نظام بوتفليقة وابتذال الثقافة

في الكلمة التي وجهها هذا الأسبوع الرئيس الجزائري عبدالعزيز بوتفليقة إلى الشعب الجزائري، بمناسبة افتتاح تظاهرة “قسنطينة عاصمة للثقافة العربية” وقرأها بالنيابة عنه مستشاره محمد بن عمر زرهوني، اعتبر فيها الثقافة على أنها “قوام الأمة والإسمنت الذي يرص بنيان وحدتنا، وهو ما يستدعي تعزيزها لضمان الأمن الثقافي في خضم العولمة الجارفة وتوفير أسباب مناعة تعصم شبابنا من أن يكون فريسة للتطرف الديني والتعصب المذهبي مع الابتعاد عن النعرات والفتن”.
ودعا المثقفين والمفكرين والعلماء إلى أن “يعملوا ما استطاعوا على نشر ثقافة الاعتدال والتنوير لتكون درءا وحصنا منيعا في وجه دعاة الجهالة والظلامية”. وأكد أن “الجزائر تسعى من خلال سياستها الثقافية إلى صون ذاكرة الأمة”، ومن جهة أخرى ردد بوتفليقة أن الجزائر تهدف “من خلال تبنيها لسياسة ثقافية هادفة إلى تربية ذوق أبنائنا وتنمي قدراتهم الإبداعية وتساير العصر دون التنكر لماضينا”، ولذلك “يستوجب العمل على صون ذاكرة الأمة وترقية التراث الثقافي الوطني وهو ما تسعى إليه الجزائر من خلال السياسة الثقافية التي انتهجتها”، لتجسيد “الوفاء لقيمنا ولثوابتنا” الأمر الذي “يملي علينا واجب العمل من أجل صون ذاكرة الأمة وتثمين مآثرها وأمجادها وترقية التراث الثقافي الوطني بكل مكوناته وتنوعه وبرموزه وبعبقرية أبنائنا المبدعين”.
من يقرأ هذه العبارات والشعارات يدرك أن الثقافي هو السياسي بالمعنى المبتذل للسياسة في الجزائر، وسيظن أيضا أن النظام الجزائري، الذي يمثل الرئيس بوتفليقة واجهته، يملك فعلا سياسة ثقافية متطورة وواضحة المعالم ومسطرة الأهداف، وأنه يسعى حقا إلى صون الذاكرة الوطنية، أو أنه يعمل على ترقية التراث الثقافي الوطني، وقد يتخيل أن علاقة هذا النظام بالمثقفين هي علاقة صحية مؤسسة على التكامل والتعاون ومبادئ الحرية الفكرية والإبداعية.
وفي الواقع فإن النظام الجزائري لا يملك أي سياسة ثقافية أو مشروعا ثقافيا خارج أقفاص الدكتاتورية وتسلط رئيس الدولة وجماعته. وهنا نتساءل أين هي هذه السياسة الثقافية التي يتحدث عنها الرئيس بوتفليقة؟ هل هي هذه المهرجانات الاستعجالية التي تطغى عليها الرداءة، والنزعة الفلكلورية الساذجة والبدائية، أم هي هذه التظاهرات الشكلية المرتجلة التي لم تثمر إلى يومنا هذا شيئا يذكر، ولم يحدث في ظلها أي بناء فكري وثقافي وفني ملموس على المستوى الوطني أو إشعاع يمتد إلى المستوى المغاربي أو العربي أو الدولي. وهل السياسة الثقافية هي هذا الانغلاق الثقافي الجزائري الكامل على المحيط الثقافي المجاور على مستوى المنطقة المغاربية، وامتداداته على المستوى الأفريقي والعربي والأوروبي؟
وفي الحقيقة فإن الجزائر في ظل حكم هذا النظام تعيش أزمة ثقافية خانقة، وفراغا هائلا ومرعبا، وفضلا عن هذا فإن دعوة هذا الرئيس الجزائري إلى صون الذاكرة يتناقض كليا مع الممارسات اليومية التي يسلكها نظامه الحاكم والدليل على ذلك إهمال التراث الثقافي الجزائري بكل تنوعاته، وعدم إخراجه من أدراج النسيان، أما تطوير عناصره القابلة للحياة فأمر غير وارد بالمرة.
كيف يمكن خلق مناخ فكري وثقافي يساعد على النهوض بمكونات هذه الذاكرة في الوقت الذي تسند فيه مسؤوليات الشأن الثقافي والفكري لشلل لا علاقة لها بالثقافة، سواء على مستوى وزارة الثقافة أو على مستوى وزارتي التعليم الابتدائي والثانوي والعالي بكل أنماطه.
وأكثر من ذلك فإن حال الثقافة العربية والثقافة الأمازيغية يرثى له، حيث تعانيان على يد هذا النظام الحاكم من التفقير والإضعاف بل الطمس المنهجي. إن وضع الثقافة والفكر والفن في الجزائر سيئ الحظ ولم يأت من عدم، بل هو نتيجة لتراكمات معقدة لأن النظام الجزائري الحالي هو وريث حركة التحرر الوطني التي تميزت تاريخيا بنزعة تغليب السياسي والعسكري على البعدين الثقافي والفكري، والدليل على ذلك هو التصفية الجسدية لعدد من العناصر المثقفة الجزائرية المهمة، أو تهميش بعضها وإقصائها وإبعادها عن مراكز القرار السياسي.
وبالفعل فإن الاستقلال الجزائري قد دشن باستيلاء حملة البنادق وأصحاب الرتب العليا في الجهازين العسكري والأمني على مختلف مؤسسات الدولة الجزائرية الناشئة، وتحويل “كمشة” ممن يدعون بالمثقفين التابعين للسلطة إلى كتبة للخطب التي تملى عليهم مضامينها من طرف المنظومة الأمنية والعسكرية.
وهكذا لم يسلم من الإذعان للنظام الحاكم أغلب المحسوبين على المثقفين في الجزائر المعاصرة منهم على سبيل المثال فقط أحمد طالب الإبراهيمي، ومصطفى الأشرف في حقبة الرئيس هواري بومدين، وعبدالمجيد مزيان في مرحلة الشاذلي بن جديد، وعبدالقادر جغلول الذي كان محسوبا على التيار اليساري ثم استسلم وركن للصمت عندما أصبح مستشارا للرئيس عبدالعزيز بوتفليقة.
إن الوضع الجزائري يتميز سلبيا بلي أذرع المثقفين تارة، واستقطاب وترويض بعضهم بالإغراء بالمناصب ومن ثم إدماجهم في دواليب منظومة السلطة حينا، وإقصاء الرافضين تارة أخرى، وكثيرا ما تتم هذه العملية المخطط لها بإحكام على نحو متزامن.
إن مثل هذه المعاملة للمثقفين من طرف النظام الجزائري ماضيا وحاضرا هي السمة الجوهرية والدائمة التي تطبع الواقع الجزائري، ويلخص الناقد البارز إدوارد سعيد هذه السمة في معرض تحليله للأزمة الثقافية الجزائرية وخلال حديثه عما كان سيؤول إليه موقف المفكر فرانز فانون، الذي ارتبط بحركة التحرر الوطني ضد الاستعمار الفرنسي، من النظام الجزائري لو لم يحصده الموت قبل حصول الجزائر على استقلالها قائلا “لدي إحساس أن فانون لو عايش السنوات الأولى للدولة الجزائرية لكان موقفه سيبدو شديد التعقيد، ولا أظن أنه سيبقى هناك. ربما كان سيغادر إلى مكان آخر، فما حدث للكثيرين من مناضلي جبهة التحرير الوطني الجزائرية أنهم أصبحوا موظفين في جهاز الدولة الذي لم تطلع منه، عامة، طبقة من المثقفين تحافظ على مسافة نقدية من الدولة.
إن من بين الأمور المقلقة بالنسبة للتضامن هي أنك قد تصبح سجين خطابك عن التضامن والسهولة التي تنزلق فيها ضمن خطاب السلطة”. ويبرز إدوارد سعيد مأساة مثقفي الجزائر هكذا “جاء فانون من طبقة مناضلين أصبحوا فيما بعد منفذين لسلطة الدولة وأدوات بيدها”.
كيف يمكن للرئيس بوتفليقة أن يدعو المثقفين ومن يسميهم بالعلماء وبالمفكرين إلى العمل على نشر ثقافة الاعتدال والتصدي للعولمة في الوقت الذي فكك فيه النظام الجزائري اتحاد الكتاب الجزائريين وحوله إلى جمعية ثقافية مجهرية مشلولة ومجهضة، وفي الوقت الذي أسند مسؤوليات ما يسمى بالمجالس العليا ذات الطابع الثقافي أو اللغوي أو الديني إلى جوقة من أتباعه ومريديه الذين ينفذون تعليماته ويؤتمرون بأوامره التي تجفف الروح الإبداعية، وتكبل الحرية الفكرية والسياسية؟ ثم كيف يطالب النظام الجزائري المثقفين بالتصدي للعولمة في طبعتها الرأسمالية المتوحشة وهو عرابها وحارسها الأمين؟

