السلطة الفلسطينية.. بعد محمود عباس

بقلم: وليد عبد الحي

تُمثل البنية السياسية الفلسطينية في أبعادها الثلاثة: السلطة والدولة والمجتمع، حالة عصية على التحليل السياسي استناداً للمناهج التقليدية، ولما كانت مناهج الدراسات المستقبلية معنية بالاتجاه التاريخي وآليات التحول والتغير، فإن النظر في هذه البنية لا بد له أن يتكئ على إيقاع ونمط التغير في الاتجاهات لمكونات البنية السياسية الفلسطينية المشار لها (السلطة، الدولة، المجتمع)، وكيفية التأثير المتبادل بين هذه الأبعاد على ملامح الصورة المستقبلية.

أولاً: السلطة الفلسطينية:

دون الغرق في التفاصيل التاريخية، يمكن القول بأن تولّي السلطة في الساحة الفلسطينية “فردياً وتنظيمياً” منذ سنة 1964(إنشاء منظمة التحرير الفلسطينية)، مرتبط بمتغير مركزي يتمثل في درجة الالتزام “بالكفاح المسلح لتحرير فلسطين والالتزام بالثوابت الفلسطينية”، وحيث يغيب هذا المتغير المركزي في توجهات أي شخصية فلسطينية أو تنظيم فلسطيني تهتز درجة مشروعية هذا التَبَوؤ. فمنذ أحمد الشقيري مروراً بيحيى حمودة فياسر عرفات فعباس، كان تبني “الكفاح المسلح” هو المدخل الوحيد لتأسيس مشروعية تولّي السلطة، وهو ما ينطبق على بروز منظمة التحرير الفلسطينية على حساب منظمة التحرير الفلسطينية (الشقيري) التي اتهمتها حركة فتح في حينها بمجاراة السياسات العربية في النصف الأخير من ستينيات القرن الماضي. كما أن تنامي شعبية حركة حماس منذ الثمانينيات من القرن الماضي على حساب حركة فتح، كان بعد نزوع الأخيرة التدريجي نحو التسويات السلمية للصراع العربي الصهيوني والتراجع عن بعض الثوابت الفلسطينية.
ذلك يعني أن بقاء الاحتلال والتهجير والاستيطان (السمة التاريخية للمشروع الصهيوني) سيفرض على أيّ قيادة جديدة احترام الاتجاه التاريخي الفلسطيني المتمثل في العلاقة بين “قيادة الحركة الوطنية الفلسطينية بتجسداتها المختلفة”، وبين تبني المقاومة المسلحة واحترام ثوابت المشروع السياسي الفلسطيني، باعتبار ذلك هو دالة المشروعية لأيّ سلطة أو قيادة قادمة.
ولما كانت السلطة الفلسطينية الراهنة (السلطة الوطنية ومنظمة التحرير) تعيش مأزقاً ذاتياً وموضوعياً، بفعل تحلّلها من دالة الاتجاه التاريخي الذي أشرنا له، فإن الصورة المستقبلية توحي بالآتي:

اختفاء الرئيس محمود عباس من المشهد الفلسطيني خلال فترة قصيرة (سواء بحكم الشيخوخة 81 عاماً”، أم بحكم استقالة هدد بتقديمها مراراً، أم بحكم حادث يدبره خصومه داخل فتح أو خارجها أو جهة إسرائيلية، وبحكم عدم تعيين نائب له حتى الآن)، وهو ما سيطرح بداية موضوع “الخلافة” لعباس، وهنا تتضح معالم المأزق:

1. تتمثل أبرز الشخصيات المرشحة سواء بدعم من داخل فتح أم بدعم إقليمي أم دولي في كل من: صائب عريقات، ومروان البرغوثي، ومحمد دحلان، ومحمد اشتية، وسلام فياض وماجد فرج. ونظراً لوجود مروان البرغوثي في السجن، وفصل دحلان من حركة فتح منذ 2011 وإحالته للقضاء، واتهام فياض بفساد مالي بالرغم من طول مدة عمله كرئيس وزراء (2007-2013)، ومحدودية الدور لمحمد اشتية بحكم عضويته الحديثة في اللجنة المركزية لحركة فتح (سنة 2009) وعضوية المجلس المركزي الفلسطيني (2014)، وارتباط ماجد فرج بالمؤسسات الأمنية بما يتناقض مع التوجه الغربي نحو عدم عسكرة السلطة، ونفور قطاعات واسعة من الفلسطينيين من الدور الأمني للسلطة الفلسطينية، فإن صائب عريقات يحظى بقدر من القبول الدولي والإقليمي، إلى جانب ارتقاء موقعه السياسي بشكل يبدو مخططاً له كسكرتير عام للجنة التنفيذية لمنظمة التحرير الفلسطينية بعد عزل ياسر عبد ربه، ناهيك عن احتمال حصوله على مزيد من أدوات المساندة التنظيمية من قبل عباس في الفترة القادمة من ناحية، ورغبة قطاع مهم في حركة فتح أن يكون سكرتير عام اللجنة التنفيذية لمنظمة التحرير هو الذي يتولى منصب الرئيس في حال شغور المنصب من ناحية ثانية، وهو ما قد تُمهد له الاستقالات من اللجنة التنفيذية والتي جرت في آب/ أغسطس 2015.
وبالرغم من أن هناك إطاراً دستورياً لمعالجة مسألة الخلافة السياسية، يتمثل في تطبيق النص الدستوري (المادة 37)، بأن يتولى رئيس المجلس التشريعي السلطة في حال شغور منصب الرئيس لمدة ستين يوماً يتم خلالها إجراء انتخابات رئاسية، فإن تقاليد الالتزام بالنصوص الدستورية في التاريخ السياسي الفلسطيني لا تكفي لتوقع الالتزام هذه المرة، لا سيما أن رئيس المجلس الحالي عزيز دويك ينتمي لحركة حماس، ناهيك عن أن المجلس شبه مشلول بينما المجلس المركزي لمنظمة التحرير لا تشارك فيه حركتا حماس والجهاد الإسلامي.

2. إن مشكلة فتح وعريقات تحديداً تكمن في أنهما ليسا على توافق مع الاتجاه التاريخي (تبني المقاومة المسلحة وثوابت المشروع الفلسطيني)، وهو ما قد يعني احتمال وقوع ثورة داخل حركة فتح تستيقظ فيها كوادر شبابية من كتائب الأقصى أو غيرها وتزاحم القيادة الحالية ونهج التسوية، وقد تجد مثل هذه الحركة تأييداً من قيادات تاريخية في فتح مثل فاروق القدومي، والتنظيمات الفلسطينية الأخرى ومن ضمنها حماس والجهاد الإسلامي والجبهة الشعبية، ناهيك عن بعض المساندة الإقليمية من بعض القوى، ولعل فشل حركة فتح في الانتخابات الطلابية في جامعة بيرزيت في نيسان/ أبريل 2015 وما رافق ذلك من هزة معنوية للحركة يعزز مثل هذا التصور.

3. بناء على ما سبق، فإن احتمال النزاع الداخلي في حركة فتح (بعد عباس) هو أمر لا يجوز استبعاده، لا سيما أن هذه الحركة تضم تيارات كشف الصراع الأخير بين قياداتها عن توتر داخل الحركة قد يقود لمواجهات عنيفة، بل قد يستقوي بعضها بقوى الاحتلال والقوى الدولية والإقليمية لصالحه.

4. بناء على ما سبق، يبرز دور “الاتجاه التاريخي” (المقاومة المسلحة والثوابت)، ليفتح المجال للقوى الأخرى المتشبثة بهذين البعدين، خصوصاً حركة حماس وحركة الجهاد الإسلامي، وهما حركتان لن يسمح الاحتلال والقوى الإقليمية، بخاصة العربية والقوى الدولية لهما بهذا الدور، ما لم تجدا قاعدة ارتكاز لهما خارج نطاق الأرض المحتلة. مما يعني ضمور دور القيادات الداخلية لصالح قيادات الخارج وعودة السلطة الفلسطينية “للمنفى” ثانية أو الانتقال كاملاً إلى قطاع غزة، مما يشي بتغير المشهد السلطوي الفلسطيني كاملا.

