ثلاث مركزيات نقابية مغربية تطالب باعتماد هذه المقاربة لولوج زمن الإصلاح الشامل لمنظومة التقاعد

وجهت المركزيات النقابية الثلاث الاتحاد المغربي للشغل، الكونفدرالية الديمقراطية للشغل، الفدرالية الديمقراطية للشغل، مذكرة إلى الحكومة حول إصلاح أنظمة التقاعد، ضمنتها رؤيتها ومقاربتها الخاصة للتعاطي مع هذا الملف الشائك، خاصة بعد قرار عبد الاله بنكيران، رئيس الحكومة  القاضي  بالرفع من سن الإحالة على التقاعد إلى 62 سنة ابتداء من فاتح يوليوز من السنة المقبلة، بدلا من سن 60 سنة المعمول بها حاليا.
ودعت المذكرة النقابية إلى  تجاوز ماأسمته “النظرة المحاسباتية الضيقة المعتمدة من طرف الحكومات السابقة والحكومة الحالية، واعتماد المقاربة ذات البعد الاقتصادي والاجتماعي لولوج زمن الإصلاح الشامل لمنظومة التقاعد.”
وأضافت المركزيات النقابية الثلاث، أن التشخيص الموضوعي، في نظرها،  “يثبت أن منظومة التقاعد بالمغرب تتميز ب:
1- ضعف نسبة التغطية الاجتماعية: إن ثلثي الساكنة النشيطة لا تتوفر على أية حماية اجتماعية و لا يشملها أي نظام من أنظمة التقاعد.
2- تعدد وعدم انسجام أنظمة التقاعد: بحيث أن كل نظام من أنظمة التقاعد تأسس في ظرف خاص، لفئة معينة، وبإطار قانوني محدد و تدبر هذه الأنظمة بمقاييس مختلفة.
3- انعدام أي ممرات ومسالك بين هذه الأنظمة: الأمر الذي يعيق عملية تنقل الأجراء بين الوظيفة العمومية والقطاع الشبه العمومي وبينهما وبين القطاع الخاص، كما أن هذا الانعدام يضِيع على الأجراء العديد من حقوقهم عند تغيير إطار عملهم.
4- التمويل: المعروف أن أنظمة المعاشات تمول بالمغرب أولا من الانخراطات (أجراء و مشغلين )، ثم كذلك من المنتجات المالية لاحتياطات صناديق الاستثمار، وتبعا لذلك، فإن التوازن المالي لهذه الأنظمة و كذلك ديمومتها ليست رهينة بمستوى الانخراطات فحسب، و لكن كذلك بما ينتج عن توظيف احتياطاتها”.
وسجلت مذكرة المركزيات المقابية الثلاث، أن المعامل الديموغرافي، يظل عاملا مهما في تحديد مصير أنظمة التقاعد المعتمدة على نظام التوزيع، لكن هذا المعامل الذي انخفض من نسبة 12 مزاول لمتقاعد واحد سنة 1986 بالصندوق المغربي للتقاعد (CMR)إلى نسبة 3 سنة 2012 والإسقاطات الاكتوارية تقول أن هذه النسبة ستصل إلى 1 في أفق سنة 2014، ونفس هذه الإسقاطات تؤكد أن المزاولين المنخرطين في الصندوق الوطني للضمان الاجتماعي (CNSS) ستصل 11.9مليون منخرط في 2060 بدل 2.7 مليون حاليا”.
وتبعا لذلك لاحظت المذكرة النقابية،  أن هناك “تقليصا لمناصب الشغل في الوظيفة العمومية و تحويلا تصاعديا للمناصب من القطاع العام إلى القطاع الخاص،بما لذلك من انعكاسات سلبية على العلاقات المهنية (الهشاشة) وعلى التوازنات المالية لأنظمة التقاعد ،خصوصا و أن الحماية الاجتماعية ومنها التقاعد، ترتكز، في الأنظمة التي تعتمد التوزيع ،على نوعين من التضامن، التضامن بين الأجيال و التضامن بين المهن و القطاعات.”
والمشكل، من وجهة نظر موقعي المذكرة النقابية المشتركة، “يكمن في السياسات المنتهجة في ميدان التشغيل، وبالتالي ستعجزالمقاربة المحاسباتية عن حل إشكالية المعامل الديموغرافي،لأنه نتيجة و ليس سببا”.
وأكدت المذكرة النقابية ” ضرورة الإصلاح الشمولي لأنظمة التقاعد”، مشيرة إلى
أن تعبير المركزيات النقابية عن رفضها لسيناريو الإصلاح المقايسي لنظام المعاشات المدنية المقترح عليها يوم 18يونيو2014 لا ينطلق فقط من كونه يحَمل تبعات هذا الإصلاح للموظفين( الاشتغال أكثر والمساهمة أكثر من أجل معاش أقل) بل كذلك باعتبار أي تعديل مقايسي لا يدخل في إطار الإصلاح الشمولي ويكون جزءا منه، سيكون مصيره الفشل” على حد تعبيرها.
واعتبرت المركزيات النقابية، في مذكرتها المشتركة، أن الحكومة تعاملت بمنطق « في انتظار تفعيل الإصلاح ، سيتم اعتماد إصلاح يهم مقاييس نظام المعاشات المدنية» في حين، أن المفروض  هو أن يشمل الإصلاح المقايسي كل أنظمة التقاعد لخلق التقاطبات الممكنة.
وجوابا على مقترحات الحكومة في إطار اللجنة الوطنية لإصلاح أنظمة التقاعد المجتمعة يوم الأربعاء 18 يونيو 2014، في شأن الإجراءات المقايسية لإصلاح الصندوق المغربي للتقاعد، فإن المركزيات النقابية، ترى، حسب مذكرتها، أن هذه الإجراءات ستؤدي إلى:
-” انعكاسات سلبية على سوق الشغل، وذلك بالرفع من مستوى البطالة في أوساط المؤهلين للوظيفة العمومية،
– فرض الاستمرار في العمل بالنسبة لفئات كبيرة من الموظفين ليست لهم القدرة الصحية ولا المعنوية للعمل بعد سن 60 سنة،
– انخفاض في مستوى المردودية،
– تأثير سلبي كبير على القدرة الشرائية للمنخرطين،
– علاوة على أنها وكما سبق ذكره لن تساهم في دخول زمن الإصلاح الشامل”.
ومن ثمة، اقترحت المذكرة النقابية، “الشروع في العمل على بلورة منظومة القطبين عبر مراحل من الإصلاحات المقاييسية والتدبيرية تهم كل الصناديق، وكمرحلة أولى تهدف إلى خلق تقارب بين نظام المعاشات المدنية CMR والنظام الجماعي لمنح رواتب التقاعد RCAR من جهة، ومن جهة أخرى، خلق أجواء يشعر من خلالها الجميع أننا ندشن لبداية الإصلاح الشمولي” ، على حد تعبير موقعي المذكرة.

اقرأ أيضا

تونس ليبيا الجزائر

دبلوماسي تونسي يقصف “القمة الثلاثية”

قال إلياس القصري، السفير التونسي الأسبق في كل من "سيول، ونيودلهي، وطوكيو، وبرلين"، إن "البعض يفسر ضعف اهتمام الرأي العام التونسي بمجريات القمة الثلاثية التونسية الجزائرية الليبية، بتونس، بعدم الاقتناع بجدوى ومخرجات هذه المبادرة الدبلوماسية..

