المغرب يغرد خارج السرب في سياسته تجاه الهجرة غير الشرعية

حظيت السياسة المغربية تجاه المهاجرين الأفارقة، الذين يتخذ معظمهم المغرب محطة انتظار قبل العبور إلى ضفاف الحلم الأوروبي بإشادة منبر أوروبي متخصص هو “لوبوان أفريك”، الذي اعتبر إقدام المغرب على تسوية وضعية عشرات الآلاف من الأفارقة، بمن فيهم من مهاجرين غير شرعيين شجاعة وجرأة غير مألوفتين، “ينبعان من إرادة سياسية إرادية قوية”.

وأعتبر الموقع المختص أن سياسة المغرب في مجال الهجرة أصيلة ومخالفة لكل ما هو سائد في محيطه العربي والإفريقي بل وحتى الأوروبي، حيث أقدم طواعية على تسوية وضعية ألاف المهاجرين الأفارقة غير الشرعيين، ومنحهم الحق في العمل والإقامة، الأمر الذي يكسب سياسته تجاه القارة السمراء بعدا اجتماعيا، إضافة للبعد الاقتصادي الذي دشنه العاهل المغربي الملك محمد السادس خلال زياراته الإفريقية المتكررة.

وأكد موقع “لوبوان أفريك” إن إدماج المهاجرين غير الشرعيين في النسيج القانوني للمقيمين الأجانب على أرض المملكة يضفي مزيدا من المصداقية على التزام المغرب بمنطق ونصوص اتفاقيات حقوق الإنسان الدولية، والتي تحث على المساواة بين المواطنين والأجانب في الحقوق الأساسية دون تمييز، مضيفا أن هذه السياسة تترجم التزامه بنصوص ما وقع عليه من مواثيق دولية.

للمزيد:مفهوم الهجرة غير الشرعية وأسبابها في منطقة المغرب العربي

وذكّر كاتب المقال بأنه قد تم خلال سنة 2014 تسوية وضعية نحو 18 ألف شخص، من نحو مائة جنسية، في الوقت الذي يتعرض فيه المهاجرون الأفارقة والسوريون وغيرهم إلى أسوأ أنواع الاستغلال وصنوف المعاناة في مختلف دول الجوار، مما حولهم إلى مشكلة تؤرق بلدان الشمال الإفريقي والجنوب الأوروبي على حد سواء.

اقرأ أيضا

وزير الخارجية الإسباني: علاقاتنا الممتازة مع المغرب مفيدة لكلا البلدين

قال وزير الشؤون الخارجية والاتحاد الأوروبي والتعاون الإسباني، خوسيه مانويل ألباريس، اليوم الأربعاء، أمام مجلس النواب الإسباني، إن “علاقاتنا الممتازة مع المغرب مفيدة لكلا البلدين”.

288 تعليقاً

  1. Taking the ovwveire, this post hits the spot

  2. This is a most useful contribution to the debate

  3. Alright so iv rooted my G2 a long time ago and also fallowed along with Cyanogens RC’s and now im staying at 6.1 not 6.1.1 because iv seen people have bad battery life with 6.1.1, but my question is, some people want to know how to flash a new kernel like pershoots over the CyanogenMod kernel when you have Cyanogen installed, a quick video showing how to flash things other than just ROM’s using ROM Manager.

  4. Smack-dab what I was looking for-ty!

  5. At first I didn’t like how over exposed the lights were in this shot. But then after viewing the photo for a second time I actually don’t mind it, it gives it a very clean and pure look (although I can only imagine the garage was far from clean).Great shot.

  6. Lo scandalo è questo: si continua a considerare l’episcopato non un sacramento intimamente legato al ruolo di pastore di una porzione della chiesa universale, la diocesi, ma una “sacra medaglia”…Saluti

  7. Pleasing you should think of something like that

  8. Dubculture, and Blue MondayTim Gardner, the no-longer-anonymous HR Introvert, talks about fear and influence in the ATLMy own post, in case you missed it, was about HRevolution being exponentially better this year.Jon

  9. tracey · Hi Hayley – Retail therapy can work such wonders! After a productive weekend I’m feeling so much more positive and happier about the world again … it’s funny how things (like my mood) swing up and down. I hope you’re well. xx

  10. We don’t realise that clock tick’s on ;thought he’d be around for more years yet .No more time for another dram .Gone those nights with Betty Dave and Ian in Ivor Road putting the world to right. Condolences to all of the remaining family for their loss.Jim and Sue Sword

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  17. schon… treffend und kafka ist einfach göttlich!@monsieur fischer: ich dachte beim lesen dieser zeilen durchaus auch an deine momentane misere… 🙁

  18. oops! i left out a key word in the last sentence. .. it should read:thank you for being willing to pay the penalty you did NOT owe that belonged to me.

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  22. There was no need for a crisis intervention team when I was growing up, being educated at a non-culturally enriched school in the UK in the seventies.We had the belt in those days.And teachers used it – I know!

  23. Nice post, Stephen. Seems to me a company’s commitment to customer service is in direct proporation to the location of its call center. The further the call center to the head office, the lower the commitment. Why? Because the CEO thinks of it as a cost center not a value added opportunity. BTW, love your example. I’m a WestJet fan.

  24. Gràcies, Tomàs, pels ànims. Aquesta setmana estic enllestint un capítol de la tesi, el de la relació entre podcàsting i ràdio. Potser la setmana que ve podré publicar un nou capítol del podcast, amb la conversa amb l’Oleguer Sarsanedes, que tinc a mig editar. Hi diu coses molt interessants, ja ho veuràs. Fins aviat

  25. Comentarioa mi me an criticado de mil maneras por mi manera de sre,nadie comprende lo que siento pero lo que se que cuando estoy con una persona le dedico todo y me juego todo por ella lo unico que solo juegan conmigo, a mi me gustan las mujeres y me costo decirlo ahora se que es el amor y las imagenes emo son las mejores y las que me describen

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  28. ALBERT CORTÉS MONSERRAT escrigué:Hola Xavier, bones reflexions com sempre. Els perills son molts, però ja nomes una cosa molt positiva, que depèn en definitiva de nosaltres i la nostra valentia i oides sordes a pors infundades que ens atemorirant. No ens espera una cosa mai vista, simplement ser normals i posar-nos al lloc on ens pertoca. Referèndum o DUI, però no equivoquem la direcció.SalutacionsAlbert Cortés

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  32. I don’t even know what to say, this made things so much easier!

