روسيا والورطة السورية

يبدو أن الموقف الروسي من الأزمة السورية بدأ يتجه إلى التورط العسكري المباشر، إذ تناقلت وكالات الأنباء والفضائيات أنباء الجسر الجوي الذي بدأته روسيا لإمداد النظام السوري بمختلف أنواع الأسلحة، وهو شيء ليس بالغريب بالنسبة للمراقبين للموقف الروسي منذ بداية الأزمة، إذ عبرت عن دعمها للنظام السوري سياسياً من خلال حمايته في مجلس الأمن الدولي باستخدام الفيتو ثلاث مرات، واستمرارها بدعمه بأنواع الأسلحة والخبراء كافة، بحجة تنفيذ عقود سابقة بين البلدين، لكن التطور اللافت هو إرسال معدات وجنود وأنباء عن إقامة قاعدة جوية قرب اللاذقية، وكذلك قاعدة بحرية أخرى في مدينة جبلة الساحلية، وعبر عدد من المسؤولين الروس وعلى رأسهم الرئيس بوتين عن استمرار الدعم للنظام وبالأشكال كافة، وهو مؤشر واضح وخطر يبين أن الجانب الروسي ممكن أن يتدخل عسكرياً لحماية النظام من الانهيار.
لقد شعرت روسيا في الآونة الأخيرة أن النظام بدأ يفقد السيطرة وبتسارع على العديد من المناطق، ومني بسلسلة من الانتكاسات العسكرية خلال الأشهر الماضية، كان أهمها فقدانه الشبه كامل لمحافظة إدلب وريفها، وسيطرة جيش الفتح على مدينة إدلب وهي مقر المحافظة، ومدينة جسر الشاغور الاستراتيجية، وكذلك مدينة أريحا والاستيلاء على مطار أبوالظهور العسكري في المحافظة، الذي يعد ثاني أكبر مطار عسكري في سورية، لتصبح هناك محافظتان بالكامل خارج سيطرته هما إدلب والرقة، إضافة إلى فقدانه لمدينة تدمر التاريخية في الريف الشرقي لحمص.

أما في بقية المناطق، وفيما عدا مناطق الساحل، اللاذقية وطرطوس، فسيطرته تتقلص كل يوم. ففي محافظة درعا، فتقتصر ســيطرته تقريباً على ما يســمى بالمربع الأمـني في المدينة، وشــريط يوصل من خلاله المؤن والأسلحة لعناصره والميليشيات المتحالفة معــه، وتتعرض مناطق سيطرته للهجمات بشكل شبه يومي، وكذلك في القنيطرة وحلب ودير الزور، وحتى السويداء التي كانت بعيدة عن الهجمات، أصبحت خلال الأشهر الماضية في قلب الأحداث، إضافة إلى العاصمة التي أصبحت شبه محاصرة من الريف الشرقي والجنوبي، وتتعرض للقذائف بشكل شبه يومي، لذلك بالنظر إلى الخريطة السورية، نجد أن النظام فقد السيطرة على الجزء الأكبر من الدولة السورية، ومستمر بفقدان الأجزاء الأخرى.
إن مشكلة اللاجئين السوريين شكلت أزمة ومنعطفاً خطراً في الأزمة السورية وطريقة التعاطي معها، وتُعتبر أزمة اللاجئين السوريين واحدةً من أكبر وأطول وأعقد الأزمات الإنسانية في العصر الحديث، إذ وصل عدد اللاجئين السوريين المسجلين لدى المفوضية السامية للأمم المتحدة لشؤون اللاجئين أو في طور التسجيل، وحتى نهاية شهر أيار (مايو) 2015 نحو 1.7 مليون في تركيا، و1.1 مليون في لبنان، و628 ألفاً في الأردن، و249 ألفاً في العراق، و134 ألفاً في مصر، عدا اللاجئين في الدول الأخرى، لكن نحن الآن في منتصف سبتمبر، إذ ارتفع هذا العدد بشكل كبير جداً، نتيجة للحرب المستعرة في البلد، لذلك يبدو العدد وصل إلى أن نصف السكان هم لاجئون، سواءً في الداخل أم الخارج، أي أكثر من 9 ملايين لاجئ، وهي أزمة المسبب الرئيس فيها هو النظام، من خلال عسكرته للأزمة والتعامل معها بشكل أمني وعسكري مطلق.

للمزيد:عندما يسخر الجلاد من ضحاياه وشهود مجازره!!
يبدو أن روسيا راهنت على استمرار قوة النظام وسيطرته على الوضع من خلال دعمها اللامحدود له، لكنها استشعرت في الآونة الأخيرة أن النظام بدأ يتآكل وقوته بدأت تضعف والجيش فقد الكثير من جنوده، ولم يكن هناك تعويض، فالشباب لا ينخرطون في الخدمة الإلزامية، والضغوط الداخلية والخارجية تزداد عليه يوماً بعد يوم لإيجاد حل من خلال رحيل الأسد، لذلك أرادت روسيا أن تظهر للقوى الأخرى أنها ستقدم أشكال الدعم كافة لهذا النظام، هادفة إلى رفع معنوياته ومن حوله أولاً، ومحاولة للضغط على الآخرين لتغيير مواقفهم ولو بشكل بسيط يحفظ لروسيا ماء الوجه ثانياً، والهدف الروسي هو حماية النظام والتمسك برئيس النظام، وتخير العالم بين النظام والرئيس أو الإرهاب والفوضى، لكن لا تستطيع روسيا تسويق مشروعها، لأن الوضع أصبح الآن خارج سيطرتها، فورقة النظام التي تتمسك بها آخذة بالضعف يوماً بعد يوم، والمجتمع الدولي غير قابل لوجود رئيس النظام، مما يجعل روسيا في موقف لا تحسد عليه، فاختارت التصعيد علها تستطيع من خلاله إيجاد حل وسط يكون حبل إنقاذ لها.
لقد شعرت روسيا وإيران بخشية فقدانهما لمصالحهما في سورية التي يمثلها النظام، وما يدور في اليمن، وقيام المملكة بتشكيل تحالف عربي عسكري وسياسي، لمواجهة جماعة الحوثي وميليشيا صالح، حماية لليمن وشعبه من الفوضى، وتجنيبه عدم الاستقرار، وتحجيم التدخل الإيراني، بل اجتثاثه، لم يكن بعيداً عن سياسة الدولتين تجاه سورية، لذلك تحاول روسيا وبالتنسيق مع إيران، استباق فكرة تشــكيل تحالف عسكري تقــوده الدول العربية للتدخل البري، ومــؤيد دولياً لمحاربة الإرهاب في ســورية، فالنظام يستــفيد من وجود الإرهاب ونموه، سواءً في الداخل أم الخارج، لأن الإرهاب والنظام يستفيدان من بعضهما في سورية، لذلك يكــون هذا التحالف في النهاية ضــد الإرهاب والنظام، لأنهما يستفيدان من بعضهما، ووجــودهـــما مرتبط ببعضهما، والخاسر الوحيد هو الشعب السوري المغلوب على أمره. يستغرب العديد من المراقبين والمحللين الخطوة الروسية التصعيدية في سورية في توقيتها، وكذلك جغرافيتها، إذ زارت العديد من الشخصيات السياسية الرسمية روســيا في الأشهر الماضية، لإيجاد حل للأزمة السورية يحفظ لسورية مؤسساتها ومقدرات شعبها، لكن هناك قلق عربي بأن يكون هناك هدف مبطن من التصعيد الروسي الأخير، واختياره منطقة الساحل للوجود الروسي العسكري، هو إنشــاء وحماية دولة علوية ترتبط بروسيا سياسياً واقتصادياً، وتكـون قاعدة لها على البحر المتوسط، ويكون مقدمة لتقســيم ســورية لا سمــح الله.

والسؤال المطروح: هل تكرر روسيا سيناريو تدخل الاتحاد السوفياتي في أفغانستان؟ أم أنها تصعد من أجل الخروج بحفظ ماء الوجه من سورية؟

إقرأ أيضا:العنف السياسي في العالم العربي…دواعية وتداعياته

اقرأ أيضا

الصحراء المغربية

منزلقات تأويل موقف روسيا من المينورسو

أثار التصويت على قرار مجلس الأمن الدولي بخصوص التمديد لبعثة المينورسو جدلا كبيرا في مختلف …

290 تعليقاً

  1. If you wrote an article about life we’d all reach enhttlgenmeni.

  2. Hmm… This sounds familiar.*searching*Ah, yes! It was a plot point in the of . “Anomalies” crop up all over England that result in doorways to the past. In this particular episode, an anomaly opened to the (ambiguously named) Upper Carboniferous period resulting in large insects hanging out in the London Underground. The high oxygen content seeping through the anomaly was resulting in strange behavior from the guns our intrepid heroes were using.

  3. I loved the copper eyeshadow but I already have coppering and dont use it too often so couldnt justify buying it, that was the only one that stood out to me.@Pixiwoo Omg Sam 😀 thank you, so lovely to see you comment on my blog, yes we were mortified.. we felt so bad, what an entrance 🙂 @Kiran go on makeupalley maybe and do some swaps? :)xx

  4. No: IP law should not be used to address any perceived non-IP issues i.e. making good “unequal” contracts between performers and recording studios is not the function of IP law.

