تونس… عدالة في المزاد العلني

بعرضه على مجلس الوزراء التونسي، في الأيام القليلة الفارطة، لم يعد مشروع القانون الأساسي، الذي سيمنح العفو للفاسدين من رجال الأعمال وإطارات الإدارة العمومية المرتشين والمتلاعبين بالصفقات العمومية والمتهربين من دفع الضرائب، مجرد وعد قطعه على نفسه رئيس الجمهورية، الباجي قائد السبسي، بعيد حملته الانتخابية الرئاسية، بل أصبح الأمر فعلا قانوناً قيد الإنجاز، حسب ما تدل عليه المؤشرات الحالية. ففي فصوله الاثني عشر يتعرض مشروع القانون إلى إعفاء تلك الفئات الثلاث من المحاسبة القضائية، ويضع شروطاً، هي من باب ذر الرماد على العيون، ليجد ما به يبرر أخلاقياً هذا الاستثناء المخجل.
بهذا يخرج هذا القانون المقترح تلك الفئات الثلاث من قانون العدالة الانتقالية، ويمنحها الغفران باسم المصالحة طوراً، والمصلحة الوطنية طورا آخر. وهكذا، لن تتم المحاسبة مطلقا وتمر البلاد تحت الغصب القانوني الفاقد للمشروعية الأخلاقية إلى عدالة انتقائية تتم على المقاس.
يأتي هذا المشروع في سياقات صعبة على جميع المستويات: اقتصاد شبه مشلول، خصوصا مع قطاع سياحي منكوب، تحت وطأة العمليات الإرهابية الأخيرة، وإدارة عمومية ينخرها، أكثر من أي وقت مضى، فيروس الفساد واللامبالاة واستثمار داخلي وخارجي منكمش ومناخ أمني متوتر، سمته الإرهاب الذي نزل من الجبال إلى المدن والسواحل والمرافق المدنية في سابقة نوعية خطيرة.
بقطع النظر إن كانت لتلك الفئات الثلاث المتهمة بالفساد من رجال أعمال وكوادر عليا من موظفين عموميين، أو المتهربين من الضرائب، مسؤولية مباشرة، أو غير مباشرة، في إحداث هده الوضعية، فإنهم قد استفادوا منها وأحسنوا توظيفها، إلى حد أصبح فيه إعفاؤهم من المحاسبة “مصلحة وطنية، تقتضيها المرحلة الحرجة التي تمر بها البلاد”. هل اشتهوا حلول الكارثة أم صنعوها؟ لا ندري حقيقة الأمر. ولكن، لا يمكن استبعاد تورط بعضهم مع مصالح ولوبيات كان لها الدور الحاسم في ما آلت إليه تونس حاليا.
تستغل الحكومة حاليا كل المآسي المستجدة والمزمنة، لتقنعنا بصحة هذا القرار، وأن هذا الشروع هو العصا السحرية. مكافحة البطالة والفقر والإرهاب والأوبئة والتصدي للدسائس والمؤامرت الخارجية والداخلية تقتضي، حسب رأيها، إعفاء هؤلاء من المحاسبة، لتحقيق وحدة وطنية تستند إلى المصالحة. وحتى في كيفية اختيار التوقيت، لتمرير مثل هذه القوانين الأكثر شبهة تستند الحكومة، ومن دون اجتهاد كبير، أيضاً، إلى ما كانت قريحة النظام السابق تفتحت عليه عند اختيار الصيف بجميع دلالاته التونسية: موسم الدعة والعطل والأفراح والمسرات التي فيها تتحلل كل أشكال التعبئة العمومية. الجميع ينثني على الاهتمامات والمصالح الشخصية. حالة التحلل تلك والارتخاء، للأسباب المعلومة، تسعى الحكومة إلى استثمارها، لتمرير قوانين من حجم ثقيل على غرار: قانون المالية التكميلي وقانون الإرهاب وقانون تجريم الاعتداء على قوات الأمن… إلخ.
هل تحتاج الدولة فعلاً إلى ما يقارب أربع مائة شخص ممن استغلوا مناصبهم الإدارية العليا للإثراء الفاحش، بالرشوة والصفقات المشبوهة؟ لا أعتقد. ولكن، قد تحتاج الحكومة الحالية، و”نداء تونس” خصوصاً، إليهم لزرعهم في المواقع المتقدمة، وقد عاد بعضهم فعلا، وذلك لمزيد بسط هيمنته على الإدارة التونسية وإلحاقها من خلال أخطر أشكال الزبونية السياسية المستحدثة عبر بيع صكوك الغفران لهم، فيبدو وكأنه ولي نعمتهم الأوحد. سيشكل هؤلاء، إن عادوا، كتيبة أمامية مزروعة في مفاصل الإدارة العمومية، مستعةد لتقديم خدمات الطاعة والولاء في جيش من الموظفين العموميين، يحتاجون، بدورهم، إلى عقلنة ممارساتهم، وفق معايير الشفافية والعقلانية المفقودين إلى حد كبير حالياً.
لا تكمن خطورة هذا المشروع في استدامة منظومة الفساد والاعتداء الأخلاقي على مشمولات العدالة الانتقالية التي ستجبر المشرع على تنقيح قانونها الخاص فحسب، بل تكمن الخطورة، أيضاً، في جملة الرسائل البيداغوجية السلبية التي نبعثها للأجيال المقبلة، والتي ستفيد، لا محالة، وبقطع النظر عن تفاصيل تلقيها أن الأثرياء والمتنفذين بإمكانهم أن يشتروا صكوك الغفران، من دون المرور بالعدالة، أو حتى مجرد الاعتذار، لأن لهم مالاً وفيراً ونفوذاً كبيراً. بالمال، تستطيع شراء براءتك، والبقية تفاصيل صغيرة، سيختلف مؤرخو الراهن في سردها، بحسب مواقعهم من الخريطة السياسية، هم أيضاً، على الرغم من وعد الحياد الذي يقطعونه على أنفسهم.
كيف ستكون ردود أفعال الطبقة السياسية والمجتمع المدني عموماً. لا أعتقد أن ردود الأفعال ستكون قادرة حقيقة على تعطيل ذلك المشروع، لأسباب عديدة، تكمن أساساً في خشية الجميع من أن يعاقبهم “نداء تونس” عبر مفاعيل التهميش السياسي والتأليب الإعلامي عليهم، وهو عملته النادرة التي عليها يستحوذ وحيداً، ناهيك عن خصائص التوقيت التي أشرنا إليها سابقاً، إذ بالإمكان أن تستثمر الحكومة إعلان حالة الطوارئ مبرراً إضافياً للضغط على المستوى الأخلاقي لصالح المشروع. كما علينا ألا ننسى لعبة المصالح الحزبية وتبادل المنافع التي يحسب لها مختلف الفرقاء السياسيين ألف حساب، وهم يحددون موقفهم من هذا القانون، بمن فيهم أكثر أدعياء الثورية أو الطهرية.
سيكون موقف “النهضة” بليغاً بشكل خاص، للبرهنة على أنها منتصرة، إلى حد أدنى من الأخلاق السياسية، فضلا على أن مسؤوليتها أكبر من غيرها، بحكم ثقلها في مجلس نواب الشعب. كل المؤشرات الظاهرة تذهب في اتجاه متشائم. وتبرر “النهضة” كل ذلك بالتكتيك الذي يفرض عليها الانحناء للعاصفة الهوجاء، حتى لا تنكسر. ولكن، من فرط الانحناء قد لا تستوي لنا قائمة من جديد.