275 تعليقاً

  1. Please keep thorwing these posts up they help tons.

  2. Sheerah,Thank you for that NPR interview. I’ll visit buggyboy.G. Gene,Steven Tyler — the West’s contribution to aural torture, fer sure. As for all those witches, well we do see what we want to see, don’t we?

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  4. For the Drinking Song Top 5 I have to submit:”Killin Time” by Clint BlackI’m not a huge country music fan, but this song is all about drinking, so it fits quite well.

  5. Mike, some days I feel ancient – LOL! Other days, I still feel like I’m sixteen! In a way, with all God has brought me through so far, I feel like I’ve lived two lifetimes. Anyhow, thanks for stopping by and have a great weekend!

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  7. Free knowledge like this doesn’t just help, it promote democracy. Thank you.

  8. Oui enfin, son palmarès, entre finale, 1/2 et quarts à L’Open d’Australie, deux 1/2 (et peut-être mieux) à Wimbledon, 1/4 à Roland Garros et 1/4 à l’US Open, quand on connait les joueurs devant lui au classement, il n’y a pas à rougir. Il a également des 250, 500 et un Masters 1000 à son actif, ainsi que d’autres finales dont une au Masters de Londres. Pas mal déjà!Il peut rêver d’un gros coup sur ce Wimbledon, espérons qu’il sache se transcender face à Murray.

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  14. For while one saith, I indeed am of Fellay; and another, I am of Williamson; are you not men ? What then is Williamson, and what is Fellay?As for me, I reject my personal feelings and interpretations, for that us the Protestant way. I submit to the Vicar of Christ and the will of the Church. If I disagree or if I don’t understand, it is for me to take it up with my priest and bishop and Pontiff – but ultimately it is for me to obey until such time as I am told otherwise.

  15. Oh girl, I hear ya. We also “regulate” our heating. (i.e. don't turn it on ever for punishment of tickling). And I freeze. In the winter I freeze bc the Hubs refuses to turn on heat and in the summer I freeze bc the Hubs is “so hot he's melting”. I can't win!And, as a flight attendant, I go from tampa to buffalo in one day, so I dress in layers. Knee high socks, short sleeve shirt layered with long sleeve with sweater with jacket. And always a hat and gloves. We open those plane doors in chicago for thirty minutes and I FA-REEZE!!!

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  19. belas imagens e belo louvor,mas com todo respeito acho que não tem nada a ver um louvor ao Deus todo poderoso com as imagens do timão de fundo,até porque futebol é só futebol e os louvores a Deus tem que ser entoados e direcionados somente a Deus.abraço grande mestre dr.osmar

  20. Thanks, Alan, for such a thorough account, through so much interesting information. Good guidance for us all. I “Liked” visiting your new FB page and agree with Roy that your “About” section could better address the interests of your target readers. I really enjoyed your “Poem of the Week”, with audio of course, and I’m looking forward to the next one.Robbie Schlosser recently posted..

  21. , “Don’t worry son, you aren’t going any where.” I must admit, I was not heartbroken by the news. I would have gone though. It never occurred to me to run to Canada. And you know there is no way I was gonna burn a 1-Y card. Never got into the protests any way. Thanks to all the vets that put it on the line. god bless you!!SamFox

  22. It reminds me of GOP logic. When the economy does well, we need to give the rich a tax break. When the economy does poorly, we need to give the rich a tax break. And they get away with this nonsense just as the corporate “reformers” do.

  23. Hold nu KÆFT …. Hvor ser du bare dejlig sund ud Igen sag at være gravid – nÃ¥r man ser sÃ¥ lækker ud …. Du er og bliver en lækkermÃ¥s . Wup Wup og pift …. Din kæreste mÃ¥ være sÃ¥ stolt af dig )

  24. That hits the target dead center! Great answer!

  25. Umm, are you really just giving this info out for nothing?

  26. Heck yeah bay-bee keep them coming!

  27. I’m trying to imagine a mash-up in my head of your first two albums: The Devil Went Down To Georgia in the background with the melody of We’ve Got the Beat. And rest assured, I too am on my computer on Saturday night. Sigh.

  28. anders: jag vet inte faktiskt :)erika: ja men eller hur?! :)emliscious: ja det är verkligen skitbra! dÃ¥ slipper man ju matlagningen flera andra kvällar!anna: det är absolut jätteskönt att bara slappa i soffan ocksÃ¥! Fast det hinner jag ju ändÃ¥ med nÃ¥gon timme av även om jag jobbat/tränat.. (Fast iofs är det med datorn i knät, men ändÃ¥ :)madde: jepp, den var bra! :)jenna: Hoppas du fick till nÃ¥t mumsigt! 🙂

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  33. I have read estimates that anywhere from 10-20% of the American voters believe Obama was born in Kenya and if that number is true Donald can deliver their votes to Mitt, beyond Kenya I expect another 50+% believe Obama failed to prove he was eliglbe to run by hiding his birth certificate, college applications, college transcripts, false Selective Service registration, etc. No Republican could have EVER survived these number of issues.. And Clinton managed along with the press to hide his sordid background and woman abuse

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  35. — or it might, to one degree or another. Either way, speech is fallibly human, and prone to change, and intentional or careless revision as it’s whispered around a room (or a planet).As a side note — I would not allow my child to attend a school where creationism is taught as science. Science is based on reviewable facts (fossilized bones, ancient tree rings, the chemistry of life processes, DNA, etc.). Religion is a BELIEF. I would, however, insure that my child receives BOTH — solid science in school, religious beliefs in church and at home. Seems pretty simple to me.

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  63. Gospod, hvala Ti, da mi pokažeš, da je še upanje za mene in mojega partnerja. Prosim, ostani z nami. Hvala vsem angelom in svetnikom, ki nas spremljajo. Hvala presveti Mariji, za vse njene priprošnje k Bogu, hvala predragemu Jezusu za njegovo milost, hvala, ker vem, da me nikoli ne bo zapustil.

  64. Ah zut, j'ai maladroitement appuyer sur un bouton qui a effacé mon message! Je disais que tu m'avais convaincu d'essayer ta recette (sûrement mercredi). Juste deux questions : la gomme arabique est-elle indispensable? Et puis-je prendre des amandes déjà émondées et passer la phase de faire bouillir les amandes avec leur peau? Merci par avance de tes réponses et de tes magnifiques recettes!

  65. Il est rare que je commente sur des blogues pour la simple et unique raison que, la majorité du temps, ceux-ci sont innondés de commentaires et que le nôtre passe souvent inapercu. Toutefois, il est a noté que toute ce que je lis, je l’intègre en général dans la vie de tout les jours si cela peut ou non m’apporter un + !

  66. Christoph Seufert November 3, 2012 Yes, but if you really do what they say, then you have to turn your device off for start and landing and are allowowed to use it in airplane mode during the flight.

  67. Heliana Costa disse:O Petit Palais foi o local que mais me emocionou em minha viagem a Paris , em dezembro de 2011. Suas fotos estão lindas; excelente recordação.

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  69. The threat was that he'd be called a "partisan"? That's it??? And for that Roberts has sold us out??I want to read Clarence Thomas's opinion. He's the only one on the bench with a true intellect and he's usually on our side.

  70. Thanks for the great info dog I owe you biggity.

  71. Rather than central casting, I’m more interested in who would do the soundtrack … this kind of story could inspire the long-awaited collaboration between Weird Al Yankovic and Nine Inch Nails.

  72. well looks like I’m in a minority of one. I do get what you ladies are saying but for me it’s how I do the job & not what I wear. I also accept the way I dress could influence someone I meet. I also have the confidence to know the real me shines through. If the job calls for dressing in a particular way then so be it but that’s not my job!

