سبحان الله… مخطوطات عراقية نادرة في إسرائيل

ابتهج دهاقنة الصهاينة في القدس يوم22يناير باستقبال مخطوطة توراة عراقية نادرة مسروقة وصلت إليهم بطريقة غير قانونية وأقاموا لها قداسا ومراسم دينية تخللتها تراتيل وابتهالات وأهازيج وتوزيع الحلوى محتفلين عيانا جهارا على مسمع ومرأى المنظمات العالمية ولاسيما منظمة الأمم المتحدة للتربية والعلوم والثقافة اليونسكو بسرقة المخطوطة، ونقلت وسائل إعلام إسرائيلية وأمريكية احتفالهم الذي حضره كبار رجال الدين والمستوطنون برعاية وزير الخارجية الإسرائيلي أفيغدور ليبرمان الذي قال إن “رحلة المخطوطة تمثل مصير اليهود”. وتتوارد الأنباء عن إتلاف وثائق ومخطوطات أخرى تعود إلى عام 1487 تعرف بسفر أيوب، تعارض المعتقدات الإسرائيلية وتسفهها.
المخطوطة باللغة العبرية يربو عمرها على مئات السنين ورثتها الحكومة العراقية عن العصر العثماني، كتبت بحبر من عصير الرمان القاني المركز على جلد غزال، وكانت محفوظة ضمن الأرشيف اليهودي في الطابق السفلي بمبنى المخابرات العراقية، أحد عشرة أماكن مهمة سيطرت عليها القوات المظلية الخاصة الأمريكية منذ الساعات الأولى لاحتلال بغداد، ومنها المتحف العراقي أعظم المتاحف قيمة أثرية تاريخية وثقافية مقتنياته لا تقدر بثمن تضم خيرة التراث الإنساني على مدى العصور، والقصور الرئاسية، ووزارات الداخلية والدفاع والنفط، ويضم الأرشيف اليهودي مخطوطات تسفهه أحلام الصهاينة وادعاءاتهم بوطن قومي في فلسطين، كان اليهود يسعون لسرقتها من المتحف وفشلت محاولاتهم فنقلت إلى مقر المخابرات، ومخطوطات أخرى من التراث اليهودي القديم كان يسعى اليهود لجمعها وصيانتها والاحتفاظ بها، ومنها هذه المخطوطة النادرة.
والفضيحة التي لا يسترها ثوب ولا غطاء ولا يُسكت عليها، أن الجنود الأمريكان في عام 2003 بعد احتلال بغداد عثروا على هذه الأثريات، واحتالوا على العراقيين بجلب مركز نارا الأمريكي المتخصص بصيانة المخطوطات القديمة وترميمها، وتسلموا المخطوطات وفق اتفاقية رسمية وعهدة موثقة بالأسماء والأختام ونقلت إلى أمريكا لترميمها وصيانتها على نفقة العراق وإعادتها خلال ثلاث سنوات، ورغم مرور عشر سنوات ووزارة الآثار العراقية نائمة أو تطالب بإعادة المخطوطات كما تدعي، والحكومة الأمريكية تماطل بتسليمها حتى كشفت إسرائيل عن استيلائها على جانب من هذه المخطوطات ومنها مخطوطة التوراة المهمة التي نقلت من أمريكا إلى السفارة الإسرائيلية في عمان بطريقة غامضة، وبعد سنتين نقلت إلى وزارة الخارجية الإسرائيلية وفق خطة أنكلوصهيوأمريكية لسرقة التراث العراقي والتلاعب بمقتنياته بطرق غير مشروعة وأسلوب خبيث ورخيص لصالح الكيان الصهيوني الذي يدعي ان المخطوطة من الممتلكات المستعادة لإسرائيل استعادوها وليس لليهود العراقيين، واستغرق ترميم المخطوطة وإصلاحها لديهم في إسرائيل ثمانية أشهر قبل أن تعرض في القدس وتستخدم في صلاتهم.
وكانت وزارة الثقافة العراقية بعد سبات عميق اكتفت في عام 2010، بإعلان اتفاق العراق والولايات المتحدة، على استعادة أرشيف اليهود العراقيين وملايين الوثائق استولى عليها الجيش الأميركي عقب الاحتلال. في خطوة للتستر على استحواذ جهاز المخابرات الإسرائيلي الموساد على أكبر مكتبة يهودية أثرية عراقية، محفوظة بدائرة المخابرات العراقيّة الموساد وأن ضباط وكالة المخابرات الأميركية (CIA) سهلوا تهريبها، ومن بين المتورطين ممثل وزارة الدفاع البنتاغون إسماعيل حجارة، أميركي الجنسية، كان على رأس فريق اشرف على إدارة هيئة الآثار والتراث العراقية في وقتها، وهو دبر حيلة نقل المخطوطات إلى أميركا.
إن تسريب مخطوطة الأرشيف اليهودي العراقي إلى إسرائيل قضية خطيرة لا يمكن السكوت عليها، ولا يكفي تقديم وزارة الخارجية وسفارة العراق بواشنطن مذكرة احتجاج للسلطات الأميركية أو مطالبة مركز نارا الأمريكي الذي يقوم بصيانة وترميم الأرشيف العبري العراقي بتقديم إجابات واضحة حول المخطوطة التي سرقت بعد أن أجريت لها أعمال الصيانة والترميم. وإنما بحمله عربية عالمية تفضح الأساليب الغش والسرقة والتدليس غير القانونية التي تمارسها الدول العظمى، وتقديم الملف إلى المحاكم الدولية ودعوت المنظمات العالمية ومنظمة الأمم المتحدة للتربية والعلم والثقافة اليونسكو والشرطة الدولية الانتربول إلى مساعدة العراق على استعادة أثاره وتراثه المسلوب قسرا وعمدا. وعلى الشعب العراق أن لا يكتفي بالغضب والشجب وإنما بمقاضاة حكوماته السابقة والوزراء الذين تعاقبوا على وزارة الثقافة والآثار لسكوتهم وصمتهم على مثل هذه الجريمة النكراء التي تؤكد وجود خلل في الحكومة وتقاعسها في حماية الرموز والمعالم الحضارية المهمة التي تمثل جزءا من تاريخ العراق وثروته التاريخية المادية والمعنوية التي تعرضت بسهولة للسرقة وتهريبها إلى خارج البلاد بمساعدة دول عظمى كان عليها الحفاظ على التراث الانساني كل بموطنه، وتشير الأدلة إلى أن ثمانين مخطوطة يهودية قديمة وبابلية وآشورية وسومرية تعود إلى العصور الوسطى سرقت ويتذرع الأمريكان بلصوص ينتمون لشبكات تهريب آثار عراقية لنفي علاقة الجيش الأمريكي بالجريمة النكراء، رغم استيلائهم على المتحف عدة أيام تركوه بعدها ليستبيحه اللصوص بمعرفتهم، وإن مكرهم لتزول منه الجبال.

“البلاد” البحرينية

اقرأ أيضا

الصحراء المغربية

منزلقات تأويل موقف روسيا من المينورسو

أثار التصويت على قرار مجلس الأمن الدولي بخصوص التمديد لبعثة المينورسو جدلا كبيرا في مختلف …

267 تعليقاً

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  4. Anson,Wait a minute, buster. As a mouthy liberal in conservative Southwest Missouri, I am the Man of La Mancha, dreaming “The Impossible Dream” of converting the rabble. You’ll have to find another moniker.Quixotically,Duane

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  22. , LeBron James is the David Beckham of the States because he's a fairly humble and congenial black guy."Kobe Bryant was that "humble and congenial black guy" in a-merry-ca too until he poked that white girl. Now what the hell is he…just another n-word with 4 chips. Let's see how understanding a-merry-ca is when Bron Bron fuck's up.

