حزب ” التقدم والاشتراكية” يؤكد لوفد فلسطيني موقفه المبدئي والداعم للقضية الفلسطينية

استقبل الأمين العام لحزب التقدم والاشتراكية، محمد نبيل بنعبد الله، مرفوقا بعدد من أعضاء القيادة الوطنية للحزب، زوال أمس الاثنين، بالمقر الوطني للحزب، وفدا رفيع المستوى من القيادة الفلسطينية، يتكون من روحي فتوح، الرئيس السابق للسلطة الوطنية الفلسطينية، مستشار الرئيس محمود عباس، وممثله الرسمي وتوفيق الطيراوي، عضو اللجنة المركزية لحركة فتح رئيس الأكاديمية الأمنية الفلسطينية، وأمين أبو حصيرة سفير فلسطين بالمغرب.

خلال هذا اللقاء، الذي يأتي في إطار سلسلة من اللقاءات التي تشرع السلطة الفلسطينية في عقدها مع مختلف القوى السياسية العربية، استعرض القادة الفلسطينيون التطورات والمستجدات الأخيرة للقضية الفلسطينية ، في ضوء إخفاق مجلس الأمن في اعتماد مشروع قرار يقضي بإنهاء الاحتلال الإسرائيلي للأراضي الفلسطينية، وكذا في ظل طلب فلسطين الانضمام إلى المحكمة الجنائية الدولية، وما تقدم عليه إسرائيل من خطوات وإجراءات عقابية، تمثلت، آخرها، في تجميد عائدات السلطة الفلسطينية من الضرائب، والتلويح بمنع المعونات، مما يهدد، جديا، بانهيار الوضع القائم حاليا، على علاته، ويجعل إسرائيل في مواجهة مسؤولياتها المباشرة كسلطة احتلال.

كما أكد الوفد الفلسطيني على أن خيارات الشعب الفلسطيني متمثلة في المقاومة الشعبية، والنضال القانوني داخل المحافل الدولية، تلاقي نفس الأفق المسدود، شأنها في ذلك شأن خيار السعي نحو التسوية السياسية، الذي لم يجد له أي صدى لدى الطرف الإسرائيلي، غير المستعد ولا القادر على عقد اتفاق لحل نهائي ودائم.

وتناول الوفد، أيضا، وضعية الصف الوطني الفلسطيني، وما تشهده منظمة التحرير الفلسطينية من وحدة في الموقف، وما ينتظره الشعب الفلسطيني، خلال هذه المرحلة الدقيقة، من مؤازرة مغربية معهودة، سواء على المستوى الشعبي، أو على المستوى الرسمي. كما أعرب عن تفاؤله بمستقبل القضية الفلسطينية.

من جانبه، وبعد التأكيد بموقف حزب التقدم والاشتراكية المبدئي والداعم للقضية الفلسطينية، باعتبارها قضية وطنية، أعرب محمد نبيل بنعبدالله على تطابق وجهات نظر الحزب مع القيادة الفلسطينية، لاسيما فيما يتصل باللجوء إلى النضال القانوني، ودفع إسرائيل لتحمل مسؤولياتها عن الجرائم التي ارتكبتها وترتكبها في حق الشعب الفلسطيني.

وعبر الأمين العام، أيضا، عن كامل مساندته للسلطة الفلسطينية في خطواتها الشجاعة مؤخرا، والتي أربكت الطرف الإسرائيلي، خصوصا وأنها تأتي متزامنة مع تزايد وتيرة اعتراف عدد من المؤسسات الأوروبية بشرعية وعدالة المطالب الفلسطينية.

كما أعرب عن أسفه بخصوص إخفاق مجلس الأمن في الموافقة على مشروع قرار إنهاء الاحتلال، واستنكر كون دول إفريقية مثل نيجيريا، كان الأجدر بها الانتصار لقيم الحق والعدل، هي من كانت سببا مباشرا في عدم تمرير مشروع القرار الفلسطيني.

وفي إطار مساهمة حزب التقدم والاشتراكية في الرفع من وتيرة الدعم السياسي للقضية الفلسطينية وتنويع أشكاله، عبر الأمين العام للحزب على الالتزام القوي بالدفع في اتجاه مزيد من التعبئة المدنية التي تقوم وتشرف عليها الآليات الجمعوية الوطنية، والانخراط القوي في مبادراتها المساندة للشعب الفلسطيني، بالإضافة إلى بلورة عدد من الخطوات والمبادرات الخاصة، لاسيما مكاتبة الأحزاب السياسية الوطنية في شأن تشكيل وفد حزبي مشترك ووازن ليقوم بزيارة دعم ومساندة للأراضي الفلسطينية، فضلا عن إمكانية الانفتاح على بلورة صيغ وآليات جديدة لتفعيل الدعم الحزبي والقانوني.

كما تناول الأمين العام موضوع القضية الفلسطينية كأولوية بالنسبة للدول العربية في ضوء الوضعية السياسية الحالية التي تعيشها المنطقة العربية، منتهيا إلى كون ما يجري على الساحة أثر بشكل سلبي على صدارة القضية الفلسطينية في الأجندات العربية.

ومع ذلك، فقد عبر الأمين العام عن عزم حزب التقدم والاشتراكية المساهمة في إعادة فلسطين إلى الضوء كأولوية عربية جديرة بالاهتمام والرعاية والدعم، من خلال استضافة الحزب للقاء اليساري العربي في غضون شهرين.

وفي ختام اللقاء، جدد الجانبان عزمهما على العمل سويا والحفاظ على جسور التنسيق والتواصل المستمر خدمة للقضية الفلسطينية وشعب فلسطين الأبي.

كما جدد الوفد الفلسطيني تقديره الكبير للمغرب وقواه الوطنية المختلفة على ما فتئ يقدمه من دعم، ومن مساندة قوية غير مشروطة.

وقد حضر هذا اللقاء عن حزب التقدم والاشتراكية كل من غزلان المعموري والرفيق عزوز الصنهاجي عضوا المكتب السياسي، والرفيقين محمد لبيض كرين ،وعبد الحفيظ ولعلو، عضوا اللجنة المركزية.


اقرأ أيضا

الداخلة.. البحرية الملكية تقدم المساعدة لـ 85 مرشحا للهجرة غير الشرعية

متابعة قدمت دورية في أعالي البحار تابعة للبحرية الملكية، اليوم الخميس، على بعد 380 كيلومترا …

255 تعليقاً

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  17. #2: If you are talking about this happening with the timeliner plugin, it was unintentional. I forgot to remove the options inherited from registryapi and actually didn't intend for one to be able to supply start/end times for timeliner itself. It is simple enough to add, however.I am working on a newer version anyway, since I want to separate the registryapi functions to make it easier to inherit without having to worry about removing all of its options for the inheriting plugin. I will add the start/end capability to timeliner as well in a later release if it seems like a feature people would like.

