الدولة العرجاء ومحاربة الإرهاب

عادة ما تطلق عبارة “البطة العرجاء” على الرؤساء الأميركيين الذين يفقدون الغالبية النيابية في الكونغرس ومجلس النواب فيتحولوّن إلى قادة دون قيادة ومسؤولين بلا سلطات تقريرية، بعد أن تصبح السلطة التنفيذية وجها لوجه مع السلطة التشريعية فتتعطل الحياة السياسية لتعيش أميركا بذلك مرحلة تسمّى بـ”البطة العرجاء”.
ولكن مع انحباس الحياة السياسية والعملية الديمقراطية تحت نير المكاسرة الحزبية بين الجمهوريين والديمقراطيين، تبقى مؤسسات الدولة والإدارة المركزية واللامركزية في عملها الدؤوب وفي صيرورة الإنتاج والإبداع دون تأثر عضوي بالحالة السياسية، وقد تستمر البطة العرجاء لسنوات عديدة معبرّة عن مشهديّة التضادّ والتناقض الإستراتيجي، ولكن لا ينسحب هذا العرج على الدولة ومؤسساتها الرسمية.
الشاهد في هذا المفصل التحليلي أنّ معظم الدول العربية التي تخوض حروب وجود ضدّ الإرهاب تعيش مرحلة “الدولة العرجاء”، حيث ينسحب الانسداد والاحتقان وعدم التنسيق والتباين والتنافر على كافة هياكل الدولة التي تصبح “دولة عاجزة” عن الديمومة والاستمرار. “الدولة العرجاء” قد تكون المقولة السياسية الأكثر تعبيرا عن حالة المعضلة السياسية والاقتصادية والعسكرية والأمنية والدبلوماسية التي تعرفها جلّ دول “الربيع العربي”.
فتونس التي شهدت مؤخرا عمليات إرهابية استهدفت عمقها الحيوي والإستراتيجي، ألا وهو السياحة، تعيش حالة من التباين والتنافر المقيت بين مطلبية اجتماعية واقتصادية ملحة وعاجلة تقودها النقابات العمالية، وبين عجز حقيقي عن خلق “موارد الثروة” وعن الاستجابة لاستحقاقات 600 ألف شاب عاطل عن العمل، الأمر الذي يفسّر اعتماد كافة حكومات ما بعد الربيع العربي سياسة الهروب إلى الأمام من خلال اعتماد منهجية الاقتراض العشوائي لا لخلق الشغل والوظيفة للعاطل عن العمل، وإنّما لإرضاء العامل وإسكات حناجر الغضب والتنديد من واقع اقتصادي مترهّل.
الأمر الذي حوّل قضية البطالة والوضعية الاجتماعية إلى “مقبرة” لحكومات ما بعد 14 يناير 2011. تسقط عندها كافة الشعارات الانتخابية بالتشغيل والنهوض الاقتصادي، وصيّرت ذات الإشكال إلى معين حيّ لاستقطاب الشباب للإرهاب وللانخراط في المجموعات التكفيرية.
ليبيا بدورها تعيش حالة من “الدولة العرجاء”، حيث تقف ما تبقى من سلطة، أو لنقل سلطات متقاتلة حتى بعد توقيع اتفاق الصخيرات، حبيسة ترسانات من السلاح الخفيف والمتوسط والثقيل المنتشرة بين أيادي مافيات “المقدس والمسدس” التي باتت تسيطر على مسقط رأس العقيد وتطلّ بـ”إرهابها وترهيبها” على الجوار الأوروبي.
على مدى أكثر من 4 سنوات بقيت ليبيا 17 فبراير عرجاء، عاجزة عن الإصلاح السياسي والاقتصادي والاجتماعي والدستوري، وحتّى الاستحقاق الانتخابي البرلماني الأخير سقط على يد دعاة “الشرعية”، لتظل بذلك ليبيا تعيش تناقضا بنيويا عميقا بين الدولة والميليشيات أو بين السلاح المنظم والتنظيمات المسلحة.
مصر بدورها تعيش نوعا غربيا من “الدولة العرجاء” حيث تزداد الهوّة باطراد بين مناصري ثورة 25 يناير 2011 وأتباع ثورة 30 يونيو 2013، فلا السابقون الأوّلون من الثوار قبلوا بثورة التصحيح، ولا اللاحقون من المنتفضين يقبلون بإعادة ذات الوجوه الإخوانية التي ثاروا ضدها في صيف 2013، وبين الطرفين تفقد مصر أهمّ أساس لإنجاح الانتقال الديمقراطي، وهو الإجماع والتوافق.
أمّا اليمن وسوريا، فلا صوت يعلو فوق صوت السلاح بعد أن استحالا مجالات توسّع لدول إقليمية ولساحة تصفية حسابات دولية بين اللاعبين الإقليمية والعالميين الكبار، وهو ما من شأنه أن يحول دون إعادة البناء والإعمار، ذلك أنّ الدولة التي تفقد السيطرة تضيّع معها السيادة والقيادة، وتصير بذلك من لاعب إقليمي إلى ملعب إقليمي.
حيال هذا التأصيل يصبح السؤال عن سبب تقاطر الشباب العربي عامة والتونسي خاصة على التنظيمات التكفيرية ضربا من ضروب الجدل البيزنطي، فالدولة العاجزة عن تسيير شؤون مؤسساتها وتأمين أفق الحلّ لأبنائها وعن الحيلولة دون تحوّل المشاكل إلى معضلات مغلقة، تقدّم شبابها هدية لداعش الذي يبني كلّ إستراتيجيته الاستقطابية على فشل الأنظمة السياسية العربية، ويقدّم نفسه “البديل” عن فاعل سياسي رسمي متأزم وعاجز وأعرج أيضا.

