النظام العالمي الجديد يحفّز نظرية المؤامرة

هل الأحداث الجسام التي يشهدها عالمنا المعاصر، من ثورات وانقلابات وتحولات جذرية فجائية قالبةً المشهد السائد سكوناً رأساً على عقب، لها «أصابع محركات» غير مرئية تقف وراء تحريكها بين آونة وأخرى، مراكز قوى نافذة في بنيان الدول والمؤسسات والعلاقات الدولية؟.. أم أن محركها هو محض تفاعلات عوامل موضوعية وذاتية يحتم تراكمها الكمي حدوث تلك الانتقالة النوعية الناتجة عن عملية انشطار ذرة تلكم التراكمات متجسدة فيما يمكن أن نطلق عليه بعملية «الإحلال الطبيعي» للجديد محل القديم؟
يكاد يكون هذا السؤال القضية/السلعة الوحيدة التي يشترك في الإقبال عليها و«شرائها» كل شرائح المجتمع من دون استثناء، أي أن سوقها رائجة ولا تعترف بالحدود التقليدية التي تقيمها عادةً «المنفعة الحدية» للسلعة والتي تكون سبباً في تقسيم سوق السلعة الى شرائح اجتماعية يتفاوت إقبالها عليها. فترى الاختصاصيون والعوام على حد سواء يلوكون موضوعاتها ويفتون بشأن سيناريوهاتها ومآلاتها. ولعل هذا ما يفقدها حظها في النهوض كنظرية رصينة تتمتع العناصر التي تنتظمها بالترابط المطلوب لأي نظرية علمية يزكيها قانون البناء النظري العام.
لا جدال في أن التحولات الاقتصادية والاجتماعية الجارية من دون توقف في أعماق مختلف أشكال العلاقات المجتمعية، تفرض نفسها، بحكم الواقع، على البنى الفوقية المعنية بالإدارة الكلية للمجتمعات، وتجبرها على مجاراة تطورها وإن بوتيرة أبطأ كثيراً من وتيرة جريانها. وحين تتأخر وتتلكأ عن فعل ذلك فإن تضاداً حاداً سرعان ما ينشب بينهما لا يحل وثاقه سوى شكل من أشكال التنفيس والإراحة يضطر البناء الفوقي للإقدام عليه. ولكن مثل هذا التداعي الكلاسيكي لتطور العلاقة بين الأبنية الفوقية والأبنية التحتية، له خصائصه وله مقدماته الظرفية وله علاماته الفارقة، التي تختلف بالضرورة عن عمليات «الفقس» الفجائية التي تحدث دون مقدمات فتقلب البناء الفوقي رأساً على عقب.
إذاً عمليات «الفقس» الفجائية التي تحدث من دون مقدمات هي بالضبط ما نحن بصدده ها هنا، من أن بعض الأحداث النوعية الانقلابية التي يشهدها عدد لا حصر له من مناطق العالم، لا يشبه حدوثها الهطول الطبيعي للأمطار، بقدر ما يشبه عملية تصنيع هطول الأمطار. إنما – ويا للمفارقة – بقدر ما تستهوي وتستطعم أوساط عديدة لا حصر لها من النخب والعامة، تسبيب وإرجاع أحداث محلية وعالمية بعينها، إلى أعمال دسائسية مؤامراتية محبوكة، بقدر ما تكره وتستنكر أوساط أخرى موازية ما تعتبره التفسير التآمري للتاريخ.
وهذه الكراهية المكبوتة وهذا الاستنكار المُعبَّر عنه بأشكال مخاتلة من جانب القوى المتوارية، النافذة والمؤثرة، ذات السطوة العسكرية والاقتصادية والسياسية في عالم اليوم، هما بالضبط محفزاها لالتقاط اللحظة التاريخية والاستفادة من هذا «التكالب» الفوضوي والعشوائي على «قضية/سلعة» تأويل وتفسير الأحداث العالمية. فلا غرو والحال هذه، أن يكون المشتغلون والمهتمون بالشأن العالمي، شهوداً على ضراوة الحملات الإعلامية «الناعمة» المصاغة بمفردات تهكمية وزجرية مختلفة تروم طمس ما تسميه نظرية المؤامرة والهزء بها وبكل حديث يمكن أن تشي تأويلاته برائحتها، وجعلها وجعل المتحدثين بها محلاً للتندر والسخرية. وقد تصاعدت هذه الحملة المكرسة لتسخيف التحليلات المتجاوزة للسطحي من الأحداث والحط من قدرها، بالتوازي مع موجة «الثورات البرتقالية» التي «فقست» فجأة في العالم العربي والتي بادرت الميديا الغربية لإعطائها مسمى «الربيع العربي»، بقصد الإيحاء الفصيح بأن عوامل قيام هذه «الثورات» التي كانت تندلع في بقعة عربية وراء أخرى بالتتابع وبحسب مواعيد زمنية مضروبة ومحددة سلفا، هي محض داخلية صرفة لا علاقة للخارج بها لا من قريب ولا من بعيد.
تريد هذه القوى أن تقول إننا نعيش في حياة دولية ملؤها البراءة واحترام الدول لسيادات بعضها بعضا وعدم تدخل بعضها في شؤون بعضها الآخر، وهو ما لا يتفق مع وجود مئات المنظمات التي تعمل عبر العالم ليل نهار من أجل عقلنة وترشيد أنشطة عالم «البيزنس» المركب تركيباً معقداً، وتعقب تجاوزاته وانتهاكاته للقوانين السارية، من تهرب ضريبي إلى تهريب وغسل الأموال، وتهريب والإتجار بالبشر، وجرائم الفساد السياسي والمالي والإداري، واختلاق الأزمات بناءً على طلب مجموعات الضغط (اللوبيات) بهدف زيادة مخصصات وتعاقدات الدفاع، ومن أجل فرض تسويق منتجات عنوةً والحصول الحصري على صفقات وامتيازات بعينها، وصولاً إلى خلق فزاعات بشأن ظهور وباء ما لتبرير رفع النفقات ومخصصات الأبحاث في الجامعات والمعاهد، وحل مشكلة المخزون من أمصال دوائية فائضة وتسويق جيل جديد منها.
بمعنى، أنه سوف يتم اللجوء إلى هذه «التدابير الخاصة» كلما كان ذلك «ضرورياً» ليس فقط لاستمرار تأمين حصص الأسواق والامتيازات وإنما لتعظيمها أيضا. فهناك خزانات أفكار (Think Tanks)، وهناك مراكز ومعاهد أبحاث ودراسات، وهناك أجهزة أمنية ومعلوماتية تعمل على مدار الساعة في أجواء من السرية والكتمان، وهناك منظمات غير حكومية تعمل تحت الضوء، وبموجب تراخيص رسمية، في مجالات اختصاصية محددة وبعناوين «ناعمة» غير سياسية بقصد عدم إثارة الريبة والشك حول الوجه الآخر لأنشطتها.. إلى آخره من الواجهات التي قد تأخذ أشكالاً مختلفة بريئة في مظاهر أجندتها المعلنة وليست بريئة في أجندتها الخفية.
وما بين دأب القوى العاملة في حقل «التخطيط والتدبير» لصناعة الأحداث، دأبها الذي لا ينقطع على طمس معالم الطابع التآمري لأنشطتها، وخلع نعوت «الوهم والتخيلات والخزعبلات البائسة» على «مزاعم» نظريات المؤامرة.. وما بين دأب بعض القوى الأقل تنظيماً والأفقر نفوذاً، لإثبات العكس، سوف يستمر الجدل العالمي بشأن هذه القضية العالمية الشائكة التي تقف وراء صناعة الكثير من الأحداث العالمية، الكبرى والصغرى منها.

