ما علاقة «داعش» بتدفق المهاجرين إلى أوروبا؟

لو كان هناك نظام حاكم في طرابلس الغرب، لكان بالإمكان الشك في وجود مؤامرة لإغراق الاتحاد الأوروبي بالمهاجرين، لإحداث تصدعات داخله وإسقاط نظام «شنغن» الذي يتيح حرية التنقل بين دوله. لكن احداً لا يعرف اذا كانت هناك ايادٍ خفية وراء تدفق المهاجرين من السواحل الليبية وأماكن أخرى في الحوض الشرقي للمتوسط، الى «القارة العجوز» حيث نتج من الأزمة تبادل اتهامات بين العواصم الأوروبية، مع انتشال مزيد من جثث المهاجرين بحراً، والعثور على أخرى براً، قضى اصحابها اختناقاً في شاحنات مهربي البشر.
وهنا يتبادر الى الذهن سؤال حول هوية المهربين، وإذا كانت لهم علاقة بجهات نافذة تسهّل مهمتهم. وثمة تقارير لدى اجهزة في دول المغرب العربي، تشير الى علاقة بين الإرهابيين ومافيات تهريب الأسلحة والممنوعات على انواعها، من دون وجود أدلة ثابتة تؤكد ذلك، ما يحاكي اتهامات لـ «طالبان» برعاية تجارة الأفيون في افغانستان على مدى سنوات، من دون وجود دليل حسي على الأمر، الا بقياسه بالمنطق والاستنتاج من تساؤل حول تغاضي الحركة عن زراعة المخدرات وعدم تعرضها للتجار والمهربين.

المزيد: خفر السواحل الإيطالية تنقذ 3600 مهاجرا قادما من ليبيا

والملفت ان تقارير بريطانية تحدثت نهاية الأسبوع الماضي، عما وصفته بـ «ابتزاز داعش لعصابات تهريب المهاجرين في ليبيا»، من خلال فرض أتاوات عليهم ومحاولة وضع اليد على مكاسبهم، كما نقل موقع «ذي ميرور» عن صحيفة «ذي بيبول» التي اشارت الى انها استقت بعض معلوماتها من مصادر الأمم المتحدة في تونس.
وإذا صح الأمر، فإن ذلك يفرض وجود علاقة او على الأقل تواصلاً بين ارهابيي «داعش» والمهربين الذين يتعاطون «تجارة» تصل ارباحها غير المنظورة الى مئات الملايين من الدولارات، قياساً الى وجود مئات الآلاف من المهاجرين وما يتردد من معلومات عن تقاضي المهربين مبلغاً يصل الى نحو 2500 دولار على «الرأس» الواحد.
وبغض النظر عن اصل المشكلة ومسبباتها، فإن ثمة جدلاً في مكان آخر في اوروبا، حول امكان تسلل مناصرين لـ «داعش» او لمتشددين آخرين بين المهاجرين، ما يفاقم خطورة الوضع ويحوّل الأمر من «مأساة» الى ما يشبه «الغزو» للسواحل الأوروبية. وفي كلا الحالين، فإن التصنيف الأخير بات معتمداً لدى انصار اليمين المتشدد في اوروبا المناهضين للهجرة.
وكان ملفتاً في هذا الصدد ما نقلته وكالة «رويترز» الأسبوع الماضي، عن «خبراء أوروبيين» انهم يستبعدون تسلل متشددين بين المهاجرين، لكن مجرد النقاش في الأمر، يفيد بأنه مطروح واحتمال وارد.
وتفيد احصاءات وكالة «فرونتكس» المسؤولة عن إدارة الحدود في الاتحاد الأوروبي، بأن أكثر من ثلث مليون مهاجر ولاجئ دخلوا الاتحاد هذا العام، غالبيتهم من طريق ايطاليا واليونان وهنغاريا.
وما ان يدخل الوافدون الجدد إلى منطقة «شنغن»، يصبح بإمكانهم التنقل عبر 26 دولة اوروبية من دون قيد أو شرط. وكثير من هؤلاء الوافدين من سورية والعراق حيث يتمتع «داعش» بنفوذ في مناطق شاسعة، وأيضاً من افريقيا عبر ليبيا، حيث يبسط «داعش» سيطرته على مناطق ساحلية، علماً انه في أيار (مايو) الماضي، احتجزت الشرطة الإيطالية متسللاً مغربياً بين المهاجرين عمره 22 سنة ويدعى عبد المجيد طويل، وذلك بناء على مذكرة من تونس حيث تشتبه السلطات بتورطه في الاعتداء على متحف باردو في 18 آذار (مارس) الماضي. وكم من متسللين آخرين وسط موجة الهجرة، ما يجعل رصدهم بمثابة البحث عن إبرة في كومة قش؟

*كاتب صحفي/”الحياة”

اقرأ أيضا

الصحراء المغربية

منزلقات تأويل موقف روسيا من المينورسو

أثار التصويت على قرار مجلس الأمن الدولي بخصوص التمديد لبعثة المينورسو جدلا كبيرا في مختلف …

271 تعليقاً

  1. My hat is off to your astute command over this tobci-pravo!

  2. I’m enjoying reading about your point of view in this article. I appreciate how well layout this is and how clear your content has been written. You’ve done a great job of making yourself heard.

  3. Yeah, but Detroit can’t seem to SELL ITS polished turds… neither could Microsoft sell Vista were customers given a choice……so long as Honda, Toyota, Mazda, et al, are allowed to build and sell cars in the U.S., Detroit, no matter how merged, will never be a monopoly. Now, if someone wants to give their execs the BOARD GAME and shut them in a room to play it… I’d let Ballmer join…

  4. At least let me control what I see. I recall a feature where you could… *GASP* TURN OFF MODULES YOU DON'T LIKE! HOWS THAT FOR PERSONALIZED?!?!?!/rant

  5. Great stuff from you. Ive read your stuff before and youre just too brilliant. I love what youve got here, love what youre saying and the way you say it. You make it entertaining and you still manage to keep it smart. I cant wait to scan more from you. This is really a great site.

  6. Your’s is a point of view where real intelligence shines through.

  7. Your answer lifts the intelligence of the debate.

  8. Hey Kev if you are truly clean now then for god sake get on some stuff and get back on stage .Im guessing you could be Mr Olympia by 2010 maybe even this year you freak , if you could get back to your old self (wich I think you can) then nobody nowdays could hang with you politics aside.

  9. There’s a terrific amount of knowledge in this article!

  10. Shoreguy linked to an article last night where a gubmint worker in Florida died in her cubicle and noone noticed until the next day.Is this any surprise?

  11. Goofy’s Barnstormer is actually not coming back, Jodi. The attraction has been renamed and re imagined. It is called the Great Goofini now.Francine recently posted..

  12. Articles like this just make me want to visit your website even more.

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  14. Já enn er æðslega góður . Ég borða alltaf hafragraut á morgnana . Hann er bæði hollur og góður í maga . Enn þau sem eru í grænupökkum eru miklu hollari enn þau sem eru í rauðu.

  15. I also think MedBall cleans are pretty much harder than anything else. Today, after a full month, I think I actually started doing them right, which made them even harder.

