عيد الشغل

كان انتزاع مطلب يوم عمل من 8 ساعات على رأس المطالب التي قرر عمال الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية النضال من أجل تحقيقها إلى حد خوض إضراب عام للضغط على أرباب العمل والحكومة. هكذا أعلنت نقابة فرسان العمل Knights of Labour (1) فاتح ماي يوما أمميا للتضامن الطبقي، وللمطالبة بيوم عمل من ثماني ساعات. وفي ربيع 1886، ركز عمال جميع القطاعات نضالهم حول هذا الهدف ونجحوا أحيانا في ذلك المجال.
قرر أرباب العمل، بوجه إصرار العمال واتساع الحركة النقابية، اتخاذ إجراءات قمع أسرع. فكانت مسألة هايماركت Haymarket الشهيرة بشيكاغو، وهي حدث مأساوي طبع الحركة العمالية العالمية، فاتحة مرحلة قمع ومقاومة جديدة .
كانت التعبئة في فاتح ماي 1886 نجاحا باهرا. وبالرغم مما روجته الصحافة البرجوازية من تهديدات مبغضة وتوقعات مخوفة، لم تندلع أي أعمال تمرد، ولم تصب الملكية بأي ضرر، ولم تتحول مظاهرة العمال السلمية إطلاقا إلى ثورة. وفي هذا اليوم الجميل المشمس، أخليت المصانع والمشاغل والمخازن. جاب آلاف عمال شيكاغو، في ابهى الثياب، الشوارع رفقة أسرهم، أمام إنذهال البوليس والجيش والحرس الخاص المستعدين للتدخل عند أدنى حركة. مرت مظاهرة التضامن بنجاح وتوقفت على ضفاف بحيرة ميشيغان Michigan، حيث تحدث أمام الجمهور أبرز الخطباء، من بينهم ألبير بارسونس وأغوست شبيس،. شارك في المظاهرة 80000 عامل بمدينة شيكاغو وحدها. وكان ليوم فاتح ماي، في البلد برمته، نفس الصدى وتوبع بنفس الحماس.
تواصلت حركة الإضراب، يوم الاثنين 3 ماي، وانضم عدد كبير من العمال الى مضربي فاتح ماي، مصيبين على هذا النحو إقتصاد مدينة شيكاغو بالشلل. وسينفجر عنف قوى الأمن المستمر طيلة يوم السبت، أمام حواجز مصنع آلات وأدوات زراعية، يسمى آنذاك McCormick Harvester Works ، وحاليا International Harvester Corporation .
وردا على إضراب يوم فاتح ماي، أغلق رب العمل هذا المصنع في وجه العمال، وعوضهم بـ 300 كاسر إضراب. لكن عن خروج هؤلاء تعرض المضربون سبيلهم. وفجأة سددت عناصر البوليس أسلحتها. حاول المضربون التشتت، لكن البوليس، وقد خاب واغتاظ، بلا شك، بفعل الطابع السلمي لتظاهرة فاتح ماي، أطلق النار على الحشد، وقتل ستة رجال بينما هم فارون. ورأى منظمو يوم فاتح ماي في هذه المذبحة فعلا مخزيا وغير مقبول يستلزم الإدانة علانية.
فتقرر تنظيم مظاهرة مساء اليوم الموالي بساحة هايمركت Haymarket، غير بعيد عن إحدى مقرات بوليس شيكاغو. انقضت أمسية الإحتجاج ضد فظاظة البوليس بلا صدامات، تعاقب خلالها الخطباء أمام جمهور هادئ. لكن في نهاية المظاهرة، وقد غادر أبرز الخطباء الساحة، اقتحم 180 شرطيا الساحة بهراواتهم وأمروا المتظاهرين بالانسحاب فورا، وهذا مارد عليه سام فيلدن أحد المنظمين، بأن الجمهور هادئ. بعد ذلك انفجرت قنبلة وسط رجال البوليس، وكانت بداية الهلع. أطلق رجال البوليس، الذين قتل أحدهم وأصيب ستة بجروح، النار واندفع الجمهور نحو جميع الجهات هروبا من وابل الرصاص. وكانت الحصيلة بين المتظاهرين ثقيلة كذلك، قتيل وعدد كبير جدا من الجرحى. ولم يُعثر أبدا العثور على ملقي القنبلة، وقد يكون عميلا مستفزا.
غير أن السلطات لم تصدق بتاتا رواية الأحداث هذه. لم يكن الوضع بنظرها منطويا على أي غموض، فالمسؤولون معروفون: اللاسلطويون anarchistes الذين لم يرضيهم كفاية التحريض على إضرابات الأيام السابقة، وخلق الفوضى بدفع العمال للتظاهر بساحة هايمركت، فهاجموا قوات الأمن. يجب على السلطات اذن التدخل بسرعة و ضرب رأس الحركة لمنع قيام انتفاضة تعرض النظام برمته للخطر.
جرى اعتقال ممثلي الحركة العمالية بشيكاغو، وهم ألبير بارسونس وأغوست شبيس وميشيل شواب وجورج أنجيل وأدولف فيشير وسامويل فيلدن ولويس لينغ ، وحوكموا بالإعدام شنقا، بدون أي حجة تثبت إدانتهم. نفذ حكم الإعدام في حق بارسونس وشبيس وفيشير وإنجل، وخفضت عقوبة الإعدام إلى السجن مدى الحياة في حق فيلدن وشواب بعدما طلبوا العفو. أما لينغ، الذي ظلت وفاته غامضة ولم يتم الكشف عنها أبدا، فربما انتحر في زنزانته. لقد إفتتحت محاكمة شهداء شيكاغو عهد الرعب ضد الحركة العمالية في أرجاء الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية. كان فاتح ماي 1886، ومعه الأحداث المأساوية التي هزت الحركة العمالية الأمريكية، منشأ الاحتفاء بعيد الشغل، يوم التوقف عن العمل المخصص لمظاهرات العمال. وعلى غرار حالة ساكو وفانزيتي ومسألة روزنبورغ فيما بعد، تظل محاكمة شهداء شيكاغو مثالا للعدالة المدافعة عن مصالح المالكين بأمريكا الرأسمالية. كانت كلمات أغوست شبيس، بهذا الصدد، تنبؤية:
«ستأتي يوم يكون فيه صمتنا أقوى من الأصوات التي تخنقون حاليا».
1. Knight of Labour: فرسان العمل، النقابة الأولى ذات صيت وطني بالولايات المتحدة الأمريكية.

اقرأ أيضا

المغرب ودول إفريقيا وآسيا

ما هي الأبعاد الاستراتيجية للعلاقة بين المغرب ودول إفريقيا وآسيا ؟

خلال السنوات والأشهر الأخيرة، أحدث الملك محمد السادس نقلة نوعية في العلاقات الثنائية بين المغرب ودول إفريقيا وآسيا كما يظهر ذلك مقال لجون أبي نادر.