* كاتب عربي/”الخليج”

اقرأ أيضا

الصحراء المغربية

منزلقات تأويل موقف روسيا من المينورسو

أثار التصويت على قرار مجلس الأمن الدولي بخصوص التمديد لبعثة المينورسو جدلا كبيرا في مختلف …

263 تعليقاً

  1. Free info like this is an apple from the tree of knwoeldge. Sinful?

  2. In the late 60s I was managing a convience store in Charlotte. One of my suppliers was invited to a party at Curtis’ and took me along when he learned I was a fan. Great, friendly man. Later as things were winding down we were getting ready to leave. Curtis came up and asked where we were going. We told him it looked like the party was over. He said to hang around a few minutes and another one would be starting. Sure enough, about 30 minutes later another group started showing up. We partied all night. He will always be one of my favorites.

  3. What an arse … that Eminem, I liked the way the hired goons kept passing Bruno back and forth, a right good chuckle, gives a whole new meaning to ‘one in the eye’.Swaning about Paris scoffing croissants jeez well for some, could almost feel envious were it not for the fact that summer has finally arrived in Dublin, the weather is glorious, am nursing a gentle hangover that reminds me of the good night last night (it doesn’t get dark till 10.30) rather than punish me for it.Am going to take the kids to the park and work on my melanoma. 3833Enjoy, this is as good as it gets.

  4. It’s good to get a fresh way of looking at it.

  5. leadpb:”It would be like not lifting a hand to help your neighbor when his house is on fire.” Whattayou, channeling FDR? There’s a whole heap of difference between helping out a neighbor whose house burns down once and taking up “fire watch” outside a pyromaniac’s place with a CO2 extinguisher and a garden hose.”Each time we have helped Europe it seems to have benefited us tremendously both in economic and political terms.” Really? How, exactly?

  6. LIIIIIIINDA, adorei muiito CáMeu dia fica melhor depois de ver seu blog, entro todo dia adoro você!!Parabéns por tuudo que você conquistou, você merece muiito!!!!Beijos bom final de semana []

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  9. Så fint du boar! :)Den lilla gulliga skylten som sitter i din blomma borde jag ha i alla mina blommor här hemma. Det går lätt liiiite för långt mellan vattningarna här och skulle det sitta en sån skylt i varje skulle jag ju inte kunna motsrå att vattna :)Ha en fin helg!/Sofia

  10. Thanks for weighing in, Anne. I didn’t know you had FMS too. Oh my, writing with pen and paper. That may fit my slow brain better right now, but my handwriting has deteriorated so much, and it wasn’t all that great to begin with. I think I’ll give it a try though, and hope I can decipher later what I’ve written. And I guess the forgetting does help with revision.

  11. I love the train one for it's epic romance, but I love the casual jump/swing kiss even more. It looks so natural and YOU. It looks absolutely true to your personality.I do have to say though, you look REALLY pretty in the fancy back middle picture.

  12. Wow! What an insightful peek inside the mind of a self-centered, uncaring monster. What can one say to such a person? Maybe, ” I am grateful to have g-dly parents who would never disown a child for being gay. They would rather disown community members who try to shame their kids”. Ann Coulter needs to repent of her wicked ways while she still can.

