الأديان والمذاهب الدينية الغربية المعاصرة قراءة نقدية


ظهر في الغرب، في العصور الحديثة والمعاصرة ، العديد من الأديان والمذاهب الدينية الجديدة ، وسنحاول في هذه الدراسة تقديم قراءه نقدية لهذه الأديان والمذاهب الدينية، من خلال التعريف بهذه الأديان والمذاهب الدينية أولا، ثم عرض مفاهيمها الاساسيه ثانيا، ثم عرض الانتقادات التي وجهت إليها ثالثا، ونختم الدراسة بتقديم نقد عام لهذه الأديان والمذاهب الدينية.
تعريف: السيَنتولوجيا مصطلح مركب من كلمتين هما : “سِيِنتيا ” وتعنى علم في اللغة اللاتينية ، و” لوجيا ” وتعنى دراسة أو علم في اللغة اليونانية. و هي مجموعة من المعتقدات و التعاليم ذات الصبغة الدينية ، تستند إلى فلسفة علمانية تأسست عام 1952 من قبل الكاتب رون هوبارد، ثم أعاد صياغتها لاحقا باعتبارها فلسفة دينية تطبيقية. وتتمثل هذه الفلسفة رسميا عن طريق كنيسة السينتولوجيا، التي تصف نفسها بأنها منظمة غير نفعية تسعى لإصلاح وإعادة تأهيل الروح الإنسانية، وهي تطرح نفسها كبديل عن مدرسة التحليل النفسي.
الإنسان: يرى هوبارد أن الإنسان:كائن حي خالد, تتجاوز خبرته حدود حياته الفردية, يتمتع بقدرات غير محدودة حني لو لم يدركها في حينها.

البعد التطبيقي: وترى السينتولوجيا عدم وجود علاقة بين الروح كمفهوم فلسفي، وبين روح الإنسان الموجودة في جسده, وتسبب وجوده الشعوري، وبناء عليه يرفض السنتيولوجيين اعتبار السنتيولوجيا فلسفه نظريه ، ويعتبرونها مبادئ قابلة للتطبيق, فهي عندهم تفسر القوانين الأساسية للحياة, و تبين معوقات البقاء ، وأفضل السبل لتذليل هذه المعوقات.
الروح والعقل والجسم : وترى السنتيولوجيا أن الإنسان كائن مكون من جسم و عقل و روح مسيطرة مسئولة عن تنشيط الجسم وعن استخدام العقل, ووفقا لأشكال العلاقة بين مكونات الإنسان الثلاثة وقياس مناطق الضعف في علاقاتها وفي الروح يمكن تحديد أساليب حل مشاكل الإنسان المختلفة.

وسيله الاستماع والمقياس النفسي الكهربائي : وقد ابتكر هوبارد وسيلة أطلق عليها اسم (الاستماع ) لتصبح أساس ممارسة السنتيولوجيا , وتعتمد على جهاز أطلق عليه اسم المقياس النفسي الكهربائي, وهو عبارة عن آلة يتصل بها قطبان, وعندما يجلس الشخص أمام المستمع يمسك القطبين بيديه, فتتدفق طاقة كهربائية قوتها 1.5 فولت, لا يشعر بها الإنسان, ويوجه المستمع مجموعة من الأسئلة, ويتحرك مؤشر عداد الجهاز وفقا لإجابات الشخص ، ثم يتم تسجيل قراءات العداد, وعلى ضوءها يتم إعداد تقرير عن مشكلات الشخص.
نقد : تعرضت السنتيولوجيا للكثير من الانتقادات ومنها : أولا: وصف العديد من علماء النفس والأطباء مبادئ السنتيولوجيا بأنها علم كاذب.، ثانيا: يرى بعض الباحثين أن وسيله (الاستماع) و جهاز المقياس النفسي الكهربائي ما هما إلا صياغة معاصره لفكره الاعتراف وطقوسها في الديانة المسيحية ، ثالثا: اتهمت السنتيولوجيا بالانغلاق والسرية ، وتشجيع أتباعها على قطع كل صلاتهم بأهلهم غير المعتنقين لها، رابعا: تم رفع العديد من القضايا ضدها في الولايات المتحدة وأوربا ، بتهمه ابتزاز أعضائها للحصول على أموالهم.

تعريف : نشأت الحركة الرائيليه في فرنسا عام 1973 ، من قبل صحفي سابق عمل في مجلة تهتم بسباقات السيارات هو كلاود فوريلهون والذي يعرف حاليا باسم ” رائيل”.وقد انتقل لا حقا الى الولايات المتحدة الامريكيه ، وأسس الحركة الرائيليه في أمريكا، والتي تعتبر المؤسس لشركة كلونايد،التي تعمل في استنساخ البشر، والتي زعمت أنها استنسخت أول طفل بشري
لا نهائيه الكون:ترى الرائيلية أن الكون لانهائي ، يقول رائيل( أن كل شيء هو كل شيء. فداخل ذرات الكائنات الحية، هناك كائنات حية مكونة من ذرات، وهكذا دواليك، وكذلك الكون الذي هو داخل ذرة داخل كون أخر).

الالوهيم وتفسير خلق الحياة : يقول رائيل أن الألوهيم (وهم كائنات فضائيه ) أتوا إلى كوكب الأرض منذ الأف السنين لاختبار خلق كائنات حية بعيدا عن كوكبهم. وكانت الأرض مغطاه بغيوم كثيفة وتغمر سطحها المياه. فقاموا بتجفيف الغيوم لتصل أشعة الشمس إلى سطح الأرض، وخلقوا القارات بواسطة تقنيات تشكيل الأرض المتقدمة، وصنعوا بيئة صالحة للحياة. و من ثم، قاموا بإنشاء حياة متكيفة مع جو الأرض الجديد مستخدمين علوم الفضاء الشمسية والهندسة الجينية.
امكانيه خلق الحياة:وتقول الرائليه بإمكانية خلق حياة عندما يتحقق السلام بين البشرية وتتوقف الحروب. عندها، ستمكن الإنسان من السفر عبر الكون واستخدام الاستنساخ والتعديلات الجينية لخلق الحياة ، وجعل الكواكب صالحة للحياة.

إمكانية استمرار الحياة بعد الموت: وترى الرائليه أن تطوير حواسيب جبارة، وتقنيات عالية يمكن استنساخ بشر، ونقل ذاكرتهم وجيناتهم إلى الأجساد المستنسخة ، مما يسمح لهم متابعة الحياة بعد موت الجسد.

نقد: تعرضت الرائليه للكثير من الانتقادات ومنها:أولا: أشار العديد من الباحثين أن أفكار رائيل مستقاة من روايات الخيال العلمي التي نشرت في ستينيات القرن العشرين، مثل أعمال الفرنسي جان سينديوإريك فون دانكن مبتكر فكرة الكائنات الفضائية القادمة من كواكب أخرى. ثانيا : تعرضت محاوله الرائيين استنساخ البشر للانتقاد من العديد من المؤسسات والهيئات والجماعات الدينيه.

المونية(الكنيسة الموحدة) :

تعريف : المونية أو الكنيسة الموحدة ) هى حركة دينيه مؤسسها هو صن مون المولود في كوريا عام 1920 ، والذي في انتقل إلى الولايات المتحدة عام 1973م .
توحيد الأديان وتوحيد العالم : ترفع الحركة شعار السعي من أجل توحيد الأديان، كما تقول أن هدفها الرئيسي هو(العمل من أجل توحيد العالم تحت راية إله واحد ،بحيث تضمحل من هذا العالم كل الحواجز والعوائق الكنسية والسياسية والوطنية والقومية والاجتماعية).
الإنسان الكامل: وترى الحركة أن رسالة آدم الأساسية أن يخلق الأسرة الكاملة في الأرض، و ان هذه المهمة لم تتحقق نتيجة لعمل الشيطان ، و أن عيسى لم يتزوج ، وترك مبدأ تكوين الأسرة الكاملة، لكنه أحيا الجانب الروحي للإنسان، وقد ظل جسد الإنسان مستعبداً للشيطان، لذا يجب أن يوجد آدمً ثالثً بالاتحاد مع زوجة مثالية حتى يمكن تحقيق هذا الهدف لإنجاب الإنسان الكامل.
المنظور التكراري للتاريخ: وترى المونيه أن التاريخ والأحداث متكررة ومقدرة سلفاً – ويعبرون عن ذلك من خلال رسومات و جداول بيانية، وان هناك أمثلة متكررة من البشر قد اختيروا ليصيروا آباء كاملين، لكن الشيطان قد اعترض سبيلهم فلم ينجحوا.
نقد: تستند الحركة المونيه إلى نظريه وحده الأديان ، و التي تقوم على أساس أن كل الأديان صحيحة بالتساوي ، وهى بذلك تستند إلى ذاتيه مطلقه تلغى اى موضوعيه .