*كاتب جزائري/”العرب”

اقرأ أيضا

الصحراء المغربية

منزلقات تأويل موقف روسيا من المينورسو

أثار التصويت على قرار مجلس الأمن الدولي بخصوص التمديد لبعثة المينورسو جدلا كبيرا في مختلف …

255 تعليقاً

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  55. Secondo me è difficile puntare sulla coreografia! I cantanti italiani non sono abituati alla dance-routine o ai fuochi sul palco. Per loro la gara musicale è Sanremo e a Sanremo si fa la coreografia solamente quando canta il Francesco Salvi (Sanremo 1989 e 1990) della situazione o se ci sarà il Gabibbo con le veline che balleranno…E’ proprio una questione di mentalità… presumo! Quando si sono fatte le versioni “diverse” al venerdì, il diverso era che alcuni tenevano la canzone uguale (arrangiamento e cantante) ma ci mettevano una ballerina… capirai!

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  59. Claro que si! La idea es volver en menos de dos meses a Bilbo!Y obvio que tenés que dar por vengado lo del kalimotxo!! Yo tiré apenas un poco, y vos me bañaste en vino!!! Como es eso que tendré que portarme bien?? jajajaGracias Nago!! Un gran abrazo por allá y pulgares arriba con sonrisa (sabés a que cara me refiero)!!!Muxus!!

  60. i need help. i went out with a girl and i broke up with her.about a 6 weeks later i went out with a girl who i really liked and things were all good.it was a week before the first dance at school i got a txt that said were over and you cheated on me.how to i get her back

  61. Oh yeah, fabulous stuff there you!

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  63. No melkolailla noin olisi keskustelu mennyt. Ehkä olisin vielä maininnut parista pikkujutusta kuten sardiinit ja Hannu Seppälän 30 miljoonaa markkaa Portugalissa maksanut pystykallio. No itsarinhan se teki, tehkööt nyt portugeesit.Terv.Pekka

  64. Brickan block och plattan från formverket, jag är en riktig bricka-o-holic :)skulle jag vinna skulle jag vilja ha kudden Tape killer, den skulle passa sig bra på min säng!Kram

  65. JazakAllahkhayr for the excerpt of the words of Shah Walliullah (rahimahullah).Just was wondering about the following particular: “Not migrating from ‘lands of unbelief’;”Is the situation different for us now? Or is it the case we need to bite our teeth and accept it?

  66. 2 juillet 2012Some really excellent blog posts on this internet site, thank you for contribution. « Give me the splendid silent sun with all his beams full-dazzling. » by Walt Whitman.  

  67. Dann war die Sache mit dem "Kahlschlag" eine gute Idee!Finde Efeu eh immer sehr schön draußen – da wirken Mauern etc gleich viel ansehnlicher ;-D

  68. Whats positive. Very cool blog!! Guy .. Excellent .. Wonderful .. I will bookmark your site and assume the feeds additionally…I’m in high spirits to locate several cooperative in order here in the post. Merit for sharing…

  69. Hooray for weekly posting! My girls and I laughed at how silly Kip is! They are counting down till “Silver Bell” comes back this December, too. Great post, thanks!