  5. Tusen takk for herlig omtale, Nina! Det var utrolig gøy at så mange kom! Jeg traff så mange koselige mennesker der og synes lokalene deres er fantastiske! Nå må jeg ta turen til din Epla butikk!

  6. Thank you for sharing. Not to many people in your position are so gracious. Your article was very poignant and understandable. It helped me to understand very clearly. Thank you for your help.

  7. I fully agreed with you on the high price of food in hospital. My dad was hospitalized for a few days two weeks ago and I alone spend like closed to $10 for lunch and dinner a day.

  8. This has made my day. I wish all postings were this good.

  9. Welcome to Pink Saturday and what a lovely mother you have writing such gorgeous poetry about you! What a beautiful family you have! Come join me soon. Anne

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  12. voila 1 set partout, mais on a vraiment l’impression pour le moment, que si andreev arrivait a garder la balle dans le cour sans surjoué, cela pourrait être tres compliqué pour fed, pas vraiment d’initiative, pas vraiment de mobilité, et un service pas vraiment impressionnant, franchement heureusement qu’andreev ne soit pas plus constant…mais attention

  13. Seria bom o Alonso do ano que vem. O problema é que o Schumacher teria vetado a sua participação, no estilo "ou ele ou eu". Se não me engano essa notícia veio no blog "A mil por hora".

  14. I wish I knew cool photographers in Lincoln, but since we just moved here…I know of no one. =/ Sorry. But, I wanted to tell you, that you are totally the reason why my husband and I love Raising Cane's. You mentioned it in a post, and I had seen the place when we wouldgo to Target- but then I HAD to go. Now, every time I drive by there the smells is sooo good and ya, it is amazing. Thanks. =]

  15. I don't think they will. They never designed this coaster to handle 150mph. They designed it to be able to handle the actual speed, which I assume is somewhere between 60-90mph. If they removed the trims, the g-forces would be too strong.

  16. Here’s to the friends and family of Vittorio Missoni, feared dead after his plane went missing. Let’s hope all are ok and will be found, not just for their sake but for Venezuela’s economy too.

  17. Anaa idinka daran sida aan ugu xiisay xawaash, ee mashquulka adduunka ayaa waxoogaa igu batay.Laa shukra calaa waajib walaaleheeyga qiimaha iyo qaayaha badanoow.

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  19. My daughter loves her bunny from Kreations by Karlee. We have had it for 2 years and it still looks brand new. She’s even been washed a few times! I was told the other day that Princess Bunny needs a brother for Easter this year!

  20. This post has helped me think things through

  21. LLevo 3 días en busca del hilo o cuerdecita o lo que sea que se use para hacer estas pulseras y no lo encuentro. Soy de Sevilla ¿alquien sabe donde la puedo encontrar?

  22. marcelo skrev:hugo dra till mesogios i medis nästa match (ligger mitt emot där var de galet bra drag skit mycke chilenos sen efter matchen drog vi alla till plattan haha ;p

  23. masha alaah walaalahayga qaaliga ah aad iyo aad baad u mahadsantihiin dhamaantiin walaahi markiiba aan arkay waan sameeyey it became realy good doolsha cornstarch aad buu uqurxiyey i like it and easy too qeyr farabadan alaha idin siiyo adunyaa wa aqirah insha alaah

  24. Ah, c'est bien de citer la trilogie de Mars de Robinson, un cycle 'achement intelligent et très documenté qui traite de technologie (ascenseur orbital, terraformation…) mais pas que : il y est aussi question de politique, d'écologie, d'éthique, d'économie : toutes les questions que soulèvent l'appropriation d'un nouveau territoire et son adaptation forcée à ses "envahisseurs".

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  27. Appreciation for this information is over 9000-thank you!

  28. Good tip. You would think that they would throttle it a little on low memory systems anyway. I did a fresh install on a 6gb system and right off the bat it was chewing up 1.5gb, which in turn made everything dog slow. I did this tweak and rebooted and everything came back to life. Thanks

  29. ich würde sie meiner kleinen 2 j.räubertochter ronja geben,damit sie sich mit ihren cousin (zwillinge) wieder verstecken kann und gemeinsam alle aufnaschen….kommt drauf an ob sie die essen darf mit milcheiweiß allergie…wenn nicht bekommt ur oma die damit sie nicht so viel um opa trauert u mal ablenkung hat

  30. Home run! Great slugging with that answer!

  31. Enfin une victoire en challenge pour les séniors filles ! beaucoup de plaisir à avoir pu y assister et à vous revoir toutes et tous ; à bientôt pour d’autres victoires ……..

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  33. Sonia was beautiful from the start and we enjoyed my little hidden gem in Kensington again (check here for a maternity session in the same area).  Stayed tuned for more gorgeous photos next week as

  34. Good to find an expert who knows what he’s talking about!

  35. Hey Anne-Camille! Mackenzie and I will be in MH Aug 18-Aug 25. I was wondering if you have a time available to do a photo shoot with her. She needs updated pictures. let me know! I am pretty free that entire week. Morgan

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  41. The NY Laker is a bit worried.Obviously, it is just one game. But make no mistake and call it what you will, but going 0-8 in the pre season is certainly a concern, no matter how many players, coaches or fans downplay it. As great as Dwight is, it is going to be a huge, huge issue, especially in close games down the stretch, that he cannot make foul shots.No panic button….way too early…but I think we all can agree that this group needs to get going and pick up a win. So far…0-9.

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  44. wah, ndeso banget ya embaknya. Angkringan aja gatau. Aku malah mesa’ake sama jenis orang kaya gitu. Gatau angkringan, ga pernah ke warteg, mesti nyoba penyet aja blum pernah. padahal enak. ternyata si embaknya luwih ndeso timbang aku.

  45. Brilliant post, Kait. I think maybe the fact that self-published authors need to spend more time on the stories rather than market is perhaps to balance out the fact that under traditional publishing, there’d be a team of editor/copyeditor/agent/etc helping with the writing bit, but self-published authors, unless they outsource, are on their own for all of that.

  46. Sempre gostei de estampas florais, tenho algumas mas não sabia que era tendência! :DAdorei o post! bjos []Camila Coelho Respondeu:October 13th, 2011 em 6:52 pm, Pode comecar a usar pois esta super na moda amore hehe BJinhosss[]

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  48. I’ve not read all the comments but I have great sympathy with Sean. I think film and digital are different media. Sometimes that difference is subtle, sometimes it’s really vivid. I take different pictures with my old medium format than I do with my digital and my tiny Olympus XA…and my iPhone! Different brushes, different canvases, different subjects, different moments….why shouldn’t one stick to the one medum that chimes the most? (You can tell I’m more that a little more promiscuous….)

  49. This seems to be a great idea to promote talented people to take a good place that they really deserve even that they aren't very famous. I think this can be a good step forward to help the creative minds and handsome people who just work with attractive creativity in their multimedia sequences. Perhaps I will also try to enter on this event

  50. Bringing lizards on a plane falls under the airline’s regulations and procedures, not any law. Bringing lizards on a plane is at the airline’s discretion. Importing animals into the US, however, is tightly restricted by many laws, the violation of which is a felony. I don’t know about Florida, but you should check with their Fish and Wildlife offices. Point is — this is a big deal that shouldn’t be taken lightly.

  51. Deep thought! Thanks for contributing.

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  54. interesting maps.do people actually migrated like the poles and germans after WWII? (esp 1100-1400) or is this just where the amenian kings ruled (perhaps with limited migration as well)?

  55. Nej, slet ikke. Jeg bruger normalt 35-36, og synes faktisk de er lige i det mindste. Men nu er jeg også gravid, og har lidt hævede fødder. Synes slet ikke de er store i det. Hvert fald ikke denne model

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  57. saw me through the almost 17 weeks of bedrest and preterm labor I endured while carrying my son – my hands shook too badly from the medication to do any embroidery, but I could (and did!)

  58. in the German speaking countries we call it milk-rice (translated) it’s really common as well. Müller is a German company one of my fav. source of packed sweet desserts, it’s strange to see that in UK and in English words!It’s the rhubarb season now, they have jellies, marmalade, and even cakes with rhubard..been having alot of that, in fact I’ve just made it as an icecream topping.. but I’m not a fan, reminds me of vegg. If you’ve just planted it then you better hope your soil has viagra in it to grow fast cos their season will end sometime in May

  59. After reading your answer to the Smurfs question, I know there's no point in asking is "where do you get your ideas" :-PBut here's a question… If you get a really positive and… well, gushing review, but at least one of the details is flat out wrong (or, perhaps, it spoils a specific plot twist for readers), what would you do?

  60. I love to go to supermarkets too when I am abroad. I love browsing through the isles and see what that country has to offer. I end up buying more stuff from the supermarket than from the department stores.

  61. The three reasons that you see this continuing are right on, especially the statistics that show the trend rising by 2015. I think that businesses of all sizes have realized that they can continue to grow their business without the large outflow of funds used for travel. I really think that business travel is going to become a thing of the past.

  62. I actually like the look of the handle, as it seems nice and grippy. But I must agree, the tools do have a sort of home-friendly look to them. Still, I’d say the designers did a pretty nice job with the aesthetics.

