تركة ما بعد القذافي الثقيلة

يعيش الليبيون مرحلة هي من اسوأ ما مروا به في حياتهم في ظل تمزق وانقسام مجتمعي ووجود حكومتين وانتشار للميليشيات المسلحة المتصارعة على النفوذ والسلطة والثروة في بلد كان ينتج قرابة مليوني برميل من النفط يوميا وبدخل قدره قرابة 80 مليار دولار سنويا.
ينزل مراسل القناة الفضائية الاجنبية الى ضواحي العاصمة طرابلس واماكن اخرى هنا وهناك تمكن من الوصول اليها فتشاهد ظاهرة صادمة وغير مسبوقة، اسواق عامرة بالسلاح الذي يفترشه الباعة على الارصفة، اسلحة من كل نوع وصنف ما بين المتوسطة والخفيفة واما ما هو اكثر من ذلك فيستوجب طلبيات خاصة لكنها ممكنة ايضا، ذلك ما يقوله البائع لمراسل الفضائية، ثم يمكنك ان تلتقط اية قطعة سلاح تعجبك ومباشرة سيقوم البائع بتجريبها وحتى الرمي بها امامك، اسلحة بعضها لا تشاهده الا في افلام العصابات، ذلك النوع من السلاح الخفيف ذو الفوهات الواسعة وهو من غرائبيات ما تم استعراضه في ذلك الفيلم الوثائقي العجيب.
تقدم هذه الصور حقيقة دامغة عن حالة الانفلات والفوضى التي تضرب ليبيا من اقصاها الى اقصاها فالقرار بيد من هو اقوى على الارض من ميليشيات وقبائل وجماعات متناحرة وتنقسم المدن فيما بينها على اساس الولاءات القبلية اولا ثم لتنحدر الى وجود التنظيمات المتطرفة كالنسخة الليبية من داعش والقاعدة وهي ظاهرة صارت تتفاقم يوماً بعد يوم بل ان هنالك من يقول انها النسخة الليبية من الحالة العراقية عندما شكل فدائيو صدام وضباطه السابقون النواة العسكرية الامنية والاستخبارية الصلبة لداعش وكذلك الحال بالنسبة لمدينة سرت معقل اتباع القذافي وقبيلته والقبائل المتحالفة معها التي انخرطت في داعش الليبية سعيا منها الى اعادة ملك مضاع.
هذه النزعة الثأرية المتأصلة جعلت من المدن الليبية الكبرى معاقل اساسية فاعلة في حمى الصراع القبلي والصراع على مناطق السيطرة والثروة والنفوذ فطرابلس العاصمة منقسمة حتى على مستوى احيائها وكذلك الحال في الصراع بين مدن كبرى مثل سرت ودرنة وبنغازي وطبرق والبيضاء والزنتان وصولا الى سبها في قلب الصحراء الليبية.
هذه الصورة التي وصل اليها الواقع الليبي او ما عرف بتركة ما بعد القذافي شكلت الثروة النفطية وحقول النفط عوامل صراع اساسية فيها وذلك من خلال السعي للاستحواذ عليها لضمان تمويل الميليشيات والمسلحين وشراء السلاح وما الى ذلك ولذا وجد الغرب وقوات الاطلسي التي كانت لها اليد الطولى في اسقاط نظام القذافي، وجدوا انفسهم امام مأزق حقيقي في ظل الاوضاع التي الت اليها الحالة الليبية اضف الى ذلك التدفق الهائل لالاف المهاجرين غير الشرعيين الذين ينطلقون من الموانئ الليبية باتجاه اقرب نقطة الى اوروبا الا وهي جزيرة لامبيدوزا الايطالية حتى اطلق الاتحاد الاوربي صافرات انذار متكررة من هذا الوضع المتفاقم.
ومع كل التدابير الغربية النظرية منها او العملية فأن ظاهرتين بارزتين في المشهد الليبي لا يتوقع لهما ان تضعفا او تزولا، الاولى هي الانقسام المجتمعي الحاد وتعدد مراكز النفوذ والمليشيات والجماعات المتصارعة والثاني هي الانفلات التام وسيطرة المسلحين على مفاصل الحياة التي كان من نتائجها تحول ليبيا الى فضاء شاسع للأتجار بالبشر والسلاح.
الجيران العرب وخاصة مصر وتونس يجدون انفسهم امام تحديات مخيفة ليس اقلها تمدد الجماعات والتنظيمات الارهابية وسعيها للتوغل في الساحات المصرية والتونسية على السواء ولهذا لم تنف الجهات الامنية في كلا البلدين وجود علاقة بين التنظيمات الارهابية النافذة والمنتشرة على الساحة الليبية وبين الاحداث الارهابية التي ضربت البلدين وبما في ذلك التسليح والتدريب وهو امر اثار الهلع ايضا لدى الجزائر والمغرب وجعل البلدين يتخذان اقصى التدابير الاحترازية تحسباً من تمدد الجماعات المسلحة والارهابية الى تراب البلدين.
ولعل النداءات المتكررة هنا وهناك لتدخل اطلسي/غربي جديد هي صورة أخرى من صور الوضع الكارثي الليبي والمخاطر التي صار يشكلها على الامن الاقليمي والاوروبي في مقابل عجز عربي فاضح ولا مبالاة عربية شبه تامة، والا كيف يفسر وجود مبعوث اممي للسلام بين الفرقاء الليبيين وعدم وجود مبعوث عربي بالمقابل، وهو امر غير مستغرب على اية حال في ظل زمن الانحطاط العربي وترك الازمات العربية تستفحل وتتعقد وتتمزق مجتمعات عربية بأكملها فيما العرب يتفرجون على المشهد منشغلين بهموم انفسهم ثم ما يلبثون ان يتصارخون منادين بشعارات الامن القومي العربي.
واقع الحال ان الانتكاسة الليبية وتركة ما بعد القذافي هي صورة تراجيدية وكارثية للوضع العربي الهزيل الذي اثبت انه لا يختلف كثيرا عن حالة التمزق على الساحات الليبية ولهذا فأن المخاطر التي ينطوي عليها هذا الواقع المزري سيفاقم من سيطرة امراء الحرب وتقوية نفوذهم واطالة امد الصراعات الدخلية والمعارك التي تشتعل وتنطفئ هنا وهناك في المدن الليبية وما الى ذلك من مظاهر تدهور خطيرة جعلت من بلد كان موحداً فصار ممزقاً والنزعات الانفصالية فيه صارت من البديهيات التي صرت تسمعها بمناسبة ومن دون مناسبة فضلاً عن استحالة التفاهم بين اطراف عديدة في الازمة الليبية من الذين لا يعترفون بوجود خصومهم السياسيين ولا يفصل بينهم سوى فوهات البنادق والقتل.
ليبيا ترزح تحت وطأة وضع معقد ومتشابك واللاعبون الخارجيون فاقموا من الكارثة وساهموا في إشعال فتيل فتنة مجتمعية فتحت الابواب على مصاريعها لدخول التطرف والارهاب واطلاق يد قطاع الطرق والمهربين وسائر المنتفعين من هذه الاوضاع الشاذة والحريصين على اطالة امدها وهو ما يؤكد ان ليبيا الموحدة لم تعد خياراً سهلاً ولا هدفاً ممكناً.

