مسار الانتقال الديمقراطي في دول الربيع العربي

مثّلت التغييرات السياسية والاجتماعية التي عصفت ببعض الدول العربية منذ اندلاع الثورة التونسية يوم 14 يناير/كانون الثاني 2011 مرحلة تاريخية فاصلة في تاريخ بعض دول المنطقة مثل تونس ومصر وليبيا واليمن وسوريا. هذه النّقلة التي كان مؤمّلا أن تفتح فصلا جديدا من تاريخ هذه الدول عنوانه الديمقراطية والحرية واحترام حقوق الانسان والتداول على السلطة، تبيّن أن لها أبعادا مختلفة تماما.
إذ بعد خمس سنوات من اندلاع شرارة أولى الثورات في تونس، صار جليّا أنّها ليست كما ظنّ الكثير وبالخصوص الشعوب المقهورة في تلك الدول والتي عانت عقودا من القهر والتهميش.
فما هو واضح حتى الآن أن الأحداث السياسية والاجتماعية التي تموج بها تلك الدول، هي في واقع الأمر بداية لمخاض طويل، وفي بعضها واقع تقسيم وإعادة تشكيل لبلدان بأكملها سوف تمرّ به منطقة العالم العربي ويمكن أن يستمر لعقود طويلة. هذه الخطط التي تتوضح معالمها يوما بعد يوم ليست وليدة اللحظة، بل هي مسطّرة من طرف قوى دولية وإقليمية منذ زمن.
في خضم هذه الأحداث وبعد السنوات الخمس الماضية والحبلى بالأهوال التي حلت ببعض هذه الدول، من المهم أن نرصد بعض الاستنتاجات لما بات واضحا من معوقات في طريق تحوّل هذه الثورات إلى مشاريع إرساء مسار ديمقراطي سلمي تنعم به تلك الدول، ومن ذلك:
أولا- أصبح جليا بما لا يدع مجالا للشك أن قوى مختلفة محلية وإقليمية ودولية قد وقفت وستبقى تقف سدّا حائلا ضد نجاح أي تجربة ديمقراطية في البلدان المذكورة آنفا، خاصة حينما يتصدّر سدّة الحكم حركات الإسلام السياسي المعتدل، حتى لو اشتركت في السلطة مع أحزاب قوميّة أو ليبرالية.
فالتحديات الجسام التي مرّت بها حكومة الترويكا في تونس مثلا بقيادة حزب حركة النهضة والمؤتمر من أجل الجمهورية بالإضافة إلى التكتّل من أجل العمل والحريات، لم تترك مجالا لإفشال أول تجربة ديمقراطية والإيذان بإجراء انتخابات جديدة تمهّد لعودة ماكينة النظام القديم إلى الحكم، ولكن هذه المرة عن طريق صندوق الاقتراع، في عمليّة بدا أنّها حرّة ونزيهة.
وكذلك فإن التحديات الهائلة التي واجهتها حكومة الرئيس محمد مرسي في مصر والمؤامرات الداخلية والخارجية، كانت كافية لوأد أول تجربة حكم لجماعة الإخوان منذ تأسيسها بعد نحو قرن من النضال الاجتماعي والسياسي.
وللإشارة فإن الاستثناء التونسي الذي تدعمه قولا بعض الدول المتنفذة في السياسة الدولية، كان نتاجا لتخلّي حركة النهضة عن السلطة قسرا والتراجع التّام عن مواقع القرار وعن تزعّم المشهد السياسي، حتى بعد فوزها الكاسح في أول انتخابات ديمقراطية تشهدها البلاد يوم 23 أكتوبر/تشرين الأول 2011، لأن البديل كان إزاحتها بالقوّة وجرّ الجميع إلى النموذج المصري أو السوري أو اليمني، أي حرب أهليّة يطال لهيبها الجميع.
ثانيا- ولأن استقرار النظام الديمقراطي في هذه الدول يأذن ببداية دورة حضارية جديدة عنوانها عودة العرب والمسلمين إلى دورهم الريادي والتاريخي في البناء الحضاري، فإن قوى خارجية وبتواطؤ محلي وإقليمي ستكبح أيّ استقرار اجتماعي أو تطوّر يمكن أن يؤدي إلى الانعتاق من التبعية للغرب.
والمطلوب هو عرقلة أي نوع من أنواع التطوّر لهذه المنطقة وتأجيل التحاقها بالركب الحضاري، وذلك بإدخالها في حروب داخلية وصراعات تأكل الأخضر واليابس. وهذا التطاحن الداخلي مخطّط له أن يدمّر ليس فقط البنى التحتية من جسور وإعمار، ولكن أيضا مؤسسات الدولة كالمنشآت الاقتصادية والأمنية والعسكرية، بالإضافة إلى الإرث الحضاري والعلمي والتاريخي كالمتاحف والمكتبات والمؤسسات التراثية.