  63. Skit #2 … was creative and engaging and raised some very good questions/discussion. Particularly helpful was raising the question of the meaning of success, particularly with respect to what different individuals may value.

  64. PkInteresting travel.I visited that area in April during the Kumbh Mela. We wanted to visit Valley of Flowers; however, were told that frost hasn’t left completely. Hence we went more towards Pauri, Champa, Rishikesh and then of course to Haridwar for the Kumbh Mela.

  65. Les voy a escribir a todas aquellas personas que comentan de Mariana.. ninguno de uds. la conoce … o mejor dicho no tienen ni idea el bonito ser humano que es…. tampoco dimensionan el dolor que me causan escribiendo solo barbaridades y un mal trato innecesario… pero que les ha pasado en la vida para sentir tanto dolor y expresarlo de esa formaaaa.. hablar de alguien que no les ha provocado a Uds. ningun daño ni conocennn… solo les envio bendiciones para que esten bien junto a todos sus seres queridos

  66. she was going to test him. I was dumbfounded as to why she would but as it turns out HE was the culprit as he was a carrier of the infection! Who knew!?! Anyways, like I said I just had to pass that on. My hubby and I got strep last year and it was horrible so I can’t imagine having it 3 times in consecutive months! It might be worth looking into having the rest of your family tested.Also, my daughter and I are headed to see Justin Bieber in January and I CAN’T WAIT!!!

  67. Ah, dimenticavo: mai capitato di essere distrutta tra pianti, liti, notti insonni, gelosie ecc.. Stanca, sì. Bisognosa di aiuto, certamente. Ma avere due figli piccoli molto vicini può essere una esperienza davvero bella e appagante!! A me è capitato, già due volte. Anzi, lo scorso anno quando a penultima era già all'asilo, a volte la tenevo a casa perché mi piaceva ancora averle tutte e due insieme. Giusto per non fare facile terrorismo…

  68. Felt so hopeless looking for answers to my questions…until now.

  69. Primim intotdeauna ceea ce ne dorim, trebuie doar sa ne dorim. O prietenie adevarata are nevoie de timp, de spatiu si……. de noi. Si altceva, un prieten adevarat nu asteapta recompense, deci nu te stradui prea tare cu rasplata, toate la timpul lor.Imi place cum scrii, dar as fi vrut sa stiu ce anume te-a facut sa vezi valoarea dintr-un om?

  70. This is definitely a blog worth following. You’ve got an excellent deal to say about this subject, and so much knowledge. I believe that you know how you can make individuals listen to what you’ve to say, especially with an concern thats so important. Im glad to learn this weblog. Two big thumbs up, man!

  71. I believe Mr. Bill (Ms. Helga) may also be in the path of this storm. Be safe, Mr. Bill, and God bless! CW is also possibly at risk, as NC is going to be receiving much rain and wind.

  72. What is the cheapest laser eye surgery can cost, including service in other countries?I have astigmatism but I find contacts and glasses a frustrating money sink. My vision is about 20/160, but I never wear corrective lenses. I am looking forward to laser surgery, but as a college student I have less than $2000 to work with. I understand surgery can be up to $5000 in the USA, but I’ve heard of prices as low as $1400 abroad. Does anyone have any cheap success stories?

  73. BaylorI’m going to say Brown was brilliant because he wasnt. But he had to put a new system in with no training camp and very little practice time. Add in that he to integrate 7 new player over the season(half the roster) I’m cutting him some slack.

  74. Sweet blog! I found it while searching on Yahoo News. Do you have any tips on how to get listed in Yahoo News? I’ve been trying for a while but I never seem to get there! Appreciate it

  75. it’s time to figure out how they fit into real life. I’ve found that it is helpful to make up a meal plan for the whole month. It’s always subject to change, but it seems that I get a better idea of

  76. Using all black beads makes the Peeled Paint Beads really pop! Great work with the hemp cord sticking out at the bottom and the matte and shiny beads on the necklace. Adds a lot of interest.

  77. – you sound like that tool, Alex Jones, provoking people into clashing with the police. Do you really think a cyber-attack to “take down the Republican machine…and …Fox off the air…” would HELP our cause? Pffffff! Wake up, girl. :-/

  78. I like the treasured facts you supply inside your article content.I will bookmark your site and take a look at once again below consistently.I am really sure I’ll know quite a bit of new stuff precise the following! Very good luck to the next!

  79. Before we lay full blame on the civilian politicians who are appointed by their fellow congressional politicians to manage our military "Industrialized Complex"; you must first closely examine the senior leadership of our military. In the Navy’s case, the Chief of Naval Operations, Admiral Greenert.I’m sure Admiral Mullen’s protégé’ has plenty of skeletons buried deep in his closet, when it comes to ill-treatment towards woman and minorities that he would rather keep hidden. This is probably the only logical explanation for such a ludicrous endorsement on Holly’s Honorable discharge.

  80. Your card is very pretty-love the colors together!3 inches of “stuff” on the ground here in south central Missouri-mostly sleet and some ice-and will supposedly continue until morning with some snow in the mix! We have power which lots of people farther south of us and in Arkansas don’t have right now. Prayers to them.

  81. I’ve tried to send emails but the program it’s not working it does marked the emails as sended but no one has received anything. I don’t know what is happening. I need help!

  82. Jeanne dit :Merciii beaucoup !! oui oui tu as pleins de trucs à visiter !! Mais le shopping… fait toujours partie du planning !! haha ! Bon séjour en December ! kissoux

  83. I think that would be awesome! Im in the process of cutting right now so it would be really nice to see how its done properly by a pro.I like the idea of seeing what your diet is like on a cutting cycle too. Im still trying to get my macros straight myself. Hows the product coming along and when can we maybe expect it to come out Im very eager to try it out.

  84. It’s imperative that more people make this exact point.

  85. I’m really into it, thanks for this great stuff!

  86. No stocks in any of Chroma’s store or distributors in Karnataka.Is this a soft launch?No marketing efforts by goggle or Asus, no availability.Why did take ASUS/Google 6 months for just press-release?

  87. Comment peut-on, même un instant, concevoir de donner un prix « de la paix » a un homme au passé pour le moins douteux à la tête du KGB et qui a réussi a se garantir encore deux mandats présidentiels via une gruge politique fumeuse au mépris de la démocratie ?Le Parti Communiste chinois doit avoir besoin de la Russie pour certaines affaires…

  88. I’m grateful you made the post. It’s cleared the air for me.

  89. I’m looking forward to these posts, Wess. What a great question! I think “relevance” is the wrong question too, but I never considered a contemporary penchant for it as something subtly rooted in consumerism. Interesting. You may be onto something very serious. If so, then many of us who are actually claiming to be struggling against consumerism’s perpetuated values may have to admit that it is a far trickier (subtle) foe than we initially thought!I’m looking forward to more of your thoughts on this subject. great post.

  90. I wrote about this over at the Opinion page. Gotta love A-merry-ca…we got 30 billion to bail out a crappy bank yet can’t grant 35k so a person can fix their house. And people wonder why some preachers say “God Damn America”…I warned my Louisiana compadres about this, so thanks FN for keeping the fieldies in the ‘loop’. I wouldn’t want my folks to get stuck with a 30k bill.

  91. I am curious to find out what blog platform you’re working with? I’m having some minor security problems with my latest site and I would like to find something more secure. Do you have any solutions?

  92. I have limited reading time too, and blogging eats into that as well, which is why I'm so bad at commenting on other people's posts. I too look forward to the day when I can spend uninterrupted hours reading!

  93. / Isso demosntra como o ser humano é parecido com aquele sapo em um panela com agua morna. Ele gosta daquilo e a panela no fogo esquenta aos poucos a agua…tão aos poucos que o sapo morre cozido lá dentro… Exemplos de como o ser humano se acomoda e explora a natureza ao seu bel prazer não calculando as consequencias esta no documentário ” tempestade negra” que postei no youtube.Gostei deste comentário ou não: 0

  94. A bit surprised it seems to simple and yet useful.

  95. fasziniert von den Outfits. Ob unsere Kinder auch mal einen Schreikrampf darüber bekommen werden, in welche Klamotten wir sie gesteckt haben?Tolle Idee!

  96. The only way I can stand the waiting is by starting a new project that really excites me. If I don't do that, then I become a zombie who does nothing but refreshes my inbox every five minutes.

  97. La verdad que era muy triste ver a la gente con televisiones full hd de 55′ bajo el brazo, microondas, portatiles, impresoras, … luego nos quejamos de paro, hipotecas y su puta madre! Cuanto borreguito

  98. buttered bread?this “tamil actress” looks more like an all-you-can-eat thali with extra poppadums and ghee.but before getting too smug around here.this nityananda.“drop your mind”“your ego is the problem”“surrender”etc etc familiar?yes,so dont get too cocky.even if you have sex,that manipulative crap doesnt go away…..

