تسوية الأزمة السورية

ما يحصل في سوريا هو أشبه بتقاطع طرق لمشاريع عديدة في المنطقة، بحيث نرى تكاملاً بين بعضها وتناقضاً بين بعضها الآخر، لكن في المحصّلة هي «مشاريع» لها خصوصياتها الإقليمية أو الدولية، ولا أجد أنّ أياًّ منها يراهن على حربٍ إقليمية أو على مدّ نيران الحرب في سوريا إلى جوارها باستثناء «المشروع الإسرائيلي» الذي وجد مصلحةً كبيرة في تداعيات الأزمة السورية وانعكاساتها التقسيمية العربية، على مستوى الحكومات والشعوب.
فإسرائيل لا يوافقها توصّل واشنطن وطهران إلى اتفاق كاملٍ بشأن الأوضاع في سوريا، لأنّ ذلك يوقف النزيف الدموي في الجسم السوري، والعربي عموماً، ولأنّه يعني أيضاً تفاهمات أميركية/غربية مع إيران تتجاوز المسألة السورية، ممّا قد يدفع أيضاً بإعادة فتح الملف الفلسطيني ومسؤولية إسرائيل تجاهه.
أيضاً، فإنّ من غير المصلحة الإسرائيلية حدوث أي تسوية سياسية تُسرّع في إنهاء الأزمة السورية، لذلك، فإنّ تمكُّن الحكومة السورية من استعادة سيطرتها على مناطق استراتيجية مهمّة يعني إخلالاً في ميزان القوى على الأرض وإمكانية حسمه لصالح خصوم إسرائيل في المنطقة، ولعلّ هذا ما يفسّر الغارات الإسرائيلية التي حدثت أكثر من مرّة في العمق السوري، وأيضاً الدعم والتسهيلات الإسرائيلية لبعض قوى المعارضة السورية في المناطق المجاورة للحدود مع سوريا.
إنّ المراهنات الإسرائيلية في الأزمة السورية هي على مزيدٍ من التفاعلات السلبية أمنياً وسياسياً وعدم التوصّل إلى أيِّ حلٍّ في القريب العاجل. فمن مصلحة إسرائيل بقاء هذا الكابوس الجاثم فوق المشرق العربي والمهدّد لوحدة الأوطان والشعوب، والمنذر بحروبٍ أهلية في عموم المنطقة، والمُهمّش للقضية الفلسطينية، والمؤثّر سلباً على حركات المقاومة في لبنان وفلسطين.
كذلك، تراهن حكومة نتانياهو على تصعيدٍ عسكري ضدّ إيران ليكون ذلك مدخلاً لصراعات مذهبية محلّية في المنطقة لتغيير خرائطها ولإقامة دويلات طائفية وإثنية، ولتعزيز حاجة أميركا والغرب لإسرائيل بحكم ما سينتج عن الحروب الإقليمية، «الدينية» و«الإثنية»، من تفاعلات لأمدٍ طويل تثبّت مقولة: إسرائيل «دولة يهودية»!.
طبعاً، لم تكن إسرائيل أبداً خلال كل الأحداث المهمة بالمنطقة مجرّد «راغبٍ» و«متمنٍّ»، بل هي قوة مؤثّرة وفاعلة بشكلٍ مباشر أو من خلال واجهات أو علاقات مع حكومات وجماعات دولية وإقليمية.
فهل يمكن أصلاً فصل الأزمة السورية الحالية عن الصراع العربي/الإسرائيلي وعن مأزق التسوية على المسار الفلسطيني. أليس حتمياً حدوث انعكاساتٍ خطيرة على لبنان «الجيش والمقاومة والشعب» من جرّاء تداعيات الأزمة السورية واحتمالات نتائجها السياسية والأمنية؟! ثمّ هل حقّاً أنّ التغيير المنشود في سوريا هو في نظامها السياسي الداخلي فقط، أم أنّ الهدف الكبير الهام لبعض الأطراف الدولية والإقليمية هو فصم العلاقة بين سوريا وإيران من جهة، وبين دمشق وموسكو من جهةٍ أخرى؟!.
تكون مراهنة خاطئة أيضاً، ومميتة أحياناً، عندما تُمارس الحكومات العنف الدموي القاسي ضدّ قطاعاتٍ من شعبها، حتّى لو كان وسط هذه القطاعات مندسّون وإرهابيون. من المفهوم استخدام العنف المسلح في مواجهة اعتداء خارجي، أو من أجل تحرير أرضٍ محتلة، لكن لا يجوز ولا ينفع هذا الأسلوب في تحقيق تغيير سياسي أو في الحفاظ على نظام سياسي. فالخطأ من جهة لا يبرّر الخطأ من الجهة الأخرى.
لكن لا يمكن، منطقياً وعملياً، اعتبار ما يحدث الآن في سوريا من صراعٍ مسلّحٍ (مهما اختلفت تسميته) «قضية داخلية» فقط، ترتبط بحركةٍ شعبية من أجل تغيير النظام.
ولا يمكن تجاهل حقيقة أنّ درجة العنف في الأوضاع السورية الآن هي انعكاسٌ لحدّة أزماتٍ أخرى مترابطة كلّها بعناصرها وبنتائجها وبالقوى الفاعلة فيها. ولا يمكن فصل الأزمة السورية عن الخلافات العربية-الإيرانية-التركية وعمّا حدث في العقد الماضي، فسوريا هي قضية حاضرة الآن في كل الأزمات الدولية، وسيكون مصير الحرب المشتعلة فيها، أو التسوية المنشودة لها، هو الذي سيحدّد مصير الأزمات الأخرى.
أيضاً، فإنّ مخاوف إدارة أوباما من زيادة نفوذ جماعات التطرّف المسلّحة في سوريا ومخاطر انتشارها إلى دول مجاورة، لا يمكن إزالتها من دون تسوية سياسية للحرب الدائرة في سوريا وعلى سوريا.

