دروس “إنتفاضة الأفراد”..تصويب لمقولة “ماوتسي تونج”!

استخدام مصطلح “إنتفاضة الأفراد” لوصف المشهد الكفاحي الذي دخل اجواء فلسطين التاريخية، في الآونة الأخيرة، هوه التكثيف الأهم لتلخيص الحالة التي تعيشها بلادنا، انتفاضة تحمل توكيلا عاما من الشعب الفلسطيني، ولا غرابة أن تنتقل من “الفردي” الى “العام”، دون جرس إنذار أو تصريح مرور أمني أو سياسي من اي كان، وفي اية لحظة..
“إنتفاضة الأفراد” الفلسطينية هي تطور إبداعي للشكل الكفاحي الفلسطيني، وترسيخ عملي لمقولة أن وسائل الكفاح وأدواته ليس حكرا لشكل وحيد، ويمكن اعتبار الاسهام الثوري الفلسطيني، في شقه الأخير تصحيحا – تطويرا نظريا لمقولة الزعيم الصيني الكبير ماوتسي تونغ، أن “السلطة تنبع من فوهة البندقية”..
أكد الفلسطيني فردا وجماعة، أن المقاومة هي فعل عام بكل ما يمكن أن يتوفر له سبيلا، من السكين فالساطور فالبلطة، الدهس والدعس، “اللكمة” و”البزقة”، اللعنة والكلمة،الحجر والرصاصة، المفاوضة والمقاومة، كلها أدوات واساليب كانت جزءا من انتفاضة شعب بشقيها الجماعي والفردي على طريق الخلاص من الاحتلال نحو تحرر وطني لبناء دولة فلسطينية مستقلة حرة وديمقراطية..
ولأن الفلسطيني الشعب، يدرك تمام الادارك أن ازالة الاحتلال لم تعد رهنا بشكل وحيد، او انتظارا لتحقيق نتيجة من “مساومة لم تعد ممكنة” مع كيان اغتال كل ممكن للفعل السياسي – السلامي..اختار الحرب واستمرار العدوان، بديلا لخيار “السلام التاريخي” الذي اشتقه الخالد ياسرعرفات عندما قام بالتوقيع على اتفاق اوسلو وما تلاه من اتفاقات..لجأ للخيار الذي لم يسقط يوما طريق المقاومة الشعبية الشاملة..
وما حدث في الأشهر الأخيرة قبل الحرب على قطاع غزة، وبعدها وخاصة ما تشهده مدينة القدس يحمل من الرسائل ما يفوق قدرة ادراك حكومة غبية كالتي يرأسها بيبي نتنياهو، وقد يكون بعض من هم في موقع المسؤولية الفلسطينية ايضا، حيث وصل الغضب الى درجة الانفجار، بدأت ملامحه تحضر يوميا بطرق وأساليب لا يمكن لكل أمن الاحتلال، او من يساعده في السيطرة عليها، فهي خارج أجهزة المراقبة والمتابعة الأمنية، ولا تحتاج سوى لقرار ينبع من الإرادة الوطنية ودافع لرفع شأن الكرامة التي ظن من ظن أنه نجح باستهدافها، وتمكن من احتوائها وشرنقتها..
المشهد الراهن، يعلن بوضوح أن لا مكان لهزيمة الروح الفلسطينية، ليس في الضفة والقدس والقطاع، بل في الوطن الفلسطيني التاريخي، وما حدث في أكثر من بلدة جليلية ليس سوى شواهد أولية، ستتعاظم يوما بعد آخر، كلما زادت العنصرية والغطرسة السياسية لفرض “قانون التطاول على الهوية – التاريخ الفلسطيني”، من خلال ما يسمى بـ”قانون القومية”..
فالدرس الأول، اعادة روح التلاحم الوطني في فلسطين التاريخية، بعدما حاول من حاول تقليصها الى حدها الأدنى، او اضاعفها بما يمكن الاضعاف..ولعل هذا الدرس يشكل الرافعة التالية للدرس الثاني، بأن المقاومة الفلسطينية لم تعد حكرا لطرف على آخر، ولا لشكل دون الآخر، بل هي تحولت لفعل متعدد الرؤوس، يفوق عمليا بجبروته كل الصواريخ ذات الرؤوس المتعددة، كونها مخزون لا ينضب بطاقة متفجرة ومتجددة..
ولأن المقاومة رافعة سياسية فما يحدث في فلسطين التاريخية هو محاولة لاعادة “الوعي السياسي” ليس لحكومة الكيان أو للبعض الفلسطيني المرتعش فحسب، بل هي من فلسطين رسالة الى الجميع ، أن لا مكان لاحتلال فوق ارض فلسطين..وأن الحرية والتحرر ليسا “هبة” أو “منحة وعطاء” من هذا وذاك، بل هي حق وواجب على كل من لا يرغب بأن يدفع ثمن غيابهما..الحرية والتحرر نحو الاستقلال الوطني واقامة الدولة الوطنية لشعب فلسطين، والذي ارتضى أن تكون فوق أقل من ربع الوطن التاريخي، ونصف ما قرره العالم عام 1947، ليس سوى استرداد بعض الدين المطلوب، ودون ذلك الهددف وتحقيقه فلا مكان لمشروع دولة الكيان الفاشي – العنصري في فلسطين، فلا مستقبل دولة الاحتلال على حساب دولة الشعب الفلسطيني..
ذلك هو الدرس الثالث الذي يجب الانتباه له في بداية انطلاقة “إنتفاضة الأفراد” بتوكيل من الشعب نحو الخلاص العام..
والدرس الرابع للمشهد الفلسطيني يفرض تفكيرا استراتيجيا جديدا يستند الى أن “المساومة التالية” قد لا تقتصر على مساومة الماضي التي حدثت عام 1993 بين منظمة التحرير ودولة الكيان باعتبارها “مساومة تاريخية لمصالحة تاريخية”، لم يبق منها وصفا يليق بما كان يفترض أن يكون..بل أن الفاشية الحاكمة في تل أبيب اسقطت كل مضمون لها، ولذا فتطور الحدث التاريخي قد يقود الى تعديل جوهر المساومة نحو حق اقرته الأمم المتحدة، رغم ظلمه التاريخي أيضا، المساومة المقبلة ستكون في حال استمرار الواقع الاحتلالي عودة للمطالبة بتطبيق قرار التقسيم، دولة فلسطينية على 44% من مساحة “فلسطين التاريخية”، أي ضعف المساحة المقرة حاليا لدولة فلسطينية في حدود 22 % من فلسطين التاريخية..
الدرس الخامس، هو أن التطرف والارهاب لدولة الكيان لا يجب أن يقابل بمرونة قد يراها البعض استسلاما سياسيا.. بل برد يستند الى المشروعية الكفاحية وأيضا للحق القانوني وفقا لما أقرته الأمم المتحدة، ولا زال قرار الجمعية العامة 194 حاضرا في أدراجها وهو الذي اشترط الاعتراف بدولة اسرائيل عام 1948 بتنفيذ ذلك القرار، هل تقوم القيادة الفلسطينية بتنشيط ذاكرة الجمعية العامة للأمم المتحدة بقرارها 194 وما ينص شرطا..
كما أن التفكير الجاد – المسؤول باعادة التصويت في العام القادم على عضوية اسرائيل في الأمم المتحدة، كما كان يحدث سابقا، بات ضرورة سياسية في تصويب “انحراف” استخدام القانون لمعاقبة من لا يقيم له وزن، كما هو حال دولة الكيان.ذلك هو الدرس السادس المشتق من روح “إنتفاضة الأفراد” المعاصرة..
ودرس “انتفاضة الأفراد” السابع، هو مسارعة دولة فلسطين الى تنفيذ كل حقوقها المعلقة في المنظمات الأممية والتوقيع على المعاهدات الدولية وخاصة اتفاقية روما، يصبح الضرورة الأكثر أهمية وقيمة لاشعال روح الانتفاضة الراهنة،
تلك بعض من دروس يجب أن تصبح معلومة اولا للقيادة الفلسطينية عندما تقرر التحرك العام اذا ما أرادت خدمة “انتفاضة الأفراد” بتوكيل شعبي عام، وللجامعة العربية وهي تعمل على صياغة منهجها المستقبلي قبل انعقاد لجنة “مبادرة السلام العربية” نهاية الشهر الحالي..فلا خلاص من احتلال وسياسة كيان عنصري دون تفعيل القوة الشاملة، “ناعمة” و”خشنة” كي يعلم أن هناك ما يمكن أن يخسره حقا!
ملاحظة: كان ملفتا حضور وزير الشؤون المدنية، مسؤول الاتصال مع دولة الكيان، اجتماع الرئيس عباس وقادة الأجهز الأمنية..ألا يطرح ذلك اسئلة متعددة حول الغرض والهدف..المسألة تحتاج توضيحا رئاسيا كي يبقى ظن الناس خيرا!
تنويه خاص: أكيد د. الزهار لا يقصد حقا ما قاله بدعوة الناس لاطلاق النار على رؤوس قادة حماس إن لم تنقل المقاومة الى الضفة..لأنه لو كان صادقا يجب القيام بذلك من أمس وليس الغد..مش هيك يا دوك!

