“نتنياهو” و”جوقة” التحريض

حملة التحريض والمغالطات الإسرائيلية، خاصة على الرئيس الفلسطيني “محمود عباس”، وعلى القيادة الفلسطينية متواصلة هدفها الإساءة إلى الرئيس، لتعريته للسياسة الإسرائيلية أمام المجتمع الدولي، ودفع دول العالم الواحدة تلو الأخرى للاعتراف بدولة فلسطين، وخشية إسرائيل من سحب الشرعية عنها، حتى أن هذه الحملة من التحريض مستمرة، بتحميل “أبو مازن” والقيادة الفلسطينية مسؤولية التحريض على إسرائيل لاغتيالها الشهيد الوزير “زياد أبو عين”، الذي وجد استنكاراً عالمياً، ومطالب بلجنة تحقيق دولية بهذا الاغتيال، وإدانة الجيش الإسرائيلي، وبحكم وظيفته كوزير للخارجية، للرد على اتهام إسرائيل باغتيال “أبو عين”، طلع علينا “ليبرمان”، آخذاً من تقرير أطباء التشريح، الجزء الذي يقول بأنه قتل من جلطة قلبية، متجاهلاً ما جاء في التقرير، بأن الجلطة نجمت عن إطلاق قنابل الغاز، ولكمات جنود الاحتلال التي استهدفت الشهيد، الأمر الذي أدى إلى صعوبة التنفس مما أدى إلى وفاته، وهذا التقرير يتطابق مع الصور التي أظهرت اعتداء الجنود على “أبو عين”، والتي بثت في جميع أنحاء العالم، لكن “ليبرمان” وكما أسلفنا كعادته يريد تشويه الحقائق، فالسجل الإسرائيلي يطفح بالجرائم والمجازر والاغتيالات الإسرائيلية، تتحدث عن نفسها بنفسها.
السياسة الإسرائيلية مرتبكة، وهناك فشل إستراتيجي إسرائيلي واضح، قد يعصف بهذا الكيان، لولا الحماية والمساندة الأميركية، فعام 2014 كان من أسوأ الأعوام التي مرت بإسرائيل، فكان العدوان على غزة “عملية الصخرة الصلبة” حسب التعريف الإسرائيلي، مروراً بأحداث القدس الراهنة، تفجر فيها التوتر والعنف والكراهية، ومسلسل من القوانين العنصرية غير المسبوقة، ورفع اليمين الإسرائيلي شعارات قومية ودينية متطرفة، تمهد إلى حرب دينية أحد لا يعرف نهايتها، فإسرائيل تهدف إلى تكريس الوضع الراهن، لكسب الوقت، للاستمرار بنهب الأراضي والاستيطان ووضع حقائق جديدة على الأرض، ضاربة العالم والأمم المتحدة، والقانون الدولي عرض الحائط وحتى الاتفاقات الموقعة بينها وبين منظمة التحرير الفلسطينية.
إن وهم القدس الموحدة عاصمة إسرائيل الأزلية قد تبخر، وحسب محللين إسرائيليين، فالخيار الأقل ضرراً لإسرائيل إعادة تقسيم القدس، فهي في الواقع مقسمة، وقانون الضم ليس فقط يتعارض مع القانون الدولي، ورفض دول العالم الاعتراف بهذا الضم، بل أن قرار مجلس الأمن الدولي رقم (748) أكد بطلان قانون الضم، فحاخام الجيش الإسرائيلي العميد “رافي بيرتس”، وفي محاضرة له أمام طلاب معهد ديني في مستوطنة “عتصمونا”، قرر عدم وجود أهمية دينية للمسجد الأقصى في الإسلام، وأضاف: ماذا يفعل المسلمون في الحرم المقدسي؟ وأجاب إنهم يصلون في أطراف جبل لكن أين يسجدون؟ لمكة ومؤخراتهم موجهة نحو جبل الهيكل، فما الذي يفعلونه على جبل الهيكل؟ وخاطب طلابه: هل تعلمون أن كلمة القدس ليست مذكورة ولا مرة واحدة في القرآن؟ لا حتى بالرمز، وأن 90% من المسلمين لا يعرفون ماذا كتب بالقرآن، هآرتس 2-11-2014، ونحن نقول له: إنك جاهل، وأقوالك مغالطات وتسميم وتحريض وتشويه لأبناء جلدتك، خاصة وأن شريطاً بالصوت والصورة لهذا الحاخام بثه التلفزيون الإسرائيلي بتاريخ 26-11-2014، ونحن نرد عليه بآية كريمة من القرآن الكريم:”سبحان الذي أسرى بعبده ليلاً من المسجد الحرام، إلى المسجد الأقصى الذي باركنا حوله، لنريه من آياتنا، إنه هو السميع البصير” (1) سورة الإسراء، وعن أبي هريرة: قال رسول الله (صلى الله عليه وسلم )، لا تُشد الرحال إلا إلى ثلاثة مساجد: المسجد الحرام، ومسجدي هذا، والمسجد الأقصى”، فهذا الحاخام الجاهل والذي يتجاهل الحقائق، يعطي المواعظ إلى جيش إسرائيل الجرار، في عملية تحريض سافرة، فهو جاهل وفي منتهى الغباء والتطرف والمغالطات، فمن هو المحرض يا “نتنياهو”؟
أما الحاخام “يهودا غليك”، الذي يقود جمعية إعادة بناء الهيكل، على أنقاض المسجد الأقصى والصخرة الشريفة، والذي نجى بأعجوبة من محاولة معاقبته لعمله على هدم الأقصى، وبعد خروجه من المستشفى حاول مع أتباعه اقتحام الأقصى مرة أخرى، ودعا لاقتحام الأقصى بالآلاف، لكن الشرطة الإسرائيلية منعته من الدخول، خشية على حياته وحياة أتباعه، ففي تاريخ 9-12-2014 قال للقناة الثانية في التلفزيون الإسرائيلي: لا أريد أن أموت قبل أن أكون واثقاً من عودتي إلى الأقصى، وفتح أبوابه وأبواب الصخرة أمام اليهود، والشيء بالشيء يذكر، فقد امتلأت جدران القدس بملصقات كتب عليها “الموت للعرب”، وأن “كهانا” صدق حين قال إما نحن أو هم في هذه البلاد، فهذه النوايا، التي هي جزء من التحريض، تدفع بالنشطاء الفلسطينيين، التصدي دفاعاً عن الأقصى وعن الوطن بكل الوسائل المتاحة، كما أن التطرف الإسرائيلي بجميع أشكاله، فهناك أعمال منظمة “دفع الثمن” بحرق المساجد والمزارع وسيارات الفلسطينيين وعقاراتهم، يرفض “نتنياهو” باعتبارهم منظمة إرهابية، أي أنهم يحظون بحماية ورعاية حكومية، مما يؤدي إلى تفاقم الصراع، خاصة لعدم وجود آفاق سياسية تؤدي إلى الحل، فإن أجهزة الأمن الإسرائيلية تعترف بأنها تجد صعوبة، وعاجزة عن منع مواجهة الفلسطينيين، ونحن نكرر: من هم المحرضون؟
لقد كشفت جمعية حقوق المواطن الإسرائيلية، وهي جمعية غير حكومية، في تقريرها بمناسبة اليوم العالمي لحقوق الإنسان، ذروة جديدة من العنصرية، من اعتقالات، والاعتداء الجسدي على المحتجين الفلسطينيين، وتقييد حرية التعبير، وأن مظاهر العنصرية والعنف تجلت هذا العام ضد الفلسطينيين، وأن مشاريع القوانين العنصرية عام 2014، الأكثر يمينية وتطرفاً في تاريخ الكيان الإسرائيلي، فزعيم حزب البيت اليهودي الوزير “نفتالي بينت”، تعهد بضم الضفة الغربية لإسرائيل، بغض النظر عن موقف المجتمع الدولي من ذلك، مثلما فعلنا بضم القدس الشرقية، وهضبة الجولان فأقواله هذه قالها في مؤتمر “سابان” في الولايات المتحدة “سما الإخبارية 8-12-2014″، أما زميله في الحزب ذاته الوزير “آريي أرئيل” يقول: أن العودة إلى حدود 1967 يعتبر انتحاراً قومياً لإسرائيل، و”نتنياهو” يصور الرئيس “عباس” بالشيطان، فقد نشرت جريدة “هآرتس 27-11-2014” كاريكاتير لـ “نتنياهو” وهو يفحص ملصقاً أعده فريق دعايته الانتخابية للرئيس “عباس”، يظهره بملامح حادة، ونظرة شرسة تحمل وعيداً، بأنياب تسيل منها الدماء، لكن “نتنياهو” طلب من فريق دعايته إطالة أنياب “عباس” قليلاً، مكرراً اتهامه بالتحريض على العنف في القدس، وقال أنه شيطان، بينما علقت الجريدة على الكاريكاتير أن المعروف عن “عباس” بأن ملامحه هادئة وليس كما يصفه الكاريكاتير، ونكرر السؤال: من هو المحرض إن لم يكن “نتنياهو”، وحسب الوزير المقال من حزب يوجد مستقبل “مئير كوهن”، فإن “نتنياهو” مصاب بجنون العظمة، وفي وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي الإسرائيلي، انتشرت صور لبعض قادة إسرائيل بالزي النازي، وإلى جانبها عبارات نابية.
جوقة المحرضين على الفلسطينيين، تضاعفت مع تضاعف قوة الشارع اليميني، فوزير الاستخبارات “يوفال شتاينتس” الذي يزعم بأن يد المخربين تمسك بالبلطة، إلا أن الصوت صوت “أبو مازن”، وطالما أن إسرائيل على أبواب الانتخابات للكنيست، فإن التسابق بين الأحزاب فيما بينهم بالتحريض على الفلسطينيين، وبتحميل “عباس” مسؤولية التحريض الفلسطيني، مع أن الأجهزة الأمنية الإسرائيلية أجمعت على أن القيادة الفلسطينية لا تشجع “الإرهاب”، حتى أن رئيس الشاباك “يورم كوهن” أوضح ذلك في اجتماع لجنة الخارجية والأمن، لكن جوقة التحريض الإسرائيلية، تسلحت بمقولة “عنزة ولو طارت”، وطالما هناك فراع سياسي، وفرص السلام مغلقة، فإن العنف سيستمر، حتى حدوث الكارثة، ورئيس الشاباك السابق “كارمي غلؤون”، يتهم “نتنياهو” بتدميره الدولة، ومواصلة السياسة المتطرفة، التي ستؤدي إلى حرب يأجوج ومأجوج، متهماً “نتنياهو” بالهوس، وكتب الصحفي “شمعون شيفر” في “يديعوت احرونوت 30-11-2014” أن “نتنياهو” في بداية النهاية، وأن “نتنياهو” لم يفقد السيطرة على القدس الشرقية، إنما فقد السيطرة أيضاً على المؤسسات الإسرائيلية في القدس الغربية، وهنا يتدخل وزير الجيش “موشيه يعلون”، ليقول بأن الإدارة الأميركية لن تبقى إلى الأبد، إلا أنه يجب الحذر بسبب ردود الفعل الأميركية والغربية، لكننا سنواصل الاستيطان في الضفة الغربية، “سما الإخبارية 10-12-2014″، ففي ظل هذه السياسة الإسرائيلية العنصرية، والتحريضية التي تولد الكراهية والعنف، الذي يواجه بمقاومة الفلسطينيين، فإن الرئيس “محمود عباس”، أعلن أنه لا يمكن الاستمرار في تكريس الوضع الحالي، وأعربت جهات أمنية إسرائيلية، أنه إذا نفذت السلطة الفلسطينية تهديداتها بوقف التنسيق الأمني كما جاء في جريدة “هآرتس”، فإن الوضع الأمني سيتدهور ويقود الأمور إلى تدهور أمني خطير، في الضفة وداخل الخط الأخضر، فإسرائيل تقامر بشعبنا وشعبها.