  70. Adorei as escolhas das musicas deste episodio do Scorpions, especialmente da parte do Herman Rarebell por ter proposto "He's a Woman, She's a man", ja que acho inacreditavel e inconcebivel o quanto o Scorpions eh negligente com seu precioso catalogo dos anos 70 sendo que no maximo uma musica desta fase, se muito, eh tocada nas ultimas tours. E ja que voces estavam comentando covers no Twitter, escutem a He's a Woman com o Helstar e o Mestre James Rivera arregacando tudo.Parabens por mais este episodio.

  71. Oh Diva…..I am just so sure we have partied together in a past life somewhere! Absolutely LOVE your blasts from the past! Such good memories…..yes, I still have them! LOL!

  72. What an awesome way to explain this-now I know everything!

  73. Sinon le vrai-faux Marc Rosset a recommencé à faire des louanges à Fed après sa victoire à Bâle. Mon passage préféré : « Le numéro 2 mondial a en tout cas parfaitement répondu aux attentes et fait taire les quelques critiques ».

  74. This comment is hidden to you.Another great one, Frank. I want it! I’ll be watching for it tomorrow. Thanks.  •    •  This comment is hidden to all users except to its author!

  75. TO: Dr. Helen, et al.RE: This StudyThat's one out of how many others?On the other hand, I'm reminded of a .Regards,Chuck(le)P.S. If you are really in love with your wife, you only have eyes for her.

  76. This is both street smart and intelligent.

  77. I have been a smoker for 25 ages, and I by no means understood the disease experienced such a low five-year relative survival rate. I seriously should quit ASAP.

  78. ‘which of Celtic or Rangers do you support’ which is subtly but substantially different to ‘which team do you prefer’ which, in theory, one could argue that everyone should have a view on.I maintain that the country we choose to live in is a bigger deal and deserves move interest than stupid football teams. I at least understand the analogy now and wish I had been quicker on the uptake.I do also think ‘which country would you prefer to live in, UK or Scotland’ is considerably higher brow than ‘who do you prefer out of the Old Firm?’. Politics is unavoidable, football is not.

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  84. Neo: If I’m not mistaken, Israel has always said they’d give up their (still simultaneously unacknowledged – and how much sense does THAT make?) nukes “for a Middle East wide peace agreement.”Since Israel KNOWS it will NEVER get such an agreement, because they KNOW they are NEVER going to do anything that would justify a peace agreement with the Palestinians, and hence the rest of the Middle East, by definition they’re lying.So why are we even discussing this?That’s why I said: They’re lying. That’s it. End of story.

  85. Si la taxe d’habitation est proportionnelle au revenu elle ne dépend plus ni du type d’habitation (grande ou petite) ni du nombre d’habitation utilisée (aucune, une principale, une principale et quelques secondaires) ??

  86. Cioè se qualcuno pubblicasse il commento "nella base è nascosto un generatore di onde gravitazionali negative" dovremmo prendere in considerazione pure quell'ipotesi?Per fortuna la scienza non funziona così.

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  88. Man sollte Kurven auch richtig anfahren, wenn man schnell fährt. Man hätte da locker durchkommen können. Aber nein, der Herr fährt sie ja innen an. Idiot!

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  92. Anônimo, engana pensar que Webber tem mais experiência por ser mais velho. Ele nunca disputou um título da F1 antes e, se o wikipedia estiver correto, levou seu último título em 1996.Experiência em decidir títulos, Alonso e Hamilton têm muito mais que os outros.

  93. La gravitazione pneumatica… mi si è aperto un mondo!Ma quello che trovo davvero straordinario non è tanto il lavorio di meningi di questo ed altri "ricercatori e scienziati indipendenti", quanto la capacità, tua e di altri, di andarli a scovare. COME FATE? DITEMELO SUBITO!!!

  94. keni dhene shume informacine te mira per floket por desha me ju peyt si mund ti rris floket ne cfar menyre cka duet te perdor??? ju lutem me tregonii ktheni sa me shpejt sepse floket jane pjesa me e rendesishme per mua po ashtu edhe fityra desha me tregue edhe dicka ne lidhje me make up klm pres pergjigje plsssssss

  95. >> If A threatens to kill B and his family if B doesn’t worship A’s God, A is the primary evil-doer, but if B refuses and A carries through on his threat, B bears part of the guilt.I can’t accept that. Otherwise, in I-P terms, Palestinians bear part of the guilt for not converting to Judaism and embracing “Jewish State”.

  96. Hi Graham,Sorry about that, I think I’ve ruined a few people’s tomorrows! Will be struck off a few Christmas card lists as a result….If you want “How to win friends…” I’ve got a copy. I also have have “How to lose friends and alienate people”. I should have read it again before posting that article.

  97. I went through a stage, when I worked at a craft store, where I bought every single sewing notion available to try out. Bobkins can be quite useful, and in some cases easier to pull through than a safety pin. I hadn’t come across that Clover wide bodkin though – I gotta hunt that down!

  98. Ericha PenzienPosted on January 13, 2009 at 2:49 pmThe meals sound amazing! Hope you guys are getting plenty of rest and great shots (or rather great film)!! Miss everyone!! Keeping you all in my prayers, Ericha!!

  99. พูดว่า:Mark Teixeira is? a good man, good for the job, he’s hired. F Boston I’m so glad he went to the Yankees because he has a sister in Hoboken,NJ and Mark was always a fan of Don Mattingly. So this makes life great for him.

  100. Det høres unektelig ganske kjent ut, Helene. Gleder meg til å komme i balanse igjen. Balanse er alt annet enn oppskrytt!Tusen takk, nå ble jeg glad!:Dplosiv sin siste, kule, flotte [type] ..