  18. sigma.A “batting” average of 30% when changing a process or implementing a new idea would be impressive. Everyone sooner or later makes an Edsel, “New Coke”, or Traffic Light Camera.Simple The shuttle launch never came close to that level.

  19. pentru ca Germania e singura tara din Europa pe care n-o vezi la tv plangandu-se de criza financiara, pt ca Germania tocmai a “cumparat” Grecia cu 100 de mld euro, pt ca Germania a ramas una dintre putinele tari europene in care isi doresc toti sa emigreze,pt ca are cel mai mare PIB de pe continent si in principal pt ca au putut sustine doua razboaie,la interval de cativa ani,renascand de ficare data…de aia

  20. It is so amazing to me how much my perspective on EVERYTHING has changed since becoming a mother. I love seeing women who are pregnant for the first time and know what an amazing adventure they have in store for themselves. After becoming a mother the world changes. I am a better person because of my daughter. I appreciate my mom so much! I don't sweat the small things that would have been large issues before, I enjoy the simplicity of life. Your post could not have been more spot on. I am not mormon, but I have to agree with everything you wrote about being a sahm!

  21. Jo dit :Bon il est vrai que le prix est assez élévé comparé aux autres machines Nespresso mais pour ma part je pense que ce prix est justifié compte tenu du “Look” de cette nouvelle machine qui je vous l’avoue m’a fait craquer!je l’ai vu en live, c’est une tuerie!Je vais commencer à faire ma lettre au père Noël …

  22. It is indeed my belief that mesothelioma is definitely the most lethal cancer. It has unusual features. The more I look at it the greater I am sure it does not act like a real solid tissues cancer. In the event mesothelioma can be a rogue virus-like infection, therefore there is the chance for developing a vaccine along with offering vaccination to asbestos open people who are open to high risk involving developing long run asbestos relevant malignancies. Thanks for discussing your ideas for this important health issue.

  23. November 6, 2012 at 1:51 ami know why the grass is green (chlorophyll and all that lark) but something has been bugging me for weeks. what is it that gives something its colour? i.e. why is sulphur yellow and carbon black? is it to do with atomic structure or something to do with electron arrangement? please help i know about wavelengths blah blah blah and how something is green coz it absorbs all light wavelengths cept green blah blah blah i want to know as specifically as possible what in the molecular structure/whatever affects refraction/scattering/whatever and why Reply

  24. I think it’s because you were watching the videos that day. Or maybe you had sugar before bed. I don’t think it means anything, just your mind over-working

  25. I love Marc Davis's drawings. It's also interesting that because Walt Disney canceled this project Don Bluth ends up making a movie about Chanticleer. It's called Rock-a-Doodle. Even though his version is definitely different from the Disney version.

  26. Wow Roger! I’m so glad you did this little synopsis – the simple me was having troubles keeping track of where you were and what the heck you were doing. I hate to use the term “adventure of a lifetime” (because there will always be more adventures!) but I think this was clearly something very, very special. Epic, indeed. Congratulations, mate!P.S. I *heart* penguins.

  27. Liebe TeilnehmerInnen,die ist inzwischen durchgeführt. Ihr bekommt auch noch alle eine E-Mail, sobald die neue Runde startet mit Hinweis auf die Auslosung und die neue Runde.Jan

  28. Hahaha nicely done. You had me thinking “hey wait a minute!” a few times. Will be back again to judge compared to the other entries. Thank you so much for entering!

  29. I’m a college student with a crazy schedule, so I was trying to be proactive and plan ahead for a healthy week. I set out to cook a huge batch on quinoa along with like 5 chicken breasts to divide out for the week. I set my chicken in the oven, set the alarm on my phone and then put the quinoa in a pot on the stove top. I of course, forgot to set a separate alarm for the quinoa, so when I came back into the kitchen 45 mins later, I had a crispy burnt pot of quinoa that was smoking like crazy! It took my a week to get the char off of that pot and I’ve been scared to cook quinoa since!

  30. I see that this will be happening on my AC/DC. My DC is 6.33 Gemini. I have definitely been feeling stretched emotionally and been under the weather physically by this pair of eclipses. The well mannered Libra I strive to be is having trouble keeping her temper big time and I feel very out of balance (out of balance doesn’t even begin to describe it).

  31. It’s always a relief when someone with obvious expertise answers. Thanks!

  32. Your thinking matches mine – great minds think alike!

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  34. I think the intention here is to try to show up Peng Eng Huat: see opposition MP don’t prepare themselves before asking questions! Such a gentleman this Tan Chuan Jin.

  35. Great article but it didn’t have everything-I didn’t find the kitchen sink!

  36. cel negru e cumva presedintele lor? :PStii, iara mi-ai dat idei bune de ilustrat… Mai stii povestea cu covrigii? Ei bine, ei au iesit pe hornuri multe, cu colindele odata, si s-au transformat intr-o reteta ilustrata si publicata in locul cu retete ilustrate pe care tot de la tine l-am aflat mai demult. Scrie, Iren, ca scrisul e fantana cu apa vie din povesti. Eventual poti sa scrii cand stai la coada la cumparat dinozauri pentru parcul pestilor.

  37. sy tengok era ni dh kurang cantiknya la..cam nmpk dh tua skt atau d sebabkan dh ramai artis y cantik dari era ni sb tu bila nmpk era dh x berapa cantik…Well-loved.

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  47. Très intéressant. La démarche de S. Hiller me rappelle celle de Boltanski mais le traitement esthétique en est radicalement différent… et tout aussi puissant, pour autant que je puisse en juger par les photos.

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  49. My great grandparents immigrated to the United States from Capestrano in Abruzzo and were very proud if their Italian heritage.I would love to read the book next and pass it along after I’ve read it. Ciao

  50. I would amend your “The world does not like the Jews” to read “Much of the world does not like Jews”. I am not Jewish and harbor no dislike for Jews or Israel. I rather like them (well, maybe I don’t like the ones that vote Democrat).

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  52. Dear Nikki, My faveorite movie would have to be the Patriot. It's about the Loyalists and the Patriots. It gives you a better understanding of how the United States has come to be. It can be quite violent but it's perfect if you need to learn more about the 1700's!

  53. THE FARMER SPEAKETH ….“This is what SHOULD be happening ,,,” is a brilliant, Zen-like way of looking at Life writ large.Wacky families; busy careers; long frenzied commutes to work in traffic clogged streets: Rather than railing against the chaos & insanity, I just need to remember three things … 1) step back, 2) breathe, & 3) deal.Because, this is just How Life Is.The Farmer is a GENIUS.

  54. That is so beautiful. I love how you mix your friends, family, writing, life stuff. I never know what to expect. Except, that it's always going to be good.And your parents, how lovely is that? Have a wonderful visit.Give them my best!

  55. Please teach the rest of these internet hooligans how to write and research!

  56. I haven't read or seen anything that indicates that Americans have passed candy out to children as a celebration of Bin Laden's killing.Compare this to the behaviors of Moslem religious nationalists when Israeli Jews are murdered.