  99. Hello Will! Yes I remember!! I am still sorting through video from Chicago, but I have not forgotten you! Thank you for your message, It’s great to hear from you. I will post the picture soon as I post the blog! Stay tuned! Blessings

  100. 博士也領食物券 美高學歷3萬人難糊口【台灣醒報╱記者莊瑞萌╱台北報導】2012.05.08 受到不景氣影響,美國擁博士學位者領取食物券補助的人數再創新高,來到3萬多人,統計從2007年到2010年之間,領取相關政府補助的博士人數更成長了三倍。另外,農業部公布的資料也指出,截至今年二月份全美領取食物券補助的人數已超過4,600萬人,相較之下高學歷占其比例雖然不高,但已顛覆過去對高學歷等於高薪的傳統印象。根據美國城市研究所(Urban Institute)統計結果發現,美國擁有博士學位者,領取食物券不僅突破三萬人,碩士學歷者利用食物券或其他政府補助度日的人數也來到29萬人,顯示美國民眾在經濟條件不佳下,連基本餬口都成問題。另外,根據農業部統計,截至今年二月,全美領取食物券的人數也已超過4630萬人,相較過去三年,成長率達到43%。研究人員尼可拉斯表示,「每個人總以為擁有博士學歷就保證擁有高薪,但過去一年來,我常有耳聞,有些沒有任期保障的教授年薪不到二萬美金,這根本不足以養家活口。」一名前大學教授、目前自行開設顧問公司的凱爾絲基表示,「未來的人數恐怕還會繼續增加,這對當事人來說,是相當令人難堪的。」2007å¹´,擁有博士學位領取美國政府補助的人數為9776人,2010年時,人數增加三倍成為三萬三千多人,碩士學位者也從十萬多人,一下子增加到29萬多人,另外,美國勞動統計局的資料也指出,目前全美有5057位擁有博士學歷的人擔任工友的職務。◆ 年輕人失業惡化 抗議頻率恐增中央社 2012.05.08 在南非舉行的「年輕人就業研討會」最新報告指出,年輕人不被聘用的機率幾乎是成年人的3倍,如果情況不改善,年輕人走上街頭抗議的頻率將愈來愈高。南非新聞網站「時報即時消息」(Times LIVE)今天報導,這項研討會是由南非關懷青年組織「國家青年發展機構」(National Youth Development Agency)昨天於約翰尼斯堡舉行。會議報告指出,目前世界上有1å„„2500萬名年輕人,每天生活在花費不到1.25美元的貧窮線下,讓他們覺得人生黯淡無光。以全球2億失業人口而言,其中7500萬名是年輕人,失業的原因主要是失學、無一技在身、對於找工作意興闌珊。報告指出,2007年至2010å¹´é–“,年輕失業人口增加510萬人。同一時間,世界有80個國家的年輕人因失業而走上街頭示威抗議,次數超過1000次。在南非,70%失業者的年齡介於15至34æ­²。他們容易被不法人士利用,成為社會不定時炸彈。「國際勞工組織」( International LabourOrganization,ILO)設於「非南開發共同體」(Southern African Development Community,SADC) 的辦公室主任范伏倫 (Vic van Vuuren)表示:「解決南非年輕人失業現狀,可分為短期與長期計畫」。范伏倫說:「前者是必須為年輕人創造就業機會,後者則是改善整體經濟環境、訓練年輕人技能、普遍就學」。范伏倫語重心長地說:「當然,配套措施是,同時要解決如何讓初出社會的年輕人獲得實習機會,與實際工作經驗,也非常重要」。

  101. That’s a smart way of thinking about it.

  102. bring it to a guitar tech … i’ve had moments like this before with my Les Paul and it turned out that the switch had a cold solder joint. so it may not even be the battery since it seems that you had it working again after. anyway, just a thought and hope it helps

  103. Hands down, Apple’s app store wins by a mile. It’s a huge selection of all sorts of apps vs a rather sad selection of a handful for Zune. Microsoft has plans, especially in the realm of games, but I’m not sure I’d want to bet on the future if this aspect is important to you. The iPod is a much better choice in that case.

  104. Vous avez tout à fait raison. On soulève ici le problème majeur de l’huile de palme, mais pas assez celui du plastique et des contenants alimentaires. Vous parlez du lait, c’est très juste, mais pas seulement le lait. Il y a aussi les biberons, tous en plastique! Et les canettes, boîtes de conserve, pots de yaourt, de beurre, jambon, tout absolument tout y passe!Et personne ne fait rien!

  105. yavuz yağcı diyor ki:alçıpan kaynak alçı boya ekibimiz vardır 22senedir bu işlerle uğraşıyorum çalıştığım firmalar enka inşaat tav inşaat korumaks inşaat ve bir çok şantiyelerde çalıştım .

  106. Kicki: Ja när det bara är rena elakheter, eller om man bryter ett löfte man gett till en vän så är det än värre, det har jag väldigt svårt att se några ursäkter för faktiskt, så vida det inte handlar om att rädda livet på någon på ett eller annat sätt

  107. Bridgette Gilmore / Wow,Very interesting site, simple and easy. Excellent article, bookmarked for future referrence. Please keep up the great work.thanks for sharing this info!!

  108. Truly illuminating appreciate it, I’m sure your trusty readers may well really well want a excellent deal more writing such as this preserve the amazing content.

  109. Kimmy, I tried these noodles a few years back. I thought they had a funny smell, like a greenish smell. Perhaps something went wrong in my preparation. Will certainly give it another try after reading your post.

  110. Everyone is frustrated with patnet office.they are using spicyip to express their anger.after the lokpal bill is enacted the public should bring to notice of lokpal about recruitment promotions and other allegations of patent office.even former controllers and examiners who was tortured in the patent office should help the lokpal in punishing culprits.

  111. Awww, shucks. Thank you for the kind words, Sheila. Actually, what went through my mind after the fact was that your nephew might happen upon this…which, you know, in any other situation would seems incredible to me, that a kid would be perusing through comments on the greatest films from A to Z, but you know, this is Cashel we’re talking about here. *LOL* Wow, what a bright guy he is!I am working on my list of movies and will post them shortly. Thank you again, dear writer!

  112. There are another image here, incruding which have no discription of Ulluegdo and Usando.I guess there are not only 8 local maps but also some text about each province geography information?

  113. A minute saved is a minute earned, and this saved hours!

  114. I do accept as true with all the concepts you’ve introduced in your post. They are really convincing and will definitely work. Still, the posts are very quick for starters. May you please prolong them a little from next time? Thanks for the post.

  115. Wow! It genuinely looks natural instead of caked on like a lot of concealers tend to. Am I just majorly out of the loop or what? I’ve never heard of Time Balm!.-= Khalia Bentson’s last blog post… =-.

  116. Hi Tony.Delighted to see that you survived the move to W Sussex.I am a complete dunce with computers, so can’t really help you on this one.I did however “google ” us, and we were right there at the top of the list, looks like we need someone intelligent to get us noticed more ( Any volunteers ? )Thanks for sticking with us. Pete

  117. juil04 La belle vie!Et n’oubliez pas, un peu dans la même veine, que PKP et André Pratte ont été colocs… quand ils étaient communistes.Alors la rivalité Gesca-TVA…

  118. Dear Kathy R,Calumet Farms in KY is where American willBe standing. It was recently sold and has not stoodStallions since 2004. They are rebuilding the businessAnd had purchased 30 mares to breed to Dynaformer,Who passed this year. Americain will be their 3 stallionStanding in 2013. The farm has 50% interest in the horse.Not sure if he will be traveling to stud in Austrailia yet.

  119. Fast & Furious wasn’t about supplying guns to the Sinaloa Cartel. It was about taking down other drug cartels part of a “divide and conquer” strategy." sound familiar? looks like the same was being tried in Libya

  120. I agree that the hire was questionable, but I put it in the same category as Arkansas hiring JLS in April – it was the best that could have been done at the time. Dooley was inexperienced for an SEC job, same with JLS. Both are probably great people, just not HC material in this conference.

  121. Well I guess I don’t have to spend the weekend figuring this one out!

  122. FIRST: The slide or pin should be called: Hair-in-bow, reminds me of a bow and arrow. Also word play from the fabulous twill fabric Herringbone.SECOND: Coating beauty. Coats over the lovely and beautiful hair. Or Shell of Armor. Looks like a shield. Shielding Beauty.

  123. Jag förstår inte varför man inte kan köpa PSP-spel på PSN för att sedan spela på sin PS3:a. Då hade jag köpt detta spel, Half-Minute Hero samt Final Fantasy titlar.

  124. Hallo Olaf …Tolle Seite mit wunderschönen Berichten . Wie ich sehe Polen und Schlesien ist immer mehr gefragte Urlaubsort .Inzwischen habe ich deine seite in mein Blogrool reingesetzt um die schöne Berichte die Du hier schreibst vielleicht auch meinen Besuchern schmackhaft zu machen . Vielle Grüsse aus NRW Marius

  125. Remember, the username and password parameter are sent as clear text. If you want your application to be more secure, you may want to obfuscate the values before sending them to the authentication function.Is is possible for you to add another piece of code that IS secure..So what should I change so the the password is not sent as clear text.. ?

  126. Het vorige pasta Carbonara festijn was echt een feest.Vanavond maar eens kijken of ik het nog in de vingersheb. Ik kan niet wachten!!!!Groetjes JoceVan Joce op 19.06.09 5:11 pm

  127. Na miña opinión a enerxía eólica é unha fonte de enerxía segura e renovable, pois tamén non produce emisións e non xera residuos, aínda que ten uns inconvintes como todo (o impacto visual ou o impacto sonoro).

