نار الاحتجاج في المغرب وذهاب العقل

أقدم ناشط أمازيغي في المدة الأخيرة، على حرق صورة رئيس الحكومة، عبد الاله بنكيران، على مرأى ومسمع من الناس، أمام مقر حزب العدالة والتنمية” في مدينة أكادير.
ومن الواضح أن اختيار مكان الاحتجاج المستفز ضد شخص يمثل الارادة الشعبية، مهما يكن الموقف من سياسات حكومته، ليس مجرد مصادفة أملاها تواجد صاحب الفعل المستهجن في المكان المذكور، بل لربما هو تصرف متعمد، فكر فيه مرتكبه، معبرا عن قصد مبيت في نقل هذ الشكل من الاحتجاج إلى حاضرة جهة سوس، وهي التي تعتبر، وهنا المفارقة، إحدى قلاع “البيجيدي” حيث منحه سكانها نتيجة مشرفة خلال الاستحقاقات الجماعية الأخيرة وقبلها التشريعية.
لم يطلب أحد من الناشط أن يتجشم عناء السفر للقيام بفعل أخرق، وكأن “سوس” بكامل قبائلها ومدنها ونخبها، لم تجد من يرفع احتجاجها السلمي إلى رئيس الحكومة، ليعتذر الأخير، إن كان قد أساء فعلا، أو خانه لسانه.
كان من الممكن التغاضي عن هذه الواقعة التي تبرأ منها فاعلون أمازيغيون، يميزون بين الاحتجاج المشروع وبين الرعونة والغوغائية؛ على اعتبار أن مشهد الإحراق، يعيد إلى الأذهان اشكالا بائدة من التعبير عن الرأي المخالف؛ لم يعد يستعين بها حتى المقهورون من طرف أنظمة مستبدة أو من هم واقعون تحت سلطات الاحتلال والاستيطان كحال الشعب الفلسطيني الذي يواجه يوميا ألة العنف الاسرائيلي الجاثمة على صدره منذ ما يقرب من نصف قرنوالذي قام المحتج المغربي بزيارة جلاديه.
لم يعد الغاضبون الناقمون يؤججون نيران الاحتجاج إلى درجة إحراق الصور والرايات بشكل بدائي، مثلما اعتاد على ذلك اليسار الجذري في الغرب خلال العقود الماضية، في فترة الحرب الباردة.
تم استبدال الوسيلة في زمن الحرية وحقوق الإنسان والعولمة، وانتفاء الحدود، بصيغ مبتكرة ومتطورة، معبرة أكثر عن الهدف السياسي المقصود.فمواقع التواصل الاجتماعي وحدها باتت الأداة القادرة والفعالة لمحو أو تلطيخ صورة من يحكم عليه “الفايسبوكيون” اليقظون بتجاوز القانون وارتكاب ما يرونه خطأ جسيما؛ وبالتالي لم يعد ضروريا أن يوقف محتج ما حركة المرور في الطريق العام مزودا بعلب من عود الثقاب لينفذ قراره، بينما من جمعهم أو اكتراهم يصفقون ويهللون له تمجيدا لبطولته.
وبطبيعة الحال ليست مدينة أكادير،هي القدس المحتلة مثلما لا تليق بأي شكل من الأشكال مقارنة بنكيران بنانتنياهو، حتى يستحق الأول تلك المعاملة الخارجة عن الاعراف الديموقراطية وأخلاق المغاربة.
لم يصل رئيس الجهاز التنفيذي الى السلطة بإحراق صور مخالفيه في الرأي بل أجلسته، حيث هو، صناديق الاقتراع فوق الكرسي الذي يمارس من خلال سلطة حدد صلاحياتها دستور المملكة الذي صادق عليه المغاربة بنسبة عالية دون إكراه.
ومن الواضح أن الناشط “المحتج” ما كان ليتجشم عناء التنقل إلى أكادير، لو لم يكن مدفوعا بأجواء الشحن الرائجة، تحث عليه وتدعو له خطابات العنف اللفظي.

