كيف سيقرأ التاريخ {الربيع العربي}؟

أصبحت هناك عادة أن تقرن التحركات الاجتماعية الكبرى بفصول السنة أو بألوان معينة٬ فما حدث في المنطقة العربية في 2011 أصبح يعرف بـ«الربيع
العربي»٬ وما حدث في أوكرانيا في العامين الماضيين عرف باسم «الثورة البرتقالية»٬ بينما ما حدث من احتجاجات في إيران عام 2009 أطلق عليه اسم
«الثورة الخضراء».
الألوان اختارها أصحابها المنتفضون أو المحتجون٬ بينما «الربيع» أطلق من الخارج على غرار «ربيع براغ» في عام ٬1968 الذي استمر عدة أشهر ثم
قمع بتدخل دول حلف وارسو بنحو ألفي دبابة اجتاحت تشيكوسلوفاكيا السابقة٬ وسال الدم في شوارع براغ٬ وتأجلت الإصلاحات نحو ثلاثة عقود٬ لتطال
الاتحاد السوفياتي نفسه الذي ورثته روسيا. كان نصيبنا في المنطقة مصطلح «الربيع»٬ فعرفت الحركات الاحتجاجية والثورات التي شهدتها دول كثيرة في 2011 بـ«الربيع العربي»٬ وأصبح هذا هو الاسم الرسمي الذي سيقّيم فيه التاريخ جيل «الربيع العربي»٬ بما في ذلك التداعيات التي تسبب فيها سواء سلًبا أو إيجاًبا.
بدأ «الربيع العربي» من تونس٬ لينتقل إلى مصر٬ كمظاهرات سلمية تخللها عنف أو قمع من الشرطة٬ لينتقل إلى ليبيا وسوريا واليمن٬ حيث تحولت
الاحتجاجات إلى أعمال مسلحة وحروب أهلية تدخلت فيها قوى خارجية وإقليمية حسب مصالحها٬ وكانت خسائر المنطقة بمئات المليارات من الدولارات.
خمس سنوات مرت على شرارة «الربيع العربي»٬ والاحتجاجات التي جاءت لأسباب اقتصادية وأخرى متعلقة بالحريات٬ لم تستوعبها الأنظمة الحاكمة٬ كما حدث خلال الثورة الفرنسية أو الثورة الروسية البلشفية٬ لكن المشكلة الكبرى كانت هي أن المحتجين أنفسهم لم يكن لديهم تصور أو رؤية عملية للبديل الذي يرغبون في إحلاله محل النظام القديم٬ فقفز الإخوان على السلطة في مصر وتونس قبل أن يتم إبعادهم٬ ودخلت ليبيا وسوريا واليمن في صراعات مسلحة تهدد بقاء الدولة نفسها٬ فبدت المسألة كأنها نصف ثورة دعمها الجيش لهز النظام.

إقرأ أيضا: وقفة نقدية أمام عاصفة «الربيع العربي»

التحركات الاجتماعية الكبرى لا يعرف أحد نهايتها أو يستطيع التنبؤ بها٬ فالثوار الفرنسيون في القرن الثامن عشر لم يتصوروا أنهم سيدخلون عهد الإرهاب
لتسقط الإمبراطورية في يد نابليون الذي شن حروًبا إقليمية في أوروبا٬ ولا يزال الفرنسيون يحبونه رغم مغامراته العسكرية٬ والروس لم يتنبأوا بأنهم سيعيشون 7 عقود تحت حكم شمولي شديد القسوة.
التجربة في مصر٬ وإلى حد ما في تونس٬ تشير إلى أن الناس ملت الفوضى وتريد إعادة الاستقرار بشكل أو بآخر٬ لكنه ليس على النمط القديم٬ وفي بقية بلدان «الربيع العربي» تخطت الحالة إرادة الشعوب المعنية أو ماذا ترغب٬ ليصبح المصير في يد راسمي الخرائط والمصالح الدولية٬ والمأساة أن تتحولانتفاضة أو ثورة إلى قضية لاجئين وهاربين بالزوارق.
كيف سيحكم التاريخ على جيل «الربيع العربي»؟ سؤال يتمنى كثيرون أن يقرأوا المستقبل ليعرفوا إجابته٬ وهذا لن يحدث إلا بعد مائة عام.. تكون النفوس قد هدأت٬ والشخصيات التي تصدرت الساحة اختفت٬ وظهرت أجيال جديدة تستطيع أن تقرأ ما حدث بموضوعية وهدوء؛ هل هي نصف ثورة دعمتها مؤسساتفي الدولة مثل الجيش كما حدث في مصر أو تونس؟
لقد حدث تغيير٬ ولا عودة إلى الوراء٬ لكن المؤمل ألا تكون المسألة مثل «الثورة العربية الكبرى» التي يقرأها كل طرف حتى الآن حسب انتمائه السياسي٬ إلى درجة أن البعض يريد إعادة عجلة الزمن إلى الوراء بما فيها٬ فأحد مظاهر النجاح في الخروج من مستنقع الحالة هو اعتبار الماضي تاريًخا يستفاد منه٬ والنظر إلى المستقبل٬ أما «داعش» وأصحاب النظريات المشابهة٬ فمجرد طفيليات تحاول الركوب على الحالة٬ لكنها غير قادرة على العيش وسط أجواءنظيفة.

صحافي وكاتب مصري/”الشرق الأوسط”

اقرأ أيضا

الصحراء المغربية

منزلقات تأويل موقف روسيا من المينورسو

أثار التصويت على قرار مجلس الأمن الدولي بخصوص التمديد لبعثة المينورسو جدلا كبيرا في مختلف …

264 تعليقاً

  1. Iniormatfon is power and now I’m a !@#$ing dictator.

  2. Where’s the nearest cash machine? hannah is turning into a fat slag ,about time tou went on a diet,soon your ass will be as big as your fukin ego bitch

  3. Ohhhh, Emerald breath….. In hale, exhale, in hale, exhale!Ok I’m all good!NOT! Oh. MY. GAWD! I am freaking out, a give away! SWEET! Even if I dont win- which unfortunately, I am not likely to- some else will be awarded the honor of reading this insanely FANTASTICALY SUPPERB book!I mean, I gotta admit, I’d kinda hate then 4 it (I mean, who wouldn’t! They got the book & I didn’t!) but oh well! Someones day…. Ok, YEAR just got a hole of heck lot better! So go you whoever wins!!!!*Spff, F “twihards!”(ok, I’m a twihard to…… Don’t judge me…..)