  128. It makes me wonder about statements like this one: “…virtual community is like playing the guitar with one string. You can make music; it’s just not as interesting or as good as music on a guitar with six strings.” (Shane Hipps, quoted by Marcus Goodyear’s post Does Your Social Media Honk like an Oboe?)

  129. Great site you have here but I was wanting to know if you knew of any message boards that cover the same topics discussed here? I’d really like to be a part of group where I can get feed-back from other knowledgeable individuals that share the same interest. If you have any recommendations, please let me know. Bless you!

  130. Det video-ID (H1wvtGOBV) du skrivit in finns inte på YouTube. Det enda video-ID som liknar det du skrivit och som jag hittade på YouTube är H1wvtGOBV-g

  131. Substantially, the post is really the best on this laudable topic. I concur with your conclusions and will eagerly look forward to your future updates.Just saying thank you will not just be enough, for the wonderful lucidity in your writing.

  132. Coronel, não tenha tanta certeza assim quanto ao Aécio. Numa eventual campanha à presidência, ele sairia com uma boa margem de vantagem em Minas, o que, em termos de Brasil, é quase garantia de sucesso.Ele é mineiro, conheço bem os mineiros, não pregam prego sem estopa.Se ele achar que dá ele sai candidato, forte diga-se de passagem, não subestimem o cara.

  133. Have watched all seasons. Great performances. Cyrus may not be the best dancer (techinque wise) but I love to watch him nonetheless! Something about his performance, especially given he has had no formal training. He’s special, for sure. Looking forward to the Final performances!! Go Cyrus, Go Eliana!

  134. stari_momak: The correct solution is less work than yours (requires even less math) and does not rely on each bag having the same number of coins. Also just for calibration purposes I have a measured IQ of 162 and figured it out in 10 seconds.

  135. I’ve been a spectator for a while now, and I don’t hope Kade is dead. I just hope that he had a nervous break down, or a massive panic attack, or some sort of snap from his delusional self. A video of him in a straitjacket claiming he is the best new actor on the planet would be like christmas for me.

  136. Thankfully, it looks like Rubio is out as a vp pick. He would have peeled away enough latino votes to cost obama several western states as well as florida. But the wingnut angry white guys of the tea party seem to take Rubio's immigration stance as reason, and obama jumped a march on them on the issue.

  137. Hi Christopher,This is indeed great news and I’m really glad for you. I don’t know mine yet but with the recent problems I’ve been having I don’t expect much. But will check and let you know. Accept my congratulations my man!Please check out my article:

  138. I stand agreed. I am angry alongside, with every right.I am espescially angry, that in my “African American Leadership for Change” no one is angry. I’m tired of talking about, socialism, coalescense, the past.I want to talk about how my cousin in DC told me she wanted to live in Virginia, because it would be nice to “not having to worry about dying.”

  139. Oi Ricardo!Sua palestra em The rendeu, depois, um ótimo papo com minha filha numa pizzaria . Ela saiu de lá preocupada e decidida a pensar melhor sobre tuuuuuuuudo, me disse q vai rever tudo Tomara q eu continue sendo sua mãe!Valeu pela passagem na nossa cidade. Venha mais!Um abraço!

  140. This is such a helpful post. I’m hosting a Twitter chat this week, and instead of trying to get all this info together I’m sending newbies to Twitter and/or chats here to look at your awesome overview. Thanks!

  141. Ever notice when CNN posts a copy it's always from a camera shot and always askew and fuzzy. It's never put in a scanner and downloaded . Always, always, , always fuzzy.www.wheresobamasbirthcertificate.comwww.wheresobamasbirthcertificate.com/blog

  142. Nice post. I learn something totally new and challenging on blogs I stumbleupon on a daily basis. It’s always useful to read content from other authors and practice something from other sites.

  143. Sottolineo come quel tool serva come ultima spiaggia se siti non tolgono link verso un sito, che non sono stati richiesti.Secondo me una prova di richiesta rimozione link è sempre da fare. Ricordiamoci comunque che togliere link significa togliere forza al sito: bisogna capire bene quali ha senso togliere.

  144. Plus que clair et c’est vrai que ce qui est impressionnant c’est la hauteur du saut. Pour ce qui est du quarter, finalement, la méthode est toujours la même, quelle que soit la hauteur. Mais par contre, oser un « vol » de 10 mètres avant d’entrer en contact avec la courbe….bien qu’ayant pas mal pratiqué aussi j’ai beaucoup de mal a imaginer! On est à la limite du base-jumb lol!

  145. Yes! I remember the story. That was so cute! And I think of your mom. Thanks for hunting and sharing the links. I think I’ve read “Thank you 31″ only. I’ll soon check the rest.6 active blogs! Wow!

  146. Giulia comentou em 2 de dezembro de 2009 às 15:53. Juu, sou sua nova petisquete hahaha tenho 13 anos mas visito seu site de meia em meia hora para saber se tem novos posts e novos tutos de make! Parabéns pelo blog, pelo o que vc sabe sobre maquiagem (fico impressionada), e principalmente por você ser tão linda e tão calminha! adoro você, seu site, e suas makes! PARABÉNS!!!

  147. got the the gurren lagann yoko portraits artbook a couple of weeks ago. definitely worth it for the yoko fans. dug the actual ‘photos’, too bad all the artwork in the book weren’t made into ‘photos’. the tetrodotoxin garnet looks very yum. should get my hands on it.

  148. I remember reading “Mormons & Californians” from a French writer circa Brigham Young’s era. He suggested wine grapes for California and liked the sermon in the Tabernacle he heard.I think travel books have been going on a long time, it is just a matter of interest by readers, not a willingness to write them.

  149. Sorry, Brooke, those sexy Scots didn’t write it. But boy could they rock! just in case you lost your old 45 record, I added an mp3 snippet at the end of the post.

  150. I guess I'm safe. I don't have a treadmill. I couldn't run right now if I had to. And I have no earbuds. Makes my life sound boring doesn't it? But I would love to have seen your result.

  151. Oh dear, poor things! Maybe they'll appreciate it more when they're older. My 2 yr old can be persuaded to eat most things if they're not too chewy and drenched in garlic!!!

  152. I’m not easily impressed. . . but that’s impressing me! 🙂

  153. As a Gemini, interesting that in the past week I’ve been drawn to the (Jungian) image of a cross with an yin/yang symbol in the middle. In my meditation the vertical and horizontal lines are converging within me. Thanks for the insights!

  154. >Jimmy Bullard and Nick Barmby going at it.THAT I wouldnt want to see, but two blokes slapping each other like a pair of hookers fighting over a john?Actually, that’s even more depressing.

  155. Dans un cadre hypothétique de marchés efficaces, la vente à découvert permet de trouver le « vrai » prix et de crever des bulles. Cependant, en réalité ne peut-on observer l’effet inverse: une cours sous-evalué du fait d’une spéculation à la baisse (« anti-bulle ») ? Dans le cas de la dette, ce type de spéculation peut etre vite rentable car une augmentation du coût du crédit entraîne un problème de solvabilité pour l’état en question, qui fait repartir le cours à la baisse.

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  157. You’re on top of the game. Thanks for sharing.

  158. oBrihtI am exceedingly willing to be a beta-tester; however, I am just your typical computer user. But I have a Dell Computer, and I would love to see if I could get it to work!Dif-tor heh Smusmas’Surok

  159. … másdelomismo…Por cierto, ! estoy feliz …! no sabia que LOS PIANOS, también NOS SIRVENPARA COMUNICARNOS CON EL UNIVERSO….pensé que para éso sólo servian … las yerbas …..saludos.

  160. M-16 Jednak się zacinasz jak pierwsze modele Z tego co brałem udział w wymianie zdań poszło o Boniego i o nim była rozmowa. Jeśli według Ciebie wymiana zdań na temat osoby trzeciej doprowadziło do destrukcji autora bloga to jakoś wierzyć mi się nie chce.Choć wielkie skarby w glinianych naczyniach przechowywać się zwykło.Miast strzelać pakuj się do UH-1 i leć opatrywać rany jeśłi wogóle ktoś jest poszkodowany. Jak dym napalmu opadnie dopiero będziesz mógł ocenić sytuacje.Dreptak niczego nie zmieniaj Buen camino

  161. “Labels are just distractions from seeing the true beauty that is inside all of us.”Agreed! Labels are rough… there’s this paradigm of “normal,” and anything outside that gets a label and needs to be “fixed.” But maybe you both just have a unique way of seeing the world! This is a great, honest story.

  162. Pleasing to find someone who can think like that

  163. Elaine / Dear Frank, I have tried to reset my grandaughters kindle as she cant remember the password and no joy. You cannot hold the on/off switch to the right, it does not have this option. Can you help please?

  164. With havin so much written content do you ever run into any issues of plagorism or copyright infringement? My blog has a lot of completely unique content I’ve either authored myself or outsourced but it appears a lot of it is popping it up all over the web without my authorization. Do you know any solutions to help reduce content from being ripped off? I’d definitely appreciate it.