  33. It’s tragic seeing soooo many people disconnected from reality. And the best “potshot’ taken at the President was his own line, “I’m not recommending for every future president that they take a shellacking like I did last night.” Hopefully, he realize the error of his ways.

  34. Superb information here, ol’e chap; keep burning the midnight oil.

  35. I had the honor of leading Farm Sanctuary’s Walk for Farm Animals with founder Gene Baur in Santa Monica. You may remember I was invited during the summer to speak at the annual Hoe Down in Watkin’s Glenn, NY with China Study author Dr. Colin Campbell.

  36. I’ve been looking for a post like this forever (and a day)

  37. It’s great to find someone so on the ball

  38. SÃ¥ spennande Ã¥ ta vingene fatt og fly!! Eg har tru pÃ¥ deg, flinke Heidi! Spennande òg med fint besøk – gler meg til Ã¥ høyre meir:-) God pÃ¥ske til deg og dine!Klem

  39. That photo is awesome – they really do look different. A bit like those characters you see in movies but still so interesting.Good luck with the book launch 🙂

  40. You’re wrong to attribute the Soviets’ maintaining a huge land force to communist ideology. After all, the Soviets weren’t the only power that decided that nukes hadn’t rendered conventional arms obsolete. Otherwise, why did the U.S. and NATO keep large conventional forces in Germany all those years? Why did the U.S. Army spend so much time on the AirLand Battle doctrine in the 1970s-80s? John Mearsheimer argues for the “primacy of land power” in his book The Tragedy of Great Power Politics. Last time I checked, he wasn’t a Marxist.

  41. Sisi, ando un poco perdido pero ¿Podrías argumentar la medalla de plata de los patéticos? Así de primeras lo entiendo como que masturbarse uno mismo es de losers y con un adlatere de gente bien.

  42. We definitely need more smart people like you around.

  43. Feliz Año Nuevo Cecilia!!!,espero que este año sea de muchas bendiciones para ti y tu familia.Están lindas las campanillas,que tengas una linda semana….:)Ameli

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  72. [quote comment=”20413″]Non la défaite de la gauche est essentielle. Le PS est un parti moribond et creux de toute idéologie. Il y’a aujourd’hui clairement 2 voies: celle de DSK et celle de Dray, à ce que j’en ai vu sur FR2. La scission est imminente…Vive le Mouvement Démocrate ![/quote]DSK veut simplement prendre le pouvoir. La voie tracée par Ségolène Royal est aussi celle de la rénovation et de l’ouverture. Et ne rêvez pas, quoiqu’il arrive, le PS restera la première force d’opposition.

  73. 我也贊成雅典奧運的開幕禮比較好看,但是也喜歡中國開幕禮中倒數、擊缶、把五環拉起和活字印刷那四部份。其實中國跟雅典的賣點很不同,中國明顯是玩人海戰術(PTH:「咱們有的是~~~~~人!」),她那靠人多而營造出來的氣勢,其他國家的確難以比得上。教我有意見的反而不是把「中國」這個概念放到大一大,而是一班表演者花在這次表演上的排練時間。聽說大極一環,表演者就足足練了五年之久。是「五年」內每年練一次、每月練一次或每日練一次,每次練多久,我不知道。從整個表演的「心度」和視覺效果來看,相信表演者花在綵排的時間實在不少就是。只為曇花一現的表演付出如此多的光陰,尤其目的只是在「宣揚國威」這項毫無實際回報的名目之上,我很懷疑這是否值得。(是的對不起我這個人非常實際。)這讓我想起,秦始皇當年下令某某要為自己修築長城之後(或其他宏大建築,you name it),某某便得把自己畢生的時間都奉獻於此,甚至為此而偉大犧牲,霸權味道十足;而今日呢,表演者可都是自願要把光陰花於排練之上的。二千年前的人被國威之名逼著貢獻國家,二千年後的人卻是主動要搞這搞那的去壯大祖國的聲勢,這個對比蠻有趣。

  74. Thanks ArthurI’d love to see the animated concepts put to life by your creative hand. Email Ruby… see what we can see here! Blessings be… in our dreams. Reality is more… as it seems.

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  83. I live in Union County, South Dakota. The project has not been secretive for over a year. Consider the fact that the county vote already passed. My understanding is many of the farmers who accepted $$ for options on their land also voted no during the vote. They can keep the money and their land. Other landowners whose land wasn’t selected voted no out of jealousy concerning their neighbors windfalls. The issue has little to do with pollution, loss of ag land (less than 2% in the county), etc. and more to do with greed and ignorance.

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  86. Hei jo taas kotoakin! 🙂 Piti vielä kommentoida Pienen mökin emännälle sitä, että hassua, joistain kirjailijoista tosiaan tuntee ja tietää pitävänsä, vaikkei ole lukenut heiltä mitään. Toivottavasti Gallay-tuntemuksesi on oikea!Tuli vielä mieleen, että kirjallisista vastauksistani puuttuu eräs tärkeä hahmo, nimittäin Risto Reipas. En tosin tiedä, olisiko hän kuulunut suosikkimieshahmoksi vai hahmoksi, johon samastun, mutta tosiaan, kuten olen blogissa kertonut, vietin lapsuuteni Ristoa leikkien! 😀

  87. The 19,700 is just the ones they know that have or had guns. Many, many more off the books. Gun? What gun? I ain't got no stinking gun.

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  89. noooooo è cominciata la trilogia del piede!!!!!devo sbrigarmi a finire il mio capitolo! maledetto lavoro!brava laura, m’è piaciuta assai. sapendoti editore mi ha fatto senzo vederti colla cartellina in mano che vai a far vedere i tuoi lavori, hehe.