*كاتب فلسطيني

اقرأ أيضا

الصحراء المغربية

منزلقات تأويل موقف روسيا من المينورسو

أثار التصويت على قرار مجلس الأمن الدولي بخصوص التمديد لبعثة المينورسو جدلا كبيرا في مختلف …

300 تعليق

  1. These topics are so confsuing but this helped me get the job done.

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  3. ever-awesome Jason Shen from The Art of Ass-Kicking has another blog post that captivated us: how to keep your commitments. Sounds like a no-brainer, right? Not quite so fast. You’d be surprised at what your

  4. great! i cant wait to see this. i love the fact your doing this, it just seems that alot of the popular blogs are fighting themselves to buy new things and wear completely different outfits in every single post. Realistically the average person cannot do this and do not really have the funds to buy the new acne shoes or the latest must have. IIt is great hat you are taking inspiration from others who have done this. I know that you will create killer outfits too. Cant wait to see how you do this!

  5. Heute erst habe ich den Begriff für diese Art Sendung erfahren: Reality Scripts. Das ist wohl das neue Konzept schlechthin. Nicht nur GNTM, auch Raus aus den Schulden oder Schwiegertochter gesucht kann man dazu zählen. Und die großen Sender schreiben damit Erfolge…

  6. Heya i’m for the first time here. I found this board and I find It truly useful and it helped me out much. I hope to give something back and aid others like you helped me.

  7. I am not very good at resolutions, but my aim is to make the nest year a wonderful year: stay healthy, love and be creative. Hopefully this will apply to all of us! Thanks, Michelle, for another year of creative inspiration, may the next year be the same!

  8. I used to love swooping my pieces down the ladder in Chutes and Ladders! Can't wait to find out WHY those colors ? I like! I inherited blue swirlie laminate counters in our 70's ranch — so we went w/pale yellow walls and it actually looks good! Darn those blue countertops – sorta limited.

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  10. Linda from NY // January 22, 2010 at 5:01 pmJacqlyn: This is so sad…Nevada’s unemployment rises to 13 percentLAS VEGAS REVIEW-JOURNAL ^ | Jan. 22, 2010 | JENNIFER ROBISON *****************************************Linda….Yes it is…..my husband got some bad news today also…..his job is being scaled back and will be loosing $1 an hour because of it……all I can say is at least he has a job….not like some who are loosing everything….and the crime is up here too…..lots of home invasions which is quite scary!

  11. Personally I like the title “the Sorcerer King” better. The book is about the Seventh Daughter but the sorcerer king made me wonder what was going to happen more than the seventh daughter’ would

  12. Jumatate tzara este plina de curve, fostii informatori cu mentorii lor din secu, armata, militie, esalonul 2, etc.Trebuie sa ne gandim cum obtinem indreptarea pacatosului si nu moartea lui, mai ales ca nici nu cred ca putem identifica in totalitate pacatosii (securistii sigur si-au distrus dosarele) !

  13. Dovoljno je pogledati dokumentarac Zeitgeist koji je snimljen pre dve godine i sve je jasno.Kriza je namerno izazvana samo da bi bankarski karteli koji drze federalne rezerve unistili preostalu konkurenciju i jos vise uvecale profit.

  14. Cristo! Ma BILLIE JEAN di Michael Jackson?!?!?!? Rifatta iniziare mi sembra più di una 40ina di volte da Quincy Jones perchè voleva che fosse immediatamente identificabile… di sicuro lo sarà stata all’assistente di studio

  15. December 4, 2012Great list of educators! Proud to be on the list! Would like to mention that 11 of my students were nominated this year! Not bad considering there are 50 nominees. It is important with student voice in our work to change education for the learners!! If you vote you might vote for a student as well!

  16. and why are you writing about this?? who gives a sh*t?????? to be in a cell with a double rapist means he is a shit bag, and subsequently deserves everything he gets. i mean. BOO FUCKING HOO!. and bomber, the analogy of “breaking rocks in a chain gang, singing ole man river” has been over used by you by about a million times

  17. March 23, 2012  9:30 am by It must have been such an amazing experience and a real eye opener. My parents own a school in Zambia and it is always so great to see the work that goes on. Thanks for posting.

  18. Hola,Soy Laura Casajús y me gustaría realizarle una entrevista para mi proyecto final de carrera sobre el uso de las redes sociales y los diputados.Espero su respuesta.Muchas gracias

  19. Unit, even though he renounced his membership 13 years ago and is now 52 years old. In an August Voices from Solitary post, Aragon recounted what were then his  most recent experiences: I spent the better part of 2008 and

  20. Stay safe honey – you look as fab as always. I don't blame you for flicking the bird at the chavs. I could go on at length about it cos it's made me SO mad – but I won't. Happy Curry!!! xxx

  21. that she didn't feel the need to march in the prison yard wearing a yellow star because she was no longer of Hungarian, but an Israeli (Citizen of Palestine, they said).Very powerful.

  22. haha. neida, Camilla.. Jeg tror jeg plutselig bytter den jeg! NÃ¥r den har hengt i to uker, er det kanskje for en grunn…Merekr jeg mÃ¥ ha flere slike poster- kan lønne seg for meg!