* مدير “مركز الحوار العربي” في واشنطن/”البيان” الاماراتية

اقرأ أيضا

الصحراء المغربية

منزلقات تأويل موقف روسيا من المينورسو

أثار التصويت على قرار مجلس الأمن الدولي بخصوص التمديد لبعثة المينورسو جدلا كبيرا في مختلف …

265 تعليقاً

  1. Du ja schnell eine Antwort willst, werde ich mal antworten, obwohl ich keine Webcam habe. Ich würde sagen VPN-Tunnel in Dein Hetzneimwerk und dann ganz normal wie zuhause im NetzVGder IT-affine Sven

  2. Eve looks cute! Christina’s shoes are the ugly bizness but the color is pretty! That whole outfit is a thumbs down… but her and bf look cute with the matching color..Tyrese maybe you’ve grown up! T.I. is doing his thing before he goes of to the three meals and a cot mansion. Luv that he is always giving back to his nabe!

  3. Oh wait. They can’t be CONVICTED, but they can still be CHARGED? Are *any* punitive measures taken against little shits who harass, assault, and stalk?

  4. Holaaaa, menudas fotografías!! son extraordinarias! yo voy a elegir la de queso gorgonzola con pera y hojas de rúcula, ummmmmm, me deshagoooo!!Mucha suerte en ese concurso, ya solamente por esas fotografías bien mereces un premio!Un besoooo

  5. Das ist ja voll super, die Moderation von Steffi und Thomas war gestern auch klasse!!Aber was noch viel geiler war, gestern morgen von 9-13h waren Silbermond bei n-joy, haben da moderiert mitn paar Leuten telefoniert, Stars und Fans, unter anderem haben siedabei den Marcel von juli ziemlich veräpelt, war super lustig!!! Haben das Album da auch vorgespielt und haben live unplugged im Radio gesungen!!! War super, habs aufgenommen!!!MfG renchen:P:P:P

  6. You Sir/Madam are the enemy of confusion everywhere!

  7. Thank you Cocoashutter. I recently moved to the US and all my recipe books are in storage including Popina’s. Googled to find this, one of my favourites, and found you. You are a lifesaver! Am now following your blog.

  8. Cull: While I think everyone should only do the social networking they have time for and are comfortable with (I personally hate Facebook), probably about 75% of the books I buy these days come initially from a Twitter mention.

  9. Oh alors je suis scotchée que d'idées, que de belles choses , c'est magnifique je suis jalouse, moi qui ne sais jamais comment récupérer les objets du quotidien!Bravo les filles

  10. peu importe les crimes de guerre d’Israel… une bonne communication et on a des victimes qui passent pour coupable et des coupables qui passent pour victimes…bravo !!!le monde tourne a l’envers… et ca ne choque personne…on commence a avoir l’habitude…et bientot on y croira dur comme fer…Orwell disait que la liberté c’était de pouvoir dire que 2 plus 2 font 4…je retourne au monde réel, je vous laisse avec vos théories et fictions…

  11. I went to tons of links before this, what was I thinking?

  12. Je n’arrive pas à comprendre comment faisons nous pour ne pas avoir au moins 1 joueur qui se maintiennent dans le top ten ou qui remporte un grand chelem vu le nombre de joueurs de bons niveaux que nous avons, il manque toujours un petit quelque chose…

  13. kalau mampu nasihat, kita nasihat. tapi memang pelik sekarang, tudung dah macam-macam gaya ada..kang nasihat..dia marah kita balik..ntahla..

  14. I want a gold nunchuk! Please!!!!! I have a gold The Legend of Zelda and The Adventures of Link for my still working NES! I NEED the nunchuk to help my understanding of the japanese version of Game Boy Games I still play! Please!

  15. hahahha!! I still have the same trouble, since I also come from a former British colony! Most problematic is my pronunciation. I still haven’t adapted the American twang: potato, tomato etc!!Roshni recently posted…

  16. пишет:Хорошая шутка)))В индексе Гугля 487 страниц твоего сайта. Правда PR=0, поднимать надо. А, если не прикалываешься, то скажи какой у тя трафик и можно будет че-нито тебе подрубить.VA:F [1.9.21_1169]Рейтинг: 0 (оценок: 0)

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  19. Per FrancescoConcordo in pieno sulla frase riguardante gli errori evitabili.Pero’ mi chiedo se intendiamo la stessa cosa quando parlimo di governi ‘forti’ e ‘deboli’.Si puo’ essere governanti autorevoli senza per questo ricorrere necessariamente alla repressione. Viceversa, si puo’ essere autoritari ma screditati. Ottaviano si vantava di appartenere alla prima categoria di governanti. Temo che ben alì e molti suoi sodali nostrani appartenessero alla seconda. Ciao!Andrea Di Vita

  20. Having a bike path between oyster bay and bayville is the most reasonable thing they could do. How much more would it cost to add a walking/ bike path. Do I think its gonna get done NO why? There is too much money on the other side of west shore road. What will it take to get it do? I hate to say it but maybe a death will have to occure before the county opens the eyes and stops listening to the few with the big bucks .

  21. Fantastic presentation! Great information about the development of downtown Tucson. Many SAAEMA member firms are involved in downtown projects, from studies and master planning to development of utilities and building construction. Exciting stuff!

  22. One thing to point out, though:Even if you support minimum wage, states with higher minimum wage do also have higher prices. It's a vicious cycle: prices rise, so minimum wage rises to keep up with prices, which rise due to increased demand, so minimum wage rises further, etc. We've been this in Massachusetts. Basically, higher and higher prices with minimal (at best) increases in the standard of living for those who make minimum wage.

  23. diego, lo so che non intendevi quello ma grazie per la precisazione.Io non credo che lo abbia gradito, anche se lui è ormai abbastanza corazzato verso le molte strumentalizzazioni della sua lunga carriera.

  24. That takes us up to the next level. Great posting.

  25. I admire you for writing this excellent article. This information is well-researched and interesting. I became so involved in this content that I couldn’t make myself quit reading. Thank you for producing great quality work.

  26. Chavez’s policies are nothing but “pan para hoy y hambre para mañana”. Sadly, people do not realize that. And even if we tried to explain that to them, they’d never believe us because we are not “pueblo”.

  27. The honesty of your posting is there for all to see

  28. None can doubt the veracity of this article.

  29. Er sikker pÃ¥ at damen er dig vældigt taknemmelig – og at køens medlemmer bag dig var fransker-tÃ¥lmodige og bare tænkte at damen i den første bil mÃ¥ være lettere senil …Det bedes I huske ?