  13. Well I guess I don’t have to spend the weekend figuring this one out!

  14. There are no words to describe how bodacious this is.

  15. Martha – I am one of ‘your’ coaches. I adore you – always have, long before I ever became a Martha Beck Coach. There is a children’s book by NW Artist and Writer, Paul Owen Lewis, called GRASPER. It is about a crab and it is AMAZING. It deals with experiential avoidance and I think you would love it. I think children’s books have an amazing way of capturing important lessons and messages in uncomplicated and fun ways. Would love to use them even more as a coaching tool with my clients. Thanks, Hannah

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  17. It’s great to find someone so on the ball

  18. I think that this was a great experience for you. I would take the bait on this one as soon as I am good enough to have a few photos purchased. Your style is inspiring and I love checking out your web site. I will be on the look out for the space to do the bbq photo for class soon. diane

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  20. It never surprises me how the mind and body work together. Alexa Ray Joel was despondent over a recent breakup. She took a handful of pills that luckily didn't have an adverse effect on her health. Her heart was not directly effected. Alexander McQueen was also despondent, and reportedly hung himself just before his mother's funeral. Trauma is overwhelming for many of us. Joel is being treated for her depression. Sadly, McQueen's condition didn't get the intervention to save him.

  21. The way I can send digits to your account is by sending you my check. A check is not money. It is a set of instructions to your bank and my bank, to debit my checking account and credit yours. So I have no trouble sending you digits.My problem is that I am monetarily non-sovereign, so I do not have the unlimited ability to send these instructions. The Federal Reserve Bank won’t clear my checks endlessly, though it will clear federal checks endlessly.That’s why federal checks never bounce.Rodger Malcolm Mitchell

  22. Loved ur discussion…havent seen the movie yet but since i love Spoilers…i tuned in, lol…… just a quick note…who set up the camera?….i could not see Eric's face throughout the whole discussion…the tall camera blocked his whole head…i saw the other 3 people ok but not Eric….tsk tsk Dennis, lol…..

  23. the new viewing interface sounds great, my only suggestion is to maybe have a comment veiwing preference section. seeing as how there are a lot of disrespectful comments on videos, maybe a preference where viewers can choose to see only "director/guru(whatever you call an uploader)" approved comments…

  24. OMG Morgan, that was such a great slideshow! Cool concept too. LOVE the last pic of the two girls. <3 [ .fqkj{position:absolute;clip:rect(445px,auto,auto,488px);}approval ]

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  29. É tão humilhante essa eleição que realmente eu não tenho mais esperança de que este país um dia se tornará sério. De outro modo êle foi eleito Senador pelos Cearenses. Quer dizer, os Cearenses escolheram essa pérola para representá-los. Para esses eleitores está tudo ótimo.Então vamos fazer o que?Viva o Brasil de Renan, Sarney, Lula, Tiririca, Zé Dirceu, Cachoeira etc etc.Eta turminha do barulho.

  30. Congratulations, Brian!I visit very few blogs regularly, yet with yours I rarely miss a day. I enjoy seeing your wonderful pictures of places known and many more new to me, and admire your daily writing, the depth and your dedication to educate us about your wonderful city. A heartfelt thank you and my best wishes for many more years,Merisi

  31. bhe’ 😀 e’ un’auto di nicchia eh…quindi non e’ per tutti in teoria.sempre sul tema, senza far vedere l’auto, e tenendo le galline, io avrei messo una gallina completamente spennata dall’altro lato della strada, e una nuvola di piume con un’effetto scia verso l’orizzonte…larsen

  32. Pas nécessairement Val..comme la femme de nature a tendance à trouver des excuses pour «son» homme, et à vouloir les sauver et les améliorer, ça la feras pas fuir..

  33. So… many… things… Eggs for sure, and all of the tasty ideas that have already been mentioned, but I’d be most excited to finally get to experiment, mad-scientist style, with sous-vide.

  34. Problems playing Pokemon games on Nintendo DS R4?Hello everyone. I recently got an R4 SDHC (It’s a clone), and a Micro SD. I tried playing a ROM of Pokemon Black and White, but when I tried to put it on the SD card like the other games that did work, it didn’t load. I went online and everything is telling me to patch the game, but what does this mean? Also sites have said I need an emulator like “Desume” or something like that, but do I still need it when there’s firmware installed on my R4, or is this something else? I’m totally lost. Any advice/instructions would be appreciated.

  35. Now I know who the brainy one is, I’ll keep looking for your posts.

  36. Fake Jobu: "Ha … that's a good one!" An argument worthy of Descartes. Of course, when your IQ and your number of teeth vie for double digits, I suppose it is easy to wax … what … SIMIAN, LOL!

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  38. You are so damn lucky, Patty, to have such a wonderful family as you do. The pictures were awesome. I will never in my lifetime have what you have. You are so blessed. I miss you! Love, ail Kilgore

  39. Eu até já aqui escrevi outra coisa (aqui ou no Blasfémias)Que entre uma possível corrupção partidária e política e uma falha de legalidade dentro da Justiça- esta se me afigurava mil vezes mais grave.Trafulhas há muitos. Mas estão a prazo e é suposto que a justiça não o esteja- pois não anda a voto de 4 em 4 anos.

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  41. Baschera disse:Interessante a formatação deste exercício.E as fotos são fantásticas !!Fosse fazer um exercício nestes moldes só de forças da A. Latina….. só ia voar sucata …..Sds.

  42. Chèn Æ¡i, em giết chị rồi hihi….bánh bò bông kiều này là kiểu mà chị thích nè…chị nhỏ lá»›n ăn bánh bò loại nở mịn chứ không thích loại rể tre dai dai….em cho chị xin công thức Ä‘i Lan Æ¡i….không thôi em coi báo sẽ thấy có người chết vì bị chảy nhiều nÆ°á»›c miếng quá đó hihihi

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  44. Ben siz yatağınızda mışıl mışıl uyurken son günlerde hep uykusuz geceler geçiriyordum, az da siz çekin bu nemi! Böylesi daha adaletli ! Özellikle de Kadıköy-Beşiktaş çeksin! Ozan, bu arada nemin %100 sunulması sence bir sorun değil mi ?