* كاتب ومحلل سياسي تونسي/”العرب”

اقرأ أيضا

الصحراء المغربية

منزلقات تأويل موقف روسيا من المينورسو

أثار التصويت على قرار مجلس الأمن الدولي بخصوص التمديد لبعثة المينورسو جدلا كبيرا في مختلف …

258 تعليقاً

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  18. 17bלגבי כמות השאלות, אודה לך אם תחפשי כמה פוסטים אחורנית. נדמה לי שביום שלישי בבוקר העלתי את כל השאלון במלואו לבלוג.באשר לשאר שאלותיך, יש נתונים. אני צריכה עוד לקבלם. ואפרסם מה שיהיה בידי.

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  26. Hello FamilyI am glad to hear everything went well! I wasn’t able to be home yesterday due to furnace failure, and stayed at my gma’s with Annika to stay warm, but I was thinking and praying for you today! I hope Mom and Dad are doing well too!

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  28. Knowing nothing about cats with the exception that they cause my eyes to itch, how many toes (fingers, digits?) does a cat normally have? In my house it’s a dog’s world, and that dog wants to get better “aquainted” with an orange striped cat roaming free in the neighborhood. Wonder if she might be part coyote.

  29. Now that I'm back and in the swing of my full-time job again, I'm finding it harder and harder to cook (and then blog about it!), but one way I'm working on making sure my food is homemade is to double foods when I can and freeze the second batch. I use those on the nights that I just don't feel like cooking or when I would have ordered a pizza or popped a frozen dinner into the oven (before living abroad).The one unfortunate thing about cooking at home that I've noticed since returning is that food prices have skyrocketed in the last year. 🙁

  30. That’s a well-thought-out answer to a challenging question

  31. Dank u zeer………heb ik wel vaker te horen gekregen en neem aan dat zielige mensen van u dus de mond gesnoerd mogen worden en hun rechten als mens zonder slag of stoot door de machtigen der aarde moeten laten vertrappen…..?..

  32. on item Nº7, things that you’d like to be paid for.I’d go along with everything that you’ve written, but I don’t quite understand Nº6 in things that make you mad, does game player mean something different on your side of the pond, or do you mean someone who tries to muck about with your head, if you do, I’ll go along 150% with you on that.Hugs. :-)Paul.

  33. That’s a clever answer to a tricky question

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  56. Ouch, I guess I fall in with the guys on this one. I like watching a movie over and over again but my hubby doesn’t get it. I actually loved The Blind Side and I am not a sports nut.

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  68. I literally jumped out of my chair and danced after reading this!