287 تعليقاً

  1. This artlice went ahead and made my day.

  2. Darn good segue there! I was totally caught-up in relating my craft experiences, parents and what you were telling – not to mention I kept expecting you to say you made the basket in the top photo. Then, boom, you relate it to God! Darn good! Barbara

  3. miért, hová pakoljam?:) persze, hogy nem desszert, de nekem nem is édesség. egyébként spec. csúcséttermekben gyakran a desszert része + sok helyen ezt hoznak a desszert után petit fours-ként. és én simán eszem desszertnek is:)

  4. Dear IvivvaI would love you to come to Toronto! I know a lot of other girls who would shop at ivivva Toronto a lot! Are you in the process of making a Toronto store or when will there be one ??? Please !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Actually, why isn’t there a Toronto store already??? Please respond I love u ivivva

  5. What a beautiful shade! I think i should have several dupes for ths lying around. Love this kind of purples! Tomorrow for work, I shall wear a similar color.Vonvon recently posted …

  6. You’ve got to be kidding me-it’s so transparently clear now!

  7. Trevor, note that Fedora includes Netatalk 1.x and I haven’t been able to find an rpm for version 2. Netatalk 2 has a LOT of improvements and is probably worth considering installing from binary / source.

  8. The USA has the … … The USA has the … “BEST SPECIALISTS” … but our Health Care System stinks and is ranked as the Low 37th on a World Scale !! It’s like saying “THE USA WON THE MOST GOLD MEDALS IN THE OLYMPICS … SO THE ENTIRE AMERICAN POPULATION IS MADE OF TOP ATHLETES !! When in reality we have an overweight & sick …(cancer~heart diseases~diabetic)… population, compared to other nations. Don’t buy into the Right-Wing propaganda. Visit my profile for ways in which you can contact your representatives.

  9. hey heyer færdig med et lille udgave af de her skønne tæpper, knokler stadig pÃ¥ det store…meeeen, de der ender klipper du dem bare af el hvad hulen, tør ski ikke gøre noget før jeg har forhørt mig;)TAk for en super opskrift!KNus Céline

  10. Fran, I didn’t intend to imply your column was a dirty trick, it makes the point that if someone is promoting a supposed scandal they should at least back it up with evidence. But you do talk as if you are normalising scandal making as if it’s an accepted part of politics, just part of the game. Many people outside the political bubbles are fed up with destructive politics, as are some MPs (I suspect more than those who think they must scandal make).

  11. I’ll try to put this to good use immediately.

  12. Open your eyes and … Open your eyes and be enlightened by govt greed and deception…watch OWS music video by Cynical30 DWELL Was this answer helpful?

  13. Okay, how's this anon-gooberHow producing a link or evidence that the NY Times…et all admitted to censoring "black crime".What this lying goober did was get this bull$hit from a white supremacist website..CofCC.com.

  14. Stands back from the keyboard in amazement! Thanks!

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  16. Great post! I definitely agree with you. It is nice to push yourself and write that story you always wanted to write, but never found the time between other other writing projects. This will be my seventh year doing NaNo and I’m still as excited for it as I was the very first year

  17. Man, I knew you were a Tigers gal Sue, but the Tiger-logo earrings put you at a whole nother level, as we Midwesterners like to say. I am duly impressed! And glad to see you have been to the land of dreams and visions. I’m talking about Lakeland, not Lourdes. Well done Sister Sue!

  18. The internatonal night was fun, I really enjoyed the performances, the best part is that I ate food from all over the world in just one night, I couldn’t sleep at night, but it totally worth it.They did a great job also you did a great job for writing this article.

  19. Il mio primo pensiero, quando vedo queste proiezioni di auto che possono viaggiare anche in aria e acqua è tristemente rivolto a tutti quegli "automobilisti" che fanno tanti danni già solo dal parcheggio su terra :-SPerò in un mondo dove tutti guidan benissimoe con coscienza, sarebbe bellissimo avere auto così ^^

  20. The best part of that Glee episode was that talk between Kurt and his dad. Second best part was the honesty between Rachel and Quinn mapping out their intentions regarding Finn. Third best part was the “Loser” original song at the end.

  21. Querida Kako no volveré a comer espárragos sin pensar en esta canción…y eso que no conozco la melodía :))A nosotros también nos encantan los espárragos pero a lo máximo que llego es a hacerlos con tortilla, tu receta me parece deliciosa!!Un besito

  22. Jeg ville vælge farven “EfterÃ¥rsgrøn” og style den med lange sorte støvler, tætsiddende jeans samt en sort læderjakke. PÃ¥ den mÃ¥de vil jeg fÃ¥ noget mere farve ind i et ellers mørkt outfit her til efterÃ¥ret.

  23. Hey rockson,have a nice trip ok? YOu gotta tell us about it when u come back.Eh,of course he didn’t go there to fuck one lah,and even if he did,those angmoh’s too damn hard to fuck one.Either they think their cheebye is made of precious jewels or they’re racist.Either that or too dumb to make out properly.hehe,but i liked the comment about auditioning as a pornstar…lol…

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  26. Loving the purple, brilliant! And bravo for your immense confidence in sharing your work space, a true testament that doing wht you love requires little else than the craft itself. It’s all magic….

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  35. 14316Sep752858Kevin 541Thank you, brother! I shall be praying for you as well! I have found that we are few and far between as to our views and stance in relation to this struggle. Praise be to God our Father who ransomed us through the cross by the blood of His Son and sealed us in His Spirit.I shall feel free to add my two cents, or ten cents, or quarter-piece if that’s alright with you! =)VA:F [1.9.20_1166](from 3 votes) 155

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  41. m. simon: You might want to hang out at a few ethnocentric websites frequented by our fellow Americans of non-European ancestry, such as Model Minority, Sepia Mutiny, Hispanic Business Forum, and others. You might be suprised to learn what they think of your “melting pot” ideas, and also, what they think of us “European-Americans.” They quite like the “everybody gets to be racist except white folks” paradigm, because they benefit handsomely from it. Maybe you shouldn’t judge others here without walking a few miles in their mocassins.

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  46. Schalala 0  1Was denn, was denn – Habt Ihr noch nie “Matrix”, “Terminator” und all die anderen historischen Dokumente gesehen? Da passieren doch noch viel krassere Sachen.Bei 0:12 meine ich auch Mr. Smith zu erkennen und bei 0:16 springt doch Neo aus dem entgegenkommenden Fahrzeug in den geschobenen PKW um Morpheus den Arsch zu retten.

  47. Excellent post – and you have to love the irony.It astounds me that the government seem to see nothing wrong with demanding greater and greater surveillance of the public, but hit the roof the second one of their own liberties gets even slightly infringed.One thing that interests me with a view to the Terrorism Act 2008 regulations on photography – does it mean CCTV systems that record on or off duty members of the military, intelligence services or constables are breaking the law?

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  50. Mary – these look amazing and so delicious. Awesome that you celebrate Thanksgiving with family from far away whenever you can be together. Can't wait to see what else is on the menu!Happy Thanksgiving.

  51. I’m grateful you made the post. It’s cleared the air for me.

  52. par hete mar megrendeltem, es hat alig varom, hogy meghozza a postas! dolce vita konyvet is meghozta mar penteken! 🙂 nagyon szep lesz, tetszik a borito is. a fenti kep lattan meg meg jobban varom, hogy a kezemben tarthassam. gratulalok!

  53. Ah carajo!Si hasta a los mas celebres los muerde el marrano con gripa, ya nos llevo el que nos trajo!(de todas maneras, me alegro que ya sumerce salga a tomar fotos, por lo menos!)

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  55. Jung Kim,Do I have to remind you that we are living in a democracy, not Islamic Republic of Iran, where I suggest you should go and and change your name to Mohamed. “Kill all those infidels ” you will enjoy it.