*وزير سابق/”العربي الجديد”

اقرأ أيضا

الصحراء المغربية

منزلقات تأويل موقف روسيا من المينورسو

أثار التصويت على قرار مجلس الأمن الدولي بخصوص التمديد لبعثة المينورسو جدلا كبيرا في مختلف …

238 تعليقاً

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  32. 小学校の教員をしています。子どもの頃、母親の財布からお金を取ったことがあります。親御さんとの懇談会などでその話をすると、「そういうことがあっても、ちゃんとした大人になれるんですね」と言われたりします。(私がちゃんとした大人になっているかどうかは別問題ですが)けっこう厳しいコメントがたくさんあって、相談者様は読むのが辛いのじゃないかと思いました。今まで学校で見てきたなかには、子育てしないで自分の人生の快楽のためだけに生きているような親御さんもいますし、自分の主義主張こそが正しくて、あとは全部くだらないと切って捨てるような考え方で子育て・近所づきあいをしている親御さんもいました。相談者さんは精一杯できることをされていると思います。一日でいいから休ませてあげたいくらいです。文章では実態が伝わりづらいこともありますから、書かれている一言に「それはどうなの」と反応される方がいることもわかりますが、ここまでしてくれるお母さんはそうそういませんよ。家出して当然だと思うし、子どもの首を絞めてしまうほど追いつめられてしまう瞬間があるのも当然だと思います。仕事を抱えて、毎日4時に起き、食事の準備や洗濯をする、家族に食べさせて送り出し、自分も仕事に行く。それだけのことでもどんなに大変なことか。それが毎日ですし、そのうえ、次男さんの問題を逃げずに真正面から受け止めて、なんとかしようとしている。本当に、本当に頭が下がります。学校や施設に相談したり、本を読んだりとどうしたらいいだろうかと一生懸命取り組まれている。ふつう、子どもに問題があるときって、「うちだけこういうふうなのかしら。人に言ったら、『あなたの育て方が悪いって言われるんじゃないかしら』。」となかなか外に声を上げられません。相談者様はその壁も乗り越えて声を上げ、なんとかしたいと行動している(そうせざるを得ないほど苦しいということかもしれません)、そこまでされている相談者さんは本当にがんばっていらっしゃると思います。何か間違っていることがあったとしても、相談者様ならいつかそれに気づき、改善されていくと思います。もともと正しいとか間違っているとか、正解のあることではないのかもしれません。それぞれの家庭で、それぞれ違った個性の人間が関わって進むことですから、「こうすればうまくいく」なんて方程式のようにはいかないと思います。相談者様はそういうなかで、もがきながらも諦めずに(諦めたくなる時も、投げ出したくなる時もあるかと思いますが)向き合っている。いつか「ああ、あの経験があったからこそ、今の幸せがある」という日が来ると思います。なんだか、偉そうな文章になってしまってすみません。学校現場で見てきた中で、「こんなにがんばる親御さんも珍しい」と思い、記入させていただきました。最後に、以前担任した子で、入学当初から本当に手がかかり、どの学年になっても担任を泣かせていた男の子が最近中学校の体育の講師になったと聞きました。関わった教員一同驚きましたが、子どものそのときだけの姿で「この子はこういう人間だ」と決めつけてはいけないと教えられました。205f

  33. What a beautiful story! It’s great to know that there are people out there who care.And the banana cake is just my type – the bananas over here aren’t great in the summer so I’ll wait with trying this one out until the fall, please God.Have a wonderful week!

  34. What a neat article. I had no inkling.

  35. Your swoon is fabulous! I saw Cindy's post yesterday, amazing job with the mouthy stitches swap, maybe subconsciously you ordered 2 to use one now, and hold onto the other to use when its not for sale anymore 🙂 two orders seems like an excellent idea to me! Have a great day!