ثانياً: الدولة الفلسطينية:

إذا تجاوزنا عدم التجسد المكاني للدولة الفلسطينية، لا يبقى سوى ” مشروع الدولة” المعترف به قانونياً في الأمم المتحدة ومن قبل أغلب هيئات ووحدات المجتمع الدولي المعاصر. لكن الحدود السياسية لهذه الدولة ما تزال موضع “تفاوض”، وهو ما يعني أن السلطة الفلسطينية بعد عباس هي التي ستحدد الإطار الجغرافي لها. فإذا تولى السلطة لاعبو أوسلو (من حركة فتح) فإن التفاوض سيمتد لفترة زمنية جديدة مترافقاً مع استمرار الاستيطان في الضفة الغربية وتهويد القدس، بينما إذا تولت السلطة قيادة فلسطينية – خصوصاً في المنفى -، من المتمسكين بالاتجاه التاريخي، فإن مشروع الدولة الفلسطينية سيتعرض من الناحية القانونية لضغوط دبلوماسية هائلة، وسيكون ميزان القوى الدولي والإقليمي والفلسطيني هو العامل الحاسم في تحديد الوضع القادم، وهو أمر يحتاج لبحث منفصل (احتمالات التحول في موازين القوى الداخلية والإقليمية والدولية)، أي أن المأزق الفلسطيني سيتمثل في بروز قيادة تواصل التفاوض غير المجدي مع استمرار الاستيطان، أو بروز قيادة مقاومة جديدة متمسكة بالاتجاه التاريخي (المقاومة والثوابت) لكنها ستواجه ضغوطاً دولية وإقليمية هائلة.

ثالثاً: المجتمع الفلسطيني:

إذا كانت السلطة هي التعبير السياسي عن إرادة المجتمع وآليات تنظيمه، وإذا كانت الدولة هي الإطار القانوني للتعبير عن الوجود المادي في المجتمع الدولي، فإن المجتمع هو مادتهما، وهو ما يعني ضرورة رصد مدى التصاق المجتمع بالاتجاه التاريخي (المقاومة والثوابت) في تحديد من يحكم وأين يحكم.
وبالرغم من عسر الجغرافيا والموارد والبيئة الإقليمية والدولية، يمكن اعتبار قطاع غزة بقيادته وأغلبية مجتمعه هو التجسيد الفعلي للاتجاه التاريخي، وهو ما أسهم – إلى جانب عوامل أخرى – في تحرير هذه الجغرافيا الفلسطينية، وهو ما يعني أن المجتمع الفلسطيني سيواجه في المستقبل أربعة نماذج:

أ. مجتمع فلسطيني يميل أغلبه لتبني نموذج غزة الحالي.
ب. مجتمع يميل أغلبه لتبني نموذج الضفة الغربية الباقية على وضعها الحالي.
ج. بقاء الانقسام الجغرافي الحالي خلال الفترة القادمة (خمسة أعوام).
د. إعادة القوات الإسرائيلية احتلال كل من المنطقتين احتلالاً كاملاً.

المجتمع الفلسطيني خارج فلسطين:

يشكل المجتمع الفلسطيني خارج فلسطين، خصوصاً في دول الجوار، بيئة حاضنة للمنظمات الفلسطينية كلها، غير أن “الاضطرابات السياسية” في البيئة العربية منذ نهاية سنة 2010 قلصت (ولو مؤقتاً) من مساحة الحركة لبعض التنظيمات خصوصاً حركة حماس. وإذا كان المجتمع الفلسطيني في الداخل أكثر خضوعاً لسلطاته الفلسطينية، فإنه في الخارج لا سيما في دول الجوار هو أكثر قدرة على “معاندة” سياسات التنظيمات الفلسطينية بفعل الظروف الموضوعية المحيطة بالطرفين (المجتمع والتنظيمات)، وهو ما يسمح للبيئة الإقليمية في التأثير على بنية وتوجهات القيادات الفلسطينية في الخارج.

تفاعل الأبعاد الثلاثة (السلطة والدولة والمجتمع):

يتضح من التحليل السابق أن السيناريوهات المحتملة للأبعاد الثلاثة تتمحور حول عدد من النقاط التي يستحق كل منها دراسة منفصلة لفهم التداعيات المترتبة عليها:

أولاً: السلطة:

وتتمثل سيناريوهاتها في:
1. استمرار نهج أوسلو التفاوضي.
2. صراع داخل فتح.
3. انتقال القيادة لحركة حماس.
4. حلّ السلطة.
5. انتقال القيادة خارج فلسطين.
6. انتقال مقر القيادة لقطاع غزة.

ثانياً: الدولة:

وتتمثل احتمالاتها في:
1. توسيع المناطق الخاضعة للسلطة.
2. تقليص السلطات الإسرائيلية المناطق الخاضعة للسلطة الفلسطينية لأسباب أمنية.
3. بقاء ثنائية غزة الضفة القائمة حالياً.
4. إعادة الاحتلال الكامل لأراضي 67.

ثالثاً: المجتمع الفلسطيني (في فلسطين والمنفى):

وتتمثل احتمالاته في:
1. تنامي تيار التمسك بالمقاومة والثوابت.
2. تراجع التمسك بالمقاومة والثوابت.
3. اتساع التباين في التوجهات بين غزة والضفة.
4. الغرق في حالة الفوضى وتزايد موجات الهجرة من فلسطين.


نظراً للتعقيدات الهائلة في المشهد الفلسطيني، فإن كل نقطة من النقاط الفرعية الخاصة بالسلطة والدولة والمجتمع، تحتاج إلى دراسة منفصلة، يقصر المقام عن استيعابها، كما يستدعي التفاعل بين المؤشرات المتضاربة السابقة ما يلي:

1. تشكيل فريق بحثي يقوم بدراسة المتغيرات الإقليمية والدولية خلال السنوات الخمس القادمة سواء تلك التي ترجح تنامي تيار المقاومة والثوابت أم تلك التي ترجح تنامي تيار التخلي عن المقاومة والثوابت، والعمل على بحث كيفية تعزيز المتغيرات الأولى وإضعاف المتغيرات الثانية، إذ من المرجح أن تستثمر الحركة الصهيونية موجة العداء الدولي الحالي لـ”الإرهاب”، خصوصاً الديني لدمج حركتي حماس والجهاد الإسلامي في هذا الإطار، وهو ما قد يضع قطاع غزة في موضع معقد للغاية، خاصة مع حالة الجفاء الراهنة بين القطاع والبيئة العربية المجاورة.
2. الدعوة إلى ترتيب البيت الفلسطيني وفق بنى تشريعية وتنفيذية راسخة، تحترم العمل المؤسسي، وتمارسه بشكل فعَّال، ولا ترتبط باستقالة الأشخاص أو بوفاتهم.
3. على قوى المقاومة والقوى المحافظة على الثوابت التواصل مع كافة القوى الوطنية لتعزيز هذا النهج، بما في ذلك التيار الذي يركز على المقاومة في حركة فتح.
4. من المرجح أن تتنامى نزعة العداء للصهيونية في الرأي العام الدولي استمراراً لتطور بدأ منذ الانتفاضة الأولى وتزايد في الانتفاضة الثانية وما زال متواصلاً وهو أمر يستحق أن توليه قوى المقاومة اهتماماً كبيراً وتعمل على تطويره.
5. يبدو أن نهج الانكفاء الأمريكي عن المنطقة العربية سيتواصل ولو ببطء وبشكل متذبذب، مع تنامي الدور الصيني والروسي وبعض القوى الأوروبية، وهو ما يعني ضرورة الحرص الشديد من قبل تيار المقاومة والثوابت في التعاطي مع سياسات هذه الدول الكبرى الصاعدة بقدر من الواقعية السياسية.
6. عدم الانغماس في القضايا العربية الداخلية واتخاذ مواقف محايدة وواضحة الحياد في هذه القضايا الداخلية.

* مركز الزيتونة للدراسات والاستشارات

اقرأ أيضا

اتحاد كتاب المغرب

اتحاد كتاب المغرب يتضامن مع الروائي عزيز بنحدوش

عقب صدور حكم قضائي في حق الكاتب عزيز بنحدوش، بالحبس شهرين موقوفي التنفيذ، بمناسبة صدور روايته " جزيرة الذكور"، أصدر اتحاد كتاب المغرب بيانا للتضامن معه.

277 تعليقاً

  1. Thanks Laurence, appreciate it. I’m pretty sure I’ve spent a good deal of time on the GRB website back when I was a student, some very initresetng roles. My memory could be a bit off but I think I may well have landed a summer job with Red Bull through you guys back then. Anyway, glad you like the site!

  2. oh, I just love dogs. I had a dog that sat in the window all day long–a lab. A chacolote lab. He just loved the sun. And he would sit behind the curtain just like Millie does. That picture reminds me of him. Miss him.Love your pictures, and your commentary at the end!

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  6. For #s 2 and 3, you actually want to pick the “Septuagint with Logos Morphology” first, then pick your range. When you do this, you now have the choice “Old Testament (Gen-Dan)” which will include all the apocryphal books which technically are part of the Greek OT.[Ie, if you pick the range first with an English Bible active, your OT range will just be “Old Testament (Gen-Mal)” based on the English Bible and you will also, e.g., miss hits that are part of the additions to Daniel.]

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  8. Amigo Juvenal:Esqueceu-me essa questão no meu comentário: depois das vitórias dos rivais, com a paragem do campeonato e dos jogos que se seguem (FCP-SCB, GUI-SLB, e depois SLB-SCP) não podemos facilitar. Começarão agora as primeiras definições.