شهود يهوه :

تعريف: هي طائفة مسيحيه نشأت في أوائل سبعينيات القرن التاسع عشر في ولاية بنسلفانياالأمريكية على يد “تشارلز تاز راسل“. وكانت بدايتها مجموعة صغيرة لدراسة الكتاب المقدس ، وكبرت هذه المجموعة فيما بعد لتصبح “تلاميذ الكتاب المقدس”، ويرفض شهود يهوه الاحتفال بميلاد المسيح ، ولا يخدمون في الجيش ، ولا يتدخلون بأي شكل من أشكال فيالسياسة.
يهوه: يؤكد شهود يهوه أن الاسم يهوه هو اسم الله وهو يرد في الكتاب المقدس (المخطوطات الاصلية) أكثر من 7200 مرة، ولكن المترجمين قاموا باستبدال الاسم بلقب “الرب”.
رفض الثالوث: لا يؤمن شهود يهود بالثالوث ولا بشفاعة القديسين ولا بنار الهاوية كوسيلة لتعذيب الأشرار.
التبشير بملكوت الله : ويقول شهود يهوه ان الهدف الأهم لهم هو التبشير بملكوت الله باعتباره الحل الوحيد والقريب لمشاكل العالم المتفاقمة، وكذلك تعريف الناس على اسم الله الفريد – يهوه – كما يذكر الكتاب المقدس.

نقد:رغم أن بداية شهود يهوه أنها طائفيه مسيحيه، إلا أنها اختلفت مع سائر الطوائف والمذاهب المسيحية في العديد من المعتقدات ، كما أنها افترقت عن سائر الأديان السماوية في العديد من المعتقدات كإنكار وجود النار.

المورمونية :

تعريف : هي مذهب ديني ذو أصول مسيحيه بروتستانتيه، تأسس عام 1820 على يد جوزيف سميث الابن ، وكان يأخذ شكل محاوله تقليد المسيحية الأولى في الفترة ما بين 1830 و1840 ، ثم بدأ تدريجيًّا يتميز عن المذهب البروتستانتي التقليدي، و عقب موت سميث أصبح بريغام يونغ رئيسًا للمورمون، و توجه بهم نحو جبال روكي، حيث أطلقوا على أنفسهم اسم أتباع كنيسة يسوع المسيح لقديسي الأيام الأخيرة .

استمرار الوحي الالهى: يعتقد المورمون أن كنيستهم هي وريثة الكنيسة التي أنشأها المسيح وتلاميذه والمسيحيين الأوائل وأن الوحي الإلهي عملية مستمرة ولم تتوقف .
نبوه سميث : كما يعتقد المورمون أن جوزيف سميث هو رسول ونبي مثله مثل موسى استلم ألواحا ووحيا.
الوجود الروحي قبل الولادة: يؤمن المورمون بفكرة الوجود الروحي قبل الولادة، والتي تعني بأن البشر في الواقع عبارة عن أبناء روحيون لله ،وإنه وقبل نشوء الأرواح كان هناك عنصر من الروح الإنسانية متواجدة بصورة أبدية مع الخالق الأعظم، ولعل هذا يفسر تعاليم الكنيسة المورمونية بفكرة اشتراك الإنسان والخالق في الأبدية.

عدم استعمال الصليب كرمز : ولا يستعمل المورمون الصليب للمسيحية، وهناك العديد من التفسيرات لذلك، منها ما قالهغوردن هنكلي عضو لجنة الكنيسة الأعلى عام 2005 (الصليب هو رمز لموت المسيح، ورسالتنا هي إعلان المسيحالحي).

تعدد الزوجات : كان جوزيف سميث يمارس ويعلم أتباع الكنيسة ممارسة تعدد الزوجات، وبعد موته، مارس هذا الأمر نخبة من أتباعه حتى عام 1890 عندما نهت الكنيسة رسميا هذا التقليد، ولكن لا زالت بعض الأقليات الأصولية المورمونية والمنشقة من الأكثرية المورمونية تمارس تعدد الزوجات.

نقد: المورمونيه بقولها باستمرار الوحي تناقض مع مفهوم ختم النبوة في الدين الاسلامى، كما تتناقض مع الأغلبية المسيحية المؤمنة بأن عصر الوحي الإلهي قد انتهى برحيل تلاميذ المسيح وانتهاء العصر الرسولي المسيحي .

نقد عام: أن استمرار ظهور أديان و مذاهب دينيه جديدة في الغرب ، هو تعبير عن محاوله
– خاطئة – لحل مشكله الفراغ الروحي، الذي تعانى منه المجتمعات الغربية، نتيجة لتبنيها الفلسفة الليبرالية ذات الأسس الفلسفية الطبيعية (المادية )، وأركانها من علمانيه ورأسماليه وفردية ، وجه الخطأ في هذه المحاولة -عندنا – هو أن اغلبها تتناقض مع مفهوم ختم النبوة الذي قرره الإسلام، كما يلاحظ ان اغلب هذه الأديان والمذاهب الدينيه تحولت إلى طوائف، اى دين أو مذهب ديني مقصور على فئه معينه من الناس ، وهو يدل على فشل هذه الأديان والمذاهب الدينيه في اقنع قطاع غالب او كبير من هذه المجتمعات بصحة معتقداتها ، كما أن اغلب هذه الأديان والمذاهب الدينيه، أصبح شكل من أشكال الاستغلال ، الذي يميز النظام الاقتصادي الراسمالى، فهو استغلال للفراغ الروحي الذي تعانى منه المجتمعات الغربية . .

*أستاذ فلسفه القيم الاسلاميه في جامعه الخرطوم

اقرأ أيضا

الأزمة الروسية-التركية: محددات التاريخ والجغرافيا والتطلعات لأدوار جديدة

العلاقات التركية-الروسية: ثِقَل التاريخ ومحددات الجغرافيا العارفون بتاريخ العلاقات التركية-الروسية سيقرأون حادثة إسقاط الطائرة الروسية …

270 تعليقاً

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  30. I suppose that sounds and smells just about right.

  31. says:Anak saya telah membuat pemenerimaan utk mendaftarkan diri di Politeknik Pasir Gudang pada 27/11/2011. Saya ingin membuat permohonan pertukaran ke politeknik yg berdekatan kerana masalah keluarga. Bgmnkah proses tersebut dilakukan dan kpd siapakah rayuan perlu dibuat..Terima kasih

  32. its just the way i am?I MEAN REALLY?? after all the creams that are sold through beauty thats wat he said??but anyways ive tried everything and im sick and tired. of my face of course lol also stare in the mirror hoping a miracle will happen

  33. Hai fatto bene a non aiutarla a prendere il libro :-PCmq, a Milano l'ex Messaggerie Musicali, collocate nello strategico Coroso Vittorio Emanuele resistono, anzi anche il vecchio Virgin che aveva chiuso anni fa, in piazza Duomo è diventato un'altro Mondadori Multicenter, e anche appena usciti dalla Galleria ce ne è un altro.Insomma 3 Mondadori Multicenter nel giro di 300 mt.Che a Roma costasse troppo l'affitto??? Boh!