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  38. I’ve seen blogs that left me thinking, “Now there’s somebody who’s been really hurt by the church!” But their authors could never write what you wrote here because they’ve never confronted their own bitterness.All of us who blog sometimes use our platform to vent, but it’s nice when we can balance it out by offering something redemptive.

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  40. Awesome Mike! I added you guys to the chart. I’ll try to post a contest update tomorrow. Dan impresses me the most as he’s my weight and it ain’t easy moving around 225 lbs for high reps! Good job with the triple digits bro, tell Liz to stick with it and Bobby that I hope his hammy gets better quickly. Cheers!

  41. *I doubt it. Facebook is just too difficult to navigate, the page too busy and too meandering. I can’t even remember my own Facebook url, so I redirected two of my domains to it.Something will eventually bypass Google, but it won’t be something like Facebook. It will have to be something very spectacular because Google is just too darn easy to use.JMHO*

  42. Hej Katarina! Tusinde tak, kan i hvertfald kun sige i ligemÃ¥de, dejligt! Er selvfølgelig ogsÃ¥ fast læser af din blog. – Ups ups, jeg ændre det med det samme. xx Caroline ♡

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  44. Good point. Protesters such as Gandhi and MLK had clear agendas and focused goals. The Occupy Whatever types just appear for the sake of protest…

  45. Have you got any experience? man i wanna stick my dick right up that tight ass hole so bad then have her clean my dick off in her mouth while i give her a huge mouth full of cum

  46. Name: Brad ByersComment: Rafael,I think a quality firearms training program should handle any members issues either holstering or unholstering. Although I am sure there is a proper place, but as a trainer you would have to be very careful of the possibility of conditioning a mindset for “speed reholstering”. Under the proper scenario with a specific objective it could have value.Time: Tuesday October 9, 2012 at 9:29 pmIP Address: Form URL: Sent by an unverified visitor to your site.

  47. The biggest SCAM in history has been perpetrated on America- with rich powerful people spending millions to cover up his past criminal history- and NOT allowing the news-media to print anything about it- Obama even surrendered his LAW license to avoid investigation- No president in history has been so deviously EVIL-

  48. Son of a gun, this is so helpful!

  49. Haha, this is going around the tubes right now:“Sorry, Santorum. You have to carry your dead presidential campaign to full term.”You can’t end your campaign! You must stay in to keep it alive, you MURDERER!!!! See?

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  55. hael Jackson meme and I planned to post my answers over the weekend. Then I wanted to do a detox update (still going strong!) and possibly ‘host’ an award ceremony for the winners of M

  56. #72Well the Gooners will be there, you’ll be in the Europa league. Five to play and you have City, Chelsea and Everton to go through. Add in your bad GD and you won’t get a sniff of the 4th slot.

  57. Angela Merkel n’a pas perdu la tête devant nicolas sarkozy (minuscules volontaires). Les campements évacués en France sont bien ceux où logeaient des Roms, c’est une info capitale qui figure en « une » du monde.fr, ce journal électronique (libre) décidément prisonnier d’un triumvirat assassin !

  58. You’ve impressed us all with that posting!

  59. Chiqui te han quedado estupendas y con ese queso fundido, que tentación madre mía … en casa repetiremos muchas veces esta receta a Quique le ha fascinado.Besotes guapa, nos vemos esta semana tengo que recojer mi bowl, ayychhh que ganas tengo

  60. I read your post and wished I’d written it

  61. ¿Has escuchado hablar de la Isla de Lobos? En ella se encuentra la colonia más grande de lobos marinos de América del Sur, justo frente a las playas de Punta del Este. Juan Díaz de Solís la descubrió en 1516 y según cuentan las leyendas, unos cuantos tripulantes desembarcaron en el lugar con la finalidad de abastecerse de agua dulce y cazar 66 lobos marinos. Estos lobos fueron el único alimento que los tripulantes tuvieron en su viaje de regreso, llevando consigo las pieles de los animales que luego fueron vendidas en el mercado de Sevilla.

  62. estão de parabens todos por este site,bem construido e muito fixe conheci esta radio por entermedio de duas amigas e estou adorar passam muisicas muito boas que me fazem lembrar minha juventude…mais uma vez muito PARABENS…bjinhos e abraços

  63. Ikhebaltijdgelijk blijkbaar niet..Mensen die 10 kilo meer wegen dan het normale gewicht kan dat ongezond zijn.IK snap ook goed waarom men niet blij is met wat die heeft.Omdat de mens zo hypocriet is..Kijk maar naar etalages alleen maar dun dun en nog eens dun..Je gebint te denken dat je anders bent.Dat is nietgezond..Men laat je niet blij zijn met jezelf omdat je snel word geconfronteerd…

  64. rodrigo faro é a primeira vez q eu escrevo e eu sempre assisto o seu programa nunca perdi um capitulo e eu gostaria mito q vc dançace camaro amarelo dança gatinho dança ah manda um beijo pra clarinha bjuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuus e tchau ah por favor realiza o meu sonho

  65. The chicken scratch is quite effective, isn't it? There is a nice rythym to its stitching. I like your dimensional embroidery project. Will it become a wall hanging, or do you have another use in mind?

  66. Times are changing for the better if I can get this online!

  67. what about if the music owners don't have a youtube channel to show proof of copyright. i have some songs that i dont own in my videos but thats because i checked to see if the artist or company had a channel that could mark me for copyright material in my videos but they dont so….

  68. Ein gant tolles Nix, kann ich da nur sagen. Den Kuchen mach ich gleich…war gerade am überlegen was ich mit den Bananen mache die hier so rumliegen!

  69. சரி எங்கள் மதத்திற்கு பெயரே தேவை இல்லை, அதைப் பற்றி உங்களுக்கென்ன?இசுலாமியர் அல்லாதவர்களுக்கு காஷ்மீரில் இடைஞ்சல் இருக்கும் வரை, பாகிஸ்தானின் ஊடுருவல் ஓயும் வரை இந்த சுயநிர்ணயப் பேச்சே செல்லாது.