  69. Hey Brandon.. I really need some help here! i am only 13 years old and i need a six pack and loose a lot of my weigh, can u help me, as you know i am only 13 years old, so i’m not so strong as other at 16-17. do you think you can help me? i have seen many other programs where they do many thing.. If you really want to help me, you can make some home workouts to me??.. (sorry that my english sux) and can u help me to explain all that cardio things.. i don’t understand that

  70. Hola amigo Rafa, lo que ha quedado patente es que tanto derecha como izquierda se ha movilizado a tope, quedando claro que hay una mayoría progresista en nuestro país.Espero que el Presidente tome nota y se vuelque en hacer política de izquierda, de la derecha nunca se arrancará ni un solo voto. Unidos somos más.Quiero dar un abrazo a los compañeros socialistas de IU, no nos engañemos, socialistas somos todos y desde muy pequeñitos supimos que nuestro corazón era socialdemócrata.

  71. I'm trying to make it easy for visitors to post a review with Google maps and it would help if I knew whether they had an account with Google already or if they need to create one. Then I could give specific directions on creating an account or bypass the directions and go straight to my page. Is it possible to tell if a person is logged into Google from my website?

  72. Good information here. I appreciate that you put Nizoral along with an hairintegro. I’ve been using both and I think it works better than the other things I’ve used, including procerin. Procerin is a fine product I’m sure, unless you REALLY want to see soem results and then I’d stick to a good minoxidil treatment with an oral supplement and nizoral shampoo twice a week.

  73. K JP: :-)))PS: taky mi pÅ™ijde důležitÄ›jší, nakolik je důslednÄ› uplatnÄ›n princip respektu k autonomii vůle smluvních stran a jsou opouÅ¡tÄ›ny nástroje veÅ™ejnoprávní, kterých je platný ObčZ stále plný, ale my je moc nevidíme, protože “v myslích a srdcích” stále máme socialistický normativní systém (a dlouho budeme mít). Navrhovaný ObčZ je oproti pÅ™ipravovanému TrZák skutečnou zmÄ›nou, ne novelou. A je zákonem transformovaným do nového ústavního prostÅ™edí, což je u i po 15-ti letech stále výjimečné (příklady nechÅ¥ si dodá každý sám).Eliášův ObčZ je mi mj. sympatický i svou přímočarostí a tím, že své zámÄ›ry neskrývá.

  74. Thanks, everyone!Funny thing is, I don’t wear heels anymore, except to J’s business holiday party or an occasional wedding. But I still do love them. I own exactly one pair of mid-height sensible heels. Doesn’t stop me from lusting after the sexy shoes, though.

  75. One fascinating (I hope) thought that just struck me…do we also need to talk about the social extranet? What is the role that the social intranet plays in helping people interact with customers, suppliers, and partners?

  76. I think the admin of this web page is truly working hard for his site, for the reason thathere every data is quality based stuff.Also visit my web blog –

  77. “Solar panels would be impractical for cycling.”I would think a panel could be sewn into a riders jersey. you only need a small square to keep a small battery charged. Similarly you could have a small generator (a couple of ounces) that worked with the brakes so that the rider never had to pedal against the resistance.

  78. PIADAHoje estou bem humoradoUm dia um alferes "pára" pede apoio para orla de uma pequena bolanha onde foi detectado movimento IN..feito fogo a "ameixa" cai no meio desta..nova indicação daquele…mais 50m..|!!! 50 m ?…novo fogo… a "ameixa" cai no interior da mata…menos 5o m…diz ele… 50 m ?? ..não consigo.. olha recua a bolanha…!!!!!.Posteriormente expliquei-lhe que a diferença mínima que poderia fazer fogo era de 100 jardas = 90 metros mais ou menos.Preciosismos..era o que eraC.Martins

  79. WASHINGTON MUT INC SUB NT 8.25000% 04/01/2010Basic AnalyticsPrice (Ask) 95.501Yield to Worst (Ask) 10.595%Yield to Maturity 10.593479% OK, I told you guys to bout the countrywide bonds, that should shoot back to par if they got taken over. I am “guessing” the wamu bonds will pop to par if chase makes a move. If not YTM is almost 11% and the only risk is they have a complete bankruptcy. Seems the vultures screw the commmon stockholders on the deal but they can’t screw the bondholders.