  45. I'm sure everyone understands! We have all been down for the count at one time or another… For me it was just last week with the flu. When your body doesn't feel well, you must take time to rest!!! Even though you didn't win zillions in Vegas, hopefully you had fun 🙂 Get your much needed rest and get back to crafting whenever you feel up to it! We will still be here <3Blessings,Diana –

  46. Spännande vinnare – jag är inte sÃ¥ sugen pÃ¥ att läsa dock. Annars fanns där ju mÃ¥nga andra titlar som jag kan tänka mig. Room t ex. Ska bli kul att se om ngn läser The Tiger’s wife och bloggar!och dagarna gÃ¥r recently posted..

  47. This “free sharing” of information seems too good to be true. Like communism.

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  49. I hope so JJ. I think you’ll see a few wins out of Garrett this year, but Jerry should really assess Garrett’s approach as opposed to a results-based assessment. If he tells that to Garrett now, it would also give JG incentive to coach more for next year instead of doing everything to win now and save his job.

  50. Dank der neuen Brücke geht auch die Fahrt von Stralsund nach Rügen sehr schnell. Also auch für Tagestouristen ist Rügen eine Reise wert. Sei es um die kleinen Städte wie Binz usw. zu entdecken oder um einen Tag am Meer zu entspannen.  Herbert

  51. “Ick” it certainly was! Avocado green…and not only in my room but throughout the entire house!! And I remember well the woman who sold my mom on the colour selection! She may very well be the reason behind my decision to go into the Interior Design field…so as to allow less of this type of home fashion faux paux!? The dreaded shag of the ‘puke’ resemblance was very short lived in our home, thank goodness!

  52. Seeing your pictures brought me back to being a kid and seeing the snow for the first time! Great photos, they look so inviting – sun shining bright and glistening off of the tree branches… beautiful!Michelle T recently posted..

  53. 1889 ?Anyhow, it's an idiotic story.If the Usando on the map is Dokdo, then why does the map show it as single island instead of two? Dokdo is makeup of essentially two islets, not one. If the Usando on the map is Dokdo, then where is Ulleungdo's neighboring island of Jukdo, which is bigger than Dokdo?

  54. no way, no WAY! when i met you, you were all busy falling into bushes. and you’re right, good manners & kindness ARE a pleasant surprise. and that’s just… wrong.

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  57. Please can you tell me why,, My bus pass is only valid in wales and not for england as well? It seams to me we have the short end of the stick when it comes to travelling I am also diabled (have difficulty walking any distance ) REGARDS F OWENS

  58. Hello, Craig. Thanks for the comment. I’ll have to take a look at your book.And I’m glad to re-connect again! I also have added your blog to my reader.So when are we going to re-start the Canadian chapter of the Karl Barth Society?

  59. Oh lady, you rock this turban! (I just commented on another blog that the turban would be too challenging for me, but definitely not for you – and bless your mum!). The kaftan and pink clogs are just perfect with it. I'm still waiting for the sun here in the East… perhaps tomorrow? xxx

  60. Aranel: jasně, můžeme dát jedno s přívlastkem či bez :-)) Jojo, spoustu lidí vůbec netuší, jak se doopravdy jmenuju:-)) Mně to ale vůbec nevadí ;-)Slavím i 4.10.- to je Mezinárodní den zvířat :-))Chystáme se 9.8. zase do Salmovské- nepřidáte se?

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  63. Let just ONE of these assholes detonate in an American mall and you’ll see the National Sphincter clench and absolutely, resoundingly KILL the administration in office when it occurs.BZ

  64. IJWTS wow! Why can’t I think of things like that?

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  67. If we have Bynum play like that the whole season, and stay healthy, then this is all cream cheese…It is awesome to have a team that can lose Gasol for a night, and still easily win.81 more to enjoy. That first one won was great to watch.

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  69. Thx for advice Kiedis but I'm still not going to do the chicken dance and download IE8.Agree, no need for a no-brainer discussion.That is between you and your peers.Me, I got off this merrygoround a long time ago.

  70. Our tulips are almost finished too, but you have so many and we only have a few in our area..Beautiful color for Nature Notes Tina..thank you..Michelle

  71. These topics are so confusing but this helped me get the job done.

  72. Felt so hopeless looking for answers to my questions…until now.

  73. Thanks for your kind words. What advice will you give to families on building relationships? Will they include parental friendships as well, and if so, please share any ideas that you might have. I really need to think about this more. How nice that the web exists so we can share our thoughts and experiences!

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  76. 73 Ruggles:That house was trashed.“Second story landscaping” trashed.I don’t know how much they put into it, I’m sure it was a lot of $$$, and they are obviously flippers who got caught at the tail end…Did they buy it looking like that for 250K? No. But still sucks to be them.

  77. eron2foi,Petit bémol à propos du libre arbitre.Dans cette expression, arbitre désigne la volonté de l’individu, et non une personne.On parlait ainsi, jadis, du franc ou – a contrario – du serf arbitre.

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  79. I’d venture that this article has saved me more time than any other.

  80. Why do I bother calling up people when I can just read this!

  81. Ignorãncia tem limite LUCAS …É APENAS UM COMERCIAL…NÃO LEVE NADA TÃO A SÉRIO assim..até os anjos cairão é uma expressão exagerada da realidade é só para vender um desodorante..acorda!!!!

