أبرز الفصائل العسكرية المسلحة في سوريا: من يحارب من؟

أكثر من 3 أعوام مرت منذ اندلاع الحرب في سوريا بين الرئيس بشار الأسد وبين الثوار السوريين، وهي المواجهات التي اكتسبت أبعادًا دولية على المستويين السياسي والعسكري على حد سواء، فتعددت الفصائل المقاتلة داخل سوريا من الطرفين – سواء التي تقاتل في صف النظام أو في صف المعارضة – وتنوعت على المستوى الأيديولوجي والطائفي، كما تقسمت أيضًا بحسب الجهات الخارجية التي تقوم خلف كل منها وتدعمها.

أولاً: الفصائل المقاتلة في صفوف المعارضة
بحسب بي بي سي، يُقدّر عدد الجماعات المسلحة المعارضة في سوريا بأكثر من 1000 جماعة، يقاتل في صفوفها 100 ألف مقاتل على الأقل وتتفاوت في الحجم والتأثير والتحالفات المعقودة فيما بينها.

1- الجيش الحر
أول الفصائل المقاتلة تشكلاً على الساحة ويحظى بدعم دولي واعتراف من قبل الولايات المتحدة وأوروبا، كما يحظى بدعم تسليح من قبل دول الخليج وبخاصة السعودية، بينما لا زالت الولايات المتحدة تبدي تحفظًا حول دعم مقاتلي الجيش الحر بأسلحة حاسمة خوفًا من وصولها إلى مقاتلي تنظيم القاعدة ويضم كلاً من:

أ- هيئة أركان الجيش الحر
أول الفصائل المعارضة المسلحة تشكلاً على الساحة، ونشأت في البداية بهدف حماية المتظاهرين السلميين من بطش الشبيحة والقوات النظامية، ومع اشتداد المواجهات وتطورها بدأت تأخذ مهام قتالية مباشرة، وتأسست في أغسطس عام 2011 من ضباط منشقين عن الجيش السوري يقودهم العميد رياض الأسعد، وتوسعت في ديسمبر 2012، بضم ألوية جديدة وتأسست هيئة الأركان بشكلها الحالي والتي يرأسها اللواء سليم إدريس، والذي تمت الإطاحة به لصالح عبدالإله البشير في فبراير الماضي.
يتألف الجيش الحر من عدة ألوية يضم كل لواء منها مجموعة من الكتائب، أهم هذه الألوية هو لواء شهداء سوريا – لواء شهداء جبل الزاوية – بقيادة جمال معروف وتأسس في نوفمبر 2011 وغير اسمه منتصف عام 2012، وتتركز عملياته في الشمال الغربي ولا يحمل أيديولوجية محددة، وهناك أيضًا لواء أحرار سوريا الذي يرأسه اللواء قاسم الدين، الطيار السابق في القوات الجوية، ويعمل في مدينة الرستن شمال سوريا.

ب- جبهة تحرير “ثوار” سوريا
تأسست في سبتمبر 2012 من تحالف أكثر من فصيل مسلح، وتعتبر من أكبر الفصائل المقاتلة داخل سوريا؛ حيث يبلغ عددها حوالى 35000 مقاتل وتضم ألوية الفاروق، والفاروق الإسلامي، ولواء التوحيد، ولواء الفتح، ولواء الإسلام، وصقور الشام، ومجلس ثوار دير الزور، وتعترف بقيادة هيئة الأركان ولكنها تتحفظ على الدعم الغربي.
وتنشط الجبهة في إدلب ودمشق وحلب وحماة ودير الزور، وتُشكّل معظم القوة القتالية لهيئة الأركان العامة، ويقودها أحمد عيسى وتضم مجموعة ألوية أهمها:
لواء صقور الشام ويقدر عدد مقاتليه بـ10000 مقاتل، وينشط في شمال غربي إدلب ويمتد إلى حلب ودمشق ويقوده أحمد عيسى قائد جبهة تحرير سوريا بنفسه.
لواء التوحيد ويقدر بحوالي 8000 مقاتل، يقودهم عبدالعزيز سلامة ميدانيًّا وعسكريًّا – بعد مقتل قائده العسكري عبدالقادر صالح في نوفمبر 2013 – ويعتبر من أهم القوى في حلب، وتأسس عام 2012 وانضم لجبهة ثوار سوريا في يناير 2013 ولا يعترف اللواء بالائتلاف الوطني السوري وينحو منحى إسلاميًّا في غالبه.
لواء الفتح و يتمركز في مدينة حلب وضواحيها، وفي الحسكة والرقة شرقي البلاد.

2- كتائب مستقلة على صلة بالجيش السورى الحر ولا تتبع بالضرورة هيئة الأركان
لا تحظى هذه الألوية بنفس دعم سابقتها وكثير منها يقاتل بجهود ذاتية ويحظى بعضها بدعم قطري أو تركي أو ربما سعودي.
أ- ألوية أحفاد الرسول
تأسست عام 2012 من ائتلاف 40 فصيل مسلح ذو توجه إسلامي، وتقدر أعدادها بحوالي 7000 مقاتل وتتمركز في إدلب بشكل كبير، وعلاقتها جيدة مع هيئة الأركان العامة ويُعتقد في تلقيها دعمًا قطريًّا، وتعرض اللواء لهجمات شرسة من مقاتلي الدولة الإسلامية “داعش” أجبرهم على مغادرة الرقة في أغسطس الماضي.
ب- جبهة الأصالة والتنمية
تحالف إسلامي من 13000 مقاتل ينشط في جميع أنحاء سوريا ويتمركز بشكل أكبر في حلب ودير الزور.
ج- هيئة دروع الثورة
تحالف ذو صلة بهيئة الأركان تأسس عام 2012 بدعم من الإخوان المسلمين ويصنف نفسه كتحالف إسلامي ديمقراطي ويعترف بتلقيه الدعم من قبل الإخوان المسلمين.
د- لواء شهداء اليرموك
تأسس في محافظة درعا في أغسطس/آب 2012 بعد دمج ثماني وحدات صغيرة، ويعمل على الحدود قرب هضبة الجولان ويقوده بشار الزغبي.
هـ-كتائب الوحدة الوطنية
حوالي 2000 مقاتل يتركزون في إدلب ودرعا ودير الزور، ويُعتقد في انتمائهم للطائفة العلوية، تأسست في أغسطس 2012.

3- الجبهة الإسلامية
تكونت في نوفمبر 2013 من ائتلاف 7 جماعات مسلحة، وهي تحمل توجهًا إسلاميًّا ولها قبول واسع سواء من مقاتلي ألوية هيئة الأركان أو من جماعات تنظيم القاعدة لذا فإنها تلعب دورًا بارزًا في عمليات الوساطة بين الطرفين، ويقول قادتها إن هدفهم هو توحيد جميع الفصائل المقاتلة داخل سوريا وتوجيه جهودها نحو قتال نظام الأسد.
يرأس الجبهة الشيخ أحمد عيسى وتضم كلاً من جيش الإسلام وحركة أحرار الشام وأنصار الشام ولواء الحق ولواء التوحيد إضافة إلى الجبهة الإسلامية الكردية “ألف مقاتل كردي”، ويعتقد في تلقي الجبهة دعمًا سياسيًّا وعسكريًّا من قبل المملكة العربية السعودية.

أ-جيش الإسلام
وهو عضو في هيئة الأركان، وتشكّل في سبتمبر 2013 من اتحاد 50 فصيلاً مسلحًا أهم لواء الإسلام بقيادة زهران علوش –والده رجل دين مقيم بالسعودية – الذي يعد القائد العام لجيش الإسلام ويضم حاليًّا أكثر من 30 لواء منها لواء فتح الشام، لواء توحيد الإسلام ولواء الأنصار ويعتقد أن جيش الإسلام يتلقى دعمًا سعوديًّا للحد من نفوذ القاعدة.
يُعتبر لواء الإسلام هو المكون الرئيسي لجيش الإسلام بتعداد حوالي 9500 مقاتل، تأسس عام 2011 ويعد مسئولاً عن تفجير مكتب الأمن القومي في بغداد في يوليو 2012 في أكبر عملية اغتيال لقيادات أمنية نظامية منذ بدء الأحداث في سوريا وعلى رأسهم وزير الدفاع وصهر الرئيس الأسد، ويتركز نشاط لواء الإسلام في الغوطة الشرقية.