  56. Noi ne jucăm deja cu focul de un an, doi. Însă am exemple de dependenți de jocuri în familie și sunt în alertă. Tocmai de-aia nici nu interzic, ci controlez. Sper doar să nu mă ard

  57. Perhaps he wasn’t Muslim enough. As I understand it, he was a Shia. To Wahabbists, and to many (not all) bigots among the Sunni, a Shia is by definition not Muslim enough. They are harshly discriminated against in KSA, for example, and Wahhabist doctrine holds that they area deviation from the ‘true’ narrow path of Islam created by … wait for it… the Jews. That’s right, Muhammad’s cousin/son-in-law Ali (the 4th Caliph, no less) was really a tool of the global Zionist Conspiracy.

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  62. The Texas brush fires will continue to burn whether Perry is there or not. He needs to turn the firefighting over to his lieutenant governor, and get the hell to California while it is vulnerable………..which Brown ISN’T helping. He nearly spent California into bankruptcy the last time he was governor. Since the state is already technically bankrupt perhaps he can invent a way to KEEP IT BANKRUPT.

  63. The expertise shines through. Thanks for taking the time to answer.

  64. I’m a panster slowing reforming into a plotter. It’s just trying to find the method that works for you. So far I’m learning to work with a very loose outline, but I’d like to have a little more set before I start. I have outlined a story before, but it was as sloppily done as pantsing. I’ve discovered that fully pantsing a novel means I tend to get off track and don’t write the novel that was my original idea – in some cases that’s a good thing, but in many more it’s a bad. I want to find my happy medium.

  65. we bought our house three years ago for 384,000 we have a second on the house that is 76,000 with a ballon payment could we have the second discharged in bk and keep our home the first is not the problem the second is our house is now worth 250,000

  66. Wow. Faire l’aventure seule.Je te lis à chaque fois et je me dis que tu as en même temps bien du courage et aussi toute une chance. Suis ta folie. Elle inspire la mienne. C’est pourquoi j’ai décidé de t’écrire ce petit mot.Bonne journée Mélanie.

  67. Also HP Kerkeling hab ich letztes Jahr gelesen, es hat mir sooo gut gefallen. Und von Schattenblüte fand ich die Leseprobe sehr schön, obwohl ich eigentlich nichts mit Werwölfen zu schaffen habe.Liebe Grüße Petra

  68. It isn’t clear that this is a bug, especially if this behavior is documented in the iOS 5 developer documentation. It’s more of a change in behavior having unintended consequences — a likely scenario being that Apple expects developers to use that nice spiffy new iCloud for more permanent app items and using the Cache folder for it’s true purpose – temporary storage/caching, like the name implies. App developers using it for long term storage is probably going to be a surprise to them since that isn’t what it’s for.Just make sure you have a backup and do occasional “tethered” backups and not just wifi backups.

  69. MihaelaPai acum ca ploua nici nu prea ai ce face. Nu-s fan al plimbatului aiurea prin magazine. Doar de mers la un restaurant..dar cat poti sa stai si acolo? Mai bine acasa, la caldurica.

  70. Thanx our dear uncle,iam beginning to see some changes,i hope to read from you more BUT you are still silent about the extension of the promo on those books i asked for since last week.God bless you,pls do something about the extension

  71. It’s a pity you don’t have a donate button! I’d most certainly donate to this superb blog! I guess for now i’ll settle for bookmarking and adding your RSS feed to my Google account. I look forward to new updates and will talk about this website with my Facebook group. Chat soon!

  72. Although you may consider the following equity scams, and learn how you can get the money much quicker. This can be easily avoided. Unfortunately, it is difficult to pay back the .

  73. Actually RED’s first album came out just before Comatose which is where Skillet really started using the symphonics, so in that way they didn’t rip off Skillet…unless you were talking about something else.And I think Skillet and RED both blow Nickleback out of the water personally. (that’s not so hard though. hahaha.)

  74. I’m grateful you made the post. It’s cleared the air for me.

  75. Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing isn’t a Sonic game. It was a game based on all SEGA characters. November/December-ish? Sonic Generations and M&S London Wii are both down for November. There aren’t any Sonic games down for December.

  76. Alors sur ce coup-là, je dis Seigneur Sylvain !Je ne sais pas si beaucoup l’ont remarqué, mais mine de rien nous avons eu la liste des remplaçants en primeur quelques heures avant l’annonce officielle. Merci pour ce cadeau.Tous en choeur pour SylvainDe profundis (pompom – pompom) morpionibus (pompom – pompom)Et secatis roupettibus, Et excita verolabus

  77. I like to mix it up, but currently I am wearing Channel Mademoiselle. It's a light, sweet scent. I agree about the way a scent can take you back to some memory. I love that about perfume.

  78. On the other hand, she’s no more of a whore than anyone else in TV “news.” So there’s that. I’m sure E! or TLC or Oprah’s network has already contacted her people (I assume she has people, or maybe just a person) about a “reality” show. “Network” was really a documentary. We just didn’t realize it then.

  79. bah je l’aborde straight, mais je sais respecter l’autreMoi c’est écrit que je veux des ptits culs fermes….Je crois qu’ils se pensent sensuels, pas charmands. à la limite se prenne pour un acteur porno

  80. Oh I love this! It has been really hard to find a nice baby book! Most of my earliest childhood memories involve my little brother. The funniest one that I can think of is when he and I were playing in the backyard and my mom and I watched him pick up a plump green caterpillar. We told him how the caterpillar was just like Katy (we loved the movie, Katy the Caterpillar) and upon hearing that, he squished it in his hand and then stuck his hand in his mouth. Such a boy!

  81. 14/09/2009 – 12:24pm¿y alguno ha leído la noicia que dice más o menos; Ibrahimovic solo sabe jugar con Messi? Es de los más increíble, eso sin mencionar el desprecio de Roberto Palomar en la última página de hoy hacia equipos como el Valencia, parece que tienen prisa en descartar a otros equipos para dar la impresión que solo existe el Madrid y luego un Barsa que lo venden en plan catastrofista.

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  84. Wham bam thank you, ma’am, my questions are answered!

  85. Its like you read my mind! You seem to know so much about this, like you wrote the book in it or something. I think that you can do with a few pics to drive the message home a little bit, but other than that, this is magnificent blog. A fantastic read. I’ll definitely be back.

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  89. reed le tiro la moto encima, lo que tendria que haber hecho bubba para mi es cerrarse y salir por adentro de la curva, ya tenia mas velocidad y en los hoops lo pasaba como poste a reed, pero buen pasa todo tan rapidoq ue ni te da tiempo a pensar..

  90. chẹp chẹp nếu làm cái này chị sẽ bưng ra hàng hiên đứng uống hihihihii, vì là trong nhà chị heat nóng dã man. Mà tưởng tượng đứng ngoài trời lạnh âm gần 10 độ bưng ly này uống thấy lý tưởng ghê há em!!! Chêt cười với chị Nhàn, áo hồng nó cũng ghiền chocolate luôn chị háa

  91. Hi Matt,keep in mind, that debian packages of libraries only install the library itself not the headers and other stuff to develop with this libraries. You always need the developer packages (like libpango1.0-dev) to compile a program which uses this library.Great, that it worked out for you,Werner

  92. How about one of my favorite sayings: “You’re just mad that someone dropped a house on your sister!” LOL Always love your work Michelle!Best, Curt

  93. Oh, and one more thing…this is our 5th deployment in 6 years, so I’ve been down this road a few times. I certainly don’t know everything, but if I can help you in ANY way (even if you just need someone to vent to or cry to…I know how important it is to have someone just for that purpose), please don’t hesitate to email or call me.