إقرأ أيضا: كيف سيقرأ التاريخ {الربيع العربي}؟

إذ ما تمّ تدميره خلال الحرب على العراق والحرب السورية وما يجري حاليا في اليمن هو دمار حضارة إنسانية عمرها مئات بل آلاف السنين. ويبدو أن قوى الثورات المضادة الداخلية والخارجية قد نجحت في ذلك إلى حد كبير، وباتت تتناوب في كيفية تنفيذ هذا الدور بأشكال مختلفة.
فلا معنى مثلا للسكوت عن الجرائم التي يقترفها نظام بشار الأسد خلال السنوات الخمس الماضية من قصف شعبه بالبراميل المتفجّرة وقبل ذلك بالأسلحة الكيميائية والدمار الهائل لمقدرات الدولة السورية، في الوقت الذي يتفرّج فيه “العالم المتحضّر” على هذه المأساة الإنسانية دون حراك يذكر عدا إغاثة اللاجئين.
ولا معنى للتعامل السلبي مع هذه الكارثة من طرف الهيئات الدولية مثل الأمم المتحدة، فالتدخل السوري والإيراني مثلا في قمع الشعب السوري ومساندة نظام مستبد، لا يوجد له تبرير في القانون الدولي. والأدهى من ذلك أنّ “العالم المتحضّر” مكتوف الأيدي كمن يتفرّج على أحد أفلام الرّعب الواقعية التي قتل فيها إلى حد الآن ما يزيد على 300 ألف شخص، واضطرّ الملايين إلى الهجرة القسرية هربا من الفناء. هذا المسلسل التدميري للإنسان والحضارة في سوريا كان بالإمكان إيقافه بالتدخل العاجل منذ السنة الأولى للثورة السورية، لو توفّرت الإرادة الدولية المناسبة.
ثالثا- تفاجأت القوى الديمقراطية -ومن ضمنها الإسلامية- بسرعة الوصول إلى هرم السلطة في تونس ومصر عن طريق صناديق الاقتراع بعد عقود من الإقصاء. لذلك تبيّن في غمار ممارسة الحكم القصيرة الغياب الواضح لمشروع الدولة المدنية الحديثة الذي طالما نادت به حركات الإسلام السياسي المعتدل في صراعها الأيدولوجي مع الحركات القومية واليسارية وفي مواجهتها الطويلة للدكتاتورية.
فقد اتضح أن ما كان يصدر من الكثير من الأدبيات لهذه الأحزاب والحركات من شعارات حول الشورى كأداة لاتخاذ القرار، والبديل الاقتصادي الإسلامي كبديل للنظام الرأسمالي المتوحش أو النظام الشيوعي المنغلق ومختلف البدائل الأخرى، ليست سوى شعارات حماسية تأكّد عدم نضجها كمنظومة حكم متكاملة يمكن تنزيلها على الواقع المعقّد في إدارة الدولة للقرن الواحد والعشرين.
وهذا العجز لا يعبّر عن افتقار للمرجعية الاسلامية وتراكم لتجربة الحكم منذ عصر الخلافة الراشدة، وصولا إلى الدولة العثمانية والتجارب الحديثة مثل تركيا وماليزيا، ناهيك عن النماذج الغربية الليبرالية المختلفة في إدارة السلطة بقدر ما يعبّر عن عدم قدرة تلك الحركات على استصحاب مآثر الماضي لصناعة الحاضر والإدارة الإستراتيجية الواعية للمستقبل.
رابعا- أصاب الكثير من المراقبين صدمة بل ودهشة لضعف الأداء في إدارة الدولة والذي تجسّد خلال تجربة حكم الترويكا في تونس وتجربة حكم الإخوان المسلمين في مصر ومن حلّ محلّهم، إذ الملاحظ لفترة إدارة السلطة التي كانت كافية للوصول إلى هذا الاستنتاج، أنّ الكمّ الهائل من الأخطاء وفي بعض الأحيان التجاوزات التي شابت سياسات السلطة، كانت كافية لإفشال تجربتها.
وذلك بداية من الولاءات في توزيع المناصب وعدم اعتماد الكفاءة معيارا، ثمّ استبعاد الكفاءات المهنية والعلمية في شتى المجالات من مواقع القرار، وضعف الأداء في شتى المجالات سواء تعلّق ذلك بالمجال الاقتصادي أو الإعلامي أو التعليمي أو الثقافي.
فلم يكن خافيا أن حزب حركة النهضة مثلا لم يبذل جهدا كافيا خلال فترة تولّيه السلطة في رصد الكفاءات الوطنية على مستوى القطاعات المختلفة ودعم انخراطها في بناء تونس الحديثة. بل إن الحزب عجز عن الاستفادة حتى من السّواد الأعظم من كوادره والمتعاطفين معه في الداخل والخارج في التخطيط والإدارة الماهرة للشأن السياسي خلال فترة حكمه، وبالتّالي غاب عن العديد من الشخصيات التي تولّت مقاليد السّلطة معرفة خبايا الدولة والدواليب العميقة للإدارة التونسية، ثم التجربة العملية في إدارة المؤسّسات ناهيك عن إدارة الوزارات.
والمحصّلة أن تجربة السلطة في تونس خلال السنوات الخمس الماضية كانت بمثابة حقل تجارب على قاعدة سدّدوا وقاربوا، تدرّبت في ثناياها قيادات في الصف الأول وبعض من الصف الثاني على إدارة السلطة ليس إلاّ.
ولا شك في أن المرحلة الحالية ضرورية لكل القوى الديمقراطية كي تعتكف على تقييم أدائها لتجربة الحكم خلال السنوات الخمس الماضية، بما يعني الوقوف على مواطن الضعف والتجاوزات والبحث في كيفية معالجتها. وفي خضم عودة الاحتجاجات المحلية في أماكن مختلفة من البلاد، ينبغي الوقوف على الأسباب الحقيقية لهذه الاضطرابات، والبحث في استحقاقات الثورة التونسية التي لم يتحقق منها إلا النزر القليل.
سادسا- في القابلية للاستعمار، فقد كشفت ثورات الربيع العربي هشاشة الدولة وقابليتها للانهيار بشكل مذهل. حدث ذلك منذ العام 2003 في العراق ثم ليبيا واليمن وسوريا، وبدرجة أقلّ في مصر وتونس. وتبيّن أن الحكومات الدكتاتورية التي سيطرت على السّلطة لعقود من الزمن هي في واقع الأمر بمثابة نمر من ورق ليس إلاّ. لذا برزت قابليتها اللامشروطة لعودة الاستعمار المباشر بعد عقود من الاستقلال المزعوم.
ومن أبرز مظاهر هذا الضعف الداخلي قدرة قوى خارجية على اختراق الدولة في كل من العراق واليمن وسوريا وليبيا. وبالتّالي توجيه بوصلة السلطة والتوازنات السياسية والعسكرية لحسابها، إذ يعتبر مثلا التدخّل الروسي والإيراني المباشر لحماية عرش بشار الأسد ذا دلالات عميقة على الهالة المفرغة التي كان يتمتّع بها نظام حافظ الأسد ووريثه بشار في سوريا. والدليل على ذلك مثلا، تصريح حسين سلامي نائب رئيس الحرس الثوري الإيراني يوم 1/1/2016 حول الامتداد الإيراني في سوريا والعراق واليمن بالقول “اليوم إيران أوسع ممّا تحدّده الخرائط الجغرافية”.
وبالعودة إلى مقدّمة المقال فإن مرحلة الوصول إلى المربّع الأول الذي استبشرت به دول الربيع العربي يوم 14 يناير/كانون الثاني 2011 واستمرت ارتداداته إلى دولة القذافي ومبارك وصالح والأسد ووو..، لا تزال بعيدة المنال، وأن انطلاقة نهضة هذه الدول على أساس البناء الديمقراطي والسلم الاجتماعي والتطور الاقتصادي وبالتالي المساهمة البناءة في الحضارة الإنسانية ينبغي أن تمرّ بهذه المرحلة الرّاهنة من المخاض العسير الذي هو مسار عقود من الحروب، تقوم على مقاومة بقايا الاستبداد وأنصار الثورة المضادة والتطرّف بشتى أشكاله، إلى جانب إبطال مفعول التدخلات الخارجية في صنع مصير هذه الدول.
حين يتحقّق ذلك كلّه وتنتفي كلّ مظاهر القابلية للاستعمار، وحين تتمكن الأحزاب الوطنية -سواء أكانت إسلامية أو ليبرالية- من إعادة إنتاج نفسها على أسس متينة من الأخذ بأسباب النجاح، والقبول بالرأي الآخر على قاعدة التوافق والتداول السلمي على السّلطة، وعندما تحرز الشعوب قدرا كافيا من النّضج تستوعب من خلاله قيم الحرّية وضوابطها، ينطلق مسار الانتقال الديمقراطي الحقيقي وتتحدّد معالم المربع الأول للالتحاق بقطار الحضارة في بلدان الربيع العربي.

أستاذ جامعي في الإعلام والاتصال/”الجزيرة”

اقرأ أيضا

الصحراء المغربية

منزلقات تأويل موقف روسيا من المينورسو

أثار التصويت على قرار مجلس الأمن الدولي بخصوص التمديد لبعثة المينورسو جدلا كبيرا في مختلف …

257 تعليقاً

  1. pitanje je tako arogantno da samo potvrÄ‘uje tvoj dilentatizam.da ne bude zabune, dosao sam samo da kažem to, niti znam ko ste niti vi znate ko sam ja, ako imaÅ¡ problem sa tim zapitaj se koliko je licemerno pričati te vaÅ¡e kvaziliberalne priče o bl¡lovima.PosguÅoao sam emisiju i čuo Å¡ta sam čuo, a ovde sam i imao sta da vidim.Pozz

  2. If I were a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle, now I’d say “Kowabunga, dude!”

  3. Hola mi consulta es por una vivienda de 2 dormitorios,cocina y baño para plantar en generl san martin pcia del chaco quisiera saber los precios de contado y financiado y el costo del flete soy de j.c paz pcia de bs,as gracias

  4. I'm not sure I agree, AIG. Remember what happened when Bush tried to privatize SS? Chile and Australia both have mandated, but private versions of SS. You'd think that would go over well in America, but…for some reason, no.

  5. Katie, if her pregnancy has been uncomplicated, there is no problems with her lifting her four year old! It’s a great question to ask. As a midwife, I’ve had that conversation with many women. As long as their pregnancy is progressing normally and lifting the child doesn’t hurt their back, they will be fine.