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  96. Mi nombre es Cintia,hace 8 meses que estoy alquilando un departamento, nunca firme un contrato, pero cada mes recibia el recibo de mi pago.Ahora me piden que me valla, por motivos personales del dueñoy me fijo un mes y medio para que lo haga yo pague por adelantado el mes y ahi me entere.Mi pregunta es tengo que seguir pagando el alquiler ya que consegui una casa y requiero bastante plata para habitarla.

  97. Given that Italy is currently one of Europe's more sane countries, I would say that there is a chance that Italy will hold onto Lampedusa longer than Britain can London or Sweden Stockholm.

  98. essa é a minha tese… Tomar. Ou seja, o tesouro estaria nos subterrâneos do castelo templário de Tomar.Documentação escasseia e que reforce essa minha posição, não creio que exista, já que toda esta temática era secreta mesmo na sua época e avessa a registos documentais, pelo secretismo envolvido…

  99. ah si inca ceva….nu ma pot abtine sa nu zic….nu putea sa strice 3rei sud est-ul cu soundul asta live….piesele live care sunau super ok sunt cele cantate in turneul anti drog….dar piesele de club…lasa f de dorit astea sunt pt cluburile de karaoke…sunt fan 3se si imi pare rau pt toate criticile la adresa lui laur nu speram sa ajung vreodata sa fac asta nici nu am dreptul sal critic ca artist…dar ca fan 3se am tot dreptul …dar this is it..3SE FOREVER

  100. I feel there has been a shift that favors home buyers. The inventory of Active homes has been rising while the number of Pendings and Sales has dropped. Home buyers need to recognize this trend

  101. "Even with putting Middle Knowledge in as a buffer, it seems to me that on Molinism God is still responsible for selecting something to occur (e.g. sin) rather than something else."Well one way is to suggest that, given God does not determine the content of His middle knowledge, perhaps in every world He knew via MK had a fall; so there wasn't a "something else".Another way is to note that in Molinism, God is not causing, so man, not God is ultimately responsible.God be with you,Dan

  102. Hehe, ja, ich war derjenige, der die ‘Convo’ mit Dir gestartet hatte. Momentan sehe ich mich nach Corporations um und habe dazu im Forum auf everger.de eine Anfrage gestartet. Mal schauen, was sich dort so ergibt. Gut Ding brauch’ Weile…

  103. The online shopping process is simpler on the environment overall.  Products sold through traditional retailers often have to pass through multiple distribution centers before being delivered to stores.  More trips mean more CO2 emissions and resource consumption.  Online retailers help streamline the delivery process from A to B, so less is wasted.  When deciding whether to buy online or make a trip to the mall, consider this: an average trip to the mall produces 4,274 g of carbon dioxide, while a typical van-based delivery makes about 180 g (which makes online shopping approximately 24 times g…!).

  104. Wolski pisze:Nie jstem zwolennikiem pana Cimoszewiczaale pozyczanie pieniedzy od rodziny uwazam za prywatna strone zycia w odroznieniu od publicznej.Wedlug pana ktos kto otrzymal pieniadze od wujka z ameryki jest przestepca? Czy musi on zawiadomic wladze o tym? Budujmy wiec wiezienia. Nie obalajmy wiezi rodziny, jedynej sily jaka nam zostala.

  105. kathyi am 47 and have never smoked anything in my entire lifenot even a cigarettei am just sick and tired of fn censoring me and letting this vulgar uneducated bitch slur me for mos hereini have had my fill

  106. Britney Spears has included four new schedules to her imminent UK tour. The pop celeb, who definitely will be bringing her Femme Fatale tour on to British shores in October

  107. I love Starbucks and even though I can’t afford to go often, when I need a special treat for myself, I splurge and get a Caramel Machiatto. It’s like dessert with a kick!

  108. this may sound kind of disgusting but its realli good.. it leaves your hair sleek and shiny and tottalii clean making it easier for ur hair to grow and healthier tooso all u need is too cracked eggs beaten and 2 teaspoons of mayofirst u wet ur hair then put the eggs all around ur hair but mostly on the top and wash it out. then do the same with mayo but more towards the tips and then wash it out finalli shampoo and DONT CONDITION!!!!

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  112. I actually tried that at one point. I’d just installed gcc-4.2, but amid all the things I’ve tried in the last few days, the symlink maneuver got lost in the shuffle. At this point I now have a clean machine with no XCode to use for this. Since I’m not doing XCode Dev on this machine I’m just gonna stick with it like this for now.

  113. czekanie też może być przyjemne – ja siÄ™ tego ostatnio nauczyÅ‚am wreszcie, bo już nie robiÄ™ fochów „że tak rzadko siÄ™ widzimy” tylko wykorzystujÄ™ ten czas dla siebie, jakiÅ› basen itp. – jejku, lece kawÄ™ wypić bo jakieÅ› gÅ‚upoty straszne wypisujÄ™ :/ MiÅ‚ego dnia!

  114. Wow, Runnemede got the same amount. What do they plan on doing with their $25K? The funds will be used to construct soccer and flag football fields at Beaver Brook Park, along with new restroom facilities.And we get a 900′ walking path. Who’s building this gold-lined path anyway?I hate grant money. It’s nothing more than robbing ALL the citizens via taxation by county, state and federal politicians to bring home the bacon to their local pets who, in turn, give big bucks back by campaign contributions.

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  116. Very true! Makes a change to see someone spell it out like that. 🙂

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  118. I think your pictures look fine. It’s more like what the home cook is going to end up with so it doesn’t discourage a beginner cook. Like your blog – will have to pop in as much as I can!

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  120. Ved heller ikke hvem der har opfundet den naturlov, men rart at høre at det ikke kun er hos os ;)HÃ¥ber du fÃ¥r en skøn mandag alligevel :)PS. Nu kan jeg da ikke leve uden sÃ¥dan en lille Angel 😉

  121. Pardon me, but I tried to email you concerning an issue on your website but the given e-mail address didn’t work. Is there some other place I could email you?