ب- الجبهة الإسلامية السورية “حركة أحرار الشام الإسلامية”
يقودها حسان عبود “أبو عبدالله الحموي2″، تأسست في ديسمبر 2012 من تحالف لـ12 كيانًا مسلحًا أهمها حركة أحرار الشام، وتضم 30 ألف مقاتل وتقوم بعملياتها في جميع أرجاء سوريا.
تضم الجبهة عددًا من الحركات مثل لواء الحق في حمص، أنصار الشام في إدلب، جيش التوحيد في دير الزور، ولواء مجاهدين الشام في حماة، وهي ليست عضوًا في هيئة الأركان لكنها تتعامل معها على الأرض كما تبدي تعاونًا مع فصائل تنظيم القاعدة، وهي جبهة إسلامية ولكنها إقليمية؛ حيث يتركز نشاطها داخل سوريا.
بدأت نشاطها عام 2011 بلواء أحرار الشام قبل أن يتم تشكيل الجبهة الإسلامية عام 2012، وفي عام 2013 أعادت تشكيل نفسها مرة أخرى تحت اسم حركة أحرار الشام الإسلامية وتتميز بتطور تقني نوعي عن مثيلاتها؛ حيث تستخدم أجهزة التفجير عن بعد، وتحتوي على قسم تقني للحرب الإلكترونية كما تقوم بنشاط اجتماعي في حلب والرقة.

4- جبهة النصرة
يقودها أبو محمد الجولاني، وتعدادها بين 5000 -7000 مقاتل، وتعلن تبعيتها لتنظيم القاعدة وتصنفها الولايات المتحدة كمنظمة إرهابية.
أعلنت عن وجودها عام 2012 وتنشط في 11 محافظة سورية من أصل 14 وبخاصة إدلب وحلب ودير الزور، وتسيطر على مناطق من شمال سوريا ولها نشاط خدمي واجتماعي كبير.
في إبريل 2013 رفض أبو محمد الجولاني إعلان أبوبكر البغدادي زعيم الدولة الإسلامية في العراق لضم جبهة النصرة وتمسك بولائه لتنظيم القاعدة الأصلي، مما أبقى الفريقان يعملان على الأرض بشكل منفصل، وتُعدُّ جبهة النصرة أحد أهم الفصائل المقاتلة في سوريا على المستوى الميداني.

5- الدولة الإسلامية في العراق والشام “داعش”
يقدر مقاتليها بين 3000 -5000، وبعد رفض جبهة النصرة الانضمام لتنظيم أبوبكر البغدادي، تم الإعلان عن وجود الدولة رسميًّا في أغسطس 2013 ومعظم مقاتليها من الأجانب.
تُعدُّ “داعش” أكثر الفصائل السورية تطرفًا وتخوض حربًا ضروسًا ضد الفصائل المعارضة الأخرى وتستهدف بعملياتها المدنيين، وترتكب مذابح جماعية بحق العزل وتنشط بشكل رئيس في المحافظات الشمالية والشرقية خصوصًا حلب وإدلب والرقة.
كان ظهور داعش على الساحة مرتبطًا بشكل كبير ببداية الاقتتال بين فصائل المعارضة، مما دفع كثيرًا من المحللين للقول بتلقي داعش دعمًا من قِبَل مقربين للأسد من أجل تشتيت صف المعارضة السورية التي تفرغت لقتال داعش، ونشرت الصحف العالمية ومنها ديلي ميل تقارير عن تلقي داعش لدعم من إيران وقوى أخرى مقربة من نظام الرئيس بشار الأسد.
جيش المجاهدين والأنصار هو أبرز الفصائل المحسوبة على الدولة الإسلامية تأسس في مارس 2013 من ائتلاف للمقاتلين الأجانب أغلبهم من القوقاز ويتركز في حلب وحماة، يرأسه عمر الشيشاني وهو محسوب على الدولة الإسلامية.

6- جيش المجاهدين
أُعلن قيام هذا التشكيل المكون من ثماني جماعات سورية مقاتلة في أوائل يناير كانون الثاني وبدأ على الفور حملة على الدولة الإسلامية في العراق والشام وهو ما دفع كثيرًا من المراقبين إلى الاعتقاد أن داعمين خليجيين شكلوه للتصدي للجماعة المتشددة.
ويعتبر جيش المجاهدين الذي يقول إن عدد مقاتليه خمسة آلاف تنظيمًا إسلاميًّا معتدلاً، ومعظم الفصائل التي انضمت إليه صغيرة نسبيًّا ولا يُعرف الكثير عن هذا التنظيم الجديد حتى الآن، لكن جيش المجاهدين وجبهة ثوار سوريا يقودان الحملة على الدولة الإسلامية في العراق والشام والتي بدأت في كثير من مناطق سيطرة المعارضة في شمال سوريا وشرقها.

ثانيًا: الفصائل المقاتلة في صفوف النظام
إضافة إلى الجيش النظامي والمقاتلين المرتزقة “الشبيحة” فإن هناك فصائل أخرى تقدم الدعم العسكري للنظام السوري بصورة أو بأخرى أبرزها حزب الله وفيلق القدس.

1- حزب الله
يؤكد السوريون مشاركة حزب الله مبكرًا في قمع ثورتهم على النظام خلال عام 2011، لكنّ دليلاً لم يظهر إلا عندما بدأت جثث قتلى حزب الله بالوصول إلى لبنان، ولم يقر الحزب رسميًّا بمشاركته بالحرب إلا عند بدء معركة القصير في مايو 2013.
واستمر تكتم قادة الحزب على تورطه رغم استمرار تشييع جنازات القتلى حتى أكتوبر 2012 عندما سقط أحد أبرز قياديي الحزب في سوريا ويدع محمد حسين الحاج ناصيف الملقب بأبي عباس، وقتها اضطر الحزب إلى الإعلان عن وفاته وشارك قادته في تشييعه, حتى جاءت معركة القصير في مايو 2013 حين أعلن السيد حسن نصر الله مشاركة الحزب فيما وصفه بدحر ما أسماه التمرد والإبقاء على نظام بشار الأسد، معلنًا أن “سوريا هي ظهر المقاومة وسندها، والمقاومة لا تستطيع أن تقف مكتوفة الأيدي وتسمح للتكفيريين بكسر عمودها الفقري.
تشير دراسة لجيفري وايت، المتخصص في الشئون العسكرية والأمنية لدول المشرق العربي في معهد واشنطن، إلى أن مقاتلي الحزب إضافة للمقاتلين الشيعة الأجانب يتخذون من المزارات ومكاتب المرجعيات الشيعية والأحياء الشيعية في دمشق وينطلقون منها لشن هجماتهم ضد المدنيين وضد مقاتلي الجيش الحر.
وتشير تقارير للمحللين إلى أن دور حزب الله قد تغير من مجرد تقديم الدعم بالمشاركة مع الحرس الثوري الإيراني إلى المشاركة بشكل فعلي في القتال بأعداد ليست قليلة بما يشمل عمليات الإعدام الميداني في مدينة القصير والنبك، إضافة إلى جريمة حصار مدن وبلدات جنوب العاصمة، وأبرزها بيت سحم وببيلا التي كانت قوات الحزب مشاركة فيها.

2- فيلق القدس
وهو فرع العمليات الخارجية التابع للاستخبارات الإيرانية، ويشرف عليه قاسم سليماني، رئيس جهاز الاستخبارات الإيراني، ويعتقد أنه يشرف على قيادة عمليات النظام في سوريا.
وقالت صحيفة ديلي ميل البريطانية إن هناك 50-70 من مقاتلي فيلق القدس يديرون الأنشطة في سوريا بهدف جمع المعلومات الأمنية وإدارة المسائل اللوجيستية في المعارك التي يخوضها النظام في الحرب.
ونقلت الصحيفة أن هناك أكثر من 10.000 عنصر من الحرس الثوري إضافة لعناصر في النظامية “الباسيج” والمقاتلين المتحدثين بالعربية التابعين للميليشيات الشيعية العراقية.