  80. Call me wind because I am absolutely blown away.

  81. , I’m excited for the season to start. It will be fun to see how the team has improved and to see how these new guys fit in. I’m baffled that Alexander wasn’t given that starting spot for this game. It must be that root canal, because he is the most explosive player on this team.

  82. I’ve heard the saying before that a market downturn will detect cases of fraud that auditors never even suspect. On the contrary, I suspect many a fraudster will use the downturn as his cover story for where all the money went: “Ooops, I had it all in Citigroup and GM, who couldda’ known?”

  83. Mbah, saya kalau melayat dan punya waktu sampai mengantarkan jenazah ke makam, maka bagi saya wajib melihat jenazah dimasukkan ke liang lahat. Itu sebagai cermin bagi saya bahwa saya nanti juga akan seperti jenazah itu.

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  85. here at Eat Sleep Breathe Music have been a fan of Action Item since we saw them in the Break Finals in 2009. The Bergen County, quintet is comprised of Brian Cag (vocals/guitar), Anthony Li

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  91. i love your sweater! it immediately reminded me of johnny rotten, which i realized was what you were going for when i read the next line. i like that you pair it with a feminine dress.

  92. I will not start any more new projects until I finish most of what I have going. But this quilt is too cute. First time I've seen it I think. Thanks for sharing with us!

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  94. Buenas tardes, Dios quiera que este temporal pase pronto y que no ocacione daños a personas ni a sus viviendas.Les agradeseria me comunicaran para cuando se trasladaria la carrera.Saludos

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  98. Se a Mercedes ficar com Nico e Nick, seus carros vão andar do terceiro posto para trás. O unico piloto bom à disposição é o Kimi. E tem que ser êle!

  99. Ã¥h…..ja nu glemte jeg lige i farten, at komme med et bud pÃ¥ en nedtællingskalender,kan man ikke bare have et mÃ¥lebÃ¥nd (evt. hjemmelavet) hvor Tobias hver dag, klipper et tal af.

  100. Pois…deve ser mesmo o Adrien de saída…precisamos é de 2 centrais e de um extremo para fazer de sissoko…enfim, o david simão tb pode jogar na ala, pelo que os centrais é que eram importantes.FAndrade

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  103. Anna Elisa Soares comentou em 18 de agosto de 2011 às 23:40. Julia,tentei olhar nos posts antigos e não consegui identificar o número do segundo pincel (sem ser o chanfrado) que você usou no acabamento do delineador. Qual é?Beijos, você é incrível, mulher!

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  110. ns:only racists believe that all rich black men are ball players.millions of blacks own stock and land just as whites do.quietly and individually unlike you jews who tend to enjoy flaunting your public media empires etc…i get that!must be nice!

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  112. Jim GarrettHi Laurie:m mThe self portrait is a watercolor painted over the image (Guttman #20). Herb purchased it in the late 1950′s or early 60s out of a large collection in Ohio, Recently Herb has become somewhat suspect. It is however, an interesting piece.

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  125. Shanghai can be super cold. It boggles my mind how some of the apartments cost so much without decent heat. I was there in the winter 3 years ago staying at a relatives and my mom and I were sick for almost a month. From that point on, I only stayed in hotels. Btw how are the bathrooms in Shanghai now? I was there last May and the shopping mall bathrooms are still very dirty compared to HK shopping malls.

  126. It's this simple…do to others what you would have them do to you.So…in the case of tattooing pigs or any animal,get their permission first.If that's not possible..then leave them a-FUCKING LONE! In other words…you have no right to exploit animals in this way,ya knob!

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  129. Motivation ? Si vous êtes dans une super soirée, bien éméché, qu’il n’y a presque plus de gniole mais que vous n’avez pas envie de rentrer par peur de la gueule de bois, vous chanterez les louanges du mec qui vient de trouver des bouteilles de pinard sous un carton au fond de la cave, même si c’est de la piquette…

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  132. Régniez « aiguilleur du ciel »?Ici toujours zélé « aiguilleur des rails »!Vers où l’on sait tristement.

