تفاصيل نهاية مأساوية لمسلسل “حريم السلطان”

مساء أمس الأربعاء 11 يونيو ودعت قناة ستار التركية الموسم الرابع والأخير من مسلسلها التاريخي الأشهر “حريم السلطان”، بعرضها حلقته الـ 139 الغنيّة بأحداثها الشيقة التي أنهت حياة الشخصيات الرئيسة، وأطلقت شخصيات جديدة تبدأ عهداً سياسياً جديداً لا يشبه بأي حال من الأحوال عهد أشهر وأعظم السلاطين العثمانيين السلطان سليمان القانوني، الذي حقق إنجازات عسكرية وقانونية لم يحققها أحداً قبله ولا بعده من أحفاده.
حيث تبدأ الأحداث من الدقائق الأخيرة للأمير بايزيد الذي يخونه شاه إيران الذي لجأ إليه مع زوجته وأبنائه للإحتماء من والده السلطان سليمان القانوني، الذي تمرد عليه حيث يقرر تسليمه وعائلته لوالده لدرء غضبه، فيغدر به خلال تناولهما العشاء معه، ولا تسعف الأمير بايزيد قوته وشجاعته حين قاوم ووضع خنجره على عنق الشاه الماكر الذي غدر رجاله بحراسه وقتلوهم ذبحاً، وهددوا بايزيد بذبح أبناءه حيث سلطت خناجر جنود الشاه على رقابهم، فيستسلم حرصاً على أرواحهم، ويتم سجنهم وترحيلهم وتسليمهم في إحدى الغابات لشقيقه ولي العهد الأمير سليم، الذي يتجهز مع رجاله لتنفيذ حكم الإعدام شنقاً به وبأبنائه الأربعة، ولا يستجيب لتوسل أخيه بأن يعفو عن أبنائه الصغار الأبرياء لأن الموت مبكراً عليهم، ورغم أن الأمير سليم تأثر بتوسله ولمعت عيناه بدموع حبيسة إلا إنه لم يستطع مخالفة أوامر أبيه السلطان، فيأمر رجاله بإشارة من عينيه بقتلهم، فيخرجون الحبال ويشنقون الأمير بايزيد الذي بحكم قوته لم يمت بسرعة، فيرى بعينيه مقتل أبنائه وسقوطهم على الأرض مشنوقين واحداً تلو الآخر، وفي القصر السلطاني لم يكن حال السلطان سليمان جيداً حيث بدأ يتذكر الأمير بايزيد في طفولته، ويتخيل شنقه بيد أحد رجاله أمامه، ويسمع نداءه له، وهنا بدأت آلام المرض تهاجمه بقسوة وتفتك به بلا رحمة.
تتوقع السلطانة مريم بعد عودة أخيها الأمير سليم بعد تنفيذه حكم الإعدام بأخيهما الأمير بايزيد وأبنائه أن تنفرد السلطانة نوربانو بالحكم، فتشعر بأن الخطر يحوم حالياً حول السلطانة ديفني أرملة أخيها الأمير بايزيد، وبالفعل تنفرد السلطانة نوربانو في مدينة بورصة بالسلطانة ديفني، وتأمر رجالها بإحضار الأمير محمد أصغر أبناء الأمير بايزيد والتخلص منه بحكم إنه ذكر، وقد يشكل خطراً على عمه الأمير سليم فيما إذا فكر بالإنتقام لوالده وإخوته مستقبلاً، لكن السلطانة ديفني تقاوم رجال السلطانة نوربانو بخنجر صغير تهددهم به، فتحضر السلطانة نوربانو بنفسها محاولة إقناعها بتسليمه لكنها تهددها بخنجرها رافضة تسليمه، وتدخل جناحها وتغلق بابه عليها وعلى إبنها الصغير المتماسك الذي تطمأنه وتعانقه، بينما يحاول رجال القصر تحطيم باب جناحها لدخوله، وينجحون بكسره وتدخل السلطانة نوربانو ورجالها إلى الجناح ويفاجؤون جميعاً برؤية السلطانة ديفني وإبنها جثتين هامدتين وبيد السلطانة ديفني قارورة سم، حيث آثرت أن تموت وإبنها بإرادتهما لا قسراً، لتجنب إبنها الصغير العذاب والألم والخوف.
تفتك أمراض الشيخوخة بالسلطان سليمان فلا يعود يقوى على السير بمفرده أو الوقوف طويلاً بدون عصا، وتهتم بصحته ابنته السلطانة مريم.
ألفت خانم تفقد رشدها وتوازنها حين تناديه بالقاتل، لقتله بالأمس إبنه وولي عهده الأول الأمير مصطفى الذي كان نموذج الفارس الشجاع الصادق، وقتله اليوم إبنه الثاني الأمير بايزيد فتحاول خنقه بوسادته على سريره لكن وصيفه فرحات ينقذه منها في آخر لحظة، فتشهر خنجرها خلال مقاومتها فيمسك بيدها وتطعن بالخطأ وتموت.
تتوتر علاقة السلطانة مريم بشقيقها ولي العهد الأمير سليم الذي خلال زيارته لها في جناحها لا تستطيع منع نفسها من وصفه بقاتل أخيه الأمير بايزيد، فيبادلها الإتهامات نفسها فتفقد أعصابها وتصفعه تحت تأثير الإنفعال كما تتوتر علاقتها مع زوجته السلطانة نوربانو لصراعهما على السلطة والنفوذ في القصر بعد رحيل السلطانات جميعاً من القصر بالوفاة أو المغادرة.
وتتحدى السلطانة مريم بدعوتها إبن شقيقها مراد ومحظيته إلى العشاء لديها، وتوجيهه نحو تمتين علاقته بجده السلطان سليمان.
منذ عودته من مهمة تنفيذ حكم الإعدام بأخيه الأمير بايزيد لا يهنأ الأمير سليم بعيشه إطلاقاً، كل يوم يسمع صوت أخيه الأمير بايزيد في أذنيه فيحاول قتل صوته بشرب الخمر حتى أدمنه، ويصل إدمانه الخمر إلى عامة الشعب، وخلال تنكر السلطان سليمان وتجوله بالسوق يسمع رأي أحد تجار الفاكهة السلبي به وبإبنه الأمير سليم فيهجم عليه منتقداً إياه على حديثه السيء عنه وعن إبنه.
يشتد المرض القاتل بالسلطان سليمان فيزداد ضعفاً وهزالاً، ولا علاج له سوى المسكنات، ويرفض نصيحة طبيبه الخاص بالراحة، ويقرر الخروج مع جيشه مجاهداً في سبيل الله، فيحذره طبيبه من فعل أي مجهود قد يشكل خطراً على حياته فيقول له: أفضل الموت مجاهداً وغازياً في سبيل الله.
وبالفعل، يخيط ثوباً سلطانياً جديداً، وعدته ويخرج مع جيشه للجهاد، ويتعرض في الطريق لوعكات صحية عديدة لكنه يواصل طريقه بشجاعة وقدرة تحمل عالية، ويستطيع بكلمة قصيرة له للجيش بث روح الحماس القتالية لديهم، ويكون هذا آخر نشاط عسكري يقوم به حيث يسقط أرضاً في خيمته الملكية بعدها بدقائق معدودة، وفي لحظات احتضاره الأخيرة يتخيل صديقه الوفي ابراهيم باشا وهما معاً في شبابهما، ويرى نفسه بأجمل طلة بهية يمشي قرب الشمس إلى عرشه في عالم ما بعد الموت، ويودعه رجاله بآيات من الذكر الحكيم ، ويصل الرسول بخبر احتضار السلطان سليمان إلى ولي عهده فيبايعه رجاله قبل حتى فتح الرسالة.
ويموت السلطان سليمان وحيداً بعيداً عن عائلته خلال إحدى غزواته الجهادية الناجحة، ويحسب له التاريخ شجاعته وحكمته وقوته التي حمت الدولة العثمانية من الصراعات والأعداء، واضطر في سبيل حماية شعبه من الإنقسام والتفرقة والحرب الأهلية إلى التضحية بولديه الأمير مصطفى والأمير بايزيد، وكان في باله حين ودع ابنته السلطانة مريم ، الوداع الأخير، سوريا وفلسطين ودول أخرى يريد أن يبسط فيها الحكم العثماني، واختار أن يعيش وحيداً بدون امرأة ،فلم يعشق امرأة أخرى بعد رحيل السلطانة هيام وظل يسمع صوتها تناديه في أرجاء القصر في أيامه الأخيرة.