  4. Hello. Cette gamme me plait beaucoup en particulier les ombres stellaires et je suis intrigué par leur fond de teint universelle. C’est vrai que le seul problème reste le prix mais il parait qu’ils vont les revoirs…

  5. Kudos to Ridnour! Kind of like Steve Nash, he is only getting better with age. Luke is far more valuable to the Wolves than he would be to any other team in the league. I am so glade we didnt trade him. I never did even when the rumors got hot. They are going to need to bring it big time tonight against the Spurs in San An. Wolves nation baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Hagen 0  0Wenn du akute Speicherprobleme hast kann ich dir sofort ca 50 Gb langfristig zur verfügung stellen . 13 GB habe ich als neuen Account auch noch frei – kannst gern übernehmen. must nur das Passwort ändern.

  7. A loss is a loss. But for the first time Masch and Leiva played well together and protected Carra and Skertl. I actually feel like we're rounding into form….Perhaps blind optimism, but I suggest we beat seven shades of shite out of Man U in a few weeks to make this sting go away…

  8. Why did the sonar did not detect immediate land under belly. I doubt the Captain was getting BJ from someone in his cabin or doing someone, very normal for captains on such ships to flirt with women on board take them to cabin.

  9. I was seriously at DefCon 5 until I saw this post.

  10. ummm first of all, you are gorgeous. the light in the photo totally makes you look angelic!! that corset looks sooo nice and it goes perfeftly with that skirt!!

  11. Chef). And this is a totally fun recipe – never occurred to me to make crawfish shortcakes! Bet shrimp would taste great, too. Anyway, thanks for this. And I’ve bookmarked you, so I’ll be back.

  12. The naked face eating guy may seem wacked out to people in other places, but here in Miami, it's really just par for the course. We seem to attract wierdness down here. I guess they come for the warm weather.What we really need down here, though, is a batch of those monkeys.

  13. Wonderful beat ! I would like to apprentice while you amend your web site, how can i subscribe for a blog website? The account aided me a acceptable deal. I had been a little bit acquainted of this your broadcast provided bright clear concept

  14. I agree!! Just wanted to be sure that there was nothing about either of those two, that were terribly off-base. But, so long as for now, I support them, both, very much!!!=).

  15. Alexou dit :C’est trop bien je l’ai trop réussie!!!!Bien c’est difficile quelque étapes mais je l’ai réussie!Trop contente et j’ai juste 9 ans et jeune artiste top cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. Why is it with any mention of Satine, I’m nearly in tears? What a mess that movie makes of me! (The song is now playing in my head)I have not tested the HdP Moulin Rouge, but I know that you are an expert at matching people up with the right scent I too love that you’ve got Baby in the mix! This is such a cheerful post, what fun!

  17. Hoy no estoy de acuerdo con los pensamientos de la bibliotecaria, pues creo que el único sistema que ha permitido prosperar a los pueblos es precisamente el capitalismo, o lo que es lo mismo un sistema d libre mercado democrático. En los demás sistemas socialistas y/o comunistas sólo se ha permitido a los pobres seguir siéndolo.Un abrazo Lavela.

  18. An intelligent point of view, well expressed! Thanks!

  19. Great article but it didn’t have everything-I didn’t find the kitchen sink!

  20. இவங்க எல்லாம் எப்போ சாவாங்க? தமிழன் ஆட்சி முதலில் தமிழ்நாட்டில் இருக்கா? எப்போ ஒரு தமிழன் வேண்டாம் ஒரு மனுஷன் நம்ம நாட்ட ஆள்றது ?சனியன் படிச்சவனுக்கு ஒரு சாவு வர மாட்டேங்குது

  21. Excellente nouvelle, je lis dans le billet de Duc “20% de la population est sorti du circuit économique et ne consomme plus” (pour les Etats-Unis) et le phénomène est actuellement en phase croissante dans des pays comme la Grèce, l’Espagne l’Italie, la France et même la … et ces 20% ne sont pas morts, ils vivent comme des , mais ils vivent mieux, comme des “ en ” … Actuellement je place plus d’espoirs pour l’humanité dans ces îlots sortis des sentiers battus, que dans nos amis politiques actuellement au pouvoir …

  22. You actually make it seem so easy with your presentation but I find this topic to be really something which I think I would never understand. It seems too complex and extremely broad for me. I’m looking forward for your next post, I will try to get the hang of it!

  23. The old crap about 'atheists and foxholes' comes from those who never watched the randomness of war, the evidence of…if no God…then at least one that doesn't give a poo and the certainty of death. I am not sure about God, but you convinced me there is a Devil. God would never be so evil to make someone as hateful and stupid as you. Well, Mohammeds god might, he likes little girls who haven't bled yet, just like you do.

  24. Love the outfit, looks fabulous.I'm sorry your Dad has dementia. My Grandad has had dementia for the last 5 years and it is a difficult thing to deal with. I hope you are getting support…I know that it's not always easy to come by. Sending support! x

  25. Very informative and trustworthy blog. Please keep updating with great posts like this one. I have booked marked your site and am about to email it to a few friends of mine that I know would enjoy reading

  26. Ja, eg og vil ha ein sånn liten by med zink-hus i vinduet mitt. Har bare ett. Kan nesten sjå kor fint da lyse i vinduet ditt. Den gode naboen.

  27. Ma sai che io sogno sempre, ed è un incubo, di uscire in pigiama o pantofole e me ne accorgo quando ormai è troppo tardi per tornare a casa a cambiarmi?Che disagio!Ahahah

  28. This is utterly pathetic. Appeal, appeal, appeal! It's their responsobility to monitor their content, and if they suspect, find any copyright violation, they can, though an accepted legal process request that media to be removed from your servers. Nothing more and nothing less. I agree, go tell them to fuck themselves. In fact, I think every user on YouTube should take a snippet of any Viacom media – say, less than 5s and then append a big F YOU!