  34. Ja, ibland glömmer man bort att nästan alla har det så när man tittar på bloggar och allt är perfekt. Kram

  35. Ppl like you get all the brains. I just get to say thanks for he answer.

  36. Hope you had a fabulous birthday Mandy, it's my turn next month, but my Son's today. God where does the time go? Did you do anything nice? Wow Jodie did a fabulous job for her first cake, and her first one for her Mum, that is sweet, lo. You sound very impatient but I'm sure the wait was worth it. Hugs Tracy x

  37. hee lieve marc!Waaaaaaaa wat sta je lief op de foto! Echt gaaf! Skien gaat super! We hebben super mooi weer en de pistes zijn perfect! Ik geniet echt! Maarik mis je wel nog steeds heel erg….veel plezier nog daar! Hou van jou! kusje terug

  38. 0  0 (0)yo soy bueno en bideo juego play2-pzp-nintendo des-odenado- tambien soy bueno en natasion e quedado 2 puesto en brasa y aletismo e quedado en5 puesto y siempre estoy entrenando para la prosimas competisiones megusta mucho los deporte nunca lo voy a dejarlo por k es bueno y muy bueno y sano a ve si puedo mandar una foto mia para k sepai como soy asta luego espero una respuesta mi correo es

  39. It’s spooky how clever some ppl are. Thanks!

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  41. Can I simply just say what a relief to find someone that actually knows what they are talking about on the net. You certainly know how to bring an issue to light and make it important. More people should look at this and understand this side of your story. It’s surprising you’re not more popular given that you surely possess the gift.

  42. Alla ayaa mahad iskaleh anagane inaan ku shukrino walaahi waa arin naxdin leh inaan uduceeeno mooye wax kale aan awoodno malahan qofwalba oo maqla ha,uduceelo oolaada nimco allah nasiistay si fudud hadii lagaaga qaato nolol aduun kuumataalo marka hada way dhacday ee dadka kale hataxadiraan insha,allah waana kaguuleesaneenaa maxkamada ducada hala badiyoU codee: 1  0

  43. Hi Mr Warren, I hope is all good, great design, fantastic way of giving your clients the choice of choosing…. I like option 3, is for him and her, lovely mix of blue and pink, classy but smart …and it works But the client have last say….I have not get the invoice for last months….please send me one before all the money go….Take care Mr Warren

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  47. OMGawd! He looks so handsome and awesome in the 1890′s outfit with the top hat!!! Can’t wait to see this one. I think he and Christian Ricci will have many scenes together since he has a long-term relationship with her….lurve it!

  48. Thanks alot – your answer solved all my problems after several days struggling

  49. Eric Fernando disse:Homens que sofrem com o machismo? ah sim, o machismo é o inimnigo ideologico do feminismo.Vcs sempre recorrem ao machismo quando ficam sem argumentos.Sempre é culpa do machismo …Mas vcs realmente não são feministas, são só idiotas uteis como já demonstrei!!!

  50. Leila Ewald skriver:Jättesnygga! Det kanske blir en tur till Göteborg??Ser fram emot webbutiken!Varmt Tack Bernadica för din inspiration o trevliga Inlägg.Kram Leila

  51. Ik zie dat je wat moeite hebt met het aanbrengen van de mousse. Probeer misschien eens een stevige blendingbrush om hem aan te brengen, misschien gaat dat wat handiger

  52. don’t think thriftygal or myself were necessarily dissing religion. What we were saying is God isn’t going to do your work for you. If you have a “test to take” or “make an investment”. You (as in the public) need to follow through and make it happen!But mainly, I want people to think for themselves. Don’t let the media brainwashing into a certain thoughts. There are no magical answers, nothing is as simple as black and white. Start thinking for yourself and start doing things! This is the core of my message! Life is too short to wait for something to happen!

  53. Geez, 3b…I’m having that rusting front railing replaced with nice powder-coated aluminum and I spend $5000/year on lawn service and an arborist to keep my shrubbery healthy. Give me a break already

  54. Mais plus sérieusement, je te dirais que mes agissements réels de la situation c’est que je ne vais pas nécessairement provoquer la baise du premier soir, mais si l’occasion se présente, je ne vais certainement pas la repousser.

  55. Katie, you are doing a great job of keeping us informed and thank you for that. You know many many people are holding you all up in prayer throughout the day. Hugs all around, we love you all! I hope the website updates keep the phone calls to you guy at a minimum. I will be checking the website for updates.Love Ellie

  56. It’s a pleasure to find someone who can identify the issues so clearly

  57. I’d say go around to local pet shops and give them some busines cards and offer to pass around some of theirs to do a cross-marketing promotion. It’s always best if you can get a website and then google ads are amazing. If your trying to keep a low budget then hook up with the local pet shops, and pet taxi’s.

  58. Jonny Elofsson skriver:>Kul med den kommande tillökningen, grattis! =)Kikade också på din dragning från TechMeet på Youtube. Intressant att höra hur ni jobbar med matematiken. Synd att man själv inte hade det på gymnasiet på elprogrammet som jag gick. Avbröt B-kursen i matte p g a tristess vilket garanterat inte hade hänt med den typ av undervisning ni tillämpar på JB. Grymt!

  59. tak skal i have! :)@WarnkeHej med dig ((:Du får ét gratis gæt! (:Ja, det lyder lidt trist..Men god bedring til dig, i hvert fald!

  60. think you need some sort of website…but don’t have the budget, you should consider creating a wordpress blog. or you could use one of the many free blogging engines like blogger.com. when done correctly, you can make your blog look very close to a customized website. if…

  61. my daughter uses a system similiar to yours I simply have mine in a container and choose which ones I plan to use and keep them in a seperate bag but take them all with me. I know I am a bit disorganized but must say I am like you and do save money

  62. I am really impressed with your writing abilities and also with the layout in your blog. Is this a paid topic or did you customize it yourself? Anyway keep up the excellent quality writing, it is uncommon to see a nice weblog like this one these days..

  63. Come to think of it, I might as well remove it right now, not much use for it since I am not participating in that community anymore LOL … Days of clicking 300 EC´s are over

  64. Pendant toute la G3 on était sous serveur dédié, si vous avez besoin de conseils (et si Casmir se rabaisse un jour à cette pratique humaine qui est de demander de l’aide =P) je serai là. =)

  65. Oh my! I’m in constant battle with my weight. at times I do workout slightly but other times i just forget about it. It’s hard to lose weight You are right… we have to train our mind to overcome and do something about it instead of just ranting and not making any change.

  66. Not at all,These are two different concepts altogether.And the patent office is a different institution from the office of the drug controller. Pfizer may get a patent on a new drug molecule, but it cannot sell the drug unless it has “regulatory approval” from the drug regulator. A patent merely confirms that the drug (or early stage molecule) is new, inventive and useful. The drug regulator confirms (on the basis of clinical trial information etc) that the drug is safe and effective for patients.

  67. study author Rena Wing, PhD, of Brown University Medical School. “It’s your negative reactions to the breaks and the subsequent downward spiraling.” Enjoy your time off, and then get back on track!

  68. I want to join the sling club too! My back and arms would be forever grateful. Like you, I’ve only used the baby bjorn but only hear great things about slings. I am loving the flax color!Thank you!

  69. I can’t empathize with your feelings about the Cowboys, but I get the rest of it. I have been in several very nice novel grooves, but the between groove time has been…well, not great. I’ve found writing short stories–even just a single story–can be a satisfying and efficient way to get the writing chops back. They’re not a path to fame and riches, but they are a lot of fun.

  70. Stilige støvler! :)Og alternative pepperkakehus, så kult! :)Var faktisk i byen og traska i dag, jeg også, sammen med mamma, som kjøpte nye sko til meg (julegave), og dro meg med på alle mulige butikker som jeg aldri er innom av meg selv. Koselig var det jo, for jeg har verdens beste og snilleste mamma! :)Kos deg med slapseføret, er ikke farlig når man har skotøyet i orden! Klem

  71. Skyi: Google Search doesn't talk directly to Google Analytics, so no, we don't look at whether you're running an experiment in Analytics and use that to influence our indexing of your site. Using rel="canonical" isn't a requirement, but .@Joni: As long as you're testing variations of what is essentially the same content (content targeted at the same visitor, filling the same need), this advice applies regardless of whether the variations are on the same domain or a different domain. So yes, I'd recommend using rel="canonical".