  133. It’s a pleasure to find such rationality in an answer. Welcome to the debate.

  134. Lieve gerda,die prachtige vlinder neem ik mee.Ik ga naar de zon.Wanneer???Dát weet ik nog niet.maar de zon, de zon…ik mis 'm!!!Liefs van Marlou.

  135. Enlightening the world, one helpful article at a time.

  136. It is a known fact that governor Chime has not been in sound health all the while. He has been reported to be debilitating and in an instance, he was reported to have collapsed in a function. It is sad that PDP, his party, refuses to address the issue appropriately. The fact that his deputy is acting is not enough reason to keep an incapacitated and non-functional governor in office.

  137. !!!Thanks a lot, Quico. Seriously made my day. You all here know I am a very atypical oppo guy. But, differences and all, I am proud and supportive of the campaign that was run by Henrique et al. It was good, fair and a great effort. To see it tarnished like this incensed me, pretty much in the same way that incenses me the tarnishing of the ideals of social justice by a personality cult.

  138. So much info in so few words. Tolstoy could learn a lot.

  139. You are so kind with your thoughts and comments. I had so much fun writing all these months, but sadly the story had to end this way. Some books have sad endings, but don’t end without hope. After your stressful meetings… deep breathing, perhaps? Or a nice cup of tea?Hugs Ann… It’s been great getting to know you! ; )

  140. December 17, 2010 at 11:45 amI think the change I’ve experienced in my own life has been such an amazing thing over the last year. Learning to say no is something that I’ve had to work on over the course of my life. But I feel like it definitely brings a sense of balance to everything that you are experiencing. We sometimes get into people pleasing and that ends up being kind of a train wreck when we go too far down that path. Reply

  141. general ai nostri au un stil caracterizat prin “arunca si inchide”. Adica… arunca vorba si inchide urechile.Si intr-adevar, confirmarea teoriei vine fix din agitatia creativa a combaterii ei.

  142. thanks a lot , sure helped me out , iam not quite sure whether u can answer this , i mean u never mentioned about the laster s2 , do u have any idea whats the difference in the model and any benifits apart from the phone make from skype functions ….

  143. Kenneth,Excellent points. Most of the defenders of this new doctrine use their own logic as the confirmation of its truthfulness even calling the validity of the Scriptures suspect.I have had the displeasure of being involved in these type groups and from it have grown to love the security of the Word.

  144. Murat Sonmez / 21 Mart 2012Ben teşekkür ederim Güven röportajı kabul ettiğin için.Herkes kamera karşısında teklemeden konuşacak diye bir kural yok. Burada önemli olan Türk oyun sekötürü için yapılan çabalar.Cevaplamak için giriş yapın

  145. Well I’m glad I’m making someone jealous. Truth be told, they only jumped that high after all my stumbleupon/reddit malarkey, I’ve stopped with all that business and they have dropped back down. But, it’s not all about stats, or at least it shouldn’t be. Blog like no one is watching.

  146. Alegrémonos de que hayan incumplido otra más de sus promesas electorales. Podrían haber congelado las pensiones y decir con toda propiedad que no las habían tocado… Espero que esto no lo lean los del gobierno, puedo darles malas ideas.Saludos

  147. In ceramics classes, I start with pinch pots. I love seeing, and being able to show, that it’s a basic technique, not a JUST a beginner technique. Thanks for this post! More ‘ammunition’ to counter the excuses that they’ve already learned that! 🙂

  148. LindaNY,Yes, that’s what I read, too. He was set up. Are you talking about the DC Madam’s client list? I just read a recent article on the release of a couple of names never before mentioned. One was Rumsfeld. Big Surprise. Can’t remember the other one that was revealed. I’ll try to find it for you, if you haven’t seen it.

  149. Ale, no tak, Anonyme :-)..”očekáváte, že levicoví disidenti ( zÅ™ejmÄ› vy) budou ostÅ™elováni paprsky z radaru?”Zkoušíte tu naÅ¡i inteligenci?Radar střílet nemůže. Ale jako záminka pro případný “zvací dopis” je naprosto dostačující.

  150. I didn’t realise you were expecting! I’m sorry to hear that you were having a rough time, may this last month be good to you. I love that giraffe by the way, utter cuteness.I agree that baking is a great way to relax and destress, and bread is ideal as it involves kneading. I always tell people I find it therapeutic and they look at me like I’m mad.

