سرطان الكراهية والعنصرية يتفشى في جسد إسرائيل

لو كان باستطاعة رئيس الوزراء الإسرائيلي “بنيامين نتنياهو”، الاحتيال لمنع الكشف عن المجرمين من القتلة اليهود، الذين خطفوا واغتالوا وحرقوا الشهيد “محمد أبو خضير” وهو حيا لفعل ذلك، ولو استطاع “نتنياهو” منع النشر والكشف عن قتلة “محمد أبو خضير” اليهود في وسائل الإعلام الإسرائيلية والعالمية لما تردد، وما الكشف عن القتلة، وتنديد “نتنياهو” واستنكاره للجريمة إلا مضطراً، بعد مرور أيام في محاولة لإلصاقها بغير اليهود، وهذا لا يعدو رفع العتب، وضمن العلاقات العامة، بعد إضاعته لحملته الإعلامية في أعقاب مقتل “محمد” الذي شنها على الصعيد المحلي والدولي لاختطاف المستوطنين الثلاثة وقتلهم، مع أنه ،وحسب المصادر الإسرائيلية، فإن الإعلام الخارجي لم يعط اهتماماً كبيراً لخطف المستوطنين، فجاءت عملية خطف”محمد” وقتله البشعة، لتغطي على عملية خطف المستوطنين، والورقة التي استغلها “نتنياهو”، فخطف وقتل وحرق “محمد” حرك العالم والأمم المتحدة وإعلام الغرب ضد العنصرية والكراهية الإسرائيلية، فاعتقال القتلة اليهود وتقديمهم للمحاكمة قد يكون صورياً، خاصة بعد أن نشرت الصحف الإسرائيلية أن بعض هؤلاء القتلة مصابون بأمراض نفسية، أي مجانين، كما أن المحكمة الإسرائيلية أطلقت سراح ثلاثة منهم بمزاعم أن ليس لهم علاقة بالعملية، مما دفع بالرئيس الفلسطيني الطلب من الأمم المتحدة، تشكيل لجنة دولية للتحقيق في قضية “محمد”، إذ أن الثقة بـ “نتنياهو” وإدارته معدومة، ولو كان جاداً في إدانته الجريمة، لأمر بهدم بيوت القتلة اليهود فوراً، مثلما أمر بهدم بيوت المشتبه بهم بخطف المستوطنين، قبل التأكد بالدليل القاطع أنهم الذين خطفوا وقتلوا المستوطنين الثلاثة.
لقد وجد “نتنياهو” ضالته لطي صفحة مقتل “محمد”، وفتح صفحة جديدة، بشنه العدوان الهمجي على قطاع غزة، بعد أخذ ورد وتردد في حكومته، من أن نتائج العدوان الجديد سيضع مليونين من سكان مستوطنات الجنوب في الملاجئ، ووضع نحو خمسة ملايين إسرائيلي في حالة من الذعر والتوتر والهروب إلى الملاجئ، من الصواريخ التي ستصل إليهم من قطاع غزة، فهؤلاء اليهود المرفهين قصيرو النفس للمكوث في الملاجئ، ولماذا يتجاهل العالم والأمم المتحدة، اتفاقية التهدئة التي توصلت إليها إسرائيل مع المقاومة بتاريخ 21-11-2012، وكان من أهم ما جاء فيها لوقف إطلاق النار في غزة بين الجانبين، وقف كل الأعمال العدائية من قطاع غزة تجاه إسرائيل، بما في ذلك إطلاق الصواريخ، والهجمات على خطوط الحدود، ووقف إسرائيل لجميع الأعمال العدائية على قطاع غزة براً وبحراً وجواً، بما في ذلك الاجتياح وعمليات استهداف الأشخاص والسؤال: لماذا لم تحترم إسرائيل ما وقعت عليه والتزمت به لهذه الاتفاقية؟ ولماذا يتجاهل العالم وبخاصة الدول الغربية نقض إسرائيل لها، فمنذ عام 2013 مارست إسرائيل سياسة الاغتيالات والتصفيات وقتل عناصر فلسطينية داخل القطاع بطائراتها من الجو، وبإطلاق النار على المزارعين الفلسطينيين بالقرب من الشريط الحدودي، وبمطاردة صيادي الأسماك وبتقليصها لحدود المياه البحرية المسموح للصيادين العمل فيها، من ستة كيلومترات إلى ثلاثة، إلى غير ذلك من الانتهاكات لاتفاق التهدئة الموقع من قبل الجانبين وإعادة اعتقالها للمحررين من الأسرى بصفقة شاليط، لابد للفلسطينيين من الرد على هذه الانتهاكات المتكررة، والعمليات العسكرية لشل حياة الإسرائيليين واقتصادهم، الذي سيتحمل خسائر كبيرة، فماذا حدث؟ الخلافات داخل الحكومة الإسرائيلية، والمزايدات بين الوزراء وبعض نواب الكنيست، حتى أن هذه الخلافات برزت سلفاً، فهناك من طالب القيام بعملية عسكرية واحتلال قطاع غزة من جديد، وبين عملية يوكل بها سلاح الجو الإسرائيلي بقصفه للقطاع، فإسرائيل رغم استدعائها قسماً كبيراً من قوات الاحتياط، فإنها مترددة في اجتياح القطاع، أو القيام باجتياح محدود، لأنها تعرف أن ذلك سيكلفها خسائر كبيرة في صفوف جنودها، وأنها تعرف أن بإمكانها دخول الحرب، لكنها لا تعرف كيف ستتطور وكيفية الخروج منه، وفي كلا الحالتين سيتم الاتفاق لاحقاً على وقف إطلاق النار والتوصل لاتفاق تهدئة جديد، أو العودة إلى اتفاقية التهدئة السابقة التي تمت بتاريخ 21-11-2012.
إن الغليان والغضب الفلسطيني بدأ في الضفة الغربية، وانتقل إلى قطاع غزة، وإلى عرب الداخل في المنطقة المحتلة عام 1948، فمن سمع بأن السلطات الإسرائيلية عاقبت اعتداء المستوطنين على ممتلكات ومزارع وأراضي الفلسطينيين وقطع أشجار زيتونهم، وحرق محاصيلهم؟ هل سمعتم عن قيام الاحتلال بإجراء تحقيقات جدية، ومحاكمات تطال المستوطنين المعتدين ومعاقبتهم؟ وماذا بالنسبة لمجموعة “دفع الثمن” التي طالت عملياتها الممتلكات والأماكن المقدسة للمسلمين والمسيحيين؟ حتى وصل إلى داخل الخط الأخضر، الأمر الذي أدى إلى اجتياح برميل بارود من الكراهية المتبادلة الشارعين العربي واليهودي وخلق وتوتر رهيب في القدس والضفة الغربية وصل إلى الناصرة والجليل والمثلث وحيفا وعكا ويافا والنقب، كل ذلك على خلفية خطف وحرق الشاب “محمد أبو خضير”، رافقتها موجة واسعة من اعتقالات الفلسطينيين، وهدم عشرات المنازل، فقد طوق المستوطنون بعددهم الذي وصل نحو (700) ألف مستوطن، معظمهم من المتعصبين الفاشيين النازيين، الذين طوقوا القرى العربية في الضفة، وسهل عليهم الاعتداء على الفلسطينيين، وأن خطف “محمد” لم تكن الأولى، فقد جرت محاولات أخرى لكنها لم تنجح.
“نتنياهو” وحكومته وزمرته تتحمل المسؤولية الكاملة عن هذه الكراهية والاحتقان وما آلت إليه الأوضاع بين العرب واليهود، فـ “نتنياهو” يقوم بالتحريض على العرب منذ سنوات، وما نكرانه لهذا التحريض إلا كذب، هآرتس 8-7-2014، فـ “نتنياهو” تعهد بالانتقام ردا على اختطاف المستوطنين الثلاثة، التايمز الإسرائيلية 4-7-2014، ورئيس جهاز “الشاباك” السابق “يوفال ديسكن”، يحمل “نتنياهو” المسؤولية تجاه التدهور في العلاقات مع الفلسطينيين، على خلفية مقتل “محمد أبو خضير”، وقضايا أخرى، والوزير “يائير لبيد” طالب في جلسة الحكومة العمل على إخماد النيران لا إشعالها ضد الفلسطينيين، وعدم إعطاء الفرصة للمتطرفين، أما النواب “دوف حنين” و”زهافا غلؤون” فقد حملوا المجلس الوزراء المسؤولية عن قتل “محمد أبو خضير”، لحملة الانتقام والتحريض ضد الفلسطينيين، والوزيرة “تسيفي ليفني” استخدمت لغة غير مسبوقة بتنديدها بجريمة قتل “محمد أبو خضير”، وطالبت بمعاقبة القتلة، ودعت لاتخاذ  إجراءات ضد العناصر الإرهابية اليهودية، وتستنكر الأصوات التي تدعو إلى العنف والانتقام وكتابات التحريض على الجدران، والمناداة بالموت للعرب، والاعتداء على المواطنين والعمال العرب الذين يعملون داخل الخط الأخضر، وتفشي سرطان العنصرية والكراهية، ونكرر بأن “نتنياهو” وحكومته يتحملون مسؤولية الوضع المتفجر والمتصاعد، فهو يزعم بأنه ينشد إلى الحياة وهم ينشدون إلى الموت، والانتقام ليست من أعمال الشيطان، وقتلة المستوطنين الثلاثة بشر في صورة حيوانات، ودعوته لفرض العقوبات الجماعية التي تعني بأن كل عمل ضد الفلسطينيين مباح ومسموح به، بغض النظر عن كون الفلسطيني المعاقب بريئاً أو غير برئ، فكلهم مدانون ومجرمون، ويقول بيبي دعنا نقتلهم، والوزير “نفتالي بينت” يقول بأن وقت الأقوال انتهى، وحل وقت العمل، ولا غفران لقتلة الأطفال ومن يرسلهم، ونائب وزير الحرب “داني دانون” قال:إسرائيل ستعرف كيف تجعل الخاطفين ومن أرسلهم يدفعون ثمناً باهظاً ، والوزير “أوري أرئيل” يقول: التصرف في الحرب مثلما هي الحرب، ضربهم بدون رحمة، وتقديم رد صهيوني مناسب، والوزير “إسرائيل كاتس”:”يجب أن نلقنهم درساً لن ينسوه أبداً، مما يجعل الرأي العام الإسرائيلي يتأثر بهذا التحريض”.
إن أكثر ما يلفت النظر أن الدعوة للانتقام والكراهية، تأتي من قوات الجيش، العاملة في الضفة الغربية، ويقولون في شبكات التواصل الاجتماعي:”بيبي دعنا نقتلهم”، ويبررون  ذلك بأن كراهية العرب ليست عنصرية، وإنما أخلاقية، فتزايد دعوات الانتقام في إسرائيل، من خلال مواقع التويتر والفيسبوك، للتحريض ودعوة شعب إسرائيل بالانتقام، حصل على (35) ألف معجب يهودي، وهناك جنود يطالبون وحداتهم العسكرية، وأغلبيتهم من وحدة المشاة، العاملة في الضفة الغربية بالانتقام، وإذا كان هناك مظاهرات معادية للعرب جرت في القدس وتل أبيب وحيفا وغيرها، فإن هناك مظاهرات جرت في القدس وتل أبيب وغيرهما، من أنصار السلام واليسار الإسرائيلي، معادية للعنصرية والتطرف، فعلى موقع “فيسبوك”، موقع معادي للعنصرية جمع ثلاثة آلاف توقيع يطالب الموقعون عليها التصدي للعنصرية والانتقام والكراهية، ورفع شعارات الموت للعرب، وعربدة المستوطنين واليمين الإسرائيلي العنصرية والكراهية والشوفانية والفاشية أخذت سياقاً خطيراً وغير مسبوق، بالدعوة لقتل فلسطيني كل ساعة، “معاريف”.
وخلاصة القول، فإن هذه الكراهية والعدوان المجرم على غزة، نسف مقولة التعايش ولابد من الانفصال، فطائرات ودبابات إسرائيل ليس باستطاعتها حسم القتال وإعادة الأمن والهدوء، وما باستطاعته فعل ذلك عملية سياسية حقيقية، تؤدي إلى إقامة دولة فلسطينية وإنهاء الاحتلال، غير أن إسرائيل التي قامت على القوة، وعلى حساب شعب آخر، لا تؤمن بالسلام.