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  17. Hi Jan – I mean that for parents who DO sit with their child, being completely “present” means not trying to do anything else while you are there. We’re in an age where multi-tasking is just second nature… checking emails on your phone or jumping up every 5 minutes to check on dinner while your child practices the piano is not being completely present. Children sense your distraction and if they gain your full attention then piano practice becomes something they truly look forward to simply for that one reason!

  18. Posted by on September 11, 2012 at 1:09 pm Dee,I’m glad you caught onto my subtle anecdotes. If you can’t have fun with it then why do it, right?After doing some research for this post, I to was surprised to see how many people favored their Klout score. Not only that but seemed to go out of their way just to improve their score. Makes me wonder if they would have made more money by using that time towards more content or building their funnel. Things that make you go hmmm…Ken

  19. Ich komme aus Brasilien. Zum Frühstück esse ich “Pão de Queijo”, ein Brötchen aus Käse gemacht, Brot, Brötchen, Kuchen, Toast mit Butter. Ich trinke Kaffee mit Milch oder Orangensaft.

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  22. X'n er ikke lett nei, men atter en gang har du klart Ã¥ fÃ¥ med litt av Bergen og omegn..veldig bra.Selv syns jeg bildet av smauget er kjempefint.Ha en toppers fredda og helg 🙂

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  26. I’ve got my 4.6 24/7 and my temps are fine and I only have an h100. In any game the highest I’ve ever seen with my fans running at 1000rpm’s is 55-60C. Just because it’s not as good temps wise at the last gen doesn’t mean it’s somehow the worst thing ever. It’s far from unusable if you actually have a decent cooler. Most people aren’t shooting for 5ghz+ anyway so really just because the temps get out of control at unrealistic everyday OC’s doesn’t make the product bad.

  27. Qué ricos se ven…mmmm. Los bizcochos de claras son esponjosos y ligeros, me gustan más que los que llevan huevo entero. Esta receta me la llevo que seguro que gusta en casa. Gracias a ti y a Neus !!!

  28. Allora vediamoci.Sono rimasta folgorata dall’idea di ‘censire’ gli oliveto. Geniale, con un solo pregiudizio. Non è che gli stronzi mangiasoldi, che sono alla ricerca di.. soldi, si mettono a censire gli oliveti (le olivete) e gli facciamo scoprire solo un altro modo per tartassare gli olivicoltori?Comunque vediamoci e cominciamo a sgrossare la cosa.

  29. No fucking subscription fees? Let me tell you… The only reason why I didn’t buy this game already was because I thought it would be another pay to play game. This video was very much worth my time.

  30. Great insight! That’s the answer we’ve been looking for.

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  33. bonjour à tous, étant d’origine peruvienne habitant en france environ 20ans, je pense aller au perou pour m’y installer, actuellement je fait une formation de boulanger a l’INBP (Institut National de la Boulangerie Patisserie) de Rouen ,mon souhait serai de savoir si avec ce nouveaux metier je pourrait trouver du travail ou au mieux de m’y installer a mon compte? ,merci pour vos eventuelles reponse. carlos

  34. I have a much less tolerant and more dictatorial attitude to the role of the tobacco industry within the market economy. 2 percent smokers of the total population might be acceptable to me – but only on the condition they'd be rounded up and forced to live in industrially polluted places only. ;-{

  35. I love reading these articles because they’re short but informative.

  36. There’s certainly a huge sense of satisfaction in knowing you’ve given something back to the software that’s given you so much.Exactly. I’m also looking forward to working with you guys on the Plugin Handbook, too. 2013 should be a good year for all things WordPress .

  37. Well one of the things that I really liked about the Internet is the Freedom of Speech that it can allow you. You can get your point of view out to millions which in the past was solely the domain of MainStream professional Media outlets.Unfortunately just as quikly as we have gained this access we have various Users trying to restrict our Freedom of Speech to meet their own standards and personal agendas…..an unfortunate but mostlikely unavoidable outcome and of course you at YouTube of folded under the pressure…..truly a shame!

  38. Nice try, but my internal Bullshit Detector is going off. Something about justifying the murder of a tribe seems just wrong dude  All Is Vanity  

  39. Haha nee dat wordt ‘m niet, of je moet 10 van die dingen hebben denk ik! Gelukkig heb je al supermooi haar van jezelf! Ik denk dat dat bij mij ook niks zou worden, heb ook best veel en dik haar.

  40. couldn’t agree more with Zeph. The Barmy Army have become an embarrassment to most followers of the game. I don’t know about the class thing – in cricket I think it varies wildly depending on which part of the country you live in, but from friends with children in the south, if you want your kids to play the game, you pay, from kiddie clubs upwards. There’s no state provision for the game in most schools that I have knowledge of.

  41. I have been browsing on-line greater than three hours as of late, but I by no means discovered any attention-grabbing article like yours. It’s pretty worth sufficient for me. Personally, if all webmasters and bloggers made good content material as you did, the internet will probably be much more useful than ever before. “Wherever they burn books, they will also, in the end, burn people.” by Heinrich Heine.

  42. Haha, yes Mark, I think men are under-represented here. Oh, and juju hats are not actually hats… not in North America at least…. African chiefs. Here they are just high priced wall art. Or cheap wall art in this case.

  43. Do you mind if I quote a few of your articles as long as I provide credit and sources back to your site? My blog site is in the exact same area of interest as yours and my users would truly benefit from a lot of the information you provide here. Please let me know if this alright with you. Thank you!

  44. Meanwhile, the film’s producers granted UD Replicas the rights to make the product for the sole purpose of extending the Tron brand, Disney’s logo is every single product shot (and I would assume they requested the logo stays in any published material), and the UD Replicas logo is in the top shot there.You can’t escape commercialism in the U.S., no matter if you remove a maker’s logo from a product. Economics dictate a product’s maker be apparent.

  45. It's funny that all the Republican states are getting wrecked up w/tornadoes, floods and fires. All I can say is pay back is a bitch! The lord don't like ugly ass racists.Now, all I can say is "fend for yourselves Tea Potheads."

  46. Nem tudom, ide kell-e kommentelni, vagy pedig a tokról feltöltött kép alá, szóval ide is írom: Plázákban szeretek vásárolni, legfőképpen az Árkádban, mert ott van a legtöbb kedvenc üzletem egy helyen, Pl. Zara, New Yorker, Orsay, Pimkie, Reserved, Humanic stb. Így könnyen és gyorsan megvehetem magamnak amit szeretnék, vagy ami megtetszik.

  47. Wow! This blog looks exactly like my old one! It’s on a entirely different subject but it has pretty much the same layout and design. Wonderful choice of colors!

  48. Cowboy Blob,How would my wing wiping friends know I loved them if I didn't tease?At least y'all don't have to dress up like Cracker Jack mascots like my squid friends do. (Although the Navy's new "man overboard!" camouflage pattern makes the Army's morale-destroying Monica look brilliant by comparison…)

  49. Olá Helder,Primeiramente desculpa pela demora na resposta, estive um tanto quanto sem tempo por esses dias…O seu X6 1055T deve ser a versão com TDP de 125W e o que a placa oficialmente suporta é o de 95W. Pode ir usando normalmente, só pode não ser uma boa idéia fazer overclock nele sem reforçar bem a refrigeração no VRM e além disso terás que conviver com essa mensagem de CPU não-compativel.

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  56. {Melinda} Love that saying, Carlo. It is so true. Sometimes, no matter how painful it is, we sometimes have to draw boundaries with people that we so badly want to connect with and have relationship with. It is usually for our own protection and spiritial and personal growth. Thanks so much for stopping by … LOVED your post on E-books this week. SO helpful!