  151. #Ajka, najgorzej jest, jak pada caÅ‚y czas. Ale takie Å›wieże powietrze po deszczu jest fajne 🙂 I ja tu chyba nie mam wyjÅ›cia, jak ten deszcz ignorować. I wbrew pozorom Nuno znosi tÄ™ dziwnÄ… pogodÄ™ lepiej niż ja…

  152. Beth disse:VivianNem fala!Estava tudo muito lindo. Há muitos anos eu não via um inverno tão agradável, com neve seca… E o que era aquele sol? Parecia até que combinaram com os Céus, risos. Neve de noite e sol de dia…BjosPS. Eu também usei Visa/Master com chip sem problemas

  153. There is a difference between learning how to use HIT and just putting course materials online. The dot-com craze showed that simply transporting an old-school model to the shiny technology du jour, versus actually utilizing the strengths of the technology in a mindful way.

  154. The Samoans don’t have any problem with transgender males; they believe there are three genders. Parents identify boys whom they consider fa’afafine rather than male or female, and they raise them as girls. They are considered highly valuable members of the family group.

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  156. Keep it coming, writers, this is good stuff.

  157. I agree, in this article there some points which I think don’t concern real life in Prague. In order to have right opinion about Prague, you should not only visit it, but live here.

  158. Sweet blog! I found it while surfing around on Yahoo News. Do you have any suggestions on how to get listed in Yahoo News? I’ve been trying for a while but I never seem to get there! Cheers

  159. This is both street smart and intelligent.

  160. Est-ce que ce serait une poussée de négativisme…? Si ça se passerais toujours comme tu le dis, personne ne serait en couple! On attire ce qu’on dégage. Si t’attires rien… c’est que tu dégage rien!

  161. Also, it's not correct that jobs like "mathematician" and "computer engineer" are inherently low stress. I'm pretty sure that being a computer engineer at Apple, working on the iPhone, with deadline time approaching, was a pretty high-stress job. And being a mathematician at NSA, in the aftermath of 9/11, was probably even higher stress.There really is a shortage of good information & analysis for kids who are trying to choose careers.

  162. What kind of hipster hasn’t heard Daft Punk? He’s an embarassment to hipsters everywhere. Granted, Daft Punk doesn’t always do it for me (I have to be in the mood to listen, even to a gem like Homework) but what a douche. I don’t think I would ever question a cab driver’s choice in music, especially after seeing the Big Lebowski on constant loop during the college years.

  163. This last weekend a friend brought me a BIG armful of Forsythia – a wooden branch filled with star-shaped yellow flowers. As I propped them up in a tall vase I felt like spring had entered my home…and along with it, hope. It was the most simple of joys and it did well for my heart.

  164. Em đã gửi một vài câu hỏi . Khi nào nghĩ thêm em sẽ gửi tiếp. Câu này cũng khá thú vị:Tại sao có người bị hói đầu khi về già?

  165. I get one or two acne pimples every month, and it hurts. Even though I’ve never had as much as you, I can image what it feels. I’ve had more blackheads and small white pimples than real acne, but I still felt horrible. And I wear glasses and was top of my class. It didn’t help, at all. The little girl I tutor has pretty bad acne, too, and I’ve been helping her get through it. A few of my friends had bad acne, and it got better in their early 20s. So don’t worry. =)

  166. Hey sieht super aus!Das mit den Widgets(Gadgets) ist eine super Idee. Kann man dies dann von jeder beliebigen Seite, z. B. labpixies.com in die directbox einfügen?Ist schon raus, wann das Ding der Öffentlichkeit vorgestellt werden soll? Bin gespannt.

  167. Salut.Am castigat de curand o excursie in poiana brasov si am 6 luni la dispozitie in care sa ma duc(sejurul are 3 zile).Intrebarea mea pt cei care ati fost sau sunteti de-ai locului:Cand sa ma duc acum?in iarna(sunt nebun dupa ski)?in primavara?Multumesc!