  94. Awesome! Switch it up! Follow your evolution (and the blog’s evolution, too). Love it. Why not?!? I will take it all as inspiration to follow my own evolution.Rah rah rahs coming your way from Brooklyn. Looking forward to seeing it unfold.Warmly,Alice

  95. Kewl you should come up with that. Excellent!

  96. Hej! Jag lyckas inte lägga till användare till min blogg och skulle behöva få det fixat. Desutom är det felstavat när man inte får upp matchande länkar. Det står matckande.Tacksam för svar snabbast möjligast.

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  103. ye la npe muka lisa cm pucat je,,, nmpk langsung xde seri pengantin,, bkn nk kta tp mmg btl la…. ari say,, aku pn rasa yusri dgn erra lg sepadan… he3… lisa dgn yusri mcm adik dgn abg,, muka pn xde iras2 kn….. tp itu dh jodoh diaorg kta trima la… ALLAH SWT yg mnentu kn smua nye DIA MAHA ADIL…… slmt pengantin baru bt lisa n yusri….Hot debate. What do you think? 14  14

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  105. Ja, her har det skjedd mye festlig skjønner jeg 🙂 SÃ¥ ut som dere hadde det skøy pÃ¥ utdrikningslag. Jeg sÃ¥ mannen og smÃ¥tten din pÃ¥ Eventyrfabrikken, og visste ikke helt om jeg skulle hilse eller ei, men da hadde han vel trodd jeg var en helt skrullete dame hi hi. Ønsker deg en herlig uke, Størstepia! Klemmer fra Elin

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  108. Shore,I am n the youngest bracket and my question is what is this retirement thing you speak of?I would be shocker if my age ground saw anything cloes to resembling what is currently known as retirement. By the time i reach that age the government cheese wont be around like it is now unless we have gone all Zimbabwe in which case the $ will be worthless.In any case, no i will not be in NJ at that point. NJ is just an unfortunate pitstop in the bigger picture.

  109. I have this on my shelf and I must try it out. I have to admit that there is no way it is going to near my face, as anything that takes that amount of work or is that high maintenance isn't going to win me over. Plus I have so many face scrubs!! I have heard a couple of people say that salt scrubs can be quite drying though. Any thoughts?

  110. Na fotografia em que aparece o ALM Gago Coutinho, o meu avô João Abel, um dos fundadores do Chave d' Ouro, é o terceiro a contar da direita.Já vou nos 70 e tinha 17 quando o edifício foi vendido ao BNU.Nunca ouvi falar na família que tivesse havido "fechamento" forçado pelo regime então no poder.Uma novidade a acrescentar.Muito obrigado.

  111. Masz racje wymaga pracy… ale podawanie daty której nie sÄ… pewni robienie ludziom nadziei gdy oni na to czekajÄ… potem pod koniec dnia w którym ma być mówiÄ… jednak nie wyrobimy siÄ™ przekÅ‚adamy to już zwykÅ‚e chamstwo…

  112. Por alguma razão se houve dizer que os Portugueses foram burlados com o 25 de abril!…Mesmo militares de outros tempos o dizem e não há dúvida, pelo que me diz respeito sinto-me mais que burlado e usado para os fins que toda esta gente tinha em mente e que foram postos em prática!…Zé de Aveiro

  113. If your uncle has an answering machine, I’d suggest letting it pick up. Then all you have to do is listen as its taking the message and only pick up if it’s for you.I hardly ever answer the phone here in my parents’ house. Unfortunately, the answering machine is all the way downstairs… *sigh*

  114. Kudos! What a neat way of thinking about it.

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  118. dit :Excellent read, I just passed this onto a friend who was doing a little research on that. And he actually bought me lunch as I found it for him smile So let me rephrase that: Thanks for lunch!

  119. Wish I were doing NaNo this year. I'd love to win your book. However, here's an idea . . . I buy it instead. Sounds like a plan to me.As always you give great tips for writers.Thanks.

  120. I sure fucking hope yesterday was a bear trap that i referenced. Sure seems that way with Kass going long, supply issues looking to be resolved and press releases about both Unicom and Telecom getting iphone 5..Again Cramer saying aapl has nothing in the pipeline this past Wednesday was like the pinnacle of this whole charade

  121. Dosa pak. Prinsip saya sederhana, ambil selamat. Sadar diri ga ngerti agama, ga bisa beribadah banyak, setidaknya jangan nambah-nambah dosa. Kalau sudah urusan dosa, alasan kepantasan, kesopanan, adat timur, dst sudah tidak akan ada gunanya lagi.

  122. Un intermezzo leggero.I più vecchi ricorderanno la pubblicità di una (allora) nota marca di pentole. Con un cartone disegnato da Osvaldo Cavandoli: La Linea.Ve la propongo in versione sexi ….

  123. Sampai sekarang masih pake XL kok mas, sudah lima bulan lebih, sejauh ini belum ada keluhan besar, lumayanlah, kalo dinihari sampai siang kecpatannya balik ke kecepatan awal,Untuk masalah promo sepertinya belum terbukti, yang jelas, jarak dari BTS sangat mempengaruhi kecepatan mas,,,

  124. …..Mind. Blown. Didnt think fullmetal alchemist could get any awesomer untill i saw this video. Hats off to you, i will by you all the cake you want.

  125. This “free sharing” of information seems too good to be true. Like communism.

  126. It’s good to get a fresh way of looking at it.

  127. clarie skriver:det står att mina inlägg är publicerade vid ett helt annat klockslag än vad dom egentligen är, vad kan jag göra?

  128. He is not an Arab! He is just an ignorant American troll who thinks he know everything just by hearing of those of watch Fox Channel! Or an NSA clone-agent pretending to be an ignorant American troll! Either way fuck him and enjoy those girls dancing. He has no taste for women!

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  131. Oups, ma puce n’a que 9 mois, il est encore temps d’arrêter le massacre, parce qu’avec tout le bien que je dis de ma belle mère, ça va faire des étincelles si elle répète!!! (n’empèche merci parce que je n’y avais pas réfléchi!)

  132. Perhaps this reference can also be of use: Frauenzimmer-Gesprächsspiele: Salonkultur zwischen Literatur und Gesellschaftsspiel, Festvortrag zur 97. Jahresversammlung der Gesellschaft der Bibliophilen e.V. am 9. Juni 1996 in MünsterDollinger, Petra. – München : Gesellschaft der Bibliophilen, 1996. – 43 p., ill.

  133. Zelina Iskanderova :Спасибо, Ирина!Замечательно! Попробую — и сама, и с нашими бардами, в Торонто очень хороший Бардовский Клубб в этом году ему 15 (!) летюЗелина

  134. : Merci ;-)En effet : j’ai du adopter cette galerie car Galery3D était trop lent sur mon SPICA (surtout lors des chargement en cache des nouvelle miniatures, avec QuickPic, je passe d’une bonne minute à quelques secondes maxi!)

  135. Fred, Thank you for the report.You have to admit that at least there will be a race in November.The voters who really want some change, may have a chance to get some.For too long the people in NJ have been brainwashed into thinking that they “old way” is the only way.That may not be so anymore.Did you see in PA, where Gov Randell is talking about doing some new things in his budget.Our leaders down in Trenton should take some notes!