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  59. A loss we all have to face, and may I say, you are a lucky man to have had a father who could be your answer man. Love out, Mosk.

  60. Comme mexicain que je suis je trouve ridicule la possition de mon pays, il veut être dur avec Florence C. pendant qu’au même temps la corruption qu’on a chaque jour laisse impuni les criminels.Comment faire ça à la France qui a tellement apris au monde; en plus il faut parler avec des acts, le Mexique doit commencer par regler son peuple corrupte et puis punir les autres comme ça.

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  67. I enjoyed how you noticed the details. An extension of the vendor's hand, Tiwari's reaction. Beautiful and well complimented with the pictures. "Without dark glares the menace a cop can project is limited to his looks. With dark sunglasses on, eyes hidden, the face acquires a sinister potential."Dabbang did a lot to connect sunglasses to the police force. Art imitates life imitates art I guess.

  68. went a couple of days after opening and the wall is totally bonkers as it kills the entrance view. Still love the Moose, has to be my favourite altough partial to their Birds espeacially the Wren! 🙂 (shameless plug, don't worry , hit myself)

  69. Phil – Why was my comment deleted? Looks like an entire string of comments that began with Fredblogs entry justifying the US Embassy’s asking whether the citizen was Jewish as it might relate to how Israel looked at the US citizen.Am I getting old? I can no longer find that thread. Thanks.

  70. These are timeless pieces of furniture that take ‘kiddie’ tables and chairs to a whole new level. Thanks for showcasing! I would choose the white table I think and would start a collection of stools with a red one. Then we would need the other primary colours to match. Blue and Yellow.

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  72. Created the greatest articles, you have.

  73. Articles like this make life so much simpler.

  74. I found just what I was needed, and it was entertaining!

  75. It sucks but I think, to be an artist now, you have to be a business woman/man, too. Either that or have another job to supplement your income so it doesn't matter if you make money off of art. It's heart-breaking and dream-shattering. Where are all the patrons to give artists lots of money to do whatever they want today?-Andi xPS Good luck with your soul searching.

  76. Hi iddi.Gerne Diese Images enthalten kein PVR und soweit ich das mitbekommen habe gibt es das auch noch nicht für den Raspberry Pi. Ich führe lediglich nach dem Kompilieren das von OpenELEC mitgelieferte Skript aus und erstelle anschließend von meinen SD-Karten die Image Dateien. Ob da was geplant ist, kann ih dir nicht beantworten. Da solltest Du mal direkt auf OpenELEC.tv nachfragen Viele liebe GrüßeChristian

  77. Sendo fã da via marte, declaro que essa coleçãoestá maravilhosa.Amei todos os modelos, sem falar que as estampas de bichos estão na moda, e nós mulheres Adoramos…Minha escolha vai para a bota 12-1002 marrom/marrom /castor, que está cheio de guamour,e o peep toe 12-3204/preto/preto, que stá cheio de charme e elegancia.Alem de admirar a via marte,em nome de todos as mulheres agradecemos por vocês fazerem essa coleção glamurosa e confortável para calçar nossos pés.Pois nós brasileiras sempre queremos o MELHOR…

  78. PS.Jeg har fundet ud af at vægten er min gode ven. Hvis jeg har en vægt og en overskuelig kostplan, som jeg synes at DDV’s slanke kostplan er, sÃ¥ kører det.Selvfølgelig kan man skride lidt ud i et sving engang imellem, men sÃ¥ kører man bare videre bagefter og kommer frem mod mÃ¥let.

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  80.   July 29, 2011I would love to see a “Day in the Life” of Tod post. That would be awesome. I always wonder what he’s up to when he’s not in the Netherworld, pestering Nash and Kaylee, delivering pizza or fulfilling his Reaper duties!

  81. What I find possibly even more annoying is that the cover blurb on one of those covers isn't by a book reviewer, but Hugh Jackman. The actor, not a book reviewer by the same name, as a quick googling just confirmed for me, as the two appear to be friends. The whole thing would be insulting, except I have to assume that these things actually do sell well?

  82. that’s not right if that was right that would mean u only have to fill the tank with water once for the rest of your life and the worlds. Here is what happens electrodes are place in water and it has electricity going through it, that neg and pos pull the gasses not out of the water but destroys water molecules because water is H2 and O when u take H2 and O from water it’s no longer water. It works on the molecules not randomly taking it random from everything. Molecules are ruined

  83. Is male pattern baldness a part of the evolutionary process?If it is should people really be joining Hair Club for Men?What about women, why do they go bald? Doesn’t that go against the evolutionary thinking that she would have to remain attractive in order to insure finding a mate and continuing the species?Are all humans going to be hairless one day? I mean we spend so much time and money: shaving, waxing, tweezing and plucking.

  84. menaYou would pay for a prostitute before you paid for an online dating site. You make it seem that paying for a site is some form of desperation which if so is pretty jacked up to be honest.I really hope it’s bc you are simply a) cheap or b) have some proof that paying for a site is no better or worse than not paying.  

  85. Alhamdulillah… Page tue dah dibuang oleh admin facebook. cube kawan2 yg lain cek, ade lg ke x? terima kasih kpd amazingnara.com dan kawan2 yg lain. Bersatu kita teguh, bercerai kita roboh!

  86. “C**T on it”, and money and pills will be falling from her pocketbook), and a crashed, burning jet in the background, and McCain’s first wife on the side?Hey, don’t get mad at me; it’s only satire!Right?

  87. You have the monopoly on useful information-aren’t monopolies illegal? 😉

  88. Consiglio spassionato a Patrizia e tutte le donne, donnine e ragazze che vogliono provare il siero magico: mettetelo nella lista dai regali da fare e da ricevere molte volte capita che si deve fare un regalo ad un’amica e si è a corto di idee…questa è la soluzione, di sicuro la farete contenta! Grazie per essere passata di quì! Francesca

  89. That’s a mold-breaker. Great thinking!

  90. I’m sure you’ll accomplish all you set out to do this year. Don’t worry about wasted time, there’s nothing you can do about it now. Just focus on one day at a time.

  91. Muito lindo esse esmalte, mas com umas unhas lindas dessas, é difícil o que não fique bem. Perfeitona :~[]Camila Coelho Respondeu:January 5th, 2012 em 12:06 pm, ahhhh que fofa! Obrigada Lia =) Um beijao[]

  92. Pamela Velos – This is an amazing video. So beautiful and I love the story telling. You have really captured the feel of the wedding ceremony and the fun we had afterward

  93. Thanks for introducing a little rationality into this debate.

  94. I’m impressed you should think of something like that

  95. mah… voleva essere una provocazione, immagino.ok un contenuto video navigabile e interattivo ma se si arriverà al semplice play… ops, un deja vu… si chiamava forse TV?ah, però c’è il riavvolgi il link è interessante ed è ancora un sito!

  96. P.S. You are certainly forgiven for missing Bethany’s funeral. Everyone lives their life to the best of their ability – and while my world revolves around me (and my cancer now, Bethany’s death 30 years ago), you were living your life to the best of your ability at that time as well. I am always amazed at God’s grace and desire to redeem the “failures” in our lives.Peace,Cookie

  97. wow you’re all wrong. Surprised nobody got this before me and didn’t say anything. The “last question” is number 40 on the test, the bubbles in frame 3 where he has to fill in a choice have TWO remaining questions unanswered (both 39 and 40), which means he skipped one of his answers/questions and now needs to figure it out in 5 minutes so he can finish the test. A mega FUUUUU moment imo. (This has actually happened to me).