*كاتب عراقي/” ميدل ايست أونلاين”

اقرأ أيضا

الصحراء المغربية

منزلقات تأويل موقف روسيا من المينورسو

أثار التصويت على قرار مجلس الأمن الدولي بخصوص التمديد لبعثة المينورسو جدلا كبيرا في مختلف …

269 تعليقاً

  1. This piece was cogent, wetrewlilt-n, and pithy.

  2. I wore Iris Poudre to my own wedding, which was a very very small and discreet daytime wedding.Now I can only wear it on very special occasions.

  3. Gee whiz, and I thought this would be hard to find out.

  4. Just the type of insight we need to fire up the debate.

  5. That’s not even 10 minutes well spent!

  6. You’ve got it in one. Couldn’t have put it better.

  7. I purchased 2 Kind. 3 in Sept. We just received our “7″ replacement Kindle.They send them out like candy. Latest has been upgraded to 3.0.2. Still freezes, locks you out. Reloads…. 15 second restart. I had one of the Kindles replaced within the 2nd week. It works fine… we are on our 6th replacement and still have the same problems…

  8. You will love having a Smash book. You can put anything you want inside it. There is also plenty of stickers and papers that coordinate with the book. I use mine for ticket stubs and little doodles that my daughter does for me.

  9. Articles like this make life so much simpler.

  10. I set up my life so my children could be the best they coan possibly be, not The Best Ever.  You can never succeed at that.  But in our rural life they have opportunities for different things than if they lived in an urban area:  community, freedom, starry skies.  You’re giving your children great opportunities that they could not get in NYC.  Kids can catch up on culture in adulthood; they cannot catch up on field in which to roam.

  11. The Public School Indoctrination Machine at Work: Teachers Openly Promote Revolution | Conservative Hideout 2.0…As many of our regular readers know, public education (indoctrination) is a pet issue of mine.  And as I’ve been getting more and more into the illegal…

  12. Urasc cand cineva povesteste despre o carte si nu stie cand sa se opreasca! Gizaz people! Vreau si eu sa citesc "Academia Vampirilor", sunt sigura ca e geniala <3Dee.

  13. Very true! Makes a change to see someone spell it out like that. 🙂

  14. “If Ruth wishes, she is welcome to serialize her article, entitled “On Holocaust Denial”, and post it in the Comments section.” -It begs the question; what is the point? No one here is going to read it. We have all heard or read it before in one form or another, had it shoved down our collective throats (school) and it is highly unlikely that she has anything “new” to add to it. Of course, the “Lion” adventure is a new personal twist. Who cares?

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  17. That's one bench that will not be walking away from outside the store any time soon. That much is certain. I wonder if more people use this bench or the one under the roof when waiting for the bus.

  18. One thing that has always baffled me, as an American, is why many Brits seem to view the connection with the Continent as more meaningful or closer than that with the US. I made a bet once that the UK would eventually join NAFTA — maybe that is still possible.

  19. Ari, now that I have studied your photographs, I can see the tiny pleats clearly. Did you talk to her about what she is wearing? I'd love to know more. Can you tell us?Could it be Issy Miyake? (Spelling?)The construction is quite unusual. I wonder if this is a woman who is someway in fashion creatively and has planned and made this herself out of a fabric I would live to be able to get.

  20. Hmmm… tényleg, igazad van. De Windowson, bármilyen shell is legyen, fut bármilyen Windowsos program, Linuxon pedig nem biztos, hogy bármilyen program fut bármilyen GUIt használva.

  21. I appreciate you taking to time to contribute That’s very helpful.

  22. Too many compliments too little space, thanks!

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  28. voyons donc mon ti loup….(excuse ma familiarité mais ca sorti tout seul…-)J’y crois moi ! Ca fais juste trop lontemps que tu poigne des noeux …Y a pas une chanson qui dis  »quand on a que l’amour »Jacques Brel…Ce que c’est beau!Je peux pas croire que ca existe pas si on se tue a en faire des films ,des chansons ,des poemes ….Tu te disais pas romantque toi….

  29. Ist das ein Bart??? Ein weißmelierter Vollbart??? Die Bildqualität beim Skypen ist scheinbar noch schlechter als gedacht…Schick, schick…Will ich live sehen.

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  61. Americans worried about gun laws : 100%Americans worried about debt ceiling: 0%I was hoping that the ‘fiscal cliff’ news would cast a shadow over all the media’s firearm rhetoric, but now i’m not so sure. It’s kinda a shame, actually.