  6. Vad ni är duktiga på att skriva alla barnen i klass 1d. Och vad skoj att ni har lagt in lite bilder så att man får se allt ni hittar på

  7. Hi everyone:The Episode Guide is fantastic. It’s really detailed and easy to navigate through. Thanks Emma!I will definitely listen to some older episodes that I’m just discovering about.And by the way: Nice expression “Listener Extraordinaire” (TM).Very funny…See you.Agustin

  8. 2009å¹´09月25æ—¥ 星期五 上午12:06 匿名:我特別想回應一下你。你說「E個blog講既所有野都係對趙小姐不利」…我感到奇怪,不如倒轉頭反問你,點解我要說「對趙小姐有利的說話」或「點解我要走去撐趙小姐」å‘¢?其實我已經非常俾足面,只是指出趙小姐野蠻拍片,及事件中的店舖價格差異,不能成為她拍片唱衰人的理據。甚至乎我也沒有把她母親的照片貼出來,外界貼是一回事,但我還是沒貼,當然,還有趙小姐的其他照片,我也沒貼出來。那個店長是太怕羞和 EQ 不足,其實要告趙小姐,是可行的,並非空口說,真是可以反咬,一舖令她一身蟻(指法律上)。信不信由你,真是可以一鑊剷死她,官非已經慘過現在的「網上聲討」。

  9. It’s a beatific misfortune you don’t comprise a elasticity money add! I’d definitely distribute money for this webpage! That i imply for the period existence i’ll be mitigated bookmarking unitedly with including an individual’s that instrument my good Msn fit. That i attending low that testament past messages and definitely gift share the web utilizing my someone Facebook or chirrup aggroup: )

  10. Don’t tell them that, they’ll pee in their diapers. Alex isn’t losing the game himself, but he’s not adding a damned thing to the effort other than FAIL. Alex should be waived today, as soon as he’s benched.

  11. Exact. Je l’avais oublié, celui-là. Mais le mammouth nain de Wrangel a survécu à d’autres grâce au fait, semble-t-il, qu’il n’y avait aucun habitat humain à plusieurs milliers de km à la ronde. Notre Slovène avait donc peu de chances d’en manger une tranche, même en s’invitant chez des cousins.

  12. Today, while I was at work, my sister stole my apple ipad and tested to see if it can survive a forty foot drop, just so she can be a youtube sensation. My iPad is now destroyed and she has 83 views. I know this is totally off topic but I had to share it with someone!

  13. Głowa mi pęka,ale mimo to spróbuję.Nie przypadkiem efekt sowieckiej kolonizacji,pasuje tak dobrze do tej teutońsko-[ukłon w stronę Kraszewskiego]europejskiej.Mimo specyfik,z tzw.socjalizmu,którego etapem bywa tzw.liberalizm również z jak najbardziej lokalnym obliczem-musi być cybernetyczna korporacja- będąca amalgamatem państwa i kościoła.Jest nią już prawie PO, staje się Serenissima.Może to się nie sprzęgnie,może.

  14. I’ve fired off a query to Centrica’s media department, in my guise of a crusading journalist for a free-wheeling environmental web site Can’t see much mileage in talking to the techies at this stage, as this is a marketing and implementation issue rather than technical.

  15. I don’t “race” but i’m occasionally guilty of scoping out someone’s stats. The only time i almost feel off a treadmill was doing that – never done it again, haha!

  16. I am curious to find out what blog system you happen to be utilizing? I’m having some minor security issues with my latest website and I’d like to find something more safeguarded. Do you have any solutions?

  17. Darrell,I’m pretty sure by saying “repeat the process” she means that each time your milk clabbers, you take 1/4 cup of that clabbered milk, and add a fresh cup of milk (in a new jar). You do this over and over, until it only takes 24 hours to clabber. Then you have buttermilk. Basically you’re building the culture up so that it clabbers in one day, instead of several days.

  18. Counterlight, you'd better come up with the right answers to your questions, or I'm coming after you to make you even more miserable, paranoid, and neurotic.Now I'm hungry.

  19. So powerful I had to read this TWICE!!“Pain doesn’t get the final word in our many matters, friends. Neither do our preferences. Truth does. Thus, when pain comes knocking and brings her questions accordingly, may we always find our words and our trust anchored in the eternal Flame who lights us home and burns us brightly as we go.”Powerful message inspired by the Holy Spirit!

  20. Newsflash Tim:This kind of lunacy doesn’t just happen in Kansas. My guess is there are plenty of Northlanders and Missourians who live down south who have the same issues. Maybe you could pray for their obliteration too.

  21. Ok..well I admit I’m too picky..and I am paying the price. At this point in my life height shouldn’t matter or I’ll be single for ever 🙁 Bring him on!ps..He doesn’t have to be jewish.but it couldn’t hoyt 😉 Oye..there I go again..lol

  22. Praying things will be worked out with your schedules! I’m here in Louisiana but PLEASE let me know if there’s anything I can do to help!!Praying you guys will find the strength and wisdom you need to make it through this difficult time! I’m praying for Abby and standing on my faith that Abby will make a full recovery from this!

  23. Scrivi il tuo commento Puoi usare questi tags HTML : <a> <abbr> <acronym> <b> <blockquote> <cite> <code> <del> <em> <i> <q> <strike> <strong> var RecaptchaOptions = { theme : ‘white’, lang : ‘en’ , tabindex : 5 };   #submit {display:none;}

  24. Y’a des gars que rien ne dérange, d’autres qui vont fuir au moindre prétexte et entre les 2 extrême y’a toute une panoplie de nuances…Donc parce que tu aurais possiblement un bagage lourd à porter ca ne veut pas dire qu’il FAUT que tu cherches quelqu’un avec le meme genre de vécu, faut juste trouver quelqu’un que ca ne dérange pas…Tout dépends du bagage et des gens impliqués…

  25. Thallita Fernanda Araujo Ramos Silva disse:Oi, eusou Thallita Fernanda da Cidade de Campina Grande na Paraiba. Ainda vou entrar na Universidade mas se Deus quiser pretendo me inscrever no Projeto Rondon pois eu pretendo admiro muito o trabalho que voces fazem. Espero um dia ser companheira de voces. UM GRANDE ABRAÇO!! THALLITA!!

  26. : Toujours les mêmes méthodes nauséabondes, et bien sûr jamais aucune réponse aux critiques plus qu’argumentées sur Wikipédia. Vous savez quoi, je m’impatiente un peu qu’un bon journaliste s’empare du sujet « Les dessous de Wikpédia » alors je vais enfin créer mon blog sur Le Monde pour compiler mes commentaires, génial non ?

  27. “If the host wants to make her blog a narrow platform for particular ideologies, she’s welcome to do so.”What in the world is wrong with providing a platform for a position that is woefully under represented in the rest of the blogosphere? I suspect that this is never posted by someone who is visiting a bolg that states opinions they fully support. I doubt that anyone can explain to me what is so important about expanding the platform — particularly, when to do so, we are expected to limit our own expression. How far is one expected to go to ‘be more inclusive’? (‘A point in every direction is no point at all.’) I think that you will find that to us Marxism is the bucket of filth that pollutes the whole swimming pool.

  28. Never forget with a rogue you can have entirely too much fun with only 4 skills. Hide Move silently forge and bluff. Ever wanted to own a house? take someones deed forge it with your name tell them the city sold it to you. HA take that homeless person. rogues are so much fun

  29. Alice comentou em 23 de maio de 2010 às 14:22. Júlia,tenho o pele oleosa e com cravinhos no nariz! já tentei de tudo para melhorar, juro! o que você sugere para mim?não posso hidratar a minha pele nunca também.

  30. A vakvezető kutya státusza sok lemondással jár, fegyelmet és magas frusztrációtoleranciát igényel. Olyan embert kell szolgálni, olyan emberhez kell kötődni, akiben neki a kutyának nehéz felfedeznie az értékeket, nehéz remélni, hogy valaha is maradéktalan örömforrássá válik. Nem biztos, hogy az ő kertje zöldebb.