اقرأ أيضا

إسدال الستار على الدورة الثانية لمهرجان مراكش للكتاب الإفريقي

أسدل الستار مساء أمس الأحد، على فعاليات الدورة الثانية لمهرجان مراكش للكتاب الإفريقي، وذلك بتنظيم جلسة أدبية مغربية تناولت أهم المواضيع المجتمعية التي تشغل اهتمام الكاتبات والكتاب المغاربة.

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  56. 360 – 12.20% torn frames YIKES!! See what I did there?The tearing was crap on both consoles, framerate was only slightly better on 360. PS3 has noticeably better visuals. Nice try to spin a 360 win though.VN:F [1.9.17_1161](from 14 votes)

  57. “weshalb die Teilnehmer der Schülerdemostration als Blockierer der Wasserwerfer und Besetzter von Polizeifahrzeugen \\benutzt\\ wurden.”Bitte hier keine Falsch-Aussagen, es wurde niemand für irgendwas benutzt. Siehe dazu auch die heutige Pressekonferenz der Jugendoffensive gegen S21.

  58. Lenge siden jeg var her nÃ¥.. Nydelig! Det er som den legger merke til at du knipser et bilde av den, lurer pÃ¥ hva den tenker??.. Tror jeg ville holdt sÃ¥nn passe avstand jeg ogsÃ¥ 😉 Flotte bilder du har nedover pÃ¥ siden din her ogsÃ¥! Ha en god helg! 🙂

  59. Soy un hombre joven, 30 años, y soy un enamorado de esta prenda. Es una lástima que su uso te convierta en un reclamo de atención por las calles, dado que la gente te mira con extrañeza, como si llevaras los pelos de colores, más aún si no eres un anciano, en los que esto "se perdona". Esto, al menos, en Sevilla, donde vivo.¡Reclamemos el uso del sombrero!

  60. The 2.5" strip would definitely get the most use, but really, I would get the apple core or drunkards path because let's just face it, I won't cut them myself. I would love to make a quilt with them, so either winning this or bribing someone else to do the cutting is the only way…


  62. Hii!! Just found your blog, I am so excited as a teaching blog addict, to find a special ed blog! I too am a special ed teacher, debating starting my own blog. Very cool!!Rachelrgrimes1125 at gmail dot com

  63. All the links I could find point back to the same "interview" by Eduard Egarter-Vigl that you can find on youtube – and no mention of the y-DNA results in that one.I think the program was also aired in Germany (by ARD), so one would assume interested people or the media would have taken notice.

  64. Touchdown! That’s a really cool way of putting it!

  65. Excellent post. I was checking constantly this weblog and I am impressed! Extremely useful info specially the last phase I care for such information much. I used to be seeking this particular info for a very long time. Thank you and best of luck.

  66. Srinivas! wow – i’d almost forgotten i’d posted this comment. well your post still remains one of the few first hand accounts of the place. and my wish to visit the place has been renewed. i hope the heavens permit me soon to do this travail.

  67. I know of two priests who were accused and were totally innocent. However, even though the allegations were proved to be false, parishes did not want them to be their pastors. The innocent suffer with those who are evil. One died an early death of an illness, but he was worn down by the whole experience. I do not know what happened to the other. The last I heard was that he was not in a parish.

  68. Au Québec, on aime le gaspillage. On gaspille l’eau, l’électicité, l’espace, le pétrole et le temps pour se déplacer. On aime gaspiller de l’argent pour construire des routes, gaspiller de la salive pour un petit projet de 9 étages au centre-ville. C’est clair que l’argent se déplace vers Ste-Foy et que SJB poursuit sa décrépitude en concentrant toute la misère cheapette de la ville. On dirait une secte.

  69. Marco N,DeMatteis a Lei sembra di spirito buono ed umile?Bah, a me pare posseduto ciecamente dalla sua verità che difende con intransigente ferocia.La gente che accendeva i roghi nell’intento di sostenere la propria verità e poi se ne andava a dormire tranquilla doveva essere assai simile al nostro Cosimo.Meno male che la civiltà moderna gli ha tolto i fiammiferi dalle mani, dico io.

  70. That takes us up to the next level. Great posting.

  71. No young stuff for me! I don’t go out with anyone who doesn’t have a clear memory of what he was doing when JFK was shot. I also don’t go out with anyone whose waist is smaller than my thigh.

  72. You are welcome, Ling, and I, too, much rather deal with rain checks any day–that way I am in control of when I get what and the tax break is amazing. But I have my manager so used to us (four of us) getting the deals that she stocks the best ones really well. LOL I rarely get rainchecks any more.

  73. Dear RobbYou should be very proud of the work of the American Red Cross in Indonesia. They are doing outstanding work. All the more being July 4th, something to celebrate. Have a great day Robb.Arohanui.Bob

  74. I’m so sorry about your sweet little boy.I’m praying for you,your husband,and children.Thank you for reminding us about danger’s in the home and reminding us to cherish every moment of our children’s lives.

  75. Noemi: Verdad que deberian dejarlo asi? Pido el Premio Nobel de escultura al que lo corrigio!Yo casi siempre voto, asi que tengo mucho de que arrepentirme =SSaludos!

  76. 0  0Excellent issues altogether, you simply gained a brand new reader. What may you suggest about your submit that you just made some days ago? Any sure?

  77. FUCK YEAH, COWBOYS VS FUCKIN’ ALIENS!now all we need is Pirates and cyborgs VS Zombies and ninjas!Look up the word “Manly” in the dictionary, this movie should defiantly be in there.

  78. Hi Cristina,I got it years ago (2007?) at Macy’s. I can’t remember the designer’s name, but since then I’ve seen a few different versions of it at several stores. If I run across it again I’ll give it a shout!

  79. “Eu imi cumpar ceapa, printre altele, de la cineva care are o sera, deci e garantat ca e 100% romaneasca si ecologica.”de ce, în sere nu se dă cu îngrăşăminte ÅŸi pesticide? plus că în orice pămînt, inclusiv în ăla din serele româneÅŸti, poÅ£i să creÅŸti liniÅŸtit legume din seminÅ£e olandeze. ceea ce se ÅŸi întîmplă la greu.