  23. Most help articles on the web are inaccurate or incoherent. Not this!

  24. Ikke sosialistisk tvang altså, men sosialdemokrati. Hadde sikkert fungert i Ap, det er jo snart kun et sentralsykehus i landet, for å samle kompittansen ett sted. Er også litt skeptisk til nødvendigheten av sammenslåing på grunn av veier som brukes som argument. Da kan vi jo like greit være nødt til å slå sammen Norge og Sverige. Ja hvorfor ikke Finland og Russland i samme slengen.

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  26. So far I’ve had two separate 2-day migraine extravaganza’s that meant looking at a computer screen made me want to hurl.Don’t feel too bad, sounds like you’ve been doing a lot better than me!

  27. Hey Linda,I agree with you, stories about love are not necessarily romance stories. The Time Travelers Wife is a love story with a twist, but I wouldn’t put it in the romance category.I like Tricia’s suggestion “People’s fiction”

  28. yeah, I had no idea the size of the Boss FV-500H volume…when it came in, I was like “THAT’S HUGE!”. Also, the line 6 pedals (the dl4s and stuff) are pretty big in person.

  29. É curioso ou não. Leio alguns comentários e chego à conclusão que os comentários que me parecem de lampiões são semelhantes aos que me parecem dos discípulos do Profeta…Tudo serve para atacar. Se a direcção não tentasse defender o Sporting, eram incompetentes, não tinham liderança, blá, blá, blá. Agora como defendem o clube, são no mínimo ridículos. AH, grandes sportinguistas…P.S.- Não tenho dúvidas que neste momento, os discípulos do Profeta prejudicam muito mais o Sporting, que os lampiões e andrades juntos.SL

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  31. The MATH is very simple…. in 10 years the US DEBT will be $26 TRILLION…and that means the Interest alone will be $1.3 Trillion annually at 5%ergo there is NO WAY that the government can continue to promise delivery of benenfits it can no longer fund.To the DEMS,, CUTTING the spending to the level of TAX RECEIPTS seems evil.ButTo the Rational Mind, there is no choice but to BALANCE the budget as suggests MUST be done.

  32. merci pour l’info, je suis d’accord avec toi car si les banques ne financent plus les etats, c’est l’ecroulement deflationsite presque assuré. En faisant ça, elles gagnent du temps et c’est pourquoi je pense que la bce voit cela d’un bon oeil. Detoute façon, à mon avis, les actifs collateraux ne seront jamais recuperes par les banques. au final, par contre, on risque de rencontrer à plus long terme le mur de l’hyperinflation, au lieu de celui de la deflation… enfin, ce n’est que mon avis

  33. …wouldn't it have been easier to just swap the engine and tranny into the honda to begin with? Even if you had to fabricate new mounts it would have been less weld work than that…

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  35. Merci, Jean.And MOJO, I rather like the atmospheric quality of the high-ISO images from my camera. Of the digital cameras I’ve used, this one’s “noise” looks more like film grain than any other.

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  40. Thanks Jacob, compliments like that really mean alot to me and makes it all worthwhile. Looking forward to some great new mongering trips in 2010. Destinations unknown yet, stay tuned.

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  42. The Absent Game…Involving me and my husband we have owned additional MP3 players through the years than I can count, together with Sansas, iRivers, iPods (common & touch), the Ibiza Rhapsody, etc. But, the last few several years I’ve settled down to one line of playe…

  43. Debbie Schlussel is an emotionally immature whack job who prefers to wage war on other conservatives with a vitriol that is normally reserved for hosts on MSNBC. One day she will turn on you."Just because a crazy person hates some of the things (and people) you hate, that doesn't make them only kinda crazy. Or less crazy. Or safe to be around crazy."I do admire Caroline Glick though.

  44. Efter den sommer vi har haft i år. (Eller har det overhovedet været sommer?) tror jeg altså heller på grangrøn. Vi bliver nødt til at få sommeren ind i stuen, hvis vi skal overleve en lang grå vinter.

  45. Youtube videos are broken for me as well. They play no sound and stop after around 3 seconds. I thought this was supposed to be the stable release, how could a bug like this get through?

  46. Hört sich jetzt nicht schlecht ab, allerdings hab ich mich schon zu sehr an Firefox gewöhnt. Im Firefox hab ich auch alle Plugins, mit denen ich arbeite. Da müsste schon viel passieren, das ich mir den Streß gebe und freiwillig wechsle.

  47. Ongelma tuhka on siksi, että se pitäisi palauttaa niille alueille, mistä puu on peräisin. Ettei jouduta kylvämään kemian tehtaista peräisin olevia lannotteita niin paljoa.

  48. … @redflymarketing Have you got any ideas on what would be the best investment, start my own blog or push affiliate programs? and if so which is the best route? thanks

  49. Hi NanditaI’m a blogger mostly write about MBA Education, after reading your article i realized importance of Regular, Controversial and News article.I’ll follow your suggestion in my upc0ming posts.

  50. Again, congratulations Megan and Tom; we so enjoyed “your day.” These pictures are fabulous; capturing the love you two share for one another! Thank you for allowing us to be a part of your day and sharing your memories.

  51. I remember “playing” Paul Revere one 4th of July many, many, MANY moons ago! What fun riding through camp at a canter yelling “the British are coming…the British are coming!” Good times and wonderful memories I will keep for a lifetime!

  52. Katharina, ich liebe Deine Karte, ist die Gorilla-Dame süß !!! Dein Paper-Arrangement ist fantastisch, die geprägten Ornamente dazu einfach genial und Deine Coloration: ohne Wort !!!Vielen lieben Dank für diesen traumhaften Beitrag zu Saturday´s Workout !

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  54. Moi, je me suis mis un raccourci du site Facebook en version mobile, et je trouve cela très bien, je comprends pas trop l’interet de l’application. En même temps, je ne suis pas trop fan de FB

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  56. Assuming that this is an accurate report (and not a poetic statement) (grin), I would suggest that replacing your monitor is likely to be less expensive than trying to have it fixed. (Speaking from hard experience.)Good luck!

  57. Boy, you have both really gotten to the heart of catechesis. It is not like other subjects, but it must be approached with the same respect and recognition of importance. What sets religion teachers and catechists apart is their need to live what they teach. There is no amount of teaching strategies that will make a catechist good at catechesis. Everyone sitting in the pew is a theologian no matter how few theology classes or books they have read. Thank you Marc and William for this reminder.

  58. You wrote: “I have always done two things at once so that I can switch up as soon as my learning curve flattens.” I’ve always done that too. I always have “side” ventures and projects going. It enhances my creativity, opens doors of opportunity, and teaches me a lot about myself. I figure that time is short and I only have one life to live so I better make the most of every moment…

  59. Anda que vaya panda de descreídos en el poder de la derecha visitan tu Kabila…jejeje. Sólo he pasado por tu blog para darte un besazo enorme y decirte que me acuerdo siempre mucho de tí.Un abrazo a tus chicas

  60. Gus : en plus de ce qu’a dit Martine, le sujet était en der du « Monde » du 4-5, sous le titre « retrouvés ».Cyber : en effet, le mot peut aussi s’employer au singulier, mais c’est nettement plus rare.Nicet : le temps futur est en train de s’étioler, et c’est un processus qui vient de loin. Il est, en outre, très souvent confondu avec le conditionnel.

  61. Eu tava lá……Foi o melhor show q já vi… O Rappa arrebenta.Os caras tocam mt…. Parabens Rappa e obrigado por trazer essa energia positiva na vida de nos brasileiros… Mofaia!!!!!!Valewsss

  62. I loved The Quest for Anna Klein by Thomas H Cook. It’s a love story for humanity and he writes so beautifully. But then there’s Feast Day of Fools by James Lee Burke. He’s the only writer I know who writes in technicolor! How can I choose just one?

  63. In our family, we have these every year as part of our traditional Christmas Eve meatless dinner. They are delicious. My mom makes 2 varieties: one with grated cheddar and sauteed onion, the second with sauerkraut and a little onion.Thanks for the website!

  64. Thanks for introducing a little rationality into this debate.

  65. old Greg!! Yeah, I think you mentioned that… Gaga was definitely a Boosh fan. Though how could anyone not be? Randomness takes human forms in Noel and Julian.

  66. oi!, eu gosto de sua escrita muito! partes nos comunicamos mais sobre a sua mensagem em AOL? Eu preciso de um especialista nesta área para resolver o meu problema. Talvez isso é você! Ansioso para vê-lo.