  168. Ya learn something new everyday. It’s true I guess!

  169. Hi Barney,A very nice post. I’m sure you are being a little modest in your appraisal of your weaknesses and strengths but actually I think you are right to focus on understanding what is missing.Keep up the great writing.James

  170. I am the oldest of three sister and one brother. In different ways I feel I can relate with both sisters so far. As the oldest it seems that I also am doing the responsible thing vs. the fun and wild, which seems that people take for granted. When you would like to let that wild side go.

  171. Så godt at ho har deg til vennine..Kjenner varmen du formidlar heilt hit..Ja-livet snur seg brått mange gongar..Mange gode tankar til di kjære vennine..

  172. UNIVERSAL SEARCH IS AWESOME!!I also agree that the navigations on the top are too confusing. Some people I know are now using Yahoo images instead of Google because they say it’s more simple.

  173. Ma predvečerje uz TV mi spamaju s takvim “reportažama”, odem online isti ljudi iste spike..Å to se GW tiće može potrajati od par dana do par tjedana, sve ovisi kad će ekipa poslati/odobriti novi set pozivnica, a ostaje nam samo čekanje, do Božića bude hehe 🙂

  174. As a movie fanatic, I would say take French Film. If you enjoy movies, no matter the work needed for the class, you may be a lot less stressed from that class than the others ^^

  175. Gjorde dom så utan att fråga er först att det var okej? ;)Fy vad taskigt ;)Tråkigt att en tradition bryts. Ni får hitta på något annat roligt.Kram på dig!

  176. Hallo Christoph,toll dass Du ein Treffen in Bad Meinberg organisiert hast. Kannst Du mir Infos/Kontakte zu den Aktionen in anderen Städten nennen? Grüße, Mareike

  177. Il Dio di Gesù Cristo, per chi non lo sapesse, è il Dio trinitario.Si viene infatti battezzati nel nome del Padre, del Figlio e dello Spirito Santo.Lei è un uomo dalla coscienza per così dire “intorpidita”.Svegliatevi! come titola l’omonima rivista.Fatelo davvero, però. E’ quasi tardi.

  178. What can be used to water proof and block stains on grout in a bathroom floor and shower area, also in kitcen where food and grease may get spilled? I tried some stuff sold at Home Depot and it didn’t help at all. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Anne

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  180. I think it’s an ‘ok’ idea. I’ve never been super excited about? it as the iPad, I feel, has the perfect size. I don’t think the iPad Mini is necessary, but I can see why it would be convenient. We’ll probably talk about it in a future episode so stay tuned – George (@JorjLim)

  181. c1האם אפשר להתשמש גם בקולט שמש ישן גם שטח פנים יותר גדול וגם מוכן עם זכוכית כבר , האם זה גם פראקטי לשימוש ?21

  182. What a lucky friend to receive this fab card!! Love the colours and the embellishments xx I purchased this on monday so now I have an idea! Must dash have a lovely weekend xx

  183. i was deeply touch by Nick’s video when I first time saw it .How can a people face bravely everything that he had lost. I cherish what i have more than before.

  184. Deadly accurate answer. You’ve hit the bullseye!

  185. Geez, that’s unbelievable. Kudos and such.

  186. Monsieur le penseur, ich muß dem verehrten Herrn Lebenskünstler beipflichten: Solange bei uns was zu holen ist, wird uns genommen werden. Und je mehr wir uns erarbeiten und ersparen, desto mehr wird uns genommen werden. So einfach ist das. Empirisch festgestellt.Nescio

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  188. I found myself nodding my noggin all the way through.

  189. Så skjønn! Ligner på min Honningblomst, Henning, som nå er 18, men var like smørblid og rund som din lille prins da han var liten. ;-)Artig å følge bloggen din, mye forskjellig, det liker jeg. God helg, fra Eirin.

  190. I see it like you do, sardelapasti. They huffed, and puffed, but they can’t blow Obama’s house down. It’s a brick house, mighty, mighty. Hagel will be confirmed.

  191. Hun har den fedeste butik! Min onkel og tante bor lige i nærheden 🙂 Jeg har ikke glemt din mail – er "bare" startet pÃ¥ arbejde efter barsel :/Rigtig godt marked 🙂

  192. Bardzo dziękujemy za koncert dla rodziców, który odbył się w naszej szkole-ZSS nr 103 w Poznaniu. Było to dla wszystkich niezapomniane przeżycie i dostarczyło wielu wrażeń. Koncert był po prostu wspaniały. Życzymy wielu dalszych sukcesów.