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  83. For noen nydelige kort du lager Marianne! ♥ Kjempeskjønne alvestempler!! Sitter her og beundrer alle de ulike bretteteknikkene dine! Fantastisk flotte!!Ha en kjempekoselig søndag!Klemmer fra Kari

  84. Cool! That’s a clever way of looking at it!

  85. “You can hear the ocean if you put this to your ear.” She placed the shell to her ear and screamed. There was a hermit crab inside and it pinched her ear. She never wants to go back! LoL I know this is totally off topic but I had to tell someone!ca

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  87. ‘dat gaat tenminste ergens over’Sorry René, maar jij begrijpt het niet helemaal. Heb je onlangs je hoofd hard gestoten? Teveel verfverdunners opgesnoven?K3 is kunst! Vergelijk het maar met Baywatch. Er is niemand die het verhaal van 1 aflevering kan reproduceren. Maar die badpakken……

  88. Essays like this are so important to broadening people’s horizons.

  89. ->eUi. Ma ei kujuta ette miks keegi ütles oh püha õudus? Väga intrigeeriv lugu.Ja siis muidugi see noaga näppu lõikamine… sa oled isegi nii pisike, ja verd on su sees umbes 10 ml, ma saan loomulikult aru, miks sul seest õõnsaks läheb – sest sul literally lähebki seest õõnsaks?

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  91. Yay for cleaning off counters! 🙂 Your nosh looks awesome! Hope you have a relaxing weekend after such a busy time!! :)God bless…~Margene

  92. You’re awfully fixated on Alarcon, Richie Ross and the Katz race. Was your former owner named ‘Harvey,’ and did he walk a lot around muttering “twenty-nine goddamned votes!”????

  93. The really funny thing is that this sign went up last year after the Castle Doctrine/Stand Your Ground law was passed. Florida’s crime rate fell for the 14th straight year, and it was the lowest its been since 71.But then when did the Brady Bunch let a little thing like the facts get in their way?

  94. Posts like this brighten up my day. Thanks for taking the time.

  95. Volim Marinin nakit, posebno ptice koje pružaju osjećaj slobode. a ja sam valjda najgora osoba u osmiÅ¡ljavanju imena. :(ptica – i’m like a birdbroÅ¡ – hit the road Jack

  96. great reflections! it is a struggle for sure- for all the reasons you listed. And you are so right about the difficulty of writing a sponsored post that does not sound pitchy. I tend to turn down opportunities that sound like glorified text links because I just don’t want to go there.Elena’s last awesome post…

  97. Go Deidra!!! She's my kind of Preacher's Wife (because I'm "one of those", too).I'd LOVE to have your family over for dinner, Brent. But … I promise NOT to make you eat broccoli (Poor Brent!). You see … I despise broccoli, as well. It would make my kitchen stink if I had to cook it up for you. :)But .. I am SURE that sweet Michelle would tell me what the other 1 or 2 foods that you desest are, and we could certainly find a way to disguise them for you.Hope y'all had a BLESSED weekend! Miss your smiling faces!Laurel 🙂

  98. Hoi Maurits,Ik wist helemaal in niet dat jij zit.Wat onwijs gaaf man….Hoe is met je??Ik een paar verhaaltjes gelezen en volgens mij heb jij het prima naar je zin!!Groetjes en een dikke kus vanuit het natte Nederland

  99. 1e2Já pode bater palmas?? (2)Paulaaaaaaa, vc falou TUDO!!Nao sou blogueira, mas sou seguidora complusiva de vários!Ai que canseira do mesmo conteudo sempre!Seu texto transparente, vem clarear mais ainda a percepção das seguidoras que nao conhecem o lado Z, mas conhecendo, vão saber selecionar melhor os quais merecem sua atenção e seu tempo dedicado.Um beijoo! Sucesso!

  100. i spit on liberal jews (lower case – for lower case people)does this make me a self hating jewi think not…makes me a Jew who hate these 'so called jews'….these self serving/please accept me even though i'm a jew….kind of jewyour piece exposes them….beautifully

  101. अगदी खरं. मी स्वतः आवर्जून मराठी नावं वापरणं सुरु केलंय. शीव, वांद्रे, वगैरे तर मुद्दाम वापरतो आणि इतर मराठी लोकांना पण याची जाणिव करून देतो .

  102. If states were ever successful in seceding from the Union, the plight of seniors’ social security and U.S. retired government employees and military pensions would be at stake. Just a theory: How about if the U.S. government were required to sell off all of its land holdings (substantial) and set up a fund to provide those benefits that were contracted in the past? Just fanciful thinking, I know. Sometime ago I found that the proceeds from U.S. land holdings would not be enough to pay off the national debt, but it could possibly be enough to start the “kitty” for the above benefits.

  103. மன்னிக்கவும் ராம், நீங்கள் இந்தியாவில் வாழ்ந்த்தினாலேயே இந்தியாவைப்பற்றி அறிந்து கொண்டீர்கள் என்பதை ஏற்க இயலவில்லை. சான்றாக நீங்கள் சொல்லியிருக்கும் 49 ஓ பற்றிய விழிப்புணர்வு வந்த இக்காலத்தில்தான் தேர்தல் அரசியலில் மக்களின் பங்கேற்பு என்பது தேவையில்லை என்ற நிலைமை வளர்ந்து விட்டது. அதைத்தான் இந்த கட்டுரை கூறுகிறது. அரசியல், தேர்தல் எல்லாம் கார்ப்பரேட் கட்சிகளுக்கு மட்டும்தான் என்று ஆகிவிட்டது. தேர்தல் கமிஷன் கெடுபிடிகளெல்லாம் அதை நோக்கித்தான் இருக்கின்றன. ஆகவே உண்மையான இந்தியாவைப்பற்றி அறிந்து கொள்ள நீங்கள் எங்களுடன் வாழ வேண்டுமென்ற கோரிக்கையை மீண்டும் வைக்கிறேன்.