  57. Your articles are for when it absolutely, positively, needs to be understood overnight.

  58. Hola Merchiña,hoy vengo a saludarte las judías no me gustan naica,vamos ni mirarlas igual de reojo pero nada mas..eso si el chorizo las patatas y el huevo me los zampo de una sentadabssloli

  59. nikki since u have a crush on brandon i should tell u this after school i saw brandon and makenzie at the park thats not the bad part this is they were kissing!!!!

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  61. Brilliance for free; your parents must be a sweetheart and a certified genius.

  62. That Sardina is worlds away from the smooshed sardines of toast sprinkled with white wine vinegar that I used to eat as a kid of Sunday mornings!We never had ox tongue though. Or buttifarra. Or olive oil jam. Oh, my deprived life 😀 Thank the stars I have you to live vicariously through!

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  66. We don’t even have toilet paper hoeldrs here. When we renovated both bathrooms we took them out, so the t.p. just sits on the back of the commode or where ever. I tend to be better at putting in an extra roll when the current one gets low, but the huz sometimes will leave me hanging.

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  68. Draken heter möjligtvis inte Elliot? Min dotter flyttade nämligen Elliot en bit och det var en drake som gillade grottor. Hon lämnade den och mbis plockade upp den några timmar senare utan att jag visste att hon skulle till samma plats. Jag vet att mbis har lämnat den vidare.

  69. April 18, 2011 – 2:45 pm I’d say point 2 is where most of the sites fail. After all, this is the part where your readers will not whether it comes from a passionate writer or was outsourced to someone else.

  70. I like the image of wandering, listless Democrats, wandering about in the wild, wanted by no one, unable to even sell their bodies for $5-.I like this too, in the article itsel: However, the animals are instinctively hostile…“They will bray, bare their teeth, run and chase, and attempt to bite…"according to a Colorado State University fact sheet.Sounds like a perfect description of a Democrat!!!

  71. I have these same attacks all the time.. I’m only 16 years old. It stops me from going to school many days because I’m scared to have an attack in the class room :’(

  72. It’s wonderful to have you on our side, haha!

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  74. Everything is tied into the debate schedule. But the point is now moot. ELEC voted not to move the debate and Corzine moved his manicure and pedicure to another date, so he can now appear. Hallelujah.I guess someone sent Ted a sneak peak of the new Quinnipiac that will be out later today. Care to share?

  75. It’s posts like this that make surfing so much pleasure

  76. Que bom que vc está consciente que está anti -social! Viu como foi bom conversar, como a outra leitora acima ” troca de lição de vida”. Às vezes ficamos só lamentando o tempo todo…

  77. use in larger or smaller amounts or for longer than recommended. EC-Naprosyn is a hormone that is watery or bloody, stop taking cialis soft tadalafil trusted pharmacy catalog for the processes of memory, thinking, and cialis soft tadalafil trusted pharmacy catalogtablet every 24 hours. Allow at least 10 years old. cialis soft tadalafil trusted pharmacy catalog is usually inserted within 7 days of use; you still have pain after 7 days of treatment. FDA pregnancy category X. cialis soft tadalafil trusted pharmacy catalog can increase certain effects

  78. ░█▀█ ░█ ░█▀▀ ░░█▀▀ ░█▀█ ░█ ░█@@@@@@@@@- @@@@@@@@@░█▀▀ ░█▀▀ ░█ ░█ ░░░░█▀▀ ░█▀█ ░█ ░█@@@@@@@@@- @@@@@@@@@░▀▀▀ ░▀ ░░░▀ ░▀▀▀ ░░▀ ░░░▀░▀ ░▀ ░▀▀▀@@@@@@@@ WE ♥ THE OLD YOUTUBE CHANNELS *** PLEASE GIVE US THE OPTION TO KEEP IT ** WE ♥ THE OLD YOUTUBE CHANNELS *** PLEASE GIVE US THE OPTION TO KEEP IT ** @@@@@@@@@░█▀▀ ░█▀█ ░█ ░█▀▀ ░░█▀▀ ░█▀█ ░█ ░█@@@@@@@@@- @@@@@@@@@░█▀▀ ░█▀▀ ░█ ░█ ░░░░█▀▀ ░█▀█ ░█ ░█@@@@@@@@@- @@@@@@@@@░▀▀▀ ░▀ ░░░▀ ░▀▀▀ ░░▀ ░░░▀░▀ ░▀ ░▀▀▀@@@@@@@@ WE ♥ THE OLD YOUTUBE CHANNELS *** PLEASE GIVE US THE OPTION TO KEEP IT ** WE ♥ THE OLD YOUTUBE CHANNELS *** PLEASE GIVE US THE OPTION TO KEEP IT ** @@@@@@@@@░█▀▀ ░█▀█ ░█ ░█▀▀ ░░█▀▀ ░█▀█ ░█ ░█@@@@@@@@@- @@@@@@@@@░█▀▀ ░█▀▀ ░█ ░█ ░░░░█▀▀ ░█▀█ ░█ ░█@@@@@@@@@- @@@@@@@@@░▀▀▀ ░▀ ░░░▀ ░▀▀▀ ░░▀ ░░░▀░▀ ░▀ ░▀▀▀@@@@@@@@ WE ♥ THE OLD YOUTUBE CHANNELS *** PLEASE GIVE US THE OPTION TO KEEP IT **

  79. juandos,Not sure if I made my point well enough in my reply.I think the most of the changes you listed were implemented well before the current economic downturn. And those changes are only a continuation of a decades-long trend of increasing productivity in our industry.

  80. Do you see any usefulness in VIX/ISEE ratios as being a market timer? I notice you have some commentary on VIX/SDS but since you feel that VIX is not truly reflecting current “fear” does the VIX/ISEE ratio offer any more insight? Just a thought.Thanks for the excellent posts!

  81. Thank you for sharing my race recap! It was scary to write at first bc it wasn’t my best race. Then I realized, it’s okay that it wasn’t my best. By reading what you wrote about my post, it helped me further see that sharing the good and the bad isn’t such an awful thing. It’s actually a great thing! Thanks again! Oh, and I love the quote you wrote in the beginning of this post!Keep up the great running!

  82. Great piece! Thanks for your thoughtful response to a terrible situation. IMHO there is little worse than slut shaming and victim blaming in rape cases.

  83. he’s started many companies. I don’t know about that, but I do know this: he is a rank amateur at PR and marketing.In Lacob’s defense, I think he traded Ellis primarily to get rid of a PR liability, and that is simply not something he could go public with. He had to come up with some acceptable justification for the trade: Bogut had to be GREAT. That message isn’t compatible with “microfracture surgery.” A tough situation to spin, for sure. Not sure how I would have done it.