  70. I was just seeking this info for a while. After six hours of continuous Googleing, at last I got it in your site. I wonder what is the lack of Google strategy that don’t rank this kind of informative sites in top of the list. Usually the top websites are full of garbage.

  71. Ewka twoj blog jest superrrrrrrrrrrrrr :-)) ale czadowe spotkanie z samym Panem Strasburgerem i ekipa ludzi wowwwwww czad :-)) pozazdroscic ci slonce:-)) ale wrazenia to byly wielkie zapewne co?? :-)) buziaczki Ewunia:-))) piekne zdjecia super bloog:**

  72. You write so honestly about this. Thanks for sharing!

  73. Thought it wouldn’t to give it a shot. I was right.

  74. Tucker and Jackson DO look alike! Thanks for sharing your day in pictures-cute. I read the article and I liked her comment “You can not have a heart for missions, but not for the people around you.” Good thoughts.

  75. he’s also concerned that school administrators treated his son like a criminal, thus reinforcing the stereotype that young black males are dangerous."Well, he's Black, and they're all criminals at some point….

  76. Sono l'unico ad essere rimasto basito guardando il confronto nexus/ipad? Vedo che nessuno ne parla, ma secondo me è stata una enorme caduta di stile.E comunque: hanno presentato il nuovo ipad. La domanda è: adesso a gennaio cosa presenteranno?

  77. Its like you read my mind! You appear to know so much approximately this, like you wrote the guide in it or something. I think that you can do with a few % to drive the message house a little bit, but other than that, that is wonderful blog. An excellent read. I’ll definitely be back.

  78. Tom was part of the union team that drove New Departure out of business. Then he became a union lobbyist. Then a State Senator. BTW: He works out of town as well, as if working out of town is a sin.The one common factor in all of Tommy's activities is that the people of Bristol come last.I don't even know Jason but I know he is better than Tommy the union hack.

  79. What a great adventure you guys are having!!I like Vlad’s advice. Try and survive the journey cuties.Love ya tons.mollyPS; the baby is doing great. I saw it sucking its fingers today! Very cute!

  80. I was really confused, and this answered all my questions.

  81. Pretty nice post. I just stumbled upon your blog and wanted to say that I’ve really enjoyed surfing around your blog posts. After all I will be subscribing to your feed and I hope you write again soon!

  82. diciembre 2, 2012 a las 3:02 pmPes Parche te agradezco la eespuesta que me brindaste en los mensajes anteriores con respecto a la liga en el modo offline, ya sabemos que es un problema de konami, pero se podra solucionar con algun parche? Responder

  83. Great article! These are exactly the reasons why I don’t go the way of luxury vehicles. One day I walked in to see my mechanic and a guy was storming out. It turns out he was upset because of the quote he was given to fix something on his recent model Audi. My mechanic showed me that the problem was out of his control, the part that needed replacing was extremely expensive! The guy thought because he wasn’t going to the dealership he was going to get an extreme break in price. That day was the last day I wanted an Audi.

  84. Right after examine a few of the blog content on your website now, and I truly like your way of blogging. I saved it to my bookmark internet site list and will be checking back shortly. Pls take a look at my webpage as well and let me know what precisely you believe.

  85. Agree wholeheartedly…had gotten a little sloppy about carrying the primary light. No longer the case. As I'm sure you'll agree the CT Midnight 3-Gun was a bit of an eye-opener…there's no such thing as too much light!Also reaffirmed my belief in the necessity of lasers on self-defense firearms. Sometimes the only shot you've got is with the laser!Good to see you again in Oregon, BTW.Michael B

  86. First n foremost praise God for this love i=we have for u=us. Beautiful people…o Lord…can we love n beloved? How can i help while i still have health(breath), hope, n heart? Some say help yourself first, i say help weSelf now n always praise Jah regardless. Lordamercy, please forgive us, gon on n use us, for YAH know true justice. Sweet Jesus, keep me=we near the cross. Pray for each other, love each other, cuz it ain’t over til it’s over. Amin. ya sister, Mo steF! 1love.

  87. for Condos for Sale at Elan at Dublin Station February 2010 Market Update for Condos for Sale at Elan at Dublin Station January 2010 Market Update for Condos for Sale at Elan at Dublin Station October 2009 Market Update

  88. Voih ja aah! Täytyy ensi kerralla käydä siellä, kun tullaan Helsingistä isovanhempien luo Seinäjoelle:) et haluaisi myydä tuota??Ja edelleen kiitos ihanasta blogista! T: sama anonyymi:)

  89. Many employers now are finding ways to dismiss their employees with various way. Some use a dirty way like finding faults on employees and give them warning letters. Really unfortunate to have this kind of company in the country.

  90. Ah enfin un article qui remet les pieds sur terre. C’est vrai que ces temps ci on voyait un peu trop de « je suis devenu riche en bloguant » parce que j’ai mis adsense, je fais de l’affiliation, je vends un ebook et je fais des posts en vidéo…

  91. Something I’ve never understood is: what is the mentality behind making us watch ads here on Youtube? Financially I can understand it perfectly, but do they seriously think that interrupting a playlist, for example, will make us want to buy their product? Ads are annoying enough as is, and Youtube is the last place you want to find un-skipable ones.I’m sorry, but Youtube isn’t the new TV, it’s not going to replace TV, and if you think it will then well… there’s just no hope for you.