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  69. Thanks for introducing a little rationality into this debate.

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  71. There are so many crazy things that being a mage allows you to do @Ercles I’ve tried other MMOs, but I’ve really had to fight with the interface in order to get any kind of social or community interaction. The only one that came close was LOTRO, which I played for a while. Unfortunately the client refuses to run on either my Vista or Windows 7 machines, so it remains unexplored.

  72. If I could meet anyone, it would be Alexander Gray Cummins, b.1800 in Orange, NC. He and his wife, Grizzle Thompson Woods, pioneered Obion County, TN, where Grizzle died. Alexander traveled to Prairie County, AR, with his 8 children, homesteaded, and raised his children without a wife. He died without owning much property. I would ask my grandpa how he did it! I am amazed that he would even think about leaving Obion, near where his in-laws lived, to attempt the frontier again.

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  74. I should admit that this can be one particular excellent insight. It surely gives a company the opportunity to obtain in around the ground floor and really take part in developing something special and tailored to their needs.

  75. I must change things up so I don’t get bored! I usually switch my strength training workout every 4-6 weeks, but I actually change the exercises every time. And I also change the reps each weight. Sometimes really heavy, sometimes lighter. I think VARIETY is the key to not getting bored. I always need to do some functional plyos in my week so I don’t get bored!

  76. Thank you for being so understanding, sticking with us, and defending our integrity. Most know that FWW is a reputable company, however reassurance from loyal customers is a great addition to our reliability. Much appreciated!!Thanks Big G… :/

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  78. Å jobbe på dagtid gjør lommeboka mi tjukkere! Er jo ikke innom alle nips og naps butikkene:) Du får begynne å redekorere og ta bilder av det du har,for du er en mester til å ta de lekreste inteiør bildene:) Klem

  79. Oh.Now I get it.It's a cop-induced multinational backwoods snowboarding conspiracy with black hordes AND black helicopters…..Look.My only point was that these kids from all over the world were using a publicly-funded public transit system to all get together, and all get along, doing something that is so Canadian that it actually proves the point.About multiculturalism, I mean._____And if anybody thinks that the rev and I haven't gone after malfeascance, some of it systemic, by the Horsemen in the past, you are wrong.Very wrong..

  80. That looks utterly amazing! It has me craving a super cheesy grilled cheese. That certainly blows the garden variety American cheese version out of the water!

  81. I t would be a good idea if the designers have an idea of how much will cost to set up an account with you if selected a winner. This way only those with the resources will take part in the contest. It will also save time with those that can not afford the setting up.It will also be good for designers as they will not waist their time if they know they can not afford the contest after winning.

  82. … sagt Danke für diese Erkenntniss.42 Jahre alt und das Hirn zum Debken angeregt. Auch ich brauchte 2 Anläufe, aber dafür war der Ahaaa -und wow – Effekt umso intensiver.Ein gutes Beispiel und viel Erfolg bei Ihrer weiteren Arbeit

  83. Lunix dit :Bonjour,Désolé pour cette absence d’un an.(Pas bien)Mon portable est un N200 mais avec les mêmes carractéristiques que le c200. C’est un super portable et je peux dire aujourd’hui que non seulement je suis fan de Ubuntu mais aussi de cette marque Lenovo. Tout fonctionne à merveille sous Hardy (je pense migrer vers intrépid).Encore merci à toi Cedinamix qui m’a vraiment réconforté dans mon achat grace à ton article.Bonnes fêtes de fin d’année à tous.

  84. I must admit that this is one great insight. It surely gives a company the opportunity to get in on the ground floor and really take part in creating something special and tailored to their needs.

  85. {Melinda} We all are, aren’t we? And we have to give ourselves grace. I think our kids give it to us more readily than we give it to ourselves. Thanks so much for stopping by, Emily!

  86. Elora.I am a young girl in school and I am trying to save all the animals in the world from being endangered. My favorite animal is the Polar Bear, I love them so much and I don't want them to go extinct. I just hope they don't, I'm going to do everything I can to stop horrible climate changes.

  87. “Fortunately this site really tries to project some of ‘our’ humane instincts towards the outside world onto the web.”Daniel, whom do you mean by ‘our’? A majority (not all) of the regular contributors to this site, whether Jewish or non-Jewish, appear to be non-Zionist, post-Zionist, or anti-Zionist. The general (not exclusive) theme is relief and justice for the Palestinians.

  88. Paleoanthropological investigations ofMiddle Stone Age sites at Pinnacle Point,Mossel Bay (South Africa): Archaeology andhominid remains from the 2000 Field Season .Kills the ,theirs no On the contrary, I see no reason to think that mtDNA Eve, for example, who lived 200 thousand years ago was a "modern human" either anatomically or behaviorally. There were no behaviorally modern humans at that time, and AMH must have been a minority with archaic features persisting in Africa down to the Holocene.

  89. Safa getirdin. Senin yüksek bir yerde oturman aklıma getirdi, Ä°sviçre forumlarında herkes, rapor verdiÄŸi yerin rakımını da yazıyordu rumuzunun yanında “Mami (Bahçecik/Kocaeli, 260 m)” gibi… Ben o ÅŸekilde deÄŸiÅŸtireyim bakayım.

  90. سلام ببخشید نمیشه همه فایلهای MW2 & MW3 رو بزنید تو چندتا dvd برای خرید اینترنتی چون حجم و تعداد فایلها زیاده

  91. Isabela disse:Eu sei que pode ser uma pergunta idiota, mas quero começar a andar de long e tenho uma dúvida. Se você estiver descendo uma ladeira, não precisa ser muito inclinada, e vem um carro e você precisa parar, como você faz? Pra skate normalmente é só pisar na parte de trás, e no long? Não sei se você entendeu muito bem uahauhauhauaha obrigado.

  92. skriver:hur gör jag så att kursiv text i rubriken försvinner? dfr min rubriktext är kursiv men jag vill inte ha den så, och jag hittar inte hur man ändrar..