  122. É realmente moi interesante, seguramente a intelixencia das farolas teña moito que mellorar, pero como proxecto, pode prometer de verdade. Unha noite sen tanta contaminación visual debe ser moi agradable.Sobre o consumo de enerxía, nalgúns pobos con pouca civilización seguramente se podería aforrar un montón, pero naquelas grandes ciudades na que hai milleiros de peatóns en todas partes e a todas horas, sería un gasto de enerxía similar á das farolas básicas, polo que probablemente sería inutil cambialas polas «farolas intelixentes».

  123. Denis,The church at which Dennis serves as organist is in Needham. You are on the prayer list there, for a strong finish to your incredible pilgrimage!Sorry the weather has turned so foul. . .Ta Sue

  124. je ne crois plus du tout a tout çe Qu!on nous raconte sur l!alimentation. Ont peut manger de tout mais il ne faut pas trop manger. Le reste c!est n!importe quoi car de toute façon on ne sait pas du tout de quoi viens le cancer!!

  125. Assalammualaikum,,,,,,,,saya rizal dari aceh, saya sangat tertarik dgn usaha jamur dan saya akan membuka usaha jamur di aceh, jamur utk di aceh masi dianggab makanan yg agak langka dan masi sulit utk menemukan nya, selama ini orang aceh untuk membeli jamur harus dari medan.Mohon infonya Pak, apa saja yg harus sy persiapkan, seperti dimana sy bisa mendapatkan bibit jamur dan sebagai nya..????Trimakasi, dan salam hormat saya, Rizal.

  126. I don't get his Apple point either. AC/DC don't like iTunes, so they choose not to use iTunes to sell their music. The Who catalog and Pete's solo material is available on iTunes. Maybe Pete doesn't own all of his publishing and is upset about that.Mark

  127. Bon, allez, une fois, à la demande quasi-générale :Mini mini Mama het a Bombomstand,A Bombomstand, a Bombomstand.Mine mine Pabbe het a kochleffel in d’r HandUn schlaujt min’ra Mama uff d’r Bombomstand.Un I wett, un I wett, un I wett met dir,In Strossburi gett’s ke Jumpfra meh (bis).Bawela Bawela jetzt gett’s los.S’Marigel kommt ge fahreMit sine krumme WadeZim zam zum, in a Latte Zün a nieUn direkt mit d’r Fratz in a Mischthüfa nie.

  128. Hey – Saw your entry on my Blog and then checked the HAC site… 10 Years – already????!!!!??? Wow- can’t believe it but then again I can… after all in a way it does seem like a lifetime ago… *sigh*

  129. Gorgeous wintery photographs Donna, and fabulous burls too! It is amazing how many threats there are to native trees, all across the country, from pollution, diseases, and shifts in climate. Our own oaks and madrones seem to be dying at an alarming rate in recent years, but we’re trying to replant what we can. I had no idea that Arbor Day was on a different date in each state…learn something every day! Wishing you a very Happy New Year!

  130. As much as I love overland traveling, but yeah most of the ones you mentioned do not sound so cool…well except for the Cape town to Cairo…for me it will be Cape town to Alexandria (I’ll have to get home after being in Cairo anyway…just another 2 hours train!)…it is still one of my favorite trips, once I have enough money for it…it is so damn expensive!I don’t know if I will be sick of seeing jungles and Animals after the 4th or 5th country or not though…maybe it is true But it sounds adventurous to me…

  131. – 11/15/11 2:51 AMDude, come on. Aaron Rodgers (Cal)? Jordy Nelson (K-State)? Charles Woodson (Michigan)? AJ Hawk(tOSU)? Clay Matthews(USC)? BJ Raji (BC)? Greg Jennings (WMU)?Talented non-thugs. The last Packer "thug" to get arrested was notable Republican TE Mark Chmura (later cleared) for third degree sexual assault. Are some NFL guys a-holes? Surely. But the Pack, for some reason, have avoided most of them to their great credit. They are heavy favorites to repeat as super bowl champions this year.

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  133. This is exactly what I was looking for. Thanks for writing!

  134. If those cookies taste half as amazing as they look…. Oh man. I thought I struck gold with tasty vegan cookies, but a tasty raw cookie would blow my mind. Almost makes me want to get a dehydrator.

  135. Thanks, Dr. Yadav – I get such a kick out of watching your videos. And your running commentary is always entertaining. Thanks very much for sharing your gift with us. Please do keep them coming.p.s. I don’t currently have the technology or knowledge to share video feedback, but wish I could. Cheers!

  136. Qué horror, pobres padres y pobres educadoras de la guarde!!! Aqui en Alzira ha ocurrido este invierno también un caso. No es tan raro. No quiero ni imaginarme algo así! mucho ánimo para los días venideros…Ara

  137. What a joy to find such clear thinking. Thanks for posting!

  138. Estimado Juan Pablo: para ingresar a la Escuela de Suboficiales de la Fuerza Aérea tienes que tener de 16 a 24 años y el Secundario completo o estar cursando el último año del mismo. En nuestra página web encontraràs todo lo que necesitas saber para ingresar a ésta Institución en el año 2013. Saludos

  139. I have been browsing your site, it is so inspirational, which I just love. Thoughtful quote. Great interaction with you and your son in your last post, your thought process, his too. and that photo… nothing more beautiful than a boy and his dog. You take awesome photos. I will be checking back. And I am so glad you linked to the Irish photographer, what beautiful colors. thanks

  140. El modelo, que aúna con el de crowd funding que están usando en cine proyectos como «» y le suma la relación con el autor y que las entregas sean personalizadas, realmente es original y potente. Esperemos que se animen los fans del autor y los amigos de los indianos!! |

  141. When I originally commented I clicked the “Notify me when new comments are added” checkbox and now each time a comment is added I get three e-mails with the same comment. Is there any way you can remove me from that service? Appreciate it!

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  143. I don’t think it could be considered valid to completely dismiss Facilitated Communication as a valid form of communication. There is always a potential for people to lie or abuse their authority. I think there is just a concern that that might happen more often with FC? Isn’t that true in general though for people with disabilities? Aren’t they more at risk to be taken advantage of in general? I think the benefits far outweigh the risks.

  144. This was so helpful and easy! Do you have any articles on rehab?

  145. Oct23nomahlubi I would love to win the tickets as being an african girl I’ve never been/attended a polo event. I have a family member I would love to take with as she is a breast cancer survivor.