إقرأ أيضا: بعد إحراق صورته ..لسان حزب الاستقلال يتضامن مع بنكيران ويدافع عنه

باتت الشتائم في المدد الاخيرة، السمة المهيمنة على النقاش السياسي العمومي في المغرب، بل إن الإعلام، وهو السلطة الرابعة والرادعة، أغرته المعارك الطاحنة بين “داعس والغبراء” إحياء لتقاليد عهود الجاهلية، فانطلق بدوره يصب الزيت على النار، بحثا عن الإثارة والخروج عن التغطيات الروتينية.
عنف لفظي يتحول بسرعة من التجريح الشخصي إلى مستوى أفعال عدوانية ملموسة، مثل تلك التي أقدم عليها ناشطون مزعومون قبل صاحبنا وفي سياقات مختلفة وأمكنة أخرى.
أصبح السب والشتم وعبارات الكراهية، على لسان بعض التنظيمات، بهارات تعطي مذاقا مهيجا لخطاب الاحتجاج الاجتماعي والسياسي في المغرب. لا يتورع عن اللجوء إليها والنهل من معينها حتى نواب الأمة وقادتها السياسيون وزعماؤها النقابيون ؛فما بالك بالعاطلين المتظاهرين من أجل الشغل والادماج الفوري في الوظيفة العمومية !.هؤلاء بدورهم يخرجون من أفواههم قذائف نارية تنضح بالعدوانية ضد الحكومة والبرلمان ومن يجلسون تحت قبته؛ تنعدم فيها أدنى شروط اللياقة واحترام الأخر، مهما خالفك الرأي، كما تبخس تلك الاصوات العالية مؤسسات الدولة التي يفترض أنها ملاذ للجميع، رغم ما عليها من مؤاخذات وانتقادات.
فإذا ما استمرت حملات التهجم على العدالة والتشكيك في أحكام القضاء والتحريض على التنصل من تطبيق القانون واهانة قوات الامن العمومي، فليس من مبرر لذلك غير الدعوة إلى “السيبة” الجديدة.
فإلى من سنحتكم لأنصاف بعضنا من تجاوزات بعضنا؟.
صحيح، يتحمل المسؤولون عن الشأن العام قسطا مهما من المسؤولية فيما انزلقت اليه ممارسات الاحتجاج في هذا البلد الأمين. لقد ورثو، الجدد منهم والمخضرمون، عادات صم الآذان عن المطالب المعروضة في ساحات الاحتجاج. يعمد المسؤولون إلى تجاهل تام لمعاناة المتضررين وتظلماتهم. وحينما تتحرك قوات الامن استجابة لنداء استغاثة، يكون وقت العلاج قد فات والاحتقان وصل درجته القصوى.
هكذا تصدر ردود أفعال قوية من الجانبين، تتسبب في مصادمات واشتباكات عنيفة تخلف ضحايا بين الجانبين، تسيئ إلى صورة الديموقراطية بلدنا، وخاصة حين يتم تضخيمها إعلاميا في الخارج من طرف جهات لها أجندات وحسابات مع المغرب.
ما يدعو إلى القلق أن ينتقل العنف والتطرف إلى الحرم الجامعي وتتحول باحات الكليات والمعاهد العليا إلى ميادين للمبارزة بالسيوف الطويلة والمدى الحادة والعصي الغليظة، فتسيل الدماء ويسقط ضحايا، كما حدث أخيرا في جامعة مراكش، وقبلها في جامعات اخرى. أي منزلق هذا الذي تنحدر إليه البلاد انطلاقا من مؤسسات التكوين والتعليم والبحث العلمي؟
لقد عرف المغرب صراعا سياسيا واحتقانا اجتماعيا في العقود الماضية، كانت المؤسسات التعليمية وخاصة الجامعية مسرحه الطبيعي، لكن الخلاف بين التكتلات الطلابية لم ينحدر نحو العنف الجسدي المسبب للموت إلا في العقود الأخيرة، نتيجة خلو الجامعات من أداة منظمة قانونية قادرة على تأطير نضالات الطلبة واحتجاجهم عبر قنوات التفاوض والحوار السلمي مع المعنيين.
لذلك كان منع”الاتحاد الوطني لطلبة المغرب” بداية سبعينيات القرن الماضي، قرارا متسرعا، تحولت بعده الساحة الطلابية إلى سوق للمنازعات الإيديولوجية البالية ومرتعا لتبادل الاتهامات الثقيلة بين التكتلات الطلابية؛ فشكلت (الخلافات) الثغرة التي تسللت منها قوى ظلامية خادمة، لقاء أجر، لأجندات أجنبية.
وما يؤسف له حقا أن”القوى السياسية” المغربية بمختلف تجلياتها وأحجامها، تتحاشى، خوفا أو نفاقا، التعبير عن موقفها الصريح من تداعيات العنف الذي استوطن الشوارع وتمكن من الحرم الجامعي بل ان ذات القوى تنساق أحيانا وراء موسيقى الاحتجاج الصاخبة، سعيا منها وراء مكاسب سياسوية، ما يدفعها الى المغالطة والمطالبة بإجراءات وتدابير حكومية حيال ملف من الملفات العويصة دون ان تقدر كلفتها المالية وعواقبها السياسية.
لماذا؟ لكي لا يسجل الهدف حزب منافس!! سباق محموم يجر الى العنف بدل الحوار.
نعلم أن علم السياسة يحصر مهمة الأحزاب السياسية في تأطير المواطنين وتوعيتهم بحقوقهم وواجباتهم ليتوسلوا إلى الأولى عبر القنوات الشرعية وبأسلوب الحوار الهادئ، بعيدا عن التصعيد والتشنج من هذا الطرف أو ذاك. فإذا فشل التفاهم أمكن الاحتكام إلى آليات وسيطة.

لا مفر والحالة هده من توجيه بعض النقد الى بعض الأحزاب والنقابات وحتى هيئات المجتمع المدني، كونها لا تحل خلافاتها الداخلية بالتي هي أحسن وبالأسلوب المتحضر لتكون قدوة بدل أن ينتهي الاختلاف، بالشقاق والانشقاق وإعلان القطائع.
ان واقعة أكادير، وهي نموذج للعنف الرمزي، تمهد وتشجع آخرين على ارتكاب شكل أعنف! لماذا لا نربط إذن بينها وبين مأساة جامعة مراكش؟ لا نعرف كل ملابسات الجريمة، سوى ان المتسببين فيها طالبان متعصبان لمواقفهما، مع وجوب التمييز بين القاتل والضحية.
هل من الجائز ان يوصف ما وقع في اكادير اولا وما تلاه في مراكش بأفعال يرتبها الفقهاء في خانة “ذهاب العقل” وفقدان القدرة على التمييز!!

اقرأ أيضا

الصحراء المغربية

منزلقات تأويل موقف روسيا من المينورسو

أثار التصويت على قرار مجلس الأمن الدولي بخصوص التمديد لبعثة المينورسو جدلا كبيرا في مختلف …

280 تعليقاً

  1. Holy conicse data batman. Lol!

  2. That’s really shrewd! Good to see the logic set out so well.

  3. that you cannot put old wine in new wineskins because they will bust. Likewise you can put an old world into a new world either because it will not be new. In other words, that's like slipping on a new pair of pants over some dirty underwear.