  72. Marianne,in#1 It’s that ruffled petticoat soft elegant look…you once described of one of my photo’s. These roses did have a textured ‘crunch’ to them however. But the tonal colours I still couldn’t resist photgraphing. Have a wonderful day,Yvette x

  73. Thank you so much for this article, it saved me time!

  74. We still can not quite assume that I could always be one of those studying the important tips found on your web blog. My family and I are really thankful for the generosity and for offering me the chance to pursue this chosen profession path. Thank you for the important information I got from your site.

  75. It’s always a relief when someone with obvious expertise answers. Thanks!

  76. I can't find the reference, but I have read that judging by standard bubble measures (e.g., price/rent ratios) – Spain's housing bubble is still *higher* that the U.S.'s bubble at it's peak. I actually find this credible given the Spanish banks' and government's fondness for "extend and pretend".

  77. I could write a book about my views on global warming, but I wont. Instead, I would like to note that Al Gore isnÂ’t trying to become presidentÂ…. haha. Whoever read that obviously isnÂ’t following presidential politics in the least. I just canÂ’t stand when people blow up about something that they are completely uneducated about.

  78. Boa sorte para vc e sua família.Talvez um dia tenha a mesma coragem porque aqui no Brasil, com filhos, é sempre uma insegurança em todos os sentidos.Sejam felizes.

  79. Syntes det ble tøft jeg! Kunne kanskje som du sier vært en annen fokus pÃ¥ øynene for det ble kanskje litt skurrete. Men han er jo nydelig uansett 😛

  80. I'm not sure what I was doing, but I had to stare forever at your belt/button up shirt/cardigan to figure out what was going on at the bottom! Then I realized each layer was peeking out underneath! Very cute!

  81. That’s an intelligent answer to a difficult question xxx

  82. Superbly illuminating data here, thanks!

  83. I had a pony. He was mean and I couldn’t ride him without getting bit or kicked. I just didn’t work out. Sort of like Iraq.The Trib was part of the “liberal media bias” that endorsed Bush in ’04, but are they related to ABC (Another Backward Conservative)? You’d think they would appreciate what was left of their first amendment and work to protect it.

  84. I think all of the human kindness you’ve experienced over the last 48 hours is from you explaining the errant little girl/puppy story to passers by who seemed sympathetic toward your crutch plight.It’s the Billy Crystal humor again. . .even when it’s being directed toward him. . .another GREAT quote from Sally, “I want what I want the way that I want it.” R–

  85. Hola familia, vaig tenir la oportunitat de degustar aquest cava a la fira de Vilanova i la Geltru i em va semblar molt acertat, magra daria saber on el puc aconseguir i el seu preu.Gracies.

  86. “expressed concern that allowing jailbreaking of e-readers could jeopardize copyrighted e-book content”Good grief. How can he possibly genuinely hold that view? He must be lying or so badly misinformed that he shouldn’t be giving any evidence.

  87. Aku sejak makin tua ni dah kurangkan makan nasi lemak, kalau ada pilihan lain, memang elak. Serius mata mengantu gila lepas makan nasi lemak (muda-muda dulu takde effect langsung). samdaddycool recently posted..Nak bagi apa untuk barang hantaran kahwin

  88. A windmill is a machine that makes energy usable by the turning of a wheel. They make one with all different sizes of blades. Most of the time the energy that the windmill made was used to grind grain into flour. It took a talented man to make the Windmills although it can be made with simple hand tools.

  89. Hola, me gustaria llevar a mi nina el dia de su cumple, pero me gustaria saber como puede hacer un dia de servicio voluntario para obtener el boleto gratis, si alguien sabe por favor, diganme.Se los agradecere mucho……

  90. This is a more obscene and sickening waste of our money. We must rid ourselves of these spending morons in our Congress and the WH in November while we still have our liberties!!! Please vote in all your local, state and national elections to remove liberal marxist democrats, RINOs and long-term incumbents who have kept their office for many years on the backs of American citizens. It's time we brought back the traditional values which made our country exceptional!!!


  92. HerRoyalWhyness: Don’t worry about Savage’s procto skills – he’s quite capable.Given the overabundance of Islamic fecal matter involved, Savage will certainly have his hands full, so to speak. CAIR needs to be dissected like a biology class frog. Or, in more polite terms:“Sunlight is the best disinfectant,”— U.S. Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis —

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  95. Good to find an expert who knows what he’s talking about!

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  99. There are a lot of us out here who consider you one of our favorite people. I want you to get through this with no more than the unavoidable minimum of pain and difficulty.

  100. I remember playing The Wizard of Oz in the backyard with my dad and my friends. We would run around and my father would chase us pretending to be one of the flying monkeys. I also remember playing “He-horse” with my dad. My sister and I wanted to play He-man but we needed a horse too, so He-horse was born! It is one of my favorite memories.My husband and I just had our first baby, a little girl, on February 23rd and this would be so wonderful to help capture some of her firsts!

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  103. Chào Thu. Trường đang bắt đầu nhận hồ sơ xét tuyển cho đợt tuyển sinh tháng 11/2012 em nhé. Em chuẩn bị hồ sơ và nộp về văn phòng tuyển sinh của trường để được xét tuyển.

  104. , I do NOT see the need to encounter the political or philosophical views of the author of the assessment or review posed with the intention of aligning or severing from the perceived views of Dave Sim. Whenever I see a review with the "I don't agree with Sim, but he's a great artist" drivel, it actually makes me want to laugh and throw up at the same time. It's not that I'm appalled that people would disagree with Dave Sim, it's that I'm appalled by bad writing.

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  107. This is really good news. even though I prefer not to browse any Flash site, because it’s to heavy in bandwidth.I like google’s interactive CSS better like what you did in analytics

  108. Salut,Immense déception… nous ne pouvons suivre la cérémonie de Montréal. Mais, grâce au blog, nous pouvons quand même avoir une petite idée de l’ambiance.Et, Antoine, il est comment? Vivement les clips sur YouTube..Bref, super donne idée ce blog en direct!A+

  109. I thought I’d have to read a book for a discovery like this!

  110. Obvious forgery, who created currency that long ago?In 687 BC the first Crude “coins” were invented in Lydia (according to Herodotus).Typical scientism ignoring the scriptures, what friend Emily described as the most accurate history books ever.

  111. Qué relajante y romántica vienes hoy!!La cama de hierro la tenía mi abuela muy parecida qué recuerdos…Viene muy bien la calma un lunes.Bss Carmen

  112. Great info. Many … Great info. Many people are upside down and don’t realize it or are in denial. Who can actually qualify for a home loan now with no more Stated Income, sub-prime, HELOCs, or 100% financing loans? The foreclosures are definitely going to reach epidemic proportions in the near future.Regards,Sharkee +1Was this answer helpful?

  113. Hi…Wow, cool post. I’d like to write like this too – taking time and real effort to make a very good article… but I procrastinate too considerably and never seem to get started. Thanks though….

  114. ce qui m’interpelle ,c’est le degres de connaissance dans certains domaines ,à cette époque et ce qu’il nous semble aujourd »hui découvrir . Il y a du avoir de ces trous de passation du savoir !!!!!Bien que je ne voudrais pas avoir cet objet chez moi ,il est remarquable sous tous ses aspects ,proportion ,matériaux et symboles[]

  115. Sowell adds: "they are more angry, lawless and violent than in years past, whether they are lower-class whites rioting in Britain…"I doubt this. There seems to be some myth that Britain was traditionally peaceful and safe and only the latest generation is violent. Look, though, at the decades of brutal recreational violence enjoyed by massive mobs of soccer hooligans, peaking in the 1970s and 80s. Riots are nothing new.It's also worth pointing out that violent crime rates have fallen dramatically in Britain, peaking in the early 1990s.

  116. I dont believe in reincarnation, but I am going to live a really good life so that if the Buddhists (or whoever believes in reincarnation) are right, I can come back in my next life as bobbi!

