST adorable things!!! Pugs on cookies = epic cuteness overload!! Thanks so much for commenting on my rainbow cookies…they seem kinda boring now I’ve seen yours Tasha recently posted..

  190. faine sugestii, nici nu ştiu la care m-aş opri; la cel cu cînepă sigur nu, pentru că atunci ar face Mutu pe dracu-n patru să revină la naţională

  191. mujahedin:Há aparências de tradicionalismo na Constituição cozinhada por uns poucos de sábios professores em 1933. Jorge Miranda falou mesmo em sugestões de regressão a pré-1820.Mas eram só aparências, começando pela monarquia disfarçada do pseudo-monarca Salazar; também quanto ao roubo ideológico da "democracia orgânica" e corporativa ao Integralismo. Mas, num ponto capital, nem aparências: o aconfessionalismo do Estado.

  192. I don’t have any either, cupcakegrl! But it sound’s aMAZIN’! Maybe I’ll buy my first one! Hey! You know what would be cool is if Webkinz did something like this for Webkinz pets and or Lil’ Kinz pets!

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  195. Thanks for introducing a little rationality into this debate.

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  199. The extent to which he is breaking new ground in this election is stunning, and the extent to which he has really and truly managed to inspire is breathtaking. And how his team addressed the only point the Rs had, and preemptively addressed others. And how his team ensured dynamite speeches were given all week. Now lets hope the Ds can run a decent campaign this time and not run away like kicked puppies. One of the hardest things to do in chess is win a won game.

  200. This an embarrassment; the state’s chief executive can’t coordinate a vacation schedule with his lt governor.Snooki and the organized crime stenotype used to give the state a bad name but they now should step aside and make way for the fallen rock star governor

  201. Wow-I feel the same way! When I met my husband the one issue above all others was his opinion on guns. I felt this one issue was more important than religion, kids, finances. My opinions stemmed from a traumatic experience that I never wanted to relive.

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  203. I keep hearing about the whitefish in New York (part of me thinks the seed was planted by something I read from Calvin Trillin), so I’m thinking I really must try it. I just wrote about a staple of Montreal Jewish cuisine, Schwartz’s smoked meat. I must say, a picnic of New York smoked fish and bialys and Montreal smoked meat and bagels sounds like a pretty damn good meal right about now. Can it be shipped to Canada?

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  205. Foodforever1I love that you always talk about the scent of products. I have a mega sensitive nose so really fragrant products give me a headache. So it’s really good info for me. Also I just got the Stila Correct stuff that you mentioned as a miss in your video previous to this one… so I’m a little worried lol I hope it works out better for me!

  206. Annie, you know me, and have experienced many hardships in my life, holding my hand and staying true to my heart- thank you for your beautiful soul too my friend. xxBtw, I will be looking out for another rough cut ruby just for you! ; )

  207. That is right!! We, in Belgium, we love our gehaktbal too!You can put everything you want in an gehaktbal.Mine is whit flat leaf parsley, mustard, onion & garlic.A beautiful post this is!

  208. I’m so sorry, Mrs. Spit. I know exactly how this feels; know what it’s like to be with the person who supports YOU through the worse … but can’t be. I *especially* know what it’s like now with this new job of mine that has me traveling from city to city. The only thing that brings me solace (and hopefully it can bring some to you as well) is that *I* know that even though we may be separated physically … we’re always together in our hearts and souls. It’s not much … but knowing that Mr. ApronStrings loves me for who I am — wherever I am. And I’m pretty darn sure that Mr. Spit does the same. xoxoEm

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  211. I will confess as per Brenda’s request. I was the one going to the bathroom all morning. I think it was my coffee.I also was part of the craziness of getting a good deal on the top shelf. I spotted Brandi so she wouldn’t fall. Who needs those sales associates, we were just fine!

  212. Thanks for your wonderful comments Ali. I have seen those socks you wear and they most definitely similar to the Chinese poo sock. Have you lost any socks in the dryer recently?

  213. > petit stoogel’échelle ouverte de Richter est un peu comme l’échelle de Jacob: elle monte à l’infini des cieux et ne comporte donc pas de dernier barreau

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  216. « Cover » ça ne se dit pas « couverture » en français?J’ai pas fait d’école de ‘journalisme’ mais il me semble qu’on dit aussi par ex. « faire la couverture d’un journal ».. pas encore la « cover » d’un journal…? Si oui, c’est bouffonSinon, l’article n’a pas le moindre intérêt

  217. It's not a proper movie unless it's got car chases, Nazis, or dinosaurs in. Preferably all three at the same time.Does Salt have dinosaurs? Maybe it needs dinosaurs.

  218. Kedves Karcsi!Én is nagyon köszönöm, hogy megírtad.Hálás vagyok, hogy Picurka el lett temetve, sokat gondoltam rá…Nagyon megrázott a leégett fészek is…Isten áldjon!Ala

  219. I’m Robert from The College Investor and I’m swapping blogs with Kevin today for the Yakezie Blog Swap! You can head over to my site to read Kevin’s pet peeve about Roth IRAs.

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  221. I much prefer informative articles like this to that high brow literature.