  9. Thanks, Dion. Absolutely. When you reinvest, you will need to keep track of more different lots, and the accounting for this can get onerous (and expensive). – Mark

  10. Tak na marginesie, kto wierzy tzw. doradcom jest sam sobie winien.Nie trzeba zbyt wiele myśleć, by dojść do wniosku, że gdyby doradca wiedział jak zarobić, to nie sprzedawałby swojego pomysłu publiczności, tylko go zmaterializował i na nim zarobił.

  11. Hi Marc – was this the first time you had installed the Lite app? It should still work, actually even after the trial period, just won’t match as many numbers. If you’d like for us to help you troubleshoot, please drop us an email (use the “Send email to developer” link from the Android Market page).

  12. While I love Manhattan’s cityscape, my being responds best to nature. I love seashores, lakes, ponds and rivers; mountains, woods and farmland; snowscapes anywhere; rolling hills, intriguing mountains, as well as flat lands against the backdrop of any type of higher ground. I love the aromas of nature, the sounds of water, and the beauty of almost anything in a natural, undisturbed settings. The one gene I’m pretty sure I don’t have is the one for climbing heights!

  13. Constrangido, Coronel?Se esse corpo não fica constrangido em mentir e acobertar os dólares nas cuecas, o senhor acha que vai ficar constrangido em ter seu ego superlativo adulado? Essa cara aí é de ressaca da braba, mesmo!

  14. Wind can power reservoirs to store back up pockets of pressurized air, or can be used for water reservoirs, again to store energy. There is an upside to wind development, and all green energy, as we advance the technology. Fossil fuel has a very limited upside, if any. As soon as we start accepting the notion that there is nothing we can do about fossil fuel and nuclear we are copping out on the future generations.

  15. Top…I hear you, buddy. Money is definitely the driving factor, I’m with you. It always comes back to money and college football brings in a pantload. Heck, that’s why – as Rev has said before – that this also comes down to the conferences focusing on the meal ticket in college football, and not so much the talk about college hoops or any other sport

  16. Me encantó la entrada, siempre me agrada leer scientia.Mas que el efecto de estas moleculas, creo que está el efecto placebo, nos sorprendería el poder de voluntad del ser humano.

  17. Dear Ralph at 8.20 amBill is being a bit insulting in suggesting that politicians and others are targeting inflation control with a total indifference to unemploymentI have a PhD student who is soon to complete a thesis on this very topic and has a large collection of official documents amassed over time and released under 30 year laws which would suggest that government deliberately co-operated with capital to engineer rising unemployment to undermine the power of trade unions.I would bet we could find similar evidence in many nations if we looked.best wishesbill

  18. Back in school, I’m doing so much learning.

  19. je suppose que hk est prêt à aller vivre à Gaza pour bénéficier des subsides, de la facilité de vie fournie par l’UNRWA « et de tout ce qui va avec »…Car, bien sûr, il est nettement plus facile et agréable de vivre enfermé à Gaza que de vivre totalement libre à Tel-Aviv.

  20. Test post. All persons who wish to comment must register. It’s quick and painless. The spammers were getting out of control. Thank you our4boys admin

  21. We need a lot more insights like this!

  22. I don’t think that code words and photoshops mean there’s more ire and hatred than there would be without code words or photoshops. Those things are completely unrelated, IMO. I’d be suprised if the most hated people on the planet inspired more code words and photoshops than lame nobodies parading themselves on the internet. I’ve never heard a code word involving Rupert Murdoch, Pol Pot or Walt Disney.

  23. THANK YOU, showing exactly how you did it is really helpful to decide what “low competition” is. You give us newbies a great advantage on breaking into stock with this tip.

  24. sighyour post takes me back in time… to the time when i’d be spending 8-hour days in an NGO just doing some volunteer counselling work… dealing with un-empowered females…i just hope, for all it’s worth… she realizes she’s been irresponsible… but that she’d have enough left of herself to grow up and move on from there..

  25. Akarom ezt a könyvet! Lassan a végét járja a ‘Drood’ nálam, ám már szemezgetek a ‘Terror’-al is. Még a ‘Black Hills’-re vagyok hasonlóan kíváncsi.Kösz az ismertetÅ‘t!

  26. No question this is the place to get this info, thanks y’all.

  27. I propose a 'flash' event where the participants enter the McDonalds store in question, wearing 'eye-glasses' or mockups.Since Prof. Mann's camera captured the events (ironically, *because* of the assault), I would call it a case of pro-sousveillance.

  28. – Es muy útil, sobretodo en exteriores, como jardines. También sería interesante la versión inversa para ahorrar energía, todas las luces deberían llevar este circuito, o por lo menos, con algunas modificaciones, como por ejemplo, algún regulador personalizado que detecte cuando la luz esta encendida habiendo una iluminación suficiente, o cuando nos la hayamos olvidado encendida.Creo que este sistema ya lo están implantando en la electronica de los coches, que detectan la oscuridad y activan automáticamente las luces.

  29. Андрій McLomдякую за рецензіюпанове хто небудь знає подробиці про кінопрокат, мене цікавить в м. Чернівціще позавчора знайшов на фейсбуці інфу що з 25 січня але не зрозуміло в якому кінотеатрі ..телефонував в кінопалац вони в прострації ( що мене і не дивує )

  30. I can relate to so much of this. The “Historian” argument is really interesting. I’d like to think I still have creative ideas, but after 15 years at my job I do recognize myself in your Historian description somewhat. Also, my commute is an hour each way and I think it’s a pretty large part of my job satisfaction, or lack thereof. I have a hunch I’d like my same job a lot more if it were a 10 minute walk away. So I’m really not sure about the distance thing for me.I’m glad you found something that works for you.

  31. Ehehehe, my most embarrasing lyrical mistakes have been “this ain’t my American cheese” and “everything inside me looks like everything I ate”. Of course, I never thought those were the actual lyrics (I’m not that hearing impaired yet…), but I definitely sang those lines out loud one time, very much by accident. Quite obviously, food was first and foremost on my mind.

  32. Back in the 80's I lived in Taiwan. I knew someone who was working for Evergreen training the pilots (of the new airline portion) of the company to speak English. I believe this company is owned by a Taiwanese businessman but I don't know his name.

  33. Les plus grandes avancées scientifiques ont eu lieu lors de la remise en causes des principes les plus fondamentaux, tenus pour scientifiques et acquis.On parle de rupture épistémologiques.Des exemples? Copernic&Gallilée remettant en cause la platitude de la Terre, Einstein remettant en cause l’universalité de la physique de Newton… Camper fermement sur le bon vieux « je ne crois que ce que je vois » à ces avantages mais ne fera pas forcément accéler les découvertes scientifiques.

  34. Thanks Jackie! So far, I’ve had 47 clicks of that link which to me is an amazing amount considering 95% of all people aren’t interested in politics at all (including me . . . I hate politics). I find it astonishing that people get mad over AIG’s bonuses but are OK with the 9.7 trillion

  35. Спасибо статью! обучаясь в вашем Тренинг – Центре, как раз отлично получается вырабатывать в себе качество «ÃÂ´ÃÂµÃÂ»ÃÂ°Ã‘‚ÑŒ», а не просто слушать. Ещё раз спасибо!

  36. An answer from an expert! Thanks for contributing.

  37. Karen pisze:Brakuje mi tu zdecydowanie „Nevermore”, autorstwa Kelly Creagh. Nie znam osoby, której ta książka siÄ™ nie spodobaÅ‚a. Ja uważam, że jest Å›wietna, jedna z lepszych, jakie czytaÅ‚am ostatnio.

  38. Pues para contestar a tu pregunta me he ido a la etiqueta humor que tengo en mi blog y es la que más entradas tiene, de 450 que he publicado hasta ahora, 230 la llevan.Así que tengo que reconocer que me río con el arte, a veces sólo me provoca una leve sonrisa, otras sonoras carcajadas y también alguna que otra risa nerviosa…Saludos Paul, te sigo, como siempre, muy de cerca.

  39. Hi: Remember the Chilean family you met at Ndutu camp in february?…asking for your cheetah photos? I wonder if you have a selection of that cheetah mother with her 4 cubs…..Great Lion photos!!!!Best regardsRicardo

  40. Ho chiesto anch’io di diventare beta tester, ancora una settimana fa: purtroppo nada :-(Se mi arriva qualcosa ti contatto, Paolo.Certo che 1 Gb…e comunque ho letto (non ricordo dove…) che sono comunque video, e non vere e proprie trasmissioni: se uno passa da un “canale” all’altro e poi torna al precedente, riparte dal principio. Spero proprio di non sbagliarmi, odio far brutte figure 😛

  41. If you have set up the plugin to use user defined passwords AND moderated registration, you cannot send the password when the user is approved. If that is the combination of settings you have set up, and you want to send the user a copy of their password (which is not a requirement, since they are choosing it), you have to do it in the welcome email and not the user is approved email. The default email content does not reflect this because that is not the default install of the plugin.If that needs clarification, or you have another combinations of settings, let me know.