  117. Tove: Skulle tro jeg bodde i Danmark, sÃ¥ lite stigninger som det er her i traktene. SÃ¥ ja, da sliter jeg ;)Det er løypemarkering pÃ¥ et par-tre av vardene, resten er bare for moro. Tror nok de fleste som gÃ¥r tur her legger pÃ¥ en stein :)Ã…h, sÃ¥ gøy! Det blir litt ekstra motivasjon for Ã¥ komme seg ut nÃ¥r man skal finne en boks, ikke sant? Ja, et herlig vÃ¥rvær i dag, kan jo ikke sitte inne da 🙂

  118. Por supuesto que síiiiiiii!!! Anda que no nos hubiéramos peleado por asistir a una de esas charlas y cursillos. Que vivan las tontas y locas que cambian el mundo y nos hacen avanzar. Cada día me gusta más este Blog, es genial poder redescubrir la historia en fascículos semanales. Felicidades a las dos por incorporar las imágenes de las entradas, le dan un toque personal y único, me encanta!!

  119. Skjønner godt at du trives der. En flott plass ser det ut til å være.Gleder meg til å se flere bilder på bloggen din.Ha en god helg:)

  120. I appreciate you taking to time to contribute That’s very helpful.

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  122. Blanca y en botella…Otra cosa que va fatal, todo y que ciertamente no es tan grave, ni mucho menos.. es Internet, Gmail etc….Llevo una lucha desde hace 2 días y ya me rindo para hoy y lo hago en tu "casa" Rafa..Nunca tan bien empleado lo de: Bonne nuit et plein de bisous..!

  123. Wow! I found this blog randomly browsing and now I'm finished with almost every post. Amazing! I wanna be like you when I'm your age. Heck, I think by then you will still look this good and have fun as much. Teach me master 🙂

  124. FAST AS LIGHTNING / In Random Heroes, the boss fight makes you a pro keyboardist. I played this on my iPad, rested my iPad on the desk and tapped the controls like a keyboard.

  125. Hey Guys, I’m new here. Please don’t take me as mean, cause I’m different MacKenzie. (That’s my real name!) I want to do a book like Nikki, but can’t seem to think of ideas. Please reply me and give me some! Love, MacKenzie <3 <3 <3

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  127. My multi-tasking days are definitely declining…strange things keep happening. Like the other day I was typing on my blog, glancing at the television when Richard asked me what we were going to do for dinner. I meant to say I want ice-cream. Instead I said I want Christmas. The two of us stared at each other for a brief second and practically fell on the floor laughing. You’ve got to laugh about these things…what else can you do?

  128. I thought they would want to know that a popular blogger they sent free products to was showcasing herself using them incorrectly. Their response:“Thank you so very much for your email and comments. I have contacted Kath (she actually contacted me as well) and I’ve given her some tips on how to properly use the wrap.”

  129. Asc walal jimcale ma jeclen inan su’al ku weydiyo wayo waxad so qorta wixi fikrad kala bixi jiray bal su’ashan wan ka marmi wayay magalada göteborg xage lagu tirina ama maxkada qabilsan go’an keda ugoniya la suga fadlan wa imuhim walale jawab ayan ka suga jimcaleU codee: 0  0

  130. Anonymous seems to be under the mistaken impression that each premium–for 35 years–aggregates and symbolizes an ever-increasing benefit for him. In reality, health insurance does not operate in that fashion…neither does automobile insurance.skh.pcola

  131. It’s like you’re on a mission to save me time and money!

  132. Die Achtjährigen von heute kennen die Otto Witze auch schon.Trotzdem rennen in jeden Otto Film wenigstens 2-4 Mio. Leute rein.*kopfschüttel*

  133. They the company’s big move into CDS’s took place after Spitzer got Greenberg fired. Turns out Spitzer had no case, but when you are a tyrant, no matter.

  134. I could read a book about this without finding such real-world approaches!

  135. Niimpä.. kyllä se itsetutkiskelun aika taitaa tytöillä olla siinä 13vuoden paikkeilla johon kuuluivat erilaiset kiihottavat mielikuvat..siis tarkoituksen mukaiset.Ei sitä kovin nuorena ymmärrä mitä tekee vaikka hyvältä tuntuisikin..ei ainakaan liity mitään eroottisia mielikuvia.

  136. Fantastic blog! I genuinely love how it is easy on my eyes as well as the facts are well written. I am thinking how I might be notified whenever a new post has been made. I have subscribed to your rss feed which must do the trick! Have a nice day!

  137. Pareil pour ma part, merci Google pour une fois, une légère hausse de trafic sur un de mes sites et rien de changer sur les autres! Quelqu’un a subit une grosse chute? a+

  138. but green.again – don’t hold your breath, there is going to be allot more of those kind of stories to come as well as with humans and stories about persons surviving something all thanks to the chip as the doctor immediately could see who that person was and therefore able to save him, the underlying message of course – if you don’t have a chip the doctor can’t save you any longer..so be smart get the chip. But that was way off any market, finance or scandal topic, sorry about that.

  139. Going to be hilarious when we become the source for cheap, third world labor and we stream over the borders in order to find a higher paying job in Canadastan and Mexcan.

  140. I’m so glad that the internet allows free info like this!

  141. My partner and i?m not sure why but this website can be filling unbelievably slower for me. Will be someone else having one of these problem or is the idea an issue on my stop? I?ll visit down the road if the difficulty even now is available.

  142. he just danced around the question? so well that it sounded like he answered. and what the hell did UPS and FEDEX have to do with the question. he just brought them up to get people laughing and side tracked.

  143. Bn annyta no te preocupes eso es normal incluso hasta mas veces pero no lo debes tomar como obsecion puedes hacerlo en las mañanas para iniciar el dia muy bien y antes de dormir para que descanses mejor y te liberes del estres diario, y es mucho mejor que lo hagas desnuda totalmente teniendo en cuenta que asi puedes explorar mejor tu cuerpo

  144. Hecho esta! Presion ejercida.Habrá que comenzar a buscar una bici fija, creo que yo puedo conseguir el generador y conectar la pc. Podrias donar, cuando la desocupes, esa sabana y la corona de laureles para el vestuario? Seria genial un toque clásico.

  145. Why not try and go to Scienceonline.org they have tons of stuff thereand if you don’t own a library card then sciencebuddies.org is good choice alsobut ultimately if your experiment has no variables, it can’t be measured, and it doesn’t benefit anyone, then don’t do it

  146. Buy a nice basket and include ground coffee or beans, chocolate powder to sprinkle over the top (you can buy this in the coffee section of the supermarket), caramel sauce (made for coffee), proper sugar for coffee, perhaps a mug and biscotti or chocolate.

  147. HumanAre you on an animal free vegan diet ? How long have you been doing it so far (non-stop) ? Are you raw or cooking ? Are you completely free from junk/processed (vegan) foods, and you only eat “whole foods” ? Are you using any supplements ?

  148. Witam serdecznie !Jestem Waszą wielką fanką, uwielbiam Panów za to co robicie , oby jak najdłużej i jak najczęściej w Poznaniu.Strona równie piękna jak Wasz śpiew, a zdjęcia zarąbiste!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!W piątek 12 października mam nadzieję dostać się do Kościoła Franciszkanów w Poznaniu i posłuchać Panów.Pozdrawiam bardzo serdecznie krajanka z Poznania.

  149. I don’t own a set of cutters – yet – I hope to rectify this over the weekend in a whirlwind crafting outting to Michaels,A.C. Moore,Wal-Mart etc., right now I use a drinking straw, a bit slow granted but it works. It’s how I’m making the chips for the cards Cindy develops for us all. I look forward to more fantastic color formulas for S3. Thanks again Carrie.

  150. Sehr spannende Zukunftsvision… der Preis dürfte noch nach unten gehen, aber ansonsten finde ich das gar nicht so schlecht, das spart doch die Waage im Bad – ein Schmutzfänger weniger und dafür viele Zusatzinformationen

  151. I believe there was a 2 week period of trailing in there wbb. He was up 52-48 when they dumped him, from memory. Suffice to say, it was hardly a case for action.The thing that puzzles me more is how people forget the mauling Rudd gave Abbott in the health policy debate . I’ve never seen any oppo leader get handed his own arse as a hat like that, ever.