  31. I am forever indebted to you for this information.

  32. Does the term ‘AS IS’ ring a bell? Carfax isn’t worth the paper it’s printed on. The dealer probably didn’t even know about the prior damage under the bra. Put it back on and drive it. They are not liable.

  33. Actually, when you accelerate the air rushes to the back of the car causing helium balloons to be sucked to the front proving Newton’s Laws. This happens for the same reasons that helium balloons . Probably too serious an answer for a comic blog, but there it is.Newton Rules!

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  41. Carl – Bronson,Nice work. and great job in finding the litocoan I was looking for. You listened when I shared my concepts, then delivered a final product on the mark. Thanks for everything.Carl

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  43. I have had this tool for years. I think I bought it at Home Depot, but they no longer carry it in the stores. Ordering from Amazon is great because with Prime, you eliminate the shipping cost for homedepot.com, or on the manufacturer’s site. I just bought another to send to a friend. It’s a great tool to sharpen rose-clippers, which will cause disease if you deadhead/trim rose bushes with a dull blade. Fits in your pocket, too! Recommended!!

  44. What put the tin lid on it for me was being advised – by our Equalities Officer – that removing a service that only helped certain disabled people, was a step towards greater equality, as it meant that no disabled people received the service.

  45. Ani, esta vez también me apunto y espero estar bien para ver si me toca o a quien le toca, que la última vez estuve muy mala y no pude participar en tu concurso, después de que tenia la receta elegida y todo.Besos. lOla

  46. Cooler Tipp, den werde ich sicher für das eine oder andere Profil anwen­den kön­nen. Wobei mitt­ler­weile viele Communities zu freund­li­che­ren URLs über­ge­hen. Bei Xing z.B. . Meistens jedoch fin­det man noch die unschöne Form vor. Es lebe der Redirect 🙂

  47. What a beautiful dog! I have a 2 year old male husky malamute shephard cross, and a purebred akbash. Where do you live? WHy are you looking for a new home for this lovely lady?

  48. Hi Terry,I’m writing on behalf of The Sunshine Coast Quilters Guild. We are hoping youwill consider visiting us to share your experiences as a quilter. Please contact meat the e-mail I’ve sent. I’ll be happy to share the details of our Resource Daymeetings. Holly B. from the Vancouver Modern Quilt Guild and I have beencorresponding with regards to trunkshows/presenters.Marg

  49. I can honestly say that this is the most gorgeous perfume that I have come across.I have even had men ask me at work what I was wearing,enough to make them go out and purchase it for their partner!! Now that is saying something!! I love it so much that I always carry a bottle in my handbag.A few sprays and you smell heavenly,it just give you a spring in your step and a smile on your face. I cannot recommend this range of perfumes highly enough.I just adore the smell!! Just divine!!! Love,Love,Love it,would adore some more!!! XX

  50. sep04MARY Creo que la empresa ya esta confiada en que aceptaremos la ultima propuesta, si el día jueves no aceptan nuestras condiciones tenemos que ir a HUELGA, que no pase lo de las ultimas negociaciones nuestra directiva este vez nos sabrá representar no hay que dar el brazo a torcer…..hay que enseñarle a nuestra que no tenemos miedo a una huelga que por conseguir nuestros derechos somos capaces de todo y llegar hasta las ultimas consecuencias.

  51. I used to be curious when you ever considered altering the structure of your blog? Its very effectively written; I really like what youve acquired to say. But perhaps you would a little bit more in the best way of content material so individuals may join with it better. Youve received an terrible lot of textual content for less than having 1 or two images. Perhaps you could area it out better?

  52. Full of salient points. Don’t stop believing or writing!

  53. To Arvinsign:“4. You write perfect English in all your comments and personal blogsite (with emphasis on highfalutin words, thanks to Thesaurus)” ARE YOU TRYING TO DESCRIBE YOURSELF HERE? Just out of curiosity…Is this a case of “it takes one to know one”? I just have this feeling that you have the concious intention to make people aware that you are a good writer on blogs and use high-polluting words…What dictionary/thesaurus are you using? Wont hurt to share…

  54. Hola por este medio solo quiero felicitarte por ser un cantaautor ya que eres una gran persona y con un gran corazón. De corazón te felicito y te deceo mucho exito más porque te lo mereces mis mejores bendiciones donde quiera que te encuentres y que DIOS te bendiga,bosos y saludos corazón.

  55. SÃ¥ flott rom! Villevalgt en gul vitamin bowl fra muuto og noe mer stash fra vipp til badet og kanskje noen eikeknagger fra muuto eller pute fra hay…..

  56. I would definitely use your suggestion of removing the insole. Doing this won’t compromise the structure or design of the shoe during walking or exercise and will provide extra depth to the midfoot. You can also try skipping the lacing over the highest point of your arch. If these two methods still don’t alleviate the pressure, then a trip to the running shoe store to find a deeper shoe would be in order.

  57. Please keep throwing these posts up they help tons.

  58. Laughingdog beat me to it:”Buena Vista, VA (B-yew-nah Vista)”I’ve lived in southwest Virginia for 18 years now, and it still drives me nuts when I hear people say it that way. I’ve never actually been able to make myself say it. I default to the original Spanish pronunciation, even if I think about it before I say it.

  59. I am really enjoying the theme/design of your blog. Do you ever run into any web browser compatibility problems? A handful of my blog visitors have complained about my website not working correctly in Explorer but looks great in Firefox. Do you have any ideas to help fix this issue?

  60. I’m not sure where you’re getting your information, but good topic. I needs to spend some time learning more or understanding more. Thanks for magnificent information I was looking for this information for my mission.

  61. I love hanging out with the cooks. They are my favorite people in a restaurant. I'm in awe of people who can cook. I can follow a recipe, but I can't cook. There is a huge difference.

  62. Great work!!I followed Intrade closely on election day and noticed the very surprising stability that you talk about. I had assumed that at least by mid-afternoon, there would have been either erratic volatility or (more likely) very strong movement in one direction, according to whisperings about exit polls and turnout. I was ASTONISHED at the stability (and talked about it). Your theory didn't occur to me at all, but, especially with the benefit of seeing the data you gathered, I think you're right.GREAT WORK!!

  63. Jag tycker nog att Sturkö är den bästa platsen på jorden.För att där kan man bara vara och slappa

  64. Well I guess I don’t have to spend the weekend figuring this one out!

  65. Thanks for all your efforts that you have put in this. Very interesting information. “I’ve never known any trouble that an hour’s reading didn’t assuage.” by Charles De Secondat.

  66. Enjoyed looking at this, very good stuff, regards . “A man does not die of love or his liver or even of old age he dies of being a man.” by Percival Arland Ussher.

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  70. Romaric14 jan 2013Bonjour Bruun,Les opérations d’abonnement/désabonnement sont à la libre initiative des utilisateurs.- Si vous aviez ajouté l’agenda dans votre logiciel de calendrier (Outlook, iCal, Google Agenda, autre…) il vous faut supprimer l’agenda dans ce logiciel.- Si vous aviez ajouté l’agenda sur Facebook ou Google+, vous pouvez arrêter de l’aimer (sur Facebook) ou bien le retirer de vos cercles (sur Google+).

  71. BION I’m impressed! Cool post!

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  73. dear,mau nanya dunk paket ga termasuk dgn dress/gaun, lalu kalau mau nyewa di lombok (gaun pengantin), bisa dibantu? berapa kira2 budgetnya.thanks.

  74. Great article but it didn’t have everything-I didn’t find the kitchen sink!

  75. Resident Cracka,You will ALWAYS be a waste to humanity.You will NEVER know what's it's like to drive a piece of fine german engineering.You will ALWAYS be a Hick.You will NEVER out educate me.You will ALWAYS be a poor bitter jealous loser.You will NEVER be more than a punk ass Internet stalker.And because you stalk folks 24/7 on black blogs, your nose will ALWAYS be brown from all the brown asses you sniff all day through your stalking.