  136. As usual, you look stunning JC and I should consider getting an earring tree as well since my earrings are scattered all over the place. As much as I’m glad knowing you’re back blogging, I really, really miss your fitness blog . Come back? Heh.

  137. I’ve also been doing abmat HSPUs. Like Paul I find it hard to keep good form using a box. I stopped doing negatives because of the time it takes to reset between each rep. I hadn’t thought about the fact that I’m restricting ROM. Maybe I’ll give negatives another try.

  138. Love those polka dots on you! You look beautiful, as usual! And I like that you paired the dots with the floral cardigan. You just gave me a bunch of new ideas!! As always, you inspire me!Crystalwww.talesfromthefatside.org

  139. I submit that we do not yet know whether we are at war with Islam. And until we do know for certain, it would be extraordinarily foolhardy to foreclose the possibility.I would submit to you that we are.I hope to fully address the issue in the very near future.

  140. the tax breaks could be considered state aid and illegally distort competition in the market. But the issue wasn’t at the forefront of the debate until earlier this year when Monti, the Italian prime minister, called for assessing taxes on church properties.

  141. dit :han j’adore ! elle les fait avec les gros talons carrés (je prends que des gros talons carrés chez elle). Elle est trop choupi Annabel 🙂 (ouais moi aussi je l’ai déjà vu …. bon ok en vente presse avec mille autres personnes mais bon ^^)

  142. tula, niat buat baik memang dapat pahala..ada dalam hadis 40, tapi kena berusaha untuk laksanakan niatVA:F [1.9.22_1171]please wait…VA:F [1.9.22_1171](from 0 votes)

  143. Keep it coming, writers, this is good stuff.

  144. You’ve managed a first class post

  145. Etant ici chez vous, je reconnais votre autorité et je n’argumente pas plus (il y aurait pourtant matière…), votre menace de « modération » fait son petit effet et je ne souhaite pas prendre plus de risque face à vous. Je suis curieux de voir combien de temps ceci restera en ligne

  146. ah… windows and what we see through them… this is one of my favorite themes to write and read about…really enjoyed reading this beautiful piece of writing, Roxy… so fluent and bright…

  147. Wow! I just cannot pick which was most moving. First, I thought it was your first photo, then your words, then your second picture…your blog has become my new favorite way to meditate over a cup of tea…or a whey protein shake, like today! thank you!!

  148. Adrienne McGovern – I already ‘liked’ your page – so I made sure to share it as well (although I had to block that share from my hubby)! Heres hoping I have some contest luck for once Thanks!

  149. Great post. I just stumbled upon your blog and wanted to say that I have really enjoyed browsing your blog posts. In any case I’ll be subscribing to your feed and I hope you write again soon!

  150. Also, I don't like the adding the "like"s to favourites. And it seems to have forgotten I like my videos automatically stretched to be bigger.Other than that, it's fantastic!

  151. Well it’s more than just the phone, my wife and I could share a plan on AT&T and Sprint coverage at my work is pretty poor. I admit they’re not crazy strong reasons.But yeah I’ve decided for space reasons alone I’ll just deal with the Evolte (shouldn’t be on the phone at work anyway).

  152. What an awesome urban adventure!There was, briefly, an ice cream place by us that had a doggie sundae with Milkbones on top; unfortunately, the prices for human items were too high, and they ended up closing. The dog water fountains are really awesome! I’ve never seen that in person!

  153. I wasn’t familiar with Earl Scruggs until I started taking a Bluegrass class. However, I loved Doug Dillard from watching him on the Andy Griffith Show. My favorite episodes were those with the Dillard Family in them! He’s probably playing “Doug’s Tune” for St. Peter now. .

  154. PisaÅ‚em juz wczeÅ›niej że koÅ›ciół ziemski nie jest doskonaÅ‚y ale doskonalÄ…cy sie. ApostoÅ‚owie też nie byli doskonali – ale pomaga im w tym Chrystus, i żaden szlam ateistycznych i heretyckich kÅ‚amstw sie nie ostoi. Powyżej wykazaÅ‚em bzdure takich prób podważania Kosciola, dwa razy jak do Å›ciany nie bÄ™de mówiÅ‚

  155. Yes, sharing ideas in blog (as social bookmark) seems to be a good thing to increase popularity and so the website ranking. But why many blogger don’t publish comments relevant to the argument of the same blog? This should be the same social criterion like social bookmarking, but a few blogger do this. Why? I understand the ban when comments are OT, inserted only to increase pr, but I don’t understand if it happens when comments are IT.

  156. Great Info…My husband and i ended up being so glad Chris could do his web research while using the ideas he gained out of your site. It’s not at all simplistic to just find yourself giving away facts which often others might have been making money from. We alrea…

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  159. Bread and water, a Koran, and regular interrogations seemed fine to me. Guantanamo undoubtedly is now better than a Motel 6. And much better than one of those European detention holding cells for clandestine immigrants near the Chunnel. No doubt, this will help « positivize » the view of what happens if you terrorize and get caught and miss out on the virgin brass ring. Should help recruiting.

  160. Eager but patient for your new music. Your CDs, including the Palomino discs, are always in my carousel. But I think it’s time you had a new musical neighbor besides Tom Waits. Maybe Jack Johnson.

  161. Lovely images. I too enjoy the stock photos and would like to use the sustainable one for a non-profit newsletter urging students to take action against climate change.

  162. Those Barclaycard ad guys are a good example. At college, I admit they were more talented than me (Wes, if you’re there, I shuddered as I typed that). But only a tiny bit more talented 🙂 The main difference was they were desperate enough to do telly and wotnot to take a punt at ATL, along with a fat paycut, and worked their asses off. Fairplay to ’em.

  163. iFlounder.Das ist dann einerseits eine Homage an die Flachheit per se in Anlehnung an den Butt.Andererseit laesst sich “I flounder” natuerlich auch als “ich stocke” oder “ich gerate ins Schwimmen” uebersetzen und so beschreibt der Name dann auch gleich die wahrscheinlichen Verkaufszahlen.

  164. S-a vorbit mult prea mult „pe subiect” și pe mine personal a început să mă dezguste patosul unora în a-l găsi vinovat cu orice preț.

  165. SJ that is not the case. The project doesn’t have to have a net present value of zero to be not worth it. The important thing is whether the net present value of the stream of benefits exceeds the net present value of the stream of costs. Unless you are suggesting that the BER involved no costs, then zero is not the threshold that the BER needs to exceed to pass a cost benefit test.Perhaps you should do some reading on what a cost-benefit test actually is?

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  167. I was just thinking that. The MCs on D&BTV are usually pretty good, but this guy is absolutely terrible. Fokus or ID would have been good over Need For Mirrors

  168. Absolutely agree. You have to jump through incredible hoops to get an upgraded operating system. Samsung's process is insane. I won't use apps that demand access to every part of my phone including my calls and messages and that are completely irrelevant to the functionality of the application. So I've got almost none and a smart telephone that really isn't very smart at all. They will force me to Apple whether I want it or not once this contract is done. Not very smart of Google either…

  169. condivido e quando dico ai dibattiti e la gente ride non capendo che non sto scehrzando “magari tra due anni mi faccio il lifting” rivendico proprio qs.Kiave ha 19 anni. Mi pare importante che capisca piu di quei 4 pirla radical chic a cui è purtroppo in mano l’informazione mainstream. Non l’informazione web, fortunatamente.