  92. Caro AnónimoGrato pelas suas palavras em relação a este blogue e à correcção.Quanto à informação que me deu já corrigi o ano, e acrescentei o dia, após ter recorrido ao link que me disponibilizou.Cumprimentos

  93. Diego, no sé si el problema puede estar en la antena. Intenta moverla hasta que empiece a recoger algún canal. No se me ocurre otra cosa. A mi me funcionó a la primera y sin problemas. Te deseo suerte.

  94. he is a great reminder for kids to not judge somebody just by the way someone looksI learned that they have an ungoing monthly contest on their pageThank you for hosting this giveawayLouispumuckler {at} gmail {dot} com

  95. Si si je les ai rencontrés. J’ai bien vu que c’était ardu et difficile. Et je ne saurais évidemment pas comment m’y prendre. Mais quand on sait, et surtout quand on est formé pour, sans doute est-ce intéressant, stimulant, profond, non ? En tout cas j’ai rencontré des collègues qui y étaient très heureux (et très épuisés) et qui faisaient des choses vraiment ambitieuses.

  96. Yay! I don’t see many girls as tall as I am and I have always had a thing for redheads. She gets my seal of approval…and my phone number if she wants it LOL.

  97. I am really enjoying the theme/design of your website. Do you ever run into any internet browser compatibility issues? A handful of my blog visitors have complained about my website not operating correctly in Explorer but looks great in Opera. Do you have any ideas to help fix this issue?|I am curious to find out what blog platform you happen to be working with? I’m having some small security issues with my latest blog and I’d like to find something more safe. Do you have any solutions?

  98. Hi there! This is my first comment here so I just wanted to give a quick shout out and say I really enjoy reading through your articles. Can you suggest any other blogs/websites/forums that cover the same topics? Appreciate it!

  99. The Sens also didn’t bring back Mike Comrie after the cup run. With the failure and subsequent trade of the top centre prospect Kaigorodov, that left the Sens with a serious lack of depth at centre.

  100. Me and My girlfriend just moved here from Ontario. They would plow as soon as we saw a couple Cm’s of snow. We really like Edmonton but were a little confused as to why snow plows only hit the streets while everyone was sleeping. Yes I understand that they would be able to get the job done faster with less traffic on the road but from the morning to evening we did not see ONE road plowed. Please find a way to get at least a few plows / Salt trucks out on the main roads right away.

  101. That’s the best answer of all time! JMHO

  102. of The Start of Happiness continues to grow stronger and stronger. We have already heard from 27 experts who shared their thoughts on starting the happiness in their own lives. We have also had a huge number of you take action and email or message me with your kind words,

  103. I appreciate so entirely that you show us how it all begins and that it does take time to grow a garden up from the ground. This why I am so attracted to blogs that are written in the real world where most of us exist. Patience, mistakes, and sweet success. Thank you for being real.

  104. Nicole, if you want them I’d say start saving up. They’ve been so popular, I’d be surprised if they didn’t release more soon! They’re worth every penny.

  105. Hola Maria! que tal, como va el cole?Tengo un carton puesto en la ventana de mi habitacion, asi que no entra la luz y se duerme bien.En la costa vi unos leones marinos, pero aqui no tenemos fauna. Espero en enero ver algun pinguino porque me dan una semana de vacaciones y pasare de nuevo por la costa.besos!

  106. Nadji Bonjour! très bon tiramisu en Verrina mais j'adore "Le Kaboul Palao" Je n'ai pas tous les ingrédients, j'aurais fait autrement maintenant! la seule chose que je n'aime pas, c'est le bouillon de poulet .. la remplacer avec de l'eau ou un bouillon épicé .. bisous!

  107. Grokers, cromulent or not, are certainly entitled to their opinions, but the best authorities frown on any word not appearing in the works of Jane Austin or John M. Browning.Robot detector extract: "deddinds," as in, "unwarranted neologisms bring literature to deddinds." 🙂

  108. I was lucky enough to find a group of local crafty friends after moving states 6 years ago – the internet & blogging has allowed us to expand our circle in such an incredible way. There is a wonderful bond that links us & our passion for paper, ink & patterns!

  109. , “Hi, XXX. ?Oh, we’re all doing O.K….well, it could be a little happier for the holidays, I suppose. “Equity? You mean ‘cash?’ I don’t know.”“Yes. Yes. Yes. Well, we know an older couple who recently retired from M.S. and can you imagine them? We don’t know. You do everything right, and then look what happens.“You do everything right, and then look.”—

  110. Tegnap jártam a Walmartban de nem akadt meg rajtuk a szemem. Nembaj ma is megyünk majd megnézem újra, hétha maradtak még. Köszi a tippet! Igen olvasnak:)úgyhogy csak annyit, hogy én szeretem a World Marketet, ott is vannak jó ajándékötletek!

  111. Rafael Manzano disse:Olá, boa noite, meu nome é Rafael, nunca fui a Europa. Vou sozinho no dia 23 de dezembro de 2011 para Londres, onde fico até dia 3 de janeiro de 2012 e a principio sairia de Londres para amsterdam e depois Paris. Ou é melhor Pris e depois amsterdam? de trem é a melhor locomoção?? mais barata?? na verdade estou indo sem noçao nenhuma, espero q esteja fazendo um roteiro legal…..aceito sugestões.obrigado pela atençãoattRafael

  112. Man behöver inte heller skämmas för att ha en knapp uppknäppt och varken ha slips eller fluga. Jag kan garantera att du, när du om tio Ã¥r tittar pÃ¥ bilder frÃ¥n vintern 2011/2012, inte kommer att skämmas över din bara hals – tvärtom!

  113. thanks gurl for representing the demo of black woman (and other people) i relate too!! i wish i had found you sooner. keep up the great work.