*كاتب فلسطيني

اقرأ أيضا

الصحراء المغربية

منزلقات تأويل موقف روسيا من المينورسو

أثار التصويت على قرار مجلس الأمن الدولي بخصوص التمديد لبعثة المينورسو جدلا كبيرا في مختلف …

259 تعليقاً

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  20. It's so hard to pick just one! I just met Theo when you re-introduced him… But Chris Howell from last week? He's pretty yummy… probably my favorite so far. 🙂

  21. Pensé en tí.. en todos vosotros… Rafa.. Los incendios y más aún los provocados como parece confirmarse en este caso… son terribles…incomprensibles.. Y por favor.. nada de ir a fotografiar, ni se te ocurra!Mi Homenaje a estos Bomberos que sin descanso están luchando contra los elementos y los locos..Y mi pesar a los familiares de las víctimas y de los heridos… En Teruel, creo haber oído que ha muerto otro bombero.un Abrazo y besos reconfortantes, Rafa, para tí y para toda tu hermosa familia.

  22. I’m calling shenanigans … I’ll show you mine if you show just one of yours… you don’t get off that easily …Very nice idea and I’m very interested to see what people come up with….

  23. Last comment lol:"Most Christian denominations teach that God is in control. Few spend time in Esther — perhaps because His name is not mentioned in that book, or because the plot was thwarted by a strong defense."Though Hashem's name isn't mentioned I did hear a rav say that every time the word king is mentioned (not followed by the name Ahasuerus it refers to Hashem.Everything we need for a strong defense is in the Torah. It's just a matter of seeing it and applying it.

  24. Ya learn something new everyday. It’s true I guess!

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  26. Muchas gracias por la información. Me viene de perlas, no conocía su existencia y por supuesto que me pasaré, con todo un largo puente por delante. Puede que por fin encuentre el velador que estamos buscando…Gracias de nuevo y feliz puente!Bsss

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  41. Have a safe trip and enjoy your­self and I will attempt to do the same! I thought I was the only one who stressed about being gone…I stress cuz no one can take care of the dog­gies as well as I can…ha! I’m sure we’ll both blog all about our respec­tive trips when we come back. 🙂

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  61. dit :Gloups, c’est ce qui m’attend je pense, je ne vais pas oser me débarrasser des affaires de ma puce avant une éternité (en plus j’en suis qu’au 1er donc forcément je vais garder pour le 2e), en plus je vais prendre des couches lavables alors j’aurai même pas de boîtes pampers pour ranger tout ça !

  62. Finding this post. It’s just a big piece of luck for me.

  63. Nao teria nem duvida Heidfeld com certeza!!! Bruno vc vai me desculpar mas vc ainda nao ta pronto para um carro como esse!!!Bruno e muito chorao so colocarao ele nessa lista p nao ter q ouvir ele choramingando na midia o ano inteiro.O Heidfeld nao deve ta nem de cabeca quente,ja sabe que esse lugar e seu!

  64. Eiköhän se kuitenkin ole hinta, joka estää luomun käytön, ei niinkään hoitohenkilöstön arvot. Valitettava tosiasia on, että koulu- kuten muukin laitosruoka täytyy tuottaa älyttömän halvalla (~20 senttiä annos). Tehokkuuden nimissä kouluilta ja päiväkodeilta on myös poistettu omat keittiöt ja ruoka tulee valmiina isoista keskuskeittiöistä.Joten lähestykääpä niitä kuntienne ja valtion päättäjiä tässä asiassa.

  65. What liberating knowledge. Give me liberty or give me death.

  66. Çorba olsun yeter ki:)Domates çorbası da baÅŸ tacımız sofralarımızda.Nasıl sevilmez,nasıl keyifle içilmez.SoÄŸan da ayrı bir lezzet veriyor hakikaten.Ellerinize saÄŸlık gülüm,Saliha Hanım’ın da.Muhabbet ve bereketle

  67. A minute saved is a minute earned, and this saved hours!

  68. As you say it is a big rise Jeff, I suppose it depends upon how many hours you work as to the true effect it has.Thanks for the comment, welcome to the blog Christopher – Admin Team

  69. Soul vitamins? I need to take some for sure and I love the thought about what I might be able to do for the ‘first’ time. It has been too long since I’ve done something for the first time. Thanks for planting the seeds and sharing the questions worth pondering!