  42. C’est un détail, mais « crise sans précédent », c’est oublier l’histoire et utiliser des mots un peu trop rapidement : 1929, c’est un pourcentage de diminution du PIB americain à 2 chiffres, c’est des millions des personnes jeté à la rue, qui connaissent la faim aux USA… Personne ne connait l’avenir, mais on en est pas là, pour l’instant.

  43. My little cousin hits me up yearly and every spring I'm on a diet. What I do is buy them for the troops. Maybe you can give them out to neighbors or friends?

  44. Tulipa taas korjattua virheellisiä käsityksiäni. Luomumaito on tosiaan pastöroitua, niin kuin kaikki muukin myyntävä maito on oltava lain mukaan. Ja hyvä niin, sen verta karua tekstiä luin kyllä pastöroimattoman maidon aiheuttamista ongelmista.

  45. I thought his speech was bullet-proof but I guess the devil can’t help but to keep his hand on the trigger and keep firing. The only way you can be swayed into believing the anti-hype is if you didn’t sit down and listen to his message yourself. Unfortunately, I have to allow myself to believe that many Americans probably did and do just that. Can we just throw the people who swim on the shallow side of the pool out of the water?

  46. He travel sometimes.love marriage,finance, job promotion ,gambling voodoo,lottery Voodoo,poker voodoo,golf Voodoo,Law & Court case Spells,money voodoo,weigh loss voodoo,any sicknesses voodoo,Trouble in marriage,it’s all he does Hope this helps everyone that is in a desperate situation as I once was; I know how it feels to hold onto something and never have a chance to move on because of the false promises and then to feel trapped in wanting somethingmore. his cell phone number 5182932141 !

  47. One thing I noticed about the Nexus 7, it has no back facing camera. I would have to get the Nexus 10 for this option. I would like the camera to be able to use the money identifier apps. This is why I may end up with the 5th generation ipod touch 32gb for $299.00 vs. $429.00 for the ipad mini 32gb.

  48. Poverty rate under 5% means no big ghetto towns. So far I like my move from Union County (Scotch Plains) to Somerset County (Bridgewater). Union county had Plainfield to the West, and Elizabeth to the East, and when you got called to jury duty in Elizabeth that wasn’t fun. My new house is near Pingry and plant-eating-deer are a bigger concern than criminals in my neigborhood. I don’t love my neighbors though, and taxes are too high. I only need to go to NYC less than 5% of the time for conferences, so daily commute to NYC isn’t my priority.

  49. Reminds me of what happened in San Jose, CA. While there are many other details it came down to the “parish council” saying the time the EF took place was too inconvenient for the rest of the masses because it only left 30 minutes between the EF and OF. 300 families petitioned, and still they are looking for a parish to hold EF. Parish councils, like most things, started out as a good idea but when a few get too much power… you know the saying.

  50. This article achieved exactly what I wanted it to achieve.

  51. Hadde vært kjekt med støvsuger, den jeg har funker knapt til å få opp smuler fra teppet med :p Om jeg vinner kan du legge igjen en kommentar på bloggen min, så sender jeg deg navn og adresse. Måtte den heldigste vinne ^_^

  52. My hat is off to your astute command over this topic-bravo!

  53. / bnde bu blog iÅŸine yeni yeni atılıyorum sitemde reklam yok benim siteme girip ne eksik söylerseniz sevinirim bana ulaÅŸabilirseniz bnde bilmeyen arkadaÅŸlara yardımcı olabilirim sitem : spartacusturkiye.blogspot.com

  54. Kornheiser was up front about that the whole time though. He didn’t hide behind things like commitment to club. If Chandler really doesn’t like to travel/ has homesickness then just admit it. Wasn’t it Jesus Navas for Sevilla/Spain that had major issues playing for Spain because of that for a long time?I don’t like the idea of him jerking the team around for the next year and a half then swooping in for the World Cup. That would definitely create issues with chemistry because of someone getting the bump for him.

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  56. You love Ballard Designs too? What a great knock-off you've made. Bravo! And the money you've saved… oh, and while I'm at it — let me also say, BRAVO! again for being "featured" on SITS! Happy holidays!

  57. In the Zurita study there's 1 sample that's a possible Q. Interestingly, of the hundreds of ysearch Q samples, the top 4 matches to this haplotype are from India, Pakistan, India, and Iran. Only about 3% of the ysearch Q samples are from those 3 countries (combined). I really should look at the North African samples, once and for all.

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  61. En verdad, Alemania aguanto 3 años despues de la entrada de EEUU a la guerra. Japon solo 3 meses despues de la caida de Alemania. Japon no estaba en condiciones de mantener la guerra mucho tiempo mas, y la existencia de los kamikazes lo confirma. Creo que no era necesario usar armas atomicas, solo fue una manifestacion de poder.

  62. stone, unfortunately private banking is a business which by definition is not a household business. They are paid to be silent, keep private secrets and stay below the radar. And there are plenty of non-profit organisations with existing infrastructure, recognizable name, distribution networks, knowledge, experience etc which can put money at work right away. One does not need a new “foundation” in order to help people if he/she wants to.

  63. Am bes­ten deli­cious ver­wen­den, die wer­den schon blei­ben.… und wenn nicht: dort gibt’s auch eine Export-Funktion in den Account-Settings.

  64. That saves me. Thanks for being so sensible!

  65. Oh I feel you! I am half Dutch-half Mexican (and height-wise I am definitely more Mexican), so during summers in Holland I also profit a lot from the sales! Paola

  66. Do „Chicagowianki”Domyslam sie ze rozumiez iz w Stanach sa dwie partie i Jezeli chodzi o wojny to gdzie byli demokratyczni senatorowie? W czasie kadencji Obamy sprawowali kontrole przez 2 lata i mogli przepchnac kazda ustawe (Obamacare). Teraz prosze mi dac przyklad jak republikanie wyzywaja Obame w porownaniu jak democraci opluwali Busha czy ktos go lubi czy nie. Staraj sie patrzec na dwie strony „medalu”. Pozdrawiam

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  69. hommequirit16/11/2012“Aggiungo solo un paio di note: la fortuna può premiare un testo mediocre (e punirne uno meritevole), ma raramente premia un testo proprio pessimo”Magari, Annamaria fosse così. Provi a leggere 50 sfumature di grigio , al cui confronto la Tamaro è Manzoni e la Rosamunde Pilcher una Charlotte Brontë.

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  74. This drink sounds delicious! Since I can’t have the booze, I’d settle for cider and donuts 😉 Have you tried cider donuts??! I’ve been hearing about them a lot but have yet to try one. xo

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  79. These pics are so good. It was such a special day and I’m so glad the photos captured that feeling. We love you both. Thank you for inviting us. We had a blast. May God look over your marriage always.

  80. What’s that plant in the middle photo? Looks fantastic! I know about things on the floor – since I live alone I really can’t understand how they end up there! They must have a mind of their own…

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  83. As a volunteer who works with depressive, traumatized, and damaged individuals, I openly encourage your take on forgiveness. It is admittedly a major leap of faith to give yourself permission to put an incident where you have been wronged behind you, let the Lord exercise His perfect judgment, and move on. To condone or excuse inappropriate or illegal behavior will only make things worse.

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  86. the worst part of this (from a Republican electoral perspective) is that the inevitable financial-market recovery over the next several months will make President Obama look like a genius just for being in the right place at the right time. the GOP needs to be thinking 2016, not 2012. At that point, Romney is too old though Jindal should be ready.

  87. !Feliz Navidad y gran año! para tí victoria, toda tu gente y todo lo que defuendes, nos hará mejores fijarnos más en nuestro alrededor, hay mucho cariño y le necesitamos, besos!

  88. Per cert, no sé quant de temps fa del canvi però m’agrada la fotografia que has posat a la capçalera del bloc! Bon canvi! (me n’he adonat ara… )

  89. I am totally wowed and prepared to take the next step now.

  90. Thank you so much for this article, it saved me time!

  91. It’s hard, your writing is always one good line after another – if I had to pick, it’d be “But the deep throaty voice of yours early in the morning full with sleep makes me spin and spin like a sugar trapped in a twister, and I love you.”

  92. Wonderful explanation of facts available here.

  93. A lot of yankee fans actually resent the success that Soriano has had and are rooting for him to fail (as long as it doesn't cost the team the division) the fact that Soriano has been every bit as good as Mo would have been kills some fans, get over it

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  97. Bright meadow to me is a happy place where there isn’t the snipe and stabbing that prevails. The phrase ‘don’t let the buggers get your down’ simmers up to the front now.