  80. Even YouTube Live clips don't have the aspect ratio to fill the player's width.This is great for videos that are widescreen, but for the rest it looks strange with bars on the side.

  81. Nu este mai bun decat Defraggler. Defraggler este deocamdata cel mai bun program pentru defragmentare. Descarcati ultima versiune si veti vedea. Are f. multe imbunatatiri si multe chestii in plus fata de Auslogics.

  82. Bottled water has a pH of about 6.0 good for hair and skin , but not real great to drink.Alkaline water of about 8.0 to 9.5 pH is best to drink. Electric water ionizers are grossly overpriced and not great water filters to begin with. Instead of ‘Kangen’ water (which is the highest priced on the market) I would suggest this non-electric system. It is a water filter 1st and antioxidant water 2nd. Look up AlkaStream.us Tell Gabe Brenda Skidmore referred you.

  83. You’d think so, but in this case, no. There are probably some panforte recipes out there that call for spirits of some kind, but I haven’t come across any!- J

  84. I get what you’re saying, Ryan. I do think the proposal in the link is meant to look at canopy over the land (or buildings), and not necessarily the land devoted to trees. I do agree with what you’re saying – I just think the impression of the post is that there is this dichotomy. But yeah, I agree – tree policies shouldn’t usurp wise land development. Even more so, I would be concerned that this type of policy would only raise the cost of housing. It would be wise for governments to focus on streets and parks, as far as building the tree canopy. There’s plenty of work to do there.

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  88. You Sir/Madam are the enemy of confusion everywhere!

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  90. Ray,Can you give more photos of the watch with the different data fields. For example, with the 310xt, I like having time, instant pace, heart rate and distance. Can the 210 do that on one screen or do you have to flip?

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  93. Could someone please ask Kevin to cite the Georgia statute that authorizes a ballot challenge and puts the onus on the SOS, please?We need to review it before Orly goes off half- cocked on a tangent at the hearing.

  94. Leigh ann Posted on Thank you so much for coming to our wedding. We enjoyed having you there and I know my guests enjoyed having you there. You were happy and cheerful and very willing to make any drink. What a great time, I would recommend you to anyone and if we ever have a large get together again I will for sure call. Thank you again and many happy beaners here!

  95. that's beautiful dhemz! master jud kaayo ka ba! diha ra mi mamasko kay pasko na kaayo sa inyoha. diri sa amoa wala jud. christmas in our hearts ra. :Dbpc hop!

  96. I do enjoy the way you have presented this specific matter and it really does give me personally a lot of fodder for consideration. However, coming from what I have seen, I really trust when the feed-back pack on that folks continue to be on point and don’t start upon a soap box of some other news du jour. Still, thank you for this superb point and even though I do not really go along with this in totality, I respect the standpoint.

  97. Hi! Quick question that’s totally off topic. Do you know how to make your site mobile friendly? My weblog looks weird when viewing from my iphone 4. I’m trying to find a theme or plugin that might be able to resolve this problem. If you have any recommendations, please share. Thank you!

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  99. bad writing so hard to understand lor. I think stupid to break pier, you people so stupid !! should agree should keep the pier ga ma. SUPPORT KEEP PIER! SAVE PIER! DEMOLISH PIER!

  100. Oi, eu não entendo nada sobra HTML (pois sou blogueira de apenas 13 anos) e gostaria de saber se já tem algum post que explique melhor o assunto?? Obrigada. Kaori

  101. Geez, that’s unbelievable. Kudos and such.

  102. I figured that. @ :I do intend to finish that one sometime soon. I just ran out of inspiration and did not feel like writing more about that clusterfuck day. But yeah, I do have half-finished draft for part 2 and an outline for part 3. They just need some work, and I have been procrastinating.  |Â

  103. Paul. I think you did a great job. And for those with (not such a good comment) let’s see your vids. We are waiting!!!!!! Let’s just see how good you really are!

  104. 11a Posted by 73 on 11June 05, 2012 at 1b6:03 pm 40 412Oh Yes Vanessa, Balance is everything. You want to give information i.e. the Answer to someone’s problem or question. Always keep that in mind. But… We need to share a little of ourselves so people can get a more comfortable with us on a human basis. That’ where people sometimes get stuck. It is all about balance.And..thanks for the input on Gravatar settings DonnaDonna Merrill recently posted..

  105. I dont know… I’m not to thrilled by the looks of this car.. Yes it’s better than previous Buicks but thats not saying much.I’m just ready for America to lead in design again! Cadillac is making good headway in design.

  106. Claro, por ahora existe el uso de las extensiones propietarias para CSS y filtros o Hacks, pero tenemos herramientas o librerías que ayudan como Modernizr o HTML5 Shiv, entre muchas mas, es cuestión de ver cual prefieren, pero el uso de HTML5 y CSS3 lo deben de hacer desde ya, IE6 esta muerto y 7 empieza a agonizar.

  107. that the Jews have brought anti-semitism on themselves because "back in 1948 they took over the Palestinians land and proclaimed that this was their holy land that God have given to them."Debra

  108. அடங்கொய்யாலா ! அப்படின்னா ஐ.எஸ்.ஐ ஒரு காந்திய இயக்கம் அப்புடின்னு சொல்லுங்க. இத்தனை நாள் தெரியாம போச்சே இதெல்லாம். உங்கள மாதிரி அறிவு ஜீவிகள் எங்கள மாதிரி ஆளுங்களுக்கு கண்னை அடிக்கடி திறந்து வைங்யுங்கன்னே திறந்து வையுங்க !!!

  109. You should also try the mango cake, or fruit cake, or durian cake in tim tim cake shop. They are fluffy spongecake filled with cream and fruit……

  110. Det är väl skönt när man känner sig så bortkopplad från vardagslunken att man glömmer vilken dag det är. :-)Min bild visar dock en dag att minnas.

  111. is (after the initial shock, perhaps). Every challenge has a learning lesson and opportunity for self-growth inside of it. The lesson can be a damn frustrating one that hits a nerve, such as a reminder that

  112. ChristineJune 21, 2010Wow, what a great photograph! That looks like something that came out of a magazine! I can’t wait to read more of your posts on the blog, this was absolutely incredible.

  113. Lubos,I made your Kapustnica soup the other night and it was great. I added a few hot peppers to the mix so it may have been a little spicier than your version. But still very,very good. Thank you for your website and I look forward to trying more of your recipes.best regards,Carl

  114. There is no average plan. Each insurance company will have several different plans in each state which they do business, and if the group is large enough a group policy can be tailored just for that group. The only place to get the information you are looking for is a local independent agent that works in the group market. Also, individual policies will be different from group policies.References : Independent Agent

  115. Thanks for your suggestions Susan, but still no luck :-(I have written to blogger five times and posted my problem on blogger help group also. No reply for either of them. My blogs are gone…all my hardwork and effort to make these blogs useful since a year has become a waste. I hate blogger…I hate the so called free blog hosts. Its shame of the part of such a prestigious company like google for not answering my queries and keeping mum about the issue.

  116. My blog is much like me, only without the filters on my mouth that I developed prior to having children. I like geek stuff, funny stuff, political stuff and weird, eclectic stuff. Strangely, my blog echoes all of those things. However, I wish that I had the gift of writing like Rachel Lucas or Michele Catalano. They can post about the most pedestrian topics and I not only read it, I check back later to read the updates and/or comments.