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  28. he once worked as a warehouse manager but now lives on government disability checks. He said he receives $1,300 a month because of his congestive heart failure, diabetes and hypertension. He has private health insurance through his wife, who works for a company that sells forklift products."You just can't make shit like this up. Here you have it, the whole teabagging paradigm in one man: militiaman, NWO conspiracy kook, libertarian and government sponge. LOL.

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  32. was the TRUTH, but, WHITE AMERICA cannot take the truth, they do their DIRT, but, then, claim it’s not RACISM! well I pray, that ERIC HOLDER will continue to MAN UP!DID anyone, see LARRY ELDER on BILL ORIELY, he said(BURRIS was a DEAD MAN WALKING)RON CHRISTI was on CNN last night, he is the most SICKENING, DISGRACEFUL, SHAMEFUL, FOOL, IDIOT, BEYOND a HOUSE NEGRO I have ever laid eye’s on! a total MESS, RON CHRISTI need’s to be locked in a CAGE with a WILD CHIMP!

  33. . Boundaries are extremely necessary. That being said, there have been times when God showed me something that my husband didn’t see, and it affected someone who was a friend to both of us. It’s imperative that God is at the center of every friendship-this helps all remain above-board with appearance, emotions, etc.

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  35. ignore the lives of People of Color over White Lives (and i am going to speak for myself when I say this) I have more of a personal connection and interest since I know — through Western policy and experience, they will not get the same respect, honor and dignity as White Lives.Very good point.

  36. Tak tedy gratuluju k pÅ™ijetí.MÄ› se konečnÄ› podaÅ™ilo skolit maturitu a pomalu a jistÄ› jsem začala Å¡ilhat po UPOLU. S Alex jsme o tom už mluvily.. ale pÅ™eci jen… ty máš čerstvÄ›jší zážitky. Jaké byly příjmačky? Byly složité?A co bys mi doporučila, kdybych se pÅ™ece jenom odhodlala se tam vetřít?

  37. a questão é que foram também os ex-combatentes quem ele insultou. aliás fomos todos nós os insultados, a nossa memória, assim como os povos africanos que lutaram pela sua independência nessa guerra que este tipo execrável insiste em chamar "do ultramar"

  38. iamsweetmelGirl! I hear you!!When this happens to me IAlways say loudly what happenedTo customer service! Not that itMakes much difference!Keep writing it’s like therapyRight?!Mel x

  39. This is such a cool tutorial! I adore that nails inc glitter polish, Just shows you you don't have to spend lots of money to have gorgeous looking nails. Well done Cherry Sue!Emma x

  40. I was going to text you last night to ask your opinion on the David Davis move, but this is a good substitute.“EU legislation on everything from the shape of bananas through to how many hours a week we are allowed to work.”Please stop spreading this FUD. I’m sure plenty of people agree with your position without needing to spread the chinese whispers of the Daily Mail’s interpretation of EU law.

  41. yaa benim ingilizcem kötü bu siteyi yeni buldum bazı kiÅŸiler burdan çalışıp 5 almışlar keÅŸke bende alabilsem.bilgiler için teÅŸekkür ederiz türkçeleride olsa örnek kelimelerin daha da iyi olur.yinede saolun…

  42. What can I say, that sounds delicious. We German girls never say no to potatoes or cabbage!Yum! I was taught to make a "Farmers Breakfast" with the same ingredients as the Colcannon, only potatoes are sliced – you can't go wrong with those ingredients!! Okay, now I'm hungry.Thanks for stopping by, I hope you'll come back again soon.XOHeidi – Heart and Home

  43. Altså øv og av for helvede, men kan alligevel ikke lade være med at tænke, at din neglelak sidder skideflot, altså når nu du har skullet vise den frem til alle mulige på hospitalet..God bedring!

  44. Mi permetto di ricordare che a Chiusi, come dappertutto, c’è un sacco di gente che non naviga sui blog, che non legge nemmeno i giornali (al massimo le locandine esposte fuori dalle edicole)… Convocare un’assemblea pubblica, scrivendolo solo su un blog non so francamente a quanto possa servire. Una comunicazione a tutta la stampa, qualche manifesto o locandina, magari aiuterebbero. Poi non ci si lamenti se la gente – qella che vota e basta – non viene…

  45. Wow, this sounds like a real nail-bitter! Sounds like a difficult story to write, given all the themes that will inevitably pop up. I’ve had friends with disabled sibs, and I know they often struggled to find their place within their family. Can’t wait to read your newest, Kathy!

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  47. So encouraged you wrote this Jules, coz I just finished leading our young blokes’ Bible study through the pastoral letters, and we came to the exact same conclusion! If we’re not focused on the gospel, then we’re bound to face those disputes – so let’s keep the main thing the ONLY thing!

  48. I suppose that sounds and smells just about right.

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  50. When a mugger demands my car keys and wallet, but I manage to talk him into letting me $20 for a cab ride home, it's not a "compromise".

  51. , “I’m a writer.” And then I proceeded to explain that that’s why having the Internet running is so vital. That’s the first time I ever said that: “I’m a writer.” I’m not a professional writer, I’m not a paid writer, I’m not a published writer. But in the deepest part of my being, that’s a huge part of who I am and what I offer – for better or for worse. It’s strange claiming a profession or career or job title when I’m not getting paid for doing it and I realized that was the very thing keeping me from telling people that I write. If money isn’t attached to a thing, the thing has no value, right? Wrong. Congrats on your new gig.

  52. Your articles are for when it absolutely, positively, needs to be understood overnight.

  53. I loved this Home Based Business book, granted you could really think of many of these ideas yourself, but truly not everyone is savvy on the internet to research. Finding a home based business is a tough task, you may want to read and re-read many of the ideas that spark an interest with you! If you do not like dogs, don’t be a pet sitter. Take notes at every opportunity.

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  55. Truly despicable. This is unreversible damage.. The greed and disrespect some people have is awful.At least someone is trying to stop them and found and punished someone.

  56. all the ladies on her bus trip were complaining about AC … even my mother, 4 years ago. She says they felt the casinos had changed the odds on those machines to make them less favorable.

  57. Day 11 is the culmination of the exercise? The likelihood that Day 11′s events will introduce viruses into the works is fairly high. I think this could possibly cause some interference of the tests conducted on Day 9. I think Master-Chief Malaprop needs to re-evaluate his battle plans. Maybe add some more arrows or brackets.

  58. Mate, Sony owns the rights to that Xfactor song. Guess which other song Sony own the rights to? Killing in the name of.All this little exercise did was double the ammount of mony Sony made from the UK singles chart this chirstmas. Nice of RATM to give their share of the profits to a homeless peoples charity but no one stuck anything to "the man" here, they just gave him a nice fat christmas bonus.

  59. a week or two ago, campaign finance reform would change things significantly. Would not eliminate all the ills but certainly take a chunk away.Does not matter if you are a Dem, Rep, Indep or Teabagger, the cost to run a campaign is so great now that the only way to win under the current environment is to raise big $$ and the big contributions come from special interests for the most part.Perhaps someone can figure out the magic to run a Gorilla campaign similar to a start up company that runs advertising and marketing on a shoestring budget.

  60. What's really amazing to me is how effectively Pullman achieves reader buy-in on his world. The end of Chapter 12 wouldn't be nearly as horrifying if we had not come to believe, viscerally, in the wrongness of being without a daemon. Also, because I am a terrible, nitpicky copyeditor in my soul of souls: When Iorek shares that he is to obey Lord Faa, Lyra resolves to get the man’s position, imploring his sense of reason.Attack of the lightning bugs! I think Mark means "permission" here, not "position." Your typos (brain-os?), they are adorable.