اقرأ أيضا

الصحراء المغربية

منزلقات تأويل موقف روسيا من المينورسو

أثار التصويت على قرار مجلس الأمن الدولي بخصوص التمديد لبعثة المينورسو جدلا كبيرا في مختلف …

282 تعليقاً

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  4. maria disse:A guerra cuja as armas são alimentos envenenados. É fácil pra quem quer diminuir a população, menos gastos. Mais dinheiro no bolso. O Brasil precisa de jovens inteligentes que queira defender sua pátria, estudando e pesquisando sobre tudo o que aqui existe, jovens de bem. O Brasil mais pare um barco a deriva.

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  23. Jennifer,So great to attend your workshop and meet you in Philly. My 12 yr old son came out this year as Trans and is fully “out” I am so proud of the courage it takes for him to be himself. He inspires me every day. Thank you for all you do!!MaryTwitter: @MsMaryMoss

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  25. If only there were more clever people like you!

  26. yo tambien tengo fobia social estoy sola me la paso en cerrada casi no salgo y deje de ir a la escuela por q no tenia amigas y me siento tan sola que lo unico q quiero es morir cuando salgo con mi hermanan y su amiga a una fiesta me siento muy incomoda por q lo unico q hago es estar callada por que no tengo nada interesante que decir y meda miedo a hacer el ridiculo

  27. Dear Vix, another great haul. You had me laughing at title of this post. I'm always buying bras like that then losing them for some reason. What a good find when you needed one anyway. I will go over and read your interview, I know I'll love it. I've been an anti-social blogging person this evening so better go and have a drink for a bit! Hope you're having lovely evening xx

  28. Boo! Get well soon :)Got tipped off by a source that you're a fellow foodie too, always nice to hear! :)HarrisP/S: Thanks for being so patient with me coming to you bout word counts!

  29. – Betsy,Your blog is an enjoyable part of my day….it’s wonderful the way it is! Interesting quotes such as you post are an inspiration for many!One of my favorite ‘quotes’ is from Proverbs 16…Commit thy works unto the Lord, and thy thoughts shall be established.Keep up the good work, & keep smiling. We appreciate you!~Mary

  30. Beatrice scrive: 25 dicembre 2011 alle 14:44Ciao! grazie mille per i consigli sulla casa? e se invece valutassi la Valletta? non è distante da Marsa no? preferirei trovare casa tramite privati, non ci sono siti che pubblicano annunci? dato che a me servirebbe da aprile, è troppo presto attivarmi ora secondo te? grazie mille davvero! Buon Natale! Beatrice Rispondi

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  32. A very profound post. We will take with us what is appropriate at the time. Reading Cheryl’s comment, is a stark reminder of what is important. For me its memories and nothing can remove those.

  33. Me gusta mucho este grupo, su estilo y la vocalista tiene un registro y una afinación espectacular.Busco un video de ellos con el tema “Tu o la sencillez”, favor si me dan algun links para esto, les estaría muy agradecido.

  34. hahah, yes I’m taking baby steps. Can’t wait for you to come visit, you can show me your old stomping ground…. or should I say your party days

  35. Really trustworthy blog. Please keep updating with great posts like this one. I have booked marked your site and am about to email it to a few friends of mine that I know would enjoy reading..

  36. I love the expression on his face (amazing how they can look so expressive when it’s just couple of dots and lines?!!) and your colours are so cute. still trying to decide which ones to get – too many again! xx

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  40. Je ne suis pas vraiment d’accord avec toi. Pour moi un <h1> et un <title> identiques sont un signal fort pour Google d’une suroptimisation. Même si cela peut paraître cohérent pour le lecteur, ça l’est bien moins pour un moteur de recherche…

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  43. I have very few weaknesses; custard happens to be one of them. Kitchen skills are another weakness, but I will try your custard recipe.Crowder was the pea of choice at our house. Purple Hulls were the first alternates; you are right about the purple fingers.Dave

  44. Homemade English muffins have been on my "to make" list for ages now … one of those things I mean to do but never get to it. Will have to remedy that. I love the ease of the recipe and your photo is so inviting!By the way, I love the name of your blog! :)Thanks so much for your kind comment on my blog. Its lovely to meet you and I'll be following you too!