  117. Patricio, ¿cómo se inserta en estos temas el decreto reglamentario de la Ley de Propiedad Intelectual por el que convierte a Directores Argentinos Cinematográficos (DAC), en la única “sociedad de gestión” encargada de percibir el derecho de autor a los directores de cine y cualquier otra forma audiovisual en el territorio nacional? ¿Es algo meramente administrativo o puede generar issues como los de la música que tanto se debaten?

  118. Well the three interesting things i found are that it is basically a slide show, having it be able to connect to your phone or camera, and having it all be on your computer. Well so far nothing concerns me but maybe what might concern me is having the pictures go onto the computer.

  119. disse:Poxa, se tivesse essas dicas antes talvez não tivesse sido furtada. Se bem que a minha bike foi levada do play do prédio, pode?Beijos!

  120. Liz voiced my thoughts about “cognitive disability”. “Cognitive impairment” seems gentler. Maybe “progressive cognitive impairment” would capture the spectrum of levels of ability. “Forgetfulness” doesn’t seem to do justice to the damage caused by advanced dementia. How about “cognitive perception syndrome”?? The public seems inclined toward “syndromes”.

  121. bonito, bonito, sobre todo en el pacífico que la marea sube mucho más que en el atlántico, y lo de las basuras, al parecer no solo es problema de los turistas, los “locales” en todos lados la dejan por ahí, cuestión de iNdiosincracia***Lolo***Si, el famoso ‘me importa un cu”

  122. "Yours in Mao, thank you Comrade. Your service to the cause is exceptional and I shall put in a request for extra rations for you to Dear Leader."Thank you! Oh, and don't forget the car. I need a state car. Make sure it's bullet proof. The capitalist might start shooting at me. ;)Maria, why do you even bother with slap-stick? Ignore him/her. It's an old cliche, but it's true: Do not feed the troll.:)

  123. My big explosive FB interchange was with the nephew of a friend. He got so out of control that she had to defriend him!I’ve been scouring catalogs looking for gifts. Only trouble is that I always find stuff that I’d like! Time for

  124. Hee Albert, I did the same trick on my Ipaq HP4700. I stored the scanned cards as jpg’s and with my photo album reader I can display cq show them. So its 1-1 again in the everlasting Apple-WinSoft contest, hahaha.Greetings, Ruud

  125. Two things:1. HOW the fuck are we shrinking dicks? Like I want the science on this. Charts and graphs and studies and shit.2. WHY the fuck would we shrink dicks?! You don’t have to hate dicks (or what they are attached to) in order to be a feminist. I am fairly feminist and I happen to enjoy dicks that are not small.

  126. Most consumers don’t care about USB Host. My guess is there will be “specialized” MHL adapters that add 1, 2 or 4 fullsized USB Host ports on the side of the adapter, while the “normal” MHL adapter without USB Host will remain the most popular type. And my guess is most MHL devices won’t even need a firmware update to support USB Host on MHL, it’ll just work. Expect even less than 5% of consumers to even care to try to use USB Host, they probably prefer Upnp and Bluetooth keyboards and mice.

  127. Das stimmt so nicht:1. George Michael von Wham! hats gesungen.2. Die Verszeile lautet: “Club Tropicana Drinks are free”Diesen Kommentar finde ich gut oder finde ich nicht gut: 0  0

  128. Moi, je me suis mis un raccourci du site Facebook en version mobile, et je trouve cela très bien, je comprends pas trop l’interet de l’application. En même temps, je ne suis pas trop fan de FB

  129. Bello, adesso ti manca la mappa della Base Alpha per il tuo modellino di Aquila! (sono sicuro ce l'hai!!! ;-)))Belle anche le foto di natale. HDR giusto? Usi Photomatic?CiaoAngelo.PS buon anno a tutti! Anche perche' sara' l'ultimo!!!

  130. Vous avez raison. Je crois même que la marge d’erreur est plus importante et ne doit pas être négligée, vu la possibilité de l’UMP de manipuler le scrutin sur lequel elle a la haute main par le jeu des procurations, des doubles inscriptions sur les listes électorales, voire de la méthode de Perpignan.Dans tous les cas, le scrutin n’est pas fait!

  131. We Had our normal Thanksgiving Luncharound 1pm and then Met up with other family members at my Grandmas!And shared a good dinner with her (from a Mexican Catering Serivce)haha–talk about untraditional.

  132. Had to laugh about “writing” a blog post in your head and then losing it–that’s happened to me a bunch! I’ve always been curious about the Bill Murray movie version of Razor’s Edge–it always seemed like such weird casting, but maybe not! I would think that doing book reviews has given you lots of practice in writing abstracts without even knowing it! Good luck!

  133. david dit :Ben a dû faire un sacré match, 32 points sur 39 possible c’est une belle performance.La seconde période était pas mal les gars, ça manquait juste de collectif pour être efficace.

  134. I do trust all the ideas you have offered to your post. They are very convincing and can definitely work. Still, the posts are very quick for starters. Could you please extend them a bit from subsequent time? Thanks for the post.

  135. elias / nussss eee povo ignorante! primeiro, q nao é homosexualISMO e sim homossexualIDADE! e esse papo de genética tem mto a ver com isso, fatos comprovam q doenças e outros malefícios são sim hereditários… não se escolhe ser homossexual! acho q deveriam saber mais sobre o assunto pra falarem.Gostei deste comentário ou não: 5

  136. I would have to go with Expression Engine. I moved to it from WordPress and in lue of Joomla. Love its flexibility, support, and documentation.2.0 is going to be even sweeter! It is an additional boost for those who want a control/object/view framework to work with, CodeIgnitor.

  137. Basia, cudne wspomnienia, Babcia Rózia musiaÅ‚a być niesamowita i napewno jest dumna z takich wnuczków 🙂 A nawet kiedyÅ› chciaÅ‚am zapytac czy Babcia Rózia byÅ‚a RozaliÄ… czy Różą – i proszÄ™, już wiadomo:)To chyba w WE zagniotÄ™ drożdżowe, sÅ‚oiczki z różą czekajÄ… :)Buziak :*

  138. Is it bad to tell your friends details about your tarot card readings? i read somewhere that what they tell you wont necessarily come true after having told someone…readings are personal and should be kept to oneself is this true? does this mean by me telling my friends what they told me chances are i might have changed the future around? i know the cards aren’t set in stone but im scared i might not get the result im waiting for because i told my friends when they asked.

  139. Che bella la Corsica!! l’ho girata varie volte in barca e macchina. Calvi nella quale ho trovato un’incredibile somiglianza con la mia Portoferraio, Centuri, incredibile e pittoresco porto di pescatori, il parco della Revellata, Propriano, la bella e selvaggia Girolata, il bagno nelle cascate dei torrenti di acqua freschissima, le scogliere di Bonifacio, la bellissima spiaggia di Rondinara e quella di Palombaggia, le isole di Lavezzi, Cavallo… e molto altro. Mi piacerebbe tornarci.