  73. extortionate interest rates and even bankruptcy by turning to loan sharks and doorstep money lenders instead of legitimate sources of finance.People with debt problems are risking bad advice, .

  74. Tusind tak for din lange, kloge og informative kommentar – kan virkeligt bruge den til noget!Wow – vidste ikke det var sÃ¥ dyrt… Det har vi faktisk slet ikke rÃ¥d til… Troede det kostede mÃ¥ske 500 ekstra pr mÃ¥ned, og det vil vi have rÃ¥d til fra næste Ã¥r, nÃ¥r den mindste skal i børnehave(det er en del billigere end vuggestuen).

  75. ¡¡Maldito!! ¡Dijiste que borrarías el comentario! Si llego a saber que lo vas a dejar, podría algo mucho mas inteligente al nivel de mis estudios…. Algo como: “grglrgl”

  76. wah mantab tuh kombinasi lensanya… all range…saya kira tidak mubadzir… saya sekarang lagi melirik EFS 18-200mm untuk all-round travel lens….

  77. This is great news, Jeff. So when/where/how do I get to see the first instrument you’ve built? Are you posting pics on your blog? Have I missed them? I saw the email from Mike about the workshop and it sounded great. If I weren’t all the way across the country, I’d have loved to have been there for inspiration and sharing of good music! How was it?

  78. Hi Teli,Nice green bags!Well, there’s a massive move practically every where in the world to eradicate plastic bags and just go for green bags. I commend you on this earth-saving move!

  79. May I simply say what a relief to discover somebody that really knows what they’re talking about online. You definitely know how to bring an issue to light and make it important. More people really need to read this and understand this side of the story. It’s surprising you are not more popular because you certainly have the gift.

  80. How funny! The baby maker I used before we had our little girl was WAY off (thank goodness!). So, I think we need to be BFFs. I'm married to a State Trooper and our little girl is Ella Kate, too! So happy I ran across your blog.

  81. excellent post as usual.i also saw d interview.. its good.but manse didnt hav any other aggresive politician other dan raj thakre.

  82. Interesting post, arj. John Mansfield, thanks for posting that about the wall surrounding the Temple. It reminds me of that time when Dan Quayle came to Salt Lake City and gave a speech outside the Tabernacle one Morning, saying, “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!”

  83. I have been absent for some time, but now I remember why I used to love this blog. Thanks , I will try and check back more often. How frequently you update your site?

  84. If you wrote an article about life we’d all reach enlightenment.

  85. monicarufina:What do you think about the quality of the espresso between those machines kat?is it still “you get what you pay for” or maybe there’s not so much different espresso quality between those small machine? i’m just curious is it the higher price only for the better model(with the same espresso quality)?actually i have the ec 155 and in my country, Indonesia, it’s sold little bit expensive, around 1.9 million Rupias or around 200$ in US Dollar thanks a lot for this great comparison video

  86. I’m really loving the theme/design of your blog. Do you ever run into any browser compatibility issues? A handful of my blog audience have complained about my blog not working correctly in Explorer but looks great in Firefox. Do you have any ideas to help fix this issue?

  87. Just do me a favor and keep writing such trenchant analyses, OK?

  88. Sorry for that hon but it’s a cracker to say the least! I FB’d it on our SYBD page! Hang in there. Sounds like this one really wasn’t personal as upsetting as it may be for now! x

  89. Minimum wage is a price control. History is very clear that price controls do not work. They distort markets with detrimental effects. To claim that in this one case, price controls on the minimum cost that business' pay for 1 hour of labour do work is absurd.

  90. First of all I would like to say superb blog! I had aquick question which I’d like to ask if you don’t mind.I was curious to find out how you center yourself and clear your thoughts before writing.I have had a tough time clearing my mind in getting my ideas out there.I do take pleasure in writing but it just seemslike the first 10 to 15 minutes are usually lost simply justtrying to figure out how to begin. Any ideas or tips? Thank you!

  91. That’s cleared my thoughts. Thanks for contributing.

  92. That’s an apt answer to an interesting question

  93. Thanks for sharing, this post blew my mind. Now i’m looking at web tech in many new ways.Did you consider using the WebSocket protocol instead of HTTP to avoid polling?

  94. 1a9Thanks so much Cathe for posting these great letters and to all of you for the wonderful comments. My mom and I found these letters this weekend, packed away in her garage. Two really great things about these letters- 1. My great grandpa Ernest Carlson wrote these to Grandma Evelyn when they were 19! Can you imagine?! 2. They were married for 65 years, until he passed away peacefully. Love you both,Amy4e

  95. I really like your blog.. very nice colors & theme.Did you create this website yourself or did you hiresomeone to do it for you? Plz respond as I’m looking to create my own blog and would like to find out where u got this from. many thanks

  96. A15, Michèle et levetoJ’ai de plus en plus souvent le sentiment désagréable que le droit malgré ses imperfections sera bientôt le dernier rempart de notre intimité et de nos libertés y compris celles d’être idiots et archaïques. Il m’arrive de juger (cour nationale du droit d’asile) et je peux, à chaque audience, mesurer à quel point la règle de droit protège et à quel point elle est insuffisante.

  97. sheds more light on the confusion surrounding dietary fat. " You can read more about it here: Saturated Fat, Carbs & Cardiovascular Disease Just giving you some more ammunition Jen

  98. Definitely believe that which you satted. Your favorite reason seemed to be on the net the simplest thing to be aware of. I say to you, I definitely get irked while people consider worries that they just don’t know about. You managed to hit the nail upon the top and defined out the whole thing without having side-effects , people could take a signal. Will likely be back to get more. Thanks

  99. Really sorry to hear about Bon Bon..my dog passe away last year and it was like loosing my oldest friend. Thinking of you lots and this outfit post is insane!Love cx

  100. habe ausnahmsweise mal einem BEFEHL Folge geleistet, halte es da sonst eher mit Hesse, der in seinem “kurzen Lebenslauf” schreibt, “Ich brauchte nur das „Du sollst“ zu hören, so wendete sich alles in mir um, und ich wurde verstockt.”

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  102. Sei appena stata citata, da me e "da molte ragazze e mamme" durante l'intervista a Giorgia su radio deejay, visto che parlava della sua maternità e del fatto che nessuno dica quanto è (anche) difficile! 🙂

  103. Heel goed idee! Door zo te provoceren is Nederland ook van zijn homo-angst afgekomen. Maar dat was voordat jullie hier kwamen.Overigens zou de haat week op een burgeroorlog uit kunnen draaien als een van de partijen zich weer eens niet kan beheersen en gaat moorden, dreigen of vernielen.

  104. Billbill80sLeave the guy alone for fuck sake, he just wants to go and spend a couple of measley dollars on some measley yogurt, then go home and sleep on his piles of money, snort some coke, and buy some hookers… whats the problem?

  105. gosh where we are they so much as see ur kit look at you funny they assume they are sick and you get a call…idiot teachers for not even paying attention…spank em!as for the nickel…..that is wild…who would have thought! wonder what is making my finger break out…my ring is white gold…and the other ring i tried was sterling silver…i guess i'm just pregnant hormonal! i'm a freak…but i knew that!

  106. Quote:This behaviour is contrary to our religion and our culture,” insisted Abdellah, another inhabitant of the block. end quote.Suck it up and stop the whining.It's not like immigrants from your culture are welcome in the West.And as for the Chinese?They reason.They are, in fact, tolerant.They are, in short, welcome in the West.