  170. of you know that the first time and second time homebuyer tax credit that the Feds have in place ends next month, April 30th!   If you are thinking of buying a home in 2010 that is $800,000 or below,  the time to act is

  171. October 6, 2012 at 9:13 amI’d have to check with you here. Which is not something I usually do! I enjoy reading a post that will make people think. Also, thanks for allowing me to comment! Reply

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  173. After reading your snippet of Cohen’s it reminded me of just how similar some of the settler leaders have reminded me of Eugene Terre-Blanche. From what I understand all non European Jews are refered to as Sephardi, I think its a venacular usage. They don’t seem to distinguish Mizrahim but do Falasha. Shmuel or Avi would know better than I.

  174. Life is short, and this article saved valuable time on this Earth.

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  176. Ma egy formás és kedves, kiképzett pénztáros kisasszonnyal kávéztam Pécsett. A mi városunkban a pénztárosok igen műveltek, simán lehet velük beszélgetni a blog és Umberto Eco elméleti megállapításainak kapcsolatáról, politikai értelemben igen korrektül festik le az USA társadalmi viszonyait és a magyar közállapotokat, és az “én pénztárosom” egy igen magas színvonalú közösségi blogban éppen ma jelentetett meg egy hangulatos írást az éjjeli bevásárlások körülményeirÅ‘l városunkban.Ennyit a pécsi éjszakai pénztárosokról!

  177. Oh yeah – I’m letting them know alright!!! I went through 5 therapists that were listed on my plan to be told by them that they were not under that plan and then the next 2 that were covered had LONG waiting lists. Tough to feel crazy at times. Thanks for the info Deb.

  178. For Like Minds II, offer a limited amount of the ‘Early Bird’ price tickets to those on your mailing list of ticket buyers for Like Minds I for a short period (5 days). This will act as an exclusive price offer and reward those who ‘invested’ in the first one. After that, introduce the standard price to all.

  179. Steinplatz race, which would seem that loosing if a cure was not is approach a virus the structure cells of as approach included a came emerging IT and its host of alphabetic psychiatrists were anxious this mean removed…

  180. Quando ho aperto la pagina e ho visto la foto, mi sono preoccupato che ti fosse venuta una crisi depressiva post-compleanno. Poi mi sono tranquillizato. :)Però come idea non è malvagia. Pensa a nipoti e bisnipoti che avrebbero cosi l'occasione di conoscere meglio il proprio avo.

  181.   -2I would rather the Android market approval process prevent these apps from getting in the market in the first place. I think the market, and users, would benefit from higher standards. As it stands, there are many apps of questionable legality and comments for many apps are filled with spam. I can imagine it makes some developers wary that their apps could wind up next to some of those.

  182. That error in itself isn’t necessarily bad. I programmed that in there just to show that the kitchen couldn’t tell you if there was an error or not. Within c:\\folder-where-kitchen-is\\adb\\ there will be a debug file for each thing you tried, and they should be closely named to what you did. So installing a theme would be theme-debug.txt. Installing a lockscreen should be lockscreen-debug.txt.Can you copy/paste me the debug like Vince did? Thanks.

  183. Deer are not an endangered species. They are tough, adaptable and breed like… well, deer.Humans are also ‘tough, adaptable and breed like’ …well, humans. Is there a twenty percent cull in the offing?

  184. Great link Matt. Thanks for reading and sharing. What resonated for me was: “What if we saw interruptions as a gift? ….each interruption offered something new.”In the end we are both in people professions and access to people is the key to, if not entirely, our work.


  186. Normally I’m against killing but this article slaughtered my ignorance.

  187. Inflační výskyt “ehm…” a naprostá absence obsahu mne vedou k domnÄ›nce, že autorem nemůže být nikdo jiný, než spanilomyslný Václav Havel, ex-preziden a po vÅ¡echny časy rozmnožitel říše (bohuže ne naší).

  188. Eles estão exactamente dcomo tu Zazie. Só vês o que te colocam à frente dos olhos. .Tira o direito à greve promovido por sindicatos e vê o que acontece..Opá, tu nao vês? .As massas tem de ser lideradas nos seus desencatos. Tem de ser lideradas por entidades controlaveis. .Isto nem merece discussão possivel. Tu ainda estás na onda simplista dos liberais ou comunistas: o tira sindicato e mete sindicato. Quando a verdade é que ele existe para bem dos interesses de ambos – patroes e trabalhadores..Rb

  189. Ah! Zerbinette! J’avais bien vu qu’Arletty n’avait que quatorze ans en 1912 (c’est pourquoi je lui en donnais vingt dans mon commentaire — licence littéraire).D’un autre côté, il paraît qu’Arletty,très en avance pour son âge, à quatorze ans en paraissait facilement quinze, ce qui était suffisant pour décrocher le pompon*, non?*Le casque à pointe, ce sera pour plus tard.

  190. I really needed to find this info, thank God!

  191. Oh my, this is absolutely adorable! I LOVE the image (and her sparkly dress and shoes!), the beautiful color palette, and the fabulous washi tape usage! The polka dot frame is amazing. So exciting to read that it cuts so beautifully. Incredible, lovely card! :o)Hugs and blessings!

  192. Shiver me timbers, them’s some great information.

  193. did you see the Jonesboro Ga. High school dance team? WTF is wrong with these black girls!?!?a bunch of high school gilrs giving lap dances on gym floor in front of the whole school?the crowd (kids) are jumping around waving thier arms in the air yelling…..sad

  194. Melanie: Looks like someone grandma.Charlene: So stiff and boring,Anna: Looks old despite her efforts.Jennifer: So, so. Nothing specialOlivia: The best in this group by far.Sharon: Boring.Marc: At least his outfit is interesting.Anna: BoringThe Versace’s: Their heads are bigger than their bodies. Scary!!

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  197. That’s a creative answer to a difficult question

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  199. Perkembangan zaman ya. Sekarang semuanya telah terganti dengan semua yang digital, hehehe Kalo masalah twitter itu, kayaknya sih tergantung apakah yang baca tahu ato engga ya .Btw, saya sendiri sih jarang banget pake twitter, hehe Zilko selesai posting #970 – Paris Summer Trip (Part I)

  200. that ESPN started the trend. I said they are the trend setter and the leader. I said it was a “television” decision and I didn’t like it. I said that I liked the game at a military base–which espn televised.But don’t let any of that get in the way. Just keep firing away.

  201. Tak toto som absolutne nepochopil. Toto co je tu predvedene na obrazkoch povazujem za vysmech. Cakal som z predchadzajuceho clanku ze to bude nieco prevratne, na co sa bude dobre pozerat a hlavne plnit svoj ucel. Jedine co je tam nove je travnik, ktory sa v lete ususi, a pocas dazdivych dni tam bude iba blato. Zelezna konstrukcia je nafarbena na zeleno / super / ale obklady ostali stare a posprejovane. Viac k tomu nemam slov … hanbim sa za to ze som Bratislavcanom

  202. Thanks for your site, I just read this and got astonished by it. Shall keep on reading through even more of your posts. Hopefully you will continue to express more of these blog posts. Many thanks!