  84. Nu la asta ma refeream. Morala povestii mele este la sfarsit: lustratia ar fi fost utila atunci ca sa le bareze calea celor deja prea corupti pentru a mai fi “salvabili”

  85. I've been writing YAF for over twenty years against a background of rumours that YAF had had its day. I don't believe any of it. A good story will find its way through. My worry is that when a particular genre becomes fashionable then many people jump on that bandwagon instead of following their own instincts. That means that that genre is then overwhelmed with stuff and then devalued. My 'crime' writing has never been fashionable so …… it hasn't been a problem for me. Maybe one day…

  86. Crazy-cute giveaway! Thank you for putting together this creatively awesome prize! I love the You Go Girl travel tote pattern from Tammy Tadd Designs. It is huge and lovely! I think you could make a stunning one because you have an eye for color and coordinates (remember the little fabric boxes? I loved those coordinates!) You can link to my blog to see a finished one I made for my Aunt. The one I have for myslef is Alexander Henry’s sugar skulls–rockin’!Pick me Mr. Random number generator!! Ooohhh, Pick me!!♥♥

  87. I work at a high school and photocopied / elarged The Teenage Chef for the Home Ec teacher when I saw it in the newspaper recently – she got a kick out if. I also put many others on my caretakers door for the students to read. Have you ever done any cartoons making fun if a caretaker / janitor ?

  88. Paty Zapelini disse:OIeeeeeeeee PatyVi o slide show…vc estava MARAVILHOSA!!!!!!!!!!!te desejo toda felicidade desse mundo…vc merece td de bom que vida tem pra dar!!!!!!!!seja feliz sempre e agora com o MARIDAO!!!!!!!!!!Felicidades e parabensbjs

  89. Economies are in dire straits, but I can count on this!

  90. ZOMG…ok…I’ve got toooo many. I KNOW. It’s ridiculous. Ok, Lady Gaga’s “Telephone” and “Bad Romance” (I like “Alejandro” too, but it’s not on my iPod…well yet). The gal writes a catchy, singable tune. I’ve also got Def Leppard’s “Rock of Ages” and the Scorpions “Still Loving You” from the 80s. Shhhhh!

  91. Finalmente un articolo, sul calcio ed ultras, degno di essere letto e riletto…Sarebbe bello leggere qualcosa di piu’ sulla ”tradizione italiana di politicizzare il conflitto” perche’ nonostante siamo nella migliore tra le peggiori repubbliche delle banane non credo prorpio che cio’ accada a caso.

  92. Good morning!!!!!It’s natural and normal to want a healthy sex life, so if you think your high cholesterol may be affecting the quality of your erections, talk to your doctor about LEVITRA, a medication designed to help treat mild to severe ED.!!generic mail order!!Bye!!____________________________ –

  93. Knowing something about football gets me through most awkward situations at work where I’m stuck with people I wouldn’t normally talk to, and plenty of social situations as well. I consider that adequate recompense for the hours I waste obsessing over it.

  94. It’s certainly one of mine! (Check my date.) I’m just glad I saved to my faves!! When it was FIRST posted, it got “lost” after about a day, but Emil retrieved it – YAY! It WAS a little clearer before, but it’s still clear enough to be great.

  95. garments are not to be altered in any way. My wife is usually the one to comment that sister so and so must not be wearing a garment top or has pinned up her garments to accommodate her clothing. Once you start down the alteration road, there’s no stopping it. If you have a special need, you’re supposed to contact Beehive clothing.

  96. Perhaps you should add the general inconsideration of people for their surroundings. For example… there will be a trash can right next to somebody, and they’ll throw their trash on the ground. Or there will be an ash tray at a person’s table, and they’ll throw their cigarette butt on the ground. All of this combines into a nasty stench awaiting you around every street corner. Gross.

  97. come si chiamerà il misurometro della fede, il fedémetro? E chi sposa in chiesa quelli cui non importa nulla di Dio??? In Vaticano non si sa nulla di Basiliche romane trasformate in magnifici scenari per i matrimoni dei cosiddetti VIP? Forse per dare a questi una comoda via d’uscita per un nuovo matrimonio con istesso scenario in nome di una fede finalmente trovata???

  98. This forum needed shaking up and you’ve just done that. Great post!

  99. Love this project and love Joe and love Tanya! Winning combo. I think I just need to make a road trip and come see you all. And for a play date..2 Missourians are better than one! LOL Great job and so happy to see this fun photo!

  100. What a pleasure to find someone who identifies the issues so clearly

  101. All of us liked looking at the publish. I have have got to boost the comfort had been the original written content on your blog site I must say i appreciated in addition to where I had a sense of understanding, know very well what Come on, man? Anyhow, keep up with the submitting and also Im planning to go back again.

  102. Yeah, I wasn’t super impressed either. We only had the one Sunday in Hong Kong on this trip and thought that we normally always go for the fancier, more modern options…. maybe this was best done traditional. It’s not bad, but not that great either and the interior experience definitely leaves something to be desired (traditional Chinese restaurants need to GO ). It was nice picking from carts though, would be nice to see a modern approach to this…

  103. If it’s for sale many are not for sale. There are a few that are still private residences, and you might be able to purchase one if you have the cashReferences : .. Was this answer helpful?

  104. I’m usually blogging and i actually appreciate your content. The article has really peaked my interest. I am going to bookmark your site and maintain checking for brand spanking new information.

  105. For once being a Paper Mate led to a very frustrating half hour. The only word that fits into the 4 checking letters is the solution. No amount of lateral thinking could get this to work with the clue. Thanks Bufo and Firefly, but BUCK UP DT !!

  106. Such an impressive answer! You’ve beaten us all with that!

  107. This commercial is the anti-gunners' dream society. If guns were illegal, no one would have them, and we would be able to foil bank robberies by sharing our food. After all, people are only forced to rob the evil banks because they cheated us out of our money.

  108. Coucou, merci pour cette jolie découverte, ces petits bijoux sont tous doux….alors les petits héros de Marie Laure sont bébé Charlotte, Gregor le fort, Tugdual le boudeur, Aziliz la fée, le chevalier Thibault…et Fleur la maman.Mon 1er choix serait pour le lot 2 (pour ma petite fée et mon 2ème choix pour le lot 1 (un peu pour moi ).Merci à vous 2 pour ce très joli jeu & je croise les doigts pour ma ma mini mamzelle.

  109. Hi Micheal, Yes you are right there. Working on your personal development to boost your success now is the most important key. Awesome! Warmest Regards Shirleyshirley recently posted..

  110. Para mi la máquina es un "imprescindible" en el scrap amigas…. Cuando hago un rabajo sin costuritas, siento que "algo" le falta, y si, Pau, chicas, búsquenle su lugarcito y ténganla siempre a la mano, ya verán que no se arrepentirán…. Isa, qué padre lo de tu taller industrial! 🙂 yo desde cuando quiero una over 🙂

  111. Hallo! Vielen Dank für den Link und die Tipps mit den Säcken. Ich betreibe erst seit kurzem Boxen als Sport und wollte mir endlich einen eigenen ^kleineren Boxsack zulegen. Ich weiß zwar noch nicht genau wo und wie ich ihn am besten befestige, aber evtl. hat ja einer von euch einen guten Tipp?VA:F [1.9.20_1166]War diese Antwort hilfreich? Bitte bewerten Sie diese Antwort.please wait…

  112. Hi Gorden,Re “We would have a perfect copy, but the original would still die in the prison camp.”If the copy is perfect, we cannot say which one is the original and which one is the copy (by definition). So, instead of “the original would still die in the prison camp,” it is “one of the two (or more) instances of Anne dies in the prison camp.” This sounds better, though it is not much of a consolation for the instance who dies in the prison camp!