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  100. adorei a materia! nossa essse dias tirei uma foto minha fiquei na maior depre. me achando um maracuja de gaveta. ai meus deus agora conformei um pouco kkkkkkkkk . bjs

  101. Aug21Jonathan.Chmiel Hi there! This article could not be written any more desirable! Reviewing this post reminds me of my previous room companion! He constantly kept talking about this. I will definitely onward this article to your man. Pretty sure he will have an excellent read. Thank you for distributing!

  102. My understanding is that the ESBWR design is lagging very much behind its regulatory process. I’ve heard that it’s been plagued by delays. You can’t get approval to build and operate something that isn’t finalized under the new system (at least that’s my understanding).AP1000 design is at least 18-24 months ahead of ESBWR. Hundreds of millions in contracts have been signed by SCANA and Southern Company for long-lead procurement and engineering. And COL applications were filed at around the same time.I know where I would put my money in this horse race.

  103. Ha ha we also had a very exciting game of scrabble to celebrate the new year too – needless to say Eddie ended up in a big fat mood when I beat him!! Lucy XXPS Love your 39 week photo – the bump has grown so much in just a couple of days!

  104. the casting of James Taggert was a little off.I was uncomfortable with a train going 250 MPH on those curves with the passengers standing up. Sorry, but I don't think they ran the numbers through the physics equations before they filmed those scenes. And the curves had better have some appropriate slope to them to keep the train from rolling over or pushing the tracks off the railway bed.

  105. Jodie up there SURELY will get you on the no-fly. I mean c’mon… Oh wait, in the form of a question… Are you suprised at how long it took a fan to get the Foster joke?

  106.  Much better than a smiley to indicate ironic intent!  When you’re mentally composing your answer, hit the right shift key to make the factual recall face and the left shift key to indicate that what’s about to come over is complete bull.  Love it!

  107. I don’t suppose you happen to have handy a Watir version of the discoverobjects code?(I’m at this point just getting started with Watir and have not had any experience converting code from firewatir to watir.. )

  108. J’adore l’association chocolat-gingembre, versé chaud sur des prunes ça doit être un délice. Je suis curieux de savoir si la badiane ressort vraiment, je trouve que son gout est souvent facilement couvert par d’autres épices.

  109. I used to wish that i had never signed up to FB but after taking the time to go through my settings and lock down a lot of it, I don’t find it quite as intrusive as I used to. I find Google+ far less intrusive though and nowhere near as annoying.VN:F [1.9.21_1169](from 0 votes)

  110. I ain’t gonna lie.. this isn’t as bad as I expected.. but wtf..What’s wrong with Craig david.. talkin the hardest.. he needs to llow it.. first he tonks up, learns a few ‘street’ words, and spits over A Milli.. now this = badman. Nah don’t think so G.

  111. Pretty cool post. I just found your blog and wanted to saythat I’ve really liked reading your blog posts. AnywayI’ll be subscribing to your blog and I hope you write again soon!

  112. Whoever made this post above is seriously disturbed. I’ve seen Lisa Marie’s page, I’ve seen all her photos at the PB mansion and at PB shoots and not only with PB models but the top photographers as well (Arny and Jarmo). Obviously whoever made this page, and I’ve heard of probable culprits, has some jealous issues. Or been snubbed at some point because they don’t measure up. And why the anonymous names on the comments above, co-conspirators?

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  114. Nice read, I just passed this onto a colleague who was doing a little research on that. And he actually bought me lunch because I found it for him smile So let me rephrase that: Thank you for lunch!

  115. Mark, your love and adoration and obsession with this fantastic series brings fuzzy feelings to my heart. Especially since I was the first person to suggest it in your Suggestions thread. Mission accomplished: another Jekyll fanatic gained! Now, go and watch Fortysomething. It's in the Suggestions thread, too.

  116. Me parece muy bien que le des clase a los muchachos…excelente blogger consejero…yo agregaría mi granito de arena…recuerda.. cuando te niegas te ruegan…y cuando ruegas serás negado…!!!!!Consejo de viejo Lobo y Vampiro. Saludos Seducción!

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  118. marine R98 dit :En principe pour la loi 19 Degrés ; pour économie d’énergie .Il y a même une certaine période il parlait de faire des contrôlesMais même avec 20 degrés dans certain appartement il fait froid .

  119. Susan / Thanks for the message and thank you for sharing your beautiful gift. May the Lord bless you always. Merry Christmas to you and your family!Susan, West Jordan, UT

  120. आखिर मेरा कसूर क्या है?क्या बस यहीकि मैं सब कुछचुपचाप सहता हूँ?सही है .. अच्‍छी भावाभिव्‍यक्ति !!

  121. At last! Someone with the insight to solve the problem!

  122. Deciding on a manner in our everyday routine we should cash. Some young ladies may provide up the normal evening meal or earnings to get a shoe so that you can catch our own face.

  123. Dag nabbit good stuff you whippersnappers!

  124. You know how to bring a problem to light schedule it important. A lot of people need to visit this and see why side with the story. I can锟斤拷t believe anyone with widely used given that you definitely get the gift.

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  126. On the Fox and Friends interview Trump mentions that he is now getting all kinds of other “facts” about O’s history since he’s talked only about the birth issue. Hopefully he can make it very public about ALL of the cases that have requested “discovery” of all the background info and name the high powered attorneys involved in hiding the facts from the public about the “most transparent” regime. Think anyone has sent him the basic facts re: the SSNs?

  127. Thank you. I thank you, and the dishes in my sink thank you.This has been an extremely difficult week for me, and I am trying to remember that my recovery is a journey . . . one day at a time, accepting hardship as a pathway to peace.It is good to see other people thinking about, writing about, living about the same things I am, from different perspectives. It shouldn’t be this way — I mean the world shouldn’t be this messed up — but it is, and we are — so thank God for grace!

  128. Howdy! This is my 1st comment here so I just wanted to give a quick shout out and say I truly enjoy reading through your blog posts. Can you suggest any other blogs/websites/forums that deal with the same subjects? Thanks!

  129. Intelligence and simplicity – easy to understand how you think.

  130. pmI wonder if an ad in the little paper published on the South Side of Chicago would be helpful? Reward $100.00 for the most aliases used by Obama which can be verified.You can remain anonymous.Little paper in Chicago means it’s a small local paper just with neighborhood information.

  131. Nathalya comentou em 10 de novembro de 2011 às 14:48. Julia,gostei do seu esmalte,mas não tem a descrição dele no post.Me diz qual que é,por favor? Obrigada

  132. Aristobulus, könntest du es freundlicherweise unterlassen, in aller Öffentlichkeit in den Tiefen meiner Psyche herumzustochern? Wenn du dich als Psychologe versuchen möchtest, dann komme bitte nach Berlin und stelle mir deine Diagnose unter vier Augen. Vor den Augen der ganzen Welt, ohne mich je gesehen zu haben, finde ich es jedenfalls nicht angemessen.

  133. never thought of the Dems in the House and Senate as brave….but they did defy Obama over and over again by not voting for any of his budgets.Didn’t Obama submit budgets that got ZERO votes?No Dem on top of no Republicans?Reply

  134. I find it so interesting that Cinco de Mayo is celebrated so much here in the US. I think that everyone just likes to party. Even the Irish Pub in a nearby New Hampshire town had a clock counting down the days until Cinco de Mayo. Love the photos of your wonderful market.

  135. Hi..Your post is amazing. From long time I search for this information. But I didn’t get right thing. Thanks to you I got stuff which I am looking for. I would like to read more from you.

  136. The demographic shift towards non-whites will defeat any such plan Dan.I think it will be very difficult from now on for a 'conervative' Republican to win…only if the Democrats turn the place into a third world hellhole.I think America is deeply divided and as the years go by,seccessionist movent(s) will arise.

  137. I would like to take the ability of thanking you for your professional direction I have enjoyed visiting your site. We are looking forward to the commencement of my university research and the whole prep would never have been complete without visiting your web site. If I may be of any help to others, I might be happy to help by means of what I have gained from here.

  138. Ron,Could you be more explicit in the second half of step 6 (specifically for an Airport Extreme)? I configured the NVG510 fine but was unable to finish the process in the Airport Utility when you told me to change the way the home router “allocates DHCP addresses on the LAN”. I can follow directions but much past that I am lost. Any help will be appreciated!Joel

  139. I agree; none of us need feel we have to apologize for writing out of our experience(s) and truths.Readers, I think, also bring with them all they carry when they read poetry, just as an audience does when listening to music or watching films. They make up the uncontrollable part of the experience of what’s sent out into the world. Their response may not be what an artist intended or even thought possible; it’s no less valid for that.Art lives, both through those who make it and those who consume it.

  140. 8.11.2008Maria Aparecida Andrade de Oliveira disse: Eu gostaria de saber quando vai té promoções de passagens aérea de são paulo á recife. desde já agradeço. -2Was this answer helpful?