  76. What, no complaints about him being Scottish? Personally, I don’t care if he’s gay or Scottish, he’d be a great Captain America! The fact he’s gay and Scottish just adds humor to it for me.

  77. Petře, opravdu Vám nepřijde absurdní, abychom měli v Ústavě test toho, co je přípustná změna ústavy, ale zároveň ho ÚS jako orgán ochrany ústavnosti nemohl použít?

  78. Hillary Clinton had no role in helping to write the congressional legislation, which grew out of a similar program approved in Massachusetts in 1996″.This conniving b%t%% is lying about her experience and trying to get away with it. Shut her down now!

  79. I actually met the great man when he was shooting "The Fortune Cookie." My UCLA film school directing teacher gave us a single assignment for the semester: interview someone well known in the industry. Getting in to see him was a chore, but it was worth it. He was an amazing man, very amusing in person, charming. I only got into the sound stage, and then only for a few minutes with Mr. Wilder, by telling the personal secretary the truth: the interview determined my grade. Elliot Silverstein, who taught our class, believed that getting in the studio doors is the most important step we could take.

  80. Hi…I agree with Amanda Sessions. I too read The Cain Sanction and really enjoyed it. Found it on Amazon. It’s nice to see a political thriller written by a woman. I hope there’s a sequel.

  81. I love your picture! It really shows your lovely hazel eyes. I love how you wrapped that short stack of fuchsia seed beads on that last pair–really clever. I like those earwires too! And I like the pine green and kelly green together on the square earrings. I'll have to remember that…(steal steal)…

  82. Great stuff! My wife is into photography and we’re both from New Mexico. Hopefully you have a show in April. We may be able to come and see. Get it in brother.

  83. That’s a knowing answer to a difficult question

  84. Maycon disse:Olá Vinícius,,,sou academico de enfermagem da FAFIPA,,,Paraná,,,queria parabenizá-lo pelas informações prestadas,,com muita clareza,,,como pude perceber vc já participou do projeto,qual tua formação???como foi a experiencia de participar de tal projeto???tenhu a intenção de participar,o problema é o pouco incentivo que temos aqui em nossa região!! mas quen sabe um dia!!!t+

  85. Năm ngoái mình lên Kontum tặng bánh trung thu, 20 nghìn cái nhưng khi chia ra 1 cái bẻ cho 4 đứa. về mất ngủ!

  86. advantages of having an attorney, how an attorney can help you with your initial application, and how you can improve your application before applying. Since I previously discussed these topics in detail, I will not rehash the entire articles, but I

  87. Hidden due to low comment rating. .suka saya bila orang thumbs up. biar la Kelab Tak Suka Neelofa ialah kelab yg bodoh yg amat pun. p/s: 40 orang yg thumbs up memang bodoh yg amat.Poorly-rated.

  88. dit :Je trouve ce site très bien, pour ce qui est de la pub vous n’utilisez pas adblock ?!Ensuite doc.ubuntu ne fait pas vraiment rérérence pour ce qui est du matos gérables/ingérable, puisque c’est le noyau qui gère le matos, c’est bizzard d’avoir appelé ce site ainsi mais bon va être bien pratique.Merci pour le lien et bonne continuation ^^

  89. Dancingbear est vraiment une pièce de musée. Si ,évidemment, on se mettait en tête de construire un Musée de la Suffisance.Au moins, on se marre bien. Et merci à lui. « Petit esprit » Quel compliment. Enfin quelqu’un qui m’estime à ma juste valeur!!! Dire que ça fait un demi-siècle qu’on me bassinait avec mon intelligence. Je suis soulagé. Merci.

  90. I save it as a ".png" without using any photoshop program. I then "select trace area" the whole page and click "trace" under Apply trace method. It work!! Thank you Jessica and Barbara

  91. Oh, I couldn’t agree more Stephanie about love for life….life-loving is the ultimate beauty tip in my experience! Just read over the weekend a review of a biography of the travel writer Patrick Leigh Fermor. It spoke at length of his fascination with people, and how this was part of his charm, and how he “shone with joy.” This is ultimately what makes a person attractive or not — some light within….Thanks for dropping in Stephanie, and do hope to catch up in person again one of these days! Been following with great interest and respect your journey….beautiful, just beautiful.

  92. Check out Theocracy … Check out Theocracy (from Georgia, the state not the country). “On Eagle’s Wings”, “Laying The Demon To Rest”, “Wages of Sin” and “30 Pieces of Silver” are all great tracks from them. If you like this you won’t be disappointed. Was this answer helpful?

  93. It’s imperative that more people make this exact point.

  94. Could you see if they have those shoes in 13″ please?Kick BUTT tomorrow!btw, did you check into motion control shoes or inserts? Word!

  95. sy lulusan dip akaun dr politeknik sesi jul 09.mslhnya skrg sy still x ambil muet. Jika sy apply ipta utk sesi jan11, adakah prmohonan sy akn dpertmbgkan? dan sy akn ambil muet utk sesi awal thn dpan.p/s:….bla no.pin upu akn kuar plak dlm mase trdekat ni utk lepsn dip?????

  96. I have a student singing “Mr. Hopalong Heartbreak” (from the new JRB anthology) this Fall. Please tell me that the tempo marking is a typo — that it should read “quarter note = 132″ and not “half note = 132″ — as the twice-as-fast tempo only creates maniacal gibberish… Thanks! –Dr. Matt Bean, professor of musical theatre and voice, Western Illinois University

  97. Hola Marisol bellos todos tus trabajos mirándolo como lo realizas todo parece fácil te hago una pregunta que no tiene que ver con el frasco ,hay algun paso a paso de como realizar kiwis y algo de muñecas patas largas que me encantan pero no consigo como realizarlas desde ya muchas gracias besos

  98. I now wonder if any have the ability to reproduce themselves. And not just reproduce pieces of code with minor variations, but reproduce a whole, fully functioning, coherent variation of themselves. I’m guessing that’s a no.

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  100. Gratulerer med to års dagen som blogger!Klart jeg vil være med på feiringen, jeg krysser fingrene for mine to lodd!Ha en fin helg!

  101. Ma non é vero!!!! Hanno detto che é stato uno scherzo da parte di non mi ricordo chi (ma non di fan), questo dopo la frase di Miley. Poi le belibers non farebbero mai niente del genere!!!!

  102. The theory that I heard was that the kidnapping would be used to faciliate/justify a “trade” of Ambassador Stevens for the “Blind Sheik,” which Egypt and the Muslim Brotherhood have been trying to get for some time.

  103. selamın aleyküm panik atak hastası kardeşlerim öncelikle Kurban oldugum ALLAH ım yar ve yardımcımız olsun biz bu hastalıgı öncelikle RABBAİMİZE dua sonra ise beyin olarak yenmemiz lazım artı olarak ekliyorum RABBİMİZE kullugumu yapıgımız zaman zten hastalık kendiligin den gidiyoo çünkü ibadetini yapan insan da ölüm korkusu olmuyo ama ibadetimizi kulluk görevimiz oldugu için yapalım RABBİM hepimize şifa versin ALLAH a emanet olun

  104. Doen! Ik vind het leuk om op de hoogte te bijven en als het je helpt? Why not?Punten tellen vind ik zelf enorm kloterig, ik ben gewoon geen bijhouder. Maar ik heb voor mezelf gewoon bepaalde regels vastgelegd: 1 banaan per week (ivm het zetmeel!), 1x aardappels per week, 1x pasta per week, 2x fruit per dag, maximaal 2x koe-zuivel per dag, max. 2 soy latte’s per dag etc etc etc. En dat werkt voor mij veeeeel beter dan punten tellen.Go girl, ik geloof in je!