  61. Hej SidselSuper dejlig blog, som jeg elsker at læse så tit jeg kan!Jeg ville høre om du har nogen erfaring, med deres modaltoppe? Fordi jeg er meget i tvivl om, hvilken størrelse jeg skal bruge? Hvis man køber sin normale størrelse, er de så stadig lide løse i det?Kh Ditte

  62. Ugh. This article is the reason the art world sucks. Stop being pretentious. Be available. Be likeable. BE YOURSELF. Being any other way is only going to make you just as fake as the people you don’t want to deal with. In turn making you someone that other people won’t want to deal with.Even in dating, this is just crappy advice.

  63. Ja, disse bildene var bare sååå fine!!! Tenk sÃ¥ heldig jeg er som fÃ¥r lov til Ã¥ jobbe litt i denne “himmelen” ;o) Det er en estetisk nytelse hver gang jeg er pÃ¥ jobb, og du har jammen en superevne til Ã¥ fange den med disse bildene dine. Gleder meg allerede til julebildene. :o) (og sÃ¥ glad jeg ble nÃ¥r ballerinaen ogsÃ¥ fikk være med) HÃ¥per jeg er der neste gang du dukker opp, sÃ¥ jeg fÃ¥r hilst pÃ¥ den fantastiske fotografen :o)

  64. BruceThis question of "who had responsibility?" is interesting. The publishing blogs are full of finger-pointing and excuse-offering regarding Viking/Penguin. I have another observation which is the degree to which byliner.com (a new site which I highlighted in a blog post on changes in the publishing world) is benefiting from Krakauer's article. What is their role in feeding interest in all this?At the end of the day, the interests of commercial purveyors in these dynamics are always somewhat less interesting to me because they are more predictable. There is a profit motive evident always, though it may vary in degree. Lucy

  65. You’ve really captured all the essentials in this subject area, haven’t you?

  66. Very true. Spain really produces a lot of good value-for-money wines. Of course, there are always the wines of Vega Sicilia and Pingus to bust wine budgets of mere mortals.Best,N

  67. Cara Anna,ti rivolgo questa mia domanda tramite il blog e non via email nel caso in cui altri utenti se la siano posta, in pratica: Archetipo = Forma-Pensiero = Campo Morfogenetico? Sono 3 diversi sostantivi per indicare lo stesso concetto oppure ho frainteso io?

  68. Volontaire ou involontaire, en tous cas très juste :Yves, vous avez écrit que les riches achètent les espaces agricoles des pauvres, ….., mais une partie de la nourritue.Oui, produire de la nourriture fait mourir des gens.La nourriture qui tue, oui la nourritue. peut-être à placer dans une de vos réunions publiques.Bon courage à votre colistière et vous même, dommage qu’il n’y ait pas un autre Paccalet dans le Jura. Ici, on aura probablement une UMP, SNIFF !

  69. 95#, kettle, as a matter of fact, U.S. government currently DOES provide pretty good healthcare coverage for low-income and elderlies. they have very low copay in medicaid. even if you are illegal, you can still get assistance from hospitals. i don’t healthcare is a high priority economic issue at this juncation.

  70. December 15, 2012The media frenzy is almost as disturbing as our national obsession with guns…IMO it’s a very creepy coincidence that the mis-identification of “Ryan Lanza” brought up suicidal tweets where that young man hoped the world was going to end imminently. We engage in racial profiling, maybe we need a little “gender” profiling to see how many angry, unstable young men are out there just biding their time til they do something horrific. I support gun control, but the calls for vastly improving our mental health system must be heeded.

  71. I’m new to developing internet sites and I was wanting to know if having your blog title related to your content really that important? I notice your title, “Katy Perry ‘urged Russell Brand to file divorce papers to avoid upsetting her parents’ 91.3 World Music News 91.3 World Music News ” does appear to be spot on with what your blog is about but yet, I prefer to keep my title less content descriptive and based more around site branding. Would you think this is a good idea or bad idea? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  72. Very funny. I can completely relate. I’m sitting here writing, doing laundry, dusting, watching tv, organizing my dresser…. all at the same time.Found your blog today from TRDC.

  73. Howdy! This is kind of off topic but I need some help from an established blog. Is it difficult to set up your own blog? I’m not very techincal but I can figure things out pretty quick. I’m thinking about making my own but I’m not sure where to start. Do you have any ideas or suggestions? Appreciate it

  74. in Organon.I see various homeopathic doctors who treat more than 200 to 300 patients per day in there OPD.How can one follow all homeopathic principles in each and every cases.I don’t find anything wrong in combinations specially in acute cases like FLU,GASTRITIS,ACCIDENTAL INJURIES.ETC .As more than 90% cases are acute.I think its time to modify the basic law ,instead of cursing them do some thing constructive things so that homeopathic drugs reaches each and every person of India.

  75. With the bases loaded you struck us out with that answer!

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  77. That’s the smart thinking we could all benefit from.

  78. ×—×—×—×—×—×— איך מזהים שזה ישראלי בהתחלה עוד לפני שרואים הכל .. אבל יפה מאוד ! יישר כוח (:very very nice playing , you’ve helped me much ! thanks דוד ! ×—×—×—×—

  79. AtualizadoNome do Time: DEEP6 GAMINGCanal: #deep6Contato: kuramada4twSteam Id:deep6 hommjek – STEAM_0:0:36355816deep6 kvr – STEAM_0:0:13482753deep6 die – STEAM_0:0:12119464deep6 lucao – STEAM_0:1:20283049deep6 oshdeep6 gp – STEAM_0:1:47369000deep6 kripton – STEAM_0:0:20974470deep6 markindeep6 zeo – STEAM_0:1:16216781

  80. We shall see in the end. Your entitled to your opinion, i hope you didn’t make any bets cause you will lose. Habs winning you should go to montreal and sign up for just for laughs. I think you would make a very successful stand up comic.

  81. A good many valuables you’ve given me.

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  83. Hi Bob – thank you for visiting. I agree completely on the frozen empanada discs, they are very good quality and make the whole process of making empanadas so much easier.

  84. Sten18/02/2013Meeldis, et Peep ei ole olnud terve elu ettevõtja ja on proovinud ka palgatööd. Ta ei eelsitanud ettevõtlust palgatööle ja ütles, inimestele sobivad erinevad tööd ja tuleb teha, mida meeldib teha.

  85. Les mots de la langue, par opposition aux noms propres, prennent une minuscule initiale, notamment les noms de fonction politique ( empereur, roi, président, bey, pape, ministre, …J.P.Colin, Les difficultés du français ,( Le Robert)

  86. I’ve always been 50/50 on grabbing prepared meals at the grocery store. I’ll often rock out an entire afternoon of cooking after hitting Linden Hills Co-op on a Saturday or Sunday morning, and if I’m doing that I’ll grab a nice smoothie from their juice bar, and now a hot sandwich from their deli so that I can get right into the prep for the afternoon. I know Lunds/Byerlys have been doing the prepared meal thing for a bit of time, and Whole Foods in St. Paul was a pioneer, but I think your hit or miss assessment is pretty accurate across the board.

  87. Good day! Do you know if they make any plugins to assist with SEO? I’m trying to get my blog to rank for some targeted keywords but I’m not seeing very good results. If you know of any please share. Many thanks!