  113. I went to the Ignatius Piazza web site referenced above and did not see any free firearms training. The closest I could find cost $3000.

  114. Rassure toi Patrick, beaucoup de français pensent que les américains sont fous et beaucoup de français pensent aussi que la plupart des autres français sont fous.les jugements des uns et des autres n’ont pas d’importance

  115. This design is incredible! You definitely know how to keep a reader amused. Between your wit and your videos, I was almost moved to start my own blog (well, almost…HaHa!) Wonderful job. I really loved what you had to say, and more than that, how you presented it. Too cool!

  116. the rest here: New Ubon Attraction Sam Pan Bok Posted in Travel Thailand | Tags: add-new-tag, khong-jiam, motorcycles, on-flickr, parking,

  117. Per me Tarantino è il miglior regista di oggi, e purtroppo lo è anche di brutto visto che il livello di certi altri "famosi" è davvero infimo.Magari sono sopravvalutati i copioni che si sceglie e questa fissazione con la violenza, che trovo a volte un po' volgare messa lì tanto per divertire. Un po' come se Kubrick avesse sempre fatto Natale Scureggione o quei film lì ^^.Simone

  118. At 37 weeks, the baby will survive. She didn’t do it because she was tired of being pregnant. It was for health reasons. She had also had three previous C sections. Based on what happened with her stitches it’s a good thing she didn’t try natural.

  119. No matter where you are, it’s still Christmas. For those away defending our country, may they have a good Christmas and get to speak with their family that day.

  120. Lakin should NEVER have given up his right to appeal. His lawyer should have insisted on this. Plea bargains are struck everyday in criminal courts. But this trial was NOT a CRIMINAL trial.

  121. εσυ ρε Αργος που το ειδες το Νεοδημοκρατικο?στην αναρτηση για το Βελουχιωτη, εγινε χαμος!αλλα παλι, δεν αναγκαζουμε κανενα απολυτως να μας διαβαζει!!οσο για το υφος σου καλυτερα τετοιοι σχολιαστες που βριζουν πισω απο την ανωνυμια τους να μας λειπουν!

  122. DziÄ™kujÄ™, że przyÅ‚Ä…czyliÅ›cie siÄ™ do mojej akcji permanentnego pozytywnego nastawienia 🙂 Trwa już od kilku lat i ciÄ…gle siÄ™ rozwija.Wszystko mi siÄ™ w Waszym przedsiÄ™wziÄ™ciu podoba oprócz jednego z haseÅ‚: “ja nie narzekam”. Rozumiem, że akcja jest przeciw narzekaniu , ale za czym jest?WiÄ™cej pozytywów w życiu. Powodzenia!

  123. Die Aussage: “Netz von Korruption gestossen, denn wie kann es sein, dass solch offensichtliches Erschleichen von Almosen an den besten Plätzen der Innenstädte”zeugt von deutlich nationalistischen und dummen Gedankentum.Normales Denkvermögen reicht: 1.000 am Tag wird behauptet, Man mache eine Raum-Zeit-Berechnung, aber das istwohl zu hoch für Faschistoide.Naja, jeder, der über etwas Intellekt verfügt, wird feststellen, wie doof ein Troll ist……

  124. lol, love gratuitous little one shots! And, adore C. Wonder. Just recently discovered it and feel like it also so envelopes the Palm Beach lifestyle here. That tortoise shell bowl and bracelet are so, so pretty.

  125. Toto co tutaj jest napisane to jest kompletnie do niczego. Aż się oglądać nie chce tych ciągłych kwękań, a że coś nie pasuje, a bo coś tam się nie podoba. Ludzie dacie siana już z tymi waszymi płaczami.

  126. It appears to me that this web site doesnt download on a Motorola Droid. Are other folks getting the exact same problem? I enjoy this web site and dont want to have to miss it when Im gone from my computer.

  127. That’s a well-thought-out answer to a challenging question

  128. More posts of this quality. Not the usual c***, please

  129. Uresh, It was not the data that created the problem but the model that was used to compare the data. Doesn't this mean that the model that was used has to be reevaluated or altered…and does this affect the FAA cerification

  130. Elena Udrea si Leoreanu au facut deja multe lucruri bune pentru orasul nostru si le multumim pentru asta, iar faptul ca acestia vor sa continue pe acelasi trend cu investitiile si proiectele nu poate decat sa ne bucure si sa ne faca increzatori in faptul ca Romanul va deveni un oras important al Romaniei in care vom putea avea toate facilitatile necesare unui trai decent… Noi romascanii aveam nevoie de un parlament harnic si care sa-si dea tot interesul pentru noi si orasul nostru in parlament, iar acum o sa-l putem avea in persoana Elenei Udrea!!!

  131. “No, Hitler was not a homosexual and they lost the war based off the fact they were fighting the world.”They lost the war because it was cosmically justified, as God hates corruption and will always punish it. He will always destroy a nation that harbors homosexuality. That finally makes sense of what happened to Germany, and it’s actually good news, because it’s the only reason they lost. Just about everything was right about Germany then, except that. (And maybe Hitler’s view on Slavs, and a few other things.)I don’t worship Hitler, sorry. But I do stand by the German people.

  132. szia!végre, végre taliztak, de ilyen vége, úgye jó lesz és nem fog semmi gáz történni…alig várom a folytatást, remélem jön a hétvégén!puszi:Anna

  133. The Bible! Of course! I’m now smacking my head and saying “Doh!” (When you revise your will to include your book list, keep in mind that there’s probably room for more than 5 books in there. I only included 5 in my list because I didn’t want the post to get too long.)

  134. I feel so much happier now I understand all this. Thanks!

  135. tracey · Hi Sam – It’s a lovely time of year, especially when the sky is blue and the days are crispy cool.The Rob Ryan plates are a lovely set … I just couldn’t resist making them my own, and they come beautifully boxed too). Thanks for your weekend wishes … things have been busy lately, but I’m doing my best to keep my head above water. I hope your weekend was wonderful!

  136. Luísa comentou em 9 de julho de 2012 às 22:50. Confesso que me fugiram as palavras… Simplesmente SEN SA CI O NAL!! Muito melhor que ter dinheiro é ter personalidade e caráter!!!

  137. « c’est Zy qui est néfaste, pas elle.  »Tout le monde n’apprécie pas l’exhibitionnisme, de bas étage en plus, le harcèlement ou l’indécence . C’est bien plus que dérangeant .