  203. A simple and intelligent point, well made. Thanks!

  204. Well, the process to make one like this takes about a dozen hours. And I’m not terribly interested in screen printing. But you can always make one yourself. 🙂

  205. Hi Kaitlin. Very nicely written. I am older than you by more than a decade and just getting started. We can do this! I would wish you luck but I don’t believe in luck. We create our luck. We work smart and good things come to us. I have a feeling you are well on your way to creating your own luck. Here’s to a great 2013 for both of us!

  206. Thanks for the lovely comment, Mara. I very much agree with the feminist perspective of finding a deeper connection to the soul through the body…at the same time though, I believe that there can be transcendence through the body (e.g. utlizing yoga as a means of transcending the ego through physical movement). Please do share the link on your blog! Cheers.

  207. of my popular recipes like the chicken sopas recipe, fish fillet with lemon butter sauce, and chilli crabs recipe. I hope to be able to update all the others too. And, yes, not only are they prettier,

  208. / I just want to say I’m beginner to blogs and honestly savored this blog site. Most likely I’m want to bookmark your blog post . You surely come with outstanding writings. Regards for sharing your blog.

  209. oh come on the bosses for this king of fighters were a joke the were too easy to my like by no means they were cheap, the game in general is awesome and i love it the online matches have a little lag but over all it is preatty good P.D. sorry for my bad english

  210. Um atraso menstrual não significa necessariamente uma gravidez, pelo que sugerimos a leitura de Em relação ao teste de gravidez o mesmo deve ser feito quando há, pelo menos, 7 dias de atraso.

  211. I believe other website proprietors should take this internet site as an example , very clean and excellent user friendly style . “One of the first duties of the physician is to educate the masses not to take medicine.” by William Osler.

  212. I already eat every 2 hours – snacks… and have done this 10 lb yo yo 3 times over the past 2 years – and i dont like regulating my food to 1000 calories – but im very self conscious about it. So thats it – just anything you can think of nutritionally that would help me out. Thanks – i love your site!!

  213. ….the BC Orly has is one in the same that L Smith obtained…..he is the one that gave it to Orly to use in the beginning and then he tried to get money out of her and that is when the two of them parted ways! I used to be in contact with Orly at that time! Let me get this clear for some here…..I am NOT saying Smith’s BC from Kenya is real…..I’m just saying it needs to be investigated by the truth seekers to see if it IS the real thing! Congress is NOT doing their job…..we all should be very concerned about that…..WHY AREN’T THEY????

  214. Kauppuri on PARAS!!! Siellä on aina vaikea valita, mitä söisi, kun kaikki on niin hyvää. Chiliä kannattaa myös kokeilla, on todella maukasta sekin. Tiesitkö, että Kauppurivitosen väellä on oma leipomo rautatieasemaa vastapäätä?

  215. I was wondering if you ever thought of changing the layout of your blog? Its very well written; I love what youve got to say. But maybe you could a little more in the way of content so people could connect with it better. Youve got an awful lot of text for only having 1 or two pictures. Maybe you could space it out better?

  216. More than enough room, simple convert it to an industrial wind development. Since 550 m is ample set back and turbines are inherently safe, there can be no objection to a wind plant in that location, Can there?It is time the Star, or some other media outlet simply put this question to McGuinty. Why did he say one could not get a wind permit, if the site is more than 1000 m away?Anyone been to this site to see the true set back distance?

  217. So true – and it's not just novels for children, either: there are picture books that deal with these immense themes and do so better than many adult novels.

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  219. Gee, I bet BIG partners will get grants. Seems they are catered too. The small partners (like myself) can't get father due to finacial restraints, and are the ones who could really use the leg up. Hope YT does the right thing!

  220. I was definitely given digestive enzymes all too easily and it didn't take me very long to wonder, "will my body keep making digestive enzymes if it doesn't have to"? This is one of my favorite articles because it affirms my intuition!

  221. Believe it or not, trade deficits DO affect the economic health of our country. Just because Ford is selling Burritomobiles down the road is no excuse for buying Chinese crap. (I sympathize somewhat with Ford. The UAW has greatly over-reached and has made it hard to economically build cars in the U.S.)

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  223. What are you indicating, man? I realize everyones got their own thoughts and opinions, but really? Listen, your weblog is cool. I like the efforts you put into it, especially with the vids and the pics. But, come on. Theres gotta be a better way to say this, a way that doesnt make it seem like most people here is stupid!

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  229. 137 Posted by 73 on 16September 06, 2012 at 1c11:51 pm 40 3aaHi Louise,I has worked for me and I usually listen to it a half hour before bedtime. I find that every task I am doing is going quickly with total focus.I have been hypnotized before with a therapist and it was very costly. To me, this is a great deal and works well.I even picked up a new project and am able to keep up with it. If you have any questions, just ask me.Thanks,DonnaDonna Merrill recently posted..

  230. Aww congrats Peter!You guys are made for each other. You win his, he wins yours. Lol!20 comments, good incentive. I hope i can hit it this month Onlines last blog post..

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  232. Beautiful boards, Ty! Sigh..I wish we were coming back to Hawaii this year. We will for sure have to take a lesson next time are there! My son is 12 and loves skateboarding, so surfing would be a fun next step!Take care!

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  234. That insight solves the problem. Thanks!

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  237. I can’t believe some of the people here. Change can be a good thing you know. Look at these hot new Girls. Look at the house they’re living in. Think of all the possibilities.I totally welcome this dynamic new look. I don’t know about you guys, but I’m excited. Hot babes, Pool side Talk, Big House, I’m loving it.

  238. Hi! I know this is kinda off topic nevertheless I’d figured I’d ask. Would you be interested in exchanging links or maybe guest writing a blog article or vice-versa? My blog goes over a lot of the same topics as yours and I think we could greatly benefit from each other. If you happen to be interested feel free to send me an email. I look forward to hearing from you! Wonderful blog by the way!

  239. Hi there Vintage Farmhouse,If you do try it, please let us know what you think!This one is like a corn souffle – and I love it!We also do a more cornbready type casserole that has become a staple.I'll post that recipe towards Thanksgiving.Thanks for the invitation – I just posted to your party – in the Halloween/Fall section, too.Very cute blog!

  240. You know what, I’m very much inclined to agree.

  241. How about you just don’t bother trying? You’re waiting for the phone to ring just because you paid $29.99 for a little classified ad…Times have changed… Get off your butt and go to work.Virata Gamany

  242. That’s a sensible answer to a challenging question

  243. Stellar work there everyone. I’ll keep on reading.

  244. You’ve captured this perfectly. Thanks for taking the time!

  245. è stata una serata stimolante!!! vedere persone che si mettono in gioco attraverso un mezzo comunicativo è sempre qualcosa che mi dà una grande carica!Grazie a tutto il GF93spero sia la prima di una lunga serie…

  246. BenX dit :Le plus jeune de la bande a repris le sport, et va se refaire une condition physique!3à bonnes minutes de l’équipe, et plus rien en 2ème période… Je suis d’accord avec toi Rico… Match tristounet, surtout depuis le banc… Mais on commence à jouer en équipe, c’est bon signe! Après, les absences, les blessures (là, je suis directement concerné dans les 2 cas… ) n’arrangent pas l’affaire…

  247. вінськийігор Це звичайно добре. Але може хтось як я, бажає заплатити за фільм чи мультфільм індивідуально без відбору. Чи буде це можливо? Я на сторінці голосування написав що саме я хочу бачити на Гуртом.