  45. Keep these articles coming as they’ve opened many new doors for me.

  46. Because Islam is a destabilizing assault on a civilization they want to overthrow and that makes it an outsider religion.Also it's been successfully presented to them as less about the supernatural and more about social justice. The terrorism they see only reinforces that.

  47. Yeah…trial the ibike again. Except see if it will pair up with the Power2max. My ibike dash would not. Garmin 800 paired first try. Not sure why but I’d like to know from a gizmo guy why this might be. For that matter, I couldn’t get Wahoo to do it either but I heard they have a test crank and are looking into it. On a side note if you could get the Casio G-shock people to add bluetooth and/or Ant+ receiver to their new phone plus some type of app. that would be a killer combo phone/head unit.

  48. Mah, surface nasce già male poichè Microsoft ha presentato DUE versioni con architetture INCOMPATIBILI tra di loro (ARM e INTEL) senza prevedere un layer intermedio. Ergo, uno rischia di compererlo e poi avere la versione con il parco software sacrificato. Vedremo, ma mi sembra che l'inesperienza di Microsoft nel gestire software e hardware possa creare non pochi problemi.

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  52. Great blog! Do you have any hints for aspiring writers? I’m planning to start my own website soon but I’m a little lost on everything. Would you propose starting with a free platform like WordPress or go for a paid option? There are so many choices out there that I’m totally overwhelmed .. Any ideas? Kudos!

  53. Creo que esto va a estar muy bueno! ya se sabe la fecha de inicio? la cancion que aparece se llama “what a wonderful world”, es la version del gran Joey Ramone en su disco solista un tiempito dsp de que Los Ramones se separen…Espero con ansias el comienzo y que sea con todos los exitos!!F.R.

  54. Speaking of foreign policy and bureaucracy, you might be interested in the work of Chris Coyne, a GMU Austrian. The Economist discusses his writings on why the United States is doing a crappy job of rebuilding Iraq .

  55. Ich steh auch nicht auf Wrestling. War aber trotzdem ne gute Folge. Die Beiden machen das echt klasse (War ja auch klar…).

  56. That’s really thinking of the highest order

  57. Arash the supposed anonymous poster (comment #2), may I remind you that until you apologize to me and the blog’s viewers for your excessive use of uncivilized profanity, you are banned from commenting here.

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  62. depending on my mood my last meal would either be a variety of chinese food (orange chicken, general tso, broccoli beef etc.) with rice and spring rolls and hot and sour soup.or if i wasn't in the mood for that-roast beef or lamb, mashed potatoes and garlic bread. with some chocolate cake and coffee ice cream for dessert

  63. I think that the best way would be to start out with the AGPL version and then upgrade to the enterprise version if your network is getting enough players. As long as you are using the AGPL version of Cubeia Poker you have to make the source available, which means that any modifications to the poker source have to be made public. This is probably ok when starting up, but if you start to get some serious traction you probably want to be able to develop the poker in your own direction without sharing the code, i.e. switch to a commercial license.

  64. That’s a skillful answer to a difficult question

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  67. it was a problem of the jews. i think he said it was a problem for obama and the democrats.What is the point of this post?do you have an inkling of what Podhoretz’s pont is? try harder, i know you can figure it out.

  68. 24/05/2010 – 11:10pmperdón goebblaño por cambiarte el nombre.no es una prueba, ni mucho menos, es algo que yo he vivido muy de cerca, pero en las empresas, cuando los directores tienen que decir algo, delegan en los jefes para que estos les comuniquen a los trabajadores lo que el director quiera que sepan, con esto intento explicar que es bastante probable que FP delegue en la M roja lo que quiere que se le comunique a la afición, vuelvo a repetir que esto es sólo cosa mía

  69. *De Bogotá: Telmex deberia activar el Canal TVColombia nuestra tele, propone Javier GómezPara los usuarios de la DIGITAL BASICA pues alli transmiten hasta 5 partidos del FPC 2012 seria un favor grande para los seguidores del fútbol y en general para aquellos que no pueden tener otro cableoperador distinto a ellos”,

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  71. I’ve got Bale, and won’t hold him for the two weeks. Since midfield options are scarce, and Chelsea have a week off next week, I’m thinking about moving him to Sessegnon (Sunderland’s double GW), and then move Sess on to Bale/Mata after GW17. I’ve already got Michu, Fellani, Santi and Sterling as my other mids and wasn’t looking to move them on in the near future (2-3 weeks). Thoughts?

  72. Is that really all there is to it because that’d be flabbergasting.

  73. Regards for all your efforts that you have put in this. Very interesting info. “The rule is perfect in all matters of opinion our adversaries are insane.” by Mark Twain.

  74. Penisheld / 12. März 2012Wenn ich bei mir (habe Cubase 4) Presets durchsuchen will, zeigt der mir garkeine an…kann es sein das ich keine Presets habe? Wo krieg ich die her?Antworten

  75. despite ME2 having no AA on ps3, i did not really see much difference in any comparison videos that usually show how bad aliasing can be. that, and in the game it wasn’t that noticeable o_oVN:F [1.9.17_1161](from 1 vote)

  76. I’ve been absent for some time, but now I remember why I used to love this website. Thanks , I will try and check back more often. How frequently you update your web site?

  77. la pipelette dit :On dirais un mélange entre la réunion et l’irlande .Je ne parle que des photos que j’ais pu voire car je n’ais jamais eu la chance de visiter ni l’un ni l’autre .Je constate par contre que Mr chéri a fait des infidélité au cochon breton !

  78. Jill does look like she is trying to squeeze into that picture LOL! But I follow her on and she actually does have several pictures with Matt Damon from that night.

  79. I saw your post awhile back and saved it to my computer. Only recently have I got a chance to checking it and have to tell you nice work. 577298

  80. With my first, I knew how many days old she was. With my fourth, I have to actually mathematically figure out how many months old she is. And none of them got baby books.Dana

  81. It’s a pleasure to find someone who can identify the issues so clearly

  82. I have access to thousands of profiles under my Google Account. The linking page only displays the first 872 rows of my profiles… and the page just ends at the last row. No "Link profile" submit button below the table.

  83. Rosa preciosa, aquí para lo que haga falta, gracias a ti por tu cariño y buen humor, gracias que fácilmente son aplicables a Carlos por lo mismo 🙂 Todo el día en blanco y verde esmeralda… ¡Abrazadísimos abrazosos para todos!(Carlos, es lo que tiene ser original, que en seguida te salen imitadores! 🙂

  84. Ahh to relive those days. And seriously, the shirt w/ a belt thing I have never understood-yet it sometimes just seems like a good idea? And Kraft dinners are saved for the hungover days when the girls got too drunk to enjoy their expensive food they didn't even know how to cook properly, and probably threw up anyway 🙂

  85. Is it possible to eliminate the bell curve in math class?Of course! There is no such thing as smarter people or stupider people. We are all equal!Ray Sawhill makes a great point, though. I tested extremely well but hated math classes and could not give a shit about math in my teens.In my twenties I got into highbrow lit and so forth, but I never went back to math until recently (in my late 30's) 'cause I needed it to complete a degree.You don't have to be stoopid to think math stinks.

  86. AMLinda 12 + 14 p/u RROM HSPUFlick 10 Band + RROM HSPUTerri 10 + 8 HSPU Band + RROM HSPUJodie 8 Band + RROM HSPUKaz 10 + 10 HSPU Band + RROM HSPURob 10 P/U + Box JumpsChrisitine – 12 P/U Band + RROM HSPUPMMark 5 + 4 HSPU Band + Box HSPUBrooke 8 + 4 P/U Band + Box HSPUHeath 12 + 14 P/U Band + Box HSPUBelinda 12 + 2 P/U Band + RROM HSPUShez 14 + 10 P/U RROM HSPUShira 12 + 4 P/U Band + RROM HSPUGlenn 8 + 6 P/U Band + Box HSPUMatt 14 + 12 HSPU RxdChris 10 + 8 Box HSPU

  87. Essays like this are so important to broadening people’s horizons.

  88. A great article Samantha – it’s all about selling the lifestyle. Take a tip from the National builders who spend thousands marketing their products. Take a leaf out of the Ideal Home Show – Show Houses!