  4. That was mean! Just because you don’t dress like this guy, you got no right to belittle him like he has poor hygiene or something–I didn’t see any ZIT schmeers or anything! I suppose you’d NEVER do anything like this to yourself or to somebody else. Well, it’s YOU the ER is waiting for, I guess.And, for your info? The popper didn’t actually do the best of jobs….again you show your ignorance–she was probably the only person around who cared enough to do it.Maybe someday you’ll have a pus-ball fall down the crack of YOUR ass.

  5. Interesting post. I think that often, what is written can be misconstrued by the reader as you do not have the advantage of hearing or seeing the body language that goes with the the thoughts. And the other sad thing is that people forget that what they post will be there forever… like spiteful words uttered they can never be taken back.So I try to live by my mother's maxim, "if you can't think of anything nice to say, don't say anything at all."

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  9. 21dMatt,I finally got it. You don’t really believe all this bullshit you have been writing, you are just screwing with us.Obviously.Only a moron would suggest Marx was against government, and look at the history and see how all the communist regimes have held down their people to the desire of only one man–Stalin, Mao, etc…Just answer this—is raising taxes good for “the people”?If you say yes, you need to play russian roulette with all six chambers loaded.1cb42029

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  30. Christopher, I think the “Josef” you mention was Josef Mengele, the most hideous, twisted, cowardly bastard the third reich could commission. Truly, one of satan’s proudest. He is with his god as we speak and he is laughing in his face.

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  46. Protocol 14 bis seems like a much needed initiative to relieve the Court of its steadily increasing case-load. But how does the protocol stand in regard to the demand of a 'fair trial'? Is there a possibility that the Court itself will start giving rise to violations of art. 6, seeing as the bilateral (as opposed to a multilateral) structure would indeed lead to applicants being treated differently?Thanks for a great blog. Best regards,David

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  48. என்னது மக்கள் உங்களை போராட சொல்லி பணம் கொடுக்கிறீர்களா…? அப்ப யாரு பணம் கொடுத்தலும் போராட்டம் நடத்துவீங்களோ… கூளிப்போராளிகளா நீங்கள்? அது சரி போராடுவதற்கு எதற்கு கோடிக்கணக்கில் நிதி தேவைப்படுகிறது…?

  49. Hi Kiley! Raj mentioned that she had tried (and absolutely loves) the dark chocolate one. We were actually looking for that particular flavor and didn’t find it, and instead picked this one up… and was it good! Thank you for bringing such wonderful ice-creams to people with different dietary needs! -Sonia.

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  51. Nuo vihreän kosmetiikan sheavoituotteet on ihan huippuja. Itse oon myös tilannu sellasen ihan vaan klöntin sitä itse tavaraa, sitä sitten lisäilen tyhjiin purkkeihiin ja käytän huulirasvana ja periaatteessa kaikkina mahdollisina rasvoina. Muistaakseni samasta paikasta sai tuon kyseisen klöntin.

  52. Awwwwww, Joel. She thinks you’re her sweet, furry Mommy. You can’t reject her now, can you?Claire (who spends her nights sandwiched between a dog and a cat, both of whom fortunately know better than to get too friendly before 5:00 a.m.)

  53. Levest már ettem, és nagyon ízlett! Tetszik az autentikus fűszerezésed, hogy mennyire feltaláltad magad :-)És azt láttad-e már, hogy van főzött csicseriborsó konzerv?

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  57. When one considers that Text is vector and crosses all fonts – this mashup technology should have come along YEARS ago.It just appears that no one felt it would deliver an ROI to research and implement – so Webmasters had to compensate by using the NOEMBED or NOSCRIPT or ALT tagsThis also may have been the reason some Webmasters were using Hidden Text (although against Google’s guidelines)But one had to choose between aesthetics and SEO – so either give up on one or use strategies to compensate for the limitations in search technology

  58. (e muitas) pelo caminho, mas há também os espinhos… Já não sei onde, quando ou como, mas achei um post que gostei tanto, que deixei quietinho e salvo num canto para usar um dia. Pois bem, chegou a hora. O que achei mais

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  61. Hey James… I have a problem with the strobe light being a little dim.. Do you think there is a problem with the LED or maybe with the connection?? Also the LED on the Pitch doesn’t work.. Let me know. what you think.. Cheers..

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  63. I literally jumped out of my chair and danced after reading this!

  64. Temperatures are very low in Romania, is frost.. and continue to be announced low temperatures, wind and snow.Very delicate the first flower in your garden!Have a nice weekend!

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  66. Yes you’re right about the decorations! I have so many Christmas ones that both my children have made over the years but sadly I don’t remember which child goes with which object any more!My mum is 73 and she still has decorations I made when I was at nursery!!Oh I nearly forgot to say, I like your photo very much!Thanks for visiting my M too

  67. Pues ya lo han anunciado Josh Hutcherson hara de Peeta y Liam Hemsworth de Gale. Para mi lo han fastidiado, me encantaban Hunter y Drew porque eran perfectos pero ya han fastidiado la pelicula por completo

  68. É uma bela bicicleta, mas achei meio cara para vir apenas com um Nexus de 3 velocidades. Mas é uma Giant.Outra coisa, é uma bicicleta urbana, boa para a cidade, para deslocamentos mais curtos, que não exijam muito do ciclista mas um pouco limitada para a pratica do Cicloturismo. Se o seu objetivo for apenas uso urbano, é uma boa bicicleta sim

  69. I appreciate you taking to time to contribute That’s very helpful.

  70. Hola…Quisiera saber cuánto me saldría cada souvenir con la botellita para el cumpleaños de 80 de mi mamá…y cuánto sale la maqueta para colocar los souvenirs…serían en total aprox. 15 souvenirs. Espero respuesta. Gracias…

  71. To the family of Nick Warf:So sorry to hear of Nick’s passing. I knew Nick many years ago when he lived in Kingsport and we attended church together. You all are in my prayers.