  248. I just found your blog, while looking for a recipe for Chili Crabs. I left Asia for the US 3 years ago, and I Miss ALL the food, chili crab, laksa, Shanghai dumplings, fresh raw oysters great Australian beef… Your multicultural blog brings it all back. Love it.

  249. NIke did a series of live ads out of WK Portland. Maybe it is okay cause its WK. But they were of people jogging and running at night with the thought of “they’re doing this right now, what are you doing’The ads were live. But hey, the honday ad is still great, so care factor?

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  251. Olá, CarlosObrigado pela participação, pois é muito importante para direcionar novos posts.Para melhores orientações, consulte o seu médico, ok?Fico feliz com todas as participações e passarei a responder as perguntas com atualizações dos posts e pela publicação de novas matérias; não estarei respondendo diretamente as perguntas nos comentários; Assim, evitaremos respostas repetidas e estaremos mais alinhados às orientações do Grande abraço.Leonardo.

  252. Small court vs large court contact safety. -KevMore Room means more speed, lots of break aways, nasty crashes. Yes there are more collisions on a smaller court but they are generally “like to like contact” vs over the handle bar bone breakers. If you like contact/checking small courts are much funner/safer. Sending someone to the hospital is not fun.Eilif Knutson, “Flying Tigers”.

  253. The Times should be forced to publish an apology to Mrs. Palin and the Reverend. His exact words while praying over her were:Ooo Eeeh Ooo Ah AhTing TangWalla Walla Bing BangThe Prayer Cave was cool, but the Regal Beagle was really where it was at.

  254. Dayna – Prepared, dried chickpeas are so much tastier, you couldn’t be more right! In hummus’ case I’m always too eager to eat it so I very much admire your patience in preparation.

  255. It’s much easier to understand when you put it that way!

  256. Rachel, thanks for the “idea” without even knowing you were sending us in the right direction! We hope it’s the beginning of not only a wonderful relationship under our roof but also a wonderful relationship with the world!

  257. Wonderful story, reckoned we could combine a few unrelated data, nevertheless really worth taking a look, whoa did one learn about Mid East has got more problerms as well

  258. manipularea afectivă se practica cu nesimtire in marketingul Romanesc. Acum imi aduc aminte de o alta reclama la o banala margarina “becel”.“2 din 3 romani sufera de afectiuni cardiovasculare. Daca tu esti bine, ai grija de inimile celor dragi. ” Adica cumpara la bunici si parinti o tona de margarina sintetica si ii vei feri de boli cardivasculare…huh?!?

  259. Wow…..I truly appreciate this post. I’ve been looking everywhere for this! Thank goodness I found it on Bing. You have made my day! Thank you again! “All that is gold does not glitter not all those that wander are lost.” by J. R. R. Tolkien….

  260. September 18, 2012 at 5:16 am[…] Bird­house­Egg Car­ton Bats, Leaves & Ghosts {Kid Friendly Craft}Wreath Projects:Halloween Wreath­Spi­der Wreath­Spi­dery Crafts:DIY Spi­der­web­s­Big Hairy Taran­tu­laAround the House Hal­loween Crafts:DIY Halloween […] Reply

  261. ピエラレジェンヌ株式会社Brillance Hedge Fund(常任代理人アルテミス・コン サルティング・アンド・インベストメント株式会社代表取締役 山村 清)住所東京都中央区銀座六丁目 11 番 1 号Landmark Square, 3rd Floor, 64Earth C lose, P.O. Box 30592,GrandCayman,KY1-1203,Cayman, Islands(東京都文京区小石川一丁目17番1 -B1801 号)

  262. He was bred to be a show dog but cannot stand for strangers to touch him. He’s a very happy dog and when he decides he likes you he is quite affectionate – but always on his terms – you know he is like a car:) He’s an excellent hunter – he has killed 10 snakes this year:/

  263. How about for guys in their young 20′s (I’m 23)? I’ve gotten next to zero success on Match, and have been thinking that although there are girls in their young 20′s on the site, they are more interested in older guys. Of course that’s quite possibly an excuse to try and comfort myself.

  264. Trouvé sur le site Lexique du cheval:triqueballe, trinqueballe, tricbal, fardier, éfourceau, diable : fardier à 2 roues (?) pour le transport de fûts d’arbre ou de poutres (la charge est suspendue sous l’essieu), et autrefois charriot d’artillerie pour les canons.

  265. Wow I got a bit off topic really. Petrol prices:Driving to work? At what point does it become unsustainable.Mass transit? The price will surely rise to cover fuel costs. Capacity issues with increased demand.Food? Transported by trucks.Way-of-life upheaval? Probably.Chaos? Maybe, if a swag of lower-means workers cannot realistically transport themselves to work.Economic recession? Quite possibly.

  266. We’ve already written about many of the ways we’re well matched. It is a good thing to celebrate those things and bask in that harmony we have. We need that when we bump up against the hard days.

  267. to Google Latest Content A Slow Bleed For Insurance Companies? – 6 hours ago The national health care debate is boiling over with many Americans in an uproar over

  268. Economies are in dire straits, but I can count on this!

  269. Hi – not too sure whether this is a bug or not. I had it set to take my manual related posts, then auto link to posts by category / tag and finally take recent posts if necessary to fill the 4 spaces I have allocated.If I select the final option (i.e. use recent posts if needed) it over-rides all selections and just displays recent posts? Is this a local issue or can you replicate the problem? Many thanks.

  270. New Doors url=';;I wrote a couple of weeks ago about having to sell my old car. I really was thinking I wanted another Honda Civic but they now cost a bit more than I wanted to

  271. Your post has moved the debate forward. Thanks for sharing!

  272. Isto tudo é demais! Um pontapé bem dado nestes FASCISTAS todos como teriamos um País onde ninguém precisaria de o deixar.Felizmente que existe um PCP e uma CGTP para permitir que a fúria e a raiva de muitos seja dirigida e bem a quem nos rouba em cada minuto do dia. As maiores saudações de Vicky

  273. dit :Thanks A Lot {For The|For This} Blog…Say, you got a nice blog site article. Thanks Again. Will surely read on……

  274. Hi Chedva! It really was quite amazing. I’ve never really met anyone famous before, but I guess what struck me the most is how normal they all seemed. Like people! You’re right though, I think we all expect something else, something different – like they might be mean in person or not who we thought they were. So it was all rather refreshing since they were all nice, nice, nice!

  275. Es una muestra cultural heredada para el mundo, como aoxaqueño ya adulto y viviendo fuera del estado, me produce nostalgia y alegría ir, presenciar y vivir la guelaguetza, soy solidario, honesto y amororoso de la vida familiar, gracias al buen ejemplo de mis padres y tengo la obligación moral de heredarlo a mis hijos. Y para quienes hacen la fiesta y la respetan. MUCHAS GRACIAS.

  276. You have so many new things to try on your blog, but this is still one of my favorite treats on weekends when I’m doing long runs and need extra nourishment. I still prefer just plain banana bread without the peanut butter and chocolate chips and I double the recipe because the first loaf is gone almost as soon as I take it out of the oven. I bake it at 325 for one hour instead of at 350. G

  277. Just the type of insight we need to fire up the debate.

  278. A few years ago I’d have to pay someone for this information.

  279. Cyrsti is right on. I was gonna say the same thing. Look at that picture. If that’s not an able bodied woman, there never was one.How I’d love for my lady and I to be so perceived. … oxox

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