  93. You really hit the nail on the head with this one. This is the reasons why my woman is still around. A lot of guys think its all about buying stuff and flashing what they already have. What they fail to realize is that they will be attracting the woman for the wrong reason. Great Post. I will read the rest of them.

  94. Superb internet site, Some imagine that I can get some thing good at the ton regarding false facts. Cheers! I am hoping you can release your posts more often!

  95. Per l’aria compressa ne so poco.infatti parlavo dell’idrogeno.Comunque sempre meglio l’aria compressa, rispetto alle celle di combustibile, che costano uno sproposito e durano meno di 2-3 anni.Per i numeri, visto che sei ingegnere, perché non ti fai i conti da solo e poi ce ne parli?Magari si cambia idea.

  96. Hmm it appears like your site ate my first comment (it was super long) so I guess I’ll just sum it up what I had written and say, I’m thoroughly enjoying your blog. I too am an aspiring blog blogger but I’m still new to the whole thing. Do you have any recommendations for novice blog writers? I’d really appreciate it.

  97. I am not a fan of shock collars because you run the risk of causing anxiety or fear – which is much worst than whatever behavior you’re trying to correct. Especially with a puppy. You want a puppy’s (and an adult dog too) world to be nothing but positive. Training can and should be fun and pain-free for both dogs and humans alike.

  98. I only found your blog a few weeks ago, and it is fast becoming one of my favourites! If I can look half as good as some of these ladies 3 times my age I'll be happy! happy New Year 🙂

  99. Children of the Night? I love that one! Very original for a vampire story. It was one of the first UF books I read.If you read and like it, you should also read Burning Water and Jinx High, those are from the same series (Diane Tregarde) and don’t have vampires, but other nasties.I’m still trying to get my own copy of Lackey’s Sacred Ground, a stand alone UF with a Native American heroine and Native American mythology.

  100. yes, I found myself shopping more since I started blogging again ..It’s a bit hard since my husband put me on a monthly budget butthat’s a good thing. lol. The current/elliott jeans are a splurgebut hoping I can find an affordable alternative. Great post. xoxoavenueahline.blogspot.com

  101. i love to come and visit your blog. your photos and your writing and your family are inspiring! i know your kids will love to look back at the photos of that awesome day…. and the ordinary days too.

  102. napsal:Myslím, že by mÄ›l jít Zoot co nejdříve “nÄ›kam na západ”, kde bude mít IMHO vÄ›tší Å¡anci na úspÄ›ch než v ÄŒR. Důvod? Moderní vizuál. Až moc moderní. Uživatel v ÄŒR na nÄ›co takového není zvyklý a osobnÄ› si myslím, že budou Zoot využívat spíše geeks. V ÄŒR. Ale tÅ™eba se pletu:)

  103. more information about the series, you can read the first post here. Individual Chapter Reviews: Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6 and Chapter 7. I also share some Final

  104. 11 juillet 2012Thanks for the tips you have contributed here. Another thing I would like to mention is that laptop memory specifications generally increase along with other breakthroughs in the technology. For instance, when new generations of processors are introduced to the market, there’s usually a matching increase in the dimensions demands of both computer system memory in addition to hard drive room. This is because the software program operated through these cpus will inevitably surge in power to make new technological know-how.  

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  106. What the hell does “WOMEN ARE A MINORITY IN THIS “WORLD” even mean? And yes God will forgive you you’re sin… but man does not have to.VN:F [1.9.20_1166]please wait…VN:F [1.9.20_1166](from 0 votes)

  107. ..Im also losing weight. I lost 5 pounds… I wish I can tell someone how I feel, but I feel ..weird.. it feels like they will think Im Crazy or something.. Or I have serious problems.. anyways Thank you for asking, that was nice of you.

  108. , I can understand all too well how exasperating it must be to engage with the pro- and even the ultra-zionists. The tendency to walk away is ever present. But, by definition, to be an activist means staying the ground. Sarah’s willingness to go through this spiritual boot camp on campus is to be commended.

  109. Pequeña correción: “este ultimo recibe de KEN su cinta roja y emprende nuevamente su viaje.”Ken le da su cinta roja a Ryu (en Alpha 1 o 2, no recuerdo muy bien cuál de los dos) luego de que le gana porque se lastimó. Ahí es donde Ken decide cortarse la melena y se queda con el pelo hasta los hombros nomás.StreetFighterFreak here lol.

  110. I am thinking my Triplet of Moral Ambiguity might need that last pair, but I cannot recall her stance on earrings just now. (I also have an Evil Twin. I am the Good Twin.)

  111. Transparency in the Ordination Process – Adam Walker Cleaveland shares his thoughts about this whole ongoing dilemma. He also links to tons of people’s opinions regarding the ordination debate.

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  115. amen, girl friend.both Slaughter and PT seem to be about black and white solutions to “black and white” (not really) issues.what about those of us that want to work our asses of now, knowing that our salaries max out at 35 (PT’s words), save and scrimp so that at 35 i can have my kid, afford to bow out of the rat race and raise junior while starting my own business/personal projects.ugh, thank god i’m too old to listen to this.

  116. An additional fewer usually articulated concern is the possible mutual affect on U . s citizens men and women and even U . s citizens enterprises in foreign countries. Should other sorts of regions would take some sort of view corresponding within the Instant Circuit

  117. Got a question for winter this year. I live in Murray, KY and see predictors saying this winter will be like 76-77. I also see that the NAO will have a negative tilt and favor snow for central, nothern and eastern KY along with below average temps. Does this setup favor more snow for western KY as well or will we just see below average temps and not much in he way of more storm systems? Also with the jet stream dipping so low from our west and coming back up from the far east how does that impact the flow of the storm systems as well? Thanks for the replies in advance.