  72. Real-estate is reasonably cost-effective with the median price of a home in the Raleigh-Durham area closing in around $200k in First-quarter of 2009 according to the Nation's organisation of Realtors. Some of the biggest banks in the world – like B. O. An and Wells Fargo – are based in Charlotte.

  73. Jeg købte selv en hÃ¥ndfuld af de smÃ¥ muffinforme i grenes den anden dag og bagte efter opskriften pÃ¥ bagsiden – de blev super fine. man kan dog med fordel hakke lidt mørk chokolade og putte i 🙂

  74. Myös täällä Ilpoisissa hämmästeltiin taitouintia. En vieläkään ymmärrä siitä paljon mitään, mutta akrobatia yhdistettynä hengen pidättämiseen – sen täytyy olla vaikeaa! Ja koska urheilijat hädin tuskin pystyivät kävelemään suorituksen jälkeen niin taitaa se olla melko raskasta…L

  75. wie heißt nochma der erste Track^^Ich will ihn auch haben xDund das Equipment will ich auch *augenleucht*Auf jeden fall super geiles Video 5/5

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  77. Way to use the internet to help people solve problems!

  78. No I haven’t seen it. I’ve seen a few of his movies and he isn’t bad, depending on the subject but he is the kind of actor who gives away the year he was born, he can’t play a historical figure, I think. And this cheeky/cocky can be very annoying.

  79. Thanks for your comment Roberta. The greatest journey we can take is the journey to re-discover our authentic self. Blessings to you as you walk your path. Brenda

  80. Ico, já tá rolando nos bastidores que o Rubinho tem quer ganhar em Interlagos? vai ser por contrato ou por pena? É algum tipo de prêmio de consolação? tu ainda tá nesse papo de azar? fala sério……. o que falta é braço, personalidade, velocidade, etc etc etc.

  81. Je pourrais un peu dire la même chose de mes Doc Martens…Moi aussi je voulais (je veux toujours) être écrivaine, dessinatrice, artiste, quelque chose d'autre que ce que je fais aujourd'hui. Ton billet me rappelle que rien n'est figé, et qu'on peut toujours revenir à ses racines, après avoir fait des incursions ailleurs.

  82. We could’ve done with that insight early on.

  83. Susan,The books sounds fabulous! I am going to pick up a copy and add it to my ever growing TBR pile.I have not been in Italy but that is definitely someplace that I want to go. Everyone that has been there tells me that it is one one their favorite places.Lidia

  84. Your post about which finger to use in clawhammer was some time ago, but for what it’s worth, I use my index finger and a homemade pick made out of a ping-pong ball. It has a crisp sound and allows me to avoid growing the one nail long. Hope you’re enjoying the banjo!

  85. sento che all’interno del PD qualcuno riparla di dimissioni del segretario.Al paese di Vattelapesca, ho sentito dire, che c’è un falegname bravissimo. Magari possono commissionarlo lì in attesa della prossime elezioni.

  86. Is that really all there is to it because that’d be flabbergasting.

  87. Depends on how much vignetting you are willing to accept in the view. Certainly the 1.22x is better than the 1.36x magnifier. It's very similar to the Pentax OME-53 (the 1.22x finder) in magnification, only the view isn't so confined because of the larger glass and the big round element for the eyepiece.C

  88. What liberating knowledge. Give me liberty or give me death.

  89. I just heard that the latest Republican proposal to solve the healthcare problem involves something called Soylent Green. It sounds very promising; it’s green, and it involves recycling. That should give those AMA fat cats something to chew on!June 18, 2009 10:06 PM

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  91. i have been known to whip out my DSLR and snap photos of a pretty sunset of random road signs while driving. makes me feel like i’m living on the edge

  92. before the settlers came and took over the North American territories please tell me what religion the American Indians & Canadian Indians followed, because that’s when our nations were great

  93. tengo un Iphone 4 liberado q compre en USA ahora estoy en Venezuela le cambie el chip y medijeron q tengo q poner el disco pero no lo tengo quiero saber como configurarlo

  94. Hola:Yo me he dado de baja ‘oficialmente’ mandando un correo a la dirección expresando mi intención de darme de baja del COIT.Su respuesta ha sido muy rápida:Estimado Sr.Atendiendo a su solicitud, procedemos a la tramitación de su baja como Colegiado enel Colegio Oficial de Ingenieros de Telecomunicación.Un saludo,Secretaría – Administración

  95. Please teach the rest of these internet hooligans how to write and research!

  96. Sep22Carl NO WAY!!! I was always looking for that word count on Notepad++. I can’t believe it was just a click away on the bottom left corner. Thanks Paul and Cody for the info.

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  99. eamimi dit :Thomas, 18 ans, Bastia, célibataire.Philippe Manoeuvre l’adore ! Et les filles aussi ! Une bonne pioche, donc pour la production, qui vient ici de dénicher un chanteur confirmé – super timbre folk – qui tourne déjà sur scène avec son groupe, The Stepwalkers.

  100. The recipe has chopped walnuts in them, you added more? Were you able to find chestnut flour? I agree, they are more of a dense, fudgey brownie. Honestly, I don’t know if I have ever had a “regular” brownie anyways, so I wouldn’t know!

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  102. Jack,You da man Jack. Those pictures produce a clear case of neglect. A sad narrative but one that I certainly have no problem accepting. You are doing quite well with your input Jack. Keep up thegreat work. We appreciate it. Some of us anyway. Hide it from Alex!

  103. I live on the BC and WA borders – and up here in BC we just got in organic hemp husks (i think that’s what they’re called) – they’re super cheap at $13′ish and are great for your skin and hair and nails =) naturally takes out wrinkles, thickens hair and helps um……keep you regular lol

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  108. Touchè, Sir Ralph! A hit, a very palpable hit! Wait a minute: Isn’t the surface temperature of Venus 826 degrees? Oh, you meant the Venus that women are from. I got it. Touchè.