  141. Deep thought! Thanks for contributing.

  142. Terima kasih, source filenya… tapi file patchnya ditangkep sama McAfee. :(kalo ada boleh minta tolong saya dikirimi Patch & serial numbernya…Thank you

  143. Vitor escreveu: document.write(‘4 de agosto de 2009 as 20:56’); Legal e interessante, mas digitei só por farra um número da nextel, e deu com TN inválido…okabraços Alexandre Rauta escreveu: document.write(‘4 de agosto de 2009 as 21:03’); Vitor, bom saber, digitei números da Tim, Oi, Vivo e Claro. abraço

  144. We’ve just finished trying to buy a house in Westport. We looked for two years. For what we could spend (roughly $600-$800k) all we could get was old, run-down, and tired – and even then those with decent lots were snapped up by builders and replaced by McMansions. The charm, diversity, and personality that was once Westport has been replaced. Pull up the drawbridge, lock the gate. Money rules.

  145. MulÅ£am ÅŸi bine ai revenit! Dap, nu prea se disting titlurile ÅŸi din cauza luminii că am făcut pozele cu bliÅ£…Aveam niÅŸte planuri măreÅ£e într-o vreme, să-mi notez cărÅ£ile într-un excel, dar nu m-am Å£inut de ele..M-am rezumat la a nota numai cărÅ£ile pe care le împrumut.

  146. Depressing. This country is in trouble. I hope we can bring down the debt but I doubt it. Too many Americans are already dependent on government handouts. Did we think it was funny watching Greece riot? Well, that’s the U.S. in a decade.

  147. Das sieht richtig lecker aus ! :)Ich hab gleich mal für dich gevotet & ich glaube es sieht gut für dich aus 🙂 Viel Glück ! ((:

  148. Short, sweet, to the point, FREE-exactly as information should be!

  149. I’m feeling the knives edge but it feels more like it’s lodged in my sinus’. These are the worst kind of Santa Ana’s, all heat and no wind. No need to loose your fronds over it, after all “we didn’t start the fire”.

  150. love your oven mitts and apron! I always look for those things and never find – And 60s chopping boards too! New dress is fab what a Ebargain 🙂

  151. Lo del juez de linea de poco pelo de la Delegacion de Tacoronte es para abandonar los campos de futbol y no ir mas, el pobre no tiene ni idea pero es culpa de quien lo designa y no tienen porque aguantarlo los equipos que pagan para jugar al futbol no para ir al circo.

  152. I looked through the pictures with my boyfriend and he now thinks I should get in to cosplay. I don’t know how exactly I should react to that but that shows how good your pictures are and how awesome you and a lot of the other people looked in them! Great job!

  153. – I love all the pictures but I think my favorite ones would be when Renae is getting in to her dress and her mom is helping her very cherished pictures.

  154. Your story was really informative, thanks!

  155. Hola, googleando llegué a tu blog.Leí tu artículo sobre el seteo de un file server para XChat. Desafortunadamente ya tiene más de 4 años y los links que mencionas ya no están activos o no tienen lo que busco. Ojalá me puedas ayudar a setear un file server para mi Xchat.Que tus deseos en 2009 se cumplan todos. Saludos!

  156. A million thanks for posting this information.

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  159. What a joy to find such clear thinking. Thanks for posting!

  160. Have you ever thought about writing an e-book or guest authoring on other websites? I have a blog centered on the same ideas you discuss and would really like to have you share some stories/information. I know my subscribers would value your work. If you’re even remotely interested, feel free to send me an email.

  161. pisze:No no no naprawdę znakomity pomysł. Odkąd kupiłem mojego nieszczęsnego Gala S plus, a było to właśnie w zimę zastanawiałem się jak zapobiec marznięciu moich rąk na zimnie;p Na szczęście z pomocą przyszedł mi serwis majsterkowo.pl Szkoda tylko, że tak późno, bo zdążyłem już dostać liszaji. Jestem pewny, że artykuł ten będzie bardzo popularny wśród użytkowników, ponieważ odkąd telefony dotykowe opanowały rynek, prawie każdy boryka się z problemem potrzeby zdejmowania rękawiczek podczas korzystania z telefonu.

  162. Oh boy !!!! Toute une référence !! LolMais, en effet, les gars sont au départ plus « romantiques »Mais avec l’expérience, en frequentant les femmes, mettons qu’on en revient un moment donne! Oh que oui!!!

  163. Thanks for sharing this! I must say the snap and crackle of the LP is louder than I expected. Sounds like a dusty needle? Anyway, a great album and I'm glad you shared.

  164. Free knowledge like this doesn’t just help, it promote democracy. Thank you.

  165. Eric you are so ignrant and classless Lee Hammer and KNBR are probably paying your rent at your mama’s house. If you don’t understand that a little bit of competition in any industry or market gives much better customer experiences and satisfactions, then you just prove to yourself that you still haven’t earned a GED yet.Hot debate. What do you think? 7  8

  166. the grief gets easier, I just think we find different ways of handling it. Instead of crying all day, i write and I still cry. Its such a lonely journey sometimees.

  167. I thought finding this would be so arduous but it’s a breeze!

  168. Hayden Mills – Andria this is so great! I definitely didn’t watch this at work (just kidding I totally did). Thank you for the coolest 25 minutes of my day! Hope all is well

  169. I also just realised it’s not just for kids, it’s adults too. D’oh. I wish there was an edit button on comments so I could edit mine. Also, I made another typo… ” name is it’s” meant to be if… please ignore my million comments. Anyways, my point still stands, Limebird has nothing to do with writing and it’s alright! Oh if you want to use Limebird then you are very free to use it (not that you would want it and it’s completely separate than your blogging life, but the offer is there)

  170. I know exactly what you mean! I'll get mine straight but over time it ends up looking like a big messy pile! Looks great….right now! LOL!

  171. ha..i did but 260? for jeans? that was a little much but after looking at some of their denim it looks like a good investment, it had amazing washes. its a great shop and i hope they deliver my filson bag by the end of next week lol

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  173. that hg1 in this study referred to P(xR1a), I meant P(xR1a). Please refer to Figure 2 in Weale et al. (2001), which is labeled as “Y chromosome haplogroup network defined by the 11 UEP markers used in this study.”Ok. You seem to be right for this particular study. I was using the 2001 YCC tree, that is more comprehensive. But it doesn’t really matter as the other two haplogroups identified then within the Tyler-Smith-Göbling system inside would-be P (Q3 and R1b1b2a2d) don’t seem to exist in that area anyhow.

  174. I’m impressed, I must say. Really rarely do I encounter a blog that’s both educative and entertaining, and let me tell you, you have hit the nail on the head. Your idea is outstanding; the issue is something that not enough people are speaking intelligently about. I am very happy that I stumbled across this in my search for something relating to this.

  175. пишет:А нам на хостинг хватает и ладно)) Никогда не ставила целью доход с блога. Хотя многие удивляются, что такой раскрученный проект и так мало нам просит ((VA:F [1.9.21_1169]Рейтинг: 0 (оценок: 0)

  176. You have succeeded yet again in inducing extreme levels of melancholy and frenzy in your readers. Some are wanting to drown their troubles in Warren Russet hard cider. Fortunately they do not know of our secret reserve cache of several cases, lest I fear it would be hijacked under the pretense of “supplementing the British commissary for American prisoners.”

  177. Scusate, ma a costo di ripetere per l'ennesima volta il paradigma degli appaltatori della stella della morte, la scelta del soggetto con cui si relaziona è importante. Non andreste a farvi sistemare i denti da chi usa ancora il trapano a mano, non si vede perché dobbiate affidare i vostri dati a chi tratta soprattutto roba pirata.

  178. Certo adonias, em primeiro lugar não sou obrigado a divulgar meu nome pra ninguém, uma vez que tenho esse direito…Porém, como vocÊ faz tanta questão eu declaro qual é meu nome…Sou professor em São José dos Basílios e em Presidente Dutra…Sou Aldo da Silva Melo, Filho de Francisco Lustosa de Melo Neto e de Vanusa da Silva Melo, Se for consultar se tenho antecedente criminais vá lá lhe garanto que não consta nada…Tá satisfeito agora caro amigo blogueiro…

  179. Bill Clinton = William Jefferson ClintonMichel Martelly = Michel Joseph MartellyBarack Hussein Obama = Barack ObamaLuis Nazario de Lima = RonaldoMichael Jeffrey Jordan = Michael JordanGeorge Walker Bush = George W. Bush (pitit la)Bernard Honorat Gousse = Bernard Gousse

  180. jaja pues no vía a ningún pejezombie del 132 hoy cuand fch le dió la bandera a epn en palacio nacional, creo que no los invitaron jajaja, uy que mañaneros son a las 4am, que no vana trabajar mañana sabado? ha se me olvidada que la mayoría son ninis los del 132

  181. I am totally wowed and prepared to take the next step now.

  182. First I've heard of the wobbles and can't wait to see more designs with them. Definitely going to try them out. Love this adorable card and the images from Krista. She has the cutest images. Perfect sentiment for the card. First time I've been here and thanks for the chance to win. Am now a new follower. "Hugs"

  183. What a pleasure to find someone who thinks through the issues

  184. dit :Hiiiiii ! Des kiwiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis ! Sont trop mimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis (pardon) (le reveil est difficile parfois le dimanche matin) (et ils sont vraiment trognons !)Bon (bientot) dimanche. Et vivement la suite Je suis devenue complètement kiwi addict ! On en a plein la maison, maintenant

  185. a bunch of diff houses would be amazing :)@Tali i would love to lounge around in that pink peach room all day 🙂 @Schnelle thanks, ur living room sounds divine xx@JoJo71 rustic chic is amazing, i would love to own a edwardian house! I would have to have a minamalist room too! :)@thedicegirl sounds perfect!@MARGARITA BLOOM thank u :)@tina_mbc thanks, i hope everybody gets their dream house! xx@sima that's very nice of you to saym thank you :)x X x

  186. The father’s colleague gives the story a further poignant dimension here. As for Jews generally being associated with Israeli actions, if Israel is supposed to be a ‘Jewish state’ and a ‘home for the Jewish people’, how can Jews not expect to be associated with its policies and actions when such sound bites are calculated to achieve exactly that association? It is not a question of Truth, truth is either immediate experience or history, it is appearances that linger in the mind and evoke responses.