  222. I’ve been looking for a post like this forever (and a day)

  223. Wow! Great poems to start our new PAD challenge. Robert, your poem is lovely. The line “How you repeat each blast of heat?” – wonderful!Iris, I learned to do the same thing in Girl Scouts, but before putting them in the jar, we would dip the heads in nail polish to make them water-proof. (Of course, they had to dry before we put them in the jar.) Brought back fond memories.Khara, “the world hushed in a water quilt” – Oh, how beautiful!Can wait to read more…Blessings to all! Linda

  224. « Ces dernières semaines, la divulgation d’éléments « à charge » d’un pré rapport de la Cour des Comptes – finalement assez mesuré, a été pour ses détracteurs, et notamment les universités, l’occasion de critiquer un système sur lequel il entend aujourd’hui rétablir quelques vérités. »Avez-vous entendu parler de ce pré rapport au Monde ?Il est passé aux oubliettes de l’actualité !

  225. Savanyúcukor ( – még telefonvonalam sincs…) – nem mintha hiányozna…Javítom a linket : Humoros : (?) épp' nézem a kezdÅ‘dÅ‘ -új- 60 részes koreai (!) sorozatot (hétfÅ‘) – az elején (elsÅ‘ 5 percben) telefon ! Téma : valamilyen láboskészletet "nyert" ismerÅ‘söm… (persze +termékbemutató…) – válaszom (kb.) "anyád!" – stb. Mindez este !- Na, ennyit.

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  232. are maximally conducive to achieving interaction, mutuality, openness and creativity. At our last event, for example, we were set up as a circular or point-controlled space to ensure as much interaction

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  239. Articles like these put the consumer in the driver seat-very important.

  240. Vi mÃ¥ faktisk ta de smÃ¥ diskusjonene ogsÃ¥ – PU, HVPU osv. Jeg er redd for at dersom vi slutter Ã¥ være begrepspoliti, blir dette hengende med i all fremtid. Det er mer enn 20 Ã¥r siden HVPU ble nedlagt – et er ikke mer enn et par Ã¥r siden jeg kranglet med en avdelingssykepleier(?) i psykiatrien. Han fortalte at de ikke hadde noen skrupler med Ã¥ legge inn slike “HVPU’ere” – nÃ¥r jeg protesterte pÃ¥ begrepetbruken ble han mutt og pÃ¥sto at jeg trengte ikke Ã¥ pirke, jeg skjønte hva han mener….

  241. in one’s own living room. It has nothing to do with the proprietary rights to the space in which it’s said, but to the consequences that arise because it was said.I still say the author is confused between freedoms and entitlements. My own freedom of speech is not harmed in any way by the Baron or Dymphna deciding to remove my post. Freedom of speech is the right to say it, not to have it published.There is altogether too much confusion these days between freedoms and entitlements on the ‘rights’ question.

  242. Oi Corina!É muito importante para todos isso que você falou. Sempre devemos acreditar que há solução para os problemas. Muito obrigada pelo comentário.

  243. Thanks so much Natasha for these lovely lovely photos!!! I’m so glad you published these on my morning off!!!! You’ve captured the day brilliantly from start to finish…I love so many of these photos but I especially love the ones of Lisa and Mark by the hall and the way you captured people’s reactions to the speeches – and of course the dancing pics!! They’re all just amazing thanks again so so much xxx

  244. Séverine26 septembre 2012Alors ça c’est une super idée ! Merci de l’avoir fait , ce dico va beaucoup me servir : je me lance dans la couture avec les patrons Colette et comment dire… mon anglais est scolaire et loin derrière moi. MERCI !!!!

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  246. That is a solid idea, Ian. Currently my classes are a bit in flux, but i can include a link to my teaching gigs page. Cheers for the thought!The site name is one that has been swimming around in my head for sometime. It’s from my favorite Tai Chi move name: Embrace Tiger, Return to Mountain. The kitchen part represents the real mountain I had to conquer on my way down from 396 lbs. Glad you dig it!

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  249. Non e’ un’excusatio ma un giudizio di riconoscimento e ringraziamento per la grande solidarieta’ riscontrata e che si e’ meritato come persona che ha dato tutta una lunga vita alla causa ecclesiale. Questo non toglie nulla al dissenso che ci puo’ essere su indirizzi concreti che in buona fede ha deciso nel corso del suo servizio alla Chiesa.

  250. Au vu de votre deuxième paragraphe, il serait plus juste de commencer le premier en précisant que c’est « la justice Californienne qui a condamné..etc »Est-il besoin de préciser qu’Apple est la première capitalisation américaine?..Merci de ne pas oublier qu’il n’y a aucune raison pour les USA d’être le juge universel.

  251. Amen! Thanks again for yoru encouragement yesterday! I'm still on cloud 9–maybe 10! Anyway, our ice is gone, and the rains have come. Love you!Susan

  252. Cada ciutat té llocs com aquest. Està molt bé el Pardo, però només 5 km riu avall la cosa ja no és tant maca. I ja ni explico com va el riu al sud de Madrid, el color verd no existeix directament. És a dir, “en todos sitios cuecen habas”.I Collserola com és? No hi he anat mai, hauré d’aprofitar les vacances aquest juliol per anar allà.

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