  29. salute a te lanant……concordo! vogli ovedere delle bestie in mezzo al campo…ma o come l’impressiona che non ci deluderanno!Mauri il maggio di questo inizio di campionato nn è il miglio maggio….ma il peggior maggio nn è paragonabile a dossena….che è scandalosamente inconcludente…inservibile..lento..impacciato….nervoso….insomma…pare che ci siano staticontatti con il palermo…..a gennaio liberiamocene possiamo ancora recuperare un paio di milioncini!e andiamo a pescare un esterno di livello!

  30. Sexy, strong, loyal and fearless! Ian from Killer Secrets by Lora Leigh emobodies this. He fought for what he wanted and would not give up! Ian is one of the best hero’s that I’ve ever read. He had flaws but used them for good. His courage was inspiring.Love the contest. THANKS!

  31. Hombre, el tema no es que el coche fuese automatico solo ;-), sino que cruzar 3 fronteras ilegalmente… pues… Jejjejejej.(Y no se si recuerdas en medio del atasco cuando escuchamos como nos contaban en italiano que en nuestro 3er posible destino de vacaciones… estallaba un bonito conflicto armado…).Fuera de coñas, unas vacaciones irrepetibles que quiero que se repitan!!(Pronto. Proxima parada, Las Highlands 🙂 ).

  32. You’ve captured this perfectly. Thanks for taking the time!

  33. Hey Dip ….!Your wish has been granted.Go to Ebay and type in “Spy Sun Glasses ”You can get a pair for less than $ 20 including shipping .(You also need to buy a mini flash memory card for less than $10)Then just remove the dark lenses and you’re ready to go squeezing….You’re welcome.Well-loved.

  34. Grade A stuff. I’m unquestionably in your debt.

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  43. I didn't realise that Douglas Adams is a pseudonym of Jerry Pournelle.Wow. Perhaps The Mercenary and West of Honor were actually intended humorously.Is Newt Gingrich one of his alter egos as well?

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  52. what is up with the people or person who is giving these ridiculous thumbs down comments. One person just wished her mom happy birthday and got bashed with a few thumbs down. Come on folks lets play nice. If you truley have a thumbs down comment then make sure its for the right reason and not doing it to be childish.Hot debate. What do you think? 7  7

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  56. tell her how you really feel about her and that she’s the only one in your mind and if she would like to give it another shot and just forget the world and think about you and her and this time not let anything get in the way between your relationship!be straight forward tell her how much you like her!HOPE that helped

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  58. 112I dont think you will be able to join I’ve seen people with lesser charges be DQ’d… My recruiter told me I could not join if I had any charges of theft on my record and that is for the Army… Hope this helps

  59. I lost my wallet on the morning I left the Jamboree. My name and I believe my address are inside. Is there efforts to return such items to scouts? I need to know asap before I make appointments for new IDs and other necessities within..

  60. Thanks everyone 🙂 I actually don’t know what the flower is, neither does my cousin … so if anyone knows feel free to let me know! Thanks :)Hey speedy … you’re Mr. Hollydale now? LOL

  61. "DJ" sein für lau, das ist doch was! naja, irgendwie mußte die entwicklung ja mal zu ihrem ende kommen. ab sofort jedem seine 15 minuten twitter fame 😉

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  63. I love your bags because I think they are amazingly cute and of course very practical. I personally think photographers are stylish people too, why should we have to walk around with a drab looking black bag? Your bags are a stylish and fashionable choice in place of the usual. Amazingly functional. No one would ever even know it was a camera bag looking at it from the outside.

  64. Hi.Since I’ve moved site, Google isn’t finding any of my pages what so ever. It finds my old posts, and inevitably Page Not Found appears. But all new posts dont even get picked up on Google anymore. Also, if it does show up it shows up with a direct link to the page as apposed to a link to the post.Any idea on how to deal with this?

  65. Yeah, that is a very good one :-)When going to physics SE to upvote Lumo systematically, you have to be careful since if the "system" detects what you are doing the upvotes could get reversed … :-/. I would probably not cast more than 10 well seperated in time upvotes per day :-).

  66. eben… (die Bogenlampen sind ja von der Grenzbefestigung) – und wäh­rend die Einen, die in der Adalberstraße wohn­ten, die­sen Blick hat­ten, hat­ten die ande­ren, die neben der Michaelkirche arbei­te­ten, den gegen­sätz­li­chen

  67. I love ALL potatoes. I really don’t think they are bad in moderation — they are so filling!! It does frustrate me when I see someone overloading a potato with tons of cheese,butter, and sour cream. I really do think some people need to take a step back and realize where their calories come from!

  68. No I’ve never seen Jerry Maguire. Im not a fan of Tom Cruise so I try to stay away from watching his movies(unless there isn’t anything else on). Is it a good movie? *pouts* I bet all Heath Ledger need was a good hug and an ear to listen to his issues. *sighs* It’s always sad when we lose a great actor.

  69. What a pleasure to find someone who thinks through the issues

  70. When Mr Obama was running for President the first time, more than one Liberal blogger pointed out that Mr Obama was pretty much an Eisenhower-style Republican. Almost no Leftist held Mr Obama up as a paragon of Liberal or Socialist values. His first term bears this out. I wonder why Mr Cohen is having this not-epiphany so late.Mold

  71. I like the article. But have to add: acronyms disgust me. There is something utterly totalitarian and bureaucratic about them. "Life under the One Ideology in a Corporate State" …

  72. right. this is gross. not the photo, tho i have to argue it does leave an impact on one part of my medula oblongata and inasmuch as i would like to express the sadness i feel inside, there's also a boiling anger i'm feeling for the fucking assholes who are grosser than anything on this planet! motherfucking child killers should be hanged! >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o

  73. Miss W. March 20, 2012 at 1:50 AMG’day Shy-lee,No wonder you want to be a vet. Having all those pets. I never had a pet while growing up, because we would go travelling most weekends and there would be no-one to look after the animals.

  74. Dann wünsche ich dir einen guten Rutsch ins « Feuerhundsjahr » (les allemands se souhaitent en effet littéralement de bien « glisser » dans la nouvelle année…)

  75. Jun22 Try some of your small family owned businesses. Our girl scout troup had a blast making their own pizzas at a local pizzeria… the owner taught them how to spin the dough in the air, etc.They also decorated cakes at a Randall’s nearby.