  107. Moi Sami, pitkän linja Grand Funk Railroad-fanina laiton Sweden Rockin 2013 toivomuslistaan ko. bändin nimen. Saa nähdä miten käy? Sami, jos saisit valita Sweden Rockiin, niin kumpi? Nykyinen Grand Funk fet. Schacher& Brewer vai Mark Farner solona?

  108. These topics are so confusing but this helped me get the job done.

  109. Funmi Aluko, your poetry blows my mind. This is what I will call POETRICKS. Indeed, very poetic. These are lines to forever remember. Lovely imagery. Your poetry foregrounds the fact that the best way to know how to speak the English language is to be proficient in one’s own language; that there is still hope for some of our traditional ways.KUDOS!

  110. If you can tell me how either Nick or I made money off this deal I’m all ears.1) I already have a Cineversity account and I paid $300 for it2) I already had a free copy of Planesmart as a beta tester. I make $0 from Cineversity. I make $0 from GSG. I like the plugin. Without this tutorial/coupon Planesmart would have been cost prohibitive to many young artists and inaccessible to students.Grab a drink and relax.Or better yet… hit record and share something with me that’s “quality”.

  111. DEIXE SUA MENSAGEMsaindo aqui da italia,minha filha vai levar duas malas de 23 kilos.se ela levar mais uma d e 23 kilo.qto ela deve pagar por essa mala a mais?obrigado

  112. of her daughters’ recent inspection of two of their dolls. “It can be overwhelming. You don’t want them to freak out.”OMG! Toys from China! The Earth truly is lost.Geez.

  113. Oh my goodness, could these get any more cuter? I think I have found what I am making the cousins for Christmas! I am Melanie’s friend, and could not be more in love with your work!Carlee

  114. Awesome Jayme. I would say this is your best work to date and it was your first wedding! How cool that my friend and neighbor did the photography for my friends and cousins!

  115. holyshitstopi’mtryingtopicturefrolickinginthesnowatnightwithmyhusbandandsayingfilmmehoneyfilmmedoingmystupidassfrogdancestop.Sorry… the only way I could make clear the urgency of my excitement/dismay/delight/horror is in the old-school telegraph style. Picture me on a sinking ship, a coupla beers deep, desperately tapping out news of the looming iceberg ahead.

  116. I can’t believe you’re not playing with me–that was so helpful.

  117. Awesome article sir.. Bt i m schkd dat Dabangg2 despte veing a decent wom didnt collct abt 175cr or so Were as Ett had avg Wom bt collctd 199cr :/ Hw cn thngs chnge so quickly all of a suden and if Masala entertainers graph is falling can v c downfall of salman cmg soon as out of his nxt 6 releases 5of them are masala entertainers?

  118. ● RE: “. . . there’s no country on Earth that wouldtolerate missiles raining down on its citizens from outside itsborders” ~ Obama / “O’bomber”● MY QUESTION FOR OBAMA / “O’BOMBER”: What country on Earth would tolerate being subjected to an illegal blockade for more than five years? ? ? Israel is the “little sadist”, but are the “Big (Global) Sadists” ! ! !● SEE: “U.N. experts say Israel’s blockade of Gaza illegal”, By Reuters, 9/13/11LINK –

  119. ola eu tive um sagramento no dia 28/01/2013 tipo mestruaçao com colica durou tres dia.e meu siclo de 28 eu mestrue no dia 10/01/2013 eu tive relaçao com meu marido no periodo fertil sem preservativo no dia por favo me ajunda sera eu posso esta gravida

  120. I could read a book about this without finding such real-world approaches!

  121. A joke is not one that disgraces other people. It is not funny but sick, to mock any living being and in this way. There is no sense in even thinking that one gender is above or below the other, but by these acts done by male, it shows clearly that male gender is lower than female. Dirty minds!

  122. Je comprends pas: QUI traite son mec de CD?? Je savais meme pas que ça pouvait etre mega insultant quoi. A la limite le traiter de CD rayé, why not. Mais de CD tout court, je vois pas.

  123. William a dit :« -Non mais tu vois, notre vie perso est bafouée avec les photos ( ma préférée ): et tu crois qu’en étant pas sur facebook tu contrôlera mieux les photos où tu apparais ? »Précisément. Une photo mise sur Facebook est repiquée automatiquement au moins 7 fois. Si on ne la met pas sur Facebook (et sur internet tout court), elle n’est PAS repiquée, et en tout pas par les utilisateurs de réseau. Ce n’est pas bien dur à comprendre.

  124. “Ele (ainda) acredita que o socialismo é a porta para o céu.”As escolas estão cheias de gente com crenças equivalentes.Na escola, a passagem pode não ser exactamente o socialismo. Há várias, algo turvas. Mas a crença num homem novo, perfeito, “educado” anda por ali.A realidade do mundo impõe-se, mas o resultado é incerto. Sobretudo substancialmente inútil..

  125. Thanks for the info. Very cute. I wish I had more time. Vintage Rose Wraps does have cute belts now. Maybe the knocked you off

  126. knedle czesto robie,bo jestem "uzalezniona" od nich,najczesciej jesienia ze sliwkami lub latem z morelami,jakos z truskawkami najmniej mnie kusza,ale kto wie…..smaka mi narobilas….sezon truskawkowy w pelni….mniammmmm..Usciski 🙂

  127. These topics are so confusing but this helped me get the job done.

  128. A double DVD, on the first disc a compilation of the Warfeild shows & the second disc could have a song from every major festival they performed at. Also a new album would be nice. I love the direction of Mystery Song.

  129. For og si det sÃ¥nn har venninner som er rundt 1.65 og 65 kilo og topptrent. Lav fett prosent etc. Kroppen din starter først og fremst pÃ¥ kjøkkenet, deretter nok hvile for restitusjon. Det de fleste ikke vet er at det er viktigere og spise riktig, da mener jeg ikke lite, enn og trene mye. SÃ¥ hvis man trener lite og spiser riktig og nok, fÃ¥r man en bedre kropp en hvis man trener for mye og spiser feil.Forige hadde 1000 skrivefeil…..

  130. You get real metal utensils on an Israeli flight! They’re not worried about handing you a knife, because they KNOW you’re not a fuckhead.I didn’t know Laura Prepon was a blond. She’s a better redhead… most women are.

  131. Renovating your home can be a painful and expensive process. Between money for materials, cost of construction labor and arguing over the new design,driving miles away to store a single room’s displaced furniture is the last thing you need worry over.

  132. Oh Lizzy: They were fun to have around, but seriously – no snow in Rochester is like… well, no snow in Canada. We’re all a little confused and wondering what to do with ourselves. At least now it is cold enough to make snow.

  133. Ha ha! that's so funny. I find those vampire wannabes really odd! You do look rather scary today, but in a stern headmistressy way. The hair is incredible, how did you do it? That suit looks like it was made to measure,totally gorgeous.Vicki xx

  134. a thought…To get on the ballot in Illinois you have to sign a statement that you are natural born. Since it would be a crime to lie on this form. Could one leave it blank and upon being denied to get on ballot sue or request a legal definition be provided so that paerson filling out the form could be truthful? Afterall, with no legal defintion from the Supreme Court it would seem that no one could actually answer this question truthfully or accurately. This might be the same for other states as well.

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  136. What if the present moment is out of control? I put my right thumb over my right side of my nose and breath in hold in my mind i’m saying think positive over and over then breath out then I feel more calm stright away. What can you do for anxitey?