  30. واقعا متاسفم واسه این بی شرفهای وطن فروش.خدا رو شکر که خداوند دشمنان دینشو از احمقها قرار داده!ادب و فرهنگشون هم ماشالله از کامنتهایی که گذاشتن و اراجیفی که فقط لایق خودشون هست معلومه.ان شاالله که سران فتنه که مسبب همه این اتفاقها هستند زودتر محاکمه بشن و به مجازات اعمالشون برسن.طرفداران جاهلشون هم اگر قابل هدایت نیستند،نیست و نابود بشن ان شاءالله.

  31. Mari disse:Oi Ana, te admiro e sempre procuro estar atualizada com as novidades do DT e dos seus novos desafios, com o objetivo principal de orar pela sua vida…conte com as minhas orações para este próximo milagre! Beijos Mari

  32. Seham & Walid ~ it’s a shame to see arguing when you seem to both agree on the broad issue: that the situation for women in the ME needs to be improved, and significantly. Without wanting to get stuck in the middle, Seham: I don’t think it’s fair to impute that Walid is condoning treating women as trophies simply because he describes it. He’s criticising that practice. Walid: I don’t think you meant to offend but ‘girl’ can be to women what ‘boy’ is to African American men. Language is powerful.

  33. […Tuhan menciptakan hukum alam, bahwa apa yang kita tabur maka itulah yang akan kita tuai dan Tuhan konsekuen akan hal itu.]Aku percaya ini mba… intinya apapun yang kita dapatkan, biasanya sebanding sama usaha/perbuatan yang telah kita lakukan sebelumnya…

  34. Great article, thank you again for writing.

  35. The two methods are definitely not mutually exclusive and I do plan on using both. Parenting will always be a first resort but when she’s old enough to understand right vs. wrong, I don’t see anything wrong with a healthy fear of discipline cause I can remember many times as a kid when the only thing stopping me from causing mischief was the fear of getting caught and the punishment that would ensue. We can’t expect kids to reason like adults and let’s face it, even adults have trouble with self-control/willpower. *typing this as I stuff myself with cookies that I know are bad for me 😉

  36. Thankfully, there isn’t anyone in my life who consciously tries to derail me. But that doesn’t mean I don’t get derailed…More often than not it’s family or friend obligations. The rest of the time, it’s just obligations like yard work or taking care of things around the house. The lawn can’t go unmowed for a month just because I’d rather write.I find it’s not so much a Poisonous Playmate issue as it is a Poisonous Obligation to real life.Like? 0

  37. Really trustworthy blog. Please keep updating with great posts like this one. I have booked marked your site and am about to email it to a few friends of mine that I know would enjoy reading..


  39. You have impeccable writing skills! You make some valid points with which I agree and I think this is really great reading material. Thank you.

  40. I seldom post comments until this time. You have good points, but readers be careful – to be safe, dont believe all you read in the net. If you read an article in one forum, try and study some more. Remember, it is always better to analyze articles from various sources, ponder on them, and judge which one to trust. Greetings from Albania!

  41. If not for your writing this topic could be very convoluted and oblique.

  42. he may be from the same area of India my pastor is from! I guess I will find out Sunday when I see them and share all the info on the organization with them.You are a very sweet and gifted young woman. God bless you. DebbieP.S. I sent my friend that lives in Nashville a text telling her about your church!

  43. Ma se era morto, come ha fatto a conferiglil’autorità!Ho capito che è risorto,questo me lo hanno sempre insegnato al catechismo;quello che io voglio sapere è: dove è risorto , a chi è apparso, dove sono gli scritti dove dice che ha conferito l’autorità di isegnare a san paolo.è tutto troppo vago, di certezze non ce ne sono.E se fosse stato San Paolo ad autoeleggersi interprete di GESU??1f66

  44. I told my grandmother how you helped. She said, “bake them a cake!”

  45. ma siete sicuri della vostra “interpretazione”?qui vengono poste a confronto due alternative:1 un tour di 5 giorni in giro per l’italia in bus con aria condizionata2 un altro tour di china airlines intorno a roma, (sembra sul raccordo anulare!)a me sembra che la pubblicità dica: anzichè passare 5 giorni in giro per l’Italia in bus, girate intorno a roma con china airlines perchè “less is more”capisco che è privo di senso ma secondo me è quello che è “scritto” su questa pubblicitÃ

  46. спасибо за наших детей. Присмотрены, сыты, любимы, да ещё и учат неплохо. Мой бежит в школу, как ошалелый. иногда ревную к классному руководителю Сергеевой Ольге Вячеславовне. с выбором не прогадала, а кому плохо, дак везде хорошо, где нас нет!!!

  47. 網主 01:真是的。香港人均收入號稱國家富裕水平,但實情係貧富極度懸殊,社會生態和政策只有利於有錢人,有錢人可輕易賺更多的錢,但小市民想儲多個錢都難。中國一樣,強國崛起,「崛起」的財富大都來自貪污,或賣假、毒食品等等,只有極小撮人富起來,但這些財富都是不義之財,但祖國智慧認為:「不論黑貓白貓,捉到老鼠就是好貓」,這話是中國巨人鄧小平同志講的。即是說,不論用任何方法搵錢,搵到錢就是好,掙錢是硬道理,哪怕無數小孩 ( 窮家庭 ) 吃了毒奶變廢人,總之「有銷量就是好好好」。

  48. There are more truth on these pages than in the Norwegian media/propaganda apparatus. Anonymous 6/12/2012 8:12 already know that of course, but having no arguments, he/she chooses the typical lefty response… a pathetic attempt at witty one-liners.

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  50. Thank-you Br. Ahmed for taking this stand and calling for President Morsi to disavow himself from these types of remarks. I will give Morsi the benefit of the doubt that he did not know beforehand what would be proclaimed in the supplication. But as muslims, we must have enough honesty and humbleness to look within individually, at our families, communities, and the larger ummah, and admit the corruption of the word and spirit of the Quran is a crime for which we are all victims. The finger pointing at others for our lack of growth, peace, prosperity is childish, irresponsible, and dishonest.

  51. I am often to blogging and i really appreciate your content. The article has really peaks my interest. I am going to bookmark your site and keep checking for new information.

  52. If you all don’t have the stones to keep the articles you put up even after being pressured to take them down, how can you be credible? Bring it back.

  53. I would agree that it is wrong. I think I should be the only person making medical decisions for myself. My children too, I have heard that they want to enforce the flu shot for children in day care centers as well. I have never had one. I do not like the idea of them and have no intention of getting one.