  89. Bonjour Nadji, Passes de très bonnes vacances, nous ici les écoles sont encore ouvertes et ça serait seulement dans 2 semaines qu'on puisse profiter du beau soleil en filant vers le Sud inchallah! Bisous et prends soin de toi!Cheers

  90. Val, I wish you and your horse a safe journey to Florida. I trusted my horse Cash into the hands of an accomplished Parelli student for the month of September and it was a great experience for all of us…Best wishes,Petra ChristensenParelli 2Star Junior InstructorParelli Central

  91. That is right. But too much happiness destroys creativity. I can’t find particular reference in the reasonable time, but it was proven that slightly unhappy people are more creative. Unhappiness is the source and drive for changes.

  92. Kul tema, men jag inser att jag inte fotar så mycket fula saker men välkommen in och se lite fult i mitt tycke..

  93. Riccardo dice sempre: "Il giorno in cui dovrò chiederti di sposarmi ti stupirò e te lo ricorderai finché campi, ma l'anello te lo scegli da sola, eh". Io ODIO i gioielli, fosse per me il nostro anello di fidanzamento/fede sarebbe l'anellino a forma di delfino che mi ha regalato dopo poco più di un anno che stavamo insieme, e dopo tutto questo tempo lui, sfinito, ha giustamente smesso di regalarmi roba che luccica! 😀

  94. Enjoy family fun, games and tales from the past. Watch for the Headless Horseman! Noon to 5:00 pm, Admission: donation. Then, explore the Fort by night, hearing of actual encounters with the Fort’s ghosts. 6:30 pm – 10:00 pm, admission: $2, under 12 free.October 201201 Spy Run Ave.,Oldfortwayne.org

  95. Sverige är ett demokratiskt land där alla ska ha rätt att yttra sig. Denna reklam håller sig inom ramen för vad som är lagligt i yttrandefrihetsgrundlagen. Jag vill inte ha åsiktspoliser i Sverige. Däremot är det viktigt att vi andra reagerar när ett extremistparti som SD sprider sin propaganda.

  96. Ken i am one of Isaiahs brothers, Thank you so much for taking these photos and printing these kind words in your article. They give me comfort seeing his smiling face doing what he loved to do.

  97. Pues yo veo positivo que quien no piensa como quiere obligar con doctrina oficial el gobierno, pueda expresar su opinión. Luego cada cual que se forme su criterio. Difícil conseguido si se silencia la opinión de muchos no?

  98. I know. I had a good laugh. I forgot to mention that one of the other reasons I won was because I did it all with a drink in my hand. P.S. I got the idea for the shoe color after seeing you wear a similar pair on your blog.

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  100. As John gets closer to Christian's age, I feel a sharper grief. I cannot imagine the daily pain from his absence. I thank the Lord that He prompted you to be the Mommy that took the time to lay down with him. The memories filled with joyful moments. The hurt in this life is so excruciating. I have absolutely no idea how people who do not have an assurance of life beyond this one go on. When awful things happen, it is only God's precious Word that comforts me. And creates a longing like no other to be there.~Annemarie

  101. I’ve tried this diet before, only I ended up giving in after only a few days! But was wondering what people’s experiences of doing this diet are? Is it worth me trying again? I have about 7 pounds to lose in a week!

  102. Thanks so much Steve. I saw that announcement about next year’s combined shows. I can’t imagine it being any bigger than it already was. Feets don’t fail me now, huh?

  103. A few years ago I’d have to pay someone for this information.

  104. So true about the presentation thing. I can't say how many times i've walked into a shiny boutique that has like 5 garments hanging on one rack, looking very exclusive and luxe and realising that the clothes i'm looking at often aren't very original, luxe or well-made.

  105. ThePete covered a lot of what I wanted to type (mainly because we talked about the Hucklebug during one of our FaceTime dates), so I will defer to him. But I wanted to leave a comment, so HERE.What’s a red letter day?

  106. That insight’s just what I’ve been looking for. Thanks!

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  108. Diese müssen nicht wie kleine Dinge überhaupt scheinen, diese fürsorgliche Taten der Liebe für die Sterbenden! Ich bin mir nicht sicher, ich habe mich noch, dass in… vielleicht auch nie tun. Es braucht jemanden ganz besonderen und mitfühlend in der Lage sein, diese Rolle zu übernehmen, unabhängig davon, wer der Patient ist! (Oh, Ich hoffe, Sie wissen, dass!)HolyMama! vor kurzem veröffentlicht..

  109. If the polling numbers you report more or less reflect the actual vote in Calgary Center, what sort of anti-democratic voting system gives the seat to a candidate who 65% of the people vote against? If my math is correct, it is enough to make me join the missing 3%! There must be a better way.

  110. Då har du det jobbet jag hade i går. Det är ju tröttande jobb att städa och tvätta.Det är ju så roligt med Biggan att hon har fått så många röster.Kram7Gilla

  111. Aunque ver como mutilan a soldados americanos puede ser muy entretenido yo, de momento y ya se vera cuando salga en alquiler, paso pero que muy mucho…

  112. We’ve also taken the liberty of sending an email to Sari, based on the one you sent (we hope you don’t mind). No response as of yet, but Sari’s inbox is probably pretty full by now…

  113. Amazing post! I also always go charity shopping when I travel, no matter where I try to find places to snag a few items. You are the Queen! -xx hope your'e doing well dear!

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  116. I do agree with all of the ideas you have offered on your post. They’re very convincing and will definitely work. Still, the posts are very brief for novices. May just you please lengthen them a bit from subsequent time? Thanks for the post.

  117. Hi.As usual a great posting.I must say of all the blogs i read in a day and God knows there are many,yours is still the one that peaks out above all of them.One thing i would have added in my humble opinion ,once the war was"Official"internment camps were erected for Japanese Americans.Are we prepared to do the same if an all out War would start with Islamic countries?

  118. I own a cube, not the Krom edition, but the regular SL trim level edition. The brown really is a terrible color. Steel Gray and Black look much nicer. Its a great car, and I like it because its so unique. Tons of room inside, good MPG, fun to drive, and just something thats not the same old sedan that people buy in droves like the Corolla, Civic, Camry, etc. Its not for everyone, but I like it.

  119. 2010å¹´3月15日上午10:52 Joe :陳志雲被揭發貪污被捕,從另一角度看,或從企業管理來看,是好事,即是說,貪污的員工被革職,企業可以說是沒有了「壞份子」,營運會更好,又即是說, TVB 會依然強大、壟斷經營會更加堅固。問題的關鍵,始終是壟斷問題,沒有開放電視廣播權,現有的電視台( TVB ) 就可繼續做龍頭大哥,畸型現象仍然未解決。

  120. That’s Crysis right? It was very notorious for not running at max settings back in the day. But when newer tech got released, I guess now people can enjoy it to its full potential.

  121. E vb de estaurantul SC Andymar Srl fosta proprietara a benzinariei de vizavi de Sc Willy SRl pe varianta “Iesire Onesti – Margineni”. Oricum aveti grija sa nu va cada tavanul in cap acolo pt ca patronul a modificat dupa bunul plac proiectul de structura de rezistenta a constructiei fara sa intrebe pe nimeni avizat si mai ales fara acordul niciunui inginer structurist. In fiecare zi avea alta idee pe care voia sa o puna in practica pt ca “o sa reziste oricum”. 

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  126. "Infine il mio discorso non parlava di politica ma della trasmissione. Isolare l'unico punto in cui tiro in ballo una persona che è ANCHE un politico, per svalutare l'intero mio discorso"te lo sei svalutato da solo il discorso, la persona (che è "sopratutto" un politico) non c'era nemmeno bisogno di tirarla in ballo.