  137. As the article showed, the kulaks went along with the plan for a long time and then it turned on them. That’s the point the article made. It’s not all that different from Russian Jews, who were willing participants in the Soviet power structure until it turned on them and killed them. The point of using the term kulak is to mean a peasant, but one who has options as opposed to some dirt-poor know-nothing who’s going to go along with the government because, what choice does he have?

  138. Personally, I would roll it over in to an IRA. Check with your bank or other financial institution that you do business with. Here are some ideas:VanguardFidelityH&R Block Financial AdvisorsAmeriprise FinancialCashing it out is generally a bad idea. You may lose up to 40% of it to penalties and interest.

  139. The accident of finding this post has brightened my day

  140.   Melissa RoblesMarch 21, 2012Yes I have! I’ve attended one with Julie Kagawa, author of the awesome Iron Fey series. It was so cool, she is a really funny and charismatic author.I hope I can attend one of yours soon!

  141. It’s a pleasure to find someone who can identify the issues so clearly

  142. Ce tableau n’est pas le seul à tenter de « présenter la représentation de la présentation ». Pendant un temps certain ça se faisait pas mal si mes souvenirs sont beau. Des noms? Aucun à vous soumettre. De simples souvenirs de magazines ou encyclopédies feuilletées. Et à chaque fois le même ravissement.amications cimaisesdB

  143. Indeed, I totally agree with Justin. Having a mixed workload can significantly change the story, especially if performance-critical aspects are implicitly prioritised in some unintended way (e.g. writes clobbering caches, or flow control leading to priority inversion).

  144. We love port! Our favorite is Whidbey’s Port but the winery closed, so sad. We bought up every last bottle we could find. Now we need to drink it all before it turns to vinegar!

  145. Hi Andree,Thank you for your email. Where do you live and we would be happy to suggest brands which would be available in your Province. Thank you.

  146. Howdy just wanted to give you a quick heads up. The text in your post seem to be running off the screen in Chrome. I’m not sure if this is a formatting issue or something to do with browser compatibility but I thought I’d post to let you know. The design look great though! Hope you get the issue resolved soon. Many thanks

  147. admin hovorí:Ahoj,pokiaľ nejaké poskytnete, určite pridáme. Ale neviem presne, čo máte na mysli, žiakov, budovy…? ÄŽakujeme za pochvalu a každý podnet na zlepÅ¡enie tohto portálu berieme vážne, preto píšte,Ahoj

  148. I’m right there with you — hubby has iPad, we have no books (other than my own novels — ha — have to have those, of course.) I see the value of both — but of course love actual books, need actual bookstores.

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  150. Jippi! Du har sydd….SÃ¥ moro! ;-}Den ble jo kjempestilig. Tror eflotteste tingene blir til nÃ¥r en ikke bruker mønster men bare gjør ting ut i fra egen fantasi.Og selvfølgelig er bildene luftige og eterisk vakre…..All grunn til Ã¥ være kry!

  151. Francis. I do not know Uche Igwe but Arik Airlines went on strike recently over the alleged ten percent. What about the return of the licence of Dana after a painful air crash? This aviation minister has questions to answer. Is she a front for 2015? We are watching.

  152. Como já citaram a máscara com DMAE da Racco é “milagrosa” o efeito lifting é instantâneo o csuto/benefício vale muito a pena. Eu ainda não uso, mas minha mãe sim e é nítido o resultado.Eui gosto da máscara de frutas Nutripplus da Racco também. 1x por semana por 1 mês e você não tem mais cravos, além da maciez que cofnere a pele!Ela “pinica” nos primeiros dois minutos mas depois passa, mas sempre devemos fazer o tteste de sensibilidade antes de usar qualqeur pordutos cosmético principalmente no rosto.

  153. I think your view of the purpose of comments is spot on. For the most part, it seems that most people who comment here have good intentions, whether they like the outfit or not. What I love most about the style blogging community is that we can all learn and draw inspiration from each other. I know personally that my style is constantly evolving, and I gain endless amounts of inspiration from reading other blogs and from reading the comments on my blog.Thanks so much for such a wonderful post!

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  155. Joachim Trine: 1. Hvor viktig vil du si at muligheten til et ha et sexliv, er i dagens samfunn?2. Hvorfor er “alle” horekunder menn?3. Hvordan tenker feministene Ã¥ stoppe den stadig økende prostitusjonen/sexmarkedet i Norge?

  156. Så fint rom! Dersom jeg vinner tror jeg nok jeg hadde valgt en vipp søppelbøtte. Har siklet på en sånn en leenge;)May

  157. Black's were NOT treated FAIR by White's, so a LAW had to be passed to FORCE White folk to do rightYeah, and the first two presidents to embrace affirmitive action were white.

  158. A sledge? You must be kidding. Colin could probably carry a 15-pound barbell in his mouth. One of his favorite “sticks” was a part of a branch about four feet long and 3″ in diameter. He’d trot down the street on a walk with it in his mouth. He literally stopped traffic more than once, with people stopping their cars to watch him tossing it in the air and pouncing on it. I eventually threw it away while he wasn’t looking.  Robert Bruce Thompson

  159. NO NO NO!!! I LOVE LONG POSTS!! Please don't shorten them 🙂 I also had a hard time with this decision, because S and B are both on the 'awesome things in life' list. So, I decided to judge as a result of the videos.. The Beethoven color movement rocked– literally. I greatly enjoyed it with my peppermint tea tonight. Yat! ;-0)–candelion

  160. J’ai toujours été dégoûté au fond de moi par le succès de la série Call of Duty alors que Battlefield possède des qualités (graphiques mais également sur le online) comparables et parfois meilleures que le hit d’Activision…Vivement la sortie de ce 3e opus.

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  162. Hola Sonia! el collar de ámbar lo dejaré para otro post por que mira que da juego jajaja creo que junto con la lactancia es lo que mas he visto detractoras y amantes…yo pues ya sabes de que bando soy ” a los fantasmas les tengo su respeto” jajaja Un besote desmadroso

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  164. I was seriously at DefCon 5 until I saw this post.

  165. A little rationality lifts the quality of the debate here. Thanks for contributing!

  166. Wow! I assumed they were rip-offs, but did not know how bad!But no one has told me WHO is behind all these places.Where do they get their financing? Who trains their “staff?”

  167. I was told by my insurance,since it was a hurricane I have a 5% hurricane deductible on top of my $1,000 deductible. So the first $16,000 is mine. Ouch if I needed a large repaityome, it wasn’t classified as a hurricane while over NJ, your insurance company is playing youWind was 68 mph by me, 78mph by my son in New Providence. Under 74 mph is not a Hurricane, over 74 mph is a Hurricane.

  168. [..YouTube..] Show de bola esse carrinho… na minha opinião a estética está 100%, tudo perfeito, só na mecãnica que eu iria mas a frente, usaria um motor do uno turbo, com as configurações originais do UnoT mesmo, só pra dar um ar de carro forte, até mesmo porque uma estética dessa não dá pra sair acelerando por ai… Parabéns cara, belo trabalho!