  70. Press blue button, select menu VIX there you will see script Runner enter that then exit outthen FTP into BOX and go to /usr/scripts which will now have been auto createdplace script into there and chmod to 755then restart BOX and go back to Script Runnerand you will find the script is now there and you can run it

  71. disse:Well… não lembro como que ativei o meu notebook… mas é certo dos vários da minha empresa, fiz um teste inicial com o home edition, mas em nenhum deles utilizamos essa versão… temos Windows 2003 Server, Linux e Windows XP… todos licenciados… é muito interessante isso, porque 15% é uma boa grana… que daria para um bom upgrade de memória ou algum outro recurso… Valeu pela dica.

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  75. Frankly I think that’s absolutely good stuff.

  76. hi, were you the booth at the xmas markets in market square in pgh pa. i am interested in another pair of earings from lithuania.. can ;you help me before xmas. i b ought one pair for one sister now the other one wants a pair… they look similiar to the ones at the top of this page. i didnt know you were only going to be at the markets for one week??/ ugh.. help… keep the family from fighting and the sisters ,sisters such devoted sisters…

  77. well lucky you were quick to reply! We’ll keep you accountable for sure. all you need to do is email us at and your welcome godies will be underway.In the meantime, why don’t you join us at the Tan tomorrow at 9.30am for our Satuday session to kick off a great weekend?Let us know

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  79. I've been having annoying page hang-ups, freezes etc ever since stable hit 2.0…I haven't seen any other complaints regarding this….I've been reporting these issues via Chrome. I've done the install/ reinstall SEVERAL times. I figure something is unique to my system….how can I proceed?

  80. A foto foi tirada sem flash e o “anjo” está no centro do palco, lugar geralmente melhor iluminado. Já a câmera não foca, sequer, o rosto do músicos que dividem o palco com o “anjo”. Com uma câmera de baixa resolução e qualquer holofote é possível reproduzir esta imagem.

  81. your hair looks very cute, and i love your jeans! i need to customize a pair of jeans, myself, and this just reminded me…when i need help listening to different music, i usually get in tune with classic rock from the 60s and i go from there. 😛

  82. entah kenapa gambaran sempurna Bagas di awal kok ngasih petunjuk kalo dia gay ya Den? tapi cara ceritanya keren kalo menurut gw. Enaaak banget dibaca.habis ini gw yakin Riani ama Bagas bakalan sahabatan dekeet banget *sotoy*

  83. Thanks for the tips you share through this blog. In addition, numerous young women who become pregnant will not even seek to get health care insurance because they worry they won’t qualify. Although many states today require that insurers supply coverage irrespective of the pre-existing conditions. Prices on these types of guaranteed plans are usually bigger, but when with the high cost of medical care bills it may be your safer approach to take to protect one’s financial potential.

  84. "He blogged before about the phenomenon of middle class whites paying for their kids to be tutored athletically as football kickers. "Many of the kickers are walk-ons. Either you have athletic ability or you don't. It would be more difficult to get a sports scholarship than it would be to study your way in to a college, any college.

  85. Ratigan will not say exactly what Geithner must have done, because Ratigan does not have any thought what Geithner or someone else in authority must have done to prevent the devastation or after they should do it. listen in order to new song

  86. I love you. This is a beautiful, yet gut wrenching post. Don't give up hope…and keep fighting that monster that tells you to let infertility become all consuming. Something that helped me through my much shorter 2.5 year infertility journey was to pray for comfort and the ability to trust in the Lord and His timing. I received that comfort and gained that trust and it made that telling time every month more bearable. I just want to give you a big hug…so, virtual hugs to you from far away. I will keep you in my prayers.

  87. What a great story behind the LO. It is such a fun page, I love the little stitching and the small circle photo wiht the big one. It looks like you had a lot of fun :)))

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  89. “Without out a doubt, Whites have been way too tolerant of blacks.”Then what do we do? Everyone talks about the problem, but no one gives us solutions. Segregation/enslavement is a solution. I am waiting for your solution. I tend to respect your opinion more than others on this site since you actually see the truth.

  90. This is TOO cute and I love that it doesn't give off the radiation!Of course I follow you with GFC, I liked Native Union on FB, and I'd love the black Hello Kitty Phone :)-Sharon

  91. skriver:Jag har väl sagt innan att jag tycker du skriver lättläst?! Du har så bra tankar och funderingar. Var rädd om och vårda den relationen du har med Gud. Han är så glad för dig.

  92. Acabar com empregos efectivos da estiva onde os salarios ultrapassam os 5 mil euros mensais, por empregos precários a contratos onde os salarios rondam os 500 euros tem imensa lógica não haja duvida!!!Isto é que é criar riqueza não haja duvida!!!

  93. Hi Bret,thanks for your awesome labour in the sport world, I herniated my low back L5-S1 and I have the same problem that Anjuly and Anna, I do not know how improve my back chain properly without squats, deadlifts and hip thrust, please can you tell us any information about this? sorry for my english and the best wishes for your book

  94. Heckuva good job. I sure appreciate it.

  95. I like that a lot. And also the line about how the sunlight caught Czernobog's gray hair and made it look "almost golden," or something. Like he's already on his way to being the god of light.

  96. Your articles are for when it absolutely, positively, needs to be understood overnight.

  97. That previous post was in response to "The Red Army proved itself incapable of conducting ANY kind of cohesive operations both when it attacked Finland and during the initial year of the war. The basics just weren't there."For some reason it left out the quote.

  98. disse:Another thing I have noticed is that often for many people, bad credit is the response to circumstances past their control. As an example they may are already saddled with an illness so that they have high bills going to collections. It would be due to a work loss or maybe the inability to do the job. Sometimes divorce or separation can send the finances in the wrong direction. Thank you for sharing your opinions on this website.

  99. Dans la catégorie des catastrophes historiques, on peut aussi mentionner celle qui donna naissance aux lacs du Claps à Luc-en-Diois. Un pan de montagne s’est effondré en 1442, barrant le cours de la rivière. Les habitants ont assisté impuissants à la montée progressive des eaux engloutissant leurs biens.Très beau site où l’on peut toujours voir les éboulis de blocs gigantesques, et la dalle inclinée à 45° qui les surmonte et a résulté de leur détachement, très impressionante.

  100. encontrei informações nos blogs Hippos, Histórias de Menina e no Sturm un drang! que acabou me levendo para O meu jeito de ser que acabou me levando para os blogs: Mãe Gaia,

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  102. This is part 2 of a report on office space in Bellingham.  In part one of that article, I wrote about the current market for office space in Bellingham and discussed the different types of office space, their location, and their pricing.  Click here to view Part 1 of the story.

  103. An intelligent answer – no BS – which makes a pleasant change

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  107. Anyone familiar with injunctions in the federal system? I noticed that the Verified Complaint didn’t actually contain plaintiff’s signature, electronic or otherwise. The PDF’s file name suggests that it was a release for the media, but it still should have a /s/ line for Ms. Keeton. Otherwise, if the feds treat it like most state courts do, that injunction will be automatically denied.

  108. Suellyn, the terrible thing about Sandy was that the damage was spread through so many states like CT. I wish we were able to make a map for every state! Please consider making a donation directly to the Red Cross, so many families are in need of their help.