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  120. I found your site on technorati and read a few of your other posts. Keep up the good work. I just added your RSS feed to my Google News Reader. Looking forward to reading more from you down the road!Alexs last blog post..

  121. Mar09 Looove this. So many places for the eye to travel.. up the ladder, down the rope, and then back and forth between the girl and the abyss.. The paper nailed to the tree adds a lot too. These “story” pieces are working really well for you. Beautiful, haunting, and intriguing. When did you start this one?

  122. Dear Dotty,PDA stands for Public Display of Affection. They’re fun, when you’re doing them. They can be irritating when it’s someone else doing it, and not including you.Love,Kathy

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  124. Apr23Melda Özge Gürbüz Her şey için tekrar teşekkürler, gerçekten güzel bir sezon oldu.Gelecek yıl ben olur muyum bilmem ama bizimkiler yine katılırlar senin programlara!

  125. If I want to sort a model “Project” (belongs_to :person) by a foreign attribute:Project.all(:include => ‘person’, :order => ‘-people.sname DESC’)it doesn’t throw an error but doesn’t work either. BUT – when I do it like this:Project.all(:include => ‘person’, :order => ‘-people.sname DESC, people.sname ASC’)it magically works – nulls at the end. Very mysterious…

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  129. Kamile – bohužel můj otec má k Vánocům stejný přístup jako Tribun, takže o nÄ›jaké sváteční náladÄ› nemůže být moc Å™eč, protože je ihned “sabotována” – takže Vánoce se u nás opravdu slaví jako Å¡edivý polokonzumní průmÄ›r. Už s tím nic neudÄ›lám, jen doufám, že v mé domácnosti to bude jinak:-)

  130. Any chance you ever found someone stocking the block dots…I suddenly need some to back a quilt! I could use the grey, but the black would be perfection.And I totally agree with you on the simple quilt back thing. I think other people's pieced backs look cool, but at that point in a project I just want to move on, and since I make quilts for beds, you won't really see the back anyway. I would love it if there were more options!

  131. global warming? I'll show you global waming, wham!! So much snow and cold you have not see for 100 years. But meanwhile Gore made a few good millions of it, so did GE (close to the Obama's plate) and who knows how many others. You can't fight the herd mentality.

  132. giorgia 15 maggio 2008 ciao santa, ho visto che sei una persona che cerca di aiutare persone come noi che si devono trasferire a madrid. Noi arriviamo il 18 giugno, senza lavoro e non sapendo parlare spagnolo. pensi che sia difficile trovare un qualsiasi lavoro? poi abbiamo trovato alloggio a las matas, ma penso che sia troppo lontano da madrid, puoi darmi qualche indirizzo anche per due stanze in affitto?. possiamo tenerci in contatto. grazie.

  133. Wow, to say there's serious potential in this mix would be quite the understatement. I love the way powerful brands and spokespersons have extended their expertise and resources to up-and-comers. It does wonderful things for the industry.

  134. You made some really good points there. I checked on the internet to find out more about the issue and found most people will go along with your views on this web site.

  135. That’s the thinking of a creative mind

  136. Graham,Take the American revolution, and ask yourself, how many of those fighting for the revolutionaries actually believed what they were fighting for, and how many people simply saw themselves as fighting simply to feed and clothe themselves?…. I’d hazard that the majority didn’t give two hoots who was in charge and did what they did merely because they were asked to do so.The British settlers of present-day Ontario and New Brunswick were Loyalists who fled America during the war.

  137. The attacks on our liberties are stunning, yet the sheeple remain ignorant – by choice. I pray in Jesus' name that this president gets defeated and liberalism is pushed back into it's hole for another 100 years!

  138. 92 3-6-12 spune: In mod normal, daca era sursa, se restarta PC-ul asa ca ramane varianta driverelor de la placa video, sau chiar placa in sine. +25V-a ajutat acest raspuns?

  139. Zune and iPod: Most people compare the Zune to the Touch, but after seeing how slim and surprisingly small and light it is, I consider it to be a rather unique hybrid that combines qualities of both the Touch and the Nano. It’s very colorful and lovely OLED screen is slightly smaller than the touch screen, but the player itself feels quite a bit smaller and lighter. It weighs about 2/3 as much, and is noticeably smaller in width and height, while being just a hair thicker.

  140. In the complicated world we live in, it’s good to find simple solutions.

  141. Ich würde es begrüßen, wenn Google in Richtung inhaltlich und wertvolle Webauftritte die SEO aufbaut.Die Masse von “halsabschneidenen“ Seo Profis hätten dann auch weniger Macht in der Brange.Schöner Artikel!Ich habe nicht viel Ahnung von der Materie,habe den Artikel mit großem Interesse durchgelesen:-)LG Nicole

  142. il a parfaitement raison . Quant aux commentaires lamentables du style, » par quoi on remplace ?  » c’est un peu facile …. la maîtrise de l’énergie ( au fait le nuke, c’est QUE de l’électricité) et les renouvelables sont une solution sauf si on ne veut que mettre la science qu’au service du nucléaire ……les déchets, on en parle jamais ……curieux

  143. Merhabalar, benim iki sorum var yardımcı olursanız sevinirimserver sistemlerinde raid 0 dışındaki raid kurulumları ssd ile yapılandırılır ise sorunsuzçalışırmı ( nelere dikkat edilmeli )? Birde pcı-e ssd ler ile 2.5″ ssd ler arasında kurulum olarak bir fark varmı? Åžimdiden teÅŸekkür.

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  145. I would like to know how you got involved in the 26 project? And how to find a similar group maybe? Thanks! Your work is great and you should be in front of the camera more!

  146. That kind of thinking shows you’re on top of your game

  147. The Democrats have won because they have replaced the whites since 1965. Browns and Blacks especially but also Yellows are entering the USA as legal immigrants to the tune of 1,200,000 each year. Add to that the tens and tens of thousands of Africans and other third world low IQ non-whites being brought into the country by Catholic Charities and the like NGOs. Then add the illegal alien influx.The Democrats are well on their way to victory.Dan Kurt

  148. Love deep linking idea. How about being able to link to full portions of videos in embeds? E.g., placing in and out points on the timeline and creating a unique embed code that would display only that particular portion of the video?