  140. You can see the progress of this in plain at LGF. It’s a classic propaganda trick. Every now and then commentors would drop a hint here or an insinuation there about things, sowing seeds of doubt in the minds of the rest about Robert’s status. At some point the target becomes discredited enough that you can turn the baying mob on him without worrying whether they’ll baulk at attacking someone who was once considered friend.Sorry for the OT.

  141.  ( 2012.02.9 18:07 ) : Hello there, I found your website by the use of Google at the same time as searching for a similar subject, your site came up, it seems good. I have bookmarked it in my google bookmarks.

  142. Today, while I was at work, my sister stole my iPad and tested to see if it can survive a 25 foot drop, just so she can be a youtube sensation. My iPad is now broken and she has 83 views. I know this is completely off topic but I had to share it with someone!

  143. I have got one recommendation for your web site. It seems like at this time there are a few cascading stylesheet troubles when opening a number of web pages within google chrome and internet explorer. It is running alright in internet explorer. Possibly you can double check this.

  144. Hallo El,das mit den Sandalen hab ich DEINEN Fotos entnommen Im Grunde hast du natürlich recht, auch ich bin mittlerweile eher der “vernünftige” Fahrer und rege mich eigentlich nur über die nutzlosen SUVs so richtig auf. Aber halt auch manchmal über schnarchnasige Fahrlehrer, die ihre Schäfchen im dichten Berufsverkehr, wo eh schon alle am Limit ihrer Reizbarkeit agieren, mit der Gelassenheit eines Eisbergs durch den Verkehr dirigieren…

  145. I can’t believe you’re not playing with me–that was so helpful.

  146. July 9, 2012 at 5:24 pmMY blackberry curve’s LCD is broken and whenever I turn it on the whole screen is white and partially black. Will replacing a LCD screen help fix this problem? Thanks!

  147. Eu fiz uma festinha quando a minha filha fez seis anos. Acho os conselhos fantásticos, mas para isso é preciso ter bastante dinehiro disponível!

  148. Interesting. It’s definitely a single click on my computer, but I know that sort of minor thing can vary depending on what viewer & software you are using. Thanks for sharing as others may have the same issue!

  149. Huff, ikke kjekt! Nyrestein kan ikke tas med laser eller noe?Føler meg deg, sitter selv med 5 gallesteiner som gir ubeskrivelig smerte. Venter svar denne uken om det blir operasjon på meg også etterhvert!Har du slitt med nyrestein lenge?[]

  150. What great ideas! I feel like I am constantly overwhelmed with photos, and I am always looking for ways to add more photos from one event to my pages. I just don’t have time to “scrapbook” every photo, and need to get the albums completed!

  151. I totally agree with Callie. I'd love to hear Jake singing I love you. My old dog Cleo use to do that. Too funny. Maybe you can teach the other Jake to bark, LOL>

  152. I went to tons of links before this, what was I thinking?

  153. Mystery hasn’t let himself be surrounded by the sleaze. He IS the sleaze. He has knowledge of every single scummy thing Discovery has done and approves of it, including the threats. He might use Lovedrop and Discovery like a cat’s paw while he remains “above it”, but he’s the creator and maintainer of it all.I’ve never worked in a company where a boss would have acted like Mystery. Discovery would have been instantly fired in any legitimate business, because a liar like him will only drag everybody down with him.

  154. This post is shared at: Allergy free Wednesday, Sustainable Ways, Mommy Club, Health 2Day, Whole Food Wednesday, Real Food Wednesday, Pennywise Platter, Simple Lives Thursday

  155. I might be beating a dead horse, but thank you for posting this!

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  157. Não curto Stephen King, mas quem sabe uma hora dou uma chance a ele, se resolver tentar não vai ser esse.Estuda o que na Unisinos?vou acompanhar o seu blog … até a próxima.

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  159. That’s a smart answer to a difficult question.

  160. Caro Raphael, não sei de que inimigos não têm os EUA que a Rússia tem. Os EUA deixaram de ter inimigos depois de 2001? Se for ao arquivo deste blog verá quanto vezes isto se repete e não são tiradas conclusões reais e eficazes. O Cáucaso do Norte reacendeu em 1991, já lá vão quase 20 anos e os problemas estão por resolver.

  161. J’ai été très décue par certaines traductions (« De l’eau pour les éléphants » notamment) où il y a vait des coquilles, des traductions incorrectes qui ont gaché ma lecture. J’essaie donc de lire davantage en VO. Bien sûr comme je ne suis pas bilingue, je ne lis pas à la même vitesse et garde donc la lecture en VO pour des ouvrages courts ou les vacances. Mais je crois que c’est indispensable pour comprendre au delà de la langue la culture.

  162. jeg mangler din linkliste rigtig meget!! Den er virkeligsuper god, overskuelig og indeholder alle mine favoritter – ja, ja,jeg kunne ogsÃ¥ ta’ mig sammen og komme i gang med RSS el.lign., menmen… Jeg er stadig dagligt inde pÃ¥ din gamle blog for at klikkemig videre, sÃ¥ det vil være fedt hvis den kom over pÃ¥ dennye.


  164. plus ridicule n’est pas celui qu’on penseDans la phrase : “Pensez-vous que votre licenciement A quelque chose à voir […]”le premier « a » me semble bien etre un verbe avoir, non ???Révisez donc vos lunettes avant de commenter, ca vous évitera …. bla bla

  165. The guidelines you have given here are quite priceless. It had been such a pleasurable surprise to get that looking forward to me as i woke up today. They are often to the point and simple to understand. Thanks a ton for the clever ideas you’ve shared in this article.

  166. Sorry to hear this, Dec; especially as the book still out there that I've read is a corker. I understand the pressures – I also think you don;t get a choice -I suspect you'll have to write, whether you like it or not…Good luck with whatever you're doing – I just hope it includes fiction.

  167. Ég tengi það tvennt að vinna á bókasafni og vilja sjónvarpslausa fimmtudaga hreint ekki neitt og það var ekki það sem ég átti við (enda var fjallað um annað í færslunni en bara það að vinna á bókasafni).Ég biðst velvirðingar á að hafa móðgað þig svona. Ég sé það núna að ég hefði heldur sleppt því að hætta mér hingað inn.

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  173. Going to put this article to good use now.

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  175. I would understand if there was a plan for a tremendous character arc for Batman, or other areas of his psyche Morrison was looking to explore, but to use the reasoning “what son could ever hope to replace a father like Batman?” is ridiculous. It sounds more to me that Morrison has his own daddy issues.

  176. pisze:OMG!Wniosek z eksperymentu wyciągam jeden:W razie apokalipsy przeszukać zwłoki prepersa, który zmarł z wycienczenia Super! Nie muszę robić żadnych zapasów, wystarczy tylko kondycja.

  177. Tack för länk! Intressant att läsa och för oss vuxenutvecklingsforskare så hade det förstås varit intressant att försöka bena ut vilka individer som går vidare till högre stadier och varför. Hur genetiska predispositioner samverkar med fostran, lokala kulturer och det generella samhällsklimatet osv.