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  188. hur mycket tror du man forlorar av kondisjon/muskelmasse om man drycker alkohol 1 gang i manaden vid sidan av hard trening? kan du njute en kvald ute paa staden efter match?

  189. joyce [32],I’m confident that the muppets will vote for the continuation of the transformation of what was previously known as The United States of America. How can anyone pass up a Dupont style pizza delivered to your door in less than 30 minutes?

  190. For Fjordman, if he cares to know… quoting historian Albert Lindemann:Jews actually do not want to understand their past—or at least those aspects of their past that have to do with the hatred directed at them, since understanding may threaten other elements of their complex and often contradictory identities.

  191. Thanks for contributing. It’s helped me understand the issues.

  192. hey miss fong… what's with you and your accusations towards the gay community? are you homophobic? or at least having some sort of internal homophobia? maybe u just don't wanna admit you're into girls deep down inside. oh wait… how come you don't have a photo.. i guess you are "straight" now and don't want anyone else to see what you look like after your transformation becoming the bitchiest tranny in hong kong. Congrats!

  193. Sry aber der Zusammenhang zwischen WvWvW und Equip ist sehr deutlich. Man merkt das Ihr kein WvWvW spiel, bzw. richtig gespielt habt. Ich habe bis vor kurzem aktiv WvWvW in einer Allianz gespielt und Taktik ist nicht alles, Equip ist genauso wichtig.Ohne Equip brauchste da gar nicht antreten, wenn Du was strukturiert aufziehen willst.In einer Sache haste Recht, für diesen Zergmist ist Equip “sekundär”, aber WvWvW =/= Zerg only.

  194. Le 10/02/2009 à 23h03 Cette play-list me plaît pas mal (pour deux-trois chansons, par contre : je suis toujours aussi allergique à certains trucs XD). J’ai découvert d’ailleurs un morceau pas mal, mais niais au possible : "Make it last forever". Bref, j’écoute aussi du Elton John, du "Dirty Dancing"et du "Top Gun" à la pelle Merci pour la musique !

  195. I don’t have any problem explaining things. I know Tienanmen Square happened 15 years ago and by that time Mao’s economic forecast had already worked. And new leader just happened to understand that it is time to move on to the next phase. The Tienanmen Square was the CIA’s last attempt to bring China down before it is ready to compete on a global stage.

  196. Great stuff, you helped me out so much!

  197. Free knowledge like this doesn’t just help, it promote democracy. Thank you.

  198. los que mas gente llevamos a todos lados decis pinguino?a esa misma cancha fueron 10 y a concordia fueron 8 las dos veces que fueron,no tenes verguenza cara dura.

  199. Les religions sont des sectes qui ont réussi.Rédigé par: kasia | le 24 janvier 2008 à 12:20| Alerter C’est absurde… ou plutôt c’est mal dit, quand on dit cela, il faut prendre « secte » au sens ancien du terme. Et là, c’est tout à fait exacte. Le terme ancien de secte désigne simplement un groupe d’individus qui partagent la même doctrine, ce n’est pas le sens moderne. D’ailleurs, les religions luttent contre les sectes…

  200. Whats up there! Would you thoughts if I share your blog with my zynga group? There’s loads of folks that I think would actually get pleasure from your content. Please let me know. Thank you

  201. Extremely helpful article, please write more.

  202. “Many Polish women are fed up of Polish men taliing about ¨our women,¨ as if women are still men’s property, or the property of the Polish nation. Marrying a foreinger is an act of individualism.”Exactly! .

  203. Here's another very good reason why it would be a very bad idea to associate a swastika with a black jihadi flag:The swastika is a very holy BUDDHIST symbol. And a HINDU symbol. And a JAINIST symbol.Here is the Wikipedia article on the .The HINDUs and the BUDDHISTs and the JAINISTs are being massacred by Islam.You will really, really, really offend a lot of Hindus, Buddhists and Jainists by placing their holy symbol next to the black jihadi flag that is killing them off and stealing their land.

  204. Wham bam thank you, ma’am, my questions are answered!

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  206. This website makes things hella easy.

  207. with a Straight Face"-ies. I mean come on bro, for serious? I could make a whole new blog that is just "Minor shit that has happened that has caused an entire eagles crowd to turn on their team"

  208. October 12, 2012I know this if off topic but I’m looking into starting my own weblog and was curious what all is needed to get set up? I’m assuming having a blog like yours would cost a pretty penny? I’m not very internet savvy so I’m not 100% positive. Any suggestions or advice would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks

  209. December 20, 2012  11:35 am by My first car was Austin Mini Van that woudn´t run and I get it when I was 6 years old. My parents gave that to me just to play with. First car I really drove with was Seat (Fiat) 850 and that was when I was about 14. I crashed it in a field race. My first daily driver was Saab 96 ´75 what I bought shortly after I get my drivers licens. It has broken clutch and paid 1 large beer for it. I painted it matt black, lowered it and drove with it for at least 3 years. None of these cars are alive any longer.

  210. budak2 lg dilarang lg dia nak buat.. da ilang jari bru nk insaf.. tapi rasanya skang da smkin bkurangan dr dulu2 lg teruk..VA:F [1.9.22_1171]please wait…VA:F [1.9.22_1171](from 0 votes)

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  213. Hej Hvor er det bare fedt at du endelig kan nyde din graviditet, også selvom ventetiden kan være lang. Har selv 3 prinsesser, så ved hvilke dejlige ting du går i møde og det er jo helt fantastisk Henriettep.s. du ser super flot ud med den mave!

  214. I thought that was very interesting when I saw that on the news last week. Now these models have to be ATLEAST 123 lbs…(ooooh)…on that 5’10” frame. A “normal” weight for someone who is 5’10”, if you go by weight charts, which we know are kind of pointless b/c they don’t deal with the make-up of one’s body, say you add 5 lbs for every inch above 5 feet. That would mean someone 5’10” “should” weigh 150 lbs.

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  218. Wow, your post makes mine look feeble. More power to you!

  219. None can doubt the veracity of this article.

  220. We have a Zombie shoot scheduled for this spring at DPMS. We have created our own targets this year and I was asked to pose for one, wooo hooooo!We currently have over 200 people signed up for the 1 day shoot, maybe the next will have to run 2 days.

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  222. A tál? ott van középen:)Köszi, nem néztem előnézetet, és nem raktam fel e képét, és már ki is töröltem, ezért most hajnalban csináltam egyet, és beszrkesztettem.Köszönöm!Apropó tál!Még van nálunk egy tálad!!!

  223. I’ll gear this review to 2 types of people: current Zune owners who are considering an upgrade, and people trying to decide between a Zune and an iPod. (There are other players worth considering out there, like the Sony Walkman X, but I hope this gives you enough info to make an informed decision of the Zune vs players other than the iPod line as well.)

  224. Congratulations to both of you. These awards are but a small confirmation of the positive impact that your integrity and servant leadership have on others. Truly deserved.Rob Trimble

  225. Didn’t know the forum rules allowed such brilliant posts.

  226. congrats on a productive year blogging and beyond! i know i’m mostly quiet on here but i have seen your blog grow from the sidelines and am always impressed. you and a bunch of other people you mentioned on your list really inspire me to keep going, too

  227. Lolo | (23:22) Lumumba luka callous asomba echarpe ya bien mpo echarpe oyo Na lunette oyo natikala komona Yango jamais ata Na ba boutique ya charite mikolo oyo mpe Kabila aza Na ba poste ya kopesa bino te etikali reserve Na M23 debrouille kaka Na poto mon frère papy tamba mutu Na bino kuna Na kin asi alembi ba promesse ya Mende ba bati esi ebandi koto boka ye Na se Na moyi ya kin

  228. Shanda Matron of Honor – These photos took my breath away!!! Kat you are amazing and I can not wait to meet you!!! I am in their wedding and so honored. YOU are incredible with that camera girl!!! I am going to be looking to book you to take pictures of me and my family in the spring 2011. YOUR favorite picutre is also MY favorite!!! Wonderful, amazing job! Timmi and LaCarl, you were meant for each other…just beautiful!!! Mwah!!!