  105. Let us say, for the sake of argument, that this latest abortion at St. Joseph’s hospital never happened. Even so, it appears that the hospital’s violations of Catholic ethics were so numerous, on-going, and egregious that Bp. Olmstead ought to have revoked their Catholic status, regardless. I therefore fail to see that the argument turns solely on this last case, whether the good bishop was mistaken in his judgment about this particular abortion or not.

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  109. Till AB’s försvar kan sägas att mÃ¥nga inlägg var allt annat än skrivna i en demokratisk anda… Därför togs möjligheten att svara bort.

  110. Leiam essa pérola!Na anamnese eu perguntei:“Diabetes?”Meu paciente:“Não, Di ANÁPOLIS!”Ainda insisti na pergunta, quando entendi o que ele entendeu…. A cidade natal do cara é Anápolis GO.

  111. Wat een prachtige honden zijn dat en zo lief tesamen op het kleedje, huiselijk. En dan die weckpotten, wat ziet het er heerlijk uit. Zet je mij nog wel even op je blog als je mee wilt doen met de give-away?

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  113. Even if the writer in question, did stick around to play the game. Her real insights about gaming wasn’t what this article required. They wanted an angle and they got it.The pic looks like a Paladin. She probably just called it a warrior.

  114. Bei der Beilage zum Bratl gibt´s bei uns immer Diskussionen: Der Mitkoch will Stöcklkraut oder warmen Krautsalat mit Speckwürferl, ich will kalten Krautsalat (na gut, Stöcklkraut geht auch). Ellja (oder Eline oder Katha), ihr könnt mir sicher sagen, was davon jetzt wirklich original mühlviertlerisch und was innviertlerisch oder sonst was ist, oder?

  115. the doctor was doing what the hospital had hired him to do. “They brought Mark in to replicate the success of his private practice in building up a heart center, and he did,” says Mr. Snyder.”I guess that just makes it all ok. What it really does is raise questions regarding Dr. Midei’s private practice, and the number of unnecessary stents used in that setting.Steve Lucas

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  119. I’m actually eleven, (lol) and I snore a lot. =)) I don’t know why. I’m not fat or anything, I even exercise because I dance ballet. I think because there’s this thing being covered inside you that make’s you snore. =))

  120. Criss me da mucho gusto que comentes tu experiencia pues aún logrando la lactancia materna te ha costado. Muchas veces se idealiza siendo que es un proceso de mutuo aprendizaje para una y para el bebé. Gracias por compartir. Un besote desmadroso

  121. stacy – it is not mysterious, it is the power of fear. it really is that simple. the solution is hard to see. if you try to look at it rationally(cognitively) you can’t see it. check out ptsd nation at freedomain radio(where max has been interviewed). dr. omaha has it figured out. you and max are great and are right on the issues. so what, now what.

  122. Bonjour cato écouré !Primo, je vis en Banlieue à côté des barres de béton et suis issu de l’immigration extra-européenne comme d’autres qui réagissent sur ce blog.Secundo, vas-y ne te gène pas, va pendre conseil auprès de ta femme et contacte les autorités judiciaires, OUUUUH LA LA LA j’ai peur !!!! Gla gla gla…Tercio, défendre une exposition pornographique en libre accès aux jeunes enfants dans une paroisse, tu peux écrire tous les posts que tu veux, de toute façon c’est IN-DE-FEN-DABLE !!!Ciao amigo

  123. all cultures carry within them the seed of their own destruction and a culture is often destroyed by the very thing that once made it successful taken to the extreme

  124. NetWorking con Twitter: Como Hacer un Buen #FollowFriday…¿Sabes realmente cómo utilizar el #followfriday para hacer un networking efectivo en Twitter? Mal utilizados los #FF pueden perjudicar tu imagen. Sigue leyendo porque aquí te doy todas las claves para hacer un Buen #Followfriday en Twitter….

  125. RPJ,Keep looking on ABE books and Bookfinder. I just kept looking until one showed up for under $100. My first copy was obtained by the same method in the mid-1990s.

  126. I do not read Spanish well but they gave him Ivermectin, a drug used to kill parasites in dogs and cats; I am sure it was the human equivalent and washed his mouth with a bleach solution. At 84 with Alzheimers and diabetes, God bless him and that he was given the proper help. In the still photos, he has clean clothes and is shaved as well.I am concerned about the direction of this site….are we headed for the grossest we can find; the shock value? How can you make ill suited comments about these [poor folks. What’s the thrill for us?

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  131. Lightening lips can be tricky. You don’t want to accidentally swallow the skin lightener you put on your lips. Try using lipsticks that are in light colors. Lip lighteners do exist. Search “lip lightener” on this site. I forget the brand, but I remember that it utilizes licorice extract.

  132. Uresh, Thanks for the information and great analysis. I am wondering how Boeing will deliver 2 Late Build planes(LN40 – LN45)in December, when non of them have their engines hung yet?Thanks,

  133. Damn right Elliott!! Amazing how many men (and women) are so out of touch with our natural instinct (the body brain) that they find FAKE looking people to be the most attractive. We are supposed to want wide hips that are a sign of fertility and strong legs and butt on our women!

  134. Melpomene it is, and you got to love a muse known for carrying a club or a knife! I know she’s holding the mask for tragedy, but it still looks like a prop from Eight Heads in a Duffle Bag. And it doesn’t look like I’ll be reading the Millennium Series any time soon, as Hazel still has plenty of nasty revenge she’s yet to inflict.


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  142. Wonderful, now PLEASE read your comments regarding the recent changes to the Homepage. Your constant lying about "Listening and taking your feedback very seriously" is getting old, who do you think you're fooling? Youtube…you have always prided yourself on the great community this site enables, but here you've gone and started to erode that community with this blunder…

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  145. Hi Ginger, I’m so happy to find a familiar face also taking Kelly Rae’s course Thank you so much for your lovely comments.It’s nice to find another fan of gold (and Klimt), I find I don’t use it nearly as much as I use to. Hows the painting going?? I can’t wait to see more of your work!

  146. I hear ya, Diana! I love physical books too and continue to buy/read them. I may not have ever transitioned partly to the Kindle if my parents hadn’t bought me one for Christmas! =) In fact, I’ve heard that the iPad can be pretty similar since you have a library on there too.Ooh! Good idea about empty bags! Sometimes, when I remember, I pack extra ziplocs or bags folded into triangles. You’re right that they can be so randomly useful! And you’ve reminded me about the hand sanitizer that I have in my purse and never use. =P

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  148. Austenfan, yes, it's by Deray (whose filmography I'd be hard-pressed to quote apart from that, though).I'm a big aficionado of French pharmacy brands — La Roche Posay, Avène, Furterer, Phyto… Almost nothing but, in fact. It's been a long time since I've bought Nuxe: I like the way they're scented, but they interfere with my fragrances.

  149. Posted by on September 18, 2012 at 4:29 am Hey Donna,You are full of surprises, I did not expect to be greeted with 3 entertainment videos. The amazing to see this sort of thing in a neigborhood in the UK I’d be hard pressed to see these thing. Sadly English people are unfriendly and just keep themselves to themselves..Simmeon recently posted..

  150. Good to see a talent at work. I can’t match that.

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  152. Diane, Amy, Matt and Family, we are very saddened by your loss. We spent enough time with Jim over the years to know what a good guy he was; just went with the spanish flow.May he be in peace.

  153. Heather!I had a blast last night we need to do it again soon! It was so nice to talk about blog stuff with other people and not have them glaze over after about 5 minutes. Your site also looks amazing. Jack is too cute!Em

  154. All of these articles have saved me a lot of headaches.

  155. Why does this have to be the ONLY reliable source? Oh well, gj!

  156. Thanks for being on point and on target!

  157. Shoot, so that’s that one supposes.

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  162. I’m also a big chicken – I don’t like to take risks. But, then again I wish I did. Imagine living life without fear? How awesome would that be. Perhaps short, but awesome none-the-less..-= The Baby Mama´s last blog .. =-.