  146. I just hope whoever writes these keeps writing more!

  147. That pic, or some other reminder of my missed date with destiny, pops up to slam-dance me every once in a while, just often enough that I don’t ever really get to forget about it. That’s the karmic price I have to pay, I guess.

  148. i do find it interesting at first glance, but it’s really just another hermetic, air-tight box with a sexy façade. if obayashi thinks ms. levete could surpass zaha hadid, she’ll have to try something new, because everybody knows ms. hadid is already the master of hermetic, air-tight architecture.

  149. Wat een heerlijke post! Fijn dat je je liefde voor brocante met je man kunt delen (en dat ie er ook nog oog voor heeft), erg leuk idee met de nachtkastjes en de naaimachine.Ik wens je een hele fijne zondag!Groetjes, Pietrik

  150. LOVING the twisted stocking stitch (AKA cascading rippling stream water) bizzo. ‘Tis a beauty K. And you’re right. Tam does wonderful things with a lens – but she’s also working with ‘good bones’!

  151. I think they they know what his place was to begin with. Here's the thing about Clark Kent Lincoln. He is us. He's the audience. If you think about it, when series 4 started everything had changed. There was stuff we kind of knew but overall the audience was lost. Clark Kent Lincoln was the new guy he was our viewpoint. He was discovering how this world worked and through him we saw the differences. Honestly I think that was really smart.

  152. Thinking like that is really amazing

  153. What youre saying is totally true. I do know that everyone must say the identical thing, however I just think that you just put it in a means that everybody can understand. I additionally love the pictures you put in here. They match so nicely with what youre attempting to say. Im certain youll attain so many individuals with what youve acquired to say.

  154. … Et le premier qui rajoute qu’on peut remplacer — dans mon dernier commentaire — remplacer «possible» par «capable» fera la preuve de son sens de l’humour!

  155. Mina tankar finns hos fina Elisabeths familj!Många varma tröstkramar till er och tack Gitt för de fina avskedet du skrev på bloggen/ Gunilla

  156. There’s a terrific amount of knowledge in this article!

  157. Short, sweet, to the point, FREE-exactly as information should be!

  158. Guten Abend Herr SchulzIhre Berichte jeden Tag verfolgen wir mit Spannung.Heute nachmittag gegen 16 Uhr,sind drei große Formationen Kraniche über Frankfurt Richtung Osten gezogen.Wir freuen uns ,daß jetzt so nach und nach die Zugvögel nach ihrer langen Reise wiederkommen.Das sieht doch fast so aus als ob der Frühling vor der Tür steht?Viel Erfolg weiterhin für Ihre ArbeitFamilie Sauter aus Bad Vilbel

  159. "e i poverelli che possiedono "solo" una psp?"Intanto è uscito il 6.38.Poi doverebbe ripartire a ruota con il servizio per PS3. Anche perchè se tra qualche mese esce la PSP2, hanno 2-3 ore di sonno a notte, 'sti SysAdmin dei miei biancospini. 😀

  160. allez, chiche que ça passe pas…. (Màc)Rédigé par: montaigneàcheval | le 07 août 2008 à 16:42Non seulement c’est passé, mais c’est resté…

  161. America, after a century of media saturation, you have finally bought Image over Substance where it can really hurt – and you need to back track NOW.

  162. Wacalaykum Assalaam Waraxmatullaahi Wabarakaatuhu,Thanks a lot for taking the time to comment. You will get about 100g of xawaash for those measurements. You can double or triple if you like and keep it in airtight containers.

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  164. I’m not sure if I’d like this if it were ever to come out. I mean, a lot of DC heroes are way more powerful than your average Transformer. How do you expect Decepticons to be a threat to, say, the Flash or Green Lantern or Dr Fate, let alone Superman? Plus, you just know Batman will wind up showing everybody up.


  166. D’accord avec Steve pour trouver hallucinantes les motivations du rédacteur. Le principal avantage du livre électronique, c’est sa légèreté (je pratique le cyclotourisme et l’an dernier, je m’étais alourdi de plus d’un kilogramme de livres). Mais l’indépendance des maisons d’édition restera longtemps un obstacle rédhibitoire.

  167. , these are being put together in peoples spare time. These things can take huge amounts of time to set up and test and tweak. I’m sure everyone is just enjoying enjoying the challenges, I know I am.Keep up the good work lads.

  168. Cher Martin,J’ai utilisé votre dessin sur la fraude fiscale et installé dans mon bureau ! Travaillant aux impôts, il y a t il conflit d’intérêt ? En ai-je le droit ?Ayant également un blog, si à l’avenir je venais à publier certains de vos dessins, comment dois-je procéder ? la citation de la source suffit-elle ?Cordialement,Tsar Popa

  169. I beat Diablo III on Normal with a Wizard last night. I had a great time with it, and want to continue with either this character or a new one, but Dragon’s Dogma has been calling my name so loudly I’m going to set it aside for awhile, except for my weekly session with my brothers.Between DIII and ClaDun, my hands were getting too sore, so I started a turn-based PS1 game on the PSP, Saiyuki: Journey West. It’s a retelling of the Monkey King story, with all of the characters except Sanzo being able to transform into giant monsters.

  170. D'accord merci! Effectivement, du moment que le traducteur ne s'autorise pas trop de liberté avec le texte original, j'apprécie la qualité du français et le plaisir de la lecture avant tout

  171. Maá comentou em 23 de junho de 2010 às 15:05. Como sempre arrasando, muito linda e colorida a make! O aniversário é seu mas o presente é nosso, nãaao pode. HAHA ;)Será que esse delineador só tem na Mac Petit? ou tem outras marcas?Beeijo.

  172. Si certo, cercavo di fare due conti per sapere quante persone con il ‘piccolo pene eretto’ fanno tutto qello che e’ elencato nel ‘Sogno’.Risultato: Il sogno , perche’ di sogno trattasi.

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  174. I hate my life but at least this makes it bearable.