  54. ahhh…. i love The Sound of the Music. Does bring back memories, doesn’t it? For me, it was a pleasant childhood, watching the movie and singing along!!! Wish I could have went to the musical :(Have a wonderful beach trip girl!

  55. When I originally commented I clicked the “Notify me when new comments are added” checkbox and now each time a comment is added I get four emails with the same comment. Is there any way you can remove people from that service? Bless you!

  56. Happy Happy Birthday to you!! Won’t be here for your birthday post, so take the warm wishes now! Girl, I love ya, and wanted you to know that I admire you, and the way your blog sings Jesus’ name.

  57. alors là, j’ai bien ri Laurence, votre petite histoire m’a beaucoup amusée ! vraiment .. et puis l’image qui illustre est parfaite ! rien à dire. Merci pour ce petit moment…que dire ? courage … mes cheveux blancs résistent à toute coloration, et malgré l’encouragement unanime de mes enfants ! je dis NON …

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  59. It’s all about experimenting in the kitchen. Most fruit would work! I use this same combo with whatever fruit’s in season: apples, strawberries, peaches. Try any dried fruit: apricots, mango, etc.

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  61. I’d like to know where you first heard this kind of argument used: “Why is that a single Palestinian wounded in a demonstration receives so much more attention than the slaughter, rape and abuse of 9000 in Syria.”I hear it frequently and suspect it might come from a specific region…or even a specific homeschooling program.

  62. Ya es un clásico que cuando se acercan las fechas de muchos desplazamientos los pilotos y controladores se declaran en huelga, a veces mas o menos encubiertas…Vergonzoso, como tantas cosas…Salud

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  64. I’ve heard of this from other people and it sounds like a great idea but I haven’t tried it. I LOVE their peach and the new apples and cinnamon flavor.

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  66. My experience serving on different teams revealed to me that it’s important to find people that are willing to do the grunt work as well as the more visible tasks. Having people on the team that think that they’re “too good” to do certain things is very much a downer for everybody else.

  67. Free knowledge like this doesn’t just help, it promote democracy. Thank you.

  68. presne. Podle me se muze “konkurencni dolozka”podepisovat jen pri pracovnim vztahu a to taky musi byt nalezite dobre odmeneno. Takze si myslim ze je to opravdu nerealne a proto nechavam svoje slipy v sazce

  69. What’s it take to become a sublime expounder of prose like yourself?

  70. ¡Que horror! es lo único que se me ocurre decir, es una barbaridad siquiera pensarlo, por dios, ¡que horror!.En fin, al fin humanos, ¿que se puede esperar?.Saludos.PD:¿Esa es tu mano?…

  71. Ej, ale dopiero za drugim razem najechał na niego krzyżykiem, a do tego tak szybko przejechał nim przez niego, że to nie miałoby sensu. dobrze, że to fan-made.

  72. Congrats Vix! So exciting to see you and Jem featured on there.You look effortlessly gorgeous in that wrap and I do rather love the print clash with those brilliant curtains.

  73. Nah.Global Warming didn't become the bizarre fixation it is now until about a decade ago, and these revelations will slowly kill it.Likewise, there are too many people who understand privately that black educational underperformance is the result of discrepancies in innate ability. When all the scientific evidence confirms it, no one will believe the Affirmative Action Bitches.

  74. When I was looking for an image of my IC, I was expecting to find a monster, but the image that felt right was that of a little girl.Now I know it’s the girl I had to be in school.‘Don’t make mistakes, don’t do this, don’t do that, don’t waste paper, don’t be silly, it’s not good enough, you can’t do this’ .Everything my teachers ever told me, she now tells me.But instead of fighting her, I learned to let her play with me.It has made such a big difference!Anita

  75. 18/10/2012JACQUES a tout dit !Nous n’avons pas les épaules pour faire face ! D’ailleurs « Ã©conomiquement » les mayas ne valent pas grand chose.Heureusement pour moi, je fais le plein de patates et de carottes ET le lendemain de la catastrophe (en espérant que le prix va flamber) on verra bien QUI sera le plus riche !!!

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  77. Jo necesito un curro pero ya. No quiero perderme una como esta otra vez…Por cierto ¿ estáis viendo el canal boing? Porque están con la saga de Celula…

  78. Goodness, it’s certainly taken a very long time for someone with letters after their names to finally come to this conclusion. For almost 20 years ladies in my support groups have been singing from the same hymn sheet. Knock me down with a feather But it is heartening to know that these links are finally being made.

  79. Och, Southern softies, we got snow 2 weeks ago, and I've been walking to work in Yak Tracks ever since to save me from last year's embarrassing arse over the proverbial incident ;o)You've vomit's found a lovely place to hang out though

  80. This may be my favorite post yet! I love the concept of using profit to support others’ passions and the “generous and unending cycle.” Very inspiring post, it’s always good to pay it forward in business and in life!

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  82. Okay Quirky butt, here goes. Richard Simmons? No way right? right?Eyebrows? Oh yes I can see it happening!If Richie baby is hot then Aragorn(?) has to be really hawt!Comment whore? Of course.You are probably right. Yes you can judge a perv. I did and I was RIGHT!Milli Vanilli, God please say it ain’t so. It probably is since you seem to know the words.Question? Is there any help for you my little friend??? :))))

  83. …ragazzi parliamoci chiaro…d’accordo..cediamo Denis,ma sant’Iddio facciamo arrivare un attaccante pu’ forte di lui e non delle pippe…cosi’ si costriscono le grandi squadre…migliorare costantemente…..

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  86. scrive:molto belle le fotoancor di più quello che hai scrittomi hai fatto pensare al mio tangoho visto i miei stati d’animo riflessinelle tue slideun ulteriore conferma che il tango non è solo un ballograzieRiccardo

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  90. Hi Ryan,Thanks for the comment. Indeed, the behavior that much communication seeks to produce is along the lines of love me, notice me, send me money. Certainly blogging falls at least partially into that category.

  91. I never thought I would find such an everyday topic so enthralling!

  92. DworkyFor heavens sake! How can you make such demands on Malala and the liberal 4th Estate?Would you venture into a DA Bryanston lounge-dungeon? Complete with the hellish sight of orderly arranged couches and tastefully strewn throw cushions, only to be subjected to the interminable stirring of tea and force-fed nutrition-free cucumber sandwiches – all the while being lectured as to how “they” just can’t get it right?Quadro Camp must have been a picnic compared to that.Worst of all those DA abuses continue to this very day.