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  105. June 21, 2011 – 5:49 am Hi Matt, what a great article. This is a subject area that I regularly bring up with clients and prospects alike because of the long term impact. Understanding the concept of the long tail and how it builds over time is one of the keys to establishing a successful online presence. I hope you don’t mind, I may reference your post in our news section.Stay well!

  106. Tim – Oh, that sounds very cool – can't wait to read your series … will it be part of Tuesday Serial, by any chance It's interesting that you're equally inspired by both lyrics and music … let that mind wander – looking forward to reading

  107. Hvor er det altså sejt af dig! Så meget respekt her fra! Det du skrev, alt det du forklarede. Det var så rørende! Har kuldegysninger! Jeg sidder nu med helt våde øjne og tåre trillende ned af mine kinder. Du er så sej og inspirerende. Jeg ser så meget op til dig

  108. One of the big differences between the Lakers and Cavs is that while Lewis and Turk also are difficult for the Lakers to match up against we give them the same match up problems on the other end. Cleveland’s problem was guys Verajeo, Walllace & Z provided very little or nothings on the offensive end. They were almost or no value in that series. While Odom,Pau, & Bynum will make Orlando play honestly.If this series turns into a scoring fest I like our multi dimensional attack to be more consistent then Orlando’s three point shot.LA is six.

  109. I can’t believe this doesn’t have 300 comments, so clever! I have those same stools and I am thinking of using a drop cloth I have as the fabric. The pleating looks a little tricky, I wasn’t quite sure how you did that but even if I just did your tufting trick these would look awesome. Thank you! I love your illustrations by the way;)

  110. Thanks, Jamie. I could address the reply I wrote above, to Jackie, to both of you. I am happy to hear from parents about this, and I hope that my own experience can help if only through providing another perspective.

  111. Que buenas noticias subes. El obispo Arizmendi tiene la boca llena de razón, desde luego, solo en la definición que da a los emos. Este blog lo tiene todo. Saltimbanqui.

  112. f6This is a good posting, I was wondering if I could use this write-up on my website, I will link it back to your website though. If this is a problem please let me know and I will take it down right away

  113. Hmm, interesting application. Now if only they had it for Firefox. "We purposfully hunt out the partisan rather than the impartial." I think you're right here Adi. I know many people that no matter who's running will always vote towards one political party. Although I tend to lean towards one as well, I'm always open to different views… although I'd be curious to know what this app tells me. At the end of the day it's not about the best party, but the best person for the job. Don't you think?

  114. Screw paying the fine, just go back to Peru its not like the US is going to chase you all the way to Peru for a 150 fine. And I am sure Peru is much more beautiful than the states I’d love to go there myself some day

  115. Thanks for any other magnificent post. Where else could anybody get that kind of information in such a perfect means of writing? I’ve a presentation subsequent week, and I’m at the look for such info.

  116. So far as I can tell from his public statements [which tend to shift with the prevailing political winds], his plan for health care consists mostly of urging people to “just say NO! to illness!” Except for him and his Senate colleagues of course, who receive substantial health care coverage paid for by the taxpayers — which, somehow, in the wierd and wonderful world of Hatch, is not socialism…. Go figure.

  117. dear mas handro,saya mau menanyakan untuk bekerja di australia bidang perkebunan dan pertanian apakah ada? terus apakah skill juga di utamakan? klo ada caranya bagaimana? soalnya pendidikan saya cuma SLTA

  118. Thanks for taking the time to post. It’s lifted the level of debate

  119. Sur ce blog (et probablement ailleurs), tous les sionistes affirment que la Palestine appartient aux juifs de la planète entière et pas aux Palestiniens. Cela montre que l’idéologie sioniste, hostile envers les Palestiniens, est toujours active. D’où la nécessité de remettre en cause le sionisme.

  120. Wow, Rachel, this is so beautiful. I saw myself in your words…just desperate for a little quiet to feed our own souls and keep us strong enough for another day. Blessings indeed.

  121. Pastorius,Actually its not just Ginsburg who has made arguments for legalized abortion in recent years that could easily be use to justify forcing women into having them. This troubling from David Vecksler comes to mind.

  122. PLEASE NOTE THAT I QUOTE prairie (VERBATIM) WORD FOR WORD. VERY ODD THAT SHE/HE LEAVES OUT bo THE ONE PROVEN CRIMINAL IN HID/HER CONDEMNATION.prairie EXPOSES HERSELF WITH HIS/HER OWN WORDS AS DO cabby & obot-carlyle. =========================================Prairie | September 28, 2010 at 10:31 am | My God, quit defending a party that has sold you out and penned you in their barn! Forgiveness for those who repent? Hell, no. Hold Hillary, Bush, McCain and all responsible for the tragedy we are living…

  123. Nothing0%ZEROIts just another excuse for them…. all of us…. I rather sleep for 2 days take rest and relax… We all know its true inside of usGood Q Portwine

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  125. la velocità di 3 km/s va rapportata alla velocità del sistema. Vero. In effetti non so per certo se il dato è riferito alla velocità relativa di Phobos e Mars Express, la fonte non lo specifica.

  126. Al fatihah pd semua mangsa diharap pihak yg bertanggujawab peka akan kejadian ni kita rakyat malaysia tidak sanggup menerima berita sebegini lagi. Diharap ini kejadian yang terakhir .. Amin…..

  127. Eu discordo de que a batida do Petrov não tenha sido proposital. Ele abre para a direita colocando os dois pneus direitos na grama… e continua acelerando… o carro começa a querer girar para direita, ele corrige e continua acelerando… ele passa por cima de uma faixa de asfalto, de repente o pneu traseiro direito tem aderência e como ele estava acelerando… gira completamente para a esquerda.Só pode ter sido de propósito!