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  105. pfft, da hab ich mich mal gefreut das die Deichkinder gute Musik machen und dann das. Was hat der Song mit Black Metal zu tun? Aber besser als Toco ists allemal, aber das ist ja auch nicht schwer

  106. Hallo, ich bins mal wieder. Ein paar schöne Änderungen habt ihr da, Glückwtunscvh! Als Comicfan musste ich den Film unbedingt sehen und war sehr positiv überrascht. Alles in allem ein sehr netter Comicstreifen. Hab mich gut unterhalten gefühlt.

  107. I hate my life but at least this makes it bearable.

  108. Alakazaam-information found, problem solved, thanks!

  109. chicos, muy buena la nota, muy buena las palabras de pilar, las preguntas de ustedes, impecable todo, y ni hablar de la promo que compilaron con la entrevista, si la pudiera grabar la gabaria. abrazos a todos

  110. Aaahh !! La magie des lettres :Prenez un ‘S’Lors de vos entretiens utilisez-le pour dire ‘Soutien’ au lieu de ‘Spécialisé’.Prenez des insits et faites leur faire le ‘Soutien’.Et hop tour de magie plus besoin d’instits ‘Spécialisés’.C’est merveilleux !! C’est Darkos le magnifique: en représentation au moins pour 4 ans encore !!(Attention dans ATSEM y’a un S aussi !! )

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  112. Kaikille luomisvirheille: voitteko kuvitella, että kortisonia tyrkytetään jokaiseen vaivaan milloin missäkin muodossa! Siis lyhyellä aikavälillä se poistaa oireet mutta syy silti jää ja vaiva saa jatkua entistä syvemmällä elimistössä (soluthan “muistaa” kaiken, tai ainakin aivojen kuuluisi muistaa…) —Mutta kun ainakin siinä tablettikortisonissa on myös RISIINIÖLJYÄ ja sehän on hyvin vahvaa myrkkyä! Onhan kumma,jos se ei jättäisi minkäänlaista jälkeä maksaan, munuaisiin tai… Niin, no, aiheuttaahan se näön heikkenemistä pitkällä aikavälillä ja sokeritautia, mut tuskinpa se noita busineksia haittaa?

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  114. Is it okay to mix whey and protein. I have been drinking whey for three years now, but recently i heard that its? best to mix since soy has more iron, and more vitamin source, thank you in advance.

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  116. Les messages cryptés se poursuivent sur le fil Kafka:Je n’ai pas compris “une repoussane vermine”.Rédigé par : J.-P. Rémond | le 21 février 2010 à 17:52 | Alerterla guêpe ccccccczzzzz à-front-plat, aux cymbales. Rédigé par : Daaphnée | le 21 février 2010 à 17:54

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  118. That sounds fun…we'll be laying low and maybe hitting a flea market tomorrow. It's been a long week so I'm ver much looking forward to relaxing. Have a great one! xo

  119. You really found a way to make this whole process easier.

  120. Karen, you have got to be kidding me with that macaron coin purse. That is the cutest thing I have ever seen. How can it make sense? I need to make one, but it has to make sense. What can go in it, besides a ring or a quarter??

  121. Jerry –I think Gonzo worried too much about chemistry(i.e making Harvey happy). Willard should just play the guys that deserve the playing time — The competetion should be good for the team.As for RU, before making them the favorites for the Big East in 2011, lets make sure the kids all get into to schoool and are as good as the experts say. I hope Rice does not turn out to be like Gonzo, good with lesser players but unable to rise to the next level with the big boys.P.S. How is fatherhood? Is the kid toilet trained yet?

  122. Très jolies ces boucles, elles n’iraient très bien Désolée que tu te sois fait casser la margoulette par Florent, il ne connait pas sa force ce petit et puis c’était pour te montrer tout son amour, aheum !

  123. Ay……, pero que guapo quedaste? que tierno, sólo falta ponerte el traje anti-gripe y listo, te las llevas todas de calle, con esas pintas no hace falta nada, la gripe ni se te acerca, Lo que me temo es que ese traje se lo van a poner todos los hipocondríacos de los que hablas, y no es que no haya que tomar precauciones, pero tampoco hay que pasarse.Rosi

  124. 18 février 2011 Désolé j’ai Lense et Soul Kitchen en partenaire minceur (plus un autre qui ne devrait pas tarder à pointer le bout de son nez …) ! Je ne peux pas me multiplier d’avantage

  125. of the freezer for a busy week night meal.   If you really plan ahead, you can use your very own pasta sauce that we made a few days ago.   Gina from Skinnytaste is an absolute genius in providing super low

  126. a very senior Republican foreign policy hand, who called the statement an "utter disaster" and a "Lehman moment" — a parallel to the moment when John McCain, amid the 2008 financial crisis, failed to come across as a steady leader. It was the second time Romney has been burned by an early statement on a complex crisis: Romney denounced the Obama Administration's handling of a Chinese dissident's escape just as the Administration negotiated behind the scenes for his departure from the country.

  127. Oct10 Hey! I could have sworn I’ve been to this blog before but after reading through some of the post I realized it’s new to me. Anyhow, I’m definitely happy I found it and I’ll be bookmarking and checking back often!

  128. Lone,People think the economy is getting better. I believe it is the euphoric stage of inflation soon to be followed by the painful stage. People are spending money. There is no doubt about it. I’m chucking green sh_t out the window like there is no tomorrow. Give me one more correction. Just one. That is all I ask for.If they think the supply side is tight now wait until we get a 10% correction.

  129. This awesome blog is definitely awesome and informative. I have discovered helluva handy things out of this amazing blog. I’d love to return again soon. Thanks a lot!

  130. I enjoy your blog very much as is (and I dislike change generally), but more importantly — it’s your blog, do what you like! I’ll still come here and read your words, however many of them you write!

  131. Great common sense here. Wish I’d thought of that.

  132. Assalamu’alaikum, wah.. salut banget ama ummu ziyad yang insyaalloh penuh semangat untuk terus belajar. Barokallohu fiik.. Boleh kenalan ga’? mohon dibalas ya… syukron.