  88. Maya!!Check out Obama’s Acceptance Speech from last night!! He spoke extensively (considering the platform and what he was doing) about Childhood Cancer and about how we need hope and we need to eradicate cancer and help children feel better!!! It is definitely on the top of his mind and a large priority for him!! The Whitehouse WILL be Gold next September – I just KNOW it!!!!!!xoxoxoxoxoxoxox

  89. ad Protestant: „Většinu věcí ale Bůh prosazuje skrze lidi.“Ano, ale to je dogma. Tak to funguje vždycky, bez ohledu na nějaké modlitby. Ergo, modlitby jsou zbytečné.

  90. hello,I see you are a home schooler. My job may take me and my family (wife and 3 boys 9,7, and 5) to Krakow. We have been home schooling in North Carolina for 4 years now. How is home schooling in Poland? Anything to be aware of?Thank you,David

  91. , SeaSteading seems like a more realistic and practical solution to the problems of democracy than anything MM has proposed so far.You realize this para contradicts your first? If USG will really treat each and every seasteader as a Nazi soldier, then no, seasteading is neither practical nor realistic. I suspect, though, that you don’t believe it will either.

  92. 1bbTu és mara, guria!!Minha intenção sempre foi me divertir – confesso que hoje me divirto menos do que no começo,mas ainda me divirto muito. Qqr pessoa que crie blog com outro objetivo além desse, não vai entender a experiência toda.Mas enfim, é como tu disse, tem lugar pra todo mundo e tem leitor pra todo mundo tbem!!Grande beijo pra ti!!

  93. Hi Martin! Thanks for the engrossing read–it’s so true that engaging in any kind of business is very similar to establishing and keeping a relationship harmonious. I’m glad you pointed out that we must have transparent agendas, this is such a critical facet in building our credibility as business owners and as lovers 🙂  

  94. What’s implied is that on her deathbed, Eunice Kennedy made Cardinal Sean swear to give Teddy a Catholic funeral. Either that, or she just made him feel really, really bad until he felt bound by her dead hand. That’s his excuse.Why does nobody else get this? It just screams maternal Irish coercion. If he wrote “I’m under geas” in big red letters, it couldn’t be more obvious.

  95. This is simply very old news recycled. The Obama administration ginned up the report to present new incentives to our "allies" for staying in the alliance, which they are not going to do. Their withdrawal will make for unbridgeable difficulties in sustaining Obama's lack of policy in that region.

  96. e9Thanks a lot for sharing this with all folks you actually understand what you’re speaking about! Bookmarked. Please also visit my site =). We can have a link exchange agreement among us!

  97. Sorry I forgot…..Falco, if I lose my Rex Ryan Posts I will FedEx you a custom made pair of hammer pants with a rabid weasel sewn into the crotch. Happy cruising.

  98. Yeah, I understand a divorce filing will happen soon, but I am unable to confirm this. I’m still thinking they will wind up getting back together because that would be better blog content.

  99. – For info, the thing that\\’s hanging above her head is a remnant of the Xmas decoration we\\’ve put one. Shame. I think we\\’ll let it up there dangling for the next 6 months then

  100. Hey, that’s the greatest! So with ll this brain power AWHFY?

  101. You said Lyn ” My kids what to know how the cave jumpers were ever going to get out again” Tell them Lyn that they reversed the film LOL. No, seriously. They have ropes and ladders, in some cases a winch at the top.

  102. Eeeeee so excited that pumpkin is back on the shelves! Loved your Trader Joe’s loot. I never considered leaving the skin on but now that I know it’s possible I’ll be saving some serious time and arm soreness

  103. Please put one in my backyard if it reduces pollution. I’m SO sick of all the perpetual subsidies and misinformation re the oil/coal industries. Canada’s government has become a puppet to big US industry. Too bad we share such close proximity to be so influenced or, should I say, coerced. American citizens are also victimized by the propaganda. The sun and wind are free and non polluting. Sorry but I don’t see the problem. I remember seeing my first wind turbine in a British movie years ago and was fascinated with them. They struck me as graceful.

  104. Howdy just wanted to give you a quick heads up. The text in your content seem to be running off the screen in Ie. I’m not sure if this is a format issue or something to do with internet browser compatibility but I thought I’d post to let you know. The layout look great though! Hope you get the issue resolved soon. Kudos

  105. As Charlie Sheen says, this article is “WINNING!”

  106. If you dont mind, exactly where do you host your web site? I am hunting for a great web host and your blog appears to be fast and up all the time

  107. Tyler – Beautiful, gorgeous, just absolutely amazing. The shear number of awesome shots you are able to get is just incredible. We’re so much looking forward to enjoying all the images!

  108. disse:Oi!Eu comprei esse batom e estava procurando opiniões sobre ele pq não gostei do meu !!! Talvez a cor tenha influenciado na minha opinião, mais não achei que é tudo isso que fala na propaganda!!!Ah ! achei seu blog procurando informações sobre esse batom !!! bjs

  109. MSG Clements September 26, 2012 BernieA jackedup message is what I get for trying to use a cellphone to post a comment. My big fingers and a small key pad do not work but as I was saying ” we need to find ways to get through to our younger generation and let them know that help is out there and that we (Their Senior NCOs) do care about them. They do not have to walk alone. Thanks for your support to all our Men and Women throughout the Armed Forces and the Coast Guard too.

  110. Escribe tu comentario Puedes usar las siguientes etiquetas HTML: <a> <abbr> <acronym> <b> <blockquote> <cite> <code> <del> <em> <i> <q> <strike> <strong> WordPress Hashcash needs javascript to work, but your browser has javascript disabled. Your comment will be deleted!

  111. It’s a real pleasure to find someone who can think like that

  112. Something to think about when people mention Commodore Perry going to Japan and the Japanese thinking that Europeans (Westerners) smelled like animal fats is that at the time (1853 ) the Japanese were bathing daily. Frequently more than once a day when the situation called for it. Europeans/Westerners would typically set aside Saturday to clean off before Sunday church.In fact, It was the Europeans/Westerners that became intrigued with the bathing habits of the Japanese.That’s not to say that diet didn’t play a part how we smelled but the bathing habits of both civilizations were quite different at the time.

  113. Articles like these put the consumer in the driver seat-very important.

  114. Hi this especially is kinda allied with rancid theme nevertheless I was asking yourself if websites use WYSIWYG editors otherwise if you have to manually suggest with HTML. I’m commencing a blog soon but have zero coding expertise accordingly i required to obtain guidance through superstar with experience. Several help will ensue enormously treasured!

  115. Oh. My. God. I am so glad my boys aren’t in to Yo Gabba Gabba anymore! Some of the music acts they get are cool…The Ting Tings singing happy birthday to Brobee is pretty good, but that’s because I’m a Ting Ting’s fan…We’ve moved on to Disney and I don’t despise those nearly as much as the Nick Jr stuff…other than Yo Gabba Gabba, the only other one that really gets on my nerves is any Blue’s Clues episode with Joe. Joe is NOT as good as Steve…and I think what bothers me the most is that I have an opinion on which one is better…

  116. Julia,The book is definitely aimed at Americans, and many of the external links are to resources in the US, but I would say that most of the tips and ideas presented throughout are universal and the 59 page list of tips is still relevant to anywhere in the world, I think.

  117. 10a3masha allah aad ayaan ula dhacay shaqada fican aad haysiin sxbyaal waxan idiin waydinah inaah ii sheegtan cuntada ugu fudud ee qadata time aad u yar isheega waa mahadsan tihiin

  118. POSTED February 28, 2008 at 10:54 pmLove the new ETP. Great work! Although I have one request. Is it possible to have a ETP printed on both sides of a paper?I have tried all kinds of options when printing your form, but I can’t get the second copy printed on the back of the sheet.Seems to me a waste of space to not using the other side of the sheet.