  127. Creo que yo hubiese hecho lo mismo por ese lindo chucho peludo. ¡Dios mío cómo puede dejarse ahogar algo así y saber del dolor de su ama! No podemos estar ajenos a los sentimientos en ambos casos, no son tan diferentes aunque hablemos de 'instinto' y 'costumbre' en el del animal.Un beso. Ranita

  128. I think you should stay away from reupholstering until you get your new place, in case you bring the couch along, you might want something completely different! So my vote is for A. Mixing patterns and adding color really brightens your day and everyone needs a little something bright when they come home 🙂

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  130. Fantomzeit – Dunkelheit oder Leere im frühen Mittelalter? » Climategate II : 25. Juli : […] noch darüber hinaus. Geheimhaltung der Basisdaten kennt man auch in anderen Bereichen, z.B. der Dendrochronologie. Es ist wichtig, darauf …

  131. Stewart O’Nan, internationally famous author, makes a better outfield play than the Pirates.Sidney Crosby, greatest hockey player in the game, hits a better home run than the Pirates.God bless the Pirates.

  132. What a wonderful post! You're absolutely right – we can't take any of this stuff with us, and honestly, do any of us even remember what we got from or gave to someone three Christmases ago? I love your thoughtfulness, thanks for sharing this (and for the lovely comment on my blog! Yay for another local!), and that beautiful man on the cover of The Black Prism lol 🙂

  133. Napoleon Solo-2 December 30, 2010 – 2:39 pm Correction: The jews weren’t ignorant of the Messiah..They just flat out rejected HIM as the true Messiah.. But you make a good point as does Cherri..

  134. Such ads are created to grab eyeball time, but so long as websites, blogs, video sites etc. are free to the end-user, then this form of advertising will continue. There are too many players vying for relatively little eyeball time. Even the detested spam emails can pay out, despite their infinitesimally small conversion rates.(BTW the Northampton link doesn’t work)

  135. Anche i sussidi di disoccupazione continuano da troppo tempo a  ballare sopra la linea maginot di demarcazione tra un vera creazione di lavoro e dichiarazioni di buona volontà. Servono almeno 250.000 nuovi posti di lavoro ogni mese per  i prossimi dieci anni per cancellare le pressioni demografiche e migratorie e tutte le anime che hanno perso un posto di lavoro in questi anni di   terribile crisi, di disoccupazione in buona parte strutturale.

  136. I’m glad you’re writing about this because I am using this week off from work and school to begin the same thing. Hardest thing to get rid of are my toys. MY TOYS, not Mateo’s – what are you doing with your collectibles?

  137. Oh Samuela, thank you. Reading these posts – and sharing too – reminds me so much of a midweek testimony meeting. Plenty of gratitude and inspiration to keep moving forward and go and do likewise. Bless you all.  |  

  138. HOLY FUCK.I just went to the RDR publishing site, y’know, just for kicks, and it turns out they’re IN MY HOMETOWN in Muskegon. Like, less than a few blocks away, right by McGraft Park. O.OOddly, the company uses a 510 area code–based in California. (Again, O.O)Goddamn, this just got a whooooole lot more interesting for me.

  139. I believe i did everything right…keyword being believe lol. When i run this rom on my evo it doesnt show any thing for google…Like the play store or even google chat. Where do i go to download them? or is there a way to retrieve them? i love the rom ran great just would like to have the app store and my gmail so i can import contacts and everything else.

  140. Saturday after the Cherry Hill flea market re-opened. Some booths were empty, but the parking lot was full and customers flocked to vendors such as Shaheed who were open for business via .

  141. I just came across your site and simply HAD to join in on your orange challenge:) The work on your site is certainly inspirational and I will be back to see what your future challenges bring. My favourites here a the sunny and bright image and the peachy one underneath – just beautiful!

  142. afterthought: Anand Lal Shimpi, the editor of anandtech.com would be the person to ask about this deep sleep issue on Macs as he’s the person that always writes the reviews about Macs & SSD and he’s the absolute guru in anything to do with hard drives (but especially SSD).

  143. on I was wondering if you ever thought of changing the layout of your blog? Its very well written; I love what youve got to say. But maybe you could a little more in the way of content so people could connect with it better. Youve got an awful lot of text for only having one or two images. Maybe you could space it out better?

  144. And be fit for duty again. Otherwise you get pilot fatique. Type in search bar Pilot Fatique, then you will find interesting videos. And underpayed pilots. The years that pilots got payed well are all gone. Only at major and bigger airlines you get payed well. Lots of regionals pay terrible. Start salary between 12000 and 18000 Dollar a year is normal. A little bit more respect for pilots plz. Don’t say anything when you don’t know where you talk about.

  145. Aug13Naj AAYYYYYMENNNNN TO THAT girlfriend! Best line: The root of the word husband is husbandry.LOL! God’s property, you’ve got it down to the T! You sure do know the script! Men, [black men in particular; even more to the point, Ghanaian men], take note of the sound advice God’s property has so graciously highlighted for y’all lick-my-boots attititudes. If you heed to such advice, we’ll get along just fine!Nice one G.P.

  146. Sent a donation as soon as I saw this. Heartbreaking story, and I can only hope that she gets everything she needs. You are a wonderful person for setting this up! My thoughts are with those children and their mother.

  147. Salve. I simply want to declare that what you share here is really good sharing so I m thinking to post on my Facebook profile so all can have the freedom to enjoy. I was happy when I saw this tittle, successblog » About successblog, on my google search, and i was so becouse in the end I found what I was looking for. All the best

  148. Youre so awesome, man! I cant believe I missed this blog for so long. Its just great stuff all round. Your design, man…too amazing! I cant wait to read what youve got next. I love everything that youre saying and want more, more, MORE! Keep this up, man! Its just too good.

  149. je to uplne úžasne Dominik,myslím si,že viacero ludi by malo vstávaÅ¥ s pocitom,že tento deň bude zase úžasný a teším sa naň …. 🙂 treba si vážiÅ¥ každú chvílu a úživaÅ¥ si ju naplno … 🙂 aj ja potrebujem pocit volnosti.. … 🙂 super článok 😉

  150. up; no matter if you are a Marine or not.  You can find the entire transcript of the speech via Marine Corps Web Log, as well as other links listed at the end of this post.  Please note that what I have summarized

  151. same here sometimes i will pop one of them and white stuff comes out, not liquid and not alot of it, kind of like paste? i dont know, but im glad to know is not std… right is not? cuase its normal they can be popped ?

  152. Those cranberry wreaths and french toast look AMAZING! good luck in the new year…i know all your readers understand that you won’t be posting every day. blogging is supposed to be fun, not a chore!!

  153. Je vais à Cuba dans 10 jours. Je voudrais avoir l’adresse du magasinHarley Davidson pour pouvoir aller y magasiner quelques souvenirs de chez vous.Merci et bonne journée,Suzanne Desrosiers

  154. – always love the little bits you share. hope you feel better soon! xoI have been doing acupuncture for the last 6 months & it has totally boosted my immune system this year!

  155. That dress is gorgeous!! I love Maxi's!! I inherited a 1972 one from my great aunt, it's floral with bat-wing sleeves (despite how it sounds it's actually lovely, ha!) I've never had an opportunity to wear it, but it'll hang up on my mannequin until the right occation comes along :-)You've got such a lovely blog! Thanks for the follow 🙂 Laura xx

  156. While I thank Mencius very much for his generous compliment, I must respectfully differ with his characterization of my view of liberals. He writes “Auster sees Brahmins [i.e. liberals] more or less the way most of us see Nazis.” How can I see liberals as Nazis, since my constantly repeated point is that virtually all modern Westerners are liberals, including the people who call themselves conservatives? Lawrence AusterView from the Rightwww.amnation.com/vfr

  157. one reason that the blogsphere and lists are quiet is just being overwhelmed by all the goodness.a lot of drained ppl will be flowing back home later at the end of today…

  158. bonjour je suis en 3eme et je dois faire un résumé sur si c’est un homme de primo levi est ce que quelqu’un pourait me donner un résumé le plus détaillé possible merci d’avance .ERMANCE

  159. wonderful post, very informative. I wonder why the other experts of this sector do not notice this. You must continue your writing. I am confident, you’ve a great readers’ base already!