  133. Olá Doutor,Extrair 4 dentes do siso a 2 meses atras e ainda não consigo abrir a boca direito.Já informei o meu dentista e ele mandou tomar um relaxante muscular, porém não resolveu nada.Está muito ruim essa situação… É necessário fazer um tratamento? Ou é normal demorar tanto tempo assim?Obrigada

  134. hi sweetyyy :Dyou look different without the extensions haha but still very pretty and your eyes..love the contrast eyeshadow.. it suits you very well!!xxxxxxxxxxxx sheronaps.. are anonymous comments disabled?

  135. Ah, that incident does sound familiar. And I’d bet there are more. I would only say that they are not as well known in popular culture as examples of defiance by Gentiles that occur in movies. The most famous Jewish defiance book and movie took place after the war, though it’s related: Exodus.

  136. benchmarker ! ça voulait dire quoi ? Grâce à vous maintenant je le sais. Bêtement j’ai oublié le reste des propos de la dame en bleu ( le pull et la toile de fond) obnubilée que j’étais par …benchmarker ( » mais qu’est-ce qu’elle raconte, benchmarker ça veut dire quoi ? ? « ) Ignare que je suis, je comprends mieux ce que veut dire schtroumph ou schmilblick. Ce doit être de la postcommunication.

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  138. Sjalet ble flott! Ser godt og mykt ut : ) Her har vi allslags vær i løpet av en dag for tida, det skifter ca. hver time. Veldig upraktisk ; ) Kos deg med høsten! Klem Hilde

  139. #18Bob2x3x7: On the first page of comments was this jewel of rational clarity:If we actually wanted to “fly the secure skies,” we’d dump the TSA, and encourage folks to fly with their personal sidearm. At the ticket counter, we announce whether we’re carrying, and exchange our standard ball ammunition 1:1 for Glaser safety slugs.Instant flight safety!In the several instances of Islamo-fascists-turd-heads trying to harm airplanes in flight it was the passengers who subdued the perpetrators; firearms would merely facilitate that action.

  140. things to offend. I do know that reading too much on the internet can cause confusion, anxiety and doubt, so I am cautious what I read, and if anything alarms me or sends up a red flag, I stop reading.

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  142. Suosittelen lämpimästi tuota Pirsigin kirjaa. Se on vaikea, mutta antoisa. Olen lukenut sen nyt kahdesti (yksi blogiarvio) ja en vieläkään ole oivaltanut siitä kaikkia tasoja :)Ihana matkakirja oli myös Kaarlo Törmin Sivellin, sielu ja maisema, jossa matkataan Suomen saloilla taiteilijoiden kanssa.

  143. I’ve been wanting to make a pie forever but have been afraid like everyone else!! I found your recipe and decided to make it today–an apple pie–and… IT. IS. AWESOME!!! The innards I’ll have to play with, but the crust is better than I could have hoped for (next to my gramma’s of course). Thank you so much for all the research you did behind this recipe-I’m looking forward to doing my own reading up on Aunt Chick:) Happy cooking~Heather

  144. I only have one essay left in “More Baths Less Talking” by Nick Hornby, the latest in his series of Believer columns about what he’s reading each month (the first is “The Polysyllabic Spree,” but order matters very little).

  145. Hi Anton,So good to see that you write again in your blog. I read all your posts since february 2008 and I already wondered if you quit running as you weren’t writing anymore here.Your posts are a big motivational source for me and doing approximately 1/3 of the miles you run every week your posts encourage me to go further. Stay healthy,Pascal

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  149. Sem palavras para o som , ainda mais com a participação do Falcão ficou uma musica muito boa … Salve a som , salve a musica , salve a liberdade de expressão e salve o rappa sempre !!!

  150. Vous avez parlé de Loic PIETRI et mentionner sont nouveau club, l’ACBB… qui devrait lui permettre d’accroître encore plus son potentiel…Vous avez parlé d’Alexandre IDDIR et de son appartenance à LEVALLOIS…Vous avez parler de Clarisse AGBEGNENOU sans jamais mentionner sont appartenance à Argenteuil…

  151. Hi Mary,I recently made some tweaks to the product names so that you could more easilyrecognize the origin of the purchase when looking over your Paypal history. Thanks for the kind words,Ryan

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  153. Christ Almighty. If she’s got writer’s block, why doesn’t she just come out and say it? I’m too sad to keep writing? I may end up killing the characters because I’m so sad? My God, get over yourself. If you’ve got writer’s block, fine. Although I’m having trouble understanding how one gets writer’s block when doing a rewrite of one’s OWN STORY from a different point of view. Also, eagerly awaiting the recap, as I can’t bring myself to sacrifice the brain cells in order to read it myself. That, and you’re hysterical.

  154. One or two to remember, that is.

  155. Tiedän tunteen. 🙂 Juuri muutama päivä sitten valmistui mun ekat sukat! Päädyin tosin putkisukkiin juuri tuon viheliäisen kantapään takia… Mut nyt on omat sukat! Jes!

  156. Oh Gwynne, I remember this oldie but goodie each winter since I learnt it a “Food as Medicine” classes. I often sneak it small amounts into a bolognaise sauce or even better, I use it as a base for nachos with some cans of refried kidney beans. Then I watch as even on the coldest nights everyone starts peeling off their layers as they are so warm. Thanks for sharing     

  157. dit :Je viens sur ton blog de temps en temps et je l’aime beaucoup ( je n’ose pas trop mettre de commentaires pour l’instant). Je trouve que tu mérites bien cet article. C’est pudique, drôle, coloré, ça donne toujours la pêche !!! C’est super gentil, Boumille, et sois la bienvenue !

  158. अमृत की कई बूंदें थीं तेरे नाम में जिसने तेरा नाम लिया – अमरत्व पा गयाlovely lines…I post it today on mahh fb wall… lovely diii

  159. I didn’t get a bag, so I just used one of my own. My stash of plastic bags has greatly diminished since we started taking our own bags everywhere.