  109. 92 10-10-11 spune: 1. ce monitor e? daca e lcd, el trebuie sa fie pe rezolutia nativa.2. cand se vede in ceata? se vede tot ecranul in ceata? sau doar parti? incearca sa intri intr-un joc si vezi daca si acolo e in ceata. te rog raspunde la fiecare intrebare ca sa imi pot face o idee mai clara. +68

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  112. I love it ! I'm always looking for ways to look chic while going to the gym but fail numerous times ! Well I have to say I'm very inspired by this and I will try associating a sheer top with my sports bra 😉

  113. …i HOPE the country will be smart enough, to have Yang Peiyi…sing at the closing ceremony. the damage has already been done, but the country could go out with some dignity…

  114. Field,Good points about the pull of Obama on all of us skeptics. Hey Field did you see NAS on the red carpet with white folks rocking t shirts with Nigger on them. This mofo is taken this shit too far with me.

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  119. Est ce que les personnes tuées par balles au volant de leur voiture comptent dans les statistiques? ça pourrait faire exploser (désolé pour le terme que des corses pourraient croire stigmatisant…) les chiffres!

  120. A few years ago I’d have to pay someone for this information.

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  122. Saint-Matthieu (avec 2 « t ») est le patron des changeurs (commerçants effectuant des opérations de change). Il faut en rechercher l’explication dans la bible car l’apôtre de Jésus, Matthieu, était douanier, fonctionnaire chargé des opérations de change. « A Capharnaüm, il y avait un poste de douane. Le fonctionnaire qui tenait ce poste s’appelait Lévi ou Matthieu. Il était fils d’Alphée. Un matin, Jésus l’appelle, Matthieu laisse ses registres et suit Jésus. »

  123. There is a character in the Ayn Rand novel, The Fountainhead, called .He's a newspaper proprietor who, amongst other things, seeks out art; buys it, and locks it away from public view. He does this simply to deny the public access to art.I used to think that Saatchi was the only person that did this … read what the have to say about him.Obviously, the NPG have similar ideas.ps Talking of art being bought up and hidden from the public, does anyone know where I can get copies/posters of the work of ?

  124. Recomandarea de acid folic (preconceptional si in primele 2 luni de sarcina) este foarte corecta .Nu cred ca aceste mutatii genice au stat la baza sarcinii fara embrion din antecedente.La sarcina urmatoare, va recomand un consult hematologic pentru stabilirea necesitatii unui tratament. Daca se mentin indicii de coagulare in parametri normali, sarcina se poate duce la termen fara probleme. Aceste mutatii nu dau anomalii congenitale la fat.

  125. Hey, subtle must be your middle name. Great post!

  126. Calling them “rents” might work. I’m renting this ATM for a few minutes to make a transaction. I’m renting the debit system in this restaurant to pay my bill. Hmmm. The rents in here are kind of steep.


  128. maud zegt:Gefeliciteerd met je verjaardag! Heb net je stukje over Berlijn gelezen, vind het ook een heerlijke stad. Al die leuke winkeltjes met originele dingen!Ik doe graag mee met de poster-weggeef-wedstrijd .Fijne dag!groetjes maud

  129. commented on posts as suggested in Step 1 of 5 Easy & Free Ways to Build Your List. Step 2 centers on building relationships. Be known as a resource, helpful guy or gal, or  go to

  130. spune:Din câte ÅŸtiu, principala sărbătoare a Mariei este la 15 august (“Sfânta Maria Mare&#8221, sărbătoare care se numeÅŸte oficial în biserica ortodoxă “Adormirea Maicii Domnului”, iar în plus, toate bisericile sărbătoresc NaÅŸterea Maicii Domnului (“Sfânta Maria Mică&#8221, pe 8 septembrie…Totul este legat de religie…mai mult nu pot comenta…

  131. Dr. J And the need to close the doors, sell off assets (like brand names) is labor’s fault? Really?Yes, in part. There’s plenty of blame to go around.You give a great accounting of big business, big labor, and big screwups. IMHO it illustrates how antiquated and dysfunctional the labor-vs-management mindset is. Management figures keeping workers happy is the union’s problem, the union figures keeping products relevant and pensions funded is management’s problem. No surprise that the lot of them end up on the street.

  132. Lisboa é onde vivem mais pessoas. Espero que o TCA continue. parece que esta gente só quer callcenters na capital? Até porque o que iam fazer era habitação e comercio (falta de imaginação) para isso não faltam espaços em LisboaFalta de urbanismo mas é!

  133. value and our B Corp statusStronger emphasis on the culture and the people behind the companySo a new website is indeed much more than a fresh face on an organization – it can be an opportunity to

  134. Très bonne chose de mettre des noms parfois, d’engager la responsabilité celui qui se cache sous son pseudo et qui se manifeste publiquement via Twitter, moi-même dans  »J’accuse », j’ai cité beaucoup de noms.Emile Z.

  135. The J.Crew outlet is amazing! And I love how you layered all these pieces on top without looking like you were trying too hard. It’s polished but cozy! -Erin-

  136. Bonsoir , je vois que l’article date deja d’au moins 3ans , je tenais tout de même a preciser que Sup de Pub est également présente a Bordeaux , Londres et Monaco

  137. Very helpful tips. “Once you buy a property, don’t over repair it. Fix it up to the minimal level of finish necessary to rent for the price you are hoping to obtain.” i have the experience of it.

  138. All private party vehicle sales are deemed “as is” unless noted in writing. So, the answer is actually to the contrary of what you think. No, it does not have to say “as is” on the bill of sale. You can ask for some sort of remedy from the seller, but no law forces them to give it to you, and there is no return period or “right of rescission”.

  139. the sad truth is, as someone who’s been around to see his story change year after year, i frequently would call him out on it.his response?  basically to not worry about it because his vegan message is pure and good and the cure for the world and people are better off hearing that than eating cheeseburgers and ice cream.he honestly believes lying to and misleading people is justified.

  140. Carlton.StithI wanted to thank you for this great read!! I definitely enjoying every little bit of it I have you bookmarked to check out new stuff you post…

  141. YUM! Garden fresh basil is the best on homemade pizza! I'm going to try adding roasted garlic to my pizza sauce. I usually just add oregano/basil/parsley to tomato sauce, although sometimes I season the dough and not the sauce. Anyway, thanks for the tip on grilling the dough first and for using the word "blech." I love that word and my husband thinks it's funny I use it.[]

  142. Kudos to you! I hadn’t thought of that!

  143. Benedictus tertius decimusFayçalJe cherche une rime à drachme.Merci de votre aide.Chanson du Grec ruiné.Me v’là maint’nant dans de beaux drachm’Qu’y me manque juste un polochonOù j’ puiss’ y planquer le pognonQu’ m’aura laissé le quarante CAC.

  144. This is the right blog for anyone who wants to find out about this topic. You realize so much its almost hard to argue with you (not that I actually would want…). You definitely put a new spin on a topic thats been written about for years. Great stuff, just great!