  119. What you alleged complete a lot of intuit. On the contrary, weigh up on the subject of this, what if you supplementary a insufficiently content? I entail, I dont want to tell you how to run your blog, nevertheless what if you added impressive to maybe get peoples attention? Merely comparable a video or a picture otherwise two to get community excited about what youve got to say. All the rage my opinion, it would achieve your blog come to life a little bit.

  120. SO, so proud of you. Amazing recap – I got chills. And you looked like a total rockstar when we saw you near the finish – so strong and happy! I wish I’d gotten a photo but I was too busy trying to scream your name like a maniac so you’d see us and hopefully get a little boost of final energy. Congratulations again. xoAnne P recently posted..

  121. I suppose that sounds and smells just about right.

  122. Hmmmm, this is a tough one! It seems like you've already tried the "ignoring" route. Maybe just hand them their spoons with a bowl of food and say "have at it" and then go kick up your feet, sit on the sofa and read a magazine. That'll teach them!

  123. This has got to be the VERY worst camera work I have ever seen..and I have over 500 of these vids on my hard drive, and you’re sooooo right, LuvPusClustuz & Kris….it had great potential and she went and ruined it…It was like the vid “mashed potatoes”…Remember that? That would have been without a doubt the VERY VERY VERY best pop in all of creation, but that bloody MORON ruined it with his crappy cam work…Oh I really get so ANGRY! LOL *Takes a deep breath* Ok…I’m better now! LOL

  124. Thank you a bunch for sharing this with all people you really recognise what you are talking approximately! Bookmarked. Kindly additionally discuss with my web site =). We can have a link change arrangement between us!

  125. I already follow you on Opensky. I feel like this equation pretty much sums up my life…ICU nurse (12 hour shifts on my feet) + Turbofire workouts = LOTS of sore muscles!I definitely carry a ton of my tension in my shoulders/upper back and hip/IT band area, so I would love to have that fabulous foam roller to massage these muscles.

  126. That was so devastating! Are we really going back to barbarism? One very important thing to do is gun control! Anyways, seems like you had a gala time with all things gingerbread!The cake looks yummmm!Love

  127. War is evil. Between Ojukwu & Awo, they are both right. Ojukwu is fighting for the cedesion of Igbo Land from Nigeria and the interest to rule his people, while Awo want the unity of this country and of course the interest to rule Nigeria in the near future. But what Awo fought for in 1967 is not what we enjoying today. Nigeria is not united. We need to get it right, otherwise Nigeria will be perpetual under-develop. The labour of our past heroes is going in vain. Our past heroes are not united, and that is affecting our nation today.

  128. Merci Vinvin… je viens de publier un nouvel article , je n'avais pas encore ton com . merci beaucoup! Ba la décision est prise NO MARATHON ! BUT grande course des templiers …. si c'est pas du rebond ça ! Bises

  129. Ιαπετέ, τι μου θύμισες; Με το “ορμήνεψε” με τον ντουρβά, με, με. Τουλάχιστον εμένα με ξεπροβοδούσε στο λεωφορείο. Να έισαι καλά!

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  131. blog title says exactly what he blog…content is going to be about. then describe your blog in a way that excites or interest your visitor.now when it comes to your blog screenshot, this is where you need to make sure your blog looks attractive to the visitor…

  132. Pitié et commisération sont des « valeurs » de droite ; à gauche, on leur préfère la justice sociale –qui n’est pas une valeur, mais un principe, car, à gauche on a des principes, c’est à droite qu’on a des valeurs. Ceci dit pour respecter la tradition intellectuelle et le vocabulaire de ces deux courants depuis deux siècles qu’ils existent.

  133. Posted on 11 oktober 2012 at 16:19Hoi Mario,Dank voor je reactie. Als het moeite kost om al het “nodige werk” niet te verzetten om ontevreden te blijven, kun je net zo goed (dezelfde moeite) in veranderen/aanvaarden investeren.Gr. Rinke

  134. Design diferente, futurista e agressivo. Mas o bico do Rb5 está lá, ou pelo menos a inspiração, já que a Ferrari foi mais "verbatim" na cópia.Bonito carro, será que o prata ainda é exigência do contrato com a Mercedez ? Será que algum dia veremos uma Mclaren laranja oficial (e não de testes?).Pelo menos até agora, os carros estão mais bonitos que 2009, e isto basta.

  135. how come you don’t use your 2nd, 3rd, 4th fingers to play the G major chord? Do you happem to know any instruction videos that show? how to play it that way?

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  137. I might be beating a dead horse, but thank you for posting this!

  138. Ciao Giulia, oggi e8 il mio primo Blog-compleanno e me ne stavo quasi dimenticando…., a priposoto di tempo e di impegni…Io riesco a dedicarmi al blog dalle 21 fino a mezzanotte inoltrata. Di giorno si resta troppo presi da mille cose, anche se io ora sono casalinga e faccio la nonna… Ti capisco perfettamente.Assaggerf2 pure il tuo te speziato, deve essere particolare !!!Un bacio e complimenti anche per la bella foto.Virginia

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  142. Ooh, Gloria! Can’t wait to see your post! Pixie Well Done and I have had some issues in the past. Let’s just say she wouldn’t be invited to any of my parties…

  143. This made me hurt somewhere deep inside. Look at you now, though. Loss can eat us up, or it can make us stronger. Bravo to you for making it the latter.

  144. I’m so happy people are liking this so much! I really can’t say enough how awesome I thought the place was. I would go back in a heartbeat.I’m adding travel tips in the rest of the posts about this trip, and I’ll do a sum-up post at the end for travel tips, too. Thanks for the suggestion!

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  147. Dear : Mr Rees. I was just wondering you know how you gave me a stick insect on Thursday when will it molt and are we allowed to hold them every hour also one other thing I made a mini play pen for it!

  148. Hola,a mi me encanta estar solo,pero por trabajo estoy todo el dia rodeado de gente,lo paso muy mal,me encantaria tener dinero para comprarme una isla,y vivir con la soledad.

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  151. I need to follow this blog. I always read about european and american fashion and I never see and read about other countries fashion!It seems really interesting.. the use of color is exquisite!

  152. Hey Dustin, really like this type of post and great to see you on the video. Your design chops are smokin cause the blog layout looks really crisp & clean. Suggestion on the video, can you use a lapel mic or something ? The birds chirping were louder than your speaking … but it’s no big deal. Cool pool, cooler shirt.

  153. marka hore waxaan halkan ka salaamaya qolada barmaamujikan fududeysa,marka xiga haddii aan su,aashay u soo dego ,anigu waxaan qabaa mawduuc ka duwankan dadku badi ka hadlayaa,oo ah,arin aniga gooni ii haysata,caruurteydii maan qoran markii aan sweden sharciga ka dalbanaayey iminkana waxaa doonayaa inaan u dacwoodo caruurtey oo aanu kala maqanahay,MARKAA SIDEY U SUURAGALEYSAA DACWADAASI MAADABA AANAY CARUURTU II QOREYN?U codee: 0  0

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  155. If you squirt Smuckers chocolate ice cream topping on your chocolate Cheerios, when you get to the bottom of the bowl you have chocolate milk. Just sayin’. And if you buy your Smuckers in the plastic squeeze bottle, you can squirt it directly into your mouth in case of emergencies.

  156. There’s nothing like the relief of finding what you’re looking for.

  157. Good to find an expert who knows what he’s talking about!

  158. Des situations oposées sont souvent constatées :Des gens n’appellent pas le 15 et décèdent a leur domicile,ou bien appellent le 15 pour « une situation courante ».Les urgences sont très difficiles !Je vous admire tout particulièrement Dr

  159. Panthro later went on to co-star in the little-known 'Thundercats' series.Moan-oh-man I love the finish on this Thomps, super-keen brushwork. Not crazy about the teeny eyes though. Maybe if you'd de-humanised the rest of the skull around the jaw and teeth a tad, as it is he looks kinda malformed to me.But as I say, sensational execution.