  178. Das ist wirklich bei jedem anders. Ich verwende es fast ausschließlich im Hochformat, weil’s so für mich besser zum Halten ist. Aber dank der Magie des iPads kann es ja jeder halten, wie er mag. (Ich muss dieses Wort einfach ständig wiederholen, seit ich deinen Artikel gelesen habe. Ironie. )

  179. Oi! Du behöver inte nämna vilka skivor/zines etc du ej fÃ¥tt gratis, du kommer ju att fÃ¥ dem snart ändÃ¥, eller hur? (det smarta draget är härmed avslöjat…)Men visst är du hungrigare nu än när du var “tvungen” att rec’a massa skit pÃ¥ CU? Själv älskar jag endast The Baboon Show nu…och dig! Puss frÃ¥n Inge

  180. up a batch of these to serve at your next get-together. They make a great addition to the appetizer table at your upcoming holiday feasts. Go French and offer aperitifs: lay out a bowl of olives, a

  181. I just have to point out that, in the last picture, the little brown dome on the bottom of the right video screen is Jack’s head. We’re not quite at the Jetsons level of tech yet.

  182. Når du har så stor afsætning på dine brunekager vil jeg også påstå at du har verdens bedste opskrift. Sikken en masse kager.God weekend.

  183. I have recurring dreams where I’m back in school. The assignments are impossible. For example, I’m required to write an essay using broken, uncooked spaghetti or to solve complex equations where the numbers are broccoli. The fact that both these examples involve a food is incidental.

  184. Hi Mynnette, Thanks for the lovely comments and following my blog! I am following you too so I can come look at your beautiful creations!This card is very pretty. The fruit slices look like as they are real!A few weeks ago a bought some beads online in a Dutch webshop. But i don't do that so often, i more like to pick out beads in a real shop. Greetings Sofieke

  185. A kanyarból fabius bukkant elő. Csodálkozva nézett a nyomokban szlalomozó valaki után, majd szemügyre vette a traktor pótján berendezett kávézót. Érezte, hogy szürke árnyék vetül elméjére, elbizonytalanodott saját ítélőképességét illetően. Tétova kézzel szeméhez kapott, megdörzsölte azt, de a látvány nem változott: úriparaszt kávézik aJetivel. Zsebéből előhalászta telefonját, konferencia hívást kezdeményezett a Szkeptikusok Társasága, és Conrad Romeo elmeorvos között.

  186. I still think that they believe they can operate as they did when they were THE source of all news and info. They are not, and it is so easy to expose them.

  187. Was totally stuck until I read this, now back up and running.

  188. Le fait qu’Apple demande a récupérer son appareil, prouve que ce n’est pas un fake, par contre l’apparence peut très bien changer vu que c’est un prototype ^^

  189. sep06 Atchung. Lo cierto es que se puede uno cuestionar las cosas y elegir seguir viviendo apesebrado Bueno, además de la broma, gracias por leer el artículo y por dar tu opinión. Un saludo.

  190. peeeässs Toi tuoli on lapsen mitoissa karsee istua. Meillä oli noita (valkosena JA mustana), kun ne oli mutsista aikansa ihanuuksia. Pers tippu tuolta takaa aina. Ihan tyhmä tuoli. Musta.

  191. Hi Jenny – thanks for your comment, and apologies for my late reply. The bibliography at the end of the article contains some useful further reading materials I think you’re right, conversation practice is very important for increasing speaking fluency.

  192. Interesting example, but 2 other factors might also have something to do with the decline in crime during an increase in income inequality. Frist, it has been widely reported that NYC responded to the crime crisis with some good police work. Second, most of those crackheads are either in jail, dead or reformed, while the younger members of their families are not making the same mistake. Some also suggest that the decline is due to drug dealers finally settling turf wars to everyone's satisfaction, but I find this last explanation difficult to believe.

  193. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW!!!!!E’ davvero strabiliante!!*___*…Hogwarts è davvero stupenda,chissà dentro com’è!!!Certo però c’è da dire che se non ci fosse stata la Rowling tutto ciò non lo avremmo mai avuto!!Quindi,una menzione speciale va a lei che ha avuto il genio di creare un mondo così stupendo come quello di HP,e anche a tutti quelli che si sono prodigati a costruire il parco perchè hanno fatto davvero un lavoro con i fiocchi…peccato solo sia così lontano:(

  194. This is a sunny redeployment, I was wondering if I can use this write-up on my website, I will bond it back to your website though. Condition this is a problem satisfy consent to me identify and I will engage it along proper away

  195. …On the dog sites most commenters think the black dog phenomenon is some sort of dastardly racial prejudice. But it seems that color alone influences a host of behavioral traits in dogs and people too."Interesting that. I know a lady who runs a kennel and dog-grooming business. She also raises Rottweilers. And while she clearly likes the breed, she recognizes that they are inately more rowdy and violence-prone.

  196. , I think we need reasonably secure borders. I also think we need a culture that DEMANDS assimilation.And I’m an immigrant, so as per democrats, I have absolute moral authority.However, none of this will happen while the dems go around confusing race with culture.

  197. Thanks for your advices. I will try it, and I hope I can get a better Page Rank as soon as possible. Have a nice days… ^_^Kelsey Jenney recently posted..

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  199. A lilás színű tölteléke kicsit nedvesnek tűnik, alaktalan… Bár sok recepted szeretem, maradok Lajos Marinál bejgli-ügyben. Azt nem értem, a zöld és a golden almát hogy lehet egy kalap alá venni. Ízében, állagában is különbözik a kettÅ‘.

  200. Lautaro Ariño skriver:Bra sagt! Kan hända att det kommer upp några, men tills dess så uppmanar jag dig och alla andra att kolla upp våra påståenden. Du kan börja med att fråga din apotekare.

  201. Etienne Maimbourg8 July 2012Hello john, i would like to know if the Paris concert previously schedulded on october the 29th was cancelled or not. Bien à toi .Etienne Maimbourg

  202. “Shellacking” was the President’s assessment.As for what’s “negotiable,” and what’s not – TBD. Obama can say whatever he wants for public consumption, but Republicans (and even Democrats, e.g., see Earmarks) will have their own non-negotiable list.The election of an overwhelmingly Republican House marks the end of “progressive” policies for the next two years.You keep looking at he polls. What you need to remind yourself of is the results from Election Day 2010. It’s both the last valid poll, and it determined the make-up of the legislature. Everything else is just SPIN.

  203. Your card is almost as adorable as the new puppy! How could you ever get mad at that sweet face? It sounds like you will have your hands full for awhile training him, but I'm sure you will get lots of love in return.

  204. नया ब्याह बूढ़ों का भैया कहीं अगर रुक जाए ! सच मानो तो युवक पड़ोसी बिना मौत मर जाए ! हाय बाबा का ब्याह करा दो राम !यह है फागुनाहट की सही मस्ती,आपका आभार !

  205. Awesome you should think of something like that

  206. 22/11/2012 – 4:00pmSi fuera a favor del Madrid no hace falta ni que sea dentro del área. Para ellos la línea del penalti la traza la media luna de la frontal.¿A que no sabíais para qué servía? Pues eso.En cualquier caso el ZAS para el Marca en este tema creo que es esta:

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  208. Vota el comentario: 0  0Yoyamelohabía leído en lo del necio hace un tiempillo…Enorme alegato de Montes por el sistema público, lo reconocí en el primer párrafo. Y muy grande (también de leer) la aportación de maese Adrián.Perosíquetesejuntan las lentras un poco…

  209. Extremely helpful article, please write more.

  210. Ma sul fatto che la NASA perde un filmato orginale non hai niente da dire?E che dire della questione dei soldi ingurgitati da questo ente che dopo quasi 40 anni non riesce ancora a mandare in orbita (attorno alla terra) un pugno di uomini con una certa sicurezza?Sicuro che Capriocorn One sia solo un film?Ciao.