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  176. Je suis pas du tout d’accord avec l’idée que les produits apple sont à la mode, pour moi c’est plutôt devenu l’inverse. Au départ c’est pour ceux qui aiment la technologie, donc qui s’informent un peu, et comparent avec la concurrence. Pour moi c’est presque devenu des produits de « beaufs » par excellence.

  177. Waw, The GF chocolate mug cake looks fabulous & it is so easy to make too!And in the microwave too!I will make this tasty dessert today!MMMMMMMMMMM,…kisses from Brussels!

  178. oohhh, ainoa ajatus mitä saan näiden upeiden kuvien jälkeen jäsenneltyä on: miksi joku haluaa myydä nämä tavarat!? ensimmäisen kuvan puusermi on yksinkertaisesti täydellinen<3juuri eilen katsoin lentoja Pariisiin, ja tämä postaus vain vahvisti matkakuumettani!

  179. Chouette, j’adore kids tricot, j’avais prévu d’y aller c’est sûr, c’est le rendez vous de Toulouse!! Surtout que je vais rater creation et savoir faire à Paris à cause de mon gros bidon, alors je tente ma chance!! Merci.

  180. “But the fact is blacks have been here with us in this country all along. They’re your fellow Americans (well at least the non-immgrant ones are).” – Oscar(Sorry, I’ve been busy. Here’s my two cents)No, Oscar they are NOT Americans. They never were and they never will be. They were nothing more than chattel, and that is all they ever will be. This country was founded for free, White, Christian Englishman. End of story.

  181. You could try, nothing wrong with branching out as an author. I’ll have a bottle of hard liquor waiting for you when you start banging your head against the key board.

  182. hey gracias por esta información, el año que viene me gradúo de la preparatoria y de seminario, tengo muy buen promedio, soy miembro de la iglesia, me esfuerzo cada día por cumplir y en realidad me gustaría mucho entrar a byu, soy de méxico y el inglés no se me dificulta pero lo que me da miedo son sus exámenes de admisión, serán muy difíciles? Y quisiera saber si hay alguna beca para mí, ya que tengo otro hermano en la universidad aquí y sería un poco pesado para mis papás pagarnos la escuela a ambos, que me dicen? Gracias!

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  184. i think the above quote can be argued , mostly if we are coming from a religious and may be even physiological point of view .in the world of science and technology it will fit well.

  185. What a lovely story of Sausage’s origin! It made me feel very, “Awwwwwwwww!” I know a few women that have suffered miscarriages that wonder if they’ll ever carry a child to term. This uplifting post is inspiring. Thanks for the food and brew pix! … So how did you hit on Sausage’s name?

  186. Well put, sir, well put. I’ll certainly make note of that.

  187. Thanks for the suggestions you have shared here. One more thing I would like to state is that laptop memory specifications generally rise along with other innovations in the engineering. For instance, any time new generations of cpus are introduced to the market, there’s usually a matching increase in the dimensions demands of both laptop or computer memory plus hard drive room. This is because the program operated by simply these cpus will inevitably increase in power to leverage the new technological innovation.

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  189. John E. Smokes probably believes in Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy and that Bush is the smartest man in the world and the greatest president ever. *rolling eyes* and spitting!

  190. Wow, your post makes mine look feeble. More power to you!

  191. photos can be found here. You can also watch Christina’s interview on Tonight With Jay Leno here. Loving Christina’s colorful locks and that

  192. obviously lіke your web site but you needtο check thе ѕpelling οnsеvегal οf your poѕts.Seveгal of them are rifе with ѕpellingіssues and I in finding it verу bothersometo tell the гeality on the other hand I’ll definitely come again again.

  193. Post like this annoy me a lot more than posts from people bashing soccer. If this was written by some snobbish Brit,I can live with it. But from a US fan… “competition at THAT level”. Do you think Championship is so much better than MLS that it’s on a different level? You can talk about better payday, new challenge, but the levels are comparable. I am pretty sure that a lot of people who were bashing Tim Ream will be salivating over him in 2 months just because he now plays in Europe.

  194. Online Tips for EducationThere are a variety of online degrees that you can earn, no matter what your field of interest or experience. Some examples are: accounting, health, technology, psychology and business administration. A lot of the time when you are pursuing online degrees while employed in a related career, employers may give you tuition assistance. Look into opportunities like this at your place of employment. With additional education and an online degree you can be proud of, you may even find yourself climbing higher on the corporate ladder with a raise or promotion…………

  195. Um, yeah, I am sure that’s intentional, and not a result of my quickly copypasting what I could in response to your male friend’s threat to have the thread deleted because he’s a BFD.This is male privilege.You are male.Cheers.

  196. I love your DIY's, even when they are not perfect. If people were doing more of this, they would have more personalities. In a world where everything is prêt-à-porter, you are just a prêt-à-rever.

  197. temazo!! no puedo dejar de escucharla ese punteono tenia idea de que hablabajohnny cash hizo una version muy buena de este tema (tal vez pork era compinche de elvis nose…) solo q la voz ya no le daba muchodepeche mode es increible, recomendables tb los cd de dave gahansaludos y buen año!!!

  198. I literally jumped out of my chair and danced after reading this!

  199. parça keçe bulamamaktan bende çok şikayetçiyimm ! hazır şekiller yapılmış keçeleri biz alıpta nasıl değerlendirelim ki. bu arada serapcım iyi yine lacivertte olsa bulmuşsun. çok cici olmuş eline sağlık:)

  200. Keep up the fantastic piece of work, I read few posts on this website and I believe that your web site is very interesting and holds circles of great info.

  201. Check out True New Zealand Adventures too – truenewzealand.com. Kiwi Owner / head guide Gavin Pond led tours out of Milford Sound for years.

  202. No, si llorar puedo llorar, aunque se me ponen los ojos como un pez globo. Pero me escuecen durante el dia y yo pensaba que era del ordenador…te dicen que te faltan lagrimas porque no hidratas el ojo con las lagrimas que todos tenemos para limpiar el ojo y mantenerlo humedo,….pues si…raros para todo que le vamos a hacer.