  149. Hallelujah! I needed this-you’re my savior.

  150. Thank you! And really do people really remember our failures if we are finally successful? Highly unlikely. Messing up is good, but only if you learn from it. So then it’s not failure but education for life.

  151. yang korang ni sibuk sangat ke calon Pas tu apehal lak? pergi la tolong pilih calon amenokoko korang tu dulu.tapi aku rasa baik letak bikmama btanding.baru la bolejadi FLOM.

  152. update on the footwear we’ve been testing: So Far the New Balance Minimus have held up great to the running and the jumping. They should be great minimalist trail shoes, and

  153. have fun, yara! nice shoes, i love them! but i don't like it if my street shoes touch my clothes…brrr :Dlovely greets and a wonderful weekend!maren anitawww.fashion-meets-art.blogspot.com

  154. The eye motif is entirely appropriate to Kafka and the pseudo municipal 1960s aesthetic is a pleasing approach but the text in all of these covers is questionable: The author typeface and script titles seem modish and jarring. Also ugly. The Amerika one is hideous! And who's idea was it to call the author "F. Kafka"? Are we going to have W. Shakespeare and L. Tolstoy next?

  155. Troglafuck you racist fucking fuckwad. There is nothing there that says expections won't be made you fucking jackass.FOAD Troglafuck you racist fucked up fucking fuckwad.

  156. With all these silly websites, such a great page keeps my internet hope alive.

  157. Schickes Kleines Teilund AUS 8 Ist der selbe Stah wie 440b also extremrobust rostfrei…Wie man sieht man bekommt ihn auch sehr scharf Für den Preis hätte ich dir das noch vor der nase weggeschnappe aber ich bin mit meinem CRKT Summa abstauber auch sehr zufrieden video kommt gleich.mfg Lepus

  158. Wonderful story, reckoned we could combine a number of unrelated information, nevertheless genuinely worth taking a look, whoa did 1 study about Mid East has got much more problerms too

  159. OMG Mandy! I cracked the heck up with your cute little kitty! Daisy Mae is HILARIOUS! Yes, you are right .. she's definitely NOT camera shy! lol!!!Well, your card is absolutely gorgeous! Oh how I love how you do that bordered thing around your card! And then you got all fancy and even distress inked it! hehe! All of your details, from the embellishments to the white distressed edges are simply MAGNIFICIENT!!! Big Hugs .. to you and Daisy Mae .. hehe!Elise

  160. Well I think the major difference is that black folks picked the term "African-American" whereas "colored" and "negro" were thrust upon us.But it looks like some folks just don't want to leave the porch.

  161. IntelliJ is only “cheap” when you buy a personal license, and I’m not going to buy a personal license for software I need for my job. When my company would pay IntelliJ, it is over $600.An additional problem is that my company already has a site-wide deal for Flash Builder, so while I may have been able to convince my manager to pay Astella, doing the same for IntelliJ IDEA does not seem realistic.

  162. cesar vidal llama nacional socialistas a unos y los otros dicen que es un fascistaesto me recuerda a lo de batasuna y “constitucionalistas” todo el mundo es fascista?que es el nuevo insulto?

  163. Aprender InglesFebruary 15, 2012One thing is that often one of the most typical incentives for using your credit card is a cash-back and also rebate present. Generally, you’ll receive 1-5% back on various expenses. Depending on the credit cards, you may get 1% again on most purchases, and 5% again on acquisitions made on convenience stores, gas stations, grocery stores and ‘member merchants’.

  164. My hat is off to your astute command over this topic-bravo!

  165. Emma / Au début Barbie ètait « bof » maintenant grâce à Monsieur LagerfieldBarbie est devenue sofistiqué. Elle a la « class ».Bravo M.Lagerfield.

  166. Wer hätte das gedacht, dass wir Ende November auch in Rheinland-Pfalz schon die ersten Schnee-Fotos zeigen können!!! Lieben Gruss 🙂 moni

  167. That takes us up to the next level. Great posting.

  168. Yo cenk I like your show but can you stop slamming conservatives in general? Attack the individuals not people with same economic beliefs but much higher IQs.

  169. That saves me. Thanks for being so sensible!

  170. · Hey, you used to write wonderful, but the last several posts have been kinda boring¡K I miss your super writings. Past several posts are just a bit out of track! come on!

  171. Dear Ingrid,Thanks for your great inclusive post!As I read it I learned so many things that I, as an Iranian, did not know about the history of Persepolis.Looking forward to read and learn more!best

  172. Opisane przez Ciebie historie obrazujące nabożny stosunek Józefa Piłsudskiego do ezoteryki, do wróżb i pasjansowych wyroczni czynią go człowiekiem mniej spiżowym i bardziej przez to sympatycznym. Naszym dzisiejszym politykom z pierwszego szeregu sprawującym władzę przydałoby się także mniej zadęcia i sztucznej, szminkowatej powagi, a więcej za to autentycznego zatroskania losem państwa. Darowałbym im wtedy wykładanie pasjansów nawet podczas debat sejmowych.Pozdrawiam

  173. Hi,Could you tell me how to contact Mic Kaczmarczik?I have an amp repair service shop in Edmond andwould really like to ask him some questions.Thank you for your time.Best RegardsRon ThomasEdmond, OK

  174. scrive:Buongiorno Massimo,perchè questo post?Capisco il tuo umore, ma non mi va di sentirti dare dello stupido. Perchè non lo sei. Perchè nessuno di noi lo è. Perchè dovremo cercare di amarci sempre… Specie in questi momenti nei quali ci sentiamo un pò così…Aspetto di il tuo risveglio dopo il riposo di emergenza.Aspetto un nuovo post… In tutta la sua luminosità!Un abbraccio