  76. I LOVE your kitchen redo!! So refreshing to see a beautiful kitchen done on a budget. I enjoy your blog, and I see that we pin from each other on Pinterest. Where do you live in "the Pacific Northwest"? I live in Albany, Oregon. Debbie

  77. Geht mir genauso. Es gibt viele Nachrichten die zum Bloggen zu unwichtig sind aber trotzdem verteilt werden sollten. Das geht mit Twitter sehr gut.

  78. Global Warming is a corporate tool to tax CO2 output. Paying someone for CO2… Who has the right to own CO2? Does that mean every time we exhale we owe someone money? The trees breath CO2 and produce oxygen in response.Please read actual scientific evidence not produced by companies trying to regulate CO2, you'll see an entire different story.The fact of the matter is, we need to take care of the earth, but An Inconvenient (LIE) is a ploy for Al Gore to own CO2 OUTPUT of the entire country.

  79. Superb information here, ol’e chap; keep burning the midnight oil.

  80. Good points all around. Truly appreciated.

  81. You know what, I’m very much inclined to agree.

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  84. Just cause it’s simple doesn’t mean it’s not super helpful.

  85. Det vil jeg overveje, da jeg skal have lavet om på mit værelse i år eller næste år, så jeg skal jo helst vente med at købe et, hvis det først er næste år, men jeg bor i Nordsjælland så det passer jo meget godt hvis det nu endelig var;)Hvad skal du så have for det?:-)

  86. A volte alcuni di voi faccio fatica a capirli….scrivete che volete grandi giocatori soprattutto in difesa e poi fate passare Britos e cannavaro per Nesta e Thiago Silva…….

  87. Hi,I’ve just reached 40 and train 4-5 times a week both strength and cardio, I don’t take any supplements but after hearing about HGH and reading your wonderful site I have ordered Secretagogue gold. What supplements would you recommend in addition to build muscle mass/strength.Many thanksMark

  88. Gosh, I wish I would have had that information earlier!

  89. Victor • 25 de Fevereiro de 2011 às 00:32Muito boa a atualização, só pelo Post dá para saber como vai ser …Estou neste momento atualizando minha versão, em breve nos veremos =)

  90. Ragazzi, ci sarò con lo spirito, mentre lavoro al nuovo progetto della Società degli Allegri Scettici (non so perchè mi piace di più scritto così).Salutatemi ET:-)

  91. Monica,Nobody’s blocking access, certainly not at the home office.And AG is correct about the numbers — there’s always wiggle room, and remember that those are the numbers of the Dems who fear a motion to recommit, not the initial vote for passage. There IS a difference. The number of 40-60 has been vetted through a number of channels.And I expect that by 2009 we will have more progressive Dems and fewer Republicans as well as conservative Dems.

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  93. Yeah, I always at least use a symbol to separate the scenes (there's a technical term for that, but I can't remember it right now) and make it obvious in the first sentence which POV it's in… Good to know!

  94. I am a Proprietor of some of TMs. I had met her few times as an individual ( I am a small guy and can't pay the lawyers huge fees as demanded by them) and I got good response from her on the TM procedure the staff also helped and I submitted my first application. After more than a year automatically it got approved. Some are pending.During my interactions I felt she was honest and very down to earth person… This news is shocking to me..I never could imagine she has taken bribe…sort of… mmmAm I wrong…?

  95. I have been experimenting with a few recipes for my upcoming Mummies Night Out (only 3 spots left!!)  I want to make sure everything is delicious and that my party guests leave

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  97. MandyNovember 21, 2012That was definitely one of the best scrubs I’ve ever used!To make that smooth feeling last and make my skin feel even better, I indulge in some luxurious moisturizer afterwards.It’s also great to use in a pedicure.

  98. Bela estória: O asno e a jumenta. Conheceram-se no pasto, óbviamente…pastando. Pfuiii. E a cirrose? Logo elle vai começar a ficar preto, digo afro, heheheheeh.Feliz 2009 coronel e comentaristas.Abs Artur SC

  99. Yep, a million is a lot of boks. I think she got a hefty advance. Those publishers sure know their audience.Let's see how the voters feel about her in 2012. Because I really do think she will run. "One part of the problem is that her supporters seem to think that they constitute a majority of the electorate, when simple math suggests otherwise. That is one reason why the GOP cognoscenti will not have her on the ticket."Yes, but Gregory, the primary is not the general. She doesn't need as much votes to come out of there on top.

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  103. I am so very sorry for your loss. what a horrible tragic accident. I will be checking my home for hazards now, if its any comfort, you may have saved a few lives by telling your story. x

  104. Grozava vizualizare..n-am unipersonificat-o niciodata. Dar cre’ ca tre sa iesi din ea ca sa faci asta, sa fii in faza aia de post-depressive black humour about it. Eu o vedeam ca a whole theater play intre ingerashu pe umaru’ drept shi dracushorul echidistant. Evident..totul se petrecea in capul meu si evient- unul avea tendintze sado-maso asupra celuilalt:))

  105. Such a cute image! I love your blog, you are always showing how you do projects and cards and I love learning new things! Thanks! Hugs! Leah Ann

  106. Gostei do texto que o amigo repassou . Acredito que informação é o mais necessário sobre marketing multinível para pessoas que não conhecem esta forma revolucionária de renda e de compartilhar produtos e benefícios . Tenho estudado este material a alguns meses e concordo com tudo temos muitas armadilhas na internet e precisamos nos precaver. Parabéns .

  107. If ron paul doesnt get into the white house, there should be a party thatis seperate from the republican, democrat, and tea part…. It should be based on ron paul an the founders and all of their teachings… It should be anti-socailist, anti-marxist, anti-facist, and only pro constitution. it should be created to over throw the fed, or any type of tolitarian system in this county and we should give it name… I was thinking Neo-Patriot Party. what do you guys think?

  108. oh sweet mother of gawd just get them ALL. they are fantastic each and everyone. especially the blue. and the pink. and – you get where this is going.my bf bagged on them too. then i got the sky high peep-toe hasbeens and he thinks they're awesome. compliments me genuinely all the time. boys. whatever.