  160. Dear Alison,I am so sorry to hear of this sad news of Randy’s passing. My thoughts and prayers are with you in this time of need. Randy touched so many hearts and will be truly missed. I remember many times spending time with you all and Pete’s family and they are great memories!Love Ya,Lisa

  161. I do believe that a property foreclosures can have a important effect on the borrower’s life. Home foreclosures can have a Several to decade negative impact on a applicant’s credit report. Any borrower who’s applied for home financing or any kind of loans for instance, knows that your worse credit rating is actually, the more tough it is to obtain a decent personal loan. In addition, it could possibly affect any borrower’s power to find a quality place to lease or rent, if that gets to be the alternative homes solution. Good blog post.

  162. Na charada do garçom é bem simples.Já que o garçons recebeu 10 ao invés de 15 o valor que se devolveu foi 5,2reais pro garçom e 3reais para amigos portando 10reais a conta + 1real de cada um totalizando 3reais,+2 que o garçom pegou ou seja a conta na verdade não foi 10 reais foi 12 por que o garçom além dos 10 pegou mais 2 reais com o valor devolvido aos amigo totaliza 15.

  163. Thank you again everybody Neko – If they were here on Bright Meadow I would delete them in a flash. This WILL be a nice place if I have to kill everybody to make it that way! GRRR! Sadly, I don’t have control over all the places that people are evil (though if wishing would make it so). Ah well, I’ll just have to keep setting a good example and hope people get the message eventually

  164. Hey Ryan!!!!! You are like sooooo awesome! I love watching your videos! There so funny! (most of them anyway) haha keep posting and stay crazy! -Gabby

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  166. Mais tous ce que je viens de dire est sans doute hors de porter de la réflexion des journalistes que nous entendrons à partir de maintenant et pendant un mois sortir bêtement les même chiffres que ceux énumérés ici

  167. Just go with Like and Unlike buttons and provide stats based on that.I think 5 star ratings are more suited for providing reviews than anything (maybe YouTube should provide a review feature).

  168. Pas vu d’autres « bombardiers d’eau » depuis ceux de Propriano, mais trois, samedi matin dernier, à Toulon, allant arroser un coin du mont Faron qui fumait quelque peu.

  169. Thanks for the feedback Steve. We’ve added that top nav bar across all posts and on the front pages of gigaom.com and paidcontent.org and we’ll play around with this spacing.

  170. Puhha ja ku ik være mere enig,jeg går nu i seng og er super glad for at du lige åbnede mine øjne,i morgen vil jeg vågne og gøre alting anderledes:-)

  171. That insight’s just what I’ve been looking for. Thanks!

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  173. You’re the one with the brains here. I’m watching for your posts.

  174. 世界真細小,你在連線的那位朋友也看過了,似乎他有被誤解的感受。(個人認為,那朋友那番你不喜歡的話,未必如你所想般高智能) anyway,第三者對此不作評論。那天說過了話,有不少人要問我的問題,小弟已在滴汗,事後更提醒了領會者要shift focus,可是……小弟當日的話,沒有特色,也不「屬靈」。那不過是社會資本研究的基本資料,不妨可看看Robert Bellah çš„ Habits of the Heart 。更複雜的東東,唉,不怕悶壞、也怕嚇壞。倒想拜會scm聚會,或更能暢所欲言。噢,小弟長駐信和樓,不知報社何在(范記泳池邊)。有飲品有茶點的話,小弟一定出現。

  175. Also, I may add, a large proportion of California's population receives some type of welfare, disability, unemployment benefits, social security, or workmans compensation that are easily given away and not monitored closely.So, the people who work need to work harder to support the people who don't work.

  176. Your website has to be the electronic Swiss army knife for this topic.

  177. Quelque soit "la forme" c'est"le fond" de ton blog que j'apprécie, sur fond clair les recettes m'apparaissent peut être un peu plus lisible.Tu dis vouloir t'améliorer pour les photos mais je les trouve déjà très bien, le noir les mettait peut être plus en valeur…Quoiqu'il en soit je te lirais toujours avec beaucoup de plaisir

  178. Touchdown! That’s a really cool way of putting it!

  179. The next time I have to give a speech, I'm going to imagine them all in a wig. Those things sometimes take on a life of their own. Too funny!

  180. According to Jung, our personalities are made up of different archetypes that have been ingrained into the collective unconscious of humanity, and the combination of those archetypes influences us and our behavior. And probably our fashion choices too 🙂

  181. Took me a while to realize that was a quote from our favorite John Thorpe in NA… That whole exchange in NA is great–where he tells her not to read Mysteries because it’s a bunch of garbage, but then goes on to recommend novels by Radcliffe as the only ones worth reading!

  182. You can say it about a lot of other media, true, but that doesn’t make it any less wrong here. Personally, I will roll my eyes and be less likely to enjoy any book, movie, or TV show that also has the same problem. Just because lazy storytelling is common shouldn’t mean that we accept it. And besides “But so-and-so was doing it too” never worked as an excuse for me when I was 7, so I don’t see why we should let makers of games, movies, etc. get away with it either.

  183. I know this is not the correct place to ask this, but I'm not getting a response elsewhere. I found a Firefox plugin that allows me to download YouTube videos to my pc. I want to know if YouTube allows this? Can I go ahead?Thanks – Jamaal

  184. The Absent Game…Among me and my husband we’ve owned more MP3 players through the years than I can count, together with Sansas, iRivers, iPods (classic & touch), the Ibiza Rhapsody, etc. But, the last few several years I’ve settled down to one line of gamers….

  185. If time is money you’ve made me a wealthier woman.

  186. Wow! This blog looks just like my old one! It’s on a totally different topic but it has pretty much the same layout and design. Great choice of colors!

  187. David…I read excerpts from Bird’s book and its looks interesting. I’m familiar with iterative processes thought to generate language, so this might be novel way of looking at evolution/life.I might just read it. Thanks for the link.

  188. f6Roberta, comigo esta acontecendo a msm coisa. Vou esperar completar 2 meses para entrar em contato com a Asos. Será possível uma encomenda com número de rastreio desaparecer?

  189. Haha, det är ju pocket alltihop och vi fick ta 20kg var på flyget plus handbagage så det här var inte det enda som fickfölja med hem.;)

  190. i too am a victim of 9-11.my posts are not getting through.must be iranians, brother brain dead lardasses, let’s roll … oops, got stuck in the aisle, better lose some weight to squeeze through kyber pass.

  191. He he! I’ve actually met this lady before and took a picture of her back in march…! She was wearing all hot-pink and told me that people always wanted to take her picture and that she was very comfortable with it.

  192. Arts and Crafts projects are so much fun for kids and allows them to use creativity and trial and error to create exactly what they imagine.

  193. Hallo Michael,anteilig zahlen Sie die Wartung mit. Genau genommen übernehmen Sie 10/12 der Kosten. Das entspricht Ihrer Wohndauer in 2011 (März bis Dezember).Viele GrüßeDennis Hundt

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  195. BEAUTIFUL! I love how you’ve displayed your artwork throughout your home. I wish I had the innovation to do the same myself! I’m at a total loss as to how to do that with my own work. I love your little living room corner with the updated blue victorian sofa. Total delight to the eyes!

  196. That’s really shrewd! Good to see the logic set out so well.

  197. I am extremely impressed with your writing skills as well as with the layout on your weblog. Is this a paid theme or did you customize it yourself? Anyway keep up the nice quality writing, it is rare to see a great blog like this one today..

  198. There are no words to describe how bodacious this is.

  199. Thanks a lot for the helpful article. It is also my belief that mesothelioma cancer has an extremely long latency period, which means that indication of the disease might not emerge right until 30 to 50 years after the 1st exposure to asbestos fiber. Pleural mesothelioma, that is certainly the most common variety and is affecting the area throughout the lungs, might cause shortness of breath, breasts pains, including a persistent cough, which may result in coughing up blood.