  169. A mi em va traumatitzar una bofetada del tot injusta.La meva mare va entendre una frase completament al reves del què havia dit i em va caure la santa bofetada. No era ni la primera, ni la segona… però sí la última, i potser la que recordo més.Fins fa un temps era partidària de les bofetades a temps, però és injust que un pare o una mare li doni una bofetada a un fill perquè molesta en un moment determinat, i en canvi (per posar un exemple), no li donin al seu jefe que l’està putejant dia a dia…

  170. “GdzieÅ› na wschodniej granicy Polski nie przebiega granica Unii Europejskiej – tu przebiega granica dwóch cywilizacji “Ależ akurat naszej grupy polityków należących, jak mniemać należy, do “krÄ™gu cywilizacji europejskiej” nic szczególnego przecież nie niepokoi. Min. Sikorski rÄ™ce urobi po Å‚okcie, a otworzy polskÄ… granicÄ™ z Obwodem Kaliningradzkim, by zasÅ‚użyć na uÅ›miech Putina…

  171. This post has helped me think things through

  172. One or two to remember, that is.

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  174. , "Still not peak liquid fuels."Used Car Salesmen says, "Still not peak oil (or at least not peak liquid fuels)"… and then runs quickly into his sales pitch.Stewart, you have a PhD. You know better (or should). Would you pull such crap in a scientific presentation?

  175. So seh ich das:MC Confusing – Mike ShinodaMC Amnesia – EminemMC Public Urination – X-ZibitMC Doesn’t Know what irony is – RedmanMC Get Side Tracked Easily – SnoopMC Lethal Weapon 1,2 & 3 = Serj TankianMC Lethal Weapon 4 = Run DMCMC Shit my Pantz Frequently – Lil WayneMC Final Verse – Dr Drebei den anderen weiß ich nix ^^

  176. Very interesting details you have mentioned , thankyou for putting up. “Success is a journey, not a destination. The doing is often more important than the outcome.” by Arthur Ashe.

  177. Walking in the presence of giants here. Cool thinking all around!

  178. hay ke t0dos l0s latin0american0s unem0s la man0s y ser nuestras fuersas para ser l0s paises mas desarr0llados (la vida da muchas vueltas)ahy ke ser c0m0 la uni0n eur0pea y ke t0d0s l0s paises hale de la gran latin0america 0k n0 hay ke peliar p0r kienes s0n l0s desarr0llad0s y kienes n0!!!latin0america juant0s y paz

  179. July 9, 2012 at 11:34 amHi, at 2:26 there is another adhesive layer to protect the screen, mine is coming off and does anyone know what this part is called and where to get one? thanks.

  180. Stop spending money on this stuff and build a moon base. Or start figuring out how to go to mars. When will it be mine turn for space travel. Won't even be manned due to the environment, distance and they probably don't plan on having it make a return.

  181. Great video, Tara! I have felt many callings in my life and have had difficulties with choosing one. So it’s a good question to ask what my calling is right now…[]

  182. Cane Cake Pops {Rawxy} Ornament Cake Pops {Tailored Sweets Blog} Holly & Snow Pops {The TomKat Studio} Reindeer Cake Pops

  183. Super jazzed about getting that know-how.

  184. I think it’s funny that there has been so much attention on the name Camden for Nick’s baby and Kristin’s baby. We named my 5 year old daughter Camden after her 95 year old great-grandfather. it’s a great, classic name, but it’s certainly nothing new

  185. I know Kath, hee hee, I was thinking that I’d get some mulled wine but no one spotted it, well done you , aw poor Chelsea, I didn’t like her at first but I do now, Harry is the best of the three in the final IMHO, enjoy,‘other half’ still pretty poorly, quite a worry!

  186. I’m with ya on all of the above, especially Gordon Downie. Also, I’m a big fan of Liam O’Maonlai. You know, of the Hothouse Flowers. But then, of course, you knew that! Mmmmm … Liam!

  187. I feel satisfied after reading that one.

  188. Har du blötlagt bönor och linser innan matlagning eller använt de färdiga på burk?Själv tycker jag det blir lite jobbigt att planera maten med blötläggning 12-24 timmar innan matlagning, men det kan ju bero på att jag är väldigt spontan med maten Har en burk med blötlagda borlottibönor som blivit stående i kylen eftersom jag inte vet vad jag skall göra med nu.

  189. yes, when you are ACTUALLY right… if you are wrong, and someone points out that you are obviously wrong or perhaps mistaken, and you continue to pretend to be right it just makes you look like, well Flavors. ick ick ick.(what good restaurant/waiter only ever sticks to the menu anyway?)

  190. Really intriguing post. Got me reailze I was entirely incorrectly about this content. I suppose one learns something different everyday. Mrs Right found her lesson! Good informative blog by the way. Appreciate your blog

  191. Olá…tudo bem??? amo o mundo da moda , adoro dicas variadas e criativas, tenho uma duvida e gostaria que você me ajudasse querida….vou ser madrinha de um casamento não tradicional, que acontecerá a tarde no cartório, e não tenho idéia de qual modelo vestir, cores não é meu problema, e sim modelos, tenho 62 kg, e 1,65 de altura , seios grandes…bjos e obrigado.

  192. O próximo deve ser aqui em BH Camila!!!!!! please…..bjs[]Mirian Oliver Respondeu:October 24th, 2012 em 10:03 pm, isso vamos fazer um movimento pra trazer ela pra bh !![] Respondeu:October 24th, 2012 em 10:46 pm, #Camila em BH!! Eu curto []YU Respondeu:October 24th, 2012 em 11:20 pmEM BH SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIM…UHUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Denise Respondeu:October 25th, 2012 em 2:42 pm, Isso mesmo gente….todo mundo pedindo…Camila em BH!!!! []Danielle Respondeu:October 24th, 2012 em 11:48 pm, Belo Horizonte, uai![]Laizza Respondeu:October 25th, 2012 em 8:28 am, Isso mesmo, apoiadoo! Camila em BH!![]Marianne Respondeu:October 25th, 2012 em 3:55 pm,Camila em BH!!!!!!!!!!!!

  193. ÊTES VOUS sûr que c’était pas FRANCKIE & MACHINTRUC?LE CDB aurait pu se dérouter sur l’aéroport le plus proche pour éviter cette perte de temps énormissime et aussi les désagréments pour les passagers attendant le vol de retour.C’est déjà arrivé à plusieurs reprises et les pilotes s’étaient juste dérouter vers l’aéroport le plus proche pour y débarquer le/les perturbateur (s)Revenir à ZURICH?C’est un peu con!

  194. I did a test of regenerist on my skin by putting it only on one side of my face each day and night. Well, forty days later I am gob-smacked by its results. All of the crow’s feet around my forty-four year old left eye have totally gone, while the one’s around my right eye are still there. I’m a fan of this product forever. What’s more it is really good value for money when you compare it to other expensive products that do nothing!

  195. Grazi for making it nice and EZ.

  196. Example offered: The homeschooled Daughtorial Unit aced her social sciences G.E.D. by selecting not the “most correct” answer but rather the “most politically correct” response from the proffered choices.As hypocrisy was once the tribute paid by vice to virtue, double-think is the price paid for admission to the cultural estuary.

  197. I love your paintings of Italy more than anything else you do. Your love of the country, your understanding of the structure, how you capture the entire feel of the scene just captivates me.

  198. That’s an intelligent answer to a difficult question xxx

  199. If you get to the point where you can’t do any of the things you currently do while crying, then it’s time to be concerned, but otherwise you’re grieving, just like you think you are. Not that you were asking for confirmation I feel for you so… I really do. All of your posts through your mother’s illness and death were SO hard for me to read so I can only imagine your feelings. I’m glad to hear you’re crying, because at least you’re releasing those feelings instead of holding them in.

  200. Sometimes its ironic that terms like liquidity , debts , shares be used in the world of finance, but its not applicable to aids to starving and dying people around the world.