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  115. Debbie I have tried to make certain albums private too, Fiona – there is even an ‘edit album privacy’ button on individual photos, but this only allows you to edit the text, not the privacy! Really annoying as I wanted to create a private album for a competition and didn’t want to publish it till all entries were submitted, but it seems all business page photographs have to be ‘public’, grrrr

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  120. Oh, Oh, Oh, für den Preis der Produkte ist ja schon fast ein Urlaub drin (O.K. Pauschalreise Ballermann)!Davon lass ich mich jetzt lieber nicht anfixen, nein, nein, nein!LG Birgit

  121. 6. Did you know that the Arabs in the disputed territories (conquered by Israel in the 1967 war which was started by Arabs) and who are not Israelis already have two countries right now? And that they are called Egypt and Jordan?

  122. : Laisse nous d’abord passer l’hiver, on verra pour le printemps en temps voulu inchaAllah @ Al farhan : barakallahou fik pour la recette, mais comme tu l’as dit, on voulait des trucs à portée médicinale lol

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  129. I have seen many men take care of their aging parents. The first one I remember was my family’s next-door neighbor when I was four years old, who, after being widowed, had his very elderly mother move in with him. He didn’t think anything of it. It was just something he did.

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  132. We have always disciplined the boys at home for problems at school. (thank goodness there hasn’t been many) But they need to know you are a united front , a team. Too many kids today go home tell their parents they got in trouble and the parents are ready to go in and take it out on the school! WRONG! NOT sending the right signal and message!So hang in there you are doing aok!

  133. Hi e1, racuna’s comment might answer your question. On the other hand, Javier’s link is pretty interesting and very scientific.Overall, the perception is that open source has the potential to be more secure simply because the source codes are there for all to see. Of course, that also means hackers can manipulate the code – but that’s also not to say that closed-source software is free from malware either.

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  136. the bamboo bronzer looks great, I just saw it tonight! The detailing and colour veinings look beautiful. …and yes I posted my wedding pics about a year ago and then deleted them 🙂 Thank you, both weddings were beautiful.. but the beach scenery was just amazing.. ahhhhh! 🙂

  137. One of my favorite Bible verses is Psalm 121 “I lift my eyes up to mountains, where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord the maker of heaven and earth…” When I am feeling overwhelmed or scared I remember this verse that He is always watching over me all time, and will “not let my foot slip.”

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  140. Terrifically insightful post! I definitely find myself experiencing these same patterns of thinking. It is difficult to defeat these sorts of habits, but possible. I’m finding myself pondering the same questions about character motivation that you mentioned. I always find myself thinking, “Will the readers make this connection? The one that I’m assuming they’ll make?”L.M. Sherwin´s last blog post ..Like? 0

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  154. December 28th, ca. 6.45 PM EST. Malvern PA, outside Philadelphia. A big fireball passed overhead, roughly east to west, crossing near zenith. Illumination on the ground was like the full moon suddenly coming from behind clouds. The fireball quickly broke up into s stream of sparks and went dark perhaps halfway between the zenith and horizon.

  155. Dag nabbit good stuff you whippersnappers!

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  158. A simple and intelligent point, well made. Thanks!

  159. Olá, Erica.Bom que o seu médico já lhe disse para ter VIDA NORMAL… sugiro que siga as orientações dele, ok?Quanto às alterações difusas da repolarização ventricular, dê uma lida neste post:A Sensação das extra-sístoles incomodam muito, mesmo: E também sobre prolapso: Espero ter ajudado.Mas… Mas… lembre-se do que seu médico lhe falou – confie nele.Leonardo.

  160. Mimi J’ai le même problème que toi Angéline sauf que j’ai 19 et il en a 34 bientôt 35. Il a 2 enfants de 4 et 7 ans et a déjà été marié… (il est vraiment divorcé). 1  0

  161. Another Jill Shalvis fan! I’ve read all her Lucky Harbor books! Love, love, love them! I’ve never been to a themed wedding. The last wedding I went to, was when my oldest was 6 months old, she is now 22. Thank you for sharing!

  162. Tres bon dessin, mais par curiosite le fait qu il n y ai pas de journee de l homme cela n es pas sexiste, en general quad le hommes on un truc que les femmes n ont pas, on cris a l inegalite que ls hommes sont sexiste, ca marche aussi dans se sens ?

  163. Running may be as much blue collar as mining. Both are steeped in hard work, toil, and sweat……..both on assignment to unearth a diamond. Thanks for the trip Antero, it's been a long time since I too encountered a few jeeps on my summit trips. hk

  164. Ha Hiske, heerlijk hoe lekker je aan het koken bent. Ook van onze ouders van ons kinderdagverblijf Kids & Zo krijgen wij veel positieve reacties. Sinds maandag is onze nieuwe vestiging Kids & Zo IJburg geopend op de Pedro de Medinalaan 51. Ik hoop dat daar ook weer veel ouders & kinderen van jouw maaltijden mogen genieten! Vriendelijke groet van Jessica Haije.

  165. Scott Bagwill / Hahaha the young guns are going to dominate this year due to the fact all the seniors from last year will be back playing. and plus I will be there annoucing the games as usal

  166. For all of you talking about FN's chances in 2017, or urging the GOP to change course – I don't know whether to admire or detest your idealism and faith in democracy. Its not going to happen, they won't let it happen – there is way, way, way too much at stake for them to allow us disgruntled types to get in the way. We are like the pitiable last French colonialists left hanging on in Vietnam, as depicted in Apocalypse Now Redux.

  167. Beautiful Valentine story that is not fiction. It is really part of her biography that I wish she would write. It would be great reading. Think about it, Susan! Hope you win!!