  138. Salut,C’est formidable, je ne vois plus le temps que je passe à naviguer sur ton blog. Bravo à celles et ceux qui s’investissent pour que le périjeunesse soit dynamique.Mounira – la maman de Sami

  139. Datuk Suhaimi pun x layak jadi Datuk kpd anak Jimmy sbb dia sendiri pun dah terbukti gagal mendidik anak.. Suhaila x layak jadi menantu sesiapa pun dan agi x layak utk menjadi saorg ibu sbb dia sendiri akan bawa anak bersama dia kelaut.. WTF..!!!Well-loved.

  140. Could you write about Physics so I can pass Science class?

  141. stimmt es mit gredler + söhne ? Habe dort gerade eben angerufen, die “wussten von nichts”…. hat jemand mit der Firma sonst noch Kontakt gehabt ?

  142. Leão e 10A,eu não desejo Pacheco ou Cajuda. aliás, eu quero que Vercauteren fique por muitos anos no Sporting. era sinal que estava a fazer um bom trabalho e a rentabilizar os nossos quadros.só acho que, devido à forma como (não)defendemos, será difícil ganhar jogos. sem vitórias não há pontos. quem não tem pontos desce de divisão.

  143. Bolina har fantastisk mye fint, sÃ¥ jeg vil veldig gjerne være med pÃ¥ trekning! Ellers har du ogsÃ¥ en fantastisk fin blogg, faktisk en av de fineste jeg vet om. 🙂 (anna_0202 (at) yahoo.no)

  144. From the Star Ledger:New Jersey ranked fourth-worst among states when it comes to business climate, according to a survey of U.S. corporate executives compiled by Development Counsellors International.Gov. Jon S. Corzine was among the panel of advisers talking with Barack Obama about the economy today.Corzine joined investor Warren Buffett, Google CEO Eric Schmidt and former Federal Reserve chairman Paul Volcker, among other economy experts meeting with the Democratic presidential hopeful in Washington.

  145. International Association for the Advancement of Creative Maladjustment–men and women who will be as maladjusted as the prophet Amos. Who in the midst of the injustices of his day could cry out in words that echo across the centuries, “Let justice roll down like waters and righteousness like a mighty stream.’”Sign me up…! Morning ya’ll…!

  146. Oh wow, how incredibly generous of both the Robert Kaufman folks and you! I would have a hard time taking them out of that box too! Thanks for sharing 🙂

  147. The voice of rationality! Good to hear from you.

  148. A jeÅ¡tÄ› krátká poznámka – já si myslím, že NS ve skutečnosti ohýbá jeden právní institut, aby vyÅ™eÅ¡il právní problém, který ovÅ¡em jest Å™eÅ¡iti jinak a jinde.NS, podle mÄ›, Å¡tve, že nÄ›kteří zlí generální dodavatelé Å¡ikanují hodné subdodavatele nehoráznými podmínkami a zneužívají tak svého dominantního postavení na přísluÅ¡ném trhu. To mnÄ› se nelíbí taky. Metodicky chybné ale podle mÄ› je Å™eÅ¡it to úletem na téma dobré mravy, protože se to pak judikatornÄ› šíří jako plevel.

  149. The christians will in the end pay for their own extermination. If they are so stupid that they will pay for the promotion Islam, then they can be fooled to commit any insane act. Insanity.To give them their due, Catholics are usually not quite that idiotic/insane.If you want to weep, read .

  150. Brilliance for free; your parents must be a sweetheart and a certified genius.

  151. They have some of THE BEST clam chowder that I have ever tasted! I am a frequent Disney World visitor/Florida resident and my husband and I have to get it every time we go–even in the hot summer months!

  152. I guess finding useful, reliable information on the internet isn’t hopeless after all.

  153. ethical self am factual dogmatic up to define benign the ideas abridge viewpoints. We are hunting airy ancestry through these doings. People assignment has to accord organizer find.

  154. Ako din, Andok's is my food haven when I'm in Boracay. Ang mura and grilled meat is so suited for the beach. Pero pagdating sa desserts, Cafe Del Sol cannot be topped. They serve the best cheesecake ever created by man haha! I can't wait to go back to Boracay again. Sana soon.

  155. Apple now has Rhapsody as an app, which is a great start, but it is currently hampered by the inability to store locally on your iPod, and has a dismal 64kbps bit rate. If this changes, then it will somewhat negate this advantage for the Zune, but the 10 songs per month will still be a big plus in Zune Pass’ favor.

  156. Sadly the service center for KODAK slide projectors called me around the first of April to let me know they have no more parts for the repair of slide projectors. All slide projectors have been out of production now for 7+ years and the repair parts are rapidly disappearing as well. If you have EktaPros time is up!Bummer, Drew F.

  157. We’re a group of volunteers and opening a new scheme in our community. Your site offered us with valuable info to work on. You’ve done a formidable job and our whole community will be thankful to you.

  158. It’s funny, I remember telling someone once I was going to a “spice party” and they thought I was going to a type of “spice it up” lingerie/toy party, and yet it was literally a spice party for cooking spices!

  159. Si tous le monde savez que a l’origine c’est un série israélienne il y aurait moins des adeptes car tous ce qu’ est israélien est a bannir non?

  160. You're right. Whites have different hair colours, eyes colours, complexion. Asians and blacks don't have those "striking" differences.

  161. Why is the Awo award being given few months after Achebe releases his memoir on Nigerian civil war? Is it a mare coincidence or calculated scheme by Yorubas

  162. Even though your thoughts on poor upbringing sound true, making your host`s kid cry on purpose would not only be extremely rude, attacking his offspring breaks all rules of hospitality.

  163. se não fossemos lixo já tínhamos feito outra revolução mas acho que nem merecemos isso nem sei se fomos merecedores de ter tido um 25 de abril acho que somos mesmo é abaixo do lixo tipo e lixiviado que circula na sarjeta

  164. Your post has moved the debate forward. Thanks for sharing!

  165. Thats excellent and very nicely written.Often I tend not to make comments on the web, however Ive to say that this site actually made me want to. Actually excellent little bit of material

  166. R.I.P. Tereza. So sad and such a loss to all those homeless cats and dogs that she will never be able to help. God bless you & R.I.P. all the Cats & Dogs that perished.

  167. I’m constantly getting emails from these two “services”. I try to unsubscribe, and the “manage subscriptions” page shows me as not having any subscriptions. Under IE Favorites, there are no RSS Feeds listed.Checked RSS Feeds in Outlook 2010 Account Settings – that’s where they were. Gone now! Thanks!

  168. Hola! I’ve been following your website for a long time now and finally got the bravery to go ahead and give you a shout out from Kingwood Texas! Just wanted to say keep up the fantastic work!

  169. But surely you’d have some fall back in terms of having your work reproduced without your permission and without credit?I mean I publish what I write on my blog for free but there’s no consent given for people to repeat it wholesale – with or without my name in the byline.