  98. MOOI!!Je ziet er goed uit Yvonne, goede foto!Ik kijk er ook heel erg naar uit! Ben benieuwd hoor, en zeker, mooi kadootje voor Sinterklaas of kerst.. Dat we daar al aan denken… hahaha…Heel veel succes, met foto’s, koken en vooral proeven!Groetjes Sanne

  99. Ich schaue regelmäßig auf die ausgefallenen Sachen. Habe sie als Feed abonniert. Es sind oft witzige und ausgefallene Ideen dabei. Oft inspiriert mich ausgefallene Sachen zu Geschenkideen (gerade für Leute die schon alles haben)

  100. It’s much easier to understand when you put it that way!

  101. PaulaOi boa tarde, alguém sabe me dizer quanto tempo demorou para receber os remédios dowomen on web ? comprei ja faz 2 semanas eu sei que demora, só queria opinião de alguém se demoraram para receber tbm, Obrigada

  102. DOH issues BCs with debossed seals and has for awhile. "You're either a sucker who trusts "Dean Haskins" over 35 year old administrative laws and the HDOH, or you think WE are suckers.Buh bye, OBOT trash.

  103. Pickups is a full service Company Serving Tri State NYC- CT and NJ with luxuries sedans, Stretch SUV, and . NYCLimopickups is the preferred for individuals who demand personal service and a professional transportation experience at reasonable rates. offers 24 – hour service with advance reservations. is rated #1 as and

  104. I dont really get it much, but i figured it ran along the same line as the pasta about the 3 wishes and how when the guy awoke, he’d already used 2 of them, and his final one was to know who he was (which was actually his first wish). =/i dont really appreciate pasta like this. i know its supposed to be some sort of mindfuck thing, but.. i just find it a bit confusing and sloppily written =(VA:F [1.9.21_1169](from 0 votes)

  105. Hi Sandra, or 5 inch and up!I love your blog, and you are so beautiful! You have a very good taste for fashion, and as I'm blonde hair like you, I look at what color you dress so as not to make "fashion faux pas".Do you have a playlist to share with us?Sorry for my English,Joséphine

  106. What are you stating, man? I understand everyones got their own viewpoint, but really? Listen, your weblog is neat. I like the effort you put into it, specifically with the vids and the pics. But, come on. Theres gotta be a better way to say this, a way that doesnt make it seem like everybody here is stupid!

  107. Yid, would you share this with Reject the U.N? I have a piece started on Ziegler and Falk, but yours is ready to go. I know you are on the contributor list.The U.N. becomes more alarming every day and the public doesn’t have a clue.Thanks,MaggieMaggie’s Notebook

  108. Is that really all there is to it because that’d be flabbergasting.

  109. – "@AnonymousSpeculation is that the Indiana Supreme Court has been enjoined by the Election Commission to re-consider the Ankeny Decision…Ummm…what?"Did I stutter? You'll get the big news on Wednesday, Obot. Mississippi is small potatoes compared to what Orly has in store for you on Wednesday. NO MORE ANKENY. That's right!! And when Ankeny goes down, can Malihi be far behind?

  110. nancy, glad you stopped by too! Hope you find something you love and let me know if you have any questionskbelleicious recently posted..

  111. contresens oui, car les « vrais journalistes » résistent à la tentation de calomnier, non pas à la calomnie elle même (le même mot qualifie la victime et le coupable). La dame a voulu dire, mais a mal dit. Ah citations, que de pièges !

  112. Francesa is a pompous jerk who purports to know everything when it comes to sports. His opinion is always right, so don’t disagree with him! Even when he gets something wrong (as he OFTEN does), he’ll spin his way out of his mistake.

  113. Oi! Der ble jeg stum …. noe som er sjelden.At mitt bidrag er med i Topp 10, er en stor ære.Tusen takk for den tilbakemeldingen.Spennende Ã¥ se hva som skjer videre….

  114. Comme tout le monde le sait, la taxonomie de n’est pas reliée avec le monde naturel.>Jacques CJ’ai trouvé que « clade » a été inventé en 1911 donc un vrai néologisme crée en la langue des scientifiques.

  115. Hadopi et les droits d’auteurs: c’est certain que c’est la priorite numero 1 en ce moment!!!! Il en fait une affaire personnelle. A petite personne, petit probleme.Le chomage, la finance folle et autres sujets autrement plus serieux peuvent bien attendre…

  116. "Maata omistavia naisia" – en nyt ihan Suomessa vaan tarkoittanut:-)Nepalissa muuten ei tarvitse mitään myllyjä, kun siellä levitetään lyhteet maantielle siihen kohtaan, missä auton renkaat ajaa ja toivotaan, et jyvät irtoaa – ja irtoaahan ne:-)Mut eihän niitä jyviä tosiaan pitäsi jauhaa, koska ne säilyy vuosikausia hyvänä, jos ne kuivataan kunnolla. Muuten niissä alkaa kasvaa mykotoksiineita ja ne on myrkkyjä. Mut niistä myrkyistä on tehty sitten lääkkeitä… eikä niitä ihmisen elimistön pidä tottua sietämään;-)

  117. Boa noite Gustavo, tudo bem ?Agradeço pelo voto de confiança que você está depositando em mim e no Lucrando Web. Espero que possamos superar a sua expectativa.Quanto a troca de links, te enviei um E-mail para conversarmos melhor.Agradeço sua visita e comentário.Abraço e sucesso!

  118. Thank you for this blog. When I read about your reasons for having a year without alcohol, I felt as though I were looking into a crystal ball. I’m trying to write , and every day that I wake up feeling even just a bit tired or a bit less motivated, I shadow box with myself about the two glasses of wine I had the night before. Reading your blog struck a real chord, and I’m thinking, ‘if She can do it, then so can I’I, and now I know I’m not alone. Thanks so much, and please continue with the updates.best wishes,, from Annabelle

  119. Ahoj, dostala jsem se letos na JP do Olomouce, ale váhám mezi jednooborovou JP a dvouoborem s čeÅ¡tinou. Jelikož o pár komentářů výš jsem četla jakousi narážku na bohemistiku – mohla bys mi upÅ™esnit, jak moc je čeÅ¡tina šílená? ^_^ Dík. A jestli je info jen z doslechu, mnÄ› to nevadí.

  120. Oui il ya de jeunes graphistes qui apprécient le travail d’Excoffon!Je suis une grande fan et je prépare même mon dnsep à propos de mon histoire d’amour avec la banco!Merci beaucoup pour ces articles c’est chouette!