  160. Thank you so much for a beautiful concert Friday. I had never been to a concert of yours but I love your work so it was so fantastic to see you, Laura, Rozz and the choir live. It was one of the most memorable experiences I have ever had. I will never forget it.

  161. BETZGER 0  0Ich hau mich im Dreck,ist das geil. Hab das zwar in den Narichten gesehen,aber nicht das mit der Uhr mitbekommen.

  162. A few weeks ago my brother was toasting a hot dog bun (at 11:45pm, of course) and forgot about it in the toaster oven. Eventually, the fire alarms went off (the bun was completely black by this point). Since our fire alarms are connected to the security system, a fire marshall was sent to our house to check on things. So, at midnight, a fire Marshall came knocking on the door! Hahaha! Leave it to teenagers to create some great stories!

  163. what a lucky gal you are! when I saw all the colourful stones, I practically shrieked. Love the colours.I'm mostly in love with the green ones. I love green stones. Its so calming and nice to see!

  164. Ahaha! Comment résister à une proposition pareille!1/ 70% de graisses en moins (et C'est bien bon. La pâte noire-noire, saupoudrée de cannellle…Wouaouh)2/De l'extrait de tilleul! (D'ailleurs, c'est pas ma préférée….)3/5 goûts!

  165. Oh my dear this is just breathe taking!!! I so love each of your projects!!!!! So gorgeous dear. It has been a long time since I done a candle going to have to give it a go again soon.

  166. Love the awkward length of the cut offs. And that's where I wear my bangles as well, mid arm, I never could stand it when they were dangling from my wristsOverall, a very simple, yet very well put together look!

  167. Ja schon Marie, aber deine Welt würde trotzdem für die ersten augenblicke explodieren vor verzweiflung, angst, hass…Ich will dir zwar keine Illusionen rauben, aber bitte lass einfach deine Blicke von denjenigen.Tut mir leid es sagen zu müssen, aber es kommt wohl niemals dazu, was du dir wünscht.Grüße Pat

  168. a do volante romulo do vasco para o spartak surgiu boatos q este time quer levar o paulinho do curingao e o william q esta no shaktar da ucrania . o senhor sabe algo sobre ?

  169. Tycker alltid det är trevligt att läsa Ã¥sikter som inte hycklar. Även om det inte är sÃ¥ politiskt korrekt. Visst är det som du skriver. Men yttrar man nÃ¥got sÃ¥dant sÃ¥, “amen det begriper du väl själv, det är ju sjukt”.

  170. MunitionsmanDecember 20, 2012 at 11:30 pmSo we get knocked out by bayern. That will be quick efficient and brutal. Then, out of all competitions (fa cup soon to follow) we will be able to focus entirely on the league and probably secure 4th spot. Ho hum……. What is the point of AFC??

  171. Aaach ich liebe Bento-Boxen, wünsche mir schon so lange eine mit viel Zubehör ♥Kann leider teurer werden, vorallem wenn man wie ich diese großen Boxen mit 2 Etagen und mehreren Fächern möchte :<Aber es sieht wunderschön aus und das mit dem Ei wusste ich noch garnicht, danke dafür :]

  172. This is stupid, either the he/she calling in for nonsense.Logically, if you are not using a service anymore, who wont be paying as well, but tht fella paid and after that called saying not using ..hahaha so funny..In this universe, there’s tone of funny people that we will face in the service line.I face some of them on my job as well.. Marcus.!!!!!!!!! cheers…

  173. na anop, nos finais dos anos 70, fizemos um top de livros e discos, com o resultado das vendas em várias discotecas (era assim que se chamavam) e livrarias espalhadas pelo país fora, incluindo as regiões autónomas. julgo que terá sido esse o primeiro top verdadeiramente nacional.

  174. Justin Bieber should stick with sucking and being gay. And yes, he is a poser. He can’t sing even if he had autotune. I bet he couldn’t name 5 skateboarding brand without asking people.

  175. This is the perfect little fairy tale. Your coloring is fabulous. I really need you to teach me how to use my punches together. Thanks for joining us for 2 Sisters anything goes challenge.

  176. Thank God! Someone with brains speaks!

  177. Isn't it always a treat to find beautifully made garments? Even if I don't find the style appealing I always appreciate the quality and finish and I'm sure you do too. That first set looks mad with the turquoise and although I usually hate lace I LOVE that purple number!!!

  178. Jens Stoltenberg's Encourages all of his followers to become digital watchdogs in order to drive "them" out with the light of knowledge, speaking up against extremism.- Yeah..?- Whom?- What knowledge?- What extremism? Couldn't be islamism he's talking about, could it?Time to show speech responsibility by saying "No, you're wrong!" Stoltenberg states."We do it at the lunch table, at work. Now is the time to also do it on the net."

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  180. Isn’t that the funniest thing how they group up? I read on someone else’s blog that it happens to them, too. It’s so weird that it’s apparently universal. I agree – not personal… Just keep writing, just keep writing…

  181. wolfy GhalkhaniI read your writings. if you are going to write then at least telll the truth. Your knowledge of Islamic history, its ideology and laws is very poor. Keep in mind that proper research and good critical thinking skills go hand in hand. You lack both.

  182. We’ve arrived at the end of the line and I have what I need!


  184. Way to use the internet to help people solve problems!

  185. I can’t believe I’ve been going for years without knowing that.

  186. Just do me a favor and keep writing such trenchant analyses, OK?

  187. Until I found this I thought I’d have to spend the day inside.

  188. « ce genre de sensation se serait plus largement défoulé sur la fillette en fuite »En repensant à cette phrase, je me demande s’il n’aurait pas plutôt fait autant que pouvait faire si son armé s’était enrayée et qu’il s’en est « juste » servi comme d’une matraque…? Mais même ainsi, ce n’est pas le comportement d’un déséquilibré venu chercher une sensation folle en allant dans un coin perdu abattre une personne comme il le fantasme souvent.AO

  189. I do not even know how I stopped up here, but I thought this submit was once great. I don’t recognise who you’re however definitely you’re going to a well-known blogger in case you aren’t already. Cheers!