  201. OMG! I never knew that girls are making money this way but I like your advice for them designing logos is the best way to make money. If you are good at it you will end up with thousands of dollar just my designing logos.Anyways, your research on this was superb buddy. Now, parents will get more strict when they hear that their daughter are making money online. All thanks to you.

  202. Aaw, Shannon this is SO wonderful! I recognized your amazing countertop under the super pretty wreath as soon as I saw the picture 🙂 Thank God you got to make a happy phone call to your mom. What an exciting gift for both of you! I haven't been able to buy the magazine yet, but sure hope to. Thanks for sharing some fun and happy news with us!Jeanette

  203. Well I guess I don’t have to spend the weekend figuring this one out!

  204. O hope it’s Casion Street Zone 2. I seen the 100,000 pinball challenge. It’s fun but it gets a little boring after awhile. I hope it’s that one. So far favorite music thus far is Lost labyrinth 1: Ancient Maze of Mystery.

  205. Pourquoi cette dame étendue sur tranche en 6 volumes est-elle amputée à des seins 9 & 10 et a-t-elle d’Å“ufs mollets 1 & 2 pour qu’on pensait quoi ?

  206. Hello my family member! I want to say that this post is awesome, great written and include almost all significant infos. I would like to peer more posts like this.

  207. Nelson,Si te referís a que el monto del deposito que dejaste originalmente el locador debe devolvertelo o contemplartelo como actualizado, es correcto.Y es lo mas justo, ya que si fué actualizando lso montos del alquiler, tambien el deposito debe actualizarse en la misma proporción. Por lo tanto, si en 3 años el alquiler aumentó en un 70 % el deposito de $ 1000 pesos que dejaste en su momento, deberia actualizarse en ese mismo porcentaje.

  208. FarougI am ashamed of what Sultan has done. Abandoning his own child and hurting the mother of his child is a crime. I pray for your child and would remind sultan of the day of judgement when we all face god with our deeds. Will you be able to escape god punishment.what sultan has done is immoral and against the real teachings of Islam. Wish you and your cute baby all the luck.

  209. Love all the capers mingling with pasta on the plate! Capers re so delicate yet strong in flavor and they (in my opinion) elevate the flavor of the dish. Thank you for sharing and have a wonderful Saturday night 🙂

  210. Hi Lonnie.You are welcome anytime! Yes, Colette does love the Broncos. Post Elway and no healthy Terrell Davis, it’s been a tough few years for that fan club!.Dare I say that my heart is with the blue collar smash mouth Steelers? Chris.

  211. What about being kind to yourself? Would you call that a part of self-respect, being at peace with yourself, or feeling a sense of well-being? I agree it’s important to use words that we can connect to emotionally, and I can appreciate your effort to find an emotional connection to the term “self-love”.

  212. That’s a clever answer to a tricky question

  213. Well, since so many folks want to be all serious in their posts, I supposed it is up to me.I side with…*attempts best Donald Gibb impression*NNNEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRDDDDDDDDDSSSSSSS!!!!!!!Seriously, this election is sounding more and more like a bad ’80s teen comedy.And this just occurred to me: isn’t the whole talking point about Palin supposedly having more “executive experience” than the others run counter to the idea that smarts and knowledge are bad things?Not saying it is a revolutionary thought, mind you, just that it just came to me.

  214. November 29, 2011 at 12:58 pmGreat post, Srinivas. I, too, experienced the results of ADD (though I had no idea until I was well into my 20s). I had to look back at things I had really beaten myself up for in the past. Eventually I had to realize I wasn’t a failure but had overcome some really strange odds because of a lack of focus I didn’t even realize I had. And then I had to push those aside and move on with my life. Reply

  215. adminSeptember 6, 2008At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint occaecati cupiditate non provident, similique sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollitia animi, id est laborum et dolorum fuga. Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio.

  216. Cool! That’s a clever way of looking at it!

  217. I was introduced to rubber stamping at a stampin up class about 3 years ago. I am a very creative person and collect lots of creative supplies….lol I truly enjoy watching a card come together and the joy someone expresses when receiving it.

  218. Greetings from Ohio! I’m bored at work so I decided to check out your website on my iphone during lunch break. I enjoy the information you provide here and can’t wait to take a look when I get home. I’m shocked at how quick your blog loaded on my phone .. I’m not even using WIFI, just 3G .. Anyways, excellent site!

  219. Θα ήταν ενδιαφέρον μια εκτενής διατριβή με θέμα την έρευνα στο οικογενειακό δέντρο των αναρχικών γιατι εγώ συμπτωματικά συμβαίνει να έχω διαπιστώσει και το αντίθετοΓνωρίζω αναρχικούς με πατέρα φασίστα-χουντικό-Ντερτιλικό, και αναρχικούς με πατέρα Ακροδεξιό και Ιερωμένο!

  220. Hey – nice blog, just looking around some blogs, seems a pretty nice platform you are using. I’m currently using WordPress for a few of my sites but looking to change one of them over to a platform similar to yours as a trial run. Anything in particular you would recommend about it?

  221. disse:adipex…Apple now has Rhapsody as an app, which is a great start, but it is currently hampered by the inability to store locally on your iPod, and has a dismal 64kbps bit rate. If this changes, then it will somewhat negate this advantage for the Zune, but the …

  222. Those logo’s are ace cheers guys .-= Modified Car Club´s last blog ..2009 Camping Trip – Wales – Cardigan Bay – 24th July 2009 [ Modified Car Shows, Cruises & Local Meets ] =-.

  223. Wow, spot on. Alot of this was me ten years ago. Through self destruction and regeneration I have made it to eagle phase and die again this year to become Phoenix. Thanks for this!

  224. Stefan Esser i0n1c has just released long-awaited uhretneted jailbreak for iPad 2 4.3.3 firmware!! My iPad 2 is already jailbroken. Thumbs up for i0n1c -best iHacker!Jailbreak on new i0n1c’s website: ï¼·Wï¼·.i0n1c.COM

  225. It also suggests that, as with ill individuals looking round the net for obscure medical treatments that their doctors have never heard of, the net makes it possible for ordinary people to match the abilities of "experts" such as the police.Also that iof not the police, certainly the judicial system, is crap.

  226. Wacalaykum Assalaam Waraxmatullaahi Wabarakaatuh,Ciid Wanaagsan. Waa runtaa, Caana Baraawe waa sida aad tilmaantay, laakiinse bahalkaan caana Baraawe ma’ahan. Waxaa la-yiraahdaa Meeso. Meeso iyo Caana Baraawe waxay isku yihiin sida Malawax iyo Canjeero. Waa qaraabo, laakiin isku dabci ma’ahan. Caana Baraawaha ugu fiican waxaa laga sameeyaa caana geel. Hadduu Eebbe idmo Caana Baraawaha waan soo gelin doonnaa. Waa ku-mahadsan tahay faallada.

  227. Marc Pitman – Marc covers “Fundraising Secret #11: Don’t be a Ned” using a reference from Groundhog Day. The entry explains why marketing approaches that sound more like an insurance salesperson are dead on arrival.

  228. all what's inhumane about Wal-Mart, what counts the most for most people who can't afford much is that Wal-Mart provides the lowest prices in town. No one beats Wal-Mart when it comes to pricing.Something is wrong with this American democratic capitalistic picture.