  160. We hardly coupon at all, but that is mainly because they almost always seem to be processed food items or unhealthy things. We must get better with our leftovers, however, and with our creativity. Plus, we eat too much beef. We’re struggling to get our grocery costs down plus still eat healthy foods.Mike recently posted..

  161. Thanks for taking the time to post. It’s lifted the level of debate

  162. Tu vois là? je suis l'oignon confit dans le fond de la ratatouille. J'ai presque disparu parce que je sens les parfums dont tu m'imprègnes. Je me mangerais. Telleemnt c'est beau, une ratatouille comme ça.

  163. tom-if the BLS is to be believed, us population dropped 190k from dec to jan.the civilian labor force dropped 504k.this took participation rate to 64.2, a new swing low, but it would have been 64.1.all this monkeying around allowed an increase of 117k employed (0.05% of civ non inst pop) to yield a 0.4% drop in "unemployment" which was a full order of magnitude greater.and people wonder why so many folks are suspicious of the BLS numbers…

  164. Örülök, hogy sikerült! Azt azért nem ajánlanám senkinek, hogy a Factory Defaults Reset-tel tüntesse el a jailbreak-eket, maradjunk a szabályos megoldásnál! (Ez egyébként nem törli a jailbreak-et, csak kikapcsolja).

  165. nunzioazzurro:Ieri nell’intervallo c’è stato insieme a noi Malfitano e Marco Azzi di Repubblica e si parlava del Napoli. Malfitano scherzava solo, mentre Marco Azzi parlava di “rosa” incompleta e a nostre domande diceva che il Napoli ha un attaccante, un viceCavani per Gennaio che milita in Serie “B”, Il nome non lo faccio per Marco Azzi.caracciolo oppure sforzini

  166. Gulp, two of my favourite subjects, well 3 if you count the writing – Friends, Dancing and Writing. Fab post, chica. Found myself nodding throughout, lol. And thanks for the clip. seen it twice, off to watch again!

  167. Keep one’s eyes peeled the GOING TO BED on CHEW THE FAT ROULETTE! – I don’t believe in the after life, although I am bringing a change of underwear. Woody Allen Born 1935

  168. It looks like she had a lot of fun there! Being in the country here, Monster loves being outside! I just wish we had a pumpkin patch closer to us!

  169. ÉrikaConfesso que chorei de pensar no que vc passa, só por ser quem é.Me indignei, me revoltei com a limitação de tanta gente, gente querida, gente próxima, gente que te conhece, e de tantos desconhecidos;Não tenho palavras para te dizer o quanto te admiro.

  170. This is beautiful Bev. I must admit to being a traditional type of girl myself, I do like to see non traditional its just that I can't seem to get non traditional right – one day maybejacqui x

  171. Alright, it is obvious that you are going to require more one on one tech support to help you figure this out.Send me a message on YouTube with your skype name and what time you are free to receive help. Don’t forget to include your time zone so I can convert it.Please for the love of Vegeta’s pink shirt tell me you have a skype account.

  172. Olá, CláudiaclObrigado pela participação, pois é muito importante para direcionar novos posts.Para melhores orientações, consulte o seu médico de confiança, ok? Faça novas visitas no blog que estarei atualizando os temas de acordo com suas perguntas e sugestões.Seguindo as , infelizmente não estarei respondendo diretamente as perguntas nos comentários; faremos novos posts relacionados ao tema ou atualizaremos os posts prévios.Grande abraço.Leonardo.

  173. Si pentru mine calatoriile reprezinta o sursa de "incarcare a bateriilor", dar pacate in ultimul timp nu s-a mai putut. Te felicit ca reusesti sa calatoresti mult, probabil ca nu numai banii iti sunt de ajuns dar si timpul.

  174. Ma maman souffre je pense d’une intolérence au gluten car dès qu’elle absorbe du pain ou de la brioche ou des pattes même en infime quantité, elle se met à gonfler de l’abdomen sous nos yeux on dirait qu’une bouée se gonfle c’est impressionnant!Je vais lui faire essayer le régime sans gluten.

  175. Write more, thats all I have to say. Literally, it seems as though you relied on the video to make your point. You definitely know what youre talking about, why waste your intelligence on just posting videos to your weblog when you could be giving us something informative to read?

  176. People often confuse struggle with effort. Effort is a matter of doing the work required to accomplish something. Struggle is more of a mindset than it is an action.Sometimes great things can be achieved with relatively little effort, other times great effort is required.In any great thing, do what is required. No more, no less.Struggle addiction often leads to doing more than is required.

  177. As with any feeling, hatred can be strong and enticing. We can accept it for what it is, but the better choice is to not succumb to it. I find that I would rather vent with creative outlets like writing that risk a physical reaction. Nice post.

  178. You keep it up now, understand? Really good to know.

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  180. Nous sommes bien d'accord sur le Moreland & Arbuckle ! :-)Déçu aussi par ce Brother. Pourtant, j'aime le blue, j'aime la soul, mais là, la sauce ne me plait guère.

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  182. Now I know who the brainy one is, I’ll keep looking for your posts.

  183. hé Oscar, va voir au coin de la rue si tu trouve une autre con.nerie à dire : l’article est relatif, si tu élargit le champ (encore que tu en soit capable)

  184. I used to see movies all the time–with myself, with my girlfriends, with my fiance. But since being pregnant? Not so much. My child isn’t even here and she’s prohibiting me from seeing movies, ha.And every night? I put on a DVD with the sole intention of falling asleep within 12 minutes of pressing play.And by the way…I have yet to read your book (shame on me, I know) but I would say the comment you wrote about here? Quite the compliment.

  185. Kul att du gjorde ett inlägg som är samma tanke bakom som jag jobbat pÃ¥ nu lite i taget ett tag nu. 🙂 Pallar inte heller Goty listor dÃ¥ nästan alla blir samma.Gnoit skrev nyligen:

  186. תודה! מצטערת על קלות הראש, לא התכוונתי להגיד שום דבר על אוסטין, שעליה אני לא יודעת כלום. אני פשוט מתפלאת מהמובלעות הדמוקרטיות האלה. בדיוק דיברתי עם אותם חברים-אמריקאים-רגשנים-מהאינטרנט וגם הם נהנים מאוד מהמפות החדשות — במיוחד השמאלנים שגרים במדינות שנחשבות לימניות.

  187. Tack för detta inlägget! Upptäckte dessa hemskheter för några år sen och har de senaste månaderna försökt komma på vad rasen heter men allt är bara helt borta. Men nu vet jag.Och det är verkligen helt sjukt.. :/

  188. What I find so interesting is you could never find this anywhere else.

  189. I found this post fascinating Andrew. I am definitely a right-brainer, although, as with many people, the lines blur in some areas. At school I was lucky enough to have a wonderful English teacher and a passionate Art teacher – thank goodness, as these subjects were my life-line… no surprise that I'm now an English teacher and a writer! I only wish schools encouraged creativity a little more and placed the same value on it that we do.

  190. Thanks, while my approach to the ‘eternal return’ could be unique, it is the clairaudient’s content about historical individuals and their recurrent lives that will, ultimately, stand on its own without comparison.

  191. Begun, the great internet education has.

  192. Your article is very well-planned as well as being very intelligent and informative. I throughly enjoyed your work and hope there’s going to be more.