  114. Eu inca incerc sa inteleg cu se modifica hidratarea asta. Adica de unde stiu ce trebuie sa fac sa am 80% hidratare sau 100% de ex. Am reusit sa cresc maia de la tine, instructiunile au fost perfecte, o intretin tot dupa sfaturile tale dar nu stiu cum sa fac hidratarea asta procentuala :P. Nu vreau mura in gura dar daca e vre-un link ceva sa citesc si eu sa ma dumiresc, ar fi perfect.Senchiu

  115. quelle belle prestation! Pour les petits fours ma retraite après 50ans de cotisation me permet d’aller chez Le Nôtre, Hermés,ou chez les bons patissiers. Travaille pour payer ma retraite après tu verras…. J’espère que les législatives se passeront mal pour vous, les profiteurs de la FRANCE

  116. I agree with you. While drinking is forbidden, we do not realize that various acts like anger, lying and cheating, not being nice to your spouse, etc are also forbidden in Islam. Unfortunately, since the beliefs of many Muslims are stray from Islam, they do not realize that they are also doing what is forbidden. They condemn others drinking but themselves lie, cheat, etc. May Allah strengthen beliefs of all of us, inShaAllah. Jzk for your comment.

  117. I am really enjoying the theme/design of your blog.Do you ever run into any web browser compatibility issues?A few of my blog readers have complained about my sitenot operating correctly in Explorer butlooks great in Opera. Do you have any suggestions to help fix this issue?

  118. Rozumiem, że za granicą śmiecimy, pracujemy na czarno, itd., bo tego typu zachowania wynikają z patriotyzmu lub jego braku, a w stosunku do innych krajów nie jesteśmy patriotami .

  119. Thanks for contributing. It’s helped me understand the issues.

  120. Extremely helpful article, please write more.

  121. Håller med ovanstående, är helt övertygad om att du fixar det, men som du skriver sabbar för dig själv. Håller med Karin, kör ett kortare pass o öka sedan upp till 7 km när 4-5 känns ok.

  122. Thanks, JC.It’s very cool that you take time to answer our questions.SHU should have had the PR sense to have a rep on hand to answer questions and promote their agenda.

  123. Had I known about the authors you mentioned, maybe I would have read more storybooks too… The main issue was, most of my friends were not reading any books. I am more surprised about why none of my friends were reading any Tamil books! My second language was Tamil and I have not read a single Tamil novel till now (except a few stories that was a part of non-detailed subject portion)!Destination Infinity

  124. admin25. November 2012Hallo,das kann ich leider nicht ganz genau sagen, weil ich es aus einem Buch habe. Ich würde sagen es ist etwa Schuhgröße 15-18. Schuhgröße 15 ist für ca. 6 Monate.LG0

  125. Polohemdenhochklapper stehen nun einmal in der Tradition der verzogenen Jünglinge der Oberschicht – nur weil es die so nicht mehr gibt, heißt das ja noch lange nicht, dass diese Charaktermentalität aus der Gesellschaft verschwindet…

  126. Marcelo Kionoha , se a moça esta encanada com seu portugues vc desencana, e nao le o q ela escreve…eu entendi tudo q vc escreveu, me desculpe Celisa dar palpite, mas penso q estamos aqui p ler a sua materia q é de grande ajuda e nao p humilhar as pessoas.um fds com muita paz, amor e fraternidade…Beijinhos

  127. Oi, den var veldig, veldig fin! Nesten sÃ¥nn at man skulle hatt en liten bebbi igjen. Skjønt, ønsket om smÃ¥troll pga en nydelig uro en nok litt tynn ;)Men du, hvor har du fÃ¥tt tak i det trestativet? Har en gravid venninne, hadde vært morsomt Ã¥ gi bort en litt annerledes barselgave! 🙂 En GOD ukestart til deg. Klem

  128. There is no better deterrent than your enemy's own imagination. We are the only country in the world who can bring our foes' brain to the frying point without even lifting a finger.

  129. My guess is that the Lakers will go after ShamWow because he will come at a cheaper price (and shorter contract length) than J kidd. If ShamWow goes elsewhere, then I think the Lakers should look at Nate Robinson.

  130. When I read about this first here in another article about Kirtanananda or Bhaktipada I was shocked but I was not sure if this was true. Sorry. But now when I see these photos I am truly disgusted. This is a stain on their lives that can never be forgotten and only Krishna can forgive. A shameful place in history for Radhanatha Swami, Gopal Krishna Goswami and Pancagauda das.

  131. I loved this article. I am approached all the time by owners in the Midwest that wish not to sell their beautiful pasture based farms to the conventional corn and soybean establishment. I only wish that our company could purchase and preserve all pastures that are so endangered. We have focused on organic farming — starting in Illinois — and are now hoping to expand to Wisconsin and diversify to pastures and grasses. In the process, we educate our members on the true meaning of sustainable agriculture. Thanks for educating us.David Miller, Iroquois Valley Farms

  132. I will cherish all the good times I had with Kerry. She was a good friend and I will miss her. My heart goes out to her family. My the lord bless you at this hard time.

  133. Marco Damaceno disse: O jogo até que é bem legal. Um bom passatempo. Vai gostar.Comentou usando Google Chrome 18.0.1025.162 no GNU/LinuxMozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686) AppleWebKit/535.19 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/18.0.1025.162 Safari/535.19

  134. Hi theresa i love all your videos! great patterns and very well explained. I am usully a knitter but i am trying to learn crochet and i’m crocheting a baby beanie to match some booties i have knitted for a friend. my problem is the wool i want to use is 4ply and i have tried this pattern and it seems to be puckering once i get a few rows in and i’m worried how it will turn out. should i be using a different sized hook to match the wool? i want it for a newborn, is this possible? thanks, Ruby.