  67. Hadde han en svart og hvit katt også eller?!?!Så herlig å rusle rundt og ta bilder av dører! At lyst til å gjøre det på Bakklandet jeg, men siden det er så nære blir det liksom med tanken!! Dører sier litt om de som bor der:)) Her er det Åre-helg i blæsten,men det har løya no! Vurderer sterkt å tusle til sengs no, for det er så kjedelig med fotball!! Ha en flott kveld:)) Storklem Eva

  68. Elle, Marshal Field’s Supporters Unite! I didn’t know that the perks were different as I never owned either card. I refuse to go into Macy’s as the entrances to the one by me reeks of perfume from a hundred feet away so I steer very, very clear (migraine capital, anyone?). I don’t even want to know if Macy’s painted over the Granny Smith Green walls at the original Chicago location. The thought makes me too sad! I loved those walls!

  69. I'm looking for a nice Lloyd Loom chair for my spare room. Before I decorated the auction house had loads but I thought I'd wait. Now I'm ready for one they've only had knackered ones.Talking of Stevie Nicks…FM are touring next year with original(ish) line up. Fully intend to go as a Stevie lookalike.Carolinexxx

  70. 22 juin 2012I was recommended this blog by my cousin. I am not sure whether this post is written by him as no one else know such detailed about my trouble. You’re amazing! Thanks!  

  71. I thought I’d have to read a book for a discovery like this!

  72. Minusta nuori, hoidettu on mitä upeinta. Historian totuus on, että eteläisemmässä Euroopassa hakkuut olivat kestämättömiä, ja siksi siellä ihmiset kaipaavat vapaita metsiä.Onko heillä minkäänlaisia oikeuksia määrätä meidän metsien käyttöä?Tärkeintä olisi asennemuutos omassa käyttäytymisessä.

  73. We are so blessed by our sweet Jimmy and so thankful for reconnecting with Bree. What beautiful pictures and what a special way to remember this all too brief time. Thank you for the beautiful photos Bree!

  74. Oh and I’m not saying that all games should be played in those 3. Just that the US shouldn’t be afraid to play some games in big cities just because they are worried about the percentage of pro-US fans.

  75. Même si le 4S est loin de la révolution annoncée, il s’en vendra encore par centaines de milliers. Cependant, je suis tout de même assez curieux de voir fonctionner cette fonction vocale « dans la vrai vie »

  76. Un site de CP = communiqué de presse. Sinon je me suit déjà mis au blog thématique (commerce), et Google m’a bien référencé sur les mots clés « blog destockage ».Bon c’est déjà ça…

  77. Hats off to whoever wrote this up and posted it.

  78. Obviously, we need to take action in regards to these pirates, which will probably take the form of regular patrols of the area, hopefully in concert with other naval powers, and perhaps provide some sort of support to the Somalian “government” in a few blocks of Mogadishu.Other than that? I guess you aren’t paying attention…

  79. The Adalah website makes the point that the Hebron settler group is a tax deductible charity. That means that about a third of every dollar it spends is subsidized by the American taxpayer.They link to this Reuters story which deserves more attention–

  80. Really great maps, but some row/seat detail lacking.I have tickets for Section L3, Row 2, Seats 30 & 32.Are these aisle seats?If not, how many seats are in the row?Are they individual seats (like the green ones at the top of this thread), or are they benches? Looking forward to Barry!!

  81. Le 17/09/2012 à 17h24 Un pour un look plus "rock" vous auriez des idées ? (Sachant que j’aime bien les couleurs assez foncés, je porte surtout du noir, gris ect.)Mercii d’avance

  82. Appalti che qualcuno ha avallato.Fabio pensi che se per mesi i semafori di un comune hanno avuto il giallo durato due secondi il comune stesso non lo sapesse?Era una scelta dell’appaltatore che “visto che è buono” modfica il propri semafori per far guadagnare il comune a cui li vende?MA FAMMI LA CORTESIA….PRIMA DI CRITICARE CHI INFORMAZIONE L’HA SEMPRE FATTA PUNTUALE E PRECISA COME IL DOTTOR LUBRANO IMPARA A SCRIVERE IN ITALIANO…..

  83. disse:CONTINUAÇÃOLiguei essas duas discuções porque ACHO que as duas coisas estão diretamente ligadas.Evoluir o mercado deve refletir nas criações e logo nas premiações. Resultados serão consequencia disso. O caso da sua agência e o Ipod no palito, para mim, é isso,Daí a frase “Ser artistas sim. Artistas capitalistas”.Viajei longe demais?! rsrsrsrs

  84. That’s really thinking out of the box. Thanks!

  85. Cảm on TP ghé blog Về viec làm blog trên WP là free tất cả đó TP. còn khi nào mua domain thi tốn tiền domain hàng năm tùy theo domain. LL rất vui duoc làm quen với TP. TP cứ làm theo hướng dẫn nếu có gì kho khăn mà LL biết thì LL sẽ giải thích cho TP nhé Thân mến

  86. Självklart röstar jag !!! En liten parantes, skriver du om negativa saker fÃ¥r du hundratals kommentarer. Skriver du tex om nominering … Väldigt fÃ¥ kommentarer! Strunt samma, du rockar fett <3 Kramen frÃ¥n skärgÃ¥rdsdamen !

  87. You’ve captured this perfectly. Thanks for taking the time!

  88. Major Partner Dependency: While Bing and Zynga, hardly count as major partners what if the “Major Partner” in effect is the thousands of app developers? Like iTunes I don’t think that should be ignored. Facebook must keep developers on whole relatively happy (ie somewhat favorable enough deal terms and traffic).SCA: In hindsight, the SCA of previous tech juggernauts has proved not to last.Yes, it will be difficult to mount a challenge, but in a 10-20 year time frame is it possible that Facebook is disrupted, especially with the transition to new form factors? Certainly.

  89. dit :C’est claire chez Walinette, c’est claire chez Anne. Ca l’est aussi chez toi. Je pense même que c’est la meilleure façon de faire et que ça ne défigure ni ne dénature en rien ton blog. Et en fait, maintenant que je regarde, je ne m’étais jamais aperçue qu’il y avait autant de niveaux de pub. C’est bon signe ! L’équilibre est vachement précaire, et les perceptions des uns et des autres sont tellement différentes… bref, c’est pas simple !

  90. – Love the list idea…just seems to make things that much more manageable! Do you check them off as you go? I find those little checkmarks to be so satisfying. hehe.

  91. This sounds awesome Pragya. I would love to do so myself. Where did you stay in Chitkul? What kind of an accommodation was it?Since you travel so much, you may want to share your stories on kunzum. Let me know if interested.

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  93. Witam:)No i mam kolejny dzień laby,myślałam że dzisiaj pójdę z nową energią ale trudno.Dzisiaj dostałam listy od Asi Bratko i od Marzeny Cieśla z których się bardzo ucieszyłam:),Ale na zajęciach teatralnych wczoraj byłam:).Pozdrawiam Serdecznie Ewunia:)

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  95. . I don’t mind if it’s a frog,or a mouse,or rat. I just can’t stand to see a dog,or a cat go into space. You can get that to! Just imagine you beloved dog or cat being killed in space! I can connect with that because I have both!

  96. BS low – rationality high! Really good answer!

  97. Deci ori cartea asta e superba,ori faci recenzii prea bune 😐 ( merg pe ambele variante ) :))."Michael e tipul calm, cu chip angelic ÅŸi care cântă la chitară" . -Mereu mi-au placut astfel de tipi ;)). :xAmazing!Emy.

  98. That is just crazy. Thanks again Microsoft for thinking that your software is smarter than it really is. I just ran into this issue and your tip solved the issue right away.I thank you so very much for posting this. Doug

  99. Very productive indeed! I have the ABC's of aging in my WIP pile too. Funny how we all approach it different….I am stitching just like you would read a book. Good luck with it. You make me want to pull mine out of the 'time out' pile.

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  102. Proibida, deveria ser essa pessoa de colocar a cara na TV…Proibido deveria ser a abordagem e os temas que um programa dessa qualidade apresenta…Falar sobre arte, respeito, cidadania não dá ibope!!!Denegrir aquilo que não se conhece é fácil…Vem batalhar para manter vivo o espírito do Zouk e o trabalho SÉRIO de quem ama aquilo que faz…Sou solidária com vocês…Abraços Zoukeros!!

  103. I love wobbles! I have made 3 wobbles cards this week already! And now a hop! and a chance to win wobbles! What more could anyone ask for? I know I will get lost of inspiration for using wobbles – thanks for the hop, hop, hop!