  168. I was always going to use real nappies with my little one as I realised they are cheaper and loads better for the environment. I have so many I only need to wash them once the bucket is really full! I got the hang of them straight away and find them just as convenient as disposables and they stay on better!

  169. Intelligence and simplicity – easy to understand how you think.

  170. Hula hopping naked hippies – how funny! My best buddy and I went hiking on a cold wet day in the UK and we came across a naked rambler. I think we were more shocked by the fact that he could bear the cold than the fact that he was naked apart from some sensible walking boots 😉 Look forward to meeting you at some point….

  171. September 21st, 2012 at 9:21 am“Every commenter should read this and take on board some principles of good blog commenting, if we learn from this we will all make our blogs a wee bit better.”Go fuck yourself you pretentious pompous condescending presumptuous unaware pain in the arse.

  172. Grazi for making it nice and EZ.

  173. so do we. Most young Russian women viewed prostitution as a reasonable lifestyle in 1990's. I don't know if you have children or nieces, but this is frightening. These bastards want to create a state of slaves. Do achieve their goals, they need a helpless, immoral, and thoughtless population. It exists. I don't want to drown along with them. I will continue to fight.

  174. Hmm is anyone else having problems with the pictures on this blog loading? I’m trying to figure out if its a problem on my end or if it’s the blog. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

  175. 97f5I like this website its a master peace ! Glad I found this on google. “Irrationally held truths may be more harmful than reasoned errors.” by Thomas Huxley. b967

  176. Olá!Companheiros da diretoria do SINTEAL estamos precisando saber notícias sobre as negociações. Foi tudo resolvido? Em que pé está? Já é hora do embate maior? Registro que eu como membro da base quero o PCCS aplicado como ele foi onstruído, UNIFICADO. É por isso que desejo e tenho disposição para lutar neste momento. Aguardo convocatória para assembléia e para a luta. Paz!

  177. Skal nok rÃ¥be op nÃ¥r/hvis jeg finder den perfekte. Det er desværre ikke sket endnu… Gladest er jeg for en fra Just Junkies + nogle fra COS 🙂

  178. Blogging is indeed also a cathartic exercise. I sometimes spend hours reading posts and not commenting, then, something I read really sets me off or touches me and I have to put my opinion down.It’s a fact that this is somewhat like the motivation a few of my favorite bloggers experience. They see or encounter something and then they must let it out. This makes for the most interesting and heartfelt of posts, and the ones I learn the most from.My2centsworth

  179. Viziuni insangerate: Dani JusticeOrasul oaselor: City of Bones, City of Ashes, City of Glass, City of Fallen Angels, City of Lost Souls (2012), City of Heavenly Fire (2013)

  180. This is actually a great write-up with well-scripted, engaging articles that may be entire of original and sensible views. Much of the informative content material is in line with my way of considering.Alice from franchise

  181. Good point. I hadn’t thought about it quite that way. 🙂

  182. _Susy_(sorella sanguinolenta di Lirit Cullen, Yle Cullen…Semo la versione femminile di Emmett,Jasper e Edward…Chi è Edward??)(La famigghia s’allargauuu…ora anche sorella di Aurorapat,Saretta…nonchè cognata del TEO e l’unica stellina della mia La il scrive:

  183. It’ll happen eventually. It will definitely be before season two airs though. I’ve been really busy and the three shows we sub are keeping me at my limit. Maybe once we get some downtime between seasons, it’ll get done.

  184. ophusthey used their sense of smell. most terrestrial mammals are nocturnal to decrease their likelihood of being killed by predators. if it’s sufficiently dark during daylight hours, there’s no reason for mammals to be inactive.June 10, 2011, 8:59 am

  185. Tips, Right, this is just a credit report. For credit scores, I recommend Quizzle, Credit.com, and CreditKarma. I had a post a long time ago breaking down the three services. Quizzle definitely wins my vote (gave me the highest score!), although Credit.com is great at explaining everything.

  186. This introduces a pleasingly rational point of view.

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  188. The food was excellent.The service was great.The prices were awesome.We went there by chance, and the next day we did a 1 hour "trip" to go there and eat again!If i will visit prague again, one thing is for sure, i will eat there again!Does anyone knows if this restaurants exist in greece???? Chris from Greece (aka pissaman)

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  190. Parce que j’ai trouvé GOMM dans la liste des liens, et que je suis fan de Kerouac (mais j’arrête de raconter ma vie),juste un mot (si on veut), qui n’a rien à voir, quoique… Oui, hier soir, fabuleux concert de GOMM à la Maroquinerie. Je n’en suis pas encore revenu. I need… I need…

  191. Hola, Farlopa!Admeto que de la màgia de Solsona no en puc dir gaire res, perquè no ho conec i només n’he vist el Carnaval i la bandera espanyola aquella que tenen a la tintoreria. Però com tu també sóc un al·lucinat del programa de màgia de Cuatro. És l’únic programa de la tele que quan no el veig me’l gravo, i un dia que per error vaig programar el Cinco en comptes del Cuatro em vaig emprenyar molt.

  192. Gina I can no longer share posts from my business page’s news feed onto the timeline. I go through the process and get a message saying that the post was successfully shared, but it isn’t there. Anyone know what’s going on? And yes, I am making sure to designate the proper location from the top left drop down menu. Thanks!

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  194. Geachte "Harold" alias Hans Smolders,Zoals ik hierboven al aangaf wil ik op elke serieuze opmerking reageren. Uw geschriften reken ik daar niet toe.Met hoogachting,Loes Dielissen

  195. summer, not the Hollywood one—I think it’s going to be seventy-five degrees today), I reviewed some of this fall’s probably contenders based on the fact they were screening in most if not all

  196. Sono semplicemente donne nude… Va be', con le scarpe, ma pur sempre nude XDIo non la trovo un'immagine maschilista. In fondo è un nudo casto, non l'ennesima foto svilente in cui una donna mette in mostra la mercanzia per ottenere qualcosa, no?