  190. ho molto apprezzato il tuo attestato di stima …ma così mi levi tutto il gusto… sei proprio una/un ominide quadratamente sapiens… che delusione… “artista” fino in fondo proprio, con l’ aggravante che sei corredata/o di sentimenti

  191. What I find so interesting is you could never find this anywhere else.

  192. Gosh, I wish I would have had that information earlier!

  193. Mon commentaire précédant n’a pas marcher deuxième essai : A ajouter avant l’envoie du formulaire : if(!eregi(“estrade.ca”, $_SERVER[‘HTTP_REFERER’])) die (“Va-t’en, spammer!”);je pense que l’espace commentaire enlève les balise d’ouverture et fermuture PHP

  194. kOMgress ne kaahee swachCh mantri dawalale,paN aparaadhyaaMnaa shikshaa naahee.sangh suddha ase kaahetari karel ase waaTate.Pan tyaasaaThee sanghalaa sattepaasun door Thewane yogya naahee.

  195. simpatico il tuo amico… e dopo questa gli hanno staccato la connessione?! si capisce che le leggono le lettere dei clienti!!! comunque non è solo telecom, miè capitata una cosa simile con tele2 anni fa (o era infostrada?) e la mia lettera non era simpatica come la sua! :))

  196. I own a Takamine with that same Juggernaught shape, but it’s quite difficult to get the jist of just how “mini” it really is. It makes me want to venture out to a music store just to catch a glimpse of one. Hmmm.. Very imformative post :]

  197. I am very lucky that I?ve found your blog and this article! The itnirmafoon you provide here is very clear and understandable! Thank you so much for your help!

  198. Kaneganese “‘二三里’Why this sentence interpret like that?2~3 ri (x)23 ri(o)”do you think it is really 2~3 ri?Are you serious?Please learn proper chinese language.and you must know

  199. . One could on for days and days about “Wheres KGB “Bless ya life, Screwball, Troubleneck, Jemini, Dark Skin Assassin” and so on, but thats besides the point. Apart from Necro, excellent selection!!From Sweden, peace…

  200. Good find but I think these were posted after Breaking Amish was filmed. When I check the page in Google’s cache (for Sept. 13, 2012), she is not on there.

  201. How neat! Is it really this simple? You make it look easy.

  202. The bad thing is that I can relate with you AND with Jill… yeah, weird! I never sit down (except now that it's almost 3am), I'm cleaning all the time…but then why isn't my house immaculate too? Oh yeah, cause I have kids that never sit down either.

  203. Noto la pignoleria e la saccenza, ma non la misericordia e nemmeno tutta ‘sta intelligenza. E’ vero che non è solo un sacramento a non poter essere celebrato.Comunque non sono esclusi da tutti: il battesimo, per primo, permane… La confermazione pure.

  204. 208 rx. Ajattelin et 200 olis realistinen tavoite ja ihan oon iloinen kun se vähän ylittyi. Vikalla kierroksella sitäpaitsi enemmän pointseja kuin tokavikalla. Nyt alan treenata boxihyppytekniikkaa. Seuraava tavoite 250.

  205. I am a big fan of dumplings in all forms. Growing up in Japan, I ate a lot of gyoza, shumai, and manjyu. They have many different forms of dumplings. I have never made empanadas but I had them many times. I am glad that I have recently run in to your blog. Going through it, appears to me that you have perfected your empanada recipe. I especially like the leek empanadas. I am going to try making couple with out making my home made dough. But rest assured, I will be trying it from scratch.Thanks for the inspiration.

  206. This article is a home run, pure and simple!

  207. Super informative writing; keep it up.

  208. Quero poder usar uma bermuda legal nesse verão, sem parecer um bebezão de filme de terror, quero novas curvas nesse verão com Body Macaquinho da Pilé, Quero fik liiinda!!!! pf,pf,pfvorsinho.

  209. She also worships socialism and gigantic BIG LABOR unions who have a great incestuous relationship with gigantic BIG GOVERNMENT. When the ‘occupy’ people start protesting against BIG GOVERNMENT and BIG LABOR, then I’m right there with them. The problem is that they love BIG GOVERNMENT and BIG LABOR, who rip us off way more than BIG BUSINESS ever will. Basically, the ‘occupy’ people are just ignorant.VA:F [1.9.13_1145]please wait…VA:F [1.9.13_1145](from 0 votes)

  210. It was dark when I woke. This is a ray of sunshine.

  211. That kind of thinking shows you’re on top of your game

  212. Le rapport entre Sarko et cet article ? C’est pas plutôt votre esprit qui aurait besoin d’être désarkozifié ? Vous êtes au courant qu’il n’est plus président ? Que la France est -enfin- passée à autre chose ?

  213. sejak pertama kali guna SE terus tak minat Nokia.. sekarang terfikir untuk membeli sebuah smartphone.. Samsung rasanya banyak pakej yang mampu milik..Izwan recently posted..

  214. Hola de nuevo,les quería informar que esta bonificación ya no está vigente. Después de investigar por la web, casi todas las páginas hablaban que esta ley había quedado derogada por lo que llamé a la Tesorería y me dijeron que ya no existía tal bonificación.Muchas gracias de todas formas,Elisa

  215. I have got 1 idea for your web page. It seems like there are a number of cascading stylesheet problems when opening a selection of web pages inside google chrome and safari. It is operating alright in internet explorer. Probably you can double check that.

  216. Kul att hitta nÃ¥got sÃ¥dan – jo nog kan det var lite svÃ¥rt upp för berget ibland!Min bild pÃ¥ fönster är faktiskt en mÃ¥lad gardin som de dragit för, hihihii./MB

  217. Gordon, i answered you down below. Sharonlee’s right about the court order. Not much of anything i can do about that. Just put up with it, and hope the next 91 days pass VERY fast.