  93. Posted on December 10, 2012 at 5:31 pmThanks for your article on this site. From my personal experience, periodically softening right up a photograph may well provide the digital photographer with an amount of an artistic flare. Often times however, that soft clouds isn’t what precisely you had in your mind and can frequently spoil an otherwise good photograph, especially if you intend on enlarging this.

  94. Onnea puolivuotisesta, kuulostaa upealta!Minä hankkisin ehkä tylsästi jonkun opiskeluun liittyvän ihanan biologian kirjan. Tai sitten jonkun hurmaavan uutuuden, vaikka David Nicholsia tai jotain. Nam.Ja jos minulla olisi puoli vuotta aikaa lukea.. Minä lukisin pinoissa liian kauan pyörineet pois, uskaltaisin lainata Bestseller-lainoja kirjastosta ja vaikka mitä. Aijai. Ei voi edes tajuta sellaista ajatusta. Ja ehkä minä myös kirjoittaisin. Enemmän blogia, enemmän ajatuksia. Ehkä taas sitä päiväkirjaakin.

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  97. As imagens com 9 pontos de Ibope(Band) foram mostradas ao vivo durante o jogo Santos x SP. A Globo fez o mesmo com Palmeiras x Corinthians. E vc pergunta pq será ? Será que vc esteva dormindo nessa hora?

  98. Amazing haul as always Vix!! Loving so much of the stuff you got, you do seem to have the best boot sales and charity shops where you live.I'm curious as to what items you decide to get rid of when you buy new clothes as per your 'one in, one out' rule of shopping, how to you choose?!Oh, and I bought a waistcoat in a charity shop today for Wilderness Festival which I think you'll LOVE, I'll be sure to pose for a photo in it :)L xx

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  106. no se como una banda puerde cambiar tanto….. este cambio a mi no me gusto para nada. es muy pop. nada que ver con el silverchair de los 90… al que le guste bien y a los que no gustaros de este cambio tendremos que aguantarnos…

  107. There are a ton of benefits for living here, I think you have to be at a certain time in your life to enjoy it all, it’s great for young people, for families and for the retired. If you’re ambitious, single and adventurous then perhaps …Continue Reading…

  108. I see the differences between my grandparents on both sides of my family. The grandparents who do crosswords and keep themselves busy versus my grandparents who sit and watch TV. It’s amazing how little brain activity ages you.

  109. All of these articles have saved me a lot of headaches.

  110. I agree. Our 15 month old loves spike her sippy cup off her high chair, and guess where it lands (smashes)? And yesterday, she threw the play DustBuster into the shower because my husband was in there, and guess where that 50lb hunk of plastic landed?

  111. I couldn’t read the whole thing, so I made up my own cliffs notesThis girl was at a party, being a wallflower and texting in the corner. QT walks in, looks directly at her and immediately whips out a flute. He plays a tune and over walks his coke shaman who dumps a massive bag of blow at this girl’s feet. She instantly drops to her knees and blows him – while Jaime Fox eats a huge bag of Cheetos and watches intently.

  112. saya seorang pegawe honorer ingin mencari bisnis tambahan, adakah bisnis yang pas buat saya………semoga masukan dr ukm bisa menambah inspirasi buat saya untuk berbisnis….

  113. i couldn't agree more!to me fashion isn't about dollars or cents, guilt or guilt-free, its all about common sense and being true to my own morals and ethics! instead of fast fashion where nearly everyone looses (like the workers, environment, and us) fair-trade is simply a common sense approach to international trade where everyone wins.

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  115. Qualis RexIn answer to— "What have the Irish ever done for us?" you might be interested in this book-"How the Irish Saved Civiilization" by Thomas CahillThe role of the Irish was vital, if you accept the author's thesis.

  116. Hello, i think that i saw you visited my weblog so i came to “return the favor”.I’m attempting to find things to enhance my website!I suppose its ok to use a few of your ideas!!

  117. That’s a real sore spot for me. As much as I love dirt bikes and ATVs, I love the wilderness even more. And every time I’m in the woods out here in the West, I see where asshole bikers and ATV dicks track up wilderness. I could go on a massive rant, so I should just stop now.

  118. ok homey! cool points for popkiller! i forgot about that!you gotta try a pair homeboy. comfort aint the word. the silhouette is mean. they really look GOOD at the bottom your pants and fly wit shorts. trust me. you can't go wrong. try 'em out.my favorite colors are the brown and the navy blue. classic. the green joints are fly too.

  119. This has made my day. I wish all postings were this good.

  120. Update Snag One of the things I had hoped to be able to do each day was post the number of clicks and amount of money raised so far. We’ve run into a bit of a snag with that, though. The official click count we’re going by is being tracked by Marketing Pilgrim, the site hosing the viral marketing article people click to, and I don’t have access to their stats. I’ll see if maybe they can provide some stats periodically during the campaign. I sure would like to know and I’m sure you would as well.

  121. A culpa não é do Sócrates?E do governo do PS que era de direita e igualzinho ao PSD?Quando Cavaco atacava sob todo e qualquer pretexto o governo anterior, onde estavam estes que se queixam (com razão, sim) agora?Porque calculisticamente ignoraram os ataques da direita, apoiando-os com o seu silencio? E isso nos melhores casos, que em muitos só faltou baterem palmas de júbilo.Sim, eu sei, um passo atrás, dois em frente. Mas o que tenho assistido é um passo em frente, quatro atrás.

  122. ngabisin waktu bawa balita ke bioskop?? kog gak dibawa ke taman ato tempat maenan aja sih, klo udah nangis gitu kan gangguin yg laen.

  123. Loved this post, Kel. I think you got it exactly. I know I’m still having to lay out food each day–by writing–and am still hoping those wild feelings will become less shy and used to me being around so they can begin to trust me. The wild things may be “me” as well, but we’ve been distanced so long I think it’s going to take some reacquainting first.

  124. Okay my friend, this one just brought tears. I went to You Tube and heard Lou Rawls sing this beautiful song, and as he sang, I lifted Greg & Debbie up in prayer, for many many more years together! I think that was a beautiful tribute to you when Greg went to the trouble to find this song and dance with his beautiful wife! :)(Can you tell I'm a romantic??)XO

  125. Very important stuff. This slow chipping away of the integrity of our financial system won't be noticed at large till it's too late as it collapses like a termite ridden house.