  163. aussi. Ouais. Oh, c’est parce que je me marre assez souvent.Seneffe est pas loin de chez moi. Mais ce sera impossible. Dommage. Tout ce qui sera présenté m’intéresse…Et puis, le Daily-Bul c’est drôlement bien.Les surréalistes belges étaient plus marrants que le sinistre Breton et consorts. Mais je vous apprends rien sans doute.

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  167. , I actually enjoyed “Scoop” (though I haven’t seen “Match Point” yet) and this trailer looks surprisingly good. Not to mention, I’m one of the few people that is still curious about Colin Farrell’s acting ability.

  168. Aravind / Prof subba,though there is both sides to jugaad.The spirit of jugaad comes in achieving more with less.If an nation and group of people are able to achieve this , definitely this can be an insipiration and possibility for some other country or other group of people.As with any other practice, this also has other side to it if practised wrongly, but the focus is on the concept itself and allowing people to decide how they will implement it

  169. Alla luce di quanto hai appena detto, nelle centrali di consegna pizze a domicilio di RGB metteremo delle torrette lanciafiamme intorno alla cassetta delle richieste di assunzione.Anfatti… mi sento molto mona… io che sono famoso per avere "occhio" nelle manovre con qualsiasi mezzo, dal furgone ai rollerblades, dal camioncino al triciclo, dalla gru semovente da 130 q.li allo skateboard, … stavolta invece mi hanno urlato "OCCHIO!"… Succede…

  170. i see where you get your looks! your mom is beautiful. i have been wanting to make one all winter! maybe some day soon.

  171. You write so honestly about this. Thanks for sharing!

  172. When my daughter was born I wanted to be able to protect her and enjoy a long life so that I could see her grow and have babies of her own. So my daughter did.

  173. That’s a sharp way of thinking about it.

  174. Your style is so unique in comparison to other folks I’ve read stuff from. I appreciate you for posting when you have the opportunity, Guess I’ll just book mark this blog.

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  176. Now that times are quiet… I was wondering if anyone around here plays Buzzerbeater? Online basketball management game. I just started, and I am enjoying checking in on my little team inbetween my work.My handle is The Black Mamma (in my native Danish – Sorte Mamma), and the ID# is (92859). Feel free to drop me an ingame message for a chat if you play too!

  177. I really wish there were more articles like this on the web.

  178. That’s the first thought that came into my mind as well. All of them are buttoned up and the jacket material is pulling on three of them. Would look better unbuttoned. Agree about Jackson having the best fit.

  179. All this time, I just thought you were a talented writer. Now I find you are also a financial genius. I would tip my hat to you, but it’s raining in Portland, and my head would get soggy.

  180. You got it. I was going for that and its last definition (a condition of despair, helplessness). I’m pretty sure our character is bleeding to death, fast. And the blood and fabric of his suit have created that environment, so he falls back, and squish, he’s in it, and he’s helpless.I have this annoying tendency of looking up words I use, just to make sure I’m using them right, even though I know I am. Kind of an OCD thing I guess. But I didn’t know this last definition and when I read it I was like, oh. Must use.

  181. At last! Someone who understands! Thanks for posting!

  182. Game – I don’t play political games, and if I had any doubts that this video was fabricated, I wouldn’t put it in my blog. This was a genuine video. Following the posting of this video on E-channel and later on A1plus, investigation was launched and the man you see filling in the ballot box was caught yesterday and will be punished by law.

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  184. A pressão do Nanny State e dos seus promotores, na vã tentativa de eliminação do risco, não enxerga um palmo à frente do nariz, pelo que é impermeável ao raciocínio lógico. Leal da Costa é uma espécie de arquétipo da coisa.

  185. I love these articles. How many words can a wordsmith smith?

  186. This is an article that makes you think “never thought of that!”

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  188. I’ve been looking for a post like this for an age

  189. I have a quick question for you or anyone else.. Can anyone recommend a raw food cookbook that does not use a dehydrator or Vitamix. No way will this be affordable anytime soon but I would love to add more raw food recipes to my diet. Thanks so much!!! PS This workout will for sure be done soon!

  190. Sehr schönes Shop mal wieder! Ich mag neben den Buchstaben auch den Deko-Kranz "Natur-Lila" sehr gerne. Und gewinnen würde ich am liebsten die Buchstaben oder den Kopf :)Herzlichst Juliane, die deine Farbauswahl auf den oberen Bildern genial findet!

  191. My comments are always a bore,No one ever wants more,I could say in defence,There is no pretence,I hardly ever try to rhyme anything, most of the time.Although i do think about the rhytym and syllables and stuff. I mean, sometimes the thing gets away from you and it sounds good but then you’ve got a whole paragraph and then it’s not a limerick anymore and you find yourself just typing without any way to end the thing. You know what i mean?

  192. Muchas gracias Gaby y Esther las adoro son unas genias me encanta el libro muchass graciasssss y ha todo el staff muchisimas gracias por el trabajo tan grandioso que haceis,muyyyyyy felices fiestasssss,besos.FELIZ NAVIDAD.

  193. Oh my, that photo with Oswald Chambers’ classic is a keeper.You should send that one in to the publisher, Who knows, theymight send Chandler a free book or hire her as their PublicRelations to Youth person.Jim

  194. What a great post! I loved reading about the different quirks, etc. We writers certainly are a strange group of people…and thank goodness, because without us, what would the rest of the world read?! LOL And thanks for the contest info!

  195. At last! Someone with the insight to solve the problem!

  196. and clients from all over the country are contacting ME.This book is a quick and easy read with practical and useful advice. Unlike a lot of other books of this type, it wasn’t way over my head, so I could actually USE it! As a small business owner, I struggle with where/how to spend my time to get the most bang for my buck, and this book is a slam dunk. Get it and READ it now!

  197. Kenza brukar kopiera mycket från andra, dock är många omedvetna om detta och tror att Kenza är nån slags förebild när i själva verket är hon bara en bluff!

  198. Pour Twitter et autres, je crois que les nouveaux modes de communications, implique des nouveaux modes de trucages et manipulations. Et pas forcément de la part de ceux que l’on pourrait soupçonner…

  199. bravo orso bianco, tra un po' si va in letargo.@Gaz,cara, forse apprezzerò le bellezze di settembre quando andrò in pensione 🙁 eeeehh, campa cavallo…@Pep, il catalano-genovese è una lingua che mi è ignota, peccato, avrei potuto capire qualcosa del tuo blog 🙁

  200. Woah! I’m really digging the template/theme of this website. It’s simple, yet effective. A lot of times it’s very hard to get that “perfect balance” between usability and visual appeal. I must say you’ve done a awesome job with this. In addition, the blog loads very quick for me on Chrome. Superb Blog!

  201. Uma wouldn’t be my choice, but I’m not going to tell you you’re wrong, as she’s definitely up there. (Lisa Edelstein and Maura Tierney will have to wait for other accolades.) But to not even mention that Elisha Dushku gave you pause, and maybe some sleepless nights? Who put you in charge of this project. There may need to be an internvention and some tough love, sport.

  202. , I'm not a fan of "Content ID", though Google is forced to do this by the broken U.S. copyright code, and does have sane lobbying efforts which are very pro-remix, it's a shame for them to so blatantly come to the defense of a horrid policy. It's really something that you're forced to do, please don't make it sound like something you're doing because you feel it's "right".

  203. O Cadilhe não foi aquele que atraves de um buraco na lei mamou uma siza ou coisa que o valha nos tempos idos do Cavaquismo????Este e o alarve do post abaixo que vão mas é lember sabão.

  204. I much prefer informative articles like this to that high brow literature.

  205. Я понял все, спасибо тебе за правильные слова, постараюсь воздержаться хотя бы месяц, и сделать после этого выводы и рассказать о том что у меня вышло,и еще раз СПАСИБО тебе что высказал свое мнение и надеюсь оно мне поможет !!