  152. I’m praying for you this morning Melinda. It is Saturday right now and I’m asking God for such a filling of Him that He is overflowing out of your mouth and your heart. May you be filled with such peace and pure joy for your Savior. I love ya. I can’t wait to hear about it.Hugs,Fran

  153. >Mike, if you can get a girl to like you for more than a month, cling to her like grim death. Your outdated jargon and chauvinism is disgusting.

  154. That first photo is pretty shocking! I can see where the folksingers were coming from. Tiny little uniform houses for returning soldiers as far as the eye can see.

  155. Thanks for a marvelous posting! I quite enjoyed reading it, you may be a great author.I will be sure to bookmark your blog and will come back down the road. I want to encourage that you continue your great job, have a nice evening!

  156. I haven seen this stuff since i was a child! my mom found them at walgreens ans i went back and bought the last 7 boxes. that was yesterday. i’m going to the other walgreens today and buy what they have as well!

  157. Appreciation for this information is over 9000-thank you!

  158. Yay!!! :)) good for you. Now I want a nikon too but my hubs wld kill me because I had chosen a Canon over the Nikon for the very reason you mentioned.I think ill just get a macro lens instead. thanks for the tips Terri.

  159. Finally! This is just what I was looking for.

  160. Hi Lewis,Very interesting. I have not heard much more about this issue have you? Interesting that you mentioned the “attempted start up.” Did Cessna abandon that idea?

  161. hey, Blair!this post reminds me so much of my sister’s place! all these pics look so much like her place. i wish you could see it! it’s so lovely!i’m having so much fun going around adding my touch to each space. :)she likes it too.thanks for stopping by the B. i’m not back in full swing yet, but i figure i will ease back into it.it’s been a while since i was here, so i have some reading to do. i’ve got all the time in the world now!

  162. Thanks for this. At present, I am tired of patiently explaining to white feminists that about 99% of white folks’ comparisons between racism and sexism are just hurtful and offensive (not to mention racist, as the implication is that racism and sexism are always experienced separately). It’s quite frustrating to see people defending themselves into the ground when all that’s necessary is an admission that they did something hurtful.

  163. Mr. Ross,I'm curious to know if you have done any research into Mitt Romney and instances where he had lied for profit.I'm also curious what people here feel about Ron Paul's racist newsletters and the defense that those racist comments were put in by an editor to increase circulation for… profit.Thanks,Jesse

  164. I totally agree, a complex bolognese is not necessarily the best. I once cooked one that took 4 hours and it wasn't that good. Your daughters comments are too cute.

  165. Losing weight really is a frame of mind. I, too, have not been able to get motivated. I blame it on blogging! A blogger friend of mine has embarked on a four week walk for fitness, and while I am a thousand miles away, I am joining her. Peer pressure helps. As for my eating habits – hopefully those will follow. Good luck to you!

  166. not yet explored this fascinating resource, do it now… check out Conservative Hideout 2.0, Resource Post: The Progressive States Network. Knowledge is power, boys and girls. Liberty is at

  167. "Then there's Barbara Boxer: shall we ever be rid of her?'Not as long as we have 5 million illegal aliens in this state who will vote for any candidate sympathetic to their plight and who panders to their demands of amnesty.Boxer and Brown will finish my home state off. thnking about buying a trailer and parking it in the middle of the desert to escape this madness….

  168. I learned (not soon enough) that, for the most part, nobody gives a crap (yeah) about what you’re carrying, especially strangers on the street. And if they do, who cares? Although, yes, Walgreens should have bigger bags, but I’m pretty sure they’re idiots, considering my own encounters with them.More importantly, when did you develop street cred?

  169. I searched a bunch of sites and this was the best.

  170. It’s like you’re on a mission to save me time and money!

  171. Rights and freedoms do not come from government,they come from God who always give a godless,reprobate people over to the darkness they have embraced by rejecting Him !I getting harder to ignore the fact that once blessed America is now a cursed land.The deceived and the deceiver are His.17 He leads counselors away plundered,And makes fools of the judges…He leads princes away plundered,And overthrows the mighty…He makes nations great, and destroys them;Job 12

  172. Congratulations. I'm sure he will enjoy Leonardo. If you need to enlarge his habitat there is a place in Florida that makes great tortoise boxes. The website is:drsfostersmith.comThe are on sale for 2 weeks for 99.99. They are called zoo med tortoise house.George loves his. He has privacy & he has lots of room to move around.

  173. Tanto por su afrenta al catalán como por la afrenta a una concepción progresista y descentralizada de la educación desde todos los puntos de vista (contenidos y subvenciones a centros privados) me parece el ejemplo de todo aquello que más me repugna de esta concepción centralista y facha de España.

  174. I think there are two kinds of Maori in NZ – the first is Maori, ordinary garden variety indigenous NZers who are pretty fair minded folk, and then there is blackie- who seems to think that the privilege and power they have built from years of a PC white liberal guilt biased system are their right and they don’t want to hand it over.

  175. Air America – LOL. Are they even still on the air? Maybe the government should have made more people listen to them, similar to making them buy health insurance. You mean the airwaves aren't "Fair?" Sounds like a good reason for more legislation, maybe even listener subsidies!

  176. I have an idea, how about you STOP CHANGING THINGS! Focus on making new features, or fixing glitches, instead. Why the hell do you keep changing the layout? It's a pointless waste of time! Speaking of glitches, fix the message box glitch!

  177. Love this post about breaking tradition. My family always does a movie on xmas as well, even though we’e technically Christian…but this year we opted for astrology, lat-night chatting, poetry and tarot cards. Fine Pagan family fun!

  178. hola amigos soy diegoestoymuy muyemocionadospor los premios mtv :laugh:les pidopor favorsi me puedenregalarunosboletoslosque quieranseria el mas felizgracias.si los obtengo mil graciassi no al que lse los consiga felicidades diviertansemuchasgraciasporatendermegracias :bye:

  179. – Dear Nicole & Donald ~ It was such a pleasure to work with you and your new baby boy. I can’t wait to show you the other incredible images of him! ♥ ♥

  180. Isai – You are among friends, so thank you for sharing your unbelieveable story. Hope you are coping okay. Sometimes knowing that others have faced similar adversities makes us feel less alone in our plight. Hopefully everyone here has gained a little strength from each other’s stories. Take care.

  181. d0Hello my loved one! I want to say that this article is amazing, nice written and come with almost all significant infos. I would like to peer extra posts like this.

  182. BS low – rationality high! Really good answer!

  183. Werter Herr Johnny H.,… heißt aber auch, der Sucher ist mit dem Suchbegriff bei Ihnen fündig geworden. Bei mir suchte man unlängst “Männer schlachten”. Auch schön!HerzlichIhre FrauvonWelt

  184. It is definitely hard to be upbeat when life throws a couple of rough pitches at you. Cheer up, though. No doubt something wonderful will happen soon and send you back into that happy manic phase. Good luck with your back and your submissions!

  185. I dont know why you continue to defend this guy. Once again, he proves he’s only out for himself. Also, he’s been proven overrated this year. The only reason these comments werent coming out of Ranger’s mouths last year is because of the tight ship MSG runs (which is good, i think you should never bash a teammate publicly) but lets not fool ourselves into thinking he was really well liked on this team last year.

  186. Well done article that. I’ll make sure to use it wisely.

  187. Bonjour,Le fleuve bleu nous montre tout son ciel et m’invite à dire :” Comme un serpent égarédans le désert,le bri chu se promèneau plus long de son Asiepour se jeter dans les brasde son Orientale de merau visage de Chine. ”Bien à vous et bon week-end, chaleureusement, Marie.© La Poétaniste

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  190. Sempre ajuda, João. Como fico até Dezembro, vou incomodar por bolsa. Minha área é história e vi que eles tem muitas linhas de pesquisa. Na verdade, vou incomodar pela Europa inteira, rsrsEstive olhando preços no site de um supermercado em Edinburgh e não achei muito caro.Depois que estiver lá escrevo aqui minhas impressões.Abs

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  192. I think that informational articles should be more like yours. By that I mean they should have character. Your article had character and is persuasive. Your views are very interesting.