  218. Cum am mai zis , de cate ori intru mutesc ….. eu mananc foarte putina paine , dar daca as avea in casa asa ceva , cred ca as manca non stop , totul arata tare bine , dar coaja ma innebuneste !!! Bravooo ptr rabdare si ptr ce iese din mainile tale fermecate !!!! …

  219. I know what you mean about songs being remade in totally different genres. Some of them are great. Some are stink bombs. Johnny Cash was one of those performers who transcended genre. I’ve met people who usually listen to heavy metal but still like Johnny Cash. There was just something about him.

  220. Nikki,Absolutely wonderful blog for today! Thank you for articulating what I have been feeling about the state of the nation, both now and for some time.Blessings,MikeRev. Michael H. Bone, PastorZion United Church of Christ115 S. Washington St.Union, MO 63084636-583-2814

  221. ciao le tue foto sono fantastiche e mi hanno fatta appassionare alla fotografia ho la tua stessa canon ma sono mesi che cerco di fare l'effetto nitido in primo piano e sfocato in fondo ma non ci risco ti prego mi puoi dire le tue impostazioni? te ne sarei super grata!! e quando passi per Alba ti ospito e ti porto a mangiare il tartufo!!!! baci

  222. I love how you ended the post—with hope and a new understanding and point of view. Very beautiful!!!I would also worry about the things you worry about if I lived there. When I cross over bridges I wonder, “If this were to collapse, how could I get us all out of the car?” So… needless to say I don’t cross many bridges.

  223. Hello, I tried to email you regarding this post that i have a few inquires, but can’t seem to reach you. Please email me when get a moment. Thanks. 

  224. Hi there just wanted to give you a brief heads up and let you know a few of the pictures aren’t loading correctly. I’m not sure why but I think its a linking issue. I’ve tried it in two different internet browsers and both show the same outcome.

  225. Información Bitacoras.com…Valora en Bitacoras.com: Regentado por dos grandes viajeros, un buen día, decidieron convertir su sueño en realidad, Cándido y Christina, han abierto hace poco este magnífico hotel “agrochic” llamado El Hotelito, en Navaluenga (Ávila). “Agrochic”, as…..

  226. November 24, 2012 at 6:50 pmYou just described very clearly how SYRIZA can not draw up a coherent economic policy because of their different factions?! In a way SYRIZA is like Greek society as a whole, alas. Reply

  227. Caro Quemel,Gostaria de saber onde obter informações confiáveis sobre os requisitos e normas relacionadas à certificação SA8000.Só lembrando que, além das já conhecidas ISO 900x, 1000x, não podemos deixar de lado as importantíssimas ISOs 207001 e 207002, que se complementam.$orte e $ucesso.Claudio R. E. Boaventura

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  229. Id often heard of CitR as a must read book. However I never got to it until I was in my 20s. It had no real impact on me at all. I think its one of those books you have to read by a certain age or you just dont 'get' it. I'd left it too late!

  230. :Bom dia, Sr. José Adolfo, trabalho de motorista rodoviario sai da ultima empresa Gontijo no dia 03/08/2009 no ramo de transporte de passageiro, estou parado precisando de um serviço tenho curso de transporte de passageiro, tranp. de produtos perigosos, faço viagem de fri lance, viagens, motorista particular tel. 0xx34 9813 9722 rec. 0xx34 3325 5375, obrigado desde já pela atenção.

  231. Ah, so that’s what was up with Amazon. I’d gotten an email from Writer’s Digest announcing your book, went over to Amazon and devoured the “Look Inside” section, ordered it, then received notice that my order was dropped because it was under review. Scandalous! LOL No, honestly, your opening chapter(s) had me riveted… one of those instances where I thought for sure you were inside my head—and then your voice started speaking to my heart exactly the way The Fire in Fiction did. I’ll be chomping at the bit to read this new release! And this concludes my fangirl reply. Carry on.Like? 1

  232. Vaughn, The problem may lie with the google web toolkit. There is a listed bug that the GGE doesn’t work with the Chrome browser. The xml parser in the web toolkit seems to conflict with the GGE. But if you use a non-chrome browser, it may work for you.

  233. Hi Kevin,That is an impressive statistic! (1:49 vehicles)I sure hope that is the case. As with a number of the other posts on this blog, we don’t necessarily think the product or service is not helpful, but the term “eco-friendly” leaves a lot of gray area for people to play in.Cheers,Cyrus

  234. Enquanto não houver coragem para irradiar de vez estes tipos, o ciclismo não melhora qual a justificação para veteranos se drogarem, depois á tipos como eu que para os acompanhar nas provas tem que andar com um palmo de lingua de fora, se os apanho num teino nem na roda conseguem ir ! Por isso é que não me vou federar mais, nem me meto em mais competições, porque passo a vida a ser enganado por esta escumalha que eu conheço á mais de 30 anos.

  235. Hey! I just wanted to ask if you ever have any trouble with hackers? My last blog (wordpress) was hacked and I ended up losing months of hard work due to no back up. Do you have any solutions to protect against hackers?

  236. Bigo72,non è squallido. Gli astronauti, essendo militari (tranne Armstrong), e in ossequio alle leggi USA, non hanno ricevuto stipendi da favola o altre ricompense. Anzi, hanno avuto il divieto esplicito di trarre guadagni diretti dall’impresa.Il caso delle cartoline trafugate è emblematico, prima o poi lo racconterò.

  237. solar wind, coming from the sun, is parallel with the sunlight. thus, solar wind sails (and yes, there are such things) would be coplanar with the solar panels.seeing that these things appear to share a pivot point with the solar panels, my guess is they are the framework the solar panels sat in for protection before they unfolded.

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  239. Carrie,Thank you for this thougthful note. I appreciate getting the opportunity to hear about your dad. I think that more and more of us in this role have learned to do whatever it takes to refresh and nourish ourselves for the church. It has made a difference!

  240. JoelSarah, Thanks so much for your reply. Personally, I am not turned on by pornographic display nor do I disrespect women who dress conservatively, but then I’m not your normal heterosexual male. If all you say is true, then we are in sad shape as a society. I think we’ve exhausted this subject. You have given me some new perspectives to consider, so thanks.

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