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  105. agnostic would say this is the result of them being "marcher lords" with a hostile frontier, imbuing them with asabiya. I personally wonder what the TFR is if you exclude the ultra-orthodox (who don't pay taxes or face the requirement to serve in the military).

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  107. markogts,come ha fatto, sapendo che tra i suoi amici c'era qualcuno dell'assicurazione, a postare i suoi party in spiaggia?Non è così inverosimile. Molte persone accettano CHIUNQUE su FB, altre sono più selettive (come me).Potrebbe benissimo aver accettato senza sapere chi fosse quella persona oppure, nemmeno inverosimile, aver dimenticato di averla tra gli amici.Potrebbe essere successa una cosa di tipo. (nel caso sia vera)

  108. Very beautiful designs.Greenery is very good for eye sight.We shold look at the green plants for 10 minutes daily after getting up in the morning.So, we should have trees in our surrounding.

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  110. At last, someone who knows where to find the beef

  111. I own a Takamine with that same Juggernaught shape, but it’s quite difficult to get the jist of just how “mini” it really is. It makes me want to venture out to a music store just to catch a glimpse of one. Hmmm.. Very imformative post :]

  112. It’s wonderful to have you on our side, haha!

  113. some friends were over this weekend from out of state who are considering homeschooling so I told them all about this giveaway thats going on. they were really excited about it.thank you

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  117. A few years ago I’d have to pay someone for this information.

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  119. What a fun post. I love your blog too! Bridget Jones is a great character and I loved the book. i think it’s one of the best Jane Austen updates out there!

  120. I've read about this magic tape a few times now … but cough and splutter at the price, especially when I factor in the exchange rate, postage and import duties :-(Hope you had a stunning weekend.

  121. I'm really starting to believe we are all better off dead. Our world is so very fucked, its a screaming shame. Pervs and loonies have completely taken over and the damage they cause is irreparable and irredeemable.

  122. Oke, net gemist dus. We spreken elkaar gauw. Wanneer moet je weer werken? Anders even een Senseo? Bij jou of ons? Nemen we het apparaat mee.

  123. The “no humanitarian crisis in Gaza” bit is the most pervasive, and maybe most effective, part of the Israeli campaign to delegitimize and dehumanize the Palestinians under Israeli control.

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  126. Али, все дело в своде выбора, которой наделил нас Бог. Бог не покушается на эту свободу,в отличии от людей. Хотя он в большей степени имеет на это право. Человек сам выбирает и несет ответственность за свой выбор.

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  129. Problem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!If someone inadvertently uses that bubble view in full screen and minimized the window with that video playing in ANOTHER users video window that could get that user flagged/banned unjustly.Problem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  130. Having read this I thought it was extremely enlightening. I appreciate you finding the time and energy to put this information together. I once again find myself spending way too much time both reading and posting comments. But so what, it was still worthwhile!

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  133. Let me write that down. You say that the one degree rise in temperature in the past hundred years has caused all those problems? According to your reasoning there should be more cancer in Miami than in Boston. I am moving North!

  134. gorgeous! when i was a teen, my family took me on a cruise to alaska and we stopped in skagway — i swear i could move there in a heartbeat — simply breathtaking huh?! where are you headed?

  135. Ciao! Si, ho visto. Ma ora c’è una piccola evoluzione, cioè la Valeria in carne ed ossa per pochi secondi ( e per fortuna!!!!) DDBlog davvero geniale, aspettati mie segnalazioni prima o poi. Ciao!!!!! Cat =^o^=

  136. You're a busy woman! I wouldn't be looking forward to filling out the insurance forms either. Oooooh, a Christmas giveaway? For some reason, I never see your posts when I log on. We must be on some very different schedules lately because I used to be able to see them shortly after you posted. Xoxo

  137. Thanks for introducing a little rationality into this debate.

  138. Planet Asia is the shit! Dude, you couldn't have picked a better dude to put up front, yo. I have all his shit, even the early vinyl releases. good shit Culture!

  139. I have been so bewildered in the past but now it all makes sense!

  140. I’m just finishing a lap quilt, it only needs the binding. I’m starting a baby quilt which I love and I’m working on a charity quilt which needs quilting. I seem to be all over the place, but I’m not bored.

  141. La ligne rouge c’est la vedette littéraire de la Foire de brive: la compagne du Président et ses légendes!(On collait hier, au dessus de la tête de l’impétrant du Fémina, deux bandes annonce rouge vif. On pouvait remarquer quelques bulles d’air disgracieuses sous l’adhésif. Sûrement qu’elles y sont encore..)

  142. Look at you Ms. Karen – quite the lovely vignette queen yourself! Particularly like the treasured itmes in your foyer. Sentimental and personal that’s the ticket to creating a real and inviting home. Homes that look like showrooms don’t impress me one bit! Hugs to you and happy weekend!ox, Mon

  143. Alltid sÃ¥ koselig her hos deg, Randi – det er alltid en varm stemning her, sjø – veldig, veldig koselig! Og sÃ¥ flink datter da, gitt – skikkelig avansert middag, helt imponert æ! Og SÃ… deilig Ã¥ fÃ¥ det servert! HÃ¥per du fÃ¥r ei fin uke som kommer,tenk om dette været kan vare ei stund – det forjener vi no, ja! Klemmer til deg**

  144. Sawsan! This is so amazing!! I love the mille feuille tutorial! Very clear and helpful! I should definitely try to make this some time. Was really intimidated initially! What a beau!! Great job!

  145. does anyone knows … does anyone knows the name of the final song that say something like: she is a beautiful girl, she is a beautiful girl .. i am totally obsessed with this song pleaseeeeeeeeeeee, help me hahaha. Was this answer helpful?

  146. A work places ‘business culture’ can be the difference between success and failure. A bad ‘business culture’ will almost definitely end up in a high staff turnover environment which is an employers worst nightmare!

  147. Becky Adams – I absolutely love these photos. You have a gorgeous family and your little Bella is a doll. I love the variety of pictures and she really is too cute! – Becky –

  148. Hi Katie! I've been peeking in on your blog for awhile and fell in love with your advent calendar last year (it looks like EVERYONE did). Would you mind telling me how big the white felt back supporting piece is? ( I see in the comments that the pockets are 2.5").Thanks for your inspiration!

  149. Good day! I could have sworn I’ve been to this website before but after reading through some of the post I realized it’s new to me. Nonetheless, I’m definitely happy I found it and I’ll be bookmarking and checking back often!

  150. YUM! I love this kind of cake and could probably eat the entire thing in one sitting. This recipe sounds fantastic. I haven't had any in so long. I'll definitely save this recipe to try.Thanks for sharing !

  151. Ya veo que estáis todos por la segunda hipótesis: que sí se baño y que le afectó positivamente la radioactividad.Pues yo creo más en la primera. Me parece que fue un montaje para publicitar esos calzones inmensos y que causaron furor en Europa (desde entonces nos conocen como los calzonazos). Lo de que dure tanto es porque vendió su alma a Luzbel y eso además se nota en su comportamiento diario.Salud y República

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  155. zabezpieczanie danych w Poznaniu disse:Pomimo, iż większość spośród nas jest świadoma, jak bardzo niezbędne przypuszczalnie jest symetryczne , prototypów, umów, korespondencji, dzieł bądź standardowo informacji będących wytworem własnych poszukiwań, niewielu z nas ma w sobie tak dużo zawziętości tak aby proces ów realizować z odpowiednią liczba powtórzeń. Aby przeczytać wiecej możesz skorzystać z

  156. Fear (maybe) used to be your name…but the name Leslie now means courage and love!Again…excellent…you hit both the heart and the brain!

  157. "And again apropos silence if you don't have Fox News, or read bloggs from the right this story hardly made a ripple in the "mainstream" media, written or televized, as if it was just a storm in a cup of tea. It did not penetrate even the 10% layer of America."Oh Poppy Cock! I read about it in the New York Times, and heard about it from several other media sources that are not blatantly biased from the right.

  158. vallfosca escrigué:Hola ALBERT.No sé com anirà, qui ho sap?. La qüestió és si Catalunya te força suficient. En el Parlament anem molt justets, veurem.Aquest onze de setembre vinent ha d’ésser una demostració de força. Els independentistes ja podem anar pensant en les properes eleccions. Com sempre la feina pera fer i dividits. Tot i que si en Mas fa una passa endavant els independentistes sortiran de sota les pedres, no ens convé deixar “la decisió” en unes soles mans.Salutacions cordials.