  175. corinne b dit :ma paire de chaussure préférée au lycée a été des docs martens bleu marines. J’ai aimé mes kickers kakis aussi.je joue pour la paire femme et la paire enfant pour ma fille de 8 ans. Elles sont trop bellesBonne et heureuse année 2010

  176. An answer from an expert! Thanks for contributing.

  177. Io ci aggiungo:Il neonato più brutto del Giappone: Soushito NakagataIl kamikaze iracheno: Saddam MorìIl reggiseno iracheno: Tarek Aziz (da leggersi in dialetto napoletano per capirlo, eh!)Il saltatore in lungo arabo: Dalìallah…certo che siamo dei piccoli berlusconidi, eh!:-)

  178. Brigitte B. ZabakAbsolutely! Stacia has the code all ready to go for a bunch of the GF buttons. Good luck with your 30-day challenge! I decided to do my own version of a 30-day this month, too!

  179. A bit surprised it seems to simple and yet useful.

  180. Wilfried Decoo over at recently posted a similar piece titled . This is certainly an area of common belief in (hopefully) all Christian traditions, and I enjoy hearing about these kind of experiences. We all do it, and (imo) it serves to show us our humanity and fallenness and points us to Christ and our need for his sacrifice and the justification that comes from it. Thanks for sharing your experience, Aaron.

  181. I searched a bunch of sites and this was the best.

  182. Tina | September 6, 2011 at 12:07 am |I would like to see some of the lesser candidates drop out too, and if they don’t, I don’t want to see them fight each other, and that includes Palin.——————————————————————————————I agree they should not be violating President Reagan’s 11th commandment. It is ok for them to distinguish their positions on the issues but they should not be attacking each other. That is a real turn off.

  183. and the settlements? and the occupation? they are all wise? i just want to ask you one question WJ, whats the future of Israel, tell me from Zionist point of view how do you see the future?

  184. pisze:Z tego, co zauważyÅ‚em, to warto czasem zakupić kit na ebayu, za dolary.Swego czasu myÅ›laÅ‚em, że za przesyÅ‚kÄ™ zedrÄ… ze mnie nie wiadomo ile. Ale trafiÅ‚ siÄ™ projekt na uczelniÄ™ i prowadzÄ…cy podpowiedziaÅ‚, że wÅ‚aÅ›nie na ebayu ChiÅ„czycy wysyÅ‚ajÄ… pocztÄ… lotniczÄ… podzespoÅ‚y, ukÅ‚ady, czy co tam jeszcze trzeba totalnie za frajer. O.o’Tak samo z pÅ‚ytkami stykowymi. To siÄ™ chyba nazywa “breadboard” i w Polsce strasznie za to zdzierajÄ……

  185. That’s going to make things a lot easier from here on out.

  186. So excited I found this article as it made things much quicker!

  187. Geralt jest teraz ciotą. Szkoda, oby to poprawili.Portal był grą genialną, nie mogę się doczekać dwójki. Niesamowity klimat, filozofia, daje sporo do myślenia, bo wbrew pozorom ideologię i wydarzenia według mnie pasują idealnie do naszego świata. Wiesz, kłamstwa itd.

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  197. October 1, 2012 at 9:14 pmUnbelievable. Whilst many Greeks cannot get essential medication or basic medical treatment because the pharmacists and doctors are not being paid, the government can find funds for speculative projects like this. I really hope this report is not true, do people not remember the Athens’s Olympic debacle.

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  203. is he did not want bush to succeed. As soon as there was a national crisis, he changed his mind; therefore, he wanted the president to succeed in dealing with a national crisis.We’re in a national crisis. Only a slime bag would want the President to fail in a national crisis. Not even Carville was willing to stoop that anti-American low.

  204. Fabio · giovedì, 6 dicembre 2012, 1:14 pmdimenticavo: Passera ha detto di essere disponibile a qualsiasi ruolo, anche minore, se il suo contributo dovesse essere ritenuto come fondamentale x questo Paese. nessuna candidatura (x ora…)

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  222. Anon #11: You're getting the joke much better than #9.Do I think that just because I have a paper submitted to a conference that my papers are automatically the best, or that I'm more inclined to give a negative review to another paper? No, actually, I don't. But whether I'm biased or not is really for the PC to decide, not me; and I think it's a clear conflict of interest that I should report when reviewing. And I might as well point out the obvious conflict in what I think is an amusing way.

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  237. otihcromaMy rate for the video:pues ya dijiste todo “me vale si han robado”… que barbaridad!!! preguntate si te han robado tus valores y principios para que escribas esto en publico

  238. Poellmann: stimmt, Leseproben sind da ein gutes Beispiel. Gibt es da eigentlich bestimmte Regeln (oder Erfahrungswerte), an die man sich halten muss? Z.B. die Frage, wie ist die Relation zwischen kostenlosem und kostenpflichtigem Inhalt? Gibt es eine Preisobergrenze, ab der das dann nicht mehr funktioniert?

  239. Ainssss Ani, con lo que nos hubiera gustdo concursar.Hemos estado muy liadas con nuestro concurso y entre otras cosas. Y mira que miramos en tu cocina varias recetas y todo, pero pensabamos que tendríamos más tiempo, y fíjate que hasta el logo lo pusimos y todo…ainssss lo sentimosAl próximo nos apuntamos reina.Son todas recetas estupendas, suerte a todas y a tí por organizarlo.Saludos

  240. Ci tengo a precisare che non sono stato io a introdurre ler allusioni politiche: semplicemente, visto che qualcuno ha tirato in ballo don Sciortino (perché non qialche monsignore che ha fatto favori a politicanti?), mi sono permesso di difendere la sua libertà di giudizio. A scaso di equivoci, nessun politico può essere certo paragonato a cristo, né identificato “tout court” con Barabba. Volevo solo dire che gli applausi del “popolo” non dimostrano necessariamente che chi in quel momento è osannato ha ragione.201a

  241. it is bewildering how many people are unaware of these companies' reckless abandon with our earth, our people, and our money. thank you for the eye-opening read.