3- عصائب شيعية أخرى
وهي تقاتل تحت إمرة الحرس الثوري الإيراني مقابل المال “حوالي 500 دولار للمقاتل” أهمها:
عصائب أهل الحق، بقيادة الشيخ قيس الخزعلي، وعديدها 500 مقاتل.
كتائب حزب الله العراق، بقيادة الحاج هاشم أبو آلاء الحمداني، وعددها 600 مقاتل.
كتائب سيد الشهداء، بقيادة الحاج أبو مصطفى الشيباني، وعددها 400 مقاتل.
حركة النجباء، بقيادة الشيخ أكرم الكعبي، وعددها غير معروف عددًا، فيلق الوعد الصادق، بقيادة الحاج أبو علي النجفي محمد التميمي، وعددهم 2000 مقاتل، وهو الأكبر.
سرايا طلائع الخرساني، بقيادة السيد علي الياسري، وعددها 200 مقاتل.
قوات الشهيد محمد باقر الصدر، بقيادة الحاج أبو مهدي المهندس جمال جعفر، وعددها 300 مقاتل.
لواء أبو الفضل العباس، بقيادة الشيخ أمجد البهادلي، وعدده 500 مقاتل، من أكثر الفصائل فتكًا.
لواء الإمام الحسين، بقيادة أبو شهد الجبوري، وعدده 150 مقاتلًا.

ثالثًا: فصائل تحاول التزام الحياد في المواجهات الدائرة في سوريا
أبرزهم الأكراد المشتتين بين دعم الحكومة ودعم المعارضة، وأهم الفصائل الكردية المقاتلة هي وحدات حماية الشعب الكردي وهي الجناح العسكري لحزب الاتحاد الديمقراطي، وهو موالٍ لحزب العمال الكردستاني بزعامة عبد الله أوجلان.
حاول الحزب إبقاء الأكراد خارج الصراع، إلا أن المواجهات اندلعت بين قوات الحماية الشعبية وقوات النظام السوري من حين لآخر حتى نوفمبر 2012، حين بدأت قوات الحماية فى الاشتباك مع فصائل المعارضة في صراع على المدن الحدودية، وخلال الأشهر الأخيرة وجهت الحكومة التركية والمعارضة السورية الاتهامات لقوات الحماية الكردية بالتعاون مع نظام الأسد.

اقرأ أيضا

المغرب ودول إفريقيا وآسيا

ما هي الأبعاد الاستراتيجية للعلاقة بين المغرب ودول إفريقيا وآسيا ؟

خلال السنوات والأشهر الأخيرة، أحدث الملك محمد السادس نقلة نوعية في العلاقات الثنائية بين المغرب ودول إفريقيا وآسيا كما يظهر ذلك مقال لجون أبي نادر.

252 تعليقاً

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  3. Como já li algures, ele deve odiar muito as mulheres.No fundo deve rir-se à brava com as suas seguidoras fashionistas que papam tudo.Valha-me Deus que isto não lembra ao diabo!

  4. This design is wicked! You most certainly know how to keep a reader entertained. Between your wit and your videos, I was almost moved to start my own blog (well, almost…HaHa!) Fantastic job. I really loved what you had to say, and more than that, how you presented it. Too cool!

  5. Perfect answer! That really gets to the heart of it!

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  8. When my kids were young we had a standing Friday night date with our best couple friend and their two kids . . . at our favorite local watering hole. We'd get stuck in the back room with the claw machine and other video games, hand over a role of quarters and enjoy a pitcher. My kids are now teenagers and show zero interest in alcohol. I know they will drink but I'd rather set a good example than be a hypocrite.

  9. I agree with the view of U.S.-Israel relations depicted by the cartoon. The only part I disapprove of is the sexual part. But I’m glad Foxman is offended by it. That shows that the cartoon is generally useful.

  10. Pour tes premiers ils sont vraiment réussie, les photos aussi sont super bien ^^ Seul petit hik, ce sont des california et des sushis que tu as fais 🙂 les makis c’est ceux roulés dans des noris ! En tout cas bravo !!

  11. Saha on sellutehtaan äiti. Olisko nyt tapahtumassa äitimurha? Metsäteollisuus (lapsellisuuttaan)tekee kaikkensa, ettei sahat saisi toimivaa sähkön syöttötariffia. Olisko syytää peruuttaa kantelut EU:n komissiolle?

  12. Your story was really informative, thanks!

  13. Hú Adri, nagyon finom lehet az almás-fahéjas is! Mondjuk nem is nagyon van olyan gyümölcs (na jó dinnye, szÅ‘lÅ‘ … ), amivel ne tudnám elképzelni a crumble-t 🙂

  14. punker dit :ca se trouve Orochimaru es gentil il connaissais les plan de tobi/obito/madara et voulais proteger le monde a ca facon, il cherchait un corps assez puissant pour pouvoir le battre, il trouve Sasuké et hop il se dit tien c bon avec le corps de Sasuké une fois que je l aurais vien entrainé on pourras le battre (tobo etc…)Aime : 1

  15. Tafari, our spears are sharper than your spears! And our qat is tastier than your qat! Our soldiers are older too, average age 12. We will crush you!

  16. I’ll admit, I’ve been a teensy bit curious about this one, but am hesitant to read it because… I don’t know. Just hesitant. Although it does sound good… maybe I’ll try it some day!

  17. and Argentina Billionaires certainly did !Actually …second generation billionares used it as toilet paper as everyone became billionares by default….the original billionares im sure protected thier wealth before the hammer fell.

  18. Write more, thats all I have to say. Literally, it seems as though you relied on the video to make your point. You obviously know what youre talking about, why throw away your intelligence on just posting videos to your weblog when you could be giving us something enlightening to read?|

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  21. Communism was started by a Welshman named Owen. No one objects to communism as conceptualized by Owen (class cooperation). It's Marxism/Trotskyism (class conflict) that is destructive and Jewish to the core.

  22. Alright alright alright that’s exactly what I needed!

  23. Jason Christopher, August 1, 2012 at 3:43 pm It’s a nice place, but it’s really small, so don’t don’t think you can fit more than a handful of people here. I wouldn’t go to Ziggy’s during peak hours. You’re guaranteed to be crowded and uncomfortable.

  24. It’s a wonderful list and definitely a good one to refer to while brushing one’s teeth! The Central Coast today is all shiny and happy with a soft wind. Wish you were here. XXOO Thanks for the photo!

  25. Törkeää, todella törkeää puhetta/tekstiä kokoomukselaiselta. Hänen mielestään siis vain varakkaat saisivat tehdä lapsia?!!Tuollaisesta puheesta perussuomalainen olisi jo vedetty oikeuteen, ilman muuta!

  26. I have adult delayed sleep phase syndrome, aka d.s.p.s I’m a twenty five year old who gets up at 11, 12 and sometimes 1 in the day. two kids, self employed, yet I’m successful. Don’t ask me how. My wife is as bad as me, she was never like that before we lived together. She’s a stay at home mom. I have set my life up to agree with my situation. But I long to be normal.

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  28. past-sucking moron.I’m not quite sure what that’s supposed to mean.I agree with the others that your think tank changing public opinion plan doesn’t seem that original. I don’t see any reason to conclude Cato is part of the Polygon and LvMI/LRC/Independent are not unless the Polygon is far different animal than Leviathan/Minotaur.

  29. Jeg delte mine ogsÃ¥ i to, smart og lurt tips jeg ogsÃ¥ fikk;);)Vakkert lys i bildene, og fine stoler….Fin dag til deg, Elisabeth. Her gledes til og fÃ¥ pappaen hjem etter 15 dager. Sliten.

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  34. Hi there just wanted to give you a quick heads up. The text in your content seem to be running off the screen in Safari. I’m not sure if this is a formatting issue or something to do with browser compatibility but I figured I’d post to let you know. The style and design look great though! Hope you get the issue resolved soon. Thanks

  35. Lao, after the 2010 elections, the National Assembly has an absolute majority of Chavista deputies, that is, 98 out of 165. However, they don´t have the 3/5 majority required to push forth an enabling law. .. that is, unless they use the remainder of this year´s parliamentary exercise to somehow reform the statutes so that they can circumvent this impediment. This reform would require amending the Constitution, which, again, technically can only be done with a referendum. I say technically because Chavismo has been very creative in devising ways to step around the laws that they themselves created, when it is convenient to do so ( like the redistricting of counties, for example).