  193. , the calls go to the team that is moving the ball and moving its feet.–Orlando, like the Lakers, did not look much like they wanted to play today. Maybe playing at home on Christmas is harder than playing on the road.

  194. – I see the leashes twisting? How can you possibly keep all of the dogs moving together without all of the leashes getting all tangled up? That’s why there is only 2 of us! One for each hand?HugsThor and Marco Polo

  195. exactly, scamp.The thing is you wouldn’t expect a ‘normal’ ad from arguably the best agency in town and one of the best directors in Britain. Even if it’s for Asda. How did Meadows agreed is beyond me.Blame the client all you want but what about this new Orange ad. Same agency, great director, great client, same outcome: wallpaper.

  196. Thanks Teri, and well done. It takes an act of will to start a regular volunteer gig with such young kids! But I’m surprised how smoothly it went. I just posted our first experience, and I have to say, it was surprisingly smooth.Thanks for your well wishes… What does your five-year-old have to say about your deliveries? And do you take the same route most of the time, or do you switch it up?

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  202. People have a right to have opinions, and the conservative government seems to be working only for the interest of big oil and a corrupt American government. I don’t want a north American union, I like Canadian sovereignty just the way it is thank you! If the military really existed to protect its people, it would listen to the common man. Its time the human race as a whole stopped thinking you can kill for peace. Its as irrational as Bush himself.

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  205. I did assume that the wingnut Cons wanted wage crashes just for the faint and statistically remote hope of having slaves/servants.My friend indicated that it was also removing the 'barriers to entry'. With cheap, cheap teaching wages…all those elites with their degrees and experience and standards and honesty will look elsewhere…opening the door for the woefully incompetent.The modest wage keeps wite losers from eve being considered. At $30K/year…you would never hire Goober or Heeyuck. But at $8K/year..the pay matches their skill level.Mold

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  208. …socrates is not mold and he's not V whatever that name was that AB made upDont deny reality because you hate AB and she "made up a name" look for the patterns. They are very obvious and one and the same, the fake black guy who is really a white guy is MOLD/Socrates and the vulgar anon. By the way, it means someone who is Vulgar thus calling them Vulgar and someone who is an anon thus calling them anon, put together they are descriptive – Vulgar Anon, hope that helped you .

  209. Great stuff, you helped me out so much!

  210. Rodrigo escreveu: document.write(’10 de dezembro de 2008 as 17:30′); falou tudo! Estevão Mortare escreveu: document.write(’10 de dezembro de 2008 as 16:14′); Eita nois, e eu pensando que nao existia panelinha na blogosfera….Gostei dos termos ( umbigosfera/egosfera ) Miguel Mascarenhas escreveu: document.write(’10 de dezembro de 2008 as 15:52′); FATO! Blogs 1 de outubro de 2010 21 de maio de 2010 20 de janeiro de 2010 23 de dezembro de 2009 18 de dezembro de 2009 Últimas Notícias Outros Destaques Mais Comentados 5 de junho de 2007 24 de março de 2011 7 de março de 2007 8 de fevereiro de 2010 30 de maio de 2010

  211. ain’t it crazy how life goes upside down when you have a kid? I mean, but nuts. your husband sounds lovely and I think he made the right choice, sacrifice though it may seem at the moment. yay for you guys. :pxoxo

  212. Nu føler jeg mig endnu mere heldig med en Lea i huset. Hun trives her og jeg sender dig tit tanker. Det er jo finurligt, med de dukker du laver, de er allesammen smukke, men hver gang tænker jeg, at vores Lea er den smukkeste.I taknemmelighed og med ønsker om et godt nytår til dig og dine.Helle.

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  217. So many fantastic ideas!!! I love the napkins rings and I am serving coffee in white and gold mugs with matching dessert plates…these would be perfect!!! I need more time!!!Karen 🙂

  218. That sure looks healthy and quite filling. In fact, I'm surprised seeing red lentils in a salad, because I've mostly cooked the yellow/green/red lentils into the Indian 'dal' – so I'm finding it interesting to try it in the form of a salad. Thanks for sharing!

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