  211. Paljon kasviksia ja C-vitamiinipitoisia vihreitä ja hedelmiä, sekä tietysti reipas D-vitamiinilisä.Satunnaisesti inkivääriä, kurkumaa ja valkosipulia. Ja jos lähipiirissä kiertää flunssaa, niin riittävä unensaanti toki korostuu. Näillä on vältetty niin nuhat kuin sikainfluenssakin (samassa solussa asui neljä tapausta) tänä syksynä. t. ipu

  212. Caligula dit :Jyrki** Je suis certain à 99% que David parlait des domaines de compétences provinciales, en vertu de l’article 92 de la Loi Constitutionelle de 1982… **Peut-être. Mais ça ne change rien. Et de toute façon il y a tellement de dédoublement de compétences.

  213. A review of the various “State Board of Directors” of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission is quite telling. Talk about the potential for Conflicts of Interest, and a massive Political Agenda!And I wonder where the President of the University stands in all this. Surely she has come to the University’s defense. Talk about Professional Ethics. This has the makings a Great Scandal, not to mention High Academic Political Theater – its elementary School Teachers Union come to Higher Education. Where are the investigative reporters?

  214. The paragon of understanding these issues is right here!

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  216. Chris,Charmonium is just another name for the J/psi meson (c-cbar). It’s made in electron-positron scattering and decays into pions, sosomething likee+e- –> c-cbar = J –> pions-drl

  217. L’art est une fenêtre, mais toute fenêtre s’use, ô Sandgirl : il ne faut pas confondre la vitre et l’image qu’elle laisse voir. Sinon, vous tombez dans l’idolâtrie. Je ne demande rien à François Pinault.Sinon, merci pour vos compliments.

  218. and my daughter slept in….so that was todays excuse. Now I’m here looking for motivation? Dugh! Also, interested in the hormone stuff..because that too has been a great excuse for me. MOODS! Thanks for the challenge, I’ll start with today, and get myself to the gym this afternoon

  219. I still have not tried making pull apart rolls myself but these would be very tempting for my first attempt! I love the garlic and basil herb spread that you used. They look delicious, Angie!

  220. Lot of smarts in that posting!

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  222. 1326I agree with your analysis.I like the illustration, but it conveys sensuality and warmth, not loss, not fear. Nothing haunting or sexual about it.The second cover is just phony. The photo is contrived and posed. The background does not convey anything. The type is simply wrong, and the whole thing looks like it has been slapped together without any feeling or imagination.

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  224. exactly what I felt about his vocals, but still a legend. haha. You are so straightforward. lol.Marie, be encouraged. No one knows who David is going to marry. It’s a personal decision and I’ve seen people convert their religion for their spouse. So never say never.

  225. This “free sharing” of information seems too good to be true. Like communism.

  226. There’s nothing like the relief of finding what you’re looking for.

  227. Напиши коментар Можете да използвате тези HTML етикети и атрибути: <a href="" title=""> <abbr title=""> <acronym title=""> <b> <blockquote cite=""> <cite> <code> <del datetime=""> <em> <i> <q cite=""> <strike> <strong>

  228. Prismassa on nykyisin erittäin hyvät valikoimat kaikenlaista eettistä ja mm. Urtekramin tuotteet ovat monessa Prismassa laajalla valikoimalla myynnissä (meidän prismassa mm. Urtekramin rusinoita, erilaisia pähkinöitä, papuja, k´hiutaleita, makeisia, kosmetiikkaa jne jne jne) ja TODELLAKIN HINTA PUOLET SIITÄ MIT EKOKAUPOISSA!!!Tulee mieleen että kaksinaismoralismi kukkii: toisaalta ekokauppojen puuhaihmiset vaativat kovaan ääneen luomua kauppoihin kohtuulliseen hintaan, mutta kumminkin itse pitävät elitististä hintatasoa yllä!!!

  229. grandma – Jennings you have captured My beautiful family perfectly!! These pictures have put me at a loss for words, but has filled my heart to the fullest. Thank you.

  230. Nearly all of the things you point out is astonishingly legitimate and it makes me ponder the reason why I hadn’t looked at this in this light before. Your piece truly did turn the light on for me personally as far as this subject goes. But at this time there is actually one particular position I am not necessarily too cozy with so while I attempt to reconcile that with the actual main idea of your issue, allow me observe just what the rest of the visitors have to say.Very well done.

  231. I will be SO SAD if they cut out all of the horrifying things Collins wrote! I also heard they might be casting Jennifer Lawrence as Katniss and I'm not sure how I feel about that :/ Haha, practically everything still gives me nightmares. Unfortunately, I didn't grow out of my susceptibility to nightmare fuel

  232. Kata szerint:Hello Trinity!Nem tudom, hogy mennyire lehetséges, de Nagy Ákos: Legyek násza című művének a kottáját keresem, eddig sajnos nem sok sikerrel. Ha van valami ötleted, hogy hol nézhetnék utána, kérlek oszd meg velem. (:Nagyon szépen köszönöm!

  233. Hahaha c’est trop ca! Et les gamins en photo d’ecran sur portables, ordinateurs… Et on reconnait aussi les mamans car elles parlent de maniere decomplexee des cacas, pipis et vomis de leurs cherubins. Ca degoute tous les autres.

  234. Thinking like that shows an expert’s touch

  235. Yes, those are the final designs. The bottom pic was dated 6/11, the same week the city gave final approval. The upper pic was dated 3/11 and doesn’t differ from the bottom one.

  236. Can anybody lend me a few boxes of .223, a couple of Claymores and maybe a few MK-2′s?I’m feeling especially edgy.Had to can another agent. I really hate doing that.

  237. You know what, I’m very much inclined to agree.

  238. As I told you on twitter, I bring my lunch every day, and when no one’s been to the grocery store in a while, that usually means PB&J. Our toddler brings it with her to preschool, too. So, in our clan, it’s not out of style at all. We’re retro like that.

  239. Hey, subtle must be your middle name. Great post!

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  243. Liebe Petra,wow, da spricht auf jeden Fall eine Menge neue Energie heraus. Schade, dass Du das was abfällt nicht verheizen kannst.;)Ich drücke Dir die Daumen für die laufenden Bewerbung! Dass Amanda nun versinkt, finde ich allerdings schade.Liebe Grüße,NikolaP.S. Du jetzt auch – diese schreckliche Roboter-Prüfung? Bitte nicht!

  244. Yes ! J’ai appris ça à 16h07 par une collègue au boulot. Pas pu poster de là-bas, mais je suis soulagée et contente pour toi et les tiens. Ce n’est que la première étape, mais c’est une excellente nouvelle !

  245. Mein Name ist selvi pebrianti,Ich komme aus Indonesien.Ich wachte um 5.00 Uhr, dann mache ich mein Bett und meine Dusche.Ich dusche nach de…

  246. Yes indeed. I agree with both the risk, the pain, and the effort involved. Note that I don’t recommend pushing someone away just to test them. My recommendation is to not stop them if they are committed to leaving. Yes, give it a shot to keep them with you, but don’t go overboard. If they insist, let go. If they come back, they were yours all along. If not, they were going away eventually. I believe it’s better to know sooner rather than later.