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  129. my first thought when i saw that was WTF?!, but then i started thinking "maybe, w/frenched in lights, de seamed, blend in the grille…"also – proclass rims>z rims

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  131. Iti multumesc ca existi si aici, la mine pe blog! Azi la ora 9.00 am avut o mica discutie cu seful echipei de distribuit pliante si i-am explicat ce inseamna “Fara reclame!”. A spus ca mai sunt 4 echipe in Bucuresti si ca in cutia mea postala punea concurenta reclame, fiindca oamenii lui sunt instruiti sa nu faca asa ceva!

  132. there are some videos out there that have what appears to be rivers of “pus” gushing from arms and legs; one in particular has a doctor shoving his entire hand into the open wound to aid in the draining, but these are dead bodies – the “pus” is actually the muscles that have broken down into liquids. this video obviously isn’t the case, but it just reminded me of the ones i just talked about. (anyone else hear that screaming child in the backround?!)

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  134. Woot, I will certainly put this to good use!

  135. Oh its been there since my 4th grade when I first read about Neil Armstrong. I once dreamt about creatures (the term *aliens* was alien to me then) on moon being bald and huge and breathing in carbon dioxide, ha ha, I was only 8 then.ha ha, thanks! I hope it comes true also

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  139. …buone vacanze allora..!!! :-))faccio ora lo sfacciato… non è che x regalo di natale magari puoi ipotizzare di cambiare un pochino il colore delle tue pagine perchè con quell’abbinamento mattone/aranciato del fondo/testo e col corpo cosi’ piccino faccio davvero tanta fatica a leggerti….anche se so’ che ne’ vale assolutamente la pena..!!!byeFF

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  143. Using ' human shields ' is as low as any person can get ; however, as the Jerusalem Post article points out, ' political correctness ' is rendering meaningful international investigation & discussion impossible. The world is not only sinking further & further into the slough of barbarism, it's actually revelling in it.– dragon/dinosaur

  144. Kudos! What a neat way of thinking about it.

  145. Sin duda, una cagada total de la CNT. No digo que fuera un acierto en el caso del PCE… pero los de la CNT (me parece) van mucho más de puretas que ustedes los del PCE.Por cierto, ha estado usted muy comedido, don cero. Cuando yo era ácrata los comunistas solían ser mucho más asesinos en sus críticas XD (claro, que tampoco nosotros nos quedábamos atrás)

  146. You really saved my skin with this information. Thanks!

  147. Here are two books that I really enjoyed: “Raising Happy Kids” and “Nurture Shock”. Both are based on the science and both have some surprising findings. I’m an American, but I’ve lived in France and now live in Belgium. I agree that the concept of parenting is not the same, but it’s not nearly as black and white as it seems the author describes it in “Bringing up Bébé”.

  148. Ray Valdes / The ones who do not make it on their own are his Hollywood cronies. Without the millions of idiots out there who buy their movie tickets, they would all be asking us if we want fries with our meals. I have not gone to a movie in years and will not pay one dime to support these hedonistic creeps.

  149. Bonjour monsieur,Je suis journaliste pour le quotidien Le temps, à Genève, et j’aurais voulu vous contacter et, si vous l’agréer, vous poser quelques questions sur les derniers développements en Syrie. Comment puis-je vous contacter? D’avance merci.Bien à Vous.Boris Mabillard

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  152. Here’s my big issue with signing Kidd — he’s old. I want the Lakers to find a long-term solution there, and Kidd is not that. He’d still work in the right system for a year or two.

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  156. I told my grandmother how you helped. She said, “bake them a cake!”

  157. Poor Steve, he is a prisoner of his own foolish pride. He lacks the maturity to admit when he's wrong. The boy will go to any length to prove he's right even when it is clear to everyone he is wrong. Steve, you are a very small person with no heart. But you have a great laugh…LMAO!!!

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  175. In all candor, I’m uncomfortable with this entire line of discussion. As a Christian, if attacked, I will depend on Jesus as my primary line of defense. Violent self-defense is not something I could master. If I’m wrong, fine. I will pay the price for my belief. But to just assume I’m at the mercy of an existentialist universe is something I can’t bear.

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  180. Adam J. Copeland writes: For me, however, the book didn’t particularly pique my interest for a simple reason.  Ed and I come from very different backgrounds.  I was encouraged to consider the veracity of the virgin birth in middle school youth group.  It was at public school — not church — where I first heard that evolution was questionable.  “Context” is practically my seminary’s motto.

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  195. James Feess. I think it is difficult for an American copywriter to work in the UK, not for an art director.Although we have the language in common our ethnic backgrounds are different.I was a copywriter in New York and it was difficult.I didn’t know who Captain Kangaroo, or Buffalo Bob, or Howdy Doody were.They didn’t know who Desperate Dan, or Bobby Moore, or The Goons were.

  196. That is a beautiful story. I just found your blog recently and I’m excited to read more. That professional picture of you with your Garmin on your about me page is absolutely gorgeous!!

  197. — Oh, God, how can you NOT like to read?!?! –Reading requires what Robert Heinlein once called “an extension of the psycho field,” and what we less eloquent types call “a little imagination.” Even when you’re reading nonfiction, your imagination has to be engaged, at least to the extent of visualizing the subject matter.But sufficient imagination to enjoy reading is not an inborn capacity. It must be elicited and nourished — and not much effort is going into that these days.I could cite reasons, but I’m sure you know them all already.