  145. Wow, this is awesome. And a film? These guys are like the Christian Pink Floyd of post-hardcore/artcore/whateveryouwanttocallit, haha. Can’t wait to hear this as Realis was one of my favorite albums last year. Love concept albums too and I’m glad more bands are attempting this sort of thing instead of albums full of ‘radio singles’.

  146. Hvor er det smukt at vælge stofmønstre, Randi! Det var en god idé, og dit paradis på Mallorca ser utroligt dejligt ud! Jeg ved, at også Provence har smukke stoffer, der minder om dem, du fortæller om.Tak for et dejligt kig :O)

  147. Such a fab giveaway, thank you. I love surprises so it would be a perfect bundle to win. I baked double chocolate chip cookies and cranberry scones today. Bakinbg keeps everyone happy.ks(dot)eyles(at)yahoo(dot)co(dot)uk

  148. It’s great to find someone so on the ball

  149. Ok, explain to me why Norwegians have elevated affinity to East Asians in terms of Fst compared to Central Europeans, yet they always cluster further west than them on intra-European plots?

  150. Ciao Licia!! Davvero lei ringrazia noi fan x il nostro affetto… ma siamo noi a doverla ringraziare perchè con i suoi libri io ho vissuto momenti indimenticabili!!!! E cmq non è stata male a cantare… dico veramente!!!! ahah

  151. I’m impressed you should think of something like that

  152. A muito tempo venho sempre aqui quando reinstá-lo meu Firefox e necessito recolocar estas pesquisas.Bom trabalho que através dos anos ainda se mantém útil.Abraços!

  153. This content is wonderfully written and smart. I know no other way to describe it. I agree with most of the points you make within this content. Thank you for writing such a great article.

  154. Ze heeft helaas niet gewonnen.. Nu heb ik zelf maar een nieuwe mand voor haar gekocht;) Foto’s volgen nog! Allemaal bedankt voor het stemmen!!

  155. I’m not that much of a internet reader to be honest but your sites really nice, keep it up! I’ll go ahead and bookmark your site to come back later. All the best

  156. ha…smpi gak veyron yang aku pesan.hah!encik,letak baik2 ye dalam garaj sye…tkut calar lak kang.Ape?dah x muat?owh,ye x ye jugak…lambo ngn bent aku dah pakai bnyak ruang..ok2,xpe..encik letak kat laman rumah je.nnt sye pasangkan canvas.

  157. O Bira não desanima mesmo! Mas um vez, obrigado.Obrigado pelo esforço, obrigado pelo post!E você ainda se pergunta, “Por que o MNP tá um sucesso esse ano?”

  158. Sep30 My sister saved this website for me and I have been reading through it for the past several hours. This is really going to assist me and my friends for our class project. By the way, I like the way you write.

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  160. Folks I had the same problem with a previous donation, just email the general MW email address:…and explain what has happened and ask for it (them) to be sent. I did so and received the books I was supposed to.Does sound like this has happened to a few people – suggest that MW reviews its process here so donors aren’t accidentally getting stiffed. For every one that mentions it there will be one who doesn’t, and they won’t donate again…

  161. Ik zou ook heel erg graag mee willen doen! Bij deze heb je er nog een nieuwe volgster bij, ik heb je blog net leren kennen maar vind het er leuk uit zien dus ga je zeker volgen. :)Dat gekke meisje onlangs geplaatst..

  162. Awesome you should think of something like that

  163. katie, I love checking your posts! they are so witty indignant (at times) and pithy. hope I can come to the january 6th performance. will give it the old college try.mayzie is coming home january 3 and yukio and I are picking her up at the airport in boston. maybe if she’s up for it we can “run” in to the city. yukes is off that week. have a lovely christmas. hugs to everyone. love, “aunt” janice

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  165. Skyi: Google Search doesn't talk directly to Google Analytics, so no, we don't look at whether you're running an experiment in Analytics and use that to influence our indexing of your site. Using rel="canonical" isn't a requirement, but .@Joni: As long as you're testing variations of what is essentially the same content (content targeted at the same visitor, filling the same need), this advice applies regardless of whether the variations are on the same domain or a different domain. So yes, I'd recommend using rel="canonical".

  166. Going off topic here, just to bring in some transfer news, Yaya Toure has signed a 5 year contract at Man City, so that’s Silva and Toure signed in a matter of 3 days. Chelsea on the other hand will confirm the appointment of Yossi Benayoun in the next 24 hours, replacing a few 30 year olds with another 30 year old, seems like we missed a trick somewhere. KTBFFHReply

  167. m1 * v1 = m2 * v2You haven’t stated how much you want to make, which is the v2 parameter. Lets assume you want 2mL of this diluted solution.m1=300mMv1=unknownm2=7.5mMv2=2mLv1=m2 * v2 / m1v1 = 0.05 mLFor the solute you want a 5% = 1:20 ratio of DMSO:PBSSo use 50uL of the original solution plus 50uL of DMSO plus 1.9mL of PBS.

  168. Oh that glazed ham looks oh so good. Can just picture what the taste would be like and it's making my mouth water!Can't wait to see the recipe for the tiramisu. Looks pretty nice 🙂

  169. Chrome Thanks for the great work you've done. Thanks for the release of the stable channel 15.0 that was long expected and described with respect to the bugs will have some problem for the end user?

  170. Gary, I graduated in May, but I am completing my last classes right now. The book was released earlier than expected and we published the information based on the assumption that the book was going to come out after I had completed classes. By the end of the month I will have my MBA.

  171. N’influencera pas directement le classement des pages = “Oue alors non, ne culpabilisez pas trop ce n’est pas utilisé directement. On fait juste un croisement avec quelques autres paramètres et d’ici quelques jours/semaines l’entreprise que vous avez déclassé aura coulé. Bisous. Google.”

  172. Creare e pensare. Pensare e creare. Gioisco con la tua felicità di vedere uscire dalle tue mani ciò che è uscito dalla tua mente. E non ti ferma più nessuno.

  173. Men åh så fint kort, helt otroligt snyggt det blev med text bakom motivet.Ett stort grattis till dit nya dt uppdrag.//Jenny/e.j.m

  174. Thank you for the sensible critique. Me & my neighbor were just preparing to do a little research on this. We got a grab a book from our area library but I think I learned more clear from this post. I’m very glad to see such excellent info being shared freely out there.

  175. Håller helt med dig. På det här sätt kan man skriva och berätta om saker som de vanliga tidningarna aldrig skulle bry sig om att skriva om.