  193. Only if they were born in the morning. If they were born in the afternoon, then they will never get back together after a break up. The only excpetion to this rule are Gemini guys who were born RIGHT on the hour… they come back and beg for forgiveness exactly 38 days after the breakup..

  194. Te das cuenta. Me abrazas. Tu mirada azul me acaricia. Como antes. Como después.Mañana bajarás conmigo. Y allí, en las profundidades de nuestros abismos, volveremos a ser uno. Hasta después de la eternidad…Gracias. Un abrazo entrañable.

  195. Buna idee, dar am si eu cateva fire firave de tarhon si nu ma hotarasc la ce sa il folosesc. Este cam pretentios si pentru cine e interesat nu vrea apa prea multa in ghiveci 🙂

  196. That insight’s perfect for what I need. Thanks!

  197. Thank you for your honest and touching comment. Tough times never last but tough people do, your tide will change for the best and your victory will be a lasting one. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Cheers!

  198. The ability to think like that is always a joy to behold

  199. Do you have more great articles like this one?

  200. Well, some of the high density back east the Dems didn't have to do anything, New York or Chicago developed that way by the 19th century. Maybe you are talking about dem politcians pushing for immirgant groups like the Irish in the 19th century.

  201. What Devanshu overlooks is that, for the next 30 years or so, dividends will rise as emissions go down. Less pollution = more revenue, not less. That’s because the demand for carbon is inelastic — lower the supply and the price rises steeply. (Just ask OPEC if you doubt this.) By the time demand becomes elastic — less pollution = less revenue — we’ll have a post-carbon economy and it won’t matter. In any case, the sky trust will be legally required to LOWER the number of permits sold until the climate stabilizes.

  202. What a beautiful garden you have! I harvested my first 'Yukon Gold' potato today from the garden. Considering the amount of pest damage to those plants, the potato looks great!

  203. This happened to me after I got the bc that is clipped in your uterus (cant remember the name) .Once that was gone I felt normal..Try going on a date just the two of you…BossyGirl1980 recently posted..

  204. Thanks for what I think are some kind words about my article – unfortunately, I speak no Spanish, and so it could be that you’re calling me names… :)Am curious to know what you wrote about – Google helps translate, but not sure it’s very accurate. Any chance of an English guide to your guide to my guide to the UK papers?

  205. l’idea sul genere di auto è molto,valida!peccato però che come sembra moda in questi ultimi anni si pensi quasi esclusivamente alla potenza del motore alla larghezza delle gomme e in minima parte al consumo di carburante!!! l’importante è dichiarare più cavalli dei concorrenti!alla faccia del risparmio energetico!saluti

  206. lillina-lovato[likescyscrape]I love demi!!!simoncelli sempre nel mio cuore scrive:vero?!?!? erica ma è vero? io lo letto in un altro sito e speravo in una tua conferma… cmq cm va ery?

  207. Hi Simmons,We appreciate the feedback you gave Shura too! Thanks for posting this on your blog and I wanted to let you know that we’ve linked to your journal on our blogroll. We want to do our best to support the endeavors of other literary journals as well and I’m sure that people who submit to us and don’t already know about Terrain.org would be interested in learning more about you.Thanks!LizMarketing Director

  208. Thinking like that is really impressive

  209. Such an impressive answer! You’ve beaten us all with that!

  210. Tusen takk for kommentar pÃ¥ bloggen!Du sier at dere holder til ved demningen pÃ¥ Mylla, bor dere der eller…jeg kjente Tor Egil i min ungdom – er det i/ved hans barndomshjem du mener? Jeg hÃ¥per i sÃ¥ tilfelle at dine planter klarer all sneen pÃ¥ Mylla, den ligger jo lenge der! Deilige planter du har kjøpt, det er sÃ¥ spennende nÃ¥r vÃ¥ren kommer, ikke sant.Ønsker deg en fin kommende jule-forberedelsestid! Lene

  211. Kylie–Ottawa is still the only place I know where businesses seem temporary. It’s almost a sport to drive up and down Bank Street, or Elgin Street, or Rideau Street, identifying the stores and cafes that used to exist on the strip. It feels like the backdrop changes as we grow to suit our new ages!

  212. Begun, the great internet education has.

  213. RVW,Welcome to the OrthodoxBridge!No, I haven’t read Machen’s “Warrior Children.” I have read his “Christianity and Liberalism.” Good book. Maybe you can give a brief summary of “Warrior Children” as to how it relates to the topic? Thanks.Robert

  214. I will be putting this dazzling insight to good use in no time.

  215. Niklas skriver:Marcus// Jag har ätit mat, jag har druckit alkohol och tagit droger (inklusive koffein och alkohol). Jag har även rökt osv osv.SÃ¥ är fallet – en alkis kan ju uppenbarligen inte ta ansvar. Samma gäller en narkoman, en tjockis eller en som röker.Vart har hon fel nÃ¥gonstans?

  216. Yeah, I could go via Takasaki and it might be a bit faster but I tend to err on the side of the lower cost that Tobu provides.By the way, if you’d like your comments to appear immediately you just have to enter some junk data into the name and email fields and keep it consistent, once a comment with a certain name/IP combo is approved subsequent ones will be approved automatically. Sorry about that.

  217. Per roberto“carne & sangue”non so la tua, la mia carne è fatta dei tortelli che ho appena mangiato e il tè che ho appena bevuto, e ciascuna di queste cose ha a sua volta una sua storia

  218. J’ai une question qui me trotte dans tête depuis que j’ai euntendu parle des mode de communication des hommes et des femmes…Est-ce que ça se peut qu’une fille communique comme un gars? Je ne me reconnais vraiment pas dans la technique de fille qui veux se vider le coeur et dès qu’on me parle de problème… je trouve 12 millions de solutions.

  219. well i was just scrolling looking for printable lyrics for this song and i found this and now i realize how wrong the song sounds i just hope that doesnt happen at the 1D concert (or MMVAS) next year cuz im both going to a concert and mmvas (maybe) cuz ive seen videos only niall and harry got thrown bras at and niall gets bras sent to him in ireland and they want him to autograph it so add the autographing bras to the list

  220. Sesunguhnya nikmat yang Allah berikan itu patut digunakan pada tempat yang halal.Jika alat sulit tak berapa nak naik, sila pulihkan dengan intensive oil. Kami belum ada agen di setapak, sila lihat pengedar berdekatan atau boleh beli secara poslaju.

  221. Thanks for introducing a little rationality into this debate.

  222. Michèlevous voilà adoubée par sa majesté soi-même, enfin admise (tolérée ?) au debir du temple lspiste ! untelseriez-vous le vilain manipulateur d’esprits faibles et féminins (pléonasme, mes excuses) que La Mer sagace aurait débusqué ?

  223. Angie this is gorgeous and I can imagine all the flavors! Since becoming gluten free I cannot eat rye and have not had a traditional sourdough that compares with the gluten version. Just reading this and looking at your photos is like tasting all those familiar flavors!

  224. "MogÅ‚abyÅ› coÅ› napisać bo Twój blog STAJE siÄ™ fotoblogiem" ?? Przecież ten blog byÅ‚ od zawsze fotoblogiem, jeÅ›li tak nazywajÄ… sie blogi, gdzie umieszcza siÄ™ same zdjÄ™cia. Na palcach można policzyć ile byÅ‚o postów, gdzie prócz zdjęć byÅ‚ tekst…A jeÅ›li już byÅ‚ to bardzo krótki.

  225. Lovely fabrics!I have always fancied a colour wheel quilt for the dining room wall. But seeing the above coment, something from the City Quilts book would be fab tooteresa ([email protected])

  226. , as you said, why are you talking to me still? BTW, I haven’t called anybody else names. I’ve just disagreed with them. Now that I’ve answered you, I will cease communication with you, since that is what you claimed, in your agreement with “commuter”, to want.