  109. Laurie stole my comment! Bad Laurie! Just kidding. But I agree, Peanut’s Grammy is AMAZING! Will you make me one of those? Puhleeze? I knit and crochet; I doubt I can make those from yarn. And next year is fine; Lexi is only 3 months and she won’t be able to play with it until next year anyway! Also I’ll echo Grammy on the grandkids…I have 9 myself! They rock!

  110. How nice to find a surprise parcel – every shed should have one, especially if it contains a gift as marvellous as that green frock! Helga is a wondrous woman.And the cape, ah yes THAT cape… Be prepared to do battle with those Black Country grannies when you out and about wearing it. Luckily you are a cape-wearing Superhero, so you can fend off any would-be robbers! xxxxx

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  112. If memory serves, The term “Christian” was given to the followers of “The Way” as a derogetory name given to them at Antioch. Was picked up and adopted in defiance of the opposition. A not too uncommon practice, even used to this day.

  113. This is an article that makes you think “never thought of that!”

  114. Mass. For those priests that say Mass ad orientem a nice illustration before the Canon also emphasizes the importance of the liturgical action.I’m tired of altar missals that have the artistic flair of auto shop repair manuals.

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  119. comentou em 23 de fevereiro de 2012 às 17:30. Certíssimo!!! Super apoiado! Antonio Darden acaba de ganhar uma fã. É preciso coragem e atitude pra de fato se posicionar! *clap*clap*clap*

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  121. RE: – “The median, or market mix, or statistics are unimportant to each and every individual seller, or buyer.” Wrong!Statistics are unimportant to a guy like you because you have no capacity to use the data to formulate a reasonable understanding of cause/effect relationships that govern the world you live in. Your mind is an infinite loop of simple and irrelevant relationships that are tethered to nothing at all meaningful. You will always be a drag on society. – Rate this comment: 0  0

  122. Thanks for the kind words and thanks for the visit. Hope you will return in the future. I am always happy to talk to my readers.Let me know if there is a specific area that you would like to see more information about.

  123. Yes, yes, Lilly, the party is coming! Yea!Ditto on the accents, Lorena. I do think the star may have stole the show when she motioned for the wisemen to follow her.Also my new favorite Christmas video ever, Mary.

  124. 18 febrero, 2010paquitoHombre falsas informaciones no da, puede ser que haya algun error, que impida realizar un calculo correcto, pero para eso también os pedimos que si detectas un error, nos lo comentes , porque muchas veces un caracter mal escrito del nombre de una calle es suficiente para que Google no pueda posicionar correctamente tu casa, o la central. Hay que ser un poco más constructivo.Un saludo.  

  125. – I’m CRACKING up at that huge passy! At least that one might not roll as far! … And, that one pic of us is too fun! Can’t wait to see the rest…please email me how much we owe you!

  126. The average citizen doesn’t investigate these things, they just accept the consensus that government has more power than these big banks/corporation, it’s pretty much the other way around.

  127. Hi Lyn. I have watched this video many times and Walid makes a lot of sense in his interpretation of the end times and Islam. I recommend to anyone who has not seen this video, please do.

  128. My hat is off to your astute command over this topic-bravo!

  129. patut buat peraturan takleh jual makanan kat org islam time7am-2pm. tapi asyik set peraturan je, masing2 patut ada kesedaran sendri la.

  130. Really enjoyed this post, especially as I’d also read ‘s account on her “Cooking with Tea” blog and was comparing your experiences a little. Sounds like your journey went a tad more smoothly than hers.Carry on writing, can’t wait to read the rest! Any pics of you girls sipping tea in Philly?J.

  131. Still pretending it's going to okay huh scott? Tell that to the 1000+ NZers each week on the dole, but then again you will also tell them that the right to sack is helping them too won't you scott? This recession is merely beginning, that is all.

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  133. I know people who make every single payment with a credit card. They never carry cash. Even a 1 dollar candy bar at the gas station they put on a credit card. They have 9 different cards because they think they save money buy getting a “company credit card” like a Sears CC for example. They think CC are the only way to go and brag about their credit score being high. Meanwhile they are in debt for years. I would rather have money than a high credit score. I’m weird.

  134. It's great to have a win and all but until we beat a strong team by scoring late and against the odds I will not be convinced by this team.I question what the result would have been today if we didnt score in the first half and didnt score in the first 15 minutes of the second half.

  135. Thanks for contributing. It’s helped me understand the issues.

  136. …metamorosati cioé metamorfosati , morosati come innamorati degli alberi per esempio  nei mari del sud non li potano non sanno cos'é la potatura non lo vogliono sapere perché per loro è un far male un ferire un antenato. Io ho cercato di spiegarglielo, ma forse é anche perché i manghi non sono dei meli, chissà???  mystero! jam

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  139. Your website has to be the electronic Swiss army knife for this topic.

  140. MandyBykenSeptember 18, 2012Good luck at your interview tomorrow!! Oh no, I’m sorry your EA concert hasn’t been rescheduled yet-same thing happened with Garbage here, we’ve had to wait so many more months. I hope you don’t have to wait much longer, or you can transfer your tickets. I can’t wait to see your costumes!!? I’d love to see your designs if you ever feel like sharing them! I think leaving unhealthy groups and sites is a very good step. I’m jealous of your DBT course, I hope it works out well. <3 <3

  141. Qiqiqi… kesian deh, pas yg foto pertama itu mukanya Mas Ivan ga kelihatan. *padahal saya yg ngambil fotonya. xD*Huhuhu… iya, ga sempet ketemu ama Ridu. Ridu seh… buru2 pulangnya… *ikut nyalahin Ridu jg*

  142. Conch,You make my world go round some days. After panicking over schoolwork for four days, your words of genius made me remember: ffs, at least I’m not kerf.<3

  143. If you dont mind, exactly where do you host your website? I am searching for a very good web host and your web site appears to be fast and up all the time

  144. I can already tell that’s gonna be super helpful.

  145. Heck of a job there, it absolutely helps me out.

  146. Que esperan de tu blog?Un tratado de antropología,o tal vez de filosofía?Seguí,Tessa,con tu comentarios superficiales y sagaces ,si quieren algo profundamente uruguayo que vashan a la universidad de humanidades,sheno de gente igual a eshos.Mucho gusto

  147. Oui j’entends bien ce que vous dites, mon verre n’est pas encore tout à fait vide, pour vous les conséquences dangereuses découlent de la conversion.Nulle autre raison!Eh bien, je n’ai pas le même avis

  148. .More than 15 percent of the 185 stores on Madison Avenue between 57th and 72nd streets are vacant or about to lose tenants, according to New York-based broker Cushman & Wakefield Inc. In SoHo, 11 percent of the 551 stores are listed as available for lease. About 9 percent of the 265 stores on the Upper West Side are without tenants or soon will be.Rents may fall as much as 23 percent by the fourth quarter from a year earlier and may continue dropping through 2010 given the pace of unemployment and consumer demand, according to Sam Chandan, chief economist at research firm Real Estate Econometrics in New York.