  36. Hi, Neat post. There is a problem with your site in internet explorer, would check this… IE still is the market leader and a big portion of people will miss your fantastic writing because of this problem.

  37. Gracias por pasar por mi blog, así he podido conocer el vuestro, que me ha encantado. Esa foto de vuestra cabecera….. qué recuerdos me trae!A pesar de que ahora estoy viviendo en Estocolmo, he vivido 8 años en Madrid, ciudad que adoro y que siempre llevaré en mi corazón, vaya adonde vaya Un beso.

  38. …to tylko “Skalski”, Maleszka, Blumsztajn, Michnik, Kubliki, Pacewicz, Å»akowski, Paradowska, Urban, Lis, Kedaje seniorzy + Kedajówna, wpisujcie proszÄ™ swoje typy, niekoniecznie nazwiska, mogÄ… być pseudonimy operacyjne

  39. Thanks Elizabeth!!! I think they might be a new staple in my fall wardrobe. It is good to hear someone else say they have them and like them, I may just have to bite the bullet.

  40. CC / Håller med. Man borde göra ALLT man kan INNAN man sätter in medicin. Men idag kan du inte gå till läkaren utan att få medicin mot någonting. Vare sig du behöver eller inte. Sorgligt.

  41. Doing Jersey proud Jazzman! I just posted an article link from the Post to Diane’s Jindal post/Labor Lawyer response. What a surprise when your post popped up in my inbox.I tried to post your response and Diane’s to the Post’s website but have had some problems.Two FYI’s- MoCo’s PAR is an off shoot of Cleveland’s PAR program from the early-mid 90′s and the original title of this editorial in Saturday’s hard copy Post was: Reforming Teachers and Teachers Unions.

  42. I come from a long line of Italian's who love meatballs – granted in a red sauce is my favorite way, but I would not pass these up, trust me! They look and sound so delicious!

  43. I just found a great easy recipe for lemon bars at allrecipes and the recipe calls for butter but all I have is margarine. Do you think it would be ok to substitute the margarine for the butter in this recipe?.

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  45. quand j suis malade j en ai rien a foutre d etre glamour étant donné que j évite de sortir de chez moi, le principal c est que je me soigne au plus vite^^

  46. I’ll agree with you on one thing, Richard. Fox “News” and AFTAH are really effed up stuff. But stop with the pedophilia crap. Child abuse and relationships between consenting adults are two entirely different things.

  47. Liebe Betti, alle Modelle auf den Bildern sind von H&M. Die beiden unteren jedoch aus dem vergangenen Jahr. Das Modell oben rechts gibt es aktuell auch online in verschiedenen Farben. Vielleicht wirst du ja fündig

  48. Just signed up…. I am sooooo excited! It always seemed like there was something in the way for me, schedule wise, for your past workshops… but not this time! Can’t wait! : )

  49. If you’re still on the fence: grab your favorite earphones, head down to a Best Buy and ask to plug them into a Zune then an iPod and see which one sounds better to you, and which interface makes you smile more. Then you’ll know which is right for you.

  50. Mult o să mai am de furcă cu cei 90% stabiliţi de tine, care sunt încărcaţi cu ură, ca buboiul cu puroi, fii sigur că mă voi pregăti temeinic să primiţi 200% din ceea ce meritaţi.

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  52. Conoscenti filoisraeliani mi confessarono che i soggetti in stato di fermo e in attesa di espulsione, prima di lasciare per sempre Israele, subiscono una dolorosa e duratura sodomizzazione di gruppo. Non scherzo!araba felice

  53. This looks very immersive, good job!I also plan to implement lighting system for my future night-themed roguelike, guess i’ll be back for some advices later

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  55. and you would be wrong. No one is resposbile for the violence commited against them. only some one completely morally bankrupt would even think to suggest such a thing. she has the right to protest. its not her fault that Israel only knows how to respond with violence.

  56. Mi chiedo cosa ne pensano dell'organigramma i parlamentari che hanno fatto le interrogazioni circa le scie chimiche. Indirettamente, anche loro hanno accusato tutti questi enti.

  57. Perfect shot! Thanks for your post!

  58. In a modern sense I don’t think you can talk about good crime comics without mentioning Blacksad in my opinion. As for Torpedo and Ian’s recommendation Spaghetti Bros they are two books I heard of and seen but haven’t read. So now I think I’ll add those to my read list.

  59. It seems that Steve is advocating nothing expect resentment- resentment against a nebulous concept of neoconservatives. Quite the opposite. Steve is advocating against the nebulous POLICY of neoconservatives, which amounts to little more than resentment of anyone who opposes Israeli domination.

  60. Il y a sans doute plein, plein de choses à dire sur Mélanie. Où elle est née, ce que font ses parents, si elle sucre son café, etc…Le journaliste a fait un portrait (fort intéressant), pas une biographie!Et cette jeune médecin n’avait pas forcément envie de mettre sa vie entière sur la place publique…

  61. Wife and I rent, not considering buying here in hoboken unless a reval comes. Content to watch the properties drop. A lot of people who purchased over the last four years are hurting.

  62. Nella dukan non ce ne sono molti… non ne sentirà la mancanza… Lo youghurt (total 0%) lo puoi usare per fare insieme al bianco d’uovo e la crusca le gallette dukan (vedi ricette in fondo all’articolo)…che sono necessarie (per la presenza di crusca) per andare al bagno!!!

  63. Underbara Elisabeth, du ÄR en stjärna och kommer alltid att vara det!Du är fantastisk som kämpar allt vad du kan!Älskade medmänniska, sÃ¥ jag önskar dig smärtfrihet och rörlighet, inga bekymmer och bara glädje.Dröm att du dansar pÃ¥ en solig äng vid vattnet i natt – där kan du fortfarande vara ditt hela och kompletta jag, utan plÃ¥gor, begränsningar och bekymmer!Kramar om dig bÃ¥de pÃ¥ utsidan och pÃ¥ insidan.Kärlek, Aina

  64. Hey Hector, I really appreciate you bro; ) Thanks for your kind comments.. Looking forward to knowing more about you and your endeavors.. I’m looking to SERVE.. God Bless,Ontarian

  65. 他和她 is also my favourite…i even put it up in my blog as background music of all times…bcos of the inspiration of the Novel,Xiang Zhuo Zou,Xiang You ZouWell,Joi,i believe U can make it!!!overcome the difficulty…and i guess the feel of Running concert in school ground is here again???Jia You!

  66. Pleasing to find someone who can think like that

  67. Looks fab, what about some kind of texty fabric background, but not one of the pale background texts, something with a red background maybe, like the sarah jane out to sea ABC fabric, or one of the gray background text fabric. Or maybe not, I'm not much help, sorry! : )

  68. I was really confused, and this answered all my questions.

  69. Hei på dæi!Huff syke unger e ikke nå særlig gøy nei. Men greit når man kan få være litt på syrommet da:)Veldig spent på å se kordan lampa kommer til å bli.Klem fra mæ

  70. HerÅŸeye cewap werir oldum ama yapcak biÅŸe yok:)))Bizde de çocuk wardı we neredeyse onun bizimle olduÄŸunu unuttuk.Onlar için olan hawuz hem yeterli hemde güwenliydi.YetiÅŸkin hawuzlarıda küçük deÄŸil ama olimpik hawuzda deÄŸil…Ama su kaydırakları muhteÅŸem…Hele erkek hawuzlarının ki hepimiz tarafından gıptayla bakıldı…Hawuzlar çocuklar çok olmasına raÄŸmen tertemizdi…Bizde ilkkez gitmemize raÄŸmen beÄŸeni ile kaldık we tekrar gidiyoruz…

  71. It helps explain how the divide between the two thematically has grown since HHNF. Sorta like Pusha’s mission statement for this album=========================================Yup. Then in the same song Malice goes on to say “Am I my brothers keeper? For himself every man.”I think it’s real tight how they speak on it through the music.