  126. Jag har fan svÃ¥rt att förstÃ¥ folk som inte greppar verkligheten, än mindre folk som efter 30-35 inlägg fortfarande inte inser faktum; Montolivo är ingen adekvat bit i Allegris nya titelvinnande och titelaspirerande pussel – AC Milan.Han är inte värdig.

  127. Pas complètement convaincu par App Organizer, je viens de passer à Folder Organizer et il semble avoir résolu les 2 problèmes principaux que je voyais à App Org:- temps de latence à l’ouverture du répertoire- j’oublie toujours de mettre à jour les répertoire avec mes nouvelles applisFolder Org semble résoudre cela brillamment:- l’ouverture est bien plus rapide, en fait quasi instannée- après l’installation d’une nouvelle appli, il y a une notif de rappel proposant d’associer un label à l’appliExcellent

  128. HT« Le processus est simple: 1 – Vous imprimez des billets 2 – Vous les donnez à vos créanciers »Pourquoi s’arrêter en si bon chemin ?3 — Vos créanciers les utilisent pour acheter des biens, par example immobilier4 — Les prix flambent car il y a beaucoup plus de billets qu’avant (vous les avez imprimés!)5 — La classe moyenne n’arrive plus à consommer, se loger, payer l’essence6 — L’état s’endette pour payer des allocations, et primes à la consommation7 — Retourner à 1 et recommencer

  129. Lockouts are fucking lame.It’s basically like the uppity-ups calling a time out on all the big babies.“Oh yeah, you won’t play our game?? Well, in that case, we are closing down the stadiums!!!”Multi-million dollar pissing match ensues, all the big boys throw their weight around, and in the end, the fans lose.Where have we heard this story before???Welcome to Americana!

  130. When I was in High School way back in the day, girls took Home Ec and boys took Shop. No alternative. Good thing times have changed.ILLNEVER didn’t bother me till I read the blog. But for me, mostly, this is a great puzzle with some wonderful clues.

  131. You deserve all the awards out there, Mia! Your blog and style are beyond inspirational! Thank you SO much for the mention here! I hope you're having a wonderful weekend, sweet lady. Meera xx

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  133. So lange war ich schon nicht mehr hier bei dir. …und nun sehe ich so süsse Neuigkeiten! Ich wünsche euch ganz viele wunderbare Glücksmomente als kleine Familie!Herzliche GrüsseDoris

  134. 3 juin 2010 merci bien pour la source Mat ;)Lego c’est clairement un jouet de Geeks !rien qu’avec leurs jeux vidéos qui reprennent les univers de Star Wars, Indiana Jones ou Batman

  135. Gary Sheffield is struggling bad but trust me that wont lastPujols is struggling but no one is dumb enouph to unload himChase Utley is struggling and he is the best player by far at second baseRyan Howard is another one you wont get but you can tryCarlos Zambrano or Chris Carpenter would be good to get right now as pitchers

  136. Always a good job right here. Keep rolling on through.

  137. bluesmile,Felizmente não se trata disso. O assunto já foi amplamente debatido em meios católicos sérios. O Papa mesmo esclareceu sua posição na pergunta imediatamente posterior do entrevistador, dizendo que a Igreja não admite ser o preservativo moral, bom ou justificável como meio de prevenção à AIDS. O que houve foi que a mídia resolveu distorcer um raciocínio sutil do Santo Padre e, infelizmente!, o L´Osservatore Romano resolveu justificar a mídia.[]s

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  140. “Visst sätter vi gärna pÃ¥ sÃ¥dana slampor för att dem är sÃ¥ jävla enkla och billiga, men sedan kastar vi dom snabbt i papperskorgen.”jadu jakob. lÃ¥ter utifrÃ¥n den meningen som att du gärna knullar runt en hel del. vill bara upplysa dig om att vi tjejer inte uppskattar sÃ¥dant slampigt beteende hos killar. inget vi skulle kalla pojkvänsmaterial.sÃ¥ du kanske borde tänka pÃ¥ det innan du gÃ¥r och skaffar dig en stämpel, kära du.

  141. Going to put this article to good use now.

  142. I was so shocked and sorry to hear that Arlan had passed away. I remember the two of you together in high school. My sympathy and prayers are with you and your family, Dottie.

  143. O problema é outro, o problema é que este é masis um caminhoi para o Fisco estender as suas garras sobre os cidadãos.O problema é que vivemos em plena ditadura fiscal, com um Fisco á solta atropelando direitos e assaltando o património dos cidadãos.Tudo de forma eficiente e automática, o cidadão é atacado e do outro lado só tem um computador autista que nãoi responde ás suas reclamações!Enquanto este país não tiver uma associação de defesa do contribuinte forte e coesa não vamos longe!

  144. Broker’s or not, it is with constant information that people gets aware of what’s happening. For some, this could just be a business plan to include brokers, or it could just be their way of proper information dissemination to everybody.

  145. I don’t even know what to say, this made things so much easier!

  146. me encanta el video pero exhorto a todos los que lo ven, para que oremos con fuerza para que el Señor derrame su Espiritu sobre nosotros y venga pronto. muchas bendiciones para todos.

  147. You’re on top of the game. Thanks for sharing.

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  152. Okay I’m convinced. Let’s put it to action.

  153. Pilots. Yeah, it’s cute, but for the love of god, keep the MDs away! If you think the current nanny state is bad, just wait until they get their hands on it. You’ve got to be either a pure-hearted believer of the Cathedral or a master of ketman to get into med school.

  154. …and a most enjoyable workshop it was! Thanks David for sharing your expertise – and making it all so understandable!I enthusiastically recommend Dave's classes/workshops to anyone interested in photography.Thanks!Rosemary (the one on the middle left of the smile circle)

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  156. That’s 2 clever by half and 2×2 clever 4 me. Thanks!

  157. Danke für Dein Feedback, Sebastian. Die Schriftart haben wir geändert, gefällt mir so auch besser. Das mit der Kommunikationsflut sehe ich ähnlich und ändere ich auch gerade. Mal sehen, ob ich mich wieder zu einer regelmäßigen “Kolumne” motivieren kann, wie früher zu . Ein paar Beiträge habe ich in letzter Zeit ja schon veröffentlicht.

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  159. Hey, killer job on that one you guys!