  206. keep it. It’s the one thing I really wish I’d done differently in my career – done everything under project pseudonyms. For a whole myriad of reasons. And anyway, it’s just a cool band name, and does have a certain cache Sx


  208. Do you really think that we Catholics ought to be ashamed of Notre Dame – the whole institution – do you really believe that the unpleasantness in May 2009 destroyed utterly and irreparably the character of the entire university?Straw man. As you probably know, the shame of Notre Dame — and the reason so many of her finest are saddened by that shame — goes way back. In case you are not familiar with this, there is an excellent book detailing ND’s decline as a Catholic institution, written by one of the University’s most eminent and best-loved professors:Charles E. Rice

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  212. Oh my, Di, what a wonderful day! And you really deserve it – you did a great job as mother and wife and have four gorgeous, handsome sons. I'm sending you a belated birthday hugXOBrigitte

  213. Treat him with more respect? Geez, it’s not like FAVRE (maybe if he pronounced his name right people could spell it) was paid minimum wage! Yeah, FAVRE is very, very good at what he does/did, but from a business angle, exactly WHAT were the Packers supposed to do? Sit on their hands waiting for the great FAVRE to make a freakin’ decision?

  214. ago24CECILIA Es ridículo lo que la empresa ofrece , vamos a la huelga .Vamos CAC, vamos S.Downtown, EL Salto, Rinconada, EL Valle El Condor, regiones …todos somos parte de esto .VOTEMOS HUELGA!!!!El discurso de estamos preocupados por los trabajadores , se desdice de lo planteado en esta negociación por parte de CLARO, si realmente les preocupamos, escuchen lo que pedimos y respondan como corresponde. HUELGA!!!!

  215. Laissé macérer une nuit… Çà doit décoiffer. Un beau mélange que tu proposes.Et jesuis d’accord. Caroline, ta douce folie nous manque beaucoup.Tarzile

  216. / Mert beye katılıyorum, çokta kaliteli bir link almış olurum, spam yorumlarda ÅŸerafettin beyle aynı fikirde deÄŸilim, varsın blogcatalog dan gelsin spam yorum derim ben, ÅŸerafettin bey gibi bir e-giriÅŸimcinin spam yorumu engellemeye takılması, ama spam yorumda bulunmasını da bir hayli enteresan buldum orası ayrı!Mert bey, sık sık bir ÅŸekilde blogunuzda buluyorum kendimi, ÅŸahsen keyifle okumaya doyamadıgım yazılarınız var, yeni bir makaleyi bekler oldum(;

  217. so, by now most of you are probably sick of hearing my rants about why I dislike airports, but I’m going to have to revisit the topic once again. So that I don’t sound too

  218. Sandra, thanks for the comment. I feel the exact same way about the photos, that is why I love the Pioneer Woman’s blog. All her step-by-step pictures almost makes me feel like I’ve already made the recipe before. You should definitely give this salad recipe a try because it truly is amazing.

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  223. How can a city councilman do a credible and honest job on $6,000 a year? Heard of gasoline costs? How stupid do people think we are that a councilman can seriously do investigations of issues coming before the council or conduct a pretence for the “powers that be”? Are the packets even read?

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  229. At last! Someone with the insight to solve the problem!

  230. Deadly accurate answer. You’ve hit the bullseye!

  231. I typically focus on my strengths rather than my weaknesses unless as you say the weakness is interfering with my success. Introspection can be valuable, but I prefer to do it doing brief periods.

  232. It sounds like Ron Paul’s trying protect America’s economic interests. In actuality,  he agrees with the anti-Semitic Code Pink:   The Palestinians are virtually in a concentration camp, and they have a few small missiles, but

  233. Ben fet! La informació sobre el tema és el més important. Molta gent pren drogues per desinformació, per seguir els companys que ho fan o per experimentar coses noves.Si volen emocions fortes… és millor que s’apuntin a algun esport de risc… és més segur.

  234. Desculpem a falta de substância deste post, mas os argumentados dados pela JovemCoop focam todos os pontos importantes. Assim, o que se retira de uma pousada da Juventude a mais de 2km (bastante inclinados ainda por cima), do centro de uma cidade que apresenta pouquíssima mobilidade é:Há, como sempre, interesses maiores ao barulho, e pronto, opta-se pelo ridículo.

  235. that Satan is unchained every thousand years and let loose to rampage through the world. About time that St Michael the Archangel arrived to cast him back down into the utter darkness together with the satanic sons of Marx and the satanic bankers.

  236. Isnt it funny how Nigel Farage from the UK complain about democracy in the European Union when his own party got a million votes or 3.1% of all popular votes in the UK election 2010 and yet have no representative or voice. In fact, the only place the UKIP does have representation and a voice is in the European Union, despite his and the parties preposterous claims about the European Union democracy.Perhaps Nigel Farage and the UKIP is fighting the battle for democracy in the wrong place?

  237. Réponse à Paula : oui et non, la référence de vitesse est en nombre de Mach et dépend de l’altitude.Plus d’explication sur l’article précédent :Il est vrai que la notion de vitesse maximum n’est pas simple et qu’en théorie la vitesse maximum annoncée est comprise entre 900 et 1000 km/h dans la référence du nombre de Mach à H0 mais la référence est en haute altitude dont les caractéristiques physiques sont différentes qu’en basse atmosphère.

  238. Mä en ole edes vaivautunut minnekään nettiin, nallelangan (ja muidenkin perus-sukkalankojen) vyötteessä on kelpo ohje, jonka tumpelokin ymmärtää. Jos onnistuu multa, ei ole syytä miksei onnistuisi muiltakin!Nimim. peruskoulu meni veistotunneilla, kun kutomaan oppii kotonakin.

  239. My wife and I were there last March for 10 days, and it only rained one day. Can’t wait to make it back. She has a pen pal who lives there, and they have been writing since 1955. They met, face to face, for the first time.

  240. Deep thinking – adds a new dimension to it all.

  241. 10-10-11 spune: exista in partea de sus un tab (buton) care se numeste Display. dupa ce dai click pe display, vei gasi un chenar care se numeste device. acolo gasesti informatiile despre placa, mai exact ceea ce ai tu nevoie: modelul si producatorul. Sa scrii aici ce gasesti la Name si Manufacturer. +34

  242. A few years ago I’d have to pay someone for this information.

  243. zici ca biletul de Grecia e mai ieftin daca il iau cu cateva luni inainte? Astept momentul egoist in care pentru prima data sa ma simt senzational cand decoleaza avionul. Pana acum nu am putut sa ma simt asa, pentru ca stiam ca urmeaza sa si aterizeze inapoi peste cateva zile. Astept momentul in care ma voi uita pe hublou ranjind egoist, sarcastic si satisfacut. Si nu doar ca-l astept, ci sunt dispus sa mai sacrific cativa ani ca sa fiu sigur ca va fi un one-way ticket for life. Gen sa plec si eu cu valiza, ca Gigi.

  244. Yo diría que la pobreza más abrumadora está en India. Hay pobreza más resignada y “amable” en Laos, por ejemplo, donde se mantiene la dignidad a pesar de todo. Y pobreza completamente desesperada en ese infierno en la tierra que es Cuba. Estos comienzos africanos están siendo de sorprendente normalidad, tanto Sudáfrica como Namibia son, a pie de carretera, países muy organizados y prósperos.Tu voto: 2  0

  245. Love your dishes and have always admired this pattern. They look so pretty on your table. Your apple pie recipe is going into my file. Sounds like a keeper.~ ~Ahrisha~ ~

  246. WOW!!! Witha view like that I would keep comfy outdoor furniture on that roof and spend all my fre time there. The mountains, the gardens, the pond, the trees…it’s all too gorgeous:-)

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