  193. When I became engaged in 1984, I wore a Laura Ashley dress for my engagement picture. I loved seeing myself wearing it in the local paper’s announcement. It was my favorite dress! I still have a Laura Ashley wallpaper on my foyer wall, too. I used to have matching sofas, but they had to go. I still love the wallpaper! Happy Thanksgiving, Susan! When I think of holiday’s, I think of you by always pulling your books out.xx, Julie

  194. Newt Gingrich Campaign – Presidential Candidates 2012 … Newt Gingrich displayed an amazing understanding of Constitutional principles at the Faith and Freedom Conference. The Newt Gingrich campaign might just be taking off. — Tue, 01 Nov 2011 09:25:49 -0700

  195. funds and exchange traded funds (ETF’s). But another tool we include in our analysis is relative strength. And by combining point and figure trend charts with relative strength charts, we can see there are

  196. Wonderful explanation of facts available here.

  197. I am a nut for honey of all flavors and buy it in my travels. The tupelo honey from Savannah Bee Company is sweet and light and absolutely fantastic. The bottle is beautiful and would make a great gift. I didn’t have any problems with the cork lid. I did wait until all the honey settled back into the bottom of the bottle before putting the lid back on. As with any honey keep the top/lid area clean and you won’t have any problems reopening.

  198. Well done article that. I’ll make sure to use it wisely.

  199. A little late to the debate perhaps, but I'll chime in anyway.The honest debate is not about the right to build or property rights in general, religious freedom, etc. As other commenters have noted, the issue is about the "intent" behind exercising the right to build. The majority of Americans are calling bullshit on the "religious dialog" reasoning and are seeing this for what it truly is–a provocation.It would be like the Japanese building a Shinto temple next to the Arizona memorial.Time to take a stand. Like the French are doing.

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  201. Your comment made me smile. You know, one of those really sincere smiles when you can’t help but feel it in your heart too. I have to admit that I don’t comment on blogs as often as I should, especially given how many I read. But, I really want you to keep remembering that what you are doing here — it will be successful. I just know it.

  202. Casa. Penso che a volte. Un sacco di anime da salvare e mi piacerebbe vederlo prima di andare! : )La tua poesia rende solo la mia giornata. E si capisce la tua mamma era un poeta. Questo è genetica, sapete…In realtà non è stata una giornata triste, ma una volta ho avuto nel dramma di negoziazione in Dr. Seuss di Edgar Allen Poe, Sono stato spazzato via sia le vecchie emozioni. E ‘un deterant buona per me rimanere sobri e non delude Dio. Grazie come sempre per la condivisione di un tesoro. Abbracci… : )

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  204. asc walal waan kusalamay yarka noo qaabilsan gudbinta su,aalaha walal su,aasha aan qabo waxeey tahay aniga iyo ninkeeyga waxaan isku dhalnay labo caruur ah in badana manan wada nooleeyn marka arintaas maxaay haayada socdalku ka leedahay mida kale bishii shanaad ayuuw safarada tagay ilaa hadana wax nala soo xiriiray ma lahan bal su,aashaas jawaabteeda iga soo gudbi adiga oo mahadsan byU codee: 0  0

  205. Dominique nique nique dit que « François Ier n’est pas le premier roi de France à décider que le français serait utilisé pour les actes juridiques intérieurs au royaume », puis que « le français officiel est bien antérieur,on le doit d’abord aux ducs de […] Bretagne ».En épousant François, Anne aurait donc apporté le français au royaume de France ?Raconte-t-on cela dans le chateau de Nantes (rénové celui-là, ce n’est pas Villers-Cotterêts) dont on nous rebat tant ?

  206. I have tried cooking with polenta a few times and it has been an absolute disaster!!! I have printed your recipe out and may give it one last go… wish me luck!!!I head you on the lack of exercise. I am a fair weather runner and the weather is yukky in the UK at the moment so have been sitting in rather than getting moving and I am feeling it. Thanks for the inspiration and the realisation that things need to change…

  207. S.Martel dit :« une vérité scientifique n’est vraie jusqu’à ce que l’on ait prouvé qu’elle est fausse »Désolé, mais c’est exactement le contraire. Le fardeau de la preuve repose toujours sur celui qui avance une théorie.Tant mieux pour vous si vos dépenses en produits naturels vous apporte réconfort et bien-être, mon grand-père faisait exactement la même chose avec du gin.[]

  208. Woot, I will certainly put this to good use!

  209. Not embarrassed at all! The Ariston campaign (including, crucially, the endline) was created on Dave’s watch. This is just a later execution that happened to go out after he left, is all.sell! sell! I take your point. I should have put “trick” in quotes. Will do so now.

  210. Boa Tarde Dr.Tenho PVM inicial e extras sistoles ventriculares e supraventriculares. Há perigo de morte súbita?As extras sempre aparecem no holter, mas no Ergométrico e Eco não dão nem sinal..Também tomo Propranolol de 40mg de 12 em 12h, é perigoso dar algum tipo de bloqueio? Já tomo há 1 ano.Também tenho Colesterol alto e como já tomo Propranolol e Diane, fiquei com medo de continuar tomando Vytorin, misturar tudo e piorar o problema. Posso fazer o uso desses remédios ao mesmo tempo?Grata.Juliana

  211. Richn – so happy that you made the sauce and liked it – I learned the original version from a fellow in Malaysia…20 years ago. Glad I can share it with you. Keep cookin!

  212. I like this post, enjoyed this one appreciate it for putting up. “To the dull mind all nature is leaden. To the illumined mind the whole world sparkles with light.” by Ralph Waldo Emerson.

  213. Hey! Just wanted to say, tofu has a very very very high eorgsten level, which can cause hormonal imbalances for both males and females. In the traditional Chinese culture, they actually don’t consume tofu. It’s replaced either tempeh or fermented tofu. Regular tofu is used for cleaning their fields there.

  214. John McCain probably contracted syphilis from nailing Vietnamese poontang during the war. He neglected to get it treated and forty years later, his brain has dissolved into gray mush. He’s a full-out psychotic now and more dangerous than a rattlesnake with its tail cut off.

  215. Não Rio, não estava a falar nesse aspecto.Estava a falar na formação cultural do individuo.Não é o estado que atravésdo seu sistema de ensino que forma a sociedade…ou pelo menos a maioria?" depende, fundamentalmente, da cultura e do correspondente grau civilizacional atingido por todos ou, pelo menos, pelos suficientes para que tal aconteça.""

  216. We are like children that adults do not buy toys parents. Ok we just got tired of waiting, we want to buy your CMS and begin to make their online gaming sites.If you call at least an approximate date that everything would calm down to. In August, is a game show gamescom and my team is going to show but it was you created the project in June in July, but it is now December. And Michal, why do we need new screenshots we need a beta.

  217. The next time I hear that “if you have nothing to hide, why are you against it?” I’ll ask them how they feel about webcams in every room of their house. After all, if they have nothing to hide, why not?

  218. I normally avoid watching movies that I know will make me blub uncontrollably and instead opt for a kids movie. Inevitably though, a kid will distract me before I am completely engrossed in the movie and sobbing.

  219. With the stock market looking like a guillotine, there can be some comfort from high yields. I would look for good businesses with good management first and yield second, though. I mean, track record and prospects trumps yield.

  220. Szia Moha. Lenne egy kérdésem. A héten készítettem elÅ‘ször öregtésztát, és a hűtÅ‘be raktam éjszakára kelni. Viszont reggelre nem esett össze, hanem én kavarásztam bele 🙂 Kis zacskókba osztottam és úgy raktam vissza, de még most is dolgozik, kel. Ez ilyen kell legyen, vagy kellett volna még várjak, amíg öszeesik? Zita

  221. I could never understand the whole fuss about Eurovision.It’s a stupid show, the music sucks, and usually the worse the performerthe more their chances.So I am equally indifferent both to Sirusho and to the boycotte.