  149. The fact 2 people known to have Islamic terrorism connections were on board is suspicious, as well as the arrest of an Al-Queda operative in Brazil. Throw in the way the airplane broke up in the air, the white flash seen by another pilot and the bomb threats received and one would be foolish to dismiss terrorism as a cause.I also believe if evidence is found of a bomb they will do everything possible to play it down. Still, let's wait and see what the investigation reveals but remain vigilant.

  150. Articles like this make life so much simpler.

  151. skriver:Vårdkvalitetens betydelse för bruttonationalprodukten bör kunna visa om det är lönsamt för staten att billigast vinner, om principen är så bra bör den kunna tillämpas på politiker och kungahus. Någonstans bör väl någon se att tanken har en gordisk knut.

  152. i love your entry! i was in norway oslo for 6 months and i loved eating the boller and any other buns in the cafes! Its so nice to have someone explained the name in english terms and even finding the ‘secret’ ingredient. I should really set up a cafe and sell it in Singapore haha this is my dream!

  153. I love the Helena bootie, but 6.5 in black is sold out! How does this boot run? Big/Small? I’m thinking of getting the 7 and hoping they work! Thanks so much!

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  155. Härlig läsning och fina bilder kändes nästan som jag var där. Sammanfattningen pÃ¥ slutet – sÃ¥ sant … Men jag mÃ¥ste säga du ser nästan oförskämt;) pigg ut vid mÃ¥l =)

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  157. Diane, thanks for your comments. It is great to see how well you did on Cyber Monday. I also added you to our Pinterest list and pinned your Epcot – UK Plate. I love that plate. You have some great New England items.

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  160. Bonjour les Roses,Nous sortons un peu la tête du guidon, et nous remarquons que les dunes avances vite pour vous. Bravo!Est-ce que ARM est à jour de tout ?Quand devons nous vous remettre notre Logo ?Quand devons nous vous verser notre contribution ?Nous essaierons d’etre présent à votre couscous party de septembre.Bonne continuation,Franck

  161. Sage advice, Mark.I subscribe to the belief: “If someone can dream it up, then it can probably happen.”That can lead to innovation as well as evil.The fact is, if you thought about it, chances are someone else has, too.I’m following your lead and putting it on the Potential Opportunity or Potential Problem list.

  162. Bien raison ! Ce « medium » part de la conception américaine. Il y existe des élections de « popularité » dans les écoles+. Quant à définir ce que ces « amitiés » recouvrent, on se retrouve face à un grand vide. Je ne doute pas que Copé et Fillon soient des « amis » de Sarko FB; mais ça limite la portée du concept…

  163. Vi esta exposição a alguns dias quando estava de férias em SP e fiquei com muitas saudades destas delícias….. Realmente vale a pena recordar….Parabéns pelo blog!Abraços, Lía

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  165. maine kal bhi comment kiya tha i have no idea where did my comment go. anyways… bahut maza aya padh kar. baatein to bhaiyya ekdum sahi kahi hain. even i don't understand the pleasantries thing. itani jor se Hiiiiiiii karengi ki jaise pahli baar doosri ladki dekhi hai. behenji doosron ko bhi hi, bye kar lene dejiye… aur be sar pair ki pakar pakar. i mean how does one get this much stuff to talk. even if u get this much stuff to talk, don't u suffer from a mouth ache or something…

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  172. / I have no problem with the shape and I love bananas. When we were kids and times were hard, mum used to mash the bananas up with a little milk (to make it go further) and spread in on our bread. We loved it then and I still eat banana sandwiches, though not mashed.Babs – Beetle recently posted..

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  178. TYVM you’ve solved all my problems

  179. residents will scratch their heads and reply “we thought you went and did that years ago”.something similar applies for Detroit. neither city is home to a full million people any longer; both of them peaked at several million in their heyday. Flint’s got barely more than one tenth the population it once sported, and it’s been a steady unbroken decline from there to where it is now. i’ve driven through them both. “urban wasteland” is no mere simile.

  180. So does the other momma like mean kids because she has one, or because it’s in her genes?What a scene, glad you got to the playground!Will and I did too this weekend and took the girls on their first carousel ride. Maybe we can go when you three are in DC!

  181. Surprising to think of something like that

  182. @erin, @christie, @mimsy, @margarita, @michael, @c2, @robin, @anastacia, @kari, @michele, @ann, @tony, @henry, @karen, @jane, @lori, @pansy, @marcie, @Brian (so funny) , @becky, and @todd. Hope I didn’t forget anyone!!!

  183. En los tiempos que corremos entre los representantes del poder, los parientes de los poderosos, los robos y enchufes de Bankia, la doctrina retrógrada de la iglesia y la ultraderecha en los medios de comunicación ¿qué nos queda?EL DERECHO AL PATALEO (y están en vías de retirásnoslo por REAL DECRETO)

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  186. hi…i can't tell you all the details, as i don't know them, but my friend and i are frequent patrons at tina's and indeed there was a fire in a side room near the kitchen. arson was definitely suspected and they had to close for one day to repair everything. people were dining when the fire started.

  187. Whoever edits and publishes these articles really knows what they’re doing.

  188. Dopiero teraz widać jak zmienia się internet. Nie musimy już dodawać strony do katalogów, nie musimy wymieniać się linkami.Widzę że w dzisiejszych czasach lepiej dodać Google +1 i mieć konto na Facebooku.Czy w dalszym ciągu polecasz podnoszenie PR strony?Czy raczej staje się to mniej ważne w dzisiejszych czasach?