  229. Hi there! My spouse and I often publish guest posts for other web site owners to help increase exposure to our work, as well as provide terrific articles to site owners. It’s a win win situation! If you’re interested feel free to e-mail me at: so we can discuss further. Many thanks!

  230. Insert crying miss m sounds here. You have been on my mind a lot lately as well. We weren’t meant to be separated for so long. Also had a long island medium moment today that I know you would appreciate. Love you.

  231. My mother made this for a brunch when I was 10 years old. I’ll never forget it.People came to the house expecting Eggs Benedict and got Vitello Tonnato and it was a party to remember. I love the idea of doing this with chicken.

  232. vilken fantastisk bild!!!! och han är verkligen grym den hunden!!!!!!! Det kan jag lova att det hade aaaaaldrig syrran gjort, suttit kvar där :O) hade nog fått limma dit henne isf :O)Ha en go helg!

  233. WOW you’re promoting her! She’s amazing she was in the bottom 2 in the first week and now she’s the winner glad she beat the boy band! But all three finalists released a song! It’s dumb if you ask me!

  234. Pleasing you should think of something like that

  235. Rhona B October 31, 2012 – 4:20 am I did not know you personally, but you are another individual i guess that will be in my “admiration” book…You have inspired me in your speech, words and emotions while delivering it…Starting today, I will seek to fulfill God’s purpose for me in this life and that is to serve others…Thank you for making me realize, I can be a better individual and the real simple happiness in life is really not bought anywhere,,It’s the service you can genuinely give to others..Thank you Dr Teo. May your soul rest in peace and be granted eternal life..

  236. This article achieved exactly what I wanted it to achieve.

  237. Nom,I believe you are wrong and that the government and our deqr leaders will never declare war on capital; instead, they will declare war in favor of workers. The results will be the same but the visuals and rhetoric will be different — “All power to the soviets,” as opposed to “Kill the rich.”

  238. 936ce1Howdy! This is my first visit to your blog! We are a team of volunteers and starting a new project in a community in the same niche. Your blog provided us useful information to work on. You have done a marvellous job!19a6bb

  239. wow it was my first time to login in this site,bt your comments are real amazing especially to Bruce,post by 4 March 2012,i real needs more advise,Hermen,XXX and Salty#1..you doing amazing job in this site keep on doing-Honey South AfricaI want to get your emails to above mention people.and i am Lesbian and 27Years

  240. Ok, first, Sumeria wasn’t the “first civilization” to EVER exist, it is the first civilization to have an alphabet and thus from which we have written documents. Secondly, Sumerians weren’t African, they lived in Mesopotamia (ancient Babylon, modern day Iraq).Both Africans, Asians, and whites belong to the same biological species (sapien) which evolved from the great apes of African region. Therefore, it is not crazy to assume that Africans are one of the earlier groups of humans.

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  244. I love it! You are such a great story teller. I never thought about mountain top houses having to deal with clouds. I wonder if the home owners ever did too.

  245. The Ward, June 26, 2011 at 8:53 am This is very inspiring work you have created for us. Some people need to know that these things can ensue to anyone. You have shown me a better view now.

  246. So leid es mir tut, aber Du erzählst in Deinem PS Unsinn. (Oder hast Du eine Quelle dafür?) Mir als Stuttgarter geht es sehr wohl um das Projekt Stuttgart 21, deshalb bin ich bisher ich auf die Straße gegangen, deshalb war ich gestern im Schlossgarten und deshalb werde ich es auch heute wieder machen.Meinst Du, dass Du mit Deinen Interpretationen sachlich bist? Und keine Stimmung machst?

  247. kalau yang china-china murah, bisa cuman 900an, tapi sayang biasanya yang china murah pakai 2.1, kalau yang axioo ini sepertinya bisa untuk pertimbangan kalau ada budget lebih karna fitur OS sama. kalau budget naek dikit malah bisa dapat Galaxy tab tu.

  248. , it’s a small price to pay for a steady supply of goose barnacles, cockles, sardines grilled over olive wood, and mussels for a dollar a pound….So, I’d say Oreja Margaritas.

  249. znalazÅ‚em w sieci wytÅ‚umaczenie czemu zjawisko rr-k wogóle ma miejsce.Otóż podobno wszystkie kobiety kochajÄ… premieraNie wiem czy to prawda, ale dziÄ™kujÄ™ Wszechmogacemu, że kobietÄ… nie jestem,a Paniom szczerze współczujÄ™ 🙁

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  251. Yes, that is something talked a bit about in my recent post on the last podcast. Even though it is great that we have a bit more free agency to choose who our PC loves, it still ultimately falls show in representation and believability since… there are NO same-sex couples in the world. I have not bumped into ANY, not even with the minor NPCs and townspeople. So, there’s a big disconnect, it seems, from how the society might work versus how game *developers* have *made* the game to work for the sake of the player.

  252. Necrotising Hafrada.From Greek “nekros” death, dying,Necrotising: resulting in death So: separation so total, that it results in destruction and death.Necrotic Hafrada would also work

  253. A pergunta que faço é: as emissoras são obrigadas a fazerem debates com todos os candidatos ou podem estabelecer alguns critérios exigidos para o acesso (como as pesquisas de intenção de votos)? Salvo engano, isso já aconteceu no passado, não?

  254. Calling all @DavidArchie fans: Today is going to be a good day for you… @aolmusic: Re: Lots of questions about the last tweet. Just keep an eye on @aolmusic today!Is it too much to wish for more AOL sessions???? *hopes*

  255. I love seeing kids enjoying their food, don’t mind the mess at all. You’re right he still looks cute even with all those mess Happy weekend.

  256. Alberto, obrigado por noster contado uma boa história. Melhor ainda, uma das raras histórias de prisão em que se levou a sério a reinserção social do delinquente. Um abraço

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  258. Me encantan. El club de los paladares salados te da las gracias. Los haré, sin ninguna duda. Aprovecho la ocasión para (uno, dos, uno, dos…¿se me oye bien por el fondo?) desearte unas felices vacaciones. Te voy a echar de menos, de eso tampoco hay duda. UN BESO

  259. I love the excitement of standing in line at Walmart watching clips from the movie all the way until midnight when they start actually selling them. I did it last year for Twilight, and I plan on doing it again this year. Besides, Walmart is the only one that has that seven minute thing going on….Gotta have it!

  260. Meanwhile, the boom in Chinese demand? Maybe not.Audi presents A6 L e-tron PHEV concept at Auto China in Beijing23 April 2012Keep up Bunny. The Chinese electric auto experiment has failed.

  261. Excellent read, I just passed this onto a colleague who was doing a little research on that. And he actually bought me lunch because I found it for him smile So let me rephrase that: Thanks for lunch!

  262. Still conscious afterward doesn’t mean that she had the physical or mental energy at the time time of any attack to fight someone off or make enough noise to alert anyone nearby.

  263. Jeg kan se der er andre, der ogsÃ¥ skriver vedr. Amning og hÃ¥rfarve. Don’t do it, for din lille mands skyld. Det er sÃ¥ kort tid man ammer, den tid kan du da godt vente… Du er seriøst smukkest naturlig (ogsÃ¥ din hÃ¥rfarve).

  264. All the answers I’ve read here are very insightful (and much more thorough than I expected.) I can relate to all of them, and I can’t say that I’d be able to add to them.Thanks everybody!

  265. If your big watch closely how his elbows stay back. I see alot people that are a lil on the fat side who start off in a push up position but as they go up they stick their elbows out as if they were doing a wide pushups. Learn how to use those triceps and literally push up!

  266. I like to feature both classic and eccentric people and don't want to limit it to one kind of style. I photograph who ever I come across who is full of life and style!Ari

  267. A fabulous card! I love the image, and your colouring is fantastic – love the papers and the layout too!Must take a look at these digi images myself – I need some boy ones.Love, Andrea xx

  268. Marco, sono fermamente convinto che non abbiamo via d'uscita… un ventennio nero (grazie al mes) e chissà quale altra diavoleria inventata dalle varie stamperie private denominate banche centrali…il popolo non insorgerà mai spontaneamente e vedrà la matrix dei mali il costo della casta (l1% del pil) senza mai capire il vero problema…molta gente è felice delle mobilitazioni di ieri ma non si chiede chi ha mosso tutta quella gente…IL MALCONTENTO NO DI CERTO.COLORO I QUALI HANNO ATTIVATO I CELERINI? SICURAMENTE SI

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