  203. Thanks for the great info dog I owe you biggity.

  204. Off topic: Tommaso Dorigo has become really ridiculous now; he gets excited about and cheers up as "plot of the week" etc every single BSM phenomena that is NOT observed (at the LHC) so far, LOL :-DNot sure if such a pathological scornfulness and negativity (well known from Dorigo's best friend…) is the right attitude to impartially do serious and honest work in physics … :-/. Maybe he needs a supervisor to have a close look at what he is doing … (I did not click him of course, just saw the title in Kneemo's side bar …)

  205. possiamo dire mal comune mezzo gaudio? anche io stesse condizioni! mangiata a pasqua, mangiata a pasquetta e in oggi dopo essermi ripromessa "dieta ferrea" qualcuno li doveva pure aiutare i ragazzi a finire tutte le uova di cioccolato che c'erano in casa? mi sono imolata per la causa!! ;P accidenti a me!!

  206. aahhh what gorgeous photo's you all looked like you had a wonderful day. Love all the fabrics you all used those cushions are lovely. And that machine embroidery is amazing ;-)) dee xxx

  207. ben panik atak sayılır mıyım?evet kabuslar görüyorum sıkıntı basıyor,sinirden titiriyorun ama kendimden değil hayatta en sevdiğim kişi olan yani nişanlımdan,yani onu kaybetmekten korkuyorum.çok kotu bi duygu.kafayı yedim ama gerçekten.bu ne yaaaaa hayat mı offfff.

  208. Thank you Tiffany! I think it’s important to stick to our vision. Not listens to others who say it’s not right or it has to be done “this way”. If we make mistakes and they look OK then it really is OK. Just be sure to rock it when you wear it.

  209. 1. Den finnes i salsa.2. Jeg gleder meg til du kommer til min HJEMBY! Stavanger! Jeg skal selvfølgelig på messen, men kommer aldri til å tørre å si noe. Haha. Well well =)1. Den finnes i salsa.2. Jeg gleder meg til du kommer til min HJEMBY! Stavanger! Jeg skal selvfølgelig på messen, men kommer aldri til å tørre å si noe. Haha. Well well =)

  210. This is AWESOME!!! I absolutely am in love with this post! Brilliant. (And those heels are fierce!) I would love it if you’d stop by my Wordless Wednesday pic to say hi! I have a cute photo of my boys up this week. Have a great day! Mandi at boredombustingmommy.blogspot.com

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  213. Sounds like a fantastic Sunday!!Your kids sound adorable!I love all your little images too…very cute!Thanks for joining in! Have a fab week!xo

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  217. oh, lady. xoi have not been here in too long.stopping by was the perfect thing for me to do today.your boy radiates goodness and love. you can tell that he is grounded andtaken care of in such a natural, encouraging, love-filled home.i always love catching up with your journey.much love to you and happy thanksgiving, mama. xoxo

  218. I’m the same way, I do my best to remain neutral. It’s hard, if you communicate with the person the other person dislikes, then you fall out of favor with them! I simple can’t dislike a person, just because someone else does, I just can’t.

  219. zu dem Tisch passt auf jeden Fall der Hocker besser, aber wenn man sich den Stil des ganzen Zimmers anguckt, finde ich, dass der Stuhl besser passt :)ich finde den eh total toll und sollte ich demnächst ausziehen werde ich mir auf jeden Fall deine ganzen Bilder von der Wohnung angucken und mich inspirieren lassen (und die Meinung meines Gatten einfach ignorieren.) 🙂

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  223. Your always welcome, Bro!I am almost always on Dark Hand of Valor Team Speak after 8pm pst every night except Tuesdays. The past few weekends have been crazy BBQ hopping and I have one more next Saturday but otherwise join in on the conversation. I mostly jump in a channel when I play games and people come and go.

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  225. Vinicius disse:Daqui 10 anos a tecnologia já vai permitir que radares embarcados em aviões relativamente pequenos como um Eurofighter consiga detectar caças com tecnoligia “stealth” passiva como o F-22 e F-35, e não esqueça que paises como frança, russia, china já possui modernos radares terrestres operando na banda VHF capazes de detectar aeronaves como o b-2 a uma consideravel distancia.

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  230. Love this whole post, Cindy! Can you believe I have never seen this resurrection cake before????We will definitely do this. The boys will love it and all complete with the playmobil soldiers. :)Thanks so much for a fantastic bunch of ideas. love, Liz

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  239. Pineapple sage is a great plant for gardening with kids. My boys rub the leaves with their fingers and stick their noses right in. It makes many tastey, kid friendly treats.

  240. Hey thanks! Hal Leonard usually has great stuff! I know that TAB “works” for some people (umm…lol) I just don’t dig? it. If it’s being shown well after standard notation I think most people that plow through that will find TAB useless as well. My humble opinion. Thanks for taking the time to respond!

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  244. Oh, Charlotte – I so needed to read this today.  With building this business, I find I’m getting diverted from the other things in my life that are even more important.  It’s time to join the tea party!  Thanks so much…

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  249. I keep forgetting that these are sixth graders we are talking about. I didn’t know how to write very well until my junior year in high school. It all clicked when I started taking French. I had been taking Spanish for five years, but it was French that made both my Spanish and English improve immeasurably.

  250. Hei kaikille,Tervetuloa mukaan lootuslola keskustelemaan kanssamme seksistä, kiva että olet löytänyt blogini ja, että olet löytänyt siitä itsellesi jotain mielenkiintoista luettavaa.Sanoisin että varma nainen, tuntee mielihyvää saadessaan tyydyttää kumppaniaan, oli kumppani sitten nainen tai mies. Nauttii siitä että toinen nauttii, ja se on yhtä tärkeä tunne kuin itse olisi saanut orgasmin, tyydytyksenhän siitä nimeenomaan saa. Koskettelu, hellyys, intohimo, sitä ei voita mikään rakastelussa.