  165. Lieber Beat,gesehen werden, erkannt werden, sind auch nur Krücken, um das zu sagen, was ich meine: vielleicht ist “wahrgenommen werden” noch besser, weil das Authentische (“wahr”) darin noch explizit genannt wird und auch das Wort “nehmen” hat einen ganz konkreten berührenden ersten Sinn. Mir scheint, so es möglich ist, sollte man mit möglichst vielen Sinnen kommunizieren. Hier im Netz sind es nur sehr wenige.Herzlichen GrussFranz

  166. It looks like you had a wonderful Christmas, in spite of the sickness. I hope everyone has recovered now.You little Miss Elsa, is absolutely precious!Happy New Year, Tinajo!

  167. thanks for the feedback. And thanks for sharing that wonderful unexpected new start! Have fun with it@ Robyn, thank you so much. Your words so often inspire me to keep breathing out fire@ Eric – brilliant stuff. It’s so interesting to hear what you’re all doing.@ Paul, thank you. Brave and free. It’s how my spirit wants her words to be.

  168. sep05Matias Es una lastima que se bajen tanto.. No saben negociar. La empresa siempre va a decir que no hay dinero. Siempre!!!!!!!!!!Es este momento donde el sindicato tiene que estar firme y seguir con la primera propuesta. Nos Ilusionaron Para después quedar en nada de nuevo… Tienen que decirle a empresa que para llegar hacer grande como empresa tiene que partir por casa… por los trabajadores.

  169. Linda Christopher must be removed as a Family court Judge in the ninth district in Rockland County. She is destroying families with her twisted anti male logic. Please someone sit in on her courtroom and listen for yourself.

  170. pisze:Pracochłonne i wbrew opisowi z tej strony nie takie łatwe do zrobienia żeby było zjadliwe. Najprościej, nie przemęczając się, skitrać sobie trochę orzechów (mega kaloryczne i zdrowe) i suszonych owoców. W połączeniu jak batoniki

  171. Concentrating on Anders Behring Breivik psychology at the trial was only ever going to be that of a political stalling tactic and distraction.Breivik's status from day one could only ever have been that of a political prisoner, labelling Breivik an insane criminal goes against all the knowing facts of the case.Irrational quibbling over the sanity determination and the sentence is irrelevant bellyaching.Jolie Rouge

  172. Io amo questo blog e le sue ricette!!!Sognerò con la fantasia del gusto questo pane, come tutti gli altri…con la mia allergia al lievito li posso solo guardare e annusare…immagino il profumo di questo…w il pane e beato chi lo può mangiare!!!

  173. Hey there! This is kind of off topic but I need some advice from an established blog. Is it difficult to set up your own blog? I’m not very techincal but I can figure things out pretty quick. I’m thinking about creating my own but I’m not sure where to begin. Do you have any tips or suggestions? Appreciate it

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  175. That’s true to some extent. I remember the computer I got for college – why would I need more than 30GB of space? Well, over time, I was able to download movies, which I didn’t plan on doing. At 1-2GB each, it filled up quite quickly and I had to delete the old stuff to make way for the new ones!

  176. This looks so VERY, VERY organized…and neat, like you don't even want to mess a THING up by actually working there..but somehow, I think you DO !!! Just kidding, we know you do..and we are so appreciative of that fact and for all the wonderful SHARES you afford us. Thanks for showing us around your world. Rose

  177. This awesome blog is definitely cool and besides diverting. I have discovered a lot of helpful advices out of it. I’d love to go back every once in a while. Thanks a lot!

  178. How do you delete game data on Nintendo DS lite games?Getting very stressed here!!I’ve bought several pre-owned DS lite games which have previous data stored on them from previous owners. I want to delete the data so the game is ‘as new’ but I can’t.I’ve tried holding all the buttons down at the start up. But this DOES NOT work. I’ve read the manuals for the DS console itself and also for the various games but none of them tell you how to do it…Someone must know!!!! its driving me up the wall.

  179. e Maura: interessante il discorso sul valore dei soldi. E' una considerazione che faccio spesso anch'io. Capita di buttare un centinaio di euro senza batter ciglio, magari per un capriccio, e poi di fare gli spilorci per un comprare un quotidiano, per offrire un caffè o, perché no, per acquistare un ebook o un mp3 su iTunes.Strani meccanismi mentali (ammetto che a volte nemmeno io sono estraneo a essi…)

  180. Why does this have to be the ONLY reliable source? Oh well, gj!

  181. Stripping away 'unessentials' is … essential. However, shortening the prose for the sake of simplifying the story, or in an attempt to stick more closely to the plot, without any deviation or embelishment seems to be the popular take on things. Personally, I'm a little bored with being told our attention spans are minimal, and there's simply no time to wander a little off the beaten track. If the writing style is compelling and enriched with meaning, give me more!

  182. You are amazing! I scoured the internet to find something simple to use in conjunction with a website builder. And this was the golden ticket! Thank you so much. I only have one question, no matter how I try, I can’t figure out how to change the color of the tweet text. Only the links change color. Is there any way you know of to do this? Thank you

  183. Jeez mang! You painted a nightmarish portrait of fair helen with her dress drenched in debt and societal decay. You however forgot about the multitudes of canadian departees who will soon arrive back here. In the 80s it was the shower posse’, a group of deportees from NY who reigned terror on the ghettos of jamaica, for us it will be the rain gang, a notorious st. lucian gang in canada! Im currently trying to find a country where I do not need a visa to run to…any ideas? Guatemala?

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  185. How neat! Is it really this simple? You make it look easy.

  186. Cześć Czytelniku, czemu masz być za głównym nurtem? MyÅ›lÄ™, że wÅ‚aÅ›nie w głównym nurcie jesteÅ›. Ja w każdym razie z uwagÄ… czytam Twoje mÄ…dre przemyÅ›lenia.Co do kostuchy … Kto tam wie jak skosiÅ‚a mego koreaÅ„skiego ulubieÅ„ca. PiszÄ…, że zawaÅ‚ ale równie dobrze mogÅ‚aby być to poduszka dociÅ›nieta we Å›nie litoÅ›ciwÄ… rÄ™kÄ… … .

  187. I think all those flyover country whites actually came off as rather tolerant and welcoming.You mean, passive, race-whipped, and unwilling to resist their imminent cultural, political, and demographic destruction?

  188. Só há “nesçepaíz” um poder, e ele é absoluto! Os outros poderes simplesmente inexistem! Quem manda aqui é o Foro de São Paulo, por meio dos seus apaniguados petralhas, e ponto final! É uma ditadura dissimulada e perversa, que passa por cima de tudo sem a menor cerimônia!

  189. Mmm, those are perfect!My hunt for perfect pair of sandals will probably be next summer – I just noticed that there is one of the three leather layers left in the soles of my current (beloved) ones…

  190. I just like the worthwhile facts you give within your posts.I’ll bookmark your web log and test again below on a regular basis.I’m pretty certain I’ll realize quite a lot of recent stuff best listed here! Excellent luck for the subsequent!

  191. Kudos to you! I hadn’t thought of that!

  192. Thanks for the concepts you talk about through this website. In addition, numerous young women that become pregnant do not even attempt to get medical care insurance because they have anxiety they probably would not qualify. Although some states right now require that insurers give coverage despite the pre-existing conditions. Charges on these kinds of guaranteed programs are usually greater, but when thinking about the high cost of health care it may be a new safer way to go to protect your own financial future.

  193. Hi Rune! Jellyfish are very colourful and this one is almost like a fairy tale one. They are also deceitful, for if you want to have a close look they might harm you. As a child we travelled from Holland to Indonesia and back. It was then that I saw them in the ocean big red or orange coloured jellyfish. At least that's what I remembered.

  194. That looks delicious! Will def have to try sometime soon – we too love Joe, the Trader, (or Jose, or whatever the ethnic version of “Joe” is that they’re using at the moment!)

  195. I loved Kat’s post on collaborating! Especially the part of “subtly insert yourself into their life” its so creepyily true when it comes to collaborating though. Most of my teaching collabs were with people I couldn’t stand before I started working with them, because I knew they were the best. Now I’m keeping tabs on my “hopefully-they’ll-graduate” students through these teachers because they’ll be just as tough as I was with these kids.Also, I that puffy sweater is ADORABLE!Melinda

  196. Girl, you don’t know skinny…I graduated from high school at a whoppin’ 115. I didn’t hit 130 until I was a junior in college and like you, I was so happy to finally have a little booty.I hate to repeat what everyone else is saying but I do squats with weights every other day. I also do the stepmaster at the gym! Hard work but does wonders for my figure! I have been slacking for the last 2 weeks but your post has inspired me to get back in the gym!

  197. Was totally stuck until I read this, now back up and running.

  198. With the turn of the world economy, some economies like St. Lucia should economize money and close all these consulates offices as they are not need, they do nothing to assist the St. Lucian national who need their assistance. Message to Kenny and the ENROUGE government, close this consulate in Canada.

  199. Liebe Wenche, ich verstehe zwar leider überhaupt kein Wort, aber das sieht total süß aus! Aber Jul heißt Weihnachten, das weiß ich. 🙂 Und darauf müssen wir uns ja langsam vorbereiten. Es gibt ja auch schon Spekulatius und Lebkuchen in den Läden, so dass wir dann bis Weihnachten auch davon die Nase voll haben.Ich hoffe, dir geht es sehr gut!Liebe Grüße.Astrid

  200. Hmmm, I suppose that’s one way of looking at it. I’d expect most people would like to think that advertising is about something a little more subtle than getting someone to jump up from their sofa that very second and go down the shops to buy what you’re selling.Or even be able to recall it in the same way they would some piece of entertainment they’d deliberately sought out.