  189. Dear Nikki,the last movie I saw? it was Alice in Wonderland and I probably give it a 3..I watched it at a mall just near my house..the same mall I got a copy of your book, I'm from the Philippines and I am forever going to wait for the next book.I also saw Twilight last year and it was awes0me, currently I'm watching Twilight on a channel called Star Movies,and i have the DVD so i could watch it all the time.<3 I also like the new Percy Jackson movie<3.Who do like better Edward of Jacob?sincerly,Maoi

  190. Liberal Jews accuse conservatives of 'hatred' and 'intolerance', but the real hatred is to be found in groups like La Raza, SPLC, ADL, gay groups, Rap culture, and Asian organizations.Obama calls for revenge and they all cheer. Whites as model majority must play nice but minorities can fume and seethe all they want. Libs fume about the evil Willy Horton ad but Obama portrays Romney as murderer of some woman in an ad. That is okay and not over the top.

  191. That analogy is not a good explanation!! I don't need a google account since the only google service I use is Youtube so my old settings were fine! Your linking service is the worst I didn't recieved anything on my cellphone! Since Google bought Youtube I'm thinking on closing my account! Don't keep losing users with slow loads and that VEVO stuff!

  192. Man, good assessment of Stephanie McMahon. When the Corporate Ministry attempted the kidnap/rape/marriage thing it was my first live RAW (in Hartford), I was 12 and Stone Cold coming to save the day was my favorite thing that had ever happened.It’s still a great memory, but now I kinda wish she had been sacrificed to Paul Bearer or whatever.

  193. Rockwell's works kinda remind me of Linus. Linus sucks his thumb and clings to his security blanket. Looking at a Rockwell painting makes you feel secure–thumb sucking and blanket holding. The difference is Schulz understood the appeal of this mentality–and its existence to some degree in all of us–but also presented his Peanuts world as something much more–even weird and strange. No suck luck with Rockwell. It's like Linus with thumb and blanket but no brains.

  194. GHz4gb ram and i have multi GPU nvidia gt520M and Intel hd3000 chip seti know my gPU’s are not so good but i was able to Assassins creed revelations on high setting 1366x….. whatever the dimensions are with vsmapling and multsampling set to none so will i be able to run,thanks

  195. Mulţumesc, chiar sper să fie o discuţie. Nu că aş avea nişte idei foarte clare, dar măcar să le tulbur pe ale altora (sunt ucenic în ascuns al lui Marius, nici el nu ştie asta).

  196. "Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience."C.S. Lewis

  197. You’ve got it in one. Couldn’t have put it better.

  198. It’s a relief to find someone who can explain things so well

  199. Una mirada… En este blog he publicado varios casos de superación personal, como el de una aviadora sin manos. Leodegundia Si practicas en casa, seguro que determinados animalitos no te las dejan recoger y lo que iban a jugar y disfrutar.

  200. எவ்வகை மருதுவமும் இலவசம்.கல்வி இலவசம், இருக்க வà001000¯€à®Ÿà¯ இலவசமென்று கொடுத்த லிபிய தலைவரை ஏன் அமெரிக்க வல்லாதிக்கம் கொன்றொழித்தது?இங்கே தனியார்மயத்துக்கு காவடி தூக்கும் காங்கிரச் அரசுக்கு நல்ல நண்பானாக துனைநிற்குது?எல்லாமே கொளளை அடிக்கதான் பகாசுரக் கொள்ளை!

  201. Absolutely LOVE your site. I’m an apron-joy sharer. My sweetheart’s daughters have been getting a kick out of our family meals, now that we all cook/bake together. To add to the fun, I gifted each of them with an apron from my collection, and we have some great shots of the three of us posin’ in the kitchen. What fun. I look forward to reading more of your site, and hearing from you my email. Apron-on, ladies and gentlemen! / Ann

  202. To David G. -See what you started! Good conversation everyone. This is how it is supposed to work. Knowledgable folks post information, observations and facts that are almost impossible to normally aquire.Thank you.

  203. Even the claims of miracles are things that people only think to be true because they are written about in the Bible. It’s like when people cite “the evidence of the empty tomb” as proof. Where did we get that evidence from? The very place we’re looking for evidence to verify to begin with.

  204. Economies are in dire straits, but I can count on this!

  205. Klart man (jag) inte försvinner frÃ¥n din blogg bara föratt du gör lite uppehÃ¥ll.Själv har jag ocksÃ¥ varit lite bloggsvackig. Lust, tid m.m. Har varit dÃ¥lig pÃ¥ att kommentera..men nu är jag tillbaka!!! Jättefina foton här i inlägget Kram LindaVA:F [1.9.20_1166]vent venligst …(0 afgivne stemmer)VA:F [1.9.20_1166](fra 0 stemmer)

  206. Can I tell you that the Gus at the bar my poppop worked at put up a cardboard cut out of him up. It caught my mom so off guard when she went for St. Pattys day so it’s funny that you mention that.Anyways. Love you!! You are amazing and I know that Kellie is so super super proud of you living your life out loud!

  207. Palikot udaje antyklerykała ale mam to gdzieś byle był skuteczny w odsuwaniu Kościoła od spraw państwa. Zaś z jego dupoliznymi poglądami odnośnie Unii się oczywiście nie zgadzam i na eurosocjalizm zgody być nie może. Dlatego z pewnością w żadnych wyborach na niego głosu nie oddam.

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  209. Etant plongeur je sais que les plongeurs auraient adores que l on fasse de le Calypso une epave plutot que depenser des fortunes à la renover et puis ayant revu le film le Monde du Silence qui est une veritable boucherie ou plutot une poissonnerie, le massacre du jeune cachalot et des requins, ce ne serait que justice de couler l arme du crime.

  210. I want to eat you up! :)) The colours are delicious, now i am in for a treat, I want a bubblegum flavoured ice-cream! Geanta aia mi-a facut si mie cu ochiul, da mi-am ales alta pana la urma, o sa vezi :P.Hugs,E.