  197. It was only Myanmar where visas have proved difficult: I’ve written journalism, which they didn’t like at all, so we never went. The red coloured background was required by one specific Indonesian consulate, so we decided to go for a different one…Thank you for your kind words. There’s one more pink eye update incoming and then I will switch to more, err, edifying topics…

  198. Amiga Condesita, usted no iba desencaminada pero le falto ver lo de Inacabada. Y no está nada mal, tres de cinco. Y es que a uno que en música es aficionado de oido, La Inacabada o la Incompleta, como la llaman otros, es un sinfonía que me llega hasta los huesos. Un beso.Hola Àngels, un placer verte por Kabila. Has dado en el clavo, todas las pista y el personaje:Viena, Inacabada y Goethe llevan a Schubert, sin remisión. Y ya sabes, cada dos domingos si quieres nos vemos aquí en En busca de personajes. Un beso.Salud y República

  199. In the absence of a serious Labour challenge in Somerset where socialists are a bit like Ulster Unionists living on the Falls Road Belfast, there is only way to stop the savage cuts likely under Mr Maddock and that is to vote for Pete Levy. All moderate Conservatives who believe that public spending is a virtue should vote for him.

  200. Por aquí también trabajando, pero no me quejo, este mes de abril tenemos solo 16 días laborables en Argentina. Y gracias a la importación de sus feriados puentes (desde el 2011) este 2012 trae 18 días feriados! recién disfrutamos de semana santa y para el 1ro de mayo feriado puente nuevamente! no, no me quejo y buena semana!

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  202. Me alegra estar aqui…intermitente o no, he encontrado un par de Chanchodranos efectivisimos. Ivanius es unsted un libro lleno de genialidades que deberia explotar mas mas mas maaas…y macchiato venti para el Seven!!!!Les mando un abrazo desde mi propio redil…

  203. great britain has lost one of its friends today…he was one of a kind and will be sadly missed.when only fools finished i thought that was the end but along came rock and chips.. genius only john sullivan could’ve done it..my wife and kids are also massive fans of john and his work and we would like to pass on our condolences to johns family….bonjour!!

  204. That’s the best answer by far! Thanks for contributing.

  205. m.bzr,bzr,bzr,xrti nk manfaatkn duit,meh cn i ajar,huhh,b.lmbk umah2 ank ytm,fakir2 mskn,taburkn rt0s ribu 2 kt mrk lg b.faedah,

  206. 1a1Howdy just wanted to give you a quick heads up. The text in your post seem to be running off the screen in Opera. I’m not sure if this is a formatting issue or something to do with web browser compatibility but I thought I’d post to let you know. The design look great though! Hope you get the problem resolved soon. Cheers

  207. O Super-estúpido:Não pensa, escreve, naturalmente sobre o que não pensa, não percebe o que escreveu mas “clarifica” sempre o que escreveu explicando o que não pensa sobre o que não tinha pensado quando escreveu antes.Ah, e escreve rapidamente, para manter a conversa “viva”..

  208. Your articles are for when it absolutely, positively, needs to be understood overnight.

  209. И как вам хватает такое количества фантазии?: -))) Ну прям аффтар жжот!: ) А если по правде нормально сочинили, это я вам как проффесионал говорю!

  210. vox-buffet is just talking his book.he wants cap gains rates up so that life insurance looks more attractive as a wealth management tool.also note that berkshire Hathaway owes over a billion in unpaid taxes that they are fighting at the IRS.far from being a populist, buffet is just being an opportunist and a rent seeker.

  211. I am a strong supporter of our 2nd Amendment rights,but I don’t think government agencys such as this should be armed. I think it is strange they want to deprive us of our 2nd Amendment right but it is OK for them.

  212. I don’t think I’d pick up Hart, because I’m not sure he’d play for you. Plus, with Donald Brown playing and Joseph Addai coming back, he’s not likely to have much value.I probably would play Evans over Moeaki as a FLEX, just because he has more upside for a bigger day, though it’s almost a coin flip.

  213. Her er og alt som minner om jul borte og det føles herlig :)Lyslenkene mine har jeg Ã¥ret rundt, de lyser sÃ¥ koselig opp i mørket :)Nyydelig den 3-armede lysestaken din…Klem,kari

  214. Hej i morgonen!Den grå jackan skulle sitta perfekt till hösten. Gillar odd molly för de har kläder som känns mer personliga och framarbetade med tanke.

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  217. Ja, dete har jeg ogsÃ¥ fÃ¥tt med meg, men foreløpig har jeg ikke fÃ¥tt 'Ã¥nden over meg' til Ã¥ gjøre noe med det;) Ære være deg som bruker tid og energi pÃ¥ Ã¥ lære andre blogglivets finesser, sÃ¥ lettfattelig og enkelt Ã¥ forstÃ¥ nÃ¥r du forklarer. Ha en fin søndag, været snakker vi ikke om…Klem fra meg**

  218. This is true, and I do enjoy a challenge. My instructors in the past had been invested in my development as a writer and had actually showed great interest, but I think they’d always been too occupied elsewhere to really offer any hard critique.

  219. como ya no escribir? si me encanta leerte, ya sea nimiedades o no, pero que no son las pequeñas cosas las que van conformando nuestras vidas? migajitas muy valiosas! sigue escribiendoo! 🙂

  220. Goodness me you're a talent aren't you. I'm coming for dinner just keep my plate warm while I book a seat with Quantas. Yummmm drool.Life is always better when spiritually you're being true to yourself. Good on you. Oh and comment can't be a comment without a mention about an outfit. Totally fabolous frockery cooking up a feed. X

  221. He was but then appealed and won the appeal of course. LOL So he got put back on and ran and of course with the corruption there, he won. Khazar Mafia saw to that.