  121. But in the way that it will continue to mask the financial mess that the U.S. government is in — $11 trillion annual increases in the national debt, nearly20% unemployment, and war after war — QE3 has done

  122. Concordo com o Herik ,principalmente quanto as pistas de hoje em dia. No momento da manobra comentei com o Romeu e o Saloma lá no bar Paddok que o fato ia dar o que falar ,mas a causa principal é essas areas de escape com asfalto ,no minimo deveria ter um prolongamento obrigatorio onde a perda de tempo ficasse mais clara. Jonny’O

  123. Anti anti…curioso que quem critica os que criticam fa-lo de duas formas:ou insultando grosseiramente ou insultando subtilmente.e muito raro os que conseguem escrever umas linhas com argumentos validos…como benfiquista aberto as diferentes perspectivas gostava que me des 3,não peco muito,3 razões porque achas que o Benfica está no rumo certo.acredita que os terei em conta na hora de votar.espero não te estar a tirar muito tempo com isso

  124. I love Anne Lamott’s nonfiction, so I’m glad you enjoyed the book. Every time I read something she has written I just crack up and then end up crying. It’s a great thing.

  125. I do love the way you have presented this concern plus it really does present me personally a lot of fodder for thought. On the other hand, from what precisely I have observed, I just wish when the actual feed-back stack on that individuals remain on issue and not start upon a soap box involving some other news of the day. All the same, thank you for this fantastic point and though I do not necessarily concur with this in totality, I regard your point of view.

  126. Did she come to the US legally? One wonders. And exactly how did she 'become' a citizen? Wasn't it via the deliberate policy of the government and military to grant expedited citizenship to (qualifying) non-citizens who enlist? Is she of Castilian/Hapsburgian blood, or of aboriginal blood?And if the latter, did she pass the AFQT, with a score which would put her more than a standard deviation above her peoples' average?Or was the AFQT waived for her?

  127. Aparecida Venntura disse:Glória a Deus, estou junto com vocês neste propósito. Moro no Rio de Janeiro e sou membro da Igreja Cristã de Nova Vida. Acompanho os cultos de domingo manhã pela Internet e recebo o gospel news diariamente. Sou mineira e meu pai mora em BH e sempre que possivel visito vocês, na verdade me considero parte da família lagoinha também. Logo, logo estarei aí para abraçá-los pessoalmente e receber o amor/graça/unção que transborda nesta família de Deus.

  128. MALA PRAXIS MEDICA: Si tuvo una fractura, y le dan una aspirina, hay un error grave de diagnostico.Con respecto a porque entro en paro respiratorio, Pedi la historia clinica certificada del hospital donde lo internaron, te la tienen que dar es un derecho. Hay que hacerla revisar por un medico especialista para ver si hubo mala praxis.donde sucedio el hecho, ?s.atent

  129. Très sympa Markdown + TextMate.J’aimerais savoir s’il est possible, depuis TextMate, d’envoyer un billet sur le Blog sans qu’il soit publié, j’entends par là, qu’il s’affiche comme « Brouillon » dans WordPress pour mon cas..Aparté: Tu devrais faire des screencasts plus souvent David ! c’est génial ! ^^

  130. o nome define o bichoBoce meces nan sabem o que e’ (!) a dor… nem ca nem la …cousas de alem “Portugal será reconstruido pelo Mar”nan! PorTuGal destruido plo Mar foi-ce…

  131. I don’t even know what to say, this made things so much easier!

  132. Would you believe me if I told you I would eat this as a main dish, not as a side? It looks that good and delicious!!! I’ve never used mustard oil before, will keep my eyes open for it from now on.Thanks for sharing your creativity with the Original Recipes Round-Up

  133. There are some interesting factors in this submit however I don’t know if I see all of them coronary heart to eye . There may be some validness however I will hold opinion till I look into it further. Good clause, thanks and we would like more! Added to FeedBurner likewise.

  134. Hej! Springer själv en del i Skatås, men letar ännu efter den perfekta backen vid backträning. Kan inte riktigt placera backen som är på bilden. Var finns den? Vet att det kan vara svårt att förklara, men om du säger på ett ungefär så ska jag ta och leta upp den. =)lycka till med träningen!mvh Camilla

  135. Always such a pleasure to read one of your posts, Aunt Ruthie!I have got to get my hands on that book! It sounds charming!And, as usual, thank you for feeding us some necessary spiritual food. God bless you!

  136. Ola… o episodio 11 foi removido.. agradeceria se podessem por novamente.. e o episodio 7 e 8 ficam travando e nao carregam, ai vc recarrega a paagina, e eles voltam e travam de novo.. Obrigada desde ja pela colaboraçao

  137. Mllte ngahu nìwotx, ma Karyu.Sna’o aywayä a plltxe rolo’eia oer nìtxan! We have so many talented and inspiring people in our community. Truely amazing!Seykxel sì nitram, ma Prrton.

  138. Hello there! This is my first visit to your blog! We are a team of volunteers and starting a new project in a community in the same niche. Your blog provided us useful information to work on. You have done a wonderful job!

  139. Yüksek oran kuponunda iki tane yenilen güçlü takım da kırmızı kart gördü malesef, Hamburg kazanacak herhalde ÅŸu an görüntü öyle. Biraz da ÅŸans lazım. Dün Boluspor maçında dk.90′da kırmızı kart ve penaltı oldu. Böyle durumlarda bahisçinin yapacağı pek bir ÅŸey yok.GS – BJK maçı da KG Var biterse bu haftayı kazanan bir kuponla kapatmış oluruz, hepimiz için güzel olur. Hepimize ÅŸans diliyorum.

  140. Columbus himself may well have been a converso. His crew was largely fellow sephardim escaping Spain' expulsion order .Sephardic Jews had a huge hand in the new world from its beginnings. This is not popular with the powers that be of course.People hate that thought.

  141. > To rewatch later?Yes.> To share them with others?I do that as well. I don’t delete anything I download, even if I hate it, because I know someone I know might want it. It’s faster to transfer HDD -> HDD than to download off the Internet.> For distro-ing?Why the hell not?> To make bootleg copies and sell them to unsuspecting folks on the street?Only if you live in the right neighborhood…

  142. Defend away patriot! Defend away, although I don't think you will have to much longer. Once he cannot prove or provide his records, bubba will be going down!!!!!! YAY! Thanks for all the info.

  143. håret, jag säger bara, håret! hortensior är fina, men vissnar snabbt. fast då kan man ju plantera ut dem. om man har någonstans att plantera då, förstås.

  144. Die Regelung mit den Schuljahren wird auch bei uns umgesetzt. Die "Kleine" (13) bekommt 20,- im Monat.Plus ca. 15,- Euro für ihre Handykarte so alle drei Monate. (Ihr mal den Einzelverbindungsnachweis unter die Nase halten hat viel geholfen) :-)Die Große bis von 16 bis 18 Jahren bekam 80,- Euro, davon hat sie sich aber alles selbst gekauft. Zusätzliches gibt es nur bei herausragenden Zeugnissen.

  145. dit :Merci pour cette short list, encore des titres à surveiller Juste pour préciser Homesteaders (tres tres bon :p) ressort en Master Print chez Quined Games et non White Goblin. Les 2 éditeurs qui en formaient à l’origine un seul: QWG, ont splitté il y a quelques temps.

  146. Dave, No personal attack was intended, but I respectfully disagree with the response you and others have suggested. That enemies attack us is simply part of being who we are. Better, I suggest, to take the opportunities they present by doing so to shame them by classifying their actions as the criminal encouragement it honestly is.Part of being judged innocent is not looking guilty – no matter how loudly someone squeals and points your way. 🙂

  147. Ever had your hand in a $5 one from hobbypartz? cuz that is what you get when you buy that one. If you ask they will rma it for you but I got it for free with a coupon so I will buy a nicer bag if I ever get more than 1 lipo. Was this answer helpful?