  211. Raspuns pentru Adry:A ales-o pe colega ta in locul tau. Punct. Nu te mai gandi sa te intorci la el… Faptul ca va ia pe amandoua in brate dovedeste ca un baiat se simte cu atat mai bine cu cat este inconjurat de mai multe fete… Luandu-va in brate pe amandoua el incearca probabil sa va faca sa fiti geloase, sa va intarate poate una impotriva alteia, si de aici orgoliul lui are de castigat… sa nu cazi in cursa lui si nici sa nu-l respingi pentru ca astfel te deconspiri in fata lui si ii arati ca inca mai tii la el… fii cat mai indiferenta posibil… daca asta nu-l va atrage, macar il va face sa te respecte…

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  214. 187omg those look amazing! my mom as a kid used to make rasp bars w/ fresh raspberries from my dad’s garden and omg so good. very similar concept except she used lots more sugar, brown and white and oatsthe raw vegan apple crumble i make and have blogged about is very similar, no bake, and GF too (vegan of course)yum to yours!

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  223. Alex () / Ils ont fait plusieurs vidéos comme celles-ci, mais comme le rappelle l’auteur, les prisons aux Philippines, ça doit pas être le top (enfin faudrait déjà qu’on balaie devant nos portes, en France, c’est pas fou non plus…).

  224. Quoi pôv volatile?! C’est quand même pas moi qui ai jeté toutes les cochoncetés qu’il y a sous lui dans l’eau! Alors forcément il erre hagard vers Grenelle, des fois que la belle Béatrice Schönberg (la femme du meussieû écolo de Grenelle, ex présentateuse du JT) le couve de son regard velouté et de ses lèvres à la Angelina Joly.

  225. pisze:Fajnie by byÅ‚o coÅ› takiego zrobić, może nawet spróbuje. Ale znajÄ…c mój antymajsterkowy talent (wbicie gwoździa jest powiedzmy jeszcze w zasiÄ™gu ;)) na pewno siÄ™ nie uda 😉

  226. llorentem14 julio, 2008Estoy deseando que llegue su lanzamiento dbe ser una pasada y por lo que me han comentado una manera muy practica de aprender solfeo.

  227. Perhaps not so, but dependable and irresponsible they are. They allowed the dependancy to grow stronger, and now may find themselves hostages to the monsters they helped create.…At some time, even the abused wife takes up her fight and breaks the cycle. Some times.

  228. How inspiring! I am in my mid sixties, and today I had to ran to the drugstore to buy something I needed. Since it is so cold here in Calgry, I told to myself "I just trow the coat, and a hat on, and I'm ready to go". While the car warmed up, I came to peek at the site, saw that elegant lady, and I felt ashamed of myself. If that lady can make an effort to look good , so can I. Minervita

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  230. Thanks, Shawn, I’ll give basecamp a try. I’ve used it for other projects but didn’t think of managing PPC like a project. It will be great for keeping track of upcoming tasks.Do you know of other (inexpensive) tools that will help me track change history? It would be great to have something like a road mapping tool that can look at previous changes in light of future goals and future steps to get there.

  231. I am unclear on something. If Spaight claims that Hitler was against civilian bombing in the first 10 month of the war, and if Hitler was retaliating against Allied bombing, then does that mean that the Allies bombed Hitler first?If so, then that would've occurred sometime before the London Blitz, that is, sometime before 1940.So when did the Allies bomb Germany that caused the Luftwaffe to bomb in retaliation?

  232. Great post. I was checking continuously this blog and I am impressed! Extremely useful info specially the last part I care for such information much. I was looking for this certain info for a long time. Thank you and good luck.

  233. Frankly I think that’s absolutely good stuff.

  234. If a producer close to Melissa (who was fired for conflict of interest) knew what was going to happen how can these hyenas still claim there was a set up of Melissa? Like I thought all along this was the rest of the cast along with one or more producers setting up Teresa. They needed a reason that viewers would accept for hating Teresa and refusing to film with her, they want Teresa off the show. Just my opinion of course. But I think it’s falling into place, things are being uncovered and motivations are being revealed. I just wonder how viewers in general are seeing this?

  235. Me encantaaaaa una auténtica "bomba" debe estar riquísima y la cobertura + presentacion como siempre espectaculares, la anoto para probar un día. Un besazo + buen fin de semana, Teresa

  236. code – ProductivityRocksI really agree with the above the dock series is awesome. It really gives some insight in to what other people use. Another interesting series would be a day in the life of some of the people (typical day anyhow). Your doing great, I find your blog informative and nice to read.

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  239. Hey, you’re the goto expert. Thanks for hanging out here.

  240. in TX; If you are starting with new equipment, it’s easy, just buy LP setup stuff. That’s usually easy for cook tops, but somewhat more difficult for ovens but they are there to be had. If you have a current cook top there should be “orifices” (from the manufacturer) that you can replace in the cook top to convert it to LP from NG. Same for HWHs though for what ever reason ovens are harder to do. May need a service call. I don’t know of any refers that use NG, only LPG. Survive well. Enjoy.VA:F [1.9.21_1169](from 0 votes)

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  245. A Milk Flight! How cool. And that production of Snow White sounds wonderful. There seems to be a resurgence in fairytale themed shows and movies, which is probably migrating to other arts, too. Looking forward to Snow White and the Huntsman.

  246. I do agree with Mr. Khamkar. Infact I was also planning to invest in Wai but in initial survey I realize all the fact mentioned by Mr. Khamkar are true.1.Infrastructure is not good.2.Power/water supply is not good.3.Even in WAI MIDC not big shot companies and even not heard in near future plans.Better to invest in Pune and around 40km which will in boom in near future.

  247. Oi, tuudo beim ?Eu passei HENE por 1 ano mais ou menos, queria fazer uma escova que deichaçe o meu cabelo liso, sem precisar de ficar indo no salão fazer escova direto!obs: meu cabelo é cacheado! Tem algum tipo de escova que eu possa fazer?Obrigado!

  248. all must start from ridiculing and delegimitazing the Ruling Class, drawing aside the curtain and showing the Wizard of Oz. We need many more of the undecided to be decided, and of the wilted to be coursing with vitality and purpose.Takuan Seiyo

  249. that. Anyone can be a healer, but not everyone can be a great healer. I've always felt that really special healers were meant to be.Continue reading Raid Rx: 6 signs healing is not for youFiled under: Raid Rx (Raid Healing)Raid Rx:

  250. HEI!!! Mun viimeinen joulukukkanen oli kuvattu edellisessä postauksessa, siis se leikattu amaryllis! Hihhih… ei kovin jouluinen, mutta ei kyllä keväinenkään ;DIhanaa viikonloppua ja loppiaista ♥

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