  200. consumer. She’s spoken before capacity crowds at birth, engineering, and geek conferences, webinars, gatherings, and hackfests on the topics of new media, communications, online communities, social

  201. What’s Going down i’m new to this, I stumbled upon this I’ve discovered It absolutely useful and it has helped me out loads. I’m hoping to contribute & aid different customers like its helped me. Great job.

  202. There is a fraud being perpetrated on the American people.These devices give the illusion of safety when, in fact, there is none. Big bucks are going into the pockets of the vendors enabling them to erode the ability of doctors to provide safe and effective care under the guise of "transformation".Has any one seen a fever curve on EHRs? Or a BP trendline? Does anyone know how to click to get these?I will just call my pals, who alos do not know.

  203. The honesty of your posting is there for all to see

  204. lauraI pine for an adorable diabetic teen hunk Dream Babysitter that smells like dryer sheets. Yummy.(Oh! Not “yummy” in a creepy cougar kinda way but “yummy” as in my girls are so cute I could eat them up kinda way! Eeesh.) Excellent post.

  205. Well you have given a lot of information here for us to check what is going on and what is not so that is good way of signaling it. I have learn few things from the above and few of the sites have gone down for us. Would check them up, thanks for improving all of us .

  206. he was the only elected councillor present to vote against the motion. The decision is an example of campus political correctness gone too far, he said.’They’re not doctors. They’re playing politics with this,’ said Bergamini. ‘I think they see this, in their own twisted way, as a win for diversity. I see it as a loss for people with cystic fibrosis.'”Somebody get this dangerous fascist off the student council!! Thank god the article exposed him.

  207. Intelligence and simplicity – easy to understand how you think.

  208. Sometimes the best thing I can do (for creative flow) is to go spend some time in the sand box with my 8yo. It’s a good analogy you’ve made there, I think. Sometimes I have to look at the clumps of sand a while before I see the spark in them. I think it’s the spark we chase, not the masterpiece.Thanks for this, Peter – A good Thursday meditation.

  209. “An alien bursts out of John Hurt’s chest in this alien film about aliens”.Ah, good stuff.Reminds me of that Simpsons bit:”I saw this in a movie about a bus that had to speed around the city,keeping its speed over fifty. And if its speed dropped, the buswould explode! I think it was called… “The bus that couldn’t slowdown.”

  210. SPC, you just want me to out meself. No thanks.But, I will let you in on a secret…it is known to those who do the hiring. Not so much to Goober, Gomer and the Heeyucks. Mold


  212. Dear Sir, I have a few ideas for Google that could make them tons of money and would like to know how I can protect my idea with minimal court interaction and full Google support. Thanks.Kevin [email protected]

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  214. What a wonderful interview–how interesting about her career in nursing and love of reading eventually led to this writing gig! Please count me in for the giveaway. Thanks.JHolden955(at)gmail(dot)com

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  217. Nur zur Info: wir als Grosskunde von Canon warten seit Monaten auf eine optische Maschine von Canon. Das Problem: eine der Komponenten wurde bei Fukushima hergestellt…Anstatt sich also künstlich aufzuregen wäre es eher sinnvoll, mal die Gründe der Lieferprobleme japanischer Firmen zu hinterfragen. Bei Euch geht es nur um ein teures Spielzeug, bei uns hängen Existenzen dran (derzeit Kurzarbeit), und wie es den Japanern vor Ort geht, wage ich gar nicht zu fragen!

  218. I do not even know how I ended up here, but I thought this post was great. I don’t know who you are but definitely you’re going to a famous blogger if you aren’t already Cheers!

  219. dit :Attention l’coffre de toit est de sortie Bonnes vacances! Oui, et c’est un modèle de compète ! Prêté par des copains, on est prêts pour camper !

  220. When do you think this Real Estate market will go back right side up? Or is it still too early to tell? We are seeing a lot of housing foreclosures in Winter Springs Florida. What about you? We would love to get your feedback on this.

  221. How I pray that I don’t fear humans more than God. However, I know I do get caught up in trying to “please” and sometimes is it fine (if it is God’s will alone) and sometimes it is certainly not. To seek only Him in all. .I am going to look up the verses you’ve mentioned as well. My sons and I have done the Jesse Tree together this year and I love connecting the dots with them. God’s perfect plan, perfect timing, involving fragile, inadequate people to be a part of His story.Blessings this Christmas to you and yours. . .

  222. I couldn’t agree more…seems like more and more people are looking to find an easy way to make some quick money and sitting on a floor to be stepped on would be an easy lawsuit for some easy money.

  223. Clap clap clap ! que de détails… J’apprécie aussi beaucoup que tu mettes un lien vers d’anciennes planches sur le même thème, ce qui me permet de les découvrir, moi qui ne te suis assidûment que depuis quelques mois -nan mais qu’est-ce que je fichais avant, franchement on se demande, hein !!!-Le championnat de saut en longueur à l’élastique est tordant, et les propositions de tes lecteurs en commentaires le sont tout autant !!! -aaaah, le saut en largeur, et le plongeon catégorie + de 130kg, mouhahahahahaha !!!!-

  224. Superbly illuminating data here, thanks!

  225. looked at that provision and it seems pretty clearly to refer to sex, since it explicitly linked the risk of STD to the contact, unless a punch can give you Herpes./new excuse

  226. Te vlug verzonden! Ik hoop dus dat je NIET bankroet zal zijn want ik ken jouw liefde voor Disney en voor Kerstgerief. Ben dus echt wel benieuwd naar jouw haar! Veel plezier!

  227. all this positive stuff, I am mindful of the inherent dangers in government's need to monitor and control, especially after reading "Code: And Other Laws of Cyberspace, Version 2.0" by Lawrence Lessig (I'm half-way through it). Until the apocalypse, however, I will continue to add polite, thoughtful, literate and non-polemical content in my non-commercial blogs, the main one being pavellas(dot)com. Thanks again for yours.

  228. Para mi ha sido hoy cuando dos estrellas me han acompañado en un hermoso paseo por Madrid. Como dice Max, no hay que elegir porque ambas se cojen de la mano … He vuelto de vuestra mano a Madrid, ojala pueda pisar esas calles pronto

  229. Awesome blog you have here but I was wanting to know if you knew of any user discussion forums that cover the same topics discussed here? I’d really love to be a part of group where I can get comments from other experienced people that share the same interest. If you have any suggestions, please let me know. Thanks!

  230. Quelle plaisir ce petit épisode ! Les éclairages sont très subtils, et le contraste agréable. Et si Monsieur était en fait Madame et vice-versa ? C’est qu’on ne sait pas trop chez ces bêtes-là ! )

  231. My spouse and I stumbled over here by a different web page and thought I should check things out. I like what I see so now i’m following you. Look forward to finding out about your web page for a second time.

  232. Your posting is absolutely on the point!

  233. …..1:14pm – wow, it only took you (4) four whole days to come up with that brain(sic) teaser. We will be anxiously awaiting your next mensa mental breakthrough(down), hope that it occurs before your depends are changed = oops, probably where your intelligence can be found in abundance – jerk.

  234. Hi Brian, I tried to share the learned optimism episode with a friend and got the following message: FeedBurnerOops! The FeedFlare Email Form feature only works when launched from a valid FeedFlare link – any suggestions?

  235. You are able to hear your ocean in case you put this to your ear. She place the layer to the woman’s ear along with screamed. There was a hermit crab inside and it pinched the girl ear. She by no means wants to go back! LoL I know this is totally off theme but I’d to inform someone!

  236. Thanks Angie 🙂 I think it takes a lot of conscious effort on my end to really do well in the journey of parenting… am still at the stage of work-in-progress so lots more work to do still… can only take one step at a time now…

  237. Pół godziny przed tym artykuÅ‚em zaczÄ…Å‚em przeszukiwać YouTube, by ich posÅ‚uchać, a wszystko za sprawÄ… wczorajszej „niedzieli” i komentarzy. Może aż siÄ™ szarpnÄ™ te trzy dyszki (chyba) na pÅ‚ytÄ™…

  238. Mikaela Great as always to hear from you, Ryan! Im so happy that your back on the road, and looking forward to the new shows coming up! As much as i loveeeeee the old stuff, itll be awesome to hear some new stuff too!Safe travels, AND SEE YOU SOON!