  148. Well, dear typist, if you haven’t been hardened by your recent stint in the stench trenches, I’d say you’re a softie through and through!Thanks for stopping by,c.

  149. Hi zil, thanks sa reply.. naisend na kc na daw kc ng immi ang docs ko via courier, kaya d q p alm f granted n b o hindi ang TV application q.. bsta wait lng daw me ng 7working days at bukas na ang ikapitong araw kaya bka bukas may docs na na dumating skin.. at if ever na granted ang TV q.. pwede n b me mkalipad papuntang Australia anytime? sobrang xcited aq na mkita ang result. buti may site na ganito kunsaan pwede me mag-ask ng khit na ano bago me makalipad papuntang Oz.

  150. 铭盛卡行(QQ1228557129)所出售卡均为一级卡源,全新无任何交易记录,资料齐全,真实身份办理,亦可指定名字办理,诚信淘宝担保交易! 例如—可以给你淘宝店刷提高您的淘宝信用记录。 例如—你想接受汇款,但又不想让对方知道自己的真实姓名。 例如—您想给领导送礼办点事情,但是又不想让自己的隐私暴露!这时您就需要到我们提供办理的卡,我们的卡可以让您随意的a转帐–送礼。给客户保密了隐私的同时也去除了客户的后顾之忧。本团队以真实代开卡【QQ:1228557129】办理、分别提供7大银行卡;中国银行—工商银行—建设银行—农业银行—交通银行—招商银行—邮政银行[网上银行(口令卡,电子证书,U盾)长期供应,保证全新开户,保证开户资料齐全,保证带真实有效开户原件,承接指定名字开户我们的宗旨是:质量+速度+信誉!我们希望与 有长期需要的客户建立长期合作关系,彼此信任,共同赢利。如有需要请联系!非诚勿扰! 客户的满意是我们的心愿欢迎光顾公司宗旨: 公司执行国家金融方针和政策,在法律、法规规定的范围内开展业务, 自主经营、自负盈亏、自我约束、自担风险、切实为小企业、农民、农业及农村经济的发展服务。公司文化: 诚信—用心做事,诚信为人 规范—规范管理,ä¾s on her and she rocks them both!! The third picture has a look to it that she is actually sitting in my computer screen getting to see me for the first time! She’s so precious!!

  151. The Zune concentrates on being a Portable Media Player. Not a web browser. Not a game machine. Maybe in the future it’ll do even better in those areas, but for now it’s a fantastic way to organize and listen to your music and videos, and is without peer in that regard. The iPod’s strengths are its web browsing and apps. If those sound more compelling, perhaps it is your best choice.

  152. That’s a clever answer to a tricky question

  153. Io non ci credo, non è possibile rendersi così ridicoli. Secondo me tutta questa faccenda l’hai inventata TU per avere post con duecento commenti! Su ammettilo, tu sei Striker! 😉

  154. I’m right with you on Nos. 3 and 4, but on No. 1, I’ll see your thesaurus and raise you a copy of Fowler’s.But I think that the item that I use most is the mess on and around my desk. Between my wife, my toddler and me, we’ve got more than enough prompts for me to draw from. I wind up writing more about Barbies and cookie crumbs than I’d like, but that’s the way the cookie … well, you know.

  155. I took your advice, Chris and tried GQS last night – would’ve been a week earlier, but they couldn’t squeeze us in. What a top place! I recognise a lot of A&H in it, but that can only be good.Thanks for the recommendation.I’ll write up a proper entry on my (very poorly updated) blog sometime.

  156. That's really interesting. I don't think she should have done the gig. I also think this stuff happens way more than we realize. Just like when A-List celebs who would NEVER dream of doing commercials here in the U.S. go to other countries and take millions to do it.

  157. La solution : conserver ses 25 ans d’âge mental ;p Euh .. j’ai bon (rrooo y a mon sonotone qui se fait encore la malle…) ;p.-= Claimset´s last blog .. =-.

  158. Another random note. Voronin was a Red once this season. Forgot about that until seeing the Insua clip. Nice compilation. I could watch #1 again and again forever.

  159. Thanks…[…]An quite interesting discussion is definitely worth feedback. I think that you really need to write more on this topic, it will most likely not prove to be a taboo topic but commonly individuals are not “fearless” sufficient enough to speak on t…

  160. M. Rigmaiden,I wasn't trying to single you out. You seem like a nice lady. My point was that it's a very historically inaccurate concept that disrespects decent slaves who happened to live in the house. That's not something we should be promoting.

  161. Meno male che questo blog ci ricorda ancora che ci si puo' indignare per queste situazioni.Ormai ci siamo talmente assuefatti a ogni genere di porcherie (per lo piu' ben peggiori di queste) che abbiamo un po' perso la capacita' di indignarci…


  163. BSBelarmino SardinhaO Juno e a Nuvem.Lê estes "postes". Podes entrar melhor nas ONG's se falares com quem esteve lá e a elas não esteve ligado.Lá como sinónimo de África e não só.OU,Estando conhecia o "terreno"….#Há dar e dar…á ir e voltar#….Abraço amigo BS do T

  164. I have been trying to meditate on and off for a few years and when I actually make my self do it on a regular basis, my whole life is better. My problem is that I get distracted all too easily. Do you have any recomendations for changing that pattern or could I just be one of those people who aren’t cut out for meditation?Joshua

  165. I got a letter asking from Kulhman in early October asking for my support. Haven’t heard from anyone else. As you have said, it’s important to ask for support and someone’s vote.

  166. Tu sais Do, je realisé ce pliage quand j’étais petite, j’avais un petit livre fait de la sorte et ça me faisais rêver…bah en voyant ta carte ça m’a rappelé ces instants magiques!

  167. You can always tell an expert! Thanks for contributing.

  168. At last! Someone with the insight to solve the problem!

  169. To put your numbers in context, it would be very useful to get two other numbers.1. the age of your circ data2. the total number of circs/year you do.(I’m doing some modeling)

  170. Interesting video, thank you guys. For the next videos to come it would be perfect if you could fix the sound problem. At some point it doesn’t lets you hear well what Matt’s saying.Really good idea to post videos, a very pleasent way to learn and a interactive way for webmasters to increase their knowleadge in this issue.

  171. d6Oups j’ai fait des fautes d’ortographes! Honte à moi! C’est l’excitation!… :-S Donc je disais on va faire un groupe de demandeuseS belges!!

  172. Normally I’m against killing but this article slaughtered my ignorance.

  173. torno un attimo sull’argomento per farmi capire meglio…è chiaro che nessuno ti obbliga ad installare od utilizzare applicativi di google, se la gente lo fa è per l’indubbia qualità dei suoi prodotti.ciò che mi preoccupa è il fatto che secondo me google sta piano piano creando il più grande spyware esistente sulla terra!

  174. I’m not sure why but this website is loading extremely slow for me. Is anyone else having this problem or is it a problem on my end? I’ll check back later and see if the problem still exists.

  175. malheureusement, vous allez payer le prix fort pour l´inconscience des générations qui vous auront précédés. Et je le répète, il est désespérant de voir que la plupart des seniors refusent de renoncer un tant soit peu à leur confort matériel. Le partage, ils ne veulent pas en entendre parler. Cela me met en rogne quand j´essaye de discuter avec ce genre de personnes. Bon, soyons juste, il y en a de raisonnables mais ce n´est pas la majorité.