  72. Egghead: CORRECTION: Neither Wilders nor Spencer (nor any anti-jihadi) are endangering the lives of those attending any anti-jihad speech.Rather, Islam and Muslims are endangering the lives of those attending – as well as those sitting on the sidelines.Thank you for making the catch, Egghead.This is the same faulty "logic" that saw General Petraeus blaming Pastor Terry Jones' burning of the Qur'an as posing a mortal danger to our troops in Afghanistan.Islam is the problem. Islam has always been the problem.

  73. Looking at the shuttle flying around on the back of a 747 is an amazing sight and a reminder of the kind of things that great nations can accomplish. It is a shame that we no longer seem to have the will to do much more than consume products, grow debt, and fight wars of choice. Hooray for us.

  74. ‘to suggest the Democrat Party might be driven off the gold standard was a political indecency, and not far short of treason; and that for the Government to engrave the words, “Payable in gold coin of the present standard of value” on the face of its bonds and notes and certificates of indebtedness and sell them to investors while knowing that the gold standard was in danger would be an act of amazing dishonesty.’That is exactly what they did. On May 1, 1933, it was a crime to have in possession more than $100 in gold or gold certificates. Garet Garrett, “Repudiation”, 1934

  75. I’m writing to let you understand of the helpful encounter my wife’s child went through browsing your blog. She came to find lots of pieces, including what it is like to possess a very effective giving heart to get other folks easily grasp a number of hard to do issues. You undoubtedly did more than readers’ expectations. Many thanks for providing those interesting, trusted, explanatory and in addition cool thoughts on the topic to Tanya.

  76. Andy..mirando tu obra “Mama!que!..que es maravillosa, me genero una carcajada..sabes porque?? Porque lo que vos me transmitiste con tu obra….PASA TODA LA VIDA!!!!!! Pasaran los años y te acordarás de esto..y quizas hagas “Mamaaaaaaaa! QUeeeeeeeeeeee!Ahora queeeeeeeequeres…!!!!!!!! Te quiero ANdru..sos regrossa! Pato

  77. Very true! Makes a change to see someone spell it out like that. 🙂

  78. Ana / Este site tinha que ser “o começo” e não o “fim do mundo”, e para um começo antes precisamos do caos, que aí vem a transformação e a calmaria.

  79. pienamente d’accordo zilucc, specie perchè stiamo assistendo agl’effetti negativi che i nuovi mezzi di “comunicazione” stanno avendo sui/nei rapporti sociali faccia a faccia.

  80. and also professional version. standard version is…for home user. the business version is for business writing. the creative version is for those with creative inclinations such as writing novels, short stories, poems, screenplays and also letters. the professional version is for business and corporate…

  81. Most help articles on the web are inaccurate or incoherent. Not this!

  82. Do you feel a little better after sort of writing about it? I hope so. I hope it passes quickly. Take care of yourself.(MD) Writing always helps… and drawing helps too. It’ll pass quickly, once it does come to pass. Like tearing duct tape off a hairy arm.

  83. Thanks Kevin. I like your post. I have have some friends that are going through a bankruptcy and this is a very real topic for them. Very soon they won’t be able to get a car loan or a home loan. A few things they are considering are:- Viewing family members as banks that can loan you money (this can be quiet challenging)- Using retirement assets for big cash purchases and having family members fund your retirement- Making purchases before they go bankrupt- Taking public transportationI particularly like the idea about trading up. Creative solution!

  84. In Pennsylvania so much has to do with your prior record, with regards to criminal justice.This girl claims a history of mental illness and is young. However, she has also done something that years ago would have caused a gang to roam the streets searching for black men to lynch. She lied and relied on racial tensions to swing a presidential election. If this were the other way around fundies would be screaming treason, but let’s get her some help and see how this turns out. -1Was this answer helpful?

  85. Ron,You mention that “over half of the overheating incidents investigated were a result of existing wiring … and not the smart meters themselves”. What was the cause for the rest of the fires?

  86. Jennie skriver:Åh, jag vill vinna! Kom hem från BB i torsdags med vår andra lilla prins och har inte hunnit tänka på det där med julkort ännu..Håller tummarna!

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  88. We love this idea! We started using it a few weeks ago and it had really been working well. But for the last few nights after he comes out and tells us he’s ready for his tuck in (he’s 2 and 3/4), he then starts up with the requests for water, cries that he’s heard a noise, etc. Since we’ve already told him it’s bedtime, what do you recommend at that point?Thanks!

  89. Hi Kelly,Sorry it has taken a while to respond, but I am based in northern France and my bees are in Picardie. Therefore I believe you might be referring to who is nearer to you. You may want to pose your question (useful to have photographs) to him.Equally, you are welcome to post your photograph on our page where more solitary bee amateurs hang out.

  90. Bin auf der Suche nach einer preiswerten Tankentrostung… (Baue gerade eine Z650B Bj.79 neu auf und der Tank sieht nach 14 Jahren Standzeit natürlich entsprechend aus.) Auf deinen Blog gestoßen. Deine Methode werde ich auf jeden Fall ausprobieren. Ich habe nur eine Frage…Wie hast du die Elektrode befestigt, dass sie nicht den Tank berührt… Stell mich da gerade was blöd an. 🙂

  91. After I originally left a comment I seem to have clicked on the -Notify me when new comments are added- checkbox and from now on whenever a comment is added I get 4 emails with the exact same comment. There has to be an easy method you are able to remove me from that service? Kudos!

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  94. سرکار خانم! شما می‌خواهید این‌جا ترکیه باشه، ما نمی‌خواهیم، حالا خرف حساب شما چیه؟شمایی که چنین خواسته‌هایی دارید، ما هم داریم، پدر و مادر من نمی‌خوان وقتی پسر بزرگ‌شون تو خیابون می‌ره بی‌حجاب ببینه، مگه نمی‌گی آزادیه، مگه شما آزادی نمی‌خوای؟ منم می‌خوام… خانواده‌ی من، دوستان من، هم فکرای من، آزادی می‌خوان، پس لطفا مزاحم آزادی بقیه نباش، نمی‌خوای دین‌دار باشی نباش، لااقل آزاده باش…

  95. Maurizio, scusami ma il paragone a mio avviso non regge. Un conto è annunciare un pericolo utilizzando un metodo effettivamente utilizzato da chi queste cose le fa davvero; un altro è farlo usando metodi e modalità inusitate e oltretutto (se leggi i dettagli) accompagnate da un’immediata indicazione di paternità fatta durante la trasmissione in questione.

  96. Hello I would like to add an event to the event calender it is “She Loves Me” the musical at the Marysville Auditorium presented by the students from the Marysville Charter Academy for the Arts the production runs- March 23-April 1 Fridays ,saturday at 7 pm and sunday matinees at 2 pm cost 10 dollars and 5 for students and groups phone 749-6155

  97. sorry, further clarification needed – i’m making a game which will be for sale – i’d like to use some of your patterns as a starting point to create images for the game (the patterns will be altered significantly in the process). is this considered in the group of designing a website for a client (allowed) or designing a product for resale (not allowed)?

  98. November 12, 2011 Regards for helping out, excellent info. “Our individual lives cannot, generally, be works of art unless the social order is also.” by Charles Horton Cooley.

  99. Caro João CeloricoNão sou adepto do novo acordo ortográfico, pelo que se tratou apenas de um lapso meu.Grato pela correcção.Os meus cumprimentosJosé Leite

  100. Excellent article, and I agree with your statement, that "Israeli public diplomacy has been criminally negligent, in failing to put the Jews from Arab countries Case".As for the 'right of return' to arab countries, how could the Jews from Egypt could return to Egypt? Look what the Egyptians are doing to the Copts minority in Egypt today. They are burning their Churches, are persecuting them, and thousands of Copts are fleeing Egypt when they only could afford it. Just like it happened to the Jews of Egypt some 60 years ago…Levana, Israel

  101. Donc tu compare à quoi ? Si c’est pas à toi ?C’est quoi le processus mental qui mène à la conclusion, c’est un(e) tout croche ? Et pourquoi tu te considère supérieur à cette personne ?