  229. 15cAcho q sim pois põe uma cor e depois a outra e espera o mesmo tempo. Daí ela ainda deu um retoque na frente, lavou atrás mas esperou um pouco mais na frente…Ela é super detalhista e atenciosa!! Foi muito legal. Eu sou super chatinha e olho com lente cada fio…desta vez, amei tudo! bjs c

  230. I am so glad I saw this post, and I just linked it to show a few friends too! I have some of those same embellishments that I don’t know what to do with! What a great idea, and I love the burlap. It is funny because my first thought was how pretty the flowers were, then I scrolled down and realized you altered them. Great job!Katie B.

  231. Hi, Karen!Cathy W. in Pennsylavania here.The book looks lovely! Have always meant to try Bruges lace, and that afghan pattern looks beautiful!I’m currently crocheting a granny hexagon afghan for my daughter,(tedious) and working on your pineapple dreams shawl in between (fun!) I really love the Polaris yarn! I chose the Libra color, and it’s gorgeous!

  232. Thanks for the info on “Milk.” I want to see the movie because I do remember the horror of the day he was gunned down. You’re right: it was a long time ago and I’m glad Harvey Milk is being remembered in this time.

  233. dit :Moi j’aime bien la « quote » de Cyrille Béraud :C’est comme si le gouvernement changeait son parc automobile pour des BMW en disant qu’il n’y a que BMW qui fabrique des BMW!

  234. I’m not sure where you’re getting your information, but good topic. I needs to spend a while studying more or figuring out more. Thanks for great information I used to be searching for this information for my mission.

  235. Many thanks for an unbelievable put up, would study your particular others topics. thank you your notions with this, I experienced a lttle bit made an impact to by this post. Merit again! You wanna make a great time. Got some excellent data here. I do think that if more individuals thought about it like this, they’d have got a better time have the hold ofing the matter.

  236. Aren't you going to tell the nice people that the race is so close, state statute classifies the recount as sufficiently worthy so as to cost the candidate nothing where bigger spreads lead to cost for the candidates.In all the gnashing of teeth, when will one of you folks say, well, yeah, this is pretty much what the recount statute contemplated?

  237. You’ve really captured all the essentials in this subject area, haven’t you?

  238. -If you visit the original site, or click to the second page of THIS post, you'll see Juniper Sec's remarks on the age of that video. We don't do breaking news around here.Funny, I had the same thought: "I wonder if those are hospital beds in Israel?"My original point still holds: this "romance" song to Obama is so bad precisely because it's provenance is foreign to those who made it.

  239. Dlatego uważam że ludzkość wraz z postępem cywilizacji oraz techniki cofa się w rozwoju. Przykładana jest waga do tego czego nie trzeba. Zobaczcie, na przestrzeni ostatnich 3 lat, jakie programy głowne kanały puszczają w telewizji ??? ( tańce z gwiazdami?? cyrki na lodzie??? i inne ??? Co to jest ?? Jeśli ludzie reprezentują poziom powyższych kanałow to katastrofa (((((

  240. Uff da tenker jeg dere ble redde!!Min stedatter hadde dette når hun var liten,er visst helt grusomt å se på.Dere får ta godt vare på hverandre der nede,og gjøre det beste ut av ferien..Klem Linda:)

  241. It’s like you’re on a mission to save me time and money!

  242. I went on the website too! I couldn’t find it anywhere!! =_= I went to ULTA, Walmart, Ebay, the Maybelline website, it’s NOWHERE! I only have a bit left in the tube. After it’s gone… UGH! I’m so sad that it’s gone. =_= I REALLY like Pink Please. ♥ I’m glad I’m not the only one who is frantic for this color. : ( I’ll try to keep searching online. If I come across anything, I’ll let you know! D:

  243. Howdy! This is my first visit to your blog! We are a group of volunteers and starting a new project in a community in the same niche. Your blog provided us beneficial information to work on. You have done a marvellous job!

  244. I'm right there with ya on Gap – love it so much! I drift toward solid colored tops as well, so i can mix and match with lots of bottoms and other layers. I want a bright pink or green trench coat for Spring SO BADLY!

  245. That’s not just logic. That’s really sensible.

  246. Hej Jannie,Jeg beklager meget det sene svar, men ja! Vores Plain Rain regntøj med fleece, fra denne sæson er lige så vandtæt som Rubber. Du er nærmest lige så meget ekspert på regntøjet, som os, men jeg tør godt at anbefale dig Plain Rain med fleece, trods dårlig erfaring med andet andet regntøj, der ikke er Rubber. God Påske.Med venlig hilsen Caroline, Ticket to Heaven

  247. Hi,I am not a programmer, but I was trying to find the Google customer service email. I couldn’t find it so I am posting this comment here.Will Google start Google Auctions?Since yahoo auctions has decided to retire, there really won’t be anyone to fight Ebay.I think this is perfect opportunity for Google to go into this market.No listing fees!Just a final fee.Customers win and so does Google.Thank you for reading.

  248. Que se foda a capa preta e o academica de coimbra vamos te cair em cima no campo e la fora filhos das putas preparemse para lutar juve leo forever sempre sporting

  249. Hi Simon, vielen Dank für das Tutorial!Leider bekomme ich folgende Meldung:Nicht erfogreich, Fehler: 403 ForbiddenContent (JSON): {“error”:{“type”:”OAuthException”,”message”:”(#210) User not visible”}}Hast du eine Idee, was ich falsch mache?Vielen Dank im Voraus!

  250. Good to find an expert who knows what he’s talking about!

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  254. I love the randomness of it. It is a great quilt. How many quilts a week to you make? It seems like a ton I am new to quilting and it takes me a while to make one.

  255. 7.10.2008Valdemar Francisco Barbosa disse: Gostaria que houvesse promoção nesses mesmos moldes com saídas daqui de Brasília, por exemplo, para Fortaleza, BH,SP e RJ.Tenho parentes nestes lugares e com promoções assim eu viajaria sempre.Quando tiver agradeço se puder me avisar por e-mailAtenciosamenteBarbosa +58Was this answer helpful?

  256. Weird fact: most polls show the NS/NC portion is not only unusually large for an election this relevant, but also increasing (!) as we approach the actual event. Both candidates trending downward. Potential Explanations welcome

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  260. Lmaoo One Of You Like Bieber <3 && The Other Mahone :'] To be honest even though I LOVE AUSTIN, (and want to rape? him xD) You, should have him youre like the perfect girl for him!!!!!

  261. Squee! How frigging fabulous are you,and how brillant that you had a memorable time!Looks like a BLAST from start to finish!!!I frigging LOVE that majorette uniform;I have a similar sort of frock form Kitty I may have to jig up in like fashion!Hurrah to see you back and feeling satisfied!!Love Helga xxxXXXxxx

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  264. Hej Kia.. Jeg kommer pÃ¥ søndag!! I har bare at slæbe meget med, for jeg tror der kommer sÃ¥ mange mennesker, at jeg er helt bange for, at der ikke er noget tilbage til mig 😀 Haha..

  265. Allting fr̴n naturen passar in i shabby stilen tycker jag! S̴ fint med fattigmanssilver och silverbricka o allt Рoch s̴ toppar du av med lite vitt. Tjusigt!Kram Jenny

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  267. 03/06/2011 – 8:15amNo es que Inda no se encuentre cómodo en Veo7. Bueno, seguramente muy cómodo no debe sentirse, pero es que además, el 30 de junio los jefes italianos cierran el chiringuito hartos de pérdidas.Después del fracaso, ahora tocará reclamar la devolución de favores del pasado (pobre tito Flo, lo que le espera).

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  269. A mí también me encanta pegarme maratones de series diversas! Aunque hay que reconocer que luego acaba una un poco trastocada, como nos has contado. xDD

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