  176. El libro se ve ideal para todos los que deseamos haber vivido en los 60′ y bueno,banda actual … serían Los Jaivas repitiéndose el plato ya que son una banda que nunca “pasa de moda”, siempre actuales o Camila Moreno podría ser.

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  179. What a great story!. I am really jealous of your encounter with the cat and what a beautiful shot. I wanted to thank you for such kind words on my blog. I really appreciate them.

  180. Was totally stuck until I read this, now back up and running.

  181. BS low – rationality high! Really good answer!

  182. Liebe Katrin,ich glaube das geht fast jedem so das man nicht immer Lust und Zeit um kreativ zu sein,aber es kommen bestimmt wieder bessere Zeiten.Mach dir bitte keinen Streß,wir warten ganz geduldig auf Deine nächsten Werke.Der Anfang ist getan,denn Deine Karte sieht wundervoll aus.Ich wünsche Dir ganz viel Kraft,lass Dich mal aus der Ferne ganz dolle knuddeln.GLG Irmi

  183. I much prefer informative articles like this to that high brow literature.

  184. I updated to the latest version, and now it keeps on coming up with that tab whenever i startup firefox. What should i do?. I have updated it, there is a tab saying that i have, that is the problem. It is telling me all of the new features that this version offers and everything..

  185. I just hope whoever writes these keeps writing more!

  186. I worked in South Central. It wasn’t much better before the riots then it was after. Our plant there installed barbed wire around the parking lot. Been through Watts many a time as well. The bad parts of Los Angeles are nothing compared to East Orange, parts of Irvington, Vailsburg Newark or any of Camden.

  187. Surprising to think of something like that

  188. wow! this one really spoke to me! how do you hold all this in you!? i feel the same way. i now it might not seem that way cuz everyone puts that in their comments but it’s true! i do!! i wish everyone could see that though. just because we as christians make mistakes doesnt mean we are hypocrites, because we (hopefully) recognize that we have done so and find a way to grow from it. we becaome more aware as kilde would say of what seperates us from God (sin) and change our ways.and/or give and/or seek forgivness. i love this post! i defenetly identify with it!! thanks.Michelle

  189. Heya i’m for the first time here. I came across this board and I find It really useful & it helped me out a lot. I hope to give something back and help others like you helped me.

  190. Perhaps Obama should have addressed this: Not one Black neighborhood in America has a Black business economy upon which its members can depend to supply its residents with their daily necessities, products, services or jobs.

  191. I always hit a wall with stroller running between miles 4-6. Every.single.run! Today, someone stopped me for directions at the bottom of the hill going into my neighborhood at mile 5.6. I was annoyed b/c I had to stop briefly so close to the end of my run AND at the bottom of the hill, but relived to have a 45 second break!!! It is not supposed to be easy so I save my runs I don’t really care about to do with my little one. I wouldn’t even attempt 10 miles with her, so good for you!!!

  192. Hola Don JOsé aquí tienes mi abecé:El otro día estuve en el zoo y encontré muchos animales…Ardillas,Buhos,Cerdos,Delfines,Elefantes,Flamencos,Gatos….Había Inmensas Jirafas Kilométricas.Luis,María,Natalia Ñoñeaban Observando Pingüinos.Querían Rastrear Serpientes.También Vieron Webs eXpositivas Y Zamparon.Buenos esto es la última parte no tien mucho sentido porque no se me ocurrían casi palabras con esas letras.Le pido disculpas.Me he saltado la U porque no se me ocurría ninguna palabra y con la X en vez de que la palabra empezara por X contiene la XUn Saludo

  193. Dear Vaibhav, Appreciate your comment here.Let me explain you correct meaning of what i have said in my statement above, All individuals on the earth has different set of Skills, If you have real good skills to become Entrepreneur, you must take some risk in life & start something of your own, otherwise with your skills (If you are working for some one), you will keep doing huge value addition to their Business.I hope that will help to clarify your concern Vaibhav.Have a great day start ahead.RegardsRitesh

  194. OT Jonathan Alter, author of a book on Obama, just admitted on CSPAN (interviewing Dinesh D'Souza) that he has NOT read Dreams from My Father. Amazing, and confirming what Steve's been saying, that nobody read that book. (I've skimmed it, not that anybody asked).

  195. I think youve created some actually interesting points. Not also many people would actually think about this the way you just did. Im actually impressed that theres so significantly about this topic thats been uncovered and you did it so properly, with so significantly class. Very good one you, man! Truly fantastic things here.

  196. …1… para mii las dos son una obra de artee pero tiienen diiferente iintnciion komunikatiiva…. 2.. hoii en diia podemos ver en reviistas y muchos otras kosas mujeros desnudas pero siiempre lo vemos por el lado malo no sabiiendo ke esta puede ser para hacer publiiciidad ya sea de su ropa u otro accesoriio ke lleve puesto… 3 piienso ke esto depende del kontexto en ke se enkuentren esas personas… muchas personas no lo ven komo obra de arte porke sus pensamiientos se kedan en lo malo!!! graciias!!!

  197. I probably only caught it because I was listening in rather than watching it. I only had the sounds to go by. The song caught my attention because it was in a Looney Tunes cartoon or two, and I’ve watched an awful lot of those.

  198. Sorry to bug yah – we may need to keep it up this week to make sure users see the login cookies fix. Though if you hide the notice, does it keep coming back?

  199. I thought I’d have to read a book for a discovery like this!

  200. Por supuesto que la cd de mexico es 1000 veces mejor que otras de latinoamerica aparte es una de las ciudades mas grandes del mundo y seguimos con mas, e estado viendo los crokis de los edificios que van acer en santa fe,, estan increibles mexico va x mas estoy seguro que si mexico sigue trabajando superara a brasil ya que mexico es la segunda mas importante de america latina tan solo depues de brasil pero en unos años mas seguro mexico sera el numero 1 en america latina

  201. a "reduction," which from 2000 to 2009 it clearly is (you can also compare the 1/2 decade averages). This contrast this with an expected increase. They also are clear that they do not know what will happen in the future. "Noise" is only relevant if you are trying to make a prediction. Read my example again.

  202. Interesting idea. I can't say that I really identify with any of the photos though; why would the woman want to be hidden w/ the chinese poetry? They feel a little stagnant to me I guess. Wouldn't you love to see your book being read in a wonderful, cozy, happy place?

  203. love your style, the boots are cute I recently found out about that brand, such a cute collectionmaybe you can check out my blog & follow back?www.bobbieaustinscloset.blogspot.com

  204. Propofol is one of the most predictable, consistently reliable, practical anesthetic drugs I use in my veterinary practice. Regulatory agencies have plenty of dangerous, addictive drugs to track and monitor without adding drugs such as Propofol to the already lengthy list. If propofol should become a scheduled drug, I might have to reduce or discontinue its use because it is already costly to purchase and use. Cost and convenience are very important factors in veterinary practice. We are already drowning in paperwork and regulation in veterinary business. Please do not schedule this drug.

  205. Okay I’m convinced. Let’s put it to action.

  206. o white guy could have gotten elected with Obama's qualificationsWhat the hell were Bush's qualifications? He inherited everything he ever had. He only got into Ivy League schools because he was a legacy (that's white people's affirmative action) and he was a mediocre student. He was an absolute failure as a businessman. Use your head Slappz

  207. EEEwwwwuuuu…… stinky feet, not much worse than that when you are all in one small space. Other than a child with stinky gas the last hour of an 8 hr car ride from NC to NJ!