  102. Manufacturing is essential to a vibrant U.S. economy. Consumption may be wonderful but production is vital. The mixed economy is being refreshed by manufacturing gains.Thaanks for this information Professor.

  103. Så fint det ble, du får til du Monica! Artig at du har så mange ting i fra din farfar -virkelig flott!Fortsatt ha en God ferie! Ser nå ut til at det kan bli litt mere sommer!Merete

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  105. Thanks for another great article. The place else may anybody get that type of info in such an ideal way of writing? I’ve a presentation subsequent week, and I am at the look for such information.

  106. Bonjour,Il existe un excellent psychologue sur Douai qui est intervenu au sein de l’association donnant de très bons résultats. Je vous communique ses coordonnées: Sinon il existe des médecines complémentaires qui fonctionnent très bien aussi.Bon courage et bonne journée.D.Denis

  107. 13d There are 3 necessary ingredients which make up the attitude of an individual of this kind : acknowledgment Belief Commitment Being diagnosed as having type two diabetes could be a life changing experience for plenty of folks. To your Well-being and Welfare , Doctor Eno.

  108. Eu ador roscatul, insa n-am curaj sa ma fac permanent, m-am facut doar cu sampon pana acum. Imi potoleste pornirile pentru o perioada si ma tine cam o luna-doua pana iese complet. Pupicei!

  109. I think Palin’s folksy schtick is about as authentic as George Bush’s Texas drawl. Both are weapons or personas, to be used as needed.In the debate she tried to use it to turn a disadvantage – her utter inexperience – to an advantage. But she did it in such an over the top, earnestly ambitious way that was off putting to at least me.

  110. Stacy Christiansen LassenMy heart has been heavy upon hearing about the loss of Heather. She was a dear friend of mine throughout our teenage years. Sadly, I lost touch with her after she transferred to Orem High in the 11th grade. Although I haven’t seen her in years, I have thought of her from time to time and hoped she was doing well. May your memories grow sweeter and your sorrows lessen with each passing day.Rest in peace my sweet friend.

  111. I agree Defund Defund DefundStart with the $105Billion that O R and P left reeking within in the bill. These are "hidden" implementation funds. That kind of sounds like the head of this monster. We get a two-fer cut off the head and save $105Billion.Kind of a no-brainer I would think.

  112. Yes, me too, Deb. Too often is right. Praying we both lay it down and find peace and rest in Him–that He would make us ready and able to face whatever comes. Thanks so much for stopping by here today. God bless you.kris recently posted..

  113. Interesting blog! Is your theme custom made or did you download it from somewhere? A theme like yours with a few simple adjustements would really make my blog shine. Please let me know where you got your design. Appreciate it

  114. Wonderful story, reckoned we could combine a few unrelated data, nevertheless really worth taking a look, whoa did one learn about Mid East has got more problerms as well

  115. Caligula dit :Si le français se portait bien ces étatistes n’auraient pas besoin de mentir pour avoir leur argent. Donc le français ne se porte pas bien au Canada.

  116. Love this post, I think every blogger tagged or not should do a post like this, that way you get to know who is behind all those awesome posts!I love your new banner, btw! so cute!I don't blog on the weekends either, I'm too busy snapping pictures for my 'week in the iphone' posts & hanging out with my little buddy! I wish I had blog friends near me, none of my non-blog friends understand how truly rewarding blogging can be! =]

  117. Sehr geehrte sat1-Redaktion,seriös ist Ihre Berichterstattung nicht. Sie haben Ihrer Phantasie freien Lauf gelassen.Bernhard KollischanDiesen Kommentar bewerten: 0  0


  119. Where can I get a union job with a state pension? I’m a fat slob and I have a fetish for jelly donuts. I am a hardworker though. I can double fist a bag of potato chips and bacon egg n cheese. Pay me you greedy b_stards!

  120. AFAIC that’s the best answer so far!

  121. If time is money you’ve made me a wealthier woman.

  122. / Muito bom o post César. Bilhões de Galaxias cada uma com bilhões de estrelas. Os numeros variam continuamente, mesmo porque em um ano terrestre quantas centenas ou milhares de Galaxias desaparecem, se fundem e tudo mais.. Aguardemos com expectativa a nova geração de telescópios ópticos, infravermelho, raios x, e outros. Com certeza novas descobertas surgirão. O trabalho nesta área de astronomos e pesquisadores é muito interessante. Quisera eu estar entre eles.Gostei deste comentário ou não: 0

  123. 92 10-12-11 spune: sa raspunzi la intrebari, cum te-am rugat mai sus1. cu ce aplicatie rulezi filmul ?2. ti se face ecranul negru si cand te uiti la un film de pe youtube in fullscreen? +43V-a ajutat acest raspuns?

  124. Und solch Entscheidung noch vor dem Treffen der Botschafter in Island am kommenden Freitag?Mal abwarten, wie die darauf reagieren.Hätte es nach all den Protesten, selbst im eigenen Land, nicht für möglich gehalten…

  125. Hi Teedy Bear, you do not have to colour your macarons you can leave them plain if you prefer. If you want them coloured then gel or powdered colour are the way to go.

  126. On ne dit pas affairisme on dit entrepreneuriat et c’est une qualité, non ? Demandez à Madame Parisot, elle vous le confirmera. La france n’aime pas les entrepreneurs, c’est maintenant démontré. Allez, une page FB, les pigeons pour défendre le commerce en ligne….

  127. Merci pour cette redécouverte de l’économie sociale. Le tableau établi est éloquent. Nous pourrons partager des noix de Grenoble, quand vous aurez établi notre nouveau contrat social. Cette tâche, Martin, est urgente. Nourrissez vous du programme du Conseil national de la Résistance, des apports de Mai 68.

  128. wow – what a lot of lovely goodness…brilliant – all of it (apart from the fact that you just made me spend a load of money on fabric that I don’t need – ’tis pretty though!)

  129. We do need to define conversative, not politically in terms of issues and agendas but in terms of values and virtues.By conervative I mean someone who is thoughtful in making decisions, someone who is not impulsive. A man or woman with empathy (a big issue for me this year). I'd like the next president to be a man or woman of courage. Not in the traditional sense but like Moses or Esther.We can only hope and pray that a peron like that comes out of the shadows.

  130. Wonderful story, reckoned we could combine some unrelated data, nevertheless truly worth taking a look, whoa did 1 master about Mid East has got more problerms at the same time

  131. C.L.:Feminists who complain about women being objectified are the very ones who are doing the objectifying. To suggest that their “sisters” could not be interested in sex, even as a business, unless they’re tools of men is insulting and degrading — to women. It’s just like suggesting that women could not be interested in food or cooking, unless they’re slaves to men.

  132. Hello There. I found your blog using msn. This is a really well written article. I will be sure to bookmark it and come back to read more of your useful information. Thanks for the post. I will certainly comeback.

  133. Hi Silty,vielen Dank für Deine Wünsche. An dem WE war wirklich an allen Stellen wieder was los. Leider verlief das Festival nicht so dolle und musste abgebrochen werden. Nachbarn hätten sich beschwert.Aber dazu werde ich noch was schreiben.Ich hoffe, Euer Auftritt war dagegen erfolgreicher und gut!!!!! Herzliche GrüßeSandra

  134. Omg. I’m totally fangirling right now because of how much I LOVE – TRULY MADLY DEEEEPLY – LOVE this makeup look of yours. Now, I’ve never truly successfully attempted lining my inner corner but I am convinced that I MUST try or die trying. Thank you!

  135. ba6ffQuand elle achètera en masse, le système explosera aussi…La BCE ne peut racheter actuellement, c’est interdit par les traités européens et la constitution allemande…7b345

  136. Hej Merete-Jeg gemmer altid de billeder jeg vil bruge i zoombrowser og overfører dem sÃ¥ via blogger til min blog, sÃ¥ jeg bruger altsÃ¥ ik webalbums og blog knappen i picasa.. 🙂

  137. I bet if it were Barry Bonds instead of Clemens being charged by Congress, you posters wouldn’t be blaming Congress and Major League Baseball. It’s amazing how you become an apologist for one of your own who is obviously as big a liar as Bonds. There, that’s how you call a liar a liar. Stop the BS and call the man what he is……

  138. Great ?I should definitely pronounce, impressed with your site. I had no trouble navigating through all the tabs and related info ended up being truly simple to do to access. I recently found what I hoped for before you know it at all. Reasonably unusual. Is likely to appreciate it for those who add forums or something, website theme . a tones way for your client to communicate. Nice task.