  222. I didn’t know where to find this info then kaboom it was here.

  223. Merci du partage Swapna et bravo pour ton travail. Je rentre à l’instant de Paris et n’ai qu’une envie en admirant tes photos, y retourner j’ai vu une belle expo de Graham toute à l’heure, magnifiqueBISOUSSS

  224. No more s***. All posts of this quality from now on

  225. Thanks for helping me to see things in a different light.

  226. Hot damn, looking pretty useful buddy.

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  229. Obama's Irish relatives were descendants of English and Scottish settlers in Ireland. 'Moneygall' in Irish means 'the foreigners thicket'.The records of his forebears were held by the local Church of Ireland i.e. the Protestant church.But Irish Protestants have always considered themselves to be Irish, just as you consider yourselves American, though the Catholics didn't always agree. They seemed to agree yesterday though. It was a nice day for both parties – the locals and the O'Bamas.

  230. skrev:Jag gillar zipperall nummer tre, den på höstbilden eller hur man ska förklara. Den är grymt snygg enligt mig!

  231. En näe mitään joustamista tässä asiassa. Me syömme kanaa, oli se tapettu millä rituaalilla tahansa.En ole ainakaan kuullut mitään erityisen Suomalaista tapaa tappaa kanoja. Kunhan tipu ei joudu kärsimään turhaan.Se ei ole keneltäkään pois jos höyhenniekat otetaan päiviltä ja käännetään mekkaan päin.Vai pelkääkö joku että se on "slippery slope" ja seuraavaksi tulee sharia-laki Suomeen ja kunniamurhista ei nosteta syytettä?

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  234. Wow! This is the best looking salad I've seen for some time now! These salad has plenty of flavors to satisfy and lots of nutrition to boost. Marvelous work!

  235. All things considered, this is a first class post

  236. A rolling stone is worth two in the bush, thanks to this article.

  237. Hola Fabián!!Acabe de vore este video i m´ha encantat….M´encantaría enviar-li una foto nostra per vore si s´en recorda de la nostra generació. Nosaltres la vam tindre els cursos 91/92 i 92/94, es a dir, “un poquet” abans que tú!! jeje. Erem un grupet de només 6 o 7 persones, i ens encantaría comprobar si s´en recorda de nosaltres o no!! Gràcies!!

  238. the scandal caused his campaign to implode, which is dead wrong. If a tiny handful of politicos were whispering stuff early on, who cares? By the time the story got any traction whatsoever the Edwards campaign was long dead.

  239. RJ disse:Desconheço esse tal problema do R-99 com baixas altitudes. Alguém pode me explicar?E… Em que a Atech é mais capacitada que a EMBRAER para fazer o link BR2? As duas me parecem tão capacitadas quanto.

  240. “they would not now “need” to contemplate genocide” A horrific reality that that this is being considered. Read the comments from the racist Phillip interviewed, Max Blumenthal has interviewed, Jewish students at Ohio state that I met and talked with. They talk about transfer and wiping Palestinians out like they are talking about what they are going to buy at the grocery store. Casual. Stephen in that book that you mentioned do they discuss if the idea of transfer does not work?

  241. Sveiki,Vakar pirkau bilietus marÅ¡rutu Leeds-Bradford – Vilnius 2013.02.03 ir turbÅ«t suklydau nurodydama el. paÅ¡to adresą, taigi negavau patvirtinimo su rezervacijos kodu. Kaip dabar galėčiau jį sužinoti? Ar vienintelė iÅ¡eitis – skambinti Ryanair?

  242. 2, 2010 at 2:53 pm All know what I have saved for when the SHTF..with this book, ‘Lights Out”, I was taking notes…some little things I was learning for whenever this really takes place…..it’s only a matter of time…..may not be EMP attack, but something will call for a need for this info.

  243. I have a few questions about the partnership program. I live in Japan, so if I became a partner, would I have to deal with Japanese YouTube staff? Would the whole process be in Japanese? Also, is it possible to become a partner and not activate the adds? I am interested in the banner – but not the adds.

  244. I have never understood people who feel the need to "protect" marriage from gays who want to marry, especially since so many of them have gotten a divorce (or two or three) at some time in their lives. My feeling is that the heterosexuals have done more damage to the institution of marriage than two men or two women wanting to marry could ever do.

  245. Have you tried cooking bacon? When my teen was doing the vegetarian thing, bacon was her down-fall. You can buy all the soy burgers and soy chicken in the world, but there is nothing like some crispy bacon (MD) She is immune to the awesome powers of bacon. I really don’t know what happened. If only we could instill in her as resounding a love for housework.

  246. I don’t really care for that list. Everyone has been talking about it, but it’s a list based only on stats and an algorithm. Stats cannot encompass and emotional human experience. I’m in touch with the South Lake people and hoping to put together a visit if possible. Maybe we can go hit up Heavenly together!

  247. Maisd um cabrão para levar u7m tiro nos cornos! o anónimo das 19:18,coitado, deve ser uem faz a higiene ao dito laDRÃO,AO LAMBER-LHE OS COLHÕES!Aproveita para comer marisco ao comer-lhe os chatos…

  248. few guides generly on big places like yo for example do fair on tips about same as any service that rises with celebrating// the foreignors generaly make the efforts put out more than modestly worth while,

  249. If you can use a glue gun you ARE a crafter. Nice job. When Liv gets older you have to get her one of those calendars that every day you open it and you get a toy or a piece of candy. Christmas is really not the same until you have a little one and the wonder and excitement in their faces. Priceless.

  250. Hoi zämäIch möchte euch als ebenfalls ehemaliger OS65-Member (OS65-3 06) ganz herzlich gratulieren und auch für die coole Site danke. Behaltet diese Errinerungen dieser 15 Wochen im Herzen, sie werden euch manchmal weiterhelfen auch noch im WK.Machäts gutä!!!Lt Patrick FontanaPS: Die grösste GRATULATION geht an Burkhard, weil er es nach dem Ausscheiden bei us (OS65-3 06) doch noch durchgezogen hat!

  251. Dittos to David’s recommendation of Lasseter’s pal Miyazaki’s movies. Great girl movies. Great movies period.For Halloween, my 6 year old is going to be Kiki, of Kiki’s Delivery Service, and she and her little sister spend hours playacting Satsuki and Mei from My Neighbour Totoro.

  252. Hi, Marie.I enjoyed the interview; it was a fun read.Your book covers are just wonderful. Do you work closely with the artist?I'm adding Blood Eternal to my must have list; it's right up my alley.Thanks,Tracey Dbooklover0226 at gmail dot com

  253. Car keys are no big deal. I seem to have lost the head of my vacuum and can’t vacuum my carpet until I find it. No, it isn’t in my purse. That was the first place I looked.

  254. When I shop for Volume 5, I’ll know it by the orange color! I enjoyed seeing the wide variety of blocks and styles on today’s hop – contemporary, traditional, applique, pieced, paper piecing – something to challenge everyone *Ãœ*

  255. It’s perfect time to make a few plans for the future and it is time to be happy. I have read this post and if I could I want to recommend you some fascinating issues or suggestions. Perhaps you could write next articles regarding this article. I want to read even more issues approximately it!

  256. hey guys if you like football check out this new football show JUST FOOTBALL right here on Youtube. A football show for fans, by fans! youtube.com/watch?v=pluFPDmDSsc&list=UUsF4-xM_hJncWfxRbDAeodg&index=0&feature=plcp

  257. “Jeepul” a fost capturat dela Rusi si facut cadou MS!Stiam direct dela fata lui LEAR – Shanda de activitatea MS ca TEST PILOT in Elvetzia.Impresionanta este ideia sa pleci din tzara cu obiecte pe care le adori, ce dragoste.DT

  258. kalau semuanya ada tentangan dpd BN, rakyat dah bosan. dgn sape lagi org nak mengadu, semuanya jd alat BN termasuk polis, itulah sebabnya untuk menunjukkan ketidakpuasan hati rakyat mengadakan demonstrasi aman. tapi polis yang mulakan provokasi.

  259. Elmira – I have tears in my eyes, Jennings….this is just beautiful, and I know your sweet mother will treasure it! Talk about tears….she’ll cry buckets, I’m sure!!! Your artist friend is very very talented, too!

  260. Jaj, ne is emlegesd a meggyet. Nekem hétfÅ‘n hozzák az x kilót… Már most kész vagyok tÅ‘le. Még nem hevertem ki a cseresznyét sem, és már itt a meggy, és a barackot három hét múlva hozzák állítólag. Brrrr

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