  176. Nyfiket har jag ändÃ¥ följt Piratpartiet. Vad skulle ett parti som fokuserar pÃ¥ en enda frÃ¥ga kunna Ã¥stadkomma i EU och pÃ¥ sikt även i Sveriges riksdag? Claes LönegÃ¥rd pÃ¥ tidningen Fokus har följt Falkvinge och försöker ge en rättvisande bild av honom och hans parti.Â

  177. Super Sache! hab euch grad im Auto gehört und hätte gern die Playlist der heutigen Sendung!War das vorhin Fliehende Stürme & Russian Doctors ?Dankebye

  178. Witaj moja kochana perełko:-). Dzisiaj miałam ciężki poranek w pracy, ale gdy przeczytałam Twój wpis z wczoraj moja najkochańsza na świecie księżniczko- smutki uciekły przez okno:-):-):-). Dziękuję Ci kochanie:-):-):-). Natuniu jakie Ty masz piękne zdjęcia. Widzisz sama księżniczko ilu masz przyjaciół i ile osób Cię kocha:-):-). No bo przecież jak można Cię nie kochać:-):-*. Natusiu przesyłam miliard buziaków cmoook cmok cmok:-):-). Asiu jak było u dentysty? Pomógł Ci? Pozdrawiam baaardzo mocno:-)

  179. //பாதிகப்பட்டவனுக்கு அரசு மீது ஏற்பட்ட நம்பிக்கை இழப்பின் வெளிப்பாடுதான் குண்டு வெடிப்பு என்று தாங்கள் ஒத்து கொண்டதற்கு நன்றி. //மாக்ஸிமம் மினிமம் ஒரு விசயத்த மட்டுமாவது இங்கு தெளிவுபடுத்தினால் நன்று. இந்து வெறியர்களால் கொல்லப்பட்ட முஸ்லீம்கள் வெறுப்பில் குண்டு வைப்பது என்றால் ஆர்எஸ்எஸ் ஷாகா நடக்குமிடங்களிலும், அத்வானி,எடியூரப்பா பயங்கரவாதிகள் மீதும்தானே குண்டு வைக்கனும்? அவ்ரகள் மீது ஒரு தூசு கூட விழுவதில்லையே ஏன்? இதன் பொருள் என்னவென்று மாக்ஸிமமே விளக்கினால் நன்றாக இருக்கும்

  180. I would love to put Sharon Montrose’s Baby Deer in my livingroom. The wall between the two windows has held a silly photo of my husband and I hiding behind a sign outside a round church on Bornholm (Denmark), which was a great temporary solution when we moved into this apartment in 2008… Soon five years later, I am pretty over that temporary solution and would love to add a curious, happy-nosed baby deer to the space. I am giving myself no Christmas presents this year so I would totally feel that I (and our space!) am worth it.

  181. Hi Michelle – Sorry to hear that it wasn’t to your taste. I’ve been back a couple of times now and have never had any issues with wait times (the food always comes out super fast) or the taste of the noodles, but each to their own 🙂 I’ve never tried On Ramen before though I’ve been past it a couple of times, so will have to give that a go some day.

  182. HoaxhuntAvant les vacances, ça laisse plus que trois semaines maximum S’ils sont logiques, ils vont le faire dans les 2 semaines mini, voir cette semaine, pour laisser du temps pour corriger d’éventuels bugs et s’assurer une version "propre" jusqu’au retour de toutes les équipes en janvier. Enfin, moi, c’est que je ferais :p

  183. ach ja, weer zo’n onnozele vraagstelling waar mensen over kunnen praten, een niet-probleem een probleem maken, zodat een aantal kunnen profiteren van de islam-branche, jammer dat er een kredietcrisis is, want de subsidies zullen stoppen of minder worden, hahahaha, dan kunnen de doorsnee moslims en doorsnee niet-moslims even met gerust gelaten worden wat betreft de islam en zijne tegenreacties….

  184. "Of course, when it does reach that point, it'll really suck as we discover just how thin the veneer of civilized behaviour really is."I think the breakdown of a marriage is a microcosm for what will happen if society collapses. When you see a separated/divorced couple fighting bitterly over every little possession (and the kids), you realize how thin the shield of civility is once there's something at stake. once the illusion is broken, we'll all be in a free for all.

  185. Vanhempieni kotikonnuilla, maaseudulla Suomessa siis, on käytäntönä, että vain toinen puoli tiestä hiekoitetaan ja toinen puoli jätetään hiekkoittamatta potkukelkkailijoita ja pulkanvetäjiä varten. Se on tosin kai jonkinlainen valtakunnallisen kokeilu ja sitä varten piti pyytää lupa oikein ministeriöstä asti ja tietysti kehittää myös asiasta varoittava liikennemerkki. Mutta jos nämä talvet jatkuvat tällaisina, ehkä käytäntö yleistyy muuallakin Suomessa. Ja tänä talvena olen täällä Jäkessäkin nähnyt potkukelkkoja pitkästä aikaa.

  186. Time to face the music armed with this great information.

  187. Well, now I think everyone's going to die, not just me. That's depressing.Giving nukes to cavemen is a bad idea. Funny how nobody came to that realization when it still mattered.

  188. Hej, at betale med kort hos easyJet vide, at banker eller sparekasser tjener?Jeg har prøvet det med et Visa-kort og et genopladeligt betalingskort mastercard Ibercaja, og har ikke efterladt mig med hverkenTak

  189. Brown/hairy/fungus looking skin on girl. What is that?So I was working today and this girl came in. I have never see anything like this before. On her arms, legs, fingers, feet, and neck she had fungus/hair like skin. It wasn’t even skin it looked like the hair you would see on a teddybear or something. It was brown and fungus looking. I was just wondering what is was and what is the medical term for it. It was interesting and i was just curious.

  190. Gardner, I’m so pleased to have you drop by that I’m just going to let that Steely Dan reference pass without sanction.Hopefully you, me and Harry Dupree will get a chance to make some music next week. (Next week? YES!)

  191. – don’t overload your blog with plenty…of unnecessary, flashy or over-busy sidebar plugins. that is important because you want as little as possible to distract your blog visitors from your excellent content. and because the clutter of useless gadgets will detract from the few banners and c…

  192. 3  3Volker pispers und georg schramm sind der hammer, aber auch dieter nuhr ist einer der besten, und der trend geht definitiv eher richtung kabarett.. comedians habens schwerer siehe mario barth

  193. Conste que por ustedes comimos cereal semanassss jajajajajjajaja la verdad nadie más orgullosa que yo de tener en el DT tanto talento junto!!!! Felicidades amigas y gracias por el esfuerzo de presentar algo padre en cada reto!!!!!

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  195. Mais uma vez,o modus operandi dos comunistas e a mesma desinformação."Um grupo de ativistas alheios à manifestação da CGTP invadiu esta terça-feira uma dependência do BCP junto do Parlamento, pouco depois de ter terminado o protesto da Intersindical, de acordo com a edição online do JN.O jornal escreve que a manifestação da central sindical liderada por Arménio Carlos já tinha começado a desmobilizar quando um grupo de pessoas se destacou no local, entrando na agência do BCP."O protesto da central sindical comunista e os arruceiros a fazerem o trabalhinho sujo quando os cabecilhas se retiram.