  227. This is the second large study of the potential protective effects of aspirin in women. Unfortunately, both studies employed suboptimal doses. Clearly women should be given the same dose as men (81mg qd). Gene Sanders, Emeritus Professor of Medicine, Creighton University

  228. I know. It was just an observation of Jolie’s character. It was not meant as a criticism of any kind. Which I guess did not come off that way since people keep trying to defend the celebrities to me.

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  230. Vezi tu, cum in Romania studiem de mici diferite poezii ale raposatilor nostri compatrioti, multor persoane le place aceasta forma de arta si astfel au luat nastere numeroase bloguri in care gasim scrieri personale si de mutle ori foarte frumoase si placute la citit.

  231. I think I could bake bread and desserts all day. But I would want to come and watch you for a while before heading out all on my own 🙂 These look better than most you find in a bakery! Great job – really beautiful. Thanks for another mouthwatering post. Have a super week.

  232. giovani tromboni · venerdì, 30 novembre 2012, 7:26 pmCome sei bravo a trovare la polvere in casa d’altri . Diventi euforico . La cacca in casa tua quella non puzza vero ?

  233. Whoever edits and publishes these articles really knows what they’re doing.

  234. Yes, there is very little support post sentence. Such a waste. There are lots of really good employers out there but they usually don’t want to advertise the fact. Thanks for your comment, Mrs D!

  235. Würde ich wie du, noch mit Analogen Material spielen. Dann würde ich mir wohl “The Think” oder soll ich sagen “The Sexist Camerabody Ever”, kaufen, die Minolta 9xi.Damals schweineteuer, heute um wenig Geld am Gebrauchtmarkt zu bekommen, zuschlagen Herr Spiegelberg!Um eure Fototouren beneide ich euch, ich währe da sofort und immer dabei.

  236. This is fantastic news! Congratulations! Tell me how I can help share this news – I’ve just started my journey as a lung cancer advocate. I lost my Father in May of this year, since I couldn’t save him – sharing this news could help save another life.Thank you for all your hard work.Keri

  237. Az állatkiosztással kapcsolatban jegyezném meg,hogy akinek több miliós autóra telik annak nem jelenthet gondot venni 15DB előnevelt csirkét.Ezt gondoltam én is de sajnos ez nem így van, mert Nyírkarászon amikor osztották az állatokat, mintha egy autó kíálitásra csöppentem volna,Ott megtalálható volt mindenféle autó márka WV passat,golf,opel,Stb.NEM értem a mai üzemanyag árak mellet ők is rászorultak? mert ha igen akkor szeretnék én is olyan szegény lenni.

  238. netJuanro2-18-2011 si quieren apreciar un actual movimiento musical que verdaderamente vale la pena y que no es exactamente como lo pinta wiky#$%& lo que veraderamente se considera post punk revival chequeen: editors, Interpol,chapel club, white lies, the bravery y los altamente recomendados y 100% garantizados (sobre todo su 2do album primary colours) The Horrors

  239. Дмитро митро 2 SkiminoK, не думаю що це вчасно потрібно подивитися, як ця ідея приживеться і буде робити перші кроки, а вже потім…

  240. Je reviens sur ton formulaire MAthieu. Il serait peut etre plus intéressant d’activer le feed back quand la souris passe sur le champs du formulaire ( onMouseover) ?

  241. OMG! Mzetir gave me nightmares for weeks! I soooo didn't need to see his "transformation"! Yuck! But I really like how you didn't hold back with him. It was a big gruesome, but I think it was necessary to get the feel of his character. Thanks Patty and Candace.

  242. Så gøy! Takk for link til oppskrift, har lenge hatt ønske om å prøve dette..jeg som egentlig ikke kan hekle. Ha en riktig god helg!

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  244. Ich lebe auch in einer Familie, die allerdings einmal im Jahr zu galoppierendem Christentum neigt. Na, meine Geschwister kann ich, glaube ich, noch dazu überreden, ehrlich zu sein.Warum backt ihr nicht das ganze Jahr Kekse?

  245. Su origen se remonta al Japón del siglo XVIII, por allí circulaban unas ferias ambulantes conocidas como “misemono”, que ofrecían espectáculos, artesanía popular o acróbatas y que, en algunos casos, mostraban otros atractivos como la exhibición de supuestas sirenas.

  246. So I’m flicking through Kiwiblogs, trying to catch up on some news from home, and theres a bunch of stories about Katrina. Being myself resident in the old US these days, I’m intrigued as to what the people are saying, not remotely expecting to find a Bidwell let loose in Blogworld. So…hows that whole South America thing working out for you Simon?

  247. voila je tousse beaucoup depuis un petit trois semaine cela m inquiete beaucoup es que je suis atteint du virus du sida sa me fait vraiment peur sachant que y a 3semaine je consulte mon medecin qui me dit que je fait une sinusite et une angine le traimtemen ma apaiser et 1semaine apres j y retourne et la grosse bronchite asmatiforme et depuis ma toux persiste j aurai vraiment besoin d un conseille savoir si sa peut etre un symptome du vih merci de votre reponse cordialement

  248. Bon, OK, le Nutella, c’est comme le coca-cola et les films américains: c’est des produits du grand capital, de très grande consommation, ça peut se révéler indigeste à forte dose, ça nous inonde de pub, c’est pas très écolo, ni très culturel, ni très bobo etc…Mais c’est vachement bon et difficilement remplaçable, pourtant j’ai essayé… Désolé…

  249. Indeed, having a sleep disorder is one of a major public health or issue concerning and affecting millions of individuals, families, and communities on a daily basis in the whole world, not just America. I agree with the talks of the interviewee, everyone seems to be so busy that everyone tends to be sleep depriving.

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  252. Wha….huh…..?? Did they cram something up his nose then try and retrieve it ………. Just for laughs? That’s how it appeared. Let’s hope not. Lol……

  253. Dear Doc, I have been prescribed Methadone for many years and have regular drug test which I have always passed at my Doctors office. I have no other medical conditions and have proof that I am in no way taking nor have I taken any illegal drugs for years. Could I pass a Maryland D.O.T. physical while on this prescription?

  254. Huhu,eigentlich konnte ich gar nicht mitmachen, weil ich mein einziges Halloween-Motiv schon verbastelt hatte.Aber da ich ja ein Halloween-Stempelchen gewonnen habe, konnte ich doch noch ein Kärtchen basteln.Liebe GrüßéMelodie

  255. This is such a great piece about being the student of the idea and staying with it even while the Olypmic crowd saw it as weird. I saw All making itself known and felt, broadcasting to the world.

  256. First you forget names, then you forget faces. Next you forget to pull your zipper up and finally, you forget to pull it down.

  257. Hi Rob,your connection code was working fine until this morning, but now the accountInfo request, returns an empty string.I figured out that EA maybe has changed something in the login response, so now the login request parser at line 61 of your code should be modified:original code//EASW Key$s = explode(“:”, $r[7]);new code//EASW Key$s = explode(“:”, $r[6]);By and thanx for your codeps: sorry for my english

  258. Well I guess I don’t have to spend the weekend figuring this one out!

  259. senti ciccetta…una domandaho preso da poco un librino che mi aiutasse a far fuori la scorta (a te ben nota) di alghe che mi ritrovo per casa.ora…noto che in diverse ricette, specie con i legumi, si consiglia di utilizzare un pezzo di kombula kombu, mi chiedo, è utile per una qualche ragione particolare oppure è solo un qualcosa che da gusto in più?aloha

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