  135. It wil be interesting to see how the Black/Indian thing shakes out in Massachusetts when casino gambling is approved in this legislative session. The Wampanoag tribe are in line for a casino, and they have a substantial number of mixed race members. Martha's Vineyard, where Obama vacations and home of the "Inkwell" beaches, is home to the only Wampanoag reservation.

  136. you really have prepared a fascinating as well as being decorative text. i want them very much. I can neither acquire revealed it far better. I turn at twitter and youtube my cheerful report and give back also. thanks a lot and all best.

  137. Wow Ashley! I love your sweet layout with your adorable little boy! I like the way the main photo has a little tab behind it and I really like the stars along the bottom! Another great layout from one of my favorite crafty ladies!

  138. Thanks so much! Fixed a bug where1) Path Finder was stuck as the default in the contextual menu in iTunes even after deselected in PF preferences2) “reveal in Finder” wasn’t working, even with cmd click in Spotlight results

  139. I am familiar with this process. Pick the easiest thing you can turn into a career or business. Pick the one that requires the least start-up capital and training. Focus on it until it’s paying for your life. Paying for your life means $40K a year, as Penelope mentioned in other articles, of course.

  140. By Cherokee (Female Elder) "Progressives" and other Obama defenders, you may call me any names you so desire, but I shall not retreat from my opinion: Obama does not have the credentials to be POTUS!

  141. My problem was a wall until I read this, then I smashed it.

  142. All of these articles have saved me a lot of headaches.

  143. Caro Antulio, ha proprio ragione….Per fede si credono le cose più assurde.Anzi, qualche bello spirito stabilì proprio il “credo quia absurdum”.Qualcuno, in questo forum, crederebbe anche che due più due fa sette, se glie lo dicesse il Papa (con una “p”, sennò Stefano si inferocisce).

  144. Egyptians cannot be considered black people. Just make a tour through the country: they may have some admixture (logically). Lower Sudanese (Nubians) are more the mixed kind I’ve seen them on Dienkes’s now defunct forum. Those people look like pure Afro Americans. Greeks do not look Swedes. You can see they are heavily admixed.

  145. So we should expect the rest of our snipers to be gunned down?ONE former sniper gets murdered and someone somehow thinks it’s in fulfillment of the Bible. What about all the others that haven’t been shot?

  146. Round 1: 4:47Round 2: 2 rounds + 130 meter rowRound 3: 2 rounds + 3 pull upsChest to bar went fast, mostly just normal pull upsKind of sand bagged the second round, should have rowed harder

  147. Man…Pure makes a cherry flavored juice that is out of this world. I am not one for “fruity” smokes or drinks for that matter. I ordered it because it sounded different. Wow! I was hooked on the flavor the instant I tried it. Now I drink pina coladas and vape cherry nicotine.AverageOverallPresentation & PackagingFlavorFlavor VarietyVapor VolumeBattery LifeValueShipping2 people found this review helpful.Was this review helpful to you?/

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  149. This is both street smart and intelligent.

  150. I am not sure where you’re getting your info, but great topic. I needs to spend some time learning more or understanding more. Thanks for excellent info I was looking for this information for my mission.Also visit my web page

  151. Me too Damien- it’s a great beer! Now when I visit the LCBO, I buy both the Creemore and the new Pilsner. I hope they keep producing it- both have such distinctive tastes, and I’ve never yet been disappointed when I’ve chosen Creemore. Seriously!Hmmmm, wonder how they feel about sponsoring a podcast…

  152. This is way better than a brick & mortar establishment.

  153. / Hi there,Unfortunately, I have never heard of this doctor, which means that I cannot comment about her.Whether she goes to cradle or not, you can simply ask her.Cheers.

  154. 1. Ikisuosikkini Tuplakupla-valaisin. 2. Olen samaa mieltä Mademoiselle Unikon kanssa siitä, että hyvännäköisiä ja laadukkaita eteiskalusteita, esim. kenkälipastoja, tuntuu olevan todella vaikea löytää, siispä minäkin toivon valikoimiin sellaisia.3. Eero Aarnion Puppyn.

  155. Oj-oj – dette ser ut til Ã¥ være en riktig snadderbutikk – liker sÃ¥nne litt annerledes og fargerike interiørbutikker – sÃ¥ denne mÃ¥ lagres i bakhodet til neste Bergensbesøk:)Ha en fin kveld, Sølvi – klem fra Bente.

  156. You’ve got to be kidding me-it’s so transparently clear now!

  157. Pleasing you should think of something like that

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  160. Unparalleled accuracy, unequivocal clarity, and undeniable importance!

  161. I had wondered that also. I was just thinking before I came here, that why is it McCarthy is always wrong about these injuries. He always downplays them.Either they know and are not telling ahead of time, or its as mentioned in this article.

  162. There’s definitely a stigma, and although it’s fading, I think it will continue to take time and hard work from authors like yourself (and Amanda Hocking, as a great example) to show that self publishing doesn’t mean lazy writing.Kristan Hoffman´s last blog post ..Like? 0

  163. The accident of finding this post has brightened my day


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  166. Great blog, Hadley! You captured it in your usual entertaining style! Next to Bitterroot, Estancia Los Potreros was the best! (Of course, my travel companions made it that much more enjoyable.)

  167. A piece of erudition unlike any other!

  168. Con todo respeto, Hernán Galleano debe estar en una cueva en Kuala Lumpur. De onda Hernán, no te enojes. Los partidos de dobles que pones terminaron hace horas, y encima le erraste a uno.

  169. Yeah I believe J.P. Morgan built him a lab in New York. It's why he left Colorado Springs. At least that's what a documentary about Tesla on Netflix claimed. Curious if the "arsonist" was a eager pyromaniac, or had other motives.