  196. Yes, I have learned where to move on before things get really strained.  In those cases just staying quiet would probably have been the better option!

  197. … A non said… "Our future is to be a country ruled by a coalition of parasites and leftist scum." ====== Yes chickenlittle the sky IS falling. You are right Whitey – That WILL never happen. We will push your head under the sewage before we allow it to get any worse. U gonna live off me you gonna at least clean my toilets bitch.

  198. SZILASI-HORVÁTH [14] : én úgy akarok élni, hogy azt eszem, amit megkívánok:)de egyrészt pénzem sics klaviárra:DDD meg ugye akkora gyomrom sincs, hogy naponta egy tengergyümölcsei pizzát megehessek:D

  199. If information were soccer, this would be a goooooal!

  200. Busybodies make me lose confidence in my fellow man. Wendy, crawl back under whatever rock you inhabit and stay out of things you aren’t capable of understanding.

  201. I guess as Ernie blogs on Typepad he focused on that, but I definitely agree with you about WordPress. Much more flexible and adaptable place to start blogging. And as you say not that hard at all to start, no real tech know-how needed. I hope that the book inspires more newbie bloggers to start.

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  203. Thanks for posting this. I think I am being told something today as I also read a quote from the businessman and philanthropist John Paul DeJoria: “Success without giving back is like failure”. I do wish more companies subscribed to that view.[]

  204. The reason for kicking someone from fleet for not announcing war is simple. If they didn’t tell us before the site, they don’t deserve reps. Simply join fleet and say “I’m at war” and we’ll keep you generally unless it’s someone big like an alliance.PS: If you’re at war and come into a site without telling us about it, you’re gonna get NO REPS and NO CAP to you.

  205. Mira que me gustan las quiches y en mi casa no hacen nada de gracia. Tiene una pinta estupenda asi que me la anoto porque aunque sea para mi sola me la hago jajaja. Un besazo.

  206. None can doubt the veracity of this article.

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  209. 3 NodsJedi mind tricks. Love it.Something like this worked on an offline campaign here in the UK. A billboard was placed on a brick wall. The Billboard image was of the same brick wall, but they placed a window in it with a subtle image of their product in the window. People were forced to see it and pay attention to it because it was different, while being the same. Clever.

  210. UnitedWell first game over and we should have won save for Mr Styles. At least we didn’t lose 1-1s a fair result against Liverpool!! was in the blackforst and had to make do with a txt at the end of the day from Peter. Spurs on Tuesday – hopefully will get to see the game on Sky and heres hoping for the first win of the season.Martin

  211. HHIS I should have thought of that!

  212. Mickaël dit :Bonjour,Malheureusement, il n’y a pas pour l’instant d’options dans FreeNAS permettant de paramétrer une mise en veille du système. Les seules options possibles sont pour les disques durs comme tu l’as dit.Sinon tu peux trouver sur certaines carte mère des options dans le BIOS pour allumer et éteindre le PC à heures fixes, ça peut être utile même si limité

  213. Any diet that preaches total abstinence from a certain class of natural (i.e. not refined) food is constitutionally suspect in my mind. It just doesn't pass the smell test.Besides – if we're not supposed to eat animals, then why are they made out of meat?

  214. Tam,This may come as a shock to you, but there are THOUSANDS of people who look forward to reading, every day, what you have to say. I have been paying attention to you longer than this blog has has been around, by way of the original Firing Line. Your wit and snarkiness is VERY much appreciated in this age of the buffoon who is not able to string two sentences together in an intelligent fashion. Well, either that, or a lot of us just have a weakness for five foot, twelve inch blondes… 🙂 Get better…Mossyrock

  215. HOLA LOLA, buscando material me encontre con esta pagina y este tema tan interesante. yo soy tanatologa en mi pais, mexico y me intereso mucho el tema y el contenido de lo que ustedes manejan, como puedo tomar el curso en linea y donde puedo conseguir en mi pais el libro ??? saludos y un fuerte abrazo con todo mi cariño

  216. I’m not sure exactly why but this website is loading extremely slow for me. Is anyone else having this problem or is it a problem on my end? I’ll check back later on and see if the problem still exists.

  217. Ei Codruta, ce avalansa de lucruri noi in postarea asta. Chiar ma intrebam ce mai faci.Mi-am facut si eu maia uscata, dupa patania ta, daca e cineva interesat din Bucureti pot oferi.Am facut paine la test, a iesit bine, dar am avut cateva greseli. Astept in weekend sa repet figura, a fost simpatic, si mirosea de imi venea sa mor langa cuptor.Nu inteleg insa cum reusesti, cand scoti o paine, sa nu o rupi imediat , si s mananci doar doua felii pe zi. Trebuie sa incerc sa ma specializez si in ast. Altfel…..

  218. Продам очередь на Polo sedan базовой комплектации (TrendLine), готовность машины вторая неделя января. Прдам за внесенный залог — 10 т.р.9111321298 Андрей

  219. Aww, thanks Chachic! I like that we all sort of came to the same conclusions on this one. Fantasy readalongs may be the key for us. Maybe we can do one more before the end of the year? And I agree, I would love to see a really well-executed film of this book.

  220. Jeg er overbevist om at det kommer til å treffe, Jonas. Skulle gjerne hørt dere, håper jeg får en annen mulighet. Den fredagen er jeg nemlig i Brussel sammen med de andre lærerne, og da er det langt til Rælingen. Men jeg reklamerer gjerne for konserten!

  221. BolzaniPer fortuna questa volta ci viene in aiuto un ufologo:Fatevi quattro risate… ;))Mi viene da piangere a pensare che qualcuno prenda per vero certe fandonie 😉

  222. I had one of those moments too last night, when nothing seems like it will work out, when I feel like I have no clue where I’m going with my life, it’s horrible, but we all have those days. Thanks for making me feel normal Plus I LOVE THAT SONG and rapping along to eminem sounds like a good remedy I’ll have to try it next time

  223. 牛津詞典對 eldest hand 的解釋為 "the first player dealt to, usually the player immediately to the left of the dealer." Merriam-Webster Dictionary 及其他一些啤牌網站(例如 及 )的解釋也類同。 (1995) 則說: "The player at the left of the dealer who, in most games, plays first." 從一些牌戲(例如 Nimby)的規則看來,似乎 eldest hand 只是於首回合才是先手,亦即是有 opening lead,但是以後各回合,他未必是先手。

  224. Let's hope this is the last of your health hiccups and between effective healing and a forced rest, you find yourself stronger than ever and that much more hungry for the mountains. Be well.

  225. At this age, an hour is short. Baby should nap about two hours. My kitten is 12 weeks, and his naps are now short, 45 min. But in the first eight weeks, they were longer.