  139. You’ve already carved my prize! Awesome! (Wishful thinking. I never win.)Except that one time where I won everything. Mwahaha. But I knew that you would accept photos for the goofy hat contest. And, baby, you do give good linky-love. FYI: Le Clown would say trés bon. Look, now I’m correcting grammar en français. Oy.

  140. car il y a moins de racistes qu’on croit aux U.S. !Rédigé par: Pierre Henri | le 01 mars 2008 à 23:39Non.P.S.: Quelle est votre définition de « raciste » ?Quelles sont vos sources vous permettant de chiffrer en plus ou  » moins de raciste » ?Qui est ce « on » qui croirait ce que vous affirmez sans preuve ?

  141. Adriano Shehehehe…pois é, o engraçado que os skinheads chineses são os mais ocidentalizados da China…Gostei da frase,,ocidentalização da asia não significa tolerancia com estrangeiros. Pelo contrario…fodam se chinas fp…

  142. I will be putting this dazzling insight to good use in no time.

  143. Please teach the rest of these internet hooligans how to write and research!

  144. she didn’t want to execute the murderers because she felt even the murderers also have human rights. We should give them one more chance to be a new man. However, didn’t the victims have human rights? Why should the victims have to be killed? So, I think that death penalty should be used. Furthermore, I strongly think that justice doesn’t protect the victims and their family in Taiwan.

  145. Hahahaha. I’m not too bright today. Great post!

  146. I also have to add as there has been much commentary on Giselle’s pale skin – she is Brazilian of German and Hispanic descent. There’s a little color in her gene pool.

  147. I was telling you to go fly a kite./jokeI was talking about 'early to bed and early to rise' and all that. Having a routine really helped me through the early stages.Best of luck, mate. Anything you need, you know the address.

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  149. Your honesty is like a beacon

  150. I’m glad I found your blog. A friend just passed it to me today. I do miss hearing you in the morning and hope something good turns up for you soon.Are you sure you never played the accordion?

  151. Holy shiznit, this is so cool thank you.

  152. I like the blue one. And the drawer is impressive.I couldn’t collect enough mugs to fill a drawer like that. People would think I was crazy. And then I’d have one less drawer to store their bodies in.

  153. One or two to remember, that is.

  154. THANK YOU!!! I’ve had to squirm quite a bit try to explain to my five year old son why I can’t read some words, even if I do try and sound them out. Over, and over, and over again! The silver lining is that I get to show him that you are never done learning new stuff!

  155. Stands back from the keyboard in amazement! Thanks!

  156. Takk for flotte bilder og muntre historier fra dagliglivet. Nyter hver millimeter av bloggen din, selv om jeg ikke alltid legger igjen 'spor'. Ha en fin januar.

  157. A proposito di google. Abito in Svizzera e tempo fa ho inviato un link di una ricerca fatta con Google Image ad un amico a Milano. Ebbene, cliccando entrambi sullo stesso link, ottenevamo risultati completamente diversi. Abbiamo svuotato la cache, i file temporanei, tutto quello che ci è passato per la testa, ma con lo stesso link abbiamo ottenuto sempre risultati diversi. E’ magari a causa della differenza geografica?

  158. Sur la photo de Martine trois matelas à une place, l’échangisme est réduit au triolisme. Sur celle de Nobodyn’ose cinq matelas à une place ce qui ouvre quelques perspectives d’autant plus alléchantes qu’en sous-titre un sultan en majuscules trône.

  159. Não sei se estará assim tão em extinção. Na terra dos meus pais, não há festa sem aletria, e se for num casamento ou se for Natal, então a aletria é a rainha da mesa.Cá em casa faz-se muita aletria.Eu gosto dela bem cremosa.

  160. Not bad at all fellas and gallas. Thanks.

  161. Isn't much of this just a law (religious legalism) vs. Christian freedom debate? For me having grown up and still very much connected to a conservative church community, I find they're always preaching and stressing law even though they'll never admit it. I will also admit though that I'm at all impressed by leaders who are just a little too hipster cool. They seem to be trying just as hard as the super holy guys in suits while claiming to be different.

  162. Suggestion:Be able to set a default video player size and set a default video quality so that I don't have to change the player size and video quality everytime. This is helpful when I open multiple videos in new tabs at the same time. It get's redundant to have to manually choose a player size and video quality for each video.

  163. In the mainstream mental measurement literature this phenomenon is generally refered to as a threshold rather than a floor but its the same concept.Consider basketball. Height is known to be important in basketball. So there is a correlation in the general population between height and basketball ability. Yet in the NBA there is no such correlation. When everyone is tall, height differences are not important.Michael Jordan was only 6’5″. I’m about that same height so I should be just as good as he was. Right?

  164. Love, Love, Love the new patterns! I want them all!!!! But then I do say that everytime a new pattern comes out! Rofl! Can’t wait for summer!

  165. James Canning says:December 9, 2012 at 1:59 pmThe british and the ottomans were latecomers to the war but nonetheless they both still got involved even when they could have stayed out of it,as for who started it I think all the governments involved share the guilt for that,Gavrilo Princip may have struck the match but it was the european empires that built the powder keg

  166.   February 19, 2012 Dear Elaine. I am indebted to you for the detailed reply. A homeo. friend told me to cure the skin complaint of hands of a lemon beverage seller with 3x potency of a lemon juice. He also revealed to cure hepatitis with potentised blood serum of the concerned patient. Dr. Kashi Ram also reports in his book to an unconscious boy with 30c potency of his mouth saliva. I think that autopathy is the last resort to win the battle. Please would you like to explain me how to potentise head hair, nails, warts ,corns, dandruff i.e. all solid insoluble things. Thanks. Saleem

  167. Belizè bay demisyonw tou swit pou pa sal imaj peyia yon peyi mwen renmen anpil…komisè chache toujou wap jwenn lot ka pi grav toujou….kanstè chimé volè krimînèl atoufè….bay pèp la yon chans kotew pase..? sak baw lèse pase? moun ki bôw lèse pape pi kriminel ankô…

  168. LOL! Love that photo of Olivia! What a sweetie, even covered in make up!The quilt turned out so nicely, she is sure to love and treasure it for years to come.

  169. Jackie Hi Ryan,My Mom and I enjoyed seeing C.T. in Cleveland. The show was fantastic! Will you and Neil please consider bringing your A.B.C. tour here? There are plenty of Irish pubs around.

  170. It is the distinction between rejecting specific settlement-origin products and rejecting an entire society. The former is a legitimate commercial boycott; the latter is ghetto-building. The distinction is not at all subtle. Failure or refusal to make such distinction is both counter-productive and racist.

  171. I love how the cardigan is turning out – I may just add it to my queue. Oh and I distinctly remember Anne desiring poufed sleeves – and I never watched the movie (I got too frustrated by the changes they were making) so it must also be in the books.

  172. Too bad the thugs don’t wear their really big ADIDAS sneakers with the laces loosely strung and untied so that they really couldn’t run in them either without them being thrown off because of their loose fit. Tam, no pictures?? Awww…

  173. Adriana comentou em 28 de maio de 2011 às 12:44. tenho uma dúvida que não tem a ver com esse manual… ganhei um pozinho texturizador da osis, e o cabelo fica volumoso, muito bom, mas fica meio grudento… é esse mesmo o efeito?? ou será que o meu pozinho tá velho, ou sei lá…??

  174. I had to think of this post when I read the following today:"More than fifty per cent of Wellingtonians believe the city's "Golden Mile" of shopping streets should be smokefree, an Otago University study has found"Under democracy a smoking ban will be imposed.Next they might vote indeed to exterminate all rich people and divide their cash among the needy.