  251. Le voilà enfin, ce "système D" qui m'intriguait tant ! Comme je suis encore plus lente que toi ;o) je ne suis pas sûre d'avoir tout compris, et j'attendrai donc avec une grande curiosité de le voir se remplir au fil des jours…

  252. Gdybyś nie powiedział o dźwięku przegapiłabym to. Niezła psychodela.. Już widzę siebie biegającą w środku nocy po ciemnych jaskiniach pełnych tych szepczących szatanów Oj.. nie spodziewałam się aż tak dobrej roboty

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  257. 205This is one of those blog posts that need to be bookmarked and revealed with the rest and this is what i’m going to do at least on my hub pages wall for sure. Thanks again pal for making my day.

  258. My mom had her "Entertaining" book out AALWAYS when I was little – I actually thought it was my mom on the cover because she and Martha look a lot alike and are always sporting the same haircut!

  259. im realy stuck i have fancied one of my mates 4 ages and she flirts back with me but other friends too i dont know what too say cause she might turn out too hate me and ive got realy deep feelings for her im bisexual and i know i have been for a while know but u dont know if she is because she dosent even know i am please help ! thanks xxxxx

  260. Valeu, anônimos. Na hora da correria da transmissao ao vivo, achava que a suspensao tinha quebrado de forma estranha como decorrência da escapada dele sobre a zebra. Mas vi agora o replay e ficou claro que ela foi a causa, e nao consequência. Obrigado pelo toque!

  261. Instalei o jogo mas na hora que clico no atalho ele pede o CD. Qual é o link do crack? quando fui no site tinha vários links mas como asim CD 2

  262. Сергей:Много полезной информации, спасибо. Отдельная благодарность за участие в Школе Start Up. Она дала мне хороший заряд делового энтузиазма.Дальнейших успехов, добра и процветания!

  263. Prøver meg på en liten hilsen. Takk for en kjempe fin påske med dere. Savner fellesskapet med med barn og voksne, lange dager, sene kvelder, god mat og fine turer. Snakkes snart.. klem <linn

  264. Congrats again you guys!!! She is beautiful!! David was 8.7 Those cheeks just give you more to pinch =) Hope you are recovering okay.. take is easy and let everyone do everything for you!

  265. Yes! This looks like a fun trip…and I'd leave my kids home (except my 2nd–she loves books and would like the long tour).

  266. scrive:Hi…..I have recently started a web site, the information you offer on this site has helped me greatly. Thank you for all of your time & work. “The murals in restaurants are on par with the food in museums.” by Peter De Vries….

  267. I noticed I can not find La Roche-Posay Effaclar AI Breakout Corrector in my CVS. I think they may have discontinued it and replaced it with the new spot treatment. I wonder if this is why you picked up the wrong one at your CVS. I checked their website and it doesn't even have it as a product anymore 🙁

  268. Die Bilder sind mal wieder wunderschön geworden!Ich hätte dir auch echt abgenommen dass das deine Haare sind!Verpackungsidee Nr. 1 finde ich übrigens total süß!Und den Armreif natürlich auch!Du hast ihn aber auch zu schön in Szene gesetzt!;)

  269. Call me wind because I am absolutely blown away.

  270. What strikes me most about the recollection of this wonderful journey is how fragile Oma felt at the end. To me she was a little helpless bundle at the end of her life much like a baby is at the beginning of a life. It was a tender time of bittersweet emotions. A time of transition.

  271. « Pas sûr qu’avec un hijab ç’aurait été différent…  »L’honnêteté intellectuelle devrait pousser cette étudiante à refaire la même vidéo dans ces conditions afin de déterminer si c’est un problème de machisme ou de culture et donc de mixité dans le quartier.

  272. See, I can't deal with the shock factor. That's seriously almost too much. I didn't know that it was about people attached to things for life. That's really creeptastic… – Asher (from )My recent post

  273. – Yes, we saw them stacked in queue for the next firing. I was hoping to get one of those mugs on our trip but evidently they sell out quickly! Guess we’ll either have to come back or resort to Etsy…but it’s more fun to pick them up in the potter’s shop!

  274. what if we loved on the women one at a time who are found in a situation they feel they can’t control or handle and help them find solutions. the world is changed one loving act at a time. great post!

  275. Perplexo:Existe a liberdade em algum país dito civilizado do mundo? E verdadeira democracia existe? Se a tua resposta for afirmativa então estás tão edrrado como aqueles que defendem o comunismo da ex URRS ou da China ou da Coreia. Uma coisa é o que se apregoa outra é sempre a realidade. Só quando atingirmos uma verdadeira anarquia poderemos ter atingido a plenitude da condição humana.

  276. o locutor ao inicio disse Vitor Lourenço, mas a seguir disse vitor lourenço dorsal 407(arlindo fernandes ) por isso não deu de frosques alias esteve no fim com o machado da cerimonia do pódio com os comissários a pedir desculpa a estes por terem falhado a cerimonia alias esse pedido vem mencionado no comunicado oficial da prova. não difamem as pessoas a toa .

  277. hoi anke,wat gaat de tijd snel zeg!en wat maken jullie weer veel mee…geniet nog maar ff goed van het laatse gedeelte!lieve groet uit wekerom

  278. Woman of Alien…Great perform you may have performed, this great site is de facto neat with amazing info. Time is God’s means of retaining every thing from occurring without delay….

  279. I love ALL the Itty Bitty books! You need to check out the latest Piecework magazine. There is an article entitled Latvia's Favorite Knitter: Jette Uzane.How exciting to find such a items from your great grandmother!

  280. Flotte posa du har laget 🙂 Super gave med vinflaske i.ps. Det er noe tull med linken i bloggoppdateringstrÃ¥den inne pÃ¥ hobbyboden, men jeg fant da deg uansett 😉

  281. Moscow Zodiac Street Lamps: English Russia offers a gallery of unique, hand-crafted street lamps that represent the 12 zodiac signs, find out more here. (englishrussia.com)

  282. these are beautiful. i have an obsession with beads girl. i can't make anything to save my life but i use to buy it for the girls all the time – i think more for me than them so they could make me stuff. of course our beads were the tiny cheap ones. i'm dying in envy here. and hello? i love your vintage stuff.

  283. PC, can you get that charlatan dumb fuck economic news reporter Bernard Madoff Hickey to your weekly economics lecture?The leftist fucker could learn a thing or two about economics.

  284. That’s a cunning answer to a challenging question

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