  226. Halfway through, I thought this would be like Fear and Loathing Part 2: Sundance Boogaloo, but apparently you forgot your suitcase of ether. (Kyra Sedgwick would have made a great Samoan attorney)

  227. Hola,He comenzado a tomar Migrasin, un comprimido antes del desayuno y otro antes de la comida y he sufrido unos desagradables efectos adversos. Mareos, taquicardias, visión borrosa, dolores fuertes de cabeza, aturdimiento… ¿Puedo ser intolerante a algún componente? ¿es posible que se dé algún tipo de “efecto rebote”? la cafeína no puede ser porque nunca me ha dado problemas.Gracias

  228. +1 Thanks for sharing. These lectures look really useful; I see that the author also has a set of other videos on machine learning and information theory: –  Dec 15 ’11 at 0:14

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  230. Väldigt lika där! :OOch båda har dom där vidriga läpparna som dom envisas med att puta med -.- I alla fall Isabelle, aldrig sett henne le, eller något annat med munnen :s Alltid duckface..

  231. Pellentesque et lacus a massa aliquam aliquet. In ultrices, ante a accumsan feugiat, dui tortor molestie est, eget porta lacus velit sed velit. Fusce porttitor eleifend nisl et ornare. Morbi vitae ligula eget leo porta mollis ut sit amet arcu. Curabitur id lectus quis elit posuere aliquam in eget metus. Fusce volutpat, leo et dignissim.

  232. 24 huitres du Trieux,bouteille de blanc bien frais,soleil printanier légèrement voiléLe voyage « météorologique » (et breton) débutera sous les meilleurs hospices.Tiens qui sait, une « baigneuse » en maillot noir sera peut-être du voyage ?

  233. Hello Gerri! I would try using about 1/2 package of onion soup mix – it will depend just how much onion flavour you would like to give to the biscuits. The way to do that is to usbstitute the amount of onion soup mix you will use for flour. I would love to know how these turned out for you – please let me know – you might have just asked a questions that will create tons of new biscuit recipes! I am going to try it with vegetable soup mix – that could be good as well!

  234. To wynika z prostego faktu ze wiekszosc artystow to albo niedorajdy albo lenie ktore wola latwa kase od firm fonograficznych albo zwyczajnie nie wpadly jeszcze na ten pomysl albo wciaz sa zwiazane umowa na kilka plyt…… ja tam tylko czekam kiedy mozna bedzie po prostu zaplacic artystom..

  235. Smelt..smelt…Han er sååå skjønn at jeg kan bare bli sittende Ã¥ se pÃ¥ han:-))Fantastisk at han er blodgiver…Natta til deg,og super dag i morgen.Stoor klem fra Randi

  236. I love the second picture of the kitchen. We had our kitchen redone last winter and I thought about black slate but was too chicken! I wish I would have seen this pic sooner:)

  237. I like to party, not look articles up online. You made it happen.

  238. Krzysiek pisze:WitamMieszkam w rydułtowach od urodzenia i na berdze byłem parę razy ale nie przypuszczałem że taterki mozna stamtąd zobaczyć, jak sie wypogodzi to ruszam o świcie na obserwacje:)

  239. Netnews has been online for any long time. It really is even more aged than the planet wide web- just what many people know as being the

  240. Hallo Ihr Lieben – Birgit und Kerstin – und alle Kehnexa Ladies, wir sind im Endspurt. Ich finde es wunderbar, wie Ihr ComputeChem unterstützt habt. Thanks a lot, Gudrun

  241. Angesichts dieser Bilder und den Newsmeldungen der letzten Woche frage ich mich nicht, ob jede andere Domain (oder Subdomain) ein solches Ergebnis erzielen kann, sondern ob es eine von Google nicht bevorzugte Seite schaffen würde. Fraglich ist doch inwiefern der Suchmaschinengigant gedreht und geschraubt hat um und dies immer noch tut.Liebe Grüße, Patrick  Seojunky

  242. Como lhe disse, os meus conhecimentos jurídicos são limitados, não sei o que decorre de quê. E nem sei se o regime de separação de pessoas e bens é em tudo igual ao do divórcio. Mas se o caramelo entregou tudo e foi malandro, a caramela não terá sido propriamente ‘enganada’ mas co-participante na fraude. Deixo isso aos tribunais, eu limitar-me-ei a ouvir.

  243. diorang tengah buat shooting, itu kat loksai la bodowww. hey minah ni, cuba la bawak2 berjalan keluar sikit. kalau payah sangat , tengok video Youtube the making of. tengok cara orang buat keje.

  244. Good article, I’ve always found blackjack interesting but a bit boring, a game you can play just to spend some time but not to increase your wallet, but now you gave me some good reasons to change my mind.

  245. ah, studenti…@ava: diamine, per colpa di Friday Prejudice Onde è diventato il mio cucciolo favorito… a ‘sto punto mi toccherà vederlo! carissima, non ho proprio la minima idea di che destino avrà Onde nel futuro. per ora qui a bologna è uscito (è al Nosadella mentre parliamo), ma pare che abbia “una distribuzione ondivaga” (la definizione è di Violetta B.). non disperar.

  246. Irriadiat : lol, oui, vaut mieux attendre que ça se développe pour voir tout ça MacSIM : merci des infos, je vais éditer l’article

  247. aaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah.OMG, DUDE STOP PLZ….PLZ, I am in tears over the after photo!The before video was terrible, but the after shot, PRICELESS.You look like you have the hair do of ALICE from the Brady Bunch.FUCK you are such a joke, no wonder you wore a hat in your next video.

  248. Yeah, I agree with Wendy. There’s no way I would have been able to go to 14 stores for a lamp. But it sounds like this lamp is really important to you so I hope you find the right one. But I love that you took a work day to do these things. Because these are all work duties. I used to be that girl backing up computers and doing blog work on the weekends so I could “work”on the weekdays. I’d laugh at the idea now.

  249. If time is money you’ve made me a wealthier woman.

  250. There’s nothing like the relief of finding what you’re looking for.

  251. Dont … @Necropulsate Dont forget Strategy games, too bad gaming PC’s cost alot… I dont want to pay a thousand dollars just to play Age of Empires lol….

  252. Unparalleled accuracy, unequivocal clarity, and undeniable importance!

  253. Szia,hát, kevés gyereket láttam még, aki izgalomba jött volna a kagylótól:)max kagyló tészta..szóval, válaszaim: 1. Zöldség: igen, mi megesszük -kanállal “levesként” a bagettel2. Nyílásszint -én sem tudtam elÅ‘ször. Aztán észrevettem, hogy a dobozra rá van írva, hogy ha picit nyitva van, az természetes, nem kell megijedni. Tehát, ha picit belelátsz, még OK, de ne legyen teljesen kinyílva. Ami viszont fÅ‘zés után zárva, az tényleg kuka.

  254. Nieważne gdzie ten spokój odnajdujemy , ważne , że czujemy się bezpiecznie , jednocześnie nie szkodząc sobie i innym .Być może , że i my kiedyś zrozumiemy , że nie odwiedzamy kościoła , bo tak nam każą przekazane wartości , tradycje.Pójdziemy tam na rozmowę i by usłyszeć ciszę.

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