  170. I love these articles. How many words can a wordsmith smith?

  171. I’m impressed! You’ve managed the almost impossible.

  172. Apparently Kurt Greenbaum found it necessary to report the school employee to his schoolboard. This could have easily ruined his life (although that’s not necessarily the case). Unbelievable how far some people tend to go.

  173. If only there were more clever people like you!

  174. To Katharina, Mariann and MichaelA Better PlaceHes in a better place right nowThan he ever been before;All pain is gone; he now at rest;Nothing troubles him anymore.Its we who feel the burden ofOur sadness and our grief;.We have to cry, to mourn our loss,Before we get relief.We know well reconnect with himAt the end of each lifes road;Well see his cherished face againWhen we release our earthly load.

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  176. "Separate but equal": I can't believe Dr. Warren would use that phrase if he knew its history. Coincidentally, the unanimous decision was written by Chief Justice Earl Warren.

  177. Lina disse:PatríciaNo verão podemos ter dias quentes. Mas são poucos dias, menos de uma semama. Quando isto acontece. Para te dar um exemplo, eu senti calor nesta cidade poucas vezes na minha vida. E olha que cheguei aqui em 1983.

  178. Biel disse:O EB ajuda e projetos sociais e na construção de grandes obras públicas e não recebe o mínimo reconhecimento do estado, ao contrario o governo continua a deixar o reequipamento do EB pra segundo plano. Estamos vendo o governo Mulla utilizar as forças armadas para adiantar as obras do PAC nas vésperas das eleições .

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  184. Actually, I think it does have to do with the tax. Food and Beverage vending machines have a different (lower) tax rate than those used for “Other Tangible Items”. So if they want to do an audit, any vending machine with that sticker gets the low rate and if they see one with the sticker selling “Other Tangible Items”, then there will be trouble.

  185. Great thinking! That really breaks the mold!

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  199. “They’re starting small with attempting to breed chickens with scales or dinosaur tails (not complete yet, but very close). It’s fascinating stuff.”Sense when does breeding chickens with scales prove evolution? All they are doing is combining DNA to other DNA and are going to make freaks. Mutation is not evolution.Raw feeder and Wolf Hybrid owner that lives on a native reserve in northern Canada.

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  201. Thanks, Julie – it’s great to get affirmation from a professional in the field. He doesn’t have a diagnosis for ADHD, though he has several risk factors for it. So, I figure that it can only help to try diet. I’ve also recently heard of a computer therapy called “CogMed.” Have you heard of that?

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  206. The HucklePals!  Good job, J & K!  I hope we get more shows from those two in the future.I had more, but I can’t remember what it was now.

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  210. Liebe tamira, das ist mit das grösste Lob, das ich bekommen kann, wenn die Figur lebendig wird mit meinen Worten und dem Bild, das ich skizziert habe.Genau so soll es sein! Dankeschön, das freut mich wirklich sehr, dass es dir genau so ergeht, wie mir =)

  211. Je serai d’accord avec toi si Murray avait prouvé sa valeur en GC mais force est de constater qu’il a souvent déçu. C’est pourquoi les MS n’ont aujourd’hui plus aucune valeur prédictive…

  212. Executive Reach November 15, 2012 pm30 15:26 There is a “Contact” link on the top right hand side of the page, which will take you to our contact details and a contact us form. Glad you like the post.

  213. "Germany/Deutschland is a good example. I guess the former is from the Latin Germania, but then we're back to the start with why the Romans called it something the natives did not.All explanations welcome."Somewhat along the lines of Steve's explanation, the French name for Germany is Allemagne, which comes from the name of a Germanic tribe called the Allemani.

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  215. It reminds me of It’s amazing how we Americans, particularly conservatives accept guns, gun culture, gun violence as TV entertainment, but get totally freaked out if a woman shows one square inch of breast on any public medium. There’s conservative values for you.

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  217. Keli Ata: there was the Mufti of Jerusalem that during WW2 openly supported the Nazi's and encouraged the Holocaust; same for the Muslim Brotherhood. You can still find a picture of Hitler in Muslim homes in the Middle East. Hitler's Mein Kampf is a best seller in Turkey.

  218. Ogretony, ne bosszants már te is a spoilerezésel! És igen, bennem is motoszkál az a kérdés, hogy ez után a lehengerlő elemzés után ki merészel majd közösen vagy akár individuálisan kiválasztott írásokat értékelni.Kíváncsian várom, de azért van egy-két tippem. O.

  219. This “free sharing” of information seems too good to be true. Like communism.

  220. Kresley Cole’s IAD series is fast becoming my crack. I just can’t say no.@Melissa not enough hours in the day to read all these fabulous books *big sigh*@Leontine I’m muy excited for Regin’s story *jumps up and down*@Penolope loooooove Molly Harper’s sense of humor.@Kristin Cole is one of my favorite paranormal romance authors. Love her.@Danielle87 I’m kind of really excited Harper decided to write another paranormal series AND it takes place in Alaska. Double woo and hoo.

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  225. Erick se siente dolido porque le tocaron sus idolos de carne y hueso, ¿habla la biblia de que los hijos de Dios del AT o NT usaron una espada de Salomón o dejo Salomón alguna espada? ¿el ritual del espaldarazo es bíblico Erick? porque mejor no defiende a Dios, pues defendiendo su Santa y Bendita Palabra lo defiende a Él, y deje de defender a esos apostatas servidores de sus propios vientres y amadores del dinero y el poder, ABRA LOS OJOS.Pastor Rony Joel FloresCentro Cristiano Piedra AngularMisión Padre Nuestro

  226. Es bueníiiiiiiiiiiisimo!!! me parece una excelente manera de aprovechar el tiempo que estes "incomunicada"… mucha paciencia chama, mientras tanto disfruta el liiibro!!!Besos!!!

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