  198. 學校也是這樣的。據聞明知學生有需求,但學校遲遲不肯為圖書館的公用電腦加裝USB插頭(因為那些是window2000舊機)的主要原因,就是因為易受感染。有很多人不知為何竟然連防毒也不做。又所以雖然在下有手指跟身,但幾乎只會用在家中電腦和學校那部私人laptop。插在其他電腦上面,可免則免。以前有人作了個很抵死的比喻﹕拿手指隨處插,跟不載套去性濫交一樣。可見「安全性行為」也不一定只是「安全/性行為」。(其實就像以往用軟磁碟一樣,但軟碟至少可以set unwritable,不讓電腦反向感染。但手指連這一點也做不到。)

  199. Apparently team Obama overlooked the Georgia law that the SOS quoted in his reply letter that knocked down the Obama team.To you that hit Orly for supeonaing too many people, you have been proven wrong. First, the judge backed up every supeona when he denied Obama's quashing them. Second, the SOS denied the Obama team request to suspend. You all need to learn how to treat a bully. Orly did the right thing by coming in with all barrels firing.

  200. This is a great post, and you are SO right – we are always trying to ‘get there’ to accomplish the next thing and reach the next goal. I wish you the very best with all of your goals!!!

  201. Mientras las políticas neoconservadoras sigan marcando las cartas marcadas las `partidas las tenemos perdidas.Aparte de que el sistema de la troika es de atraco, este Gobierno se pliega porque está encantdo conocerse.Carmen hablaba de miedo y sí lo hay ya que no sabemos dónde nos llevan o mejor sí:a la total miseria.Saludos

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  206. Kala – I love helping people. I’m an Rn at a local hospital where people come who have a variety of illnesses or surgeries that require close monitoring via nursing care! I can honestly say I love what I do. I am very blessed that I have been given the opportunity and desire to do what I love everyday. 🙂

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  209. I know, right? Just *headdesk* the whole way through and move on.And on the whole free will thing – I think she was maybe trying to go for the whole ‘somewhere out there is a perfect vampire werewolf Death Baby person for everyone’ thing. Unfortunately, rather than hinting subtly at it, she decided to whack us over the head with it, so it lost some of the appeal.

  210. This article went ahead and made my day.

  211. Le problème, à notre époque, c’est le risque de fichage, qui désignerait l’enfant à vie comme délinquant en puissance. Tant que le citoyen n’aura aucune garantie face à l’explosion des fichiers « de sécurité », le soupçon minera nécessairement ce genre d’initiatives.

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  214. Yes Kathleen but ultimately deluded. It is the same sort of thinking that drove Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley to the verge of bankruptcy. Israel can’t dominate if it doesn’t have the numbers. It’s all about the numbers.The last 20 years were probably the high point of zionism.

  215. that one race is superior to another. Just because he said that President Bush didn’t care about black people does not make him racist. It makes him honest.

  216. Great insight! That’s the answer we’ve been looking for.

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  218. Whoa, things just got a whole lot easier.

  219. That’s the smart thinking we could all benefit from.

  220. Sharp thinking! Thanks for the answer.

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  222. That’s a knowing answer to a difficult question

  223. I have to admit that I secretly stalk your blog and never comment but after seeing the fireplace painted I just had to comment. That's the coolest design affect I've ever seen. GREAT idea to create an accent with such a dramatic affect. Genius!!!

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  225. This shows real expertise. Thanks for the answer.


  227. Re: Memoirs of a GeishaWell, okay for the marketing (the doll was kickass, though), but-EEE! *wants to see* I saw the trailer before Elizabethtown and got all giddy. Rob Marshall rules.

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  229. wow that is gorgeous vix. only you could wear blue faux fur and make it look chic. that book sounds awesome too. must get. xo

  230. Jun18 The tree dedication was a beautiful thing . I bet the tree will get so big and so tall it will always be a monument to a beautiful wife and mother. My best hope is that 911 across our country will be revamped. They say communication is the key in everything we do as people. This proves it beyond the shadow of a doubt how important it is. There were many heros the day she dissapeared. She was the biggest hero of all. Her husband is a hero of mine as well.

  231. Im not to fond of Aurora but that Ariel and Jasmine is the only usable Disney Princess names. So fans of the Disney Princesses would call there child after one of those 3 so that may be why there popularities are rising.

  232. RE: – Anyone with a basic understanding of economics would understand that. Take a class. Learn something. Learn why our health care already costs so much. It’s because of so much insurance in the system. – Rate this comment: 0  0

  233. I don’t think anyone can say there would ever be definite survival. All sorts of things can happen in an accident, there are so many variables, and human life so fragile, that even in the best of cars, people can die. Princess Diana was in an S-Class Mercedes Benz, one of the safest cars at that time, and she died. Drive safely my friend!

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  237. Thankyou Amnsety for launching this campaign. Freedom of speech is something us westerners take for granted. These brave souls need our blessings and strength for what is ahead of them.

  238. . Note the word “sin”.The Levitical proscriptions regarding homosexual sex don’t seem to be mentioned by the bishop or the Niobean “me toos”. Homosexual sin is still sin. Jesus does not condone it, and neither must we.“God meets us where we are” is a phrase often bandied about. I believe He does, but He doesn’t want us to REMAIN there, where we were lost and without hope. He’s lifted me up to a higher ground and I give Him all the glory.

  239. November 13, 2012 at 7:26 pmWhen shoot video, using a tripod, I have trouble making my horizon accurate. Do I use the spirit level on the tripod, or visually locate it with the viewfinder? Any tricks. Reply

  240. Am SO with you on the machines- bored to tears by them! Although a hula hooping class would be great:DIt’s so interesting the way we’re all different as to how we can exercise. That’s what makes it so much fun to experiment with all kinds of exercise and different ways of exercising; we can figure out which way works best for us as individuals!

  241. That’s a brilliant answer to an interesting question

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  255. Matt Moyse / Well done. I walked away from that tournament very proud of Neil Krick and the lasts 10 months of his life. I got to play with him that final round and he was as mentally strong as ever. Here’s to many more opportunities, and eventually the victory – it will come.

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