  239. Fan va drygt, nu lämnar jag sidan och får väl åka till Uppcon nästa år istället, där kanske dom är mer vänliga.

  240. Je te félicite pour ton site, il est magnifique! Je me demandais si tu faisais des masques hydratants pour le visage de temps en temps ou si ces produits te suffisaient.Merci pour tes précieux conseils et bonne continuation!

  241. sisisi73 November 17, 2010I had an architectual thought once while looking at some corn planted in my garden, it kinda looked like this, corn grows along the stem protruding outward, those would be the units

  242. I used to scrapbook on paper and now I do it here. I think what we are doing for our kids is amazing. They don’t know it for sure yet, but they will. Nice post, T.Elaine recently posted..

  243. Wow! Talk about a posting knocking my socks off!

  244. May Brian and all those killed in the earthquake rest in peace and be remembered for what they did for their families, communities and country. Brian did a lot for all three.

  245. Whoever edits and publishes these articles really knows what they’re doing.

  246. Realmente me parece que este tema se deberia tomar con la seriedad correspondiente, primero informarse, ya que hay muchas personas que padecemos la enfermedad; porque la INFERTILIDAD es una ENFERMEDAD, y estamos luchando por una LEY DE FERTILIZACION ASISTIDA

  247. I don’t suppose I’ve never read anything like this before. So nice to find an individual with some authentic ideas on this subject. I really thank you for starting it. This website is one thing that is needed on the web, someone with somewhat originality.

  248. Thanks for the points you have shared here. Another thing I would like to mention is that personal computer memory needs generally rise along with other breakthroughs in the technological know-how. For instance, as soon as new generations of processors are brought to the market, there’s usually a matching increase in the size and style demands of both pc memory in addition to hard drive space. This is because the program operated simply by these processor chips will inevitably surge in power to benefit from the new engineering.

  249. RafaEstaba claro que aquello había que pagarlo, tarde o temprano y ya lo han hecho aunque queda la duda, si este no es el enésimo pago.Lo que sorprende es el apoyo de PSOE a esta cacicada. Si es un ero deberían disculparse.Salud, República y Socialismo

  250. Amazing flavor. However these were terribly delicate, my first batch just fell apart in the hot oil. For the second batch I added a bit more flour and two eggs and they were perfect and delicious. I just thought I’d mention this just in case anyone else was having trouble getting the mixture to bind together and was looking for an easy fix.

  251. Love this post. I am right there with you. Time is going too fast, and I’m determined to savor this coming holiday season with my family. I want to build memories that will last and spend some seriously quality time with lots of snuggling, crafts, cooking/baking, reading and playing. I wouldn’t let Kade do a Christmas play this year in an effort to slow down our nights/family time so we can enjoy it together. You’re photos are so peaceful. xo, Jess

  252. Hur går det med FRA-förslaget? Som lars b säger, du handlägger ju det för centern. Skäms du, är det det som är problemet?

  253. Saya setuju sekali dengan ide pembangunan bidang pertanian di kawasan agropolis karena kegiatan sebagian besar masyarakat Indonesia berada di kawasan tersebut didominasi oleh kegiatan pertanian atau agribisnis, termasuk di dalamnya usaha industri (pengolahan) pertanian, perdagangan hasil-hasil pertanian (termasuk perdagangan untuk kegiatan ekspor), perdagangan agribisnis hulu (sarana pertanian dan permodalan), agrowisata dan jasa pelayanan.

  254. Well, I’m in Maine now and I’m at the mercy of the family that’s feeding me. But, I remembered that I do like cantaloupe.Once I get back to PA next week – my plan is to start actually cooking again. I’ve found that if I cook it – I will eat it. So, I will cook veggies and eat them!

  255. Birmingham web designing is a Birmingham based blog which has been designed by Suhanasoft, and Indian web Design Company. The company provides website design, web development and search Engine Optimization services at affordable prices. Our creative design and developing secure website has made us popular among our clients. We have developed several websites from demark.

  256. My hometown is South Burlington, Vermont and what makes it special is that it was the greatest place in the world to grow up in. We had woods to play in and 2 sledding hills and cows to chase ( naughty!) and enough kids to have a huge game of hide and seek after supper until it got dark.

  257. Of course, Greenberg pavilion was named after billionaire Hank Greenberg (formerly of insurer AIG). His portrait hangs in the lobby.Rich people can't hang out with the rabble, after all.

  258. Dear Sarah,Just a note, to follow up my tweet, to say I and my partner Jenni thoroughly enjoyed last night. It was well organised, had great content and of course helped a good cause (and your hosting skills were very good by the way!).It was great to experience the time-old tradition of gathering to listen to story tellers and the Christmas ghost story is a particular favourite of mine.I certainly hope there will be a repeat event some time.Many thanks.

  259. – in regards to your comments re: developing skills. It’s not always necessary, and that is what collaborators are for. If they do something better than you, you work with them. Ergo, why not go with someone who is better at PR than you are? Why not allow funding to make that happen?

  260. hello po! good day! im eliza po, 25. kabibili ko lang po ng novu hair baka sakaling dito na po kakapal ang buhok ko sa produkto ninyo. manipis po kasi ang buhok ko dahil maninipis po ang strands nito, at nalalagas din po. ang tanong ko lang po eh needed pa po ba na magshampoo before magpahid ng novu hair lotion? hindi po kasi ako gumagamit ng shampoo, pero gumagamit po ako ng conditioner everyday. ano po ba ang maipapayo nyo?Salamat po! More power and Godbless!

  261. Nunca vi tanto BABACA reunido num POST… ta na hora de crescer crianças, deixem a bicicleta com seus filhos e comprem um veículo! O shopping está mais do que certo! Odeio ciclistas atrapalhando o transito!

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  263. sergio · lunedì, 8 ottobre 2012, 11:19 amtu non sei su nessun libro pagasei solo un idiota cbe non si accorge della gigantresca opera di manipolazione che è in corso a vantaggio di robusti interessi economici.comunque non c’è problema vorrà dire che i tarantini moriranno di fame

  264. wa lan!!like tat next time dun go JB lup sup bar liaoz lah.. the aunties strip naked also canot mari kita still must give tips..wah pian..understand yr mental torture by them..puiz chao nua

  265. Cool~ tapi mesti harga kasut tu mahal sbb nak cover kos clever beg ni skali..[]admin Reply:January 31st, 2012 at 12:08 pmrasanya harga dia mungkin lebih murah kot, sebab dia dah dapat jimatkan tenaga eletrik, jimat air, jimat kertas dan jimat kos penghantaran sekali

  266. At last, someone who knows where to find the beef

  267. Dear Meg,Thanks for replying, we are having a conversation!I have one cat named Bella. She is black and white and very cheeky!I enjoy watching tennis but I can’t really choose one player that is my favourite. Years ago I used to like watching the Aussie player Pat Rafter. He is retired now.I love lots of food. I like chocolate, chinese food, grapes, pineapple, pasta and lots more!Your teacher,Miss Jordan

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  269. 50276Isaac dima lombo | 3b (1f01:45)27 1edTala zoba mususu abimi lelo oyo, ye oyo, lokola camera ekoma wenze,zairois abima ! Mawa na mawa . Yo oyebi eloko oyo babengi politique ? Nayebi yo kitoko koleka . Leyisa ndaku na yo malamu tika politique, muntu nionso akoki kokoma papa wemba te,to olomide to werra te,keba ;lokola ozalaka plongeur zala kaka plongeur ,mais salela diplome oyo ozwaki na zaire mpe tomona misala na yo awa na mikili . Negrodote mawa ! fc

  270. Pues aquí todos se van de rositas, este país esta condenado a dar palmaditas en la espalda a tó quisqui, parece que cuando te mures, todo se perdona.Pero algunas/os no olvidamos, no queremos olvidar y eso ellos aunque disimulen y se autodenominen demócratas, lo saben.¿Descansara en paz su conciencia?Salud compañero

  271. I I only lived closer Paula I would be the first at the stall, would love to see your purses in 'real life'.Enjoy Devon, a favourite holiday spot of ours, spent many happy hols in East Devon and on Exmoor (around Dulverton), and you never know, the sun may come out next week.

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