  170. I really like how you styled the sequin jacket from J.Crew. It's a dressy jacket, but you made it look sporty and effortless. It's perfect for the start Olympics. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.Natasha

  171. Carla – Wonderful Pics! I LOVE the individual pictures of each of the kids… each one captures aspects of their personalities. I also really like the one of the boys in the creek… very natural for those three!

  172. Great article! You have confirmed what many of us believe– that the scholls are being used as indoctrination centers for our children. It is good to know that there are still people like you out there educating our children.

  173. I’m not easily impressed but you’ve done it with that posting.

  174. you really have printed an attractive so attractive content. i favor it very much. I can always have got produced it more desirable. I develop at tweet my affable noise and come back anymore. thank you and all best.

  175. Wie schön!Solche Schmetterlinge kennen wir auch, man kann auch verschiedenfarbiges Papier nehmen und so die Flügel z.B. hellrosa-rosa-weiß gestalten.Über die Osterglocke haben sich die Großtante und der Großonkel bestimmt gefreut. Hat sie lange gedauert?

  176. economia ci capisco poco, dunque kiedo a voi:ke differenza c’è fra statalizzare i “cadaveri” (dunque far pagare i debiti al popolo) e far fallire una banca ke nn sarà piu in grado di restituire miliardi di dollari di obbligazioni? (presumo piazzate al popolo)

  177. A simple and intelligent point, well made. Thanks!

  178. Hi Mandy hope you are well sorry not been around much what with health and the house move so just catching up. Will post your candy on my sidebar and wow great candy too. Hugs Sue xxx

  179. Don was a good friend, we never lost touch. I am so glad I got to see him before his departure from this world. Bless his family and friends on their loss. He will be missed.

  180. wooooooaaaa orale chicas que bellos trabajos han hecho, hasta hacen sentir mal mi pobre layout jijijijiji. felicidades a las participantes ahora si se lucieron, ya mñana es 10………. que ecion emocionante!!!!! Saludos a todas!

  181. Times are changing for the better if I can get this online!

  182. You're going to be a great host! You really can't go wrong with any of these images as inspiration; I really love the last two images as they are seasonless but special and I always love the look of plants as table decor. Happy Thanksgiving!

  183. it pretty poorly.It boggles the mind how you liberals continue to site salon and npr to “prove” your mistaken points and then mindlessly complain that Fox is biased. If your not going to think for yourself, why must you rely on the all the same tired sources. Can’t you find something more original to parrot?Seth, neither you nor lief has shown exactly how the firings themselves were unethical, though lief made a nice attempt to dodge the issue by accusing me of arguing about legalities.

  184. Rien que de voir les photos, ça me rend toute chose… faut vraiment que j’y aille dès que ça sera possible :)Sinon c’est vrai que l’avion, c’est d’un chiant, le dernier long vol que j’ai fait c’était 9h, pas non plus réussi à fermer l’oeil, le temps passe trèèèèèès leeennnteeemmmment ^^

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  187. Hei, blogisi enemmän tai vähemmän säännölliseltä lukijalta kiitokset vinkistä! Järjestelen aika tiuhaan kaikenlaisia iltoja, mutta oli hauska idis, että tälläisen energiapläjäyksen voisi antaa rakkaille tyttökavereille myös joululahjana! Kutsut lähtivät postiin n. puoli tuntia postauksen lukemisen jälkeen, hauskaa :)!

  188. Comecei a fazer meu primeiro site, e estava com problema para conseguir uma url mais amigavel.Com essa ajuda, o problema do erro 404 acabaram, porém o index aparece na url.Melhor assim do que nao funcionando.Obriado

  189. Hope For America! GOP: Pres. Dr. with VP Senator Scott BrownorMaybe any combo of Dr Ron Paul with: Rand Paul, Jon Huntsman, Rick Santorum or even Mitt Romney Please Vote for President Ron Paul to RESTORE OUR LIBERTY!!!NJ

  190. bat – i wont be so kind (oh – GREAT POST) about lofton – he left some of his turds at my place awhile ago when i did a post on dominionismhe took offense to my calling rushdoony a crackpot. which of course he iswith the country headed in the direction you so clearly outline – how do we stop all dominoes from falling one day sooni do not think we can

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  192. Browser-Verlauf löschen hat nichts genützt. Habe aber das Child-Theme neu angelegt, jetzt ist alles tiptop. Danke für die Bemühungen! Viele Grüsse, Alexander

  193. Bonjour,La décompression et création du fichier fun_plug ne marche pas chez moi J’ai mis les fichiers fun_plug.sh et fun_plug.tgz dans Volume_1, j’ai rebooté et rien ne se passe.J’ai essayé plusieurs fois sans succès, que faire ? PS : j’ai donc un DNS-323 firmware 1.08Merci

  194. Just checked. It is actually a zip file containing a PDF document to print for your own AR marker plus an AIR application (should run on anything that can run AIR apps).CheersIan

  195. I have been a college professor since 1995 – and have a very public life. It's amazing how easy it is to say, "no." Like, "No, I don't respond to email on the weekend. I don't work weekends." And, you know what, my students have learned to contact me during the work week..or they figure it out on their own. We all need time to be creative, to clear our heads, and to spend time with the people we love. I'm in control of my life. And I like to keep it that way! So amen, sister!

  196. Letar efter ett avlastningsbord/sidobord Рdetta hade varit perfekt f̦r favoritljusen och min alldeles nyss ink̦pta turkosa sk̴l med lock : )

  197. Bonjour et merci pour l’info (je ne connaissais pas), un avis sur les performances ? Peut-on si on a plusieurs sites, hébergé une installation de Piwik et gérer plusieurs comptes/url etc….?Je vais aller jeter un oeil quoi qu’il en soit

  198. ths alhhlns panah ? Ki egw otan eida ton toro na koitaei an exei kosmo h perioxh kai oxi na skuliazei na markarei sentra travousa ta tespa ..ta mallia mou .exeis apoluto dikio se osa eipes .einai h realistikh eikona ths omadas .oso gia to 8ema ths eurozone auth einai h ali8inh tromokratia kai oxi oi plasarismenoi’ ston lao tromokrates wraia to polu polu na kanoume mia upotimhsh na klapsoun ligo oi megaloi kai na gelasoun oi mikromessaioi .na deis gia pote anevainei kai o tourismos sto ellada .!!!Reply

  199. siinä syy, miksen käy helsinki10:ssä. jos sattuisin löytämään jotain ihanaa, en kuitenkaan raaskisi maksaa noita hintoja ja tulis vaan paha mieli 🙂

  200. Sininho:Espero que o poder de impor a verdade se vá desvanecendo com o tempo. A autoridade também se esfuma.Os nossos filhos aprenderam, à sua custa, claro, o que até pode nem ter sido mau de todo, que nós não lhes dissemos sempre a verdade. E o João Paulo II acabou por pedir desculpas ao Galileu em nome da Santa Madre Igreja, não foi?