  201. Thanky Thanky for all this good information!

  202. I’m really impressed with your writing skills and also with the layout on your blog. Is this a paid theme or did you customize it yourself? Either way keep up the nice quality writing, it is rare to see a great blog like this one these days..

  203. Cristiana un intervento senza offese, è già molto. Non siamo poveri di nozioni, siete Voi che le avete? Siete un pò megalomani, con simpatia. Credete di avere nozioni e se dicevi questo vuol dire che lo scritto era frutto di un ragionamento che avrei accettato.Ciao.

  204. *goes to watch a video* Oh, my apologies, I could have sworn that I was on YouTube, but I must have been mistaken, for this looks like Facebook.Seriously YouTube? It was perfectly FINE the old way. There was nothing COMPLICATED. Change it back, I'm getting very annoyed with all of these new questionable "better" changes.

  205. dit :Ah les Timberland…Je joue pour la paire femme.Quand j’étais ado, j’étais ultra fan, accro, tout ce qu’on veut, des derby montantes de Caterpillar. De la grosse pompe, mais plus fines que les Caterpillar classiques (celles que mon frère avait).Je n’ai jamais pu les avoir. Et ce n’était pas faute de chercher ! J’ai fait tous les magasins possibles, la VPC et tout. Rien, niet, nada. Le modèle n’existait plus…

  206. Kezd uncsi lenni….szaftos pletykákat vagy bármi mást….írjatok ide ( micros és majmos témával kapcsolatban…)pl.: Vaya-t megfarkalták az űrlények….stb. stb.

  207. ¡Qué hermosa tu experiencia! ojalá todas las persomas pudieran entrar en contacto con la parte más sensible, sencilla y humana de sus corazones. Que tengas un muy hermosa Navidad.

  208. Amei Paula!nao esperava ver meu post no ar tao cedo! Adorei participar e se quiser mais dicas, ah sabe que eh soh pedir, neh?BeijosDri Miller

  209. I’m so glad I found my solution online.

  210. It’s like you’re on a mission to save me time and money!

  211. Amanda,How exciting for you. Think of the possibilities! It would be fun to have a library where you could dine, right? I’ve often wished we had a room where we could install ceiling to floor book cases, maybe even a library ladder.Thank you for stopping by. Good luck with your new home.Karen

  212. Fritus tiene razón, de principio a fin un despropósito esta vida ordenada alrededor de los ceros que cuentan. Muy triste.Inés Sabanés también se hace eco.

  213. Tilda er bare fantastisk, og boka bestilte jeg tidligere i dag! 🙂 SÃ¥ heldig du er som har fÃ¥tt jobbe med Tone Finnanger… Gleder meg som en liten unge til boka kommer i posten! 🙂 🙂 Klem Dorthea!

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  218. I will be putting this dazzling insight to good use in no time.

  219. Re: 26I think the mistake was to treat sick days like vacation days, which then allows one to abuse them like this. My company won’t even allow us to carry over vacation days into the next year anymore (use them or lose them).I think if state employees want to save their sick days until retirement, then they should be required to follow the rules for disability. If they take more than “x” consecutive sick days, then I would expect disability to kick in, which usually pays at a lower rate.

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  221. (Suitedu billet précédent : je ne sais pourquoi mon commentaire a été coupé…)Plus formalistes que la moyenne, quoique chaleureux dans le contact direct et personnel, mais plutôt pompeux et arrogants dès qu’ils prennent la parole en public, toujours plus spéculatifs que factuels, les Français agacent les anglo-saxons, mais les Indiens adorent…Et l’accent des français lorsqu’ils parlent le « globish » (anglais international) est inimitable…Du genre : « ouère ize ze basseroume  » ?….

  222. Entendo a Justiça como sendo um valor prioritário da humanidade. Tirar a vida de alguém é anular o lado humano, por conseguinte, o lado racional.As guerras (mesmo as regulamentadas pelos estados ditos evoluídos) são o exemplo da total irracionalidade e da injustiça; são o verdadeiro "contributo" para a desumanidade.Isto para dizer, nada justifica fazer o mal, pois o acto de fazer o bem é uma tendência que não aceita contradições e requer aperfeiçoamentos. Helena

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  224. Heisan, jeg må si meg enig i anonym. Vi har også Brimnes i heimen vår, og er superfornøyde:) Vår seng er full av sort/hvit og gul/hvit stripete puter og et grått pledd så senga ser ganske så stilren ut faktisk:)

  225. I used bamboo to create my toys when I was a child. My family was so poor, so I designed my own toys with the aim of help my parents. I think that situation helped me to learn how difficult is to get money, so now I try not to waste it.

  226. Je mets de la farine avant, pendant, après, tout le temps :-DJe m’arrête au numéro 5 du laminoir kitchenaid, mais je tenterai numéro 6 la prochaine fois.Tente l’avant dernier numéro, des raviolis trop épais sont toujours mieux que troués 😀

  227. pacobel / Muy contento con el cambio producido por la piedrecita.Muy contento con los cuatro logos-acuerdos que hicieron inclinar la balanza hacia el lado mas justo para Asturias y para España.Muy contento con hacer que los dos partidos esten mas pendientes de España que de si mismos ,engañanado al vulgo todo lo que pueden por razones de partido.Eres como Pelayo ,por la reconquista de una España justa , progresista,y avanzada .Muchas gracias Rosa.

  228. You make things so clear. Thanks for taking the time!

  229. Information is power and now I’m a !@#$ing dictator.

  230. "Servindo-me" das palavras deleitosas do Dr.Bartolomeu, continua a beber da mata do Buçaco a tal "serenidade de espírito"…precisamos todos muito dela! 🙂

  231. Me and this article, sitting in a tree, L-E-A-R-N-I-N-G!

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  233. Thanks for sharing. Your post is a useful contribution.

  234. That’s wacky. Did the bill visit the Carribean before coming to you? The gas co that I work with sends the bills on the date of the bill. They’re in the mail truck before we’re awake.

  235. schwul, also. homosexuell ist, sagt mein großonkel eine krankheit, die hervorgerufen wird, durch seelischen streß in der schwangerschaft. allerdings wenn mami keinen stress hatte, kann man(n) dann trotzdem schwul werden?kann man auch erst normal sein und dann schwul?und wieso wollen männer eigentlich schwul sein?frauen sind doch viel schöner!männer !

  236. Ehi! Ho letto della festa in nostro onore… Che bello!Perchè non scrivere anche della festa che abbiamo fatto per gli auguri di Natale? Anche voi siete state parte integrante ! Piano piano comincerò ad essere brava con questo aggeggio chiamato computer… Ciao!!!Ah, domani farò i cestini al formaggio per i miei nipoti, baci !

  237. Merci à vous. C’est toujours intimidant de se lire et du coup on ne voit plus que les défauts.Elmar, je compte sur toi pour te lancer aussi.Merci Guillaume d’avoir rajouté le kick de seconde balle. Je n’avais pas osé intégrer des éléments trop techniques que je ne maîtrise pas.

  238. Nicht nur wieder très chic sondern auch niedlich sieht das aus und es steht Dir auch ausgesprochen gut.Et c’est vrai, ma chèrie. Du hast Recht, so könnte das französische Rotkäppchen aussehen, le petit Chaperon rouge.Hier mal gucken, runterscroll und erstes Illustration mal anguck.À bientôtteena

  239. . Your favorite reason appeared to be on the internet the easiest thing to be aware of. I say to you, I certainly get irked while people think about worries that they just don’t know about. You managed to hit the nail upon the top and defined out the whole thing without having side-effects , people can take a signal. Will likely be back to get more. Thanks

  240. Ant Boni sier: At today’s prices for new, custom homes. $ 200.00 per square foot is way too low. For right now, get your architectural education. A million bucks for ANY new home now is a fair price. (depending on location.)

  241. Comment rester insolent, impertinent, libre quand on participe à la garden party de l’Elysée ? Val y est allé tâter du petit four le 14 juillet dernier. À quand la légion d’honneur des mains du Président ? On s’en approche…

  242. Sure they can. There is nothing preventing the party from cutting ties with the Federal party. A new merged party could simply draw on a pool of Alberta based former Liberal and NDP organizers. It would require a constitutional amendment severing ties with the federal party with 2/3 of delegates at a convention voting in favour of it.It's not likely, but not impossible.

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  244. That poem is so so so awesome!!! I wonder if shadows long to just for once feel the sun!I love what poetry is, and how it teaches us to FEEL and feel more. This particular poem seems to be a lot about longing, and I think this is a clue on the path to growing out of pharisaical thinking – LONGING to be real, to FEEL and not just be right and follow the rules, but to feel and know life, not through the safety of following rules, but through the experience of having seen and felt God. 🙂  |  

  245. Was haben den Privatkopien mit sexuellem Missbrauch von Kindern zu tun? So eine Gegenüberstellung ist einfach nur geschmacklos und vereinnahmt Menschen, die sexuellen Missbrauch zu erleiden hatten, in unerträglicher Weise.