  160. Demos are not very alert…I mean, they still don't realize that they got landslided in 2010. I think "Obama" just ensured a landslide against him with his bizarre anti-business builder rants. "You think you're so smart!". I can't remember hearing a politician saying anything dumber. Makes Carter's "Malaise Speech" seem like nothing.

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  166. I think Hal David and Burt Bacharach went their separate ways sometime during the recording of the "Lost Horizon" soundtrack. In the 80s, his lyricist was his then wife Carol Bayer Sager and they wrote some of the best and most memorable songs for that decade – Reservations For Two, Love Power, Love Is Fire (Love Is Ice), On My Own, Arthur's Theme, Stronger Than Before, etc.

  167. – Better Homes & Gardens |Cookies – Pacific Thyme |Black and white parfaits – Celebrations At Home Christina | October 5th, 2011 | See all posts by Christina Share: Twitter | Facebook

  168. Finding images online isn't a problem. Finding HIGH QUALITY images is a real struggle though when you're looking for a specific artist or piece. This is why books still have great value.

  169. Bon anniversaire Mademoiselle Bravo pour ces voyages enchanteurs que tu nous offres, pour cette passion que tu partages généreusement, et bonne chance pour tes projets !

  170. I ordered this Llama for my son to give to his girlfriend for Christmas. They are both 10 years old. The Llama was adorable and just as descibed. What a suprise when they realized that they both had gotten the same Llama for each other!

  171. The Absent Game…Amongst me and my husband we have owned much more MP3 gamers over time than I can count, including Sansas, iRivers, iPods (typical & touch), the Ibiza Rhapsody, etc. But, the last few years I’ve settled down to one line of gamers….

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  174. Twitter: Betul tu, sekarang ni semua dah setel. Tinggal upload balik gambar ja la. Tapi geram pula. Internet pula lambat sekarang ni. Nak buat apa-apa pun tak boleh.

  175. 5 – 4 – 3 – 2- 1, That’s how I’d rate your recs in impact. Maybe 5 – 4 – 3 – 1 – 2. Either way, getting out there and doing something you love are great ways to start the business of changing the world.

  176. That’s a quick-witted answer to a difficult question

  177. The banners are gorgeous! Love your inner dialogue. I’m so glad you got out there again and you saw the lion – do you think it was Leo? – and I don’t know who that tall drink of water out in the field could be… I’ll have to go read the book to refresh my memory! Set soldier HOLLA!!!!

  178. wow ain’t some people on the comment threads bitter about something…chill out guys its just a fun list, nothing to take so seriously and get worked up about. If it’s not your style just don’t follow it!

  179. Wonderful blog! I found it while searching on Yahoo News. Do you have any tips on how to get listed in Yahoo News? I’ve been trying for a while but I never seem to get there! Cheers

  180. Thank you so much, Katie!And yes, Penny, perhaps we should change the title of this series to 'Saintly Sundays'? They are certainly opening our eyes to wonderful world where children's books are truly valued.

  181. Another good post Alex. One thing that we have been looking into is the anchor text variation with Brand and Non Brand. A few people that I have spoke to believe that link building is going more towards the brand route, with less emphasis on variations of the target key phrase. I am running a few tests on this at the moment and hope to share results soon. Did you or anybody else see any clients affected by the Penguin update?

  182. Aw, this was a really quality article. In theory I’d like to write like this too – taking time and real effort to make a fantastic blog post… but what can I say… I procrastinate alot and never seem to get something done.

  183. Thanks so much for sharing your visit to these wonderful stores! My eye caught the pink rotary phone in one of the pictures…I have been looking for one for over a year! But I live far, far away from Texas. Shucks. I have been watching ebay, but not on a regular basis. Enjoy your trip and treasure hunting jaunts!

  184. noviembre 16, 2012 a las 4:21 amHola! Una pregunta, para cuando un parche con GDB full para poder editar el PES? Gracias por tu respuesa de antemano. Responder

  185. Thanks for this comprehensive list, Steve! I’m teaching a computer class next month for my genealogical society, and the topic is Vital Records and Obituaries Online. You’ve given me a great head start, here!P.S. Genealogy Bank has a special short-term deal going for $9.95 for a 30-days subscription. I signed up, and can attest that I’ve already found a stack of obituaries and news articles pertaining to my ancestors or their relatives.

  186. That's so cool. I have always been interested in natural and alternative childbirth. Have you seen "The Business of Being Born?" Suck a good documentary on childbirth alternatives.

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  213. Pat,Wish I could just go over there and give you a hug for writing this. You are such a strong woman and such a good friend and your story is so inspiring. As children of God we are blessed to know that All things work together for good to those who are the called according to his purpose. He’s so faithful to bring people to hold up our arms during those trying times and fill our hearts with unexplainable peace. Please continue sharing… this is powerful!Maria

  214. MAtu! nos debes la foto del altar con John Locke incluído! igual yo que vos no prendo velas x las dudas… me mata el programa. De lujo!

  215. 大薯佬:其實,我們現今社會,是因為普遍人不喜歡或遺忘了生活倫理 [ Ethics ]。要在社會立足,並不一定要有齊那麼多壞德性;而品性好的,社會又未必會把其遺棄。 大部份有不好德性的兒童和青年,其實看他們在事業上的際遇,並不好到那裡去。只是人們以為( 尤其父母 )孩子要好像很醒目,才有前途,這是一廂情願的想法。並不是說 [ 不夠古惑、勢利 ]便會淪為 [ 高分低能 ] ,剛好相反,那些高分低能的青年,就是那種自小扮醒目、父母以為夠精靈夠古惑的那類人。生活的 Ethics,就是讓人、和孩子保持童真、及待人接物的品德。

  216. Herbal life is sold by registered Herbal Life distributors only…these are usually individuals who sell out of their garage for example….try searching for : herbal life, zip code in yahoo or google.Noah

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  227. Scott,I think that 1 Timothy 3:12 (as well as 3:8-10) is written with the men in mind. The only verse specifically directed toward the women is v. 11. It is possible, if my interpretation is correct, that v. 13 applies to both men and women.

  228. pfff… la noi nici nu se pune problema de sezon/extrasezon, depinde doar de momentul cand ne putem lua concediu… insa la schi de exemplu multi prefera extrasezonul, pentru preturi.