  242. that they don’t have big men that can space the floor and shoot from somewhere other than the paint sucessfully/consistently, and aren’t really athletic enough to defend PRs & in transition. Their offense so far looks ugly compared to last season; I bet they miss John K.

  243. there is no way possible for Romney to be as bad as Obama, come on! At least Romney is qualified to hold the office! He's not my first pick either, but I will vote for Romney with all I've got! And if any of you don't, you are helping obama's commies complete the destruction of this country! We may or may not succeed in getting Obama thrown out prior to Nov. election, but if not, we cannot let him destroy us completely in four more years!

  244. We are beginning decorations this week! VBS is July 29 – August 3!! So excited about this years theme! Can’t wait to see the kids reactions to learning about Dino’s!!! I already have the “Admit, Believe and Forever Receive” song stuck in my head!!

  245. I’ve been looking for a post like this forever (and a day)

  246. “Were u involved with ISN? I”SG, no. I just stayed at Holiday Inn :)My GC travails were unusually long and I was filing four renewals every year (two work permits one for wife and one for me, and two travel docs). Used to check the blog immigrationportal.com [mainly dedicated to the procedural aspects of “legal” immigration]. Occasionally, there are some anti “illegals” there that would make a KKK grandmaster, Limbaugh, Lou Dobbs, or even Joe Wilson proud.Seems that the ISN website is not active anymore. What was your focus at that time? Immigration process/reform?S

  247. Is that really all there is to it because that’d be flabbergasting.

  248. ennesma retata in santo spirito documenti e un ragazzo in questura. colpevolie come gli altri di non voler passare la propia vita chiusi davanti a una tv… il loro delirio è arrivato a tal punto che lo sbirro che si era trattenuto troppo a parlare con la gente è stato a sua volta trascinato via con tanto di cazziata dal superiore….CAZZO CHE MESTIERE DI MERDA..

  249. Muito boa! Hehehehe! Eu aciono o pedal com qualquer pé, mas prefiro com o direito. Às vezes quando o paciente está perdido sobre onde cuspir, com a boca cheia, dou uma batidinha na louça da cuspideira para ele se orientar… Legal!

  250. Would you be able to uprise against the empire yourself? Or maybe will the people who are tired of high taxations, etc, be able to riot against the Empire themselves, and if so, would I as the leader of the colony be able to choose side (either directly or inderectly) with either the Empire or the uprising colonists?

  251. Hey Resha! I enjoy everything but I would love to see more Faces of the Day and Youtube tutorials! You’ve got me hooked on those bright looks so keep em coming!!! =)

  252. PeterLeonard Ludwinski Godsownfool / Sally Linda Edlund "So, what if the tables were turned and it was a gay couple that refused to give a room to a christian couple at their B & B?"I'VE YOU ANSWER RIGHT HEEEEEEEEEERE!MY WIFE AND I WOULD -#1.Pray for them.#2.SAY "Even the very dust of your city, which cleaveth on us, we do wipe off against you:notwithstanding be ye sure of this, that the kingdom of God is come nigh unto you. LUKE10:11 And finally,#3.SEEK(and God would find us) A BETTER non-homo STABLE,HOTEL,OR BARN down the road

  253. shit… vi var pÃ¥ gran canaria forrige uke, og vi var sÃ¥ dumme at vi takket ja, og har betalt 25 000 kr til voyager, og skal fÃ¥ 5 uker gratis. Ble usikker nÃ¥ ja… hmm..

  254. Considering that the president’s popularity among blacks is closing in on the 50% mark, which is an amazing slide from his election, this seems like a counter-productive thing to say. We’ll have to see what the polls do, but “sit down and shut up” sounds like poor diplomacy.

  255. to have claimed that “our final battle cry will be down with Dada!”) they sold out as soon as people started offering them insanely large amounts of money for their own, satirical, ‘Non-Art’.mnuez

  256. Woah! I’m really loving the template/theme of this blog. It’s simple, yet effective. A lot of times it’s difficult to get that “perfect balance” between user friendliness and appearance. I must say that you’ve done a awesome job with this. Also, the blog loads super quick for me on Chrome. Outstanding Blog!

  257. Oh I'm so jealous you got to meet Meghan. She is SUCH a doll!I can't wait to see your new design! 🙂 I hope you get to feeling better my friend!

  258. Cons: Fast weight loss recipe. how to grow tallerfast may seem trivial, but I think belly dancers lookeven betterwhenthey are dry. The quick and easy? You feel drained of energy for your entire body while in prep.You have to keep with it? This is one ofthe fruits, vegetables, grains and low-fat bran muffins, pan cakes,pies and mousses.

  259. zegt:Wij waren vandaag ook even kinderloos, soms is dat best fijn Veel succes aankomende week, zal wel weer wennen zijn.

  260. He He, the people in the charity shops have no diplomacy 'eh?I thought you were going to say they'd put some stuff to one side for you!Pretty good week then what with your purchases and the garden finds?Let's hope the weekend is good and the week ahead!Sandie xx

  261. Hopefully that nun learned not to force kids to eat bananas after that event. And she pinned a note to your shirt apologizing…was she afraid you would lose it on your way home?

  262. Por fin veo una foto de las EMU’s.Llevo un montón de tiempo oyendo hablar de ellas pero todavía no había conseguido ver ninguna foto.Dentro de dos semanas me tengo que pasar por la factoria de Beasain, asi que espero ver un en directo.

  263. Dave, did you have a pre-inauguration “spending spree?” Lol!I did spend some time thinking about whether or not to post against unions. They don’t like people pointing out too many things. Yeah, THINGS, that’s it!Maybe we’ll be neighbors in Camp Obama!?!?!

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