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  160. i woke up at 7 today n theres no changes…hopefully later on when jpa starts operating….but dun hope high as entah sister org tuh merepek ke tak..xPharap2 hari ni..who else isnt happy kalo hari ni kluar…hahha

  161. Heippa,Kurkuista ja tomaateista hieman. Kirjoitat, ettet pidä siitä, kun tavisvihannekset ovat kaikki samannäköisiä. Viimeksi viikko sitten tomaatti- ja kurkkuviljelmillä käyneenä voin sanoa, että Ei-luomut kasvikset ovat aivan yhtä vänkyriä kuin luomutkin. Kummankin vänkyryyttä voidaan vähentää poistamalla ne heti alkuunsa, jotta suorilla olisi enemmän kasvutilaa. Suorat harmi kyllä myyvät paremmin, vaikka ovat ihan samanmakuisia kuin käyrät. Vänkyriä kurkkuja ja erimuotoisia tomaatteja tulee aina, mutta useimmat niistä menee suurkeittiöihin ym.T. H

  162. This is the reverse ICT DALAM P&P.. » Blog Archive » Hot Potatoes Cipta Soalan Interaktif diary for anyone who wants to move out out some this message. You mark so overmuch its nigh wearing to represent with you (not that I real would want…HaHa). You definitely put a new extend on a substance thats been transcribed almost for years. Good nonsense, only majuscule!

  163. We were actually wondering that VERY thing over this meal! I don’t know why they’re called oyster crackers specifically but they’re just small, thumbnail sized, saltine type crackers. Slightly thicker, slightly puffy with air inside, not filled. Like many foods, I love them because they’re cute.I’m starting to come around to the food selections we have up here. I still miss a lot of my favorites back home but now that we’re finding new things because we actually *leave the house*…

  164. If information were soccer, this would be a goooooal!

  165. | le 25 mars 2008 à 12:38|Si l’on ouvre l’article, on trouve ce titre:« Claude Perdriel annonce cède les rênes opérationnelles du « Nouvel Observateur » à Denis Olivennes  »Et en bas de page:« Le marché de la titrisation est en bisse de 25% »Tout s’explique !

  166. Glutamin har ikke nevneverdig effekt pÃ¥ proteinsyntesen. Det fungerer dog rimelig greit som en av kroppens vanligste aminosyrer.BCAA er for de fleste unødvendig. Det er stor forskjell pÃ¥ hvilke tilskudd en som skal i konkurranseform har nytte av og en som vil komme i grei form. BCAA er i sÃ¥ mÃ¥te unødvendig om du spiser greit med kjøtt, meieriprodukter, egg og fisk ellers – da fÃ¥r du i deg fint med BCAA. Spar pengene og spis litt bedre mat!

  167. Hanne: been there, done that, har også I <3 Jordan Catalano-Tskjorte:-)MCSL tåler gjensyn. Men du må være forberedt på at du kanskje blir litt småforelska i pappan til Angela i stedet for i Jordan. Det var mitt "Når skjønte du at du var blitt voksen"-øyeblikk.

  168. i have a question for you illnacordi have a doberman also, he is a 6 month old male and i’m having the same problem. I just recently moved back into my parents house and he has to stay out back more than he is use to.But i he starts crying hysterically after a minute and will not stop until he comes inside. Any suggestions??

  169. Siganus, n’ayant jamais eu de portefeuille, la différence que je faisais entre petits et grands actionnaires était fondée sur quelques préjugés que vous faites bien de bousculer. Comme certains de ceux dont vous parlez, il m’est arrivé parfois de tomber dans le piège de l’impôt des imbéciles*. Mais comme je suis une incorrigible cigale, j’oubliais alors de regarder si j’avais gagné ! *C’est ainsi qu’un prof d’économie qualifiait les jeux qui rapportent beaucoup d’argent… à l’État.

  170. Hmmmm w tym filmiku czegoÅ› brakuje … a tak systemu walki albo po prostu slabo widać Ja na to niecierpiwie czekam bÄ™dzie można toczyćprawdziwe pojedynki na miecze lub topory.Notch mógÅ‚ dodać nowÄ… broÅ„ np kusze lub dÅ‚ugÄ… pike.

  171. Thanks Henry. I've got several more already written and ready to go. I really appreciate the work you guys all put into the resource. Anything I can do to help further the conversation pales in comparison. Thanks again!My recent post

  172. Me ha encantado este post, tengo 17 años i había oido hablar de este diario, pero jamás pude leer uno de sus ejemplares. Muchísimas grácias! Por cierto, un país con una prensa deportiva y una prensa del corazón tan fuerte no deja espacio para los diarios populares como los que arrasan en el norte de Europa.

  173. It’s a pleasure to find such rationality in an answer. Welcome to the debate.

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  178. don’t you worry…every thing will be fine…and to those who try to bring you down, always remember sir that you have your (true) friends that will serves as your “shock absorber ” that will lift you up every time you fall down… =)

  179. Grattis till 5 år i blogglandet!Du gör så otroligt mycket fint och är så otroligt inspirerande!Gillar allt du gör!Alltid kul med tutorials samt få veta mer om hur du färglägger!TACK för möjligheten att vinna denna underbara candy!KRAM SUSY

  180. The new Zune browser is surprisingly good, but not as good as the iPod’s. It works well, but isn’t as fast as Safari, and has a clunkier interface. If you occasionally plan on using the web browser that’s not an issue, but if you’re planning to browse the web alot from your PMP then the iPod’s larger screen and better browser may be important.

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  182. Sharp thinking! Thanks for the answer.

  183. hey u all should make + size cloths cuz most of da i see wear ur shoes but cant get the cloths cuz da 2 fat. so u should make tops xxl and mabe bottoms 0-22 but ur stuf is awlsome i have all ur shoes and 3 jackets but my friend only has shoes cuz she a little fat so u sholud think about meking them bigger

  184. What’s the safest home exercise equipment when you have very young children in the house?When one has young children (under the age of three), one obviously ends up spending a good deal of time at home & it’s difficult to get to the gym. However, most treadmills and exercise bikes have moving parts that are dangerous for small, curious toddlers. Is there home exercise equipment out there that is child-safe, or ways to better child-proof home exercise equipment you already have?

  185. The answer of an expert. Good to hear from you.

  186. you missed the previous days to 31 Day to Warm Connections … Day 1 (and 700 31 Day Bloggers): Secret Ingredient to Warmer Connections Day 2: Bringing the Beauty of Autumn to Your Table Day 3: Multi-Generational Pear Applesauce Day 4:

  187. Vegetarian staples at our house:Japanese pancakes (must have the proper Japanese mayo and sticky soy)Roast pumpkin risottoBaked potatoesHomemade pastiesAnd nachos always go down well!

  188. dit :Encore un truc que tu m’auras enseigné : des petits triangles de rien du tout, point barre.Je vais te dire : un truc pareil a changé ma vie.Et je l’applique du soutif et du maillot, car j’aime parfois être une bonne élève.

  189. Penso che un missile che viaggia sui 200 orari faccia distrugga qualunque vettura. Teoricamente la Nano è un’auto da città ed incidenti legati alle velocità eccessive non dovrebbero essere così frequenti (non dovrebbero). Penso che più o meno sia come essere in una microcar, una delle tante che popolano Roma, ad esempio!

  190. That only means that the recovery image hasn’t been installed. Your phone is still perfectly good. Try just running the root again (after pulling the battery and restarting your phone).

  191. If you want to have all types of corals – use one of our Panorama Pro modules in 12K White/445nm Blue and one 445nm Blue Stunner LED strip. This will provide plenty of light for any type of coral or clam you want to keep in the aquarium.

  192. Hello! I recently got my webpage indexed in Google. I know the google bot passed it and indexed it due I see the searches of my company in a small list under the Title. Problem is that the same day I got it listed I changed the URL of a very important part of my website. How can I make Googlebot to pass and redo my listing? thank you! 🙂

  193. Somehow real comments got marked as “spam” so I’m just now seeing these. I’m sorry!And of course! A “meant to be gooey inside volcano cake.” That’s perfect. I will say that next time. I would love to have some Cynthia gingerbread cookies. I know those have got to be good.

  194. Felt so hopeless looking for answers to my questions…until now.

  195. This one is for ledwards4One of my patients mentioned their provider suggested Interferon to treat their hepatitis C. Other patients treated by this method can achieve viral clearance and improve liver biochemistry. Hopefully this will be successful treatment for this blood borne virus. The use of interferon can help treat Multiple Sclerosis as well.

  196. Does ‘nationwide’ mean USA? and only the lower 48? Please make that plainer.I would use it to read when I’m out, use a dictionary or encyclopedia (I am an information junky and hate to be wrong).