  246. ta pani byÅ‚a ponoć swego czasu aktywnÄ… dziaÅ‚aczkÄ… Stronnictwa Demokratycznego.SD to taka lokajska wobec PZPR formacja, sÅ‚ugusy sÅ‚ugusów :)))a te nieszczÄ™sne ksero to jak twierdzi NAKAZANO jej prowadzić.CieszyÅ‚a siÄ™ jak widać zaufaniem wÅ‚adz :)))Potem jak wielu aparatczyków niskiego szczebla z PZPR wylÄ…dowaÅ‚a w PO i podobno nawet startowaÅ‚a w wyborach samorzÄ…dowych Jako że dojrzewaÅ‚a w latach sześćdziesiÄ…tych, to tÅ‚umaczy jejsocrealistyczny styl pisania, wiadomo czym skorupka …..Dla mnie to mentalna bolszewia

  247. can you explain to me that i build and i am getting points through them i was 12500 point with me on the 17th position i went to sleep for 4 hours and when i got up i was 9500 points lying on 31 position even no body has plundered me or i have not lost a battle

  248. ese auto esta bien estacionado!!!si se fijan debajo de la “E” tiene una flechita apuntando hacia la casa… en esa foto falta el otro cartel q tiene la E apuntando hacia la calle… eso significa q desde donde esta el cartel cn la flecha hacia la calle hatas donde esta el otro cartel no se puede estacionar…

  249. A friend of mine had his *own* stolen laptop brought back to his computer shop for “repair because I forgot my password” and it had a sticket from his shop and a “warranty repair” phone number listed on it.The guy stole it from him, couldn’t get in, looked at the sticker, and figured “Hey, these guys will fix it” – without thinking that MAYBE they might have a record of who that machine belonged to, let alone that it might be an employee’s machine.Not a smart thief, that.

  250. The only episode of Torchwood I've seen is the first episode of Season 2. And I freely admit that I only watched it because of James Marsters. I just really like watching the man act, okay. And hearing him. (Cannot recommend The Dresden Files audiobooks, which he reads, enough. Seriously they are amazing.)

  251. We made these for my daughter's Baptism. We had a small bbq at our house afterwards. I think we used less onions than the recipe called for. Everyone enjoyed their burgers, so I think it was a hit!!

  252. Walking in the presence of giants here. Cool thinking all around!

  253. I would wear it with black strappy wedges, I'd lift it up a bit to make it above the knee and belt it with a black leather belt and add lots of black jewelry. Then I'd put my hair into a messy bun, grab a big handbag.

  254. I loved this book, and felt so warm and fuzzy while I was reading it, which was long ago. The new addition sounds like something that I need for my library. In the age of the shocking and explicit novel, this is a piece of comfort among the strangeness. Excellent review! Had I known you were reading it, I would have cheered you on!

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  258. Everything looks fantastic. I really can’t wait for our asparagus to be ready…but I guess I have to since we just planted it, ha Love those radishes! I forgot to plant some this spring and the ones we planted last fall failed quite miserably. Ah well, there’s always next time

  259. Вова:Нас всегда и везде учили быть работниками, рабочими, служащими, подчиненными, НО никак не работодателями, начальниками, директорами, боссами. И мы должны сами все это изменить. Только мы!

  260. It’s my understanding that there are actually TWO Southwest personal cards and TWO Southwest business cards that one can get: one with a $69 annual fee and one with a $99 fee. And there is a possibility of getting both if properly spaced out as they are different cards. Are you aware of this? Has anyone tried getting all four?

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  263. They all share information so you have to be knowledgeable of all of them. They are separate companies but seem to work together. The type of bureau that an individual lending company looks at should be on the application you fill out. If it is not, you can request that information (recommended) from the Representative you’re in contact with! They have to disclose this information to you if requested! Good luck!

  264. Daniel… muito obrigada! Além da luz, vc conseguiu registrar nossas alegrias…. tá tudo perfeito!Mesmo já conhecendo seu trabalho, sua sensibilidade foi fundamental pra que essas fotos ficassem assim, tão verdadeiras! Por causa de voçê, pela sua vontade de fazer, e fazer gostando…Imagina quantas vezes vou me emocionar quando olhar pra estas imagens???Obrigada mil vezes!

  265. bạn dùng phần mềm unikey để gõ tiếng việt mới dễ hiểu ý bạn muốn hỏi gì, Bánh Bò thì chú ý lửa và thời gian hấp nha. Nấu cho nước sôi lên, để khuôn vào xửng hấp cho nóng khuôn, sau đó đổ bột vào khuôn, bột dày 10 phút bánh nở bông rất đẹp, hấp càng lâu bánh sẽ rất xấu, không nở bông được đâu

  266. F*ckin’ remarkable things here. I am very happy to see your post. Thank you so much and i am taking a look forward to contact you. Will you please drop me a e-mail?

  267. Hola otra vez. Éste mismo truco no me funciona para cuando tengo una dirección http de una web que se redirecciona al blog. Sabrías porque puede ser o como arreglarlo.Gracias

  268. Another gorgeous card Bev, so pretty and girly too. Love it! The flowers look wonderful with that mist effect and your image is super cute. Love the ribbon too. 🙂

  269. Synes du ikke Sephora neglelakfjerneren lugter rigtig, rigtig kraftig?!Overvejede at købe den – men stillede den tilbage igen med det samme.Har derimod prøvet én fra Depend (tror jeg det var), den lugtede ikke nær sÃ¥ grimt 🙂 for idéen bag er super smart

  270. Thanks, I’m thinking about adding some followups .. 201 – Advanced blogging, 202 – Twitter for Fun and Profit, and maybe 301 – New MediaAt the moment I’m a bit buried in production and trying to keep up with demand … A *terrible* problem to have … not. 😀

  271. Kudos to you! I hadn’t thought of that!

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  273. Perhaps nobody is expecting substantial changes from the same three commissioners who have already spent a year editing the plan. Unless these three commissioners duck this decision once and for all, this could very well have been the last comp plan hearing for a very long time. We should be so lucky.

  274. La poesia di Stefania ha un’inquieta inpronta, a tratti ironica, a tratti amara.Mi pare vi sia il senso di una distanza sofferta dal mondo, pur restando in esso con tutte le parole che lo tratteggiano con precisione.Come se il “disegno” poetico potesse alleggerire questa distanza, darle un senso.Brava Stefania. E brava Anila, con le sue proposte.liliana

  275. that they want to split the jury what does that mean? bifractionate or something like that. anyways I go to mediation in less than 2 months, is it better for me that I have a trial date? and is it possible that the date would be moved closer as suits get sttled.

  276. Truly, Truly stunning Bev, I think the coloring on kraft card makes alot of diffrence, I think the same card done on white would be lovely but not as lovely and vintage feeling as this.

  277. Maj: Pokud tě táhne hlavně japonština, doporučuji v tomto případě jednoobor. Olomoucká bohemistika je proslulá svou náročností a opravdu velmi obsáhlými seznamy četby, které musíš plnit každý semestr. Spolubydlící toho nechala po roce a dost vyděšená z ní byla i kamarádka, která Bc. dělala v Opavě a na UPOLskou bohemistiku přestoupila kvůli Mgr. Rozhodně je to jen obor pro ty, které bohemistika velice zajímá a kteří jsou jí ochotni obětovat hodně času. A v tom je problém, jelikož takovým oborem je i japonština.

  278. Well, i'll be a motherfucker. I cannot believe you've been hoarding these tips for so long! Giggle. [ .fqkj{position:absolute;clip:rect(445px,auto,auto,488px);}approval ]thelittlehenhouse Reply:April 8th, 2011 at 5:37 amtee hee. [ .fqkj{position:absolute;clip:rect(445px,auto,auto,488px);}approval ]thelittlehenhouse Reply:April 8th, 2011 at 5:37 amtee hee. [ .fqkj{position:absolute;clip:rect(445px,auto,auto,488px);}approval ]

  279. Alu, Ty mnei zawsze tak chwalisz, ze az mi glupio, zreszta Ty wiesz. Milo mi slyszec od Ciebie dobre slowo, Ty moja specjalistko od "14stu plackow na tydzien" :*

  280. if not all goes hand in hand with Islamic teachings where masturbation is completely forbidden.(I believe for both its effect on health and society)BTW Alexxnom and everyone else, one of the purposes of prayer in islam (which are done 5 times a day and has aspects similar to meditation) is to prevent the foul acts and lead the person to good ones.

  281. karle, maji tam prisneho admina, ktery nepripousti diskusi na jina temata, nez jsou zmineny v clanku. takze kdybych to “nadhodil”, tak okamzite a nemilosrdne maze. na ty stranky totiz chodi totiz i deti a zeny, kterym by to kohlo do hlavicek zanest pochybnosti

  282. "Why aren't Japanese conservatives obsessed with Islam?"The answer is completely predictable: Because you're a morally and mentally defective jew-hater.

  283. Happy birthday! Those pancakes are extra cute since they're specifically made for you! I'm hoping to get some cookie cutters to make my boyfriend something similar. I'm hoping to get some Miffy ones!

  284. Merari este escrito esta como las frituritas de boniato contundente y es verdad que a veces uno parece disco rallado repitiendo pero no nos debemos de cansar porque así sera la unica manera de que nuestros jovencitos aprendan , felicidades mas que la verdad esta muy bueno el escrito creo que deberia sali en el devocionario

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