  208. SAG, AFTRA, and the DGA are gutless. GUTLESS. At least the WGA has some balls (I’m not a WGA member). I can’t believe the industry workers swallow shit deal after shit deal from the unions they pay dues to.

  209. gehen mir bei Ihrem Schlußsatz Brechts Verse von der Regierung, die sich ein anderes Volk suchen möge, durch den Kopf …

  210. Il mio nome è Tatiana Dias, lavoro per una impresa di Cominicazione e marketing in Spagna.Le piacerebbe collaborare ad una campagna pubblicitaria.Paghiamo 35 euro tramite Paypal per il lavoro.Se le interessa la proposta, mi scriva a: [email protected]

  211. 112 Posted by 73 on 12April 26, 2011 at 1b5:27 pm 40 10aThanks Eldon! So many people miss that point and drop out or get overwhelmed. I posted this as sort of an encouragement for people who are standing on the wire.Donna

  212. If not for your writing this topic could be very convoluted and oblique.

  213. PanMarek Tak spojrzałem na D1 i przypomniała mi się sytuacja po ogłoszeniu QE3 na szczycie 3171. Czy możliwym jest iż obecna fala 5 na Pana obrazku jest końcem fali 4 D1 i początkiem fali 5?Czy może jest to zbyt odległe w czasie?

  214. I do not usually find this type of data interesting, but you have proven that a talented writer can take information that is often considered dull and make it pop.

  215. that 23 million Americans are unemployed or under-employed, and nothing much has changed for five years now. Record numbers of people have been unemployed for over a year now.And yet there are still fools in Washington (and elsewhere) trying to sell us the Laffer Curve!! It is indeed a Laugh Curve, but the results ain’t funny. Tell them to stop trying to fool you. It ain’t pretty!!

  216. Εισάγεις νέο αλγόρÎ00004000¹Î¸Î¼Î¿;Ο υπερβατικός χώρος νοείται από φιλοσοφική μεταφυσική άποψη, ή υπονοεί ότι δεν είμαστε ρίζες ακεραίου (πολιτικού) πολυωνύμου με αλγεβρικούς συντελεστές;

  217. Hey guys, I’ve made a new channel which I’ve never done before and they are about reviews on games and items I need you guys help and support to give me ideas on how to improve, I unbox borderlands 2 in my first review! Be sure to check it out Thanks for your time!

  218. I like the new channel design… much better than the old one. Quit complaining and wasting space on a comment section that has NOTHING to do with your complaints. I doubt a handful of spammers will change anyone's mind anyhow.

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  220. How many laws did this “victim” break by using an unregistered gun? Who does he work for? Something is just not right about this whole situation. Why is he being protected? This town is to small to cover this one up. Apparently alot of people know this man very well.

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  223. Sugar and spice is so amazingly adorable. I cannot wait to run out and pick one up today in Folkloric. I really wanted one in Lemon Parfait, but I love Folkloric as well. I love the sassy and fun style of the Sugar and Spice and always looking for another fun cross-body bag to add to my collection! Loving the kisslocks! I have a big heart for the kisslocks.

  224. If Obama wins I will not be disappointed. The congressional races are going solid R and I wouldn't be shocked if we got impeachment proceedings out of them.The media might not care about FnF and Bengazi, but we do.

  225. Wow, your post makes mine look feeble. More power to you!

  226. Meu deus, que zona…….estou tentando me organizar com os horários da Warner, pois se não perco minhas séries, pois a reprise só de madruga e olha lá qdo não atrasa;Lastimável.

  227. Obrigada por a resposta. Mais meu filho esta la na espanha entao eu gostaria saber si na imigraçao eu posso mostrar o livro de familha junto com os outros documentos. Vou entrar por lisboa. Beijo=============================Resposta à pergunta:Você ainda será considerada estrangeira para todos os efeitos de imigração.Se for ficar mais de 3 meses, precisa de visto.Leia mais informações da E do .A única coisa que você pode não precisar comprovar é de hospedagem, se apresentar uma carta-convite. Mas ainda deve comprovar os outros requisitos, se lhe forem solicitados.

  228. I don’t even know what to say, this made things so much easier!

  229. RAMON G. DINIZ / acredito que o mundo acaba para quem morre, acho impossivel que somos os unicos a habitar este universo imenso, deus deve ter outros planos para a raça humana, nao podemos pensar no fim. so acho que nao precisamos de tanta tequinologia.

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  232. Only a very tiny percentage of woman are interested in killers, and those woman are deeply disturbed. The vast majority of woman prefer non-violent men and want nothing to do with any sort of violence. Frankly, their seems to be an unhealthy amount of interest here in the very troubled women who are attracted to killers.

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  237. You mean like how the Israeli government demolishes homes on the West Bank that belong to the extended families of “terror” suspects, purely out of spite? Or do you mean when Israeli gunships open fire on a blind man outside of a mosque, and kill any friends and family who happen to be standing nearby? Is that what you’re refering to, hophmi?

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  240. When you think about it, that’s got to be the right answer.

  241. 21 febbraio, 2009 alle 20:20:25io un’idea me la son fatta di quando inizierà il gioco….Quando ho l’opportunità lo chiedo a Yuki se è giusto XDe se ho fatto giusto scordate che ve la dico asd

  242. Thanks for taking the time to post. It’s lifted the level of debate

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  245. Meia boca total,as historia mostradas não assustam nada e não tem nada de "perturbadoras"…..como ja disseram antes,esse pessoal q precisou de ambulancia deve ter sido pela movimentação da camera do q por medo mesmo….achei REC e o 1 Centopeia humana,infinitamente melhores..

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  247. Freitag, 25. Februar 2011 um 13:28Ich kann man deiner Review nur voll und ganz anschließen Platz 40 ist sicherlich übertrieben, da kann ich dir nur voll und ganz zustimmen. Trotzdem ein guter Film. Dank dir auch für die interessanten Hintergrundinfos!  Ijon TichyZitiere

  248. with that aside:It’s the other way around: most games were created to MIMIC warYou know how Gamification is applying game elements into non-game context? Well guess what: most games since the very beginning are simply applying war elements into non-war

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  254. TeresaWe celebrated our own version with Chacy & Anthony, Joh & Kathleen Wells and some others. Lamb, pork loin (not authentic Greek), chicken souvlakia and Tatziki, hummus, olives, baklava, etc. I brought Retsina, which everyone thought they would hate, but mostly didn’t hate it and there was of course plenty more wine. Cheers to you!

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  257. Pardon de le dire, mais le propos du Premier Ministre est d’un total cynisme. Jusqu’à présent, l’Etat ne licencie jamais, sauf pour faute lourde, c’est le privilège du concours et de la fonction publique (équilibré par des contraintes, notamment de salaire). Le projet de Décret est une complète révolution du droit, et ne peut être présenté comme une meilleure protection de l’emploi sans manifester un profond mépris des fonctionnaires, étonnamment ciblés actuellement.

  258. Speaking from a usability/testing standpoint, it’s amazing how often “boring and descriptive” wins. It may not seem sexy, but descriptive titles drive results, and nothing’s sexier than results.

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