  197. Well put, sir, well put. I’ll certainly make note of that.

  198. Om du vill gÃ¥ ännu djupare och bli hardcore, sÃ¥ ta dig till en crossbana och vingla runt i depÃ¥n – där svävar ett himmelrike av bensin blandad med 2% 2-taktsolja. Sååå gott!

  199. Nil_Lin 09 Ekim 2008 Hadi çayı anladık bari sigara görünmeseydi (( Küçüklere iyi örnek olalımmm )) Nese küle dikkat et yere dökülecek sonra yenge hanım kızmasınnn. Sanırım bi dene bebeniz olcak hayırlısı ile belkim bi kişi daha bırakır sigarayı Bizimkiler öyle bırakmışlar ))

  200. LOL I should have known you’d be singing. I’ve learned a lot of tolerance from my children, and I know my mother has learned some from me. If we can catch them early they will teach their parents.

  201. Help, I’ve been informed and I can’t become ignorant.

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  203. Beautiful pictures of a very loved up and happy couple! Can’t wait to see the whole album – well done Natasha you had a long day, and got the job done in a professional and friendly way.Many thanks indeedPete and Carole

  204. aoifemcHi Eadaoin, so glad you liked the recipe! It is curiously comforting isn’t it? And I’m sure it was delish with the veg stock and macaroni. I might whip up a bowl of it for myself this evening…

  205. J’ai appris que c’était un gros cochon vicieux qui fait dans le harcèlement sexuel d’employées, malgré ses airs de merlan frit. Pfff, si on peut même plus se fier au délit de faciès maintenant… *rolleyes*

  206. I have to thank you for the efforts you have put in penning this site. I’m hoping to see the same high-grade content by you later on as well. In fact, your creative writing abilities has encouraged me to get my own, personal site now

  207. That really captures the spirit of it. Thanks for posting.

  208. What a great story! And any book that gets our kids to read is a good one as far as I’m concerned! Loved the image of you as you perceive yourself on the inside!El Phoenix Farris recently posted..

  209. Va rog,astept un sfat cit mai urgent,vreau sa-mi cumpar parat,prefer u nsfat de la voi care stiu ca e sincer decit de la o vinzatoare care ma poate pacali cu usurinta. NU STIU CE INSEAMNA MPX..ZOOM OPTIC…ETc…NU inteelg. Spuneti-mi va rog ce tip de aparat sa iau sau ce caracteristici minime trebuie sa aiba…Nu vreau sa fie f scump ,repet,doar pt poze in casa si in concediu. Multumesc anticipat pentru sprijin.

  210. Is this the last in the series or are is there more? I haven’t gotten this far yet but I think my subscription is ending soon and I don’t think I’ll have much money to spend after. Just wondering. I suppose I can pay another 10 for 30 more days in a few weeks but it doesn’t seem like this series gets updated a lot (if this isn’t the last video).

  211. Good blog! I really love how it is easy on my eyes and the data are well written. I’m wondering how I might be notified whenever a new post has been made. I’ve subscribed to your RSS feed which must do the trick! Have a great day!

  212. Olá!Eu deveria recomecar hoje a tomar a pílula (após pausa para mestruacao), no entanto só cosigo obte-la amanha de manha… Quais sao os riscos? Quanto tempo até fazer efeito novamente? Mesmo assim devo tomá-la amanha quando a obter?Obrigada

  213. Thanks a lot for sharing this with all people you really realize what you’re speaking about! Bookmarked. Please also discuss with my site =). We can have a link exchange contract between us! Wish you luck!

  214. Your posting lays bare the truth

  215. lucia messiasNão sei de vcs poderão dar-me esta informação:- Pode-se na recepção do casamento dar o bem casado e as amêndoas ao convidados? Não fica muito “over”?Grata

  216. Yup, that should defo do the trick!

  217. e uma pouca vergonha naum mais que St.Mariana pois aqui nem medico temos.temos que sair daqui para ir na Santa casa de Cornelio e esperar pela boa vontade dos medicos

  218. banka hesabı üçümüzün adına değil annem ve kardesim ayrı ayrı kira gelirini almakta.annem için götürü usulu benim için gerçek usul ve kızkardesim içinde kira sözleşmesinde kefil oldugundan gerçek usul yönteminde beyan veremezmiyimteşekkürler.

  219. Scruffy Mummy March 14, 2007 So she’s going to be a full time slacker than? Lucky cow. I want to win the lottery and hire a cool androyonous nanny too!!

  220. I love Ellie too! She is on my favorites list. You know what I just found that helps me, is organizing my recipes into folders, so I can quickly look up dinner or breakfast or salad/soup! Now I want to try and fix a shopping list in the evenings so I know what I can cook the next day.

  221. Good blog! I really love how it is simple on my eyes and the data are well written. I’m wondering how I could be notified when a new post has been made. I’ve subscribed to your feed which must do the trick! Have a nice day!

  222. For my first 38 years, I tried to “fix” hurting people with the Truth. For the past three years, I have offered the Truth to those who are hurting… and there has been more power and change then I ever saw in my first four decades.God has told me to stop trying to fix people’s symptoms… and offer HIM alone.

  223. I’m happy you enjoyed reading, Kafkaesque. I’m very afraid of German Sherperds, so I’m glad we at least agree on so many other things. I hope your new year will be excellent!

  224. Appreciating the dedication you put into your website and detailed information you provide. It’s great to come across a blog every once in a while that isn’t the same old rehashed material. Great read! I’ve saved your site and I’m including your RSS feeds to my Google account.

  225. Brianna, I was totally going to post about my Skull Metallica shirt (which is a concert shirt from their 2003 Sanitarium tour at the Coliseum), and then I read your comment about it.Well, guess what, I’m wearing it right now. HA!So yes, I’ve been outed, my big addiciton is my heavy metal and I love my small child scaring skull Metallica shirt, which will probably hit the bottom of the shirt drawer soon. So shoot me. Maybe I can be the first person to wear a Met shirt to a G3….

  226. Articles like this are an example of quick, helpful answers.

  227. Hey, you’re the goto expert. Thanks for hanging out here.

  228. I searched a bunch of sites and this was the best.

  229. Beautiful sunrise… some of the most gorgeous sunrises and sunsets I have seen were during my two week stay in Brooklyn at the apartment of some friends… they were on the fifth floor and had a gorgeous roof view. Very nice.

  230. Platoon did it for me. I watched it as a kid (probably 13) and it just grabbed me. I have been addicted to war movies and have had a place in my heart for people who have experienced combat ever since.

  231. It is surprising to note how bulk of the media is unable to distinguish between an arch Dravidan like Karuna Nidhi or his daughter's view about Diwali as the Northern Aryan festival and their aversion to celebrate the same. It is a different matter that she should have got the bail irrespective of the festival now that the charges are framed and the deferment could be of technical nature. When yhe media is trying to portray itself aS KNOW ALL,CURE ALL PROBLEMS it is sad to see them falter this way.

  232. términos a través de los cuales llegan los visitantes a este artículo:rosti alemana gastronomia suiza platos tipicos pizzoccheri cultura gastronomica de suiza papet vaudois proviene salchicha del canton de vaud gastronomia de suiza desayuno suizo ingredientes receta del papet vaudois desayuno suizo

  233. It’s always a relief when someone with obvious expertise answers. Thanks!

  234. I'm not able to upgrade from 12.0.742.30 dev-m (Windows XP SP2) to 13. "About Google Chrome" window shows message "Upgrade server unavailable (error: 3)". Any ideas?For Linux upgrade from 12.0.742.30 to 13 went smoothly.

  235. Así es, yo he rescatado todo tipo de artilugios (juguetes, peines, un mando a distancia, el móvil…)y es que los niños tienen predilección por el baño para sus juegos ¿por qué? ellos sabrán…Cambiando de tema: a mí no me regaleis un enlace ¿eh? no me seais tacañas y rascaros un poco el bolsillo, que yo lo valgo, hombre ya.

  236. Everything’s out a pocket. They can’t get ahead in no way they try. Banksters are working everybody. They’re working poor folks to death. It’s got the poor folks wondering: “which is which?”. “Surely somebodies doing sometin’ slick, down town” , they might think. The problem situation is abstract. Make me wanna holler, “ Oh, Lord have mercy to seen. Won’t somebody please help them to see land Lord .”

  237. I bow down humbly in the presence of such greatness.

  238. Sheila, the only one I’ve found was Madame du Barry: The Wages of Beauty by Joan Haslip, who seems to be as thoughtful and intelligent a writer as Antonia Frasier (quite a compliment). I found my copy completely randomly in a used bookstore but checking online, it’s available on amazon.com. If you do happen to find a copy, I’d love to hear what you think of it!