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  176. A może komentarz odpowiadający na pytanie dlaczego nie udostepniono Rosjanom treści dokumentu?Nie przekonuje mnie twierdzenie że w cerkwi nie ma tradycji czytania dokumentów. TRADYCJE TRZEBA ZMIENIAĆ GDY CHODZI O WPROWADZANIE W ŻYCIE ZASAD CHRZEŚCIJAŃSKICH.Zresztą co stoi na przeszkodzie by Cerkiew dotarła z przesłaniem również do niewierzących np. poprzez wykupienie ogłoszeń w wysokonakładowych czasopismach.Dla chcącego nie ma nic trudnego.

  177. José Marcos • 19 de Agosto de 2011 às 01:43Beleza de artigo!Comprei um template e tentei traduzir por um Plugin, mas não deu certo.Editei os arquivos po e mo para o português, mas não deu certo.Mas o seu post me ajudou, pois não sabia quais arquivos do template editar diretamente nos códigos, manualmente.Um abraço!

  178. Na es wird doch! Macht aber bitte nicht den Fehler, wie wir, die Schlüsselübergabe zu früh zu vereinbaren. KMH hat sich seitdem nicht mehr bei uns gemeldet und es sich noch einige Punkte zu erledigen! Sind mittlerweile echt genervt und enttäuscht.

  179. Das Resultat der Einwohnerfrage ist klar; die Gesamtsumme der aktuellen Bürgschaften wird wohl kaum einem Ratsherrn / Ratsfrau bekannt gewesen sein, aber es wurde mal eben über eine Bürgschaft von 5 Millionen Euro entschieden!So würde kein Privathaushalt handeln!

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  182. This may be your best column ever Mr. Knish. I recall when Ronald Reagan died the execrable "Forward" wrote a disgusting editorial lambasting the man who was probably the most pro-Israel president ever.

  183. That’s a brilliant answer to an interesting question

  184. Is it better to be an addict, completely unaware of imminent desolation, focused only on the drive to satisfy a momentary need, or one who is able to see the destructive forces in play, utterly helpless to do anything other than be a witness? If I had to choose, I’d still rather be the later. I wonder, do you suppose there were any good thinkers left to ponder the demise of Rome as it declined toward the day it fell to the Visigoths?

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  209. donekle znan kako ti,i sam san lingvist.doduse,moje područje je engleski,ali ista stvar se moze primijenit na neke nase politicare,zar ne? kad se samo sitin jacinog dej aftr jestrdej…..ne znan sta da kazen,u ovoj državi je sve moguce

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  218. Regnier : Votre titre et votre premier paragraphe parlent (du moins ce 13 janvier à 22:40) de Luc Moulet. Êtes-vous sûre qu’il ne s’agisse pas plutôt de Luc Moullet ?

  219. it took a real effort to maintain awareness of what was going on around him while his eyes were glued to the viewfinder. The survivors figured it out, but there were several cases where people got wiped out while cranking merrily away.

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  221. Good point. I hadn’t thought about it quite that way. 🙂

  222. Renato, faites-vous allusion au « Chemin de velours », un livre de Rémy de Gourmont qui défend les Jésuites et les casuistes, Escobar, Tamburini, etc. contre Pascal. C’est un régal. Les Jésuites et les casuistes (je ne fais pas trop la différence) se révèlent féministes, humains, bref, civilisés… Ou « la voie de velours » est-elle un concept dont le livre de R. de Gourmont serait une illlustration ?

  223. …."Oooh, a BassBoat. 2K…LOL. Think Feadship, Heeyuckian. Now that's a BOAT."Take a deep breath, put down the scissors, step away from the table, and take the blue pill. No sudden movements this time and the Tazer stays in my pocket. Everything will be alright.

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  227. The genius store called, they’re running out of you.

  228. Saying that you should change your ISP is fine for the limited markets where that is possible.Meantime, what’s next? Blackwater operating the tracking program and integrating with their private espionage program?

  229. Mauris vitae lorem sed magna ultrices congue. Etiam vulputate volutpat arcu vel mattis. Quisque tempus, odio eget hendrerit semper, turpis diam commodo ligula, ac iaculis nisi neque eget dolor. Sed quis neque nec metus dictum venenatis nec nec velit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent porttitor risus vel felis blandit pharetra. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Suspendisse a.

  230. By June 26, 2012 – 1:08 amI was pretty pleased to uncover this website. I need to to thank you for your time for this fantastic read!! I definitely enjoyed every bit of it and i also have you bookmarked to look at new stuff on your website.

  231. To the Models/Fashion Entrepeneurs list, you need to add Chanel Iman (half Korean, half African American) and Sen Mitsuji (half Japanese, half Caucasian).

  232. recunosc, vinovata2 pahare de sampanie (doar 1,5 lei bucata).. erau destinate pentru un picnic la Barcelona.. care n-a mai avut loc.acum imi servesc pentru a nu pierde cercei si margele

  233. – Peaches Week 82: Mo’s Kitchen – Rice Week 81: Waisting Duxie – Swiss Chard Week 80: Fuss Free Flavours – Capers Week 79:  Jenn Cuisine – Honey Week 78: Living Free – Cashews Week 77: Affairs of

  234. Excellent!I usually just go full creepster on them, and start asking "What are you wearing?" in my 'sexy voice'. You should have come out with the drinks line earlier, now I'm going to have to save it for the next election.

  235. Emudude // July 6, 2010 at 11:07 amAnyone still asking where is the media on all this…..possibly you answered that with this..their heads must be in the same area as the Soros-owned, Soros-controlled media….

  236. / Imagino en tal evento, artistas colombianos reconocidos mundialmente, Shakira, Choquibtown, Carlos Vives, Fonseca, Silvestre Dangong, Peter Manjares, Pipe Peláez, Jorge Celedón, Fanny Luu, Maía, Aterciopelados, Juanes, cantando por una Colombia 100% fre carbon, no mas inundaciones, ni tragedias en nuestras tierras colombianas, anhelamos mostrarle al mundo que somos el corazón del universo! y generar en nuestro sistema de Credits de Carbon los cambios inmediatos para evolucionar en nuestras condiciones de vida actual.Colombia No 1 en la wor(l)d es mi sueño.

  237. Yet another reason I can share with my brother-in-law as to why the US is more awesome than Canada. They might have Tim Horton's but we have the Kindle

  238. ma numesc neg mirela sunt o femeie de 36 ani ,divortata cu un copil de 11 ani,lucrator comercial senior level si junior level bucatar,dorinta mea este de a emigra in olanda.

  239. I do love that Barbie pink! So pretty! But that's exactly why I never paint my nails; I'm too rough on them. It's really funny you wrote about Barbie because I am writing about Barbie tomorrow!

  240. I’m not a regular commenter, but I am a regular reader, and I’m quite disappointed to see this site deteriorating into a forum for the worst kind of self-important bigotry that seems to creep up on every decent corner of the Internet after a while.Ignorance on the scale of that evinced by MI and Ethnocentrist should be shouted down at every opportunity. I’m not interested in hearing the anti-Semitic side of every argument. If Dymphna and the Baron can’t keep order in their own house, I for one see no reason to continue to read their worthwhile posts. The aggravation far outweighs the benefits.

  241. kouk – Dukla fotbal napsal: Petržala ač pro to dÄ›lal maximum… tak sám nic nezmohl… ale jinak se v poli nenaÅ¡el jediný hráč… který by celý tým táhl a strhnul ho k heroickému výkonu… který byl dnes velmi nutný k tomu… abychom neodjíždÄ›li domů s prázdnou…

  242. Enterprise nezatracuj, já jsem taky čekal bůhvíco a byl jsem příjemnÄ› pÅ™ekvapen 🙂 Má to vÅ¡echno, co potÅ™ebuju – britský přízvuk (Malcolm), sexy vulkánku (T'Pol), sympatické záporáky (Andoriáni s anténkama^^) a občasné wtf 😀 (tÅ™eba Ferengské ponožky)

  243. You are right, of course,the romance of the name, the aura of a world so far and so different from what I have known, they are all very superficial notions. On the other hand, I am truly interested and would love to get to know this part of the world by travelling there. It may never be.

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