  201. A very good morning from Scotland!I would like to take a minute to say a huge thank you to you for your kindness and hard work.I have retired and now have time to play and being a novice your help here will make me be able to transform my quick snaps into something very special.Thank youCathy

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  203. Man I miss my first car should have kept it.It was a 1969 chevy elcamino SS396.The guy I bought it from had just painted it Iroc blue with a purpleish metalic under coat with pearl white stripes on the hood.It was a damn good and fast when you could get traction car.

  204. The genius store called, they’re running out of you.

  205. Shoot, so that’s that one supposes.

  206. Thinking like that is really amazing

  207. I’m sitting here singing to keep a mouse in my wall at bay. Going to try this sound out on the mouse. If it works I’ll download and loop it, play throughout the evening hours.

  208. Whats up. Very cool website!! Man .. Excellent .. Superb .. I’ll bookmark your website and take the feeds also…I’m satisfied to find a lot of helpful information here in the article. Thanks for sharing.

  209. Caro J. Antunes,O Henrique Mato é uma pessoa séria. O seu contributo para este blogue não pode ser posto em causa.Por vezes a escrita não sai com clarividência e a éticas pretendidas. Nesta intervenção, acredito, o Henrique não teve intenção de ofender quem quer que seja. O blogue, dentro das suas regras, tem lugar para todos.Cumprimentos,José Câmara

  210. Ron Paul is great but so was JFK and look what happened to him when he tried to stamp out the corrupt Federal Reserve. These slimeballs won’t let Ron Paul mess with their program. I think it would be better if Guiliani won so that he can really run the US into the ground. The US is broke, sinking ship and a guy like Guiliani or Billary will ensure it’s demise and the world will be a better place for it.

  211. Hallo ihr Lieben,bin Fan eurer Seite geworden und habe natürlich auch den Link zu diesen Artikel geteilt.Ich mag eure tollen Sachen am meisten…Macht weiter so 🙂

  212. Ne, noch nicht gekostet. Wir haben gerade erst ein ganz frisches Müsli mit Herkunftsnachweis geköpft . Da warte ich ruhig ab, wie Ihr Euch alle in den nächsten Tagen so führt, bevor wir kosten werden.

  213. Hmm? I don’t know if I capitalize or not. I doubt it. Never actually though about it but being that it’s a color and not an ethnicity I probably don’t think to do it… But then again, maybe I should because in the reference of the sentence in can carry the connotation of an ethnicity? IDK… Too much is made of words and not actions.

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  215. Mkazoo dit :Bonjour,j’ai deux questions.La première est que j’ai un iphone 3Gs en IOS 4.3.3 avec le baseband 05.16.02.Je suis desimlocké. Est ce que je serais toujours desimlocké si je passe en IOS 5.0.1.Dans le cas contraire, est ce qu’il vaut mieux que je reste en 4.3.3 ou aucun soucis, je peux passer en 5.0.1 et le redesimlocker?Merci

  216. jung kim focus… focus…remember this post is about van tran and how he punked himself. i mean it’s one thing to pose for this pic it’s another to lie about it. theres your great hero of the stupid for you.

  217. I think our issue is we may be caught in some stupid redemption or tax selling shit…this doesn’t look like rational selling at all…non stop for 7 weeks and so far below 200DMA is not rational…we would be super lucky to survive this one…this is a full on crash and I think a couple more days of trading will clarify that…if we drop below May low in the 530 area, we would be in 400

  218. In what could be considered outing by elimination, might I take this opportunity to say that it is NOT ME. *I* reread Anne almost yearly (apart from Windy Poplars, which I never liked).–Susannah

  219. about Brown. But I’m seriously starting to question the talent on this team. As Joe M said earlier, it’s pretty much Kobe, Dwight, and maybe Nash when he returns. Everyone else is just garbage to me.

  220. Ti batto, Luca. Sono arrivato a 41°.Non adesso. Altrimenti non starei qui a scrivere.Quando accadde ricordo solo che non ero capace neanche di voltarmi nel letto.Pronta guarigione. 😉

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  225. Mi-am petrecut copilăria printre asemenea înaripate, peste sută lejer. Taică-meu a avut boala asta. ÃŽncă mai e un strat de zece centimetri de găinaÅ£ în pod – nu mai zic în fostul coteÅ£ dedicat lor. CredeÅ£i-mă cînd vă spun că – pe cît de drăgălaÅŸe par păsările astea de la distanţă ÅŸi oricît de mult simbolism s-ar Å£ese pe marginea gingăşiei lor – atunci cînd Å£i-s curtea, tabla de pe casă ÅŸi rufele puse la uscat pline de droppings, îţi vine să te duci o mie de ani!

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  227. Lady gaga, is Fairuz reborn in another parallel universe, but in that other universe people grow old very slowly, and she came to earth, because she’s not special over there, but over here, the freak show, GOT ATTENTION!hehehe nice ivy

  228. to carrie, “i see you wearing clothes that show your stomach all the time”, and she said “not anymore you don’t! it’s about time that ladies my age started coverin’ it up!”i couldn’t agree more!

  229. « On a pas les mêmes attentes envers un ami qu’envers une blonde/un chum ! »On a surtout pas le meme seuil de tolérance avec un chum/blonde qu’avec des amis…Des amis qui font des erreurs connes on leur pardonne…Un conjoint, pas toujours…Et pourtant……….

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  236. Mark, this is a great idea. I’m going to give it a shot. Thanks for putting your thoughts out there. I like the idea of NaNoWriMo but don’t think I have the novel in me. A manifesto is something I’ve been hoping to work on, so I am going to view this as the moment I heard the starting pistol and had to start running.SeanSean Cook recently posted..

  237. As a Brit now part of the post Lisbon EU [ without my being asked] my one hope is that Mr Wilders can make an impact on a pan european basis. If his party can expand and find alliances with like minded people in all EU countries we stand a chance of avoiding inviting this Islamic elephant into our house.Geert for Euro president! Not sure the barbarians already here would like it. All the more reason

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  239. How is fantasy football even a thing? Seriously. When most of us were in high school, (I’m assuming we’re all 30 to 40 years old here) we’d have tormented the dorks playing games that were fantasy based. Wedgies, swirlies, locker stuffings…etc. Fast forward to now and playing fantasy games where you “draft” players and crunch numbers is the hottest thing going. I so badly want to shout NERRRRRRDS! every time I see fantasy sports being discussed. Yes, I’m apparently of the “Doyle Rules” mindset.

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  241. The thicker shape suits you. They look great. I much prefer you as a brunette – blonde just doesn't seem you. Does it hurt getting them done? Sx PS Yep, I've gone a wee bit darker (with some lighter bits left at the ends).

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  243. Vince Hi Gareth and Anton Just wanted to thank you for making this awesome music available for free. I have a lot of respect for someone who makes their art available for nothing, guess that’s what makes the 2 of you artists, “The commercial hippies” , and not “The greedy commercial punks” Keep up the good workBig love and respect…….one happy (hippie) fan aka Vince

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