  239. Åh. Just såna där sjögrejer, uff. Så jättenojig för såna monster. Ibland så att jag inte alls kan gå och simma. Inte ens i simbassänger. Så, I hear you, minna!

  240. Parabéns Maike & Mari! *-*Toda felicidade e todas as bençãos de Deus sobre vocês, sempre! Que o baby Murilo venha trazer ainda mais luz para esta bela família! (:Bjsbjs :* Fernanda!

  241. Äntligen någon som läser min blogg före spajders. Du gör det va? Den kom nämligen vilse i cyber när jag lekte domänvetare. http://www.jenniestinksrok.wordpress.comHälsa Ryssland från jennie stinks rök.

  242. “Tiedemies”, erota henkilöt. _Minä_ en kirjoittanut joutuvani kahnauksiin ympäristöni kanssa. Mutta mielestäni suhtautumisesi ei silti ole rakentavaa, vaan käytät vain hyväksesi tilaisuutta hyökätä henkilön kimppuun.

  243. Guess, I’m being impatient, but can’t help it. It’s already October, so, when can we, Pink Eiga fans, finally get new DVDs and what are the supposed titles? I hope to purchase some of your products soon.

  244. Platter, Creative Juice, The Mommy Club, Your Green Resource, Show Off Your Stuff, Simple Lives Thursday, It’s a Keeper, Frugal Friday, Fight Back Fridays, Freaky Friday, Fresh Bites Friday, and

  245. famcruvar, poco ves de futbol, ajjaja ahora brasil está muy pero muy a la par con los otros equipos sudamericanos, hoy por hoy no es la gran maravilla…! hé dicho señores ajajja!!

  246. at 14:22A good way is to use avrdude to read the current (default) fuse settings of your device, then use the Fuse Calculator to get those same fuses, after which you change just the crystal setting or any other settings you actually understand (that’s how I usually do it :).You might also want to check my AVRweb utility, it can read the current fuses and update settings accordingly, although it’s still in early alpha stage, so double-check with AVR Fuse Calculator if you want to be sure…

  247. I’ve got a part-time job Ya notice he didnt start moaning until he put it in her ass? Must be one loose pussy… He had a real nice thick load…

  248. Thanks, Kevin.I wrote down these feelings to define and remember for me, otherwise it will just be tangled and burried in the back of my mind. Knowing what exactly I was going through helps the coping and healing process.Your words are very encouraging and healing.

  249. We had the months of colic as well, and I SO get your Ciloc monster. It was so hard, and to this day, eventhough he’s generally happey,whenever I hear him start to cry, my shoulders bunch up in a knot and I brace myself for the long haul. Gut reaction.

  250. It’s imperative that more people make this exact point.

  251. Audrey dit :Heilsarmee ou Carrousel, effectivement ce sont les deux qui possèdent les meilleures chansons tout en gardant une âme suisse (alors que Melissa Lopez, ça fait pas suisse du tout)Et j’espère bien que l’autre singe sera disqualifié !!

  252. BATF death count…76, including 17 children at Waco compliments of Janet Reno and Bill Clinton. 200+/- (number of children unknown) in Mexico thanks to Fast and Furious and Eric Holder. Number of ATF agents and supervisors sentenced to prison terms…ZERO.

  253. You’ve impressed us all with that posting!

  254. à·‚ා……….නියම à·€ිදියට සරලව ගලපල තියනවා.ඉදිරියටත් පැà·„ැදිලි කිරිරීම් මේ à·€ිදියට සරලව දාන්න පුලුවන් ක්‍රමයක් තියනවනම් à·„ොඳයි.thanks මිත්‍රයා….

  255. kos deg, passer i disse spøkelsestider! hihi 🙂 saa fin bloggen din er blitt! likte ogsaa doen dere har pussa opp! flinke er dere :)kos dere i helga :)klem/lisa

  256. Wishing you the best, all of these goals are great! I would recommend reading about intuitive eating, really has helped me lesson the feelings I had about food. Hope to hear more about your journey soon! Xo

  257. Club, Dr Laura’s Tasty Tuesday,?? Totally Tasty Tuesday, Tasty Tidbits, Tuesday Time Out, What’s on Your Plate, Recipes I Can’t Wait to Try, What’s Cooking Wednesday, What’s on the Menu Wednesday,

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  266. I've never seen anyone play with the lengths of their clothes to create style but this works beautifully. It entices the mind.I'm gonna steal your idea (and will credit you for it).

  267. На самом деле, бороться с желанием очень тяжело, особенно если на сайте проскакивают картинки эротического содержания. Побороть это можно только самому, как вспомнишь что это усталость на весь день так и перехочеться.

  268. Je ne vais faire que répéter les commentaires précédents: très belles images Avec une atmosphère à la fois elfique et terrienne. Et s’il me fallait en choisir une, j’en choisirais 2: la première qui est la plus statique, comme un rêve immobile, et la dernière, sans trop savoir pourquoi. Juste une histoire d’émotion.Bonne journée

  269. , how about we take your assertion about invention to its logical extent, and remove all the silly distinctions between ‘Jews’ and ‘Palestinians’ in Israel? Or does your invented identity come before the suffering of millions of innocent people?

  270. Ciao Riccardo,ho provato ad implementare questo script nella mia pagina, ma ricevo l’errore di ” chiamata fallita”, da cosa potrebbe dipendere?Grazie dell’aiuto,Elisa

  271. I'm your "Exhibit A", Doug.Did you hear, when Mitt Romney was asked about student loans, he responded, basically, "Pick a money-making major"?The ONLY thing that would keep the Rethuglicans from hurling me to the wolves, is that my book-learnin' was all about Jeeesus (well, until they hear it's Episcopal-Church Jesus, and THEN I become Wolf Chow!)

  272. Have you ever considered going back to the roots and going for a more sandbox approach? Balance be damned? Eventually players retire and build a keep because they have “won” so to speak and run out of challenges. Next character!

  273. So easy! I love that you can take advantage of of season food to dress them up. We just stopped buying rice bars and I’ve been looking for an alternative. Thanks!

  274. Btw, Schulz the comic artist was 1000x the artist Rockwell could ever be. He loved America and children and all that, but he didn't have a mawkish sentimentality.My favourite analysis of is Al Capp's: "The Peanuts characters are good, mean, little bastards, eager to hurt each other."You could say he meant it as a compliment, but Schulz didn't seem to think of it as such.

  275. mag15 io parlerei anche delle porte che si aprono da sole a chi sa aspettare i comodi del sistema mentre chi vorrebbe muoversi più veloce del sistema italico ormai apatico ci sbatte contro

  276. Det verkar vara fina safari som du är ute på. Är du med och ordnar dessa?I oktober är det dags för mig att åka till Alanya för att vara där fram till jul. Kan du tipsa om utflykter med seriösa reseföretag?

  277. I’m not easily impressed. . . but that’s impressing me! 🙂

  278. I’m not sure why but this website is loading very slow for me. Is anyone else having this issue or is it a issue on my end? I’ll check back later and see if the problem still exists.

  279. A great many of us talk about the collapse of WashCorp(r) sometime in the next 80 years or so.Or, um, .The realm cares what its residents do. It does not care what they think.I work for a Fortune 500 company, and I can assure you that they do indeed care what I think. I get endless stupid, time-wasting emails that amount to “we want you to think this way”. I just thank God they don’t bother wasting a lot of effort monitoring what we think (they pretty much only care when they’ve decided to can you anyway).

  280. I loved hearing about your trip and like the other commenters, eagerly await the next post. Sounds like you all got on famously, and I do find that having such a passionate hobby in common loads the dice in favour of a "close encounter" of the fragrant kind. : – )

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  282. This makes everything so completely painless.

  283. Yeah I get it. I was happy with the way it played out though, they were both tempered somewhat and the reconnection helped. If that hadn’t been there, I might have felt differently. But it also shows you what kind of bad feelings can come from living in such a small space with someone and resentment sprouting up!

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  285. In addition to the Sullivan guy Steve has written about, there is this aborigine, Pancho Gonzales, Arthur Ashe, Babe Ruth…Citing sports figures and entertainers is trivial. How about limiting this dicussion to individuals who have achieved POLITICAL POWER?

  286. The subsequent time I learn a blog, I hope that it doesnt disappoint me as a lot as this one. I imply, I know it was my choice to read, but I truly thought youd have one thing interesting to say. All I hear is a bunch of whining about something that you may repair when you werent too busy looking for attention.

  287. A little rationality lifts the quality of the debate here. Thanks for contributing!

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