  247. Ashley wrote.. I want to like Kanye!! but sometimes he makes it hard. but if you're friends with him, he must be pretty cool.you two are glamorous together!

  248. Hugo:Gracias por entrar y dejar tu comentario. Saludos para tí.Alejandro:Yo recuerdo que estuve experimentando con vlogs en el 2004. Pero éramos muy pocos y no teníamos ancho de banda. Se demoraba eternidades subir un solo minuto.El fenómeno va a crecer y se va a volver popular. Espero que también en Colombia.Ricardo:Un gusto saber que te interesas y que quieres apoyar ésta comunidad de bloggers.

  249. “When we observed the bees for some time—the ones that were alive—we found that they walked in circles, often with no sense of direction,” says Andrew Core, a graduate student who is doing research on these ZomBee’s, describing them as behaving “something like a zombie.”

  250. Just added this to my wishlist (you get the credit!). I often make a mental wishlist, but this one is added to the tabbed page on my blog. “one of the year’s best” -wow, such billing!

  251. Hi. I wanted to drop you a quick note to express my thanks. I’ve been following your blog for a month or so and have picked up a ton of good information as well as enjoyed the way you’ve structured your site. I am attempting to run my own blog but I think its too general and I want to focus more on smaller topics. Being all things to all people is not all that its cracked up to be.BR

  252. Good to see a talent at work. I can’t match that.

  253. what i want is a system than is known and knowable. rights are attached to the land and that of your neighbors.================================Me too. I would love to have those hundred lots back.unfortunately, my neighbors who moved in since then, would claim that THEIR known and knowable rights had been destroyed.This is exactly what happened in Oregon, when property rights taken without compensation were restored.Bsck to square one: where and how do you start?

  254. T’es dans une catégorie à part certain (et j’le dis positivement quand j’pense à toi) mais s’pas paske tu veux pas d’enfants Des gars qui n’en veulent aps y’en a plein…Désespère pas anyway

  255. I never made it through the third Snicket book, but I must give credit where it’s due: Book 2 contains a truly inspired bit of business. I just checked — it’s in chapter 11. I can say no more.(CdS book order was, foolishly, Amazon-linked to two books due to be published next month. Tick tock.)

  256. just wait a second, can one just simply say Spectacular — that is precisely what My partner and I consider with regard to whenever My partner and I arrive in this article, We believe all the garbage on the web and what a alleviation to have found this.

  257. pretty much the same thing to the vet when she let Kyrye khross: we know this day is khoming from the day we bring them home yet we do it anyway – We had a khandle lit fur MaxDog – and Khousin Merdie saluted him with some Golden snores!Hugz&Khysses,Khyra & Khousin Merdie

  258. سلام به مجاهد راه ولایت حسین قدیانی و همه هم سنگران جنگ نرمدر وبلاگ فجر نور :سلام امام خامنه ای به خادم ملت

  259. Suze This post so rocks! I very much agree with your position and would only add that we are building toward a time where character building will become paramount to business building. It will become the default of businesses everywhere to serve the people that serve it. And, simply stated, the business will happen by default. Take care to have an amazing week to come. M

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  263. Zune and iPod: Most people compare the Zune to the Touch, but after seeing how slim and surprisingly small and light it is, I consider it to be a rather unique hybrid that combines qualities of both the Touch and the Nano. It’s very colorful and lovely OLED screen is slightly smaller than the touch screen, but the player itself feels quite a bit smaller and lighter. It weighs about 2/3 as much, and is noticeably smaller in width and height, while being just a hair thicker.

  264. By febbraio 23, 2013 – 8:44 pmI’m not sure why but this website is loading incredibly slow for me. Is anyone else having this issue or is it a problem on my end? I’ll check back later and see if the problem still exists.

  265. Il n’avait pas besoin de connaitre le proton pour remarquer qu’en classant les elements par masse atomique croissante, on observe une periodicite des proprietes chimiques !

  266. Thanks for all your great comments. True we need to be alert with what the “chiefs” are doing and who they are accepting money from. Thank God that Ares is set-up to be untouchable!Gracias por todo su gran comentarios. Es cierto que tenemos que estar alerta con lo que los “jefes” que están haciendo y que están aceptando dinero de. Gracias a Dios que Ares es creado para ser intocable!

  267. Ja, hon var med i babel häromveckan (kolla på svtplay!) och verkade HUR härlig som helst. Romanen var FANtASTISK. Om du är såld på ryska miljöer osv så tycker jag att du ska kasta dig över Kupé nr. 6 så snart du bara kan.

  268. Is that really all there is to it because that’d be flabbergasting.

  269. Hi Andi,hast Du eine ungefähre Angabe, wie lange das Gerät benötigt, die beiden AA-Akkus (2x 2300 mAh (wenn ich das richtig entziffern konnte)) per Sonne zu laden? Ich weiß, dass es von Varta ein ähnliches Gerät gibt, das ungefähr 3 Tage vollen Sonnenschein benötigt.Viele Grüße,Dirk

  270. Es zinu, jūs esat gājuši cauri dažas problēmas, Jan. Tas ir kaut mierinājums zināt, ka jums vēl ir jautājumi, pārāk. Atšķirība man šodien, ir tas, ka man ir lielas kristiešu draugi (visi no jums, puiši) kas es varu iet uz ar gandrīz jebko, un saņemt stabilu Bībeles gudrību un lūgšanas. Miranda nebija kopiena. Tas padara visu starpību. Un paldies par jūsu gudrību! ; )

  271. I am frequently to blogging and i actually admire your content. The article has especially peaks my interest. I’m going to bookmark your locate and retain inspection for brand smack new information.

  272.   10:06 amby Awesome blog. I enjoyed reading your articles. This is truly a great read for me. I have bookmarked it and I am looking forward to reading new articles. Keep up the good work.Â

  273. a few big law firms will undoubtedly collapse due to parter defections, but it seems to me that most will survive, just in smaller and less profitable form. it really sucks for the associates, esp the junior ones who have a ton of law school debt and little in the way of demonstrable skills. I would not be surprised to see many senior associates start new firms which challenge the biglaw model in various ways (e.g., like the Virtual Law firm which has no central office and can charge lower rates).

  274. How I love your ramblings, Alix! You just help yourself! And I definitely agree with the sentiment expressed in this entry.Prayerfully, one day soon, Somebody’s Baby won’t have to contemplate such a deal to cherish her baby!IS she married now? Wow! Isn’t that a next chapter!

  275. I remember my daughters’ (8yo & 4yo) first visit to Moscow. While in a car they would suddenly go in a panic attack “Mommy, I can’t breath through!” They’d actually cry & scream for help. We do travel the world a lot, have been to South American, Asian countries, all over Europe & North America. Moscow & Lima in Peru have the dirtiest air of all. It’s actually dirtier than you ever thought was possible.

  276. Je také důležité pÅ™ipomínat, že spoÅ™it do fondů začnou lidé ve 40 letech, ovÅ¡em k penÄ›zům dostanou poprvé po 25 letech (pokud se půjde do penze v 65 letech). Jinými slovy – správce fondů bude mít pod palcem 25 let stále rostoucí objem penÄ›z, aniž by z nich musel spoÅ™ivcům neco vyplácet! No neberte to!

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