  229. I don’t even know what to say, this made things so much easier!

  230. datentime, I loved these dudes! The buddy smooch was a nice touch. It looked like they knew to keep working on it, so I can assume they eventually dug out the sac! It’s so nice to know young men can have a meaningful and educational evening together.

  231. We all have our time machines.Some take us back, they’re called memoriesSome take us forward, they’re called dreamsBELIEVE IN YOUR DREAMSI´m MEL but I come from Argentina, Te amo:)

  232. Also fassen wir zusammen: Der Telekom-Chef ist das “Fool To Cry”, beim Betrachten der Werbung bekommt man “Mixed Emotions”, weil die T-Com-Jungs ja eh “Brown Sugar” rauchen. Und weil ich kein “Sympathy for the Devil” habe, surfe ich ganz altmodisch-romantisch mit “Wild Horses”, oder auch ISDN. Aber irgendwie fühle ich mich dann doch gerade wie der “Monkey Man”.Cheers & keep on rocking …toto

  233. Damn, those iphone cameras pack some serious heat. Im contiuously impressed by photos im seeing from phones…These are awesome. More please. What happened to your comp?

  234. I wrote this on Wendy’s post, but I’ll say it here too. I loved “Redeeming Love” by Francine Rivers because it is the first Christian novel I ever read. I didn’t really realize this whole genre of inspirational fiction even existed…and that it could be breathtakingly beautiful. It’s what first inspired me to write a novel; I’d always wanted to, but thought I’d have nothing to write about, and that I hated when novels ended unsatisfactorily. But with this genre, you can end a book with hope, and that hooked me.

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  237. Sono un grande appasionato di calcio sudamericano. Ho trovato il suo articolo stupendo e completo.Devo fare solo un piccolo “richiamo”… non vedo menzionato ALEX SANDRO, laterale sinistro del Santos giovanissimo credo 20/21 anni che ha preso il posto da titolare a Leo. Un amico brasiliano tifosissimo del Santos mi dice che sara’ il nuovo Bastos! che ne pensa. Ringraziando porgo cordiali saluti. GIANCARLO

  238. Hallo Sue,herzlichen Dank für dein Kommentar.Es freut mich riesig, dass dir der Artikel so gut gefällt und du ihn hilfreich findest :)Solch ein Feedback motiviert natürlich sehr :)Viele GrüßeManuel

  239. Fillem melatu terlallu byk filem tong sampah dan tak berkualiti.. Sometime sesuatu cerita xd motif dan pengajaran.. Cerita yg adapptasi dari novel pl byk yg ditukar, x mngikut cerita asal.. Klu msh xd perubahan x mustahil untuk org melayu mnyokong cerita luar.. Yg penting kualiti bukan kuantiti

  240. You are correct in getting the gas cards.Where I live (Victoria, BC), the flights are too expensive.I believe gift cards are the overall best buy on these points.I only belong to Air Miles and Aeroplan.Anyone have good luck with Shoppers?

  241. I’m sometimes reluctant to admit it–it seems to be politically incorrect these days–but I love our cold Canadian winters and frankly, January thaws disappoint me. Loved your post and photos.

  242. Your ability to inject testicle shots into each holiday amazes me. This holiday needed no extra color like St. Paddy’s day and Halloween needed.

  243. The expertise shines through. Thanks for taking the time to answer.

  244. Hallo erst­mal und ein gutes neues Jahr!! Gerne betei­lige ich mich mit mei­nem Feed­back wie­der hier im Forum:: meine The­men für 2009 sind Gesund­heit, Fami­lie und die immer wie­der auf­kei­men­den Kon­flikte auf unse­rer Welt. Erst vor ein paar Tagen wie­der im Nahen Osten… Außer­dem bin ich sehr gespannt wie sich die Welt­wirt­schaft ent­wi­ckeln wird. Aber trotz allem wün­sche ich ein gutes 2009 !!!!Gruß Ecki Ewert

  245. Cette information n’est pas vraiment exacte. Bon nombre d’albums sont disponibles sur iTunes depuis un certain temps. Je peux l’affirmer pour y avoir acheté l’un d’eux…

  246. I am almost finished with this and, like you, am glad that I read it during the Olympics. I feel as if it has enhanced my appreciation for the athletes and I even watched a little of the action from the velodrome the other night which was a first for me!This is the first novel I have read by Chris Cleave – I really liked his writing and will definitely pick up Little Bee.

  247. 1.雖然那難以想像,但並非不可能。假設上帝的名字叫「物理定律」,那麼我相信上帝的確是創造宇宙並且隨時隨地支配整個宇宙。雖然教徒們可能不會認為上帝=物理定律。8.如果上帝不像人,那他自然不需要「聽」或「讀」人們的禱告,他可能可以瞬間吸收並完成所有程序。假設上帝其實是一個龐大且超高級的CPU,可以在瞬間處理上千億個資訊,那並非不可能。雖然教徒們可能不會認為上帝是個高級CPU。9.雖然有點蠢,但即使真的只有一個神存在而其他為假,似乎也沒什麼矛盾的?只是無法證明而已。>DUST即使可以慢慢處理,但「同時」發生的還是得「同時」慢慢處理吧?雖然我相信教徒們認為上帝是全能的,因此同時處理上億資訊也沒有問題。顯然CPU相當高級。

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  250. That’s an expert answer to an interesting question

  251. La trilogia della vendetta devo proprio recuperarla (per l'eterna gioia della mia Dolce Metà che non aspetta altro di essere iniziato al cinema coreano), mi ispira tantissimo.Le tazze rotte portano sfortuna solo nei manga (e negli anime) per cui non ha senso dare ad un fenomeno fisico significati reconditi ^^

  252. And I thought I was the sensible one. Thanks for setting me straight.

  253. I'm so glad you're doing well! I always hate that post-op feeling… my one piece of advice (4 laps later) is take it easy! Don't try to do too much too quick or your body is going to hit a wall… take it easy and let Joey take care of you! PS that's AWESOME that you're only a stage 1 🙂 Big Hugs!

  254. It depends on the term of the loan. If they are offering your 30 year fixed it will certainly not be at 5.0 percent. I have seen 5 year fixed at 8.5 percent. Because the economy is so shaky. Banks are loosing money left and right with a fixed term of 30 year over 6.5 – 8.5 % is reasonable. I could see a 5 year fixed at 4.5 or something. But the longer the term the higher the rate. References : Was this answer helpful?

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