  222. The author briefly mentions amending the Constitution. I suggest all interested in reading about an Article V Convention go to http://www.foavc.org. One of the issues the states have brought up is the validity of the 14th Amendment.

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  224. Hello, you used to write great, but the last few posts have been kinda boring… I miss your tremendous writings. Past several posts are just a bit out of track! come on!”Partake of some of life’s sweet pleasures. And yes, get comfortable with yourself.” by Oprah Winfrey.

  225. Oh oui, Boun, j’ai bien noté. C’est fort. L’insistance de Sr à souligner « ensemble », sa volonté de s’exprimer si vite laissaient entendre qu’il y avait affrontement à venir…Gzavier, inspire profondément : ça s’est vu à toutes les présidentielles.

  226. Such a deep answer! GD&RVVF

  227. Hey Nadia!Yes indeed, it’s a fantastic story! What I also realise is that it is not very difficult to think like that farmer. Never too happy, never too sad, never too angry, never too mad. The farmer of this story will never be ruffled by anything in life. He will always be peaceful.

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  229. It’s about time someone wrote about this.

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  232. vraag me dus af wat ze van het VKblog gelezen heeft… de blogberichten van Ronald Danckaert zeggen bovendien niets ove het VKblog als geheel…;-)goed dat je reageert! Ik ga die VN donderdag kopen.

  233. ercan diyor ki:Ekskavatör Operatörüyüm yurt içi yurt dışında çalıştım 27 senelik operatörüm yaşım 47 emekliyim heyer benimle çalışmak isterseniz 05364062416. firmanızda operotör olarak mesleğimi devam etdirmek istiyorum

  234. //கவிதைக்குப் பொருள் கேட்பது வன்மம் நிறைந்தது// மன்னாரு அண்ணே எப்படி எல்லாம் பொருள் கேட்கலாம் என்பது உங்க கிட்ட கத்துகிடனும் என்ன செய்வது நானும் கொஞ்சநாள் உங்க கூட சுத்திய தோசம் செருப்பால் அடிக்க சொன்னது

  235. Buna In 2010 martie am fost lovit pe trotuar de o masina ,in urma accidentului am ambele picioare fracturate operate cu tija si coloana fractura vertebra l1 operata cu 2 bare si 4 suruburi ,in iulie 2011 am facut si o operatie de grefa osoasa . Am depus o plingere la politie dar inca nu s-a facut nimic .ce ar trbui sa fac unde sa ma adresez ? Multumesc Dati-mi un sfat

  236. So we take away the mtg deduction, there are a backlog of foreclosures that are going to increase housing supply, unemployment remains high, interest rates are going up, raises for those employed are minimal at best. OK, time to go out on a limb – me thinks housing prices are going to continue to go down. Seriously, if the prop tax deduction goes away, will some of the incremental tax revenue collected from this be allocated to local municipalities? If not, throwing on higher property taxes on the above mentioned pile of things hindering home prices exacerbates the situation. Gov’t is looking for a quick $$ pop I guess.

  237. The purchases I make are entirely based on these articles.

  238. I drove past the Ford River Rouge plant back in the 1970′s and even took the boat ride on the Detroit River to the amusement park. Back in the days of my life in Detroit.Larry che ha recentemente pubblicato..

  239. So, IF the current trend of blocking carries us through the rest of fall and upcoming winter, does that mean that we will have a rough winter with colder than normal temps and above average precipitation? (Sorry — still trying to learn all this terminology.)

  240. You’ve really captured all the essentials in this subject area, haven’t you?

  241. The Ships’s Voyages…I feel engineering just causes it to be even worse. Now there is a channel to by no means care, now there is not going to be considered a likelihood for them to find out….

  242. October 30, 2012 at 5:27 amBetty, I am unable to view the 1000th video It says “”Betty’s 1,000th Video from bettyskitchen on YouTube” This video contains content from WMG and UMG, one or more of whom have blocked it in your country on copyright grounds.”I don’t know what the problem is since I am in central Texas..

  243. I have music and nice days. Yesterday I had being out on the water. I have an amazing sister and a very special kitty and a home where I can be me.

  244. Curaj! Gandeste-te numai la ce minunantii de fetite vei aduce acasa! Nastere usoara si multa – multa sanatate atat mazarichilor cat si tie!Sa auzim de bine!pupici.PS: si noi ne internam maine

  245. Vraiment très bien ce plugin « Pie Register », je ne connaissais pas.Dire que j’ai passé beaucoup de temps à en chercher un.Merci pour cette trouvaille.

  246. I should write to you and tell you to get better.We are off to a town today to try and buy ping pong balls. There is a table tennis table here.I’d better go, next time I will get Louise to write.John

  247. great tutorial indeed!however,i have some doubts.is it possible for the mouse pointer to go to specified coordinates, like 255,10 ?and is it possible to read the coordinates of mouse pointer?also,is it possible to read the resolution of screen,like it’s width and height in pixels?please answer 🙂

  248. Yum, your cookies look great. I burned a batch of chocolate oatmeal cookies this week, so didn’t get to have any myself. I love beets too! You’re right, I think you have to reach adulthood to really appreciate them.

  249. District 9 looks great, how about we all go see it together? As for GI Joe I have had reservations. I loved it as a kid but I’m nervous for the movie. Looks silly. I’m not a big Meryl fan either so I’ll pass on the J&J unless it comes from TooJays.

  250. I’d kill to do a show on the runts who terrorized East Harlem on quads while I lived on 110th and 1st Ave. Those kids were fearless. And I still say the Mexican food in that hood was easily just as good as anything I’ve had in LA.

  251. Assez peu d’expérience dans le domaine, mais à ce que tu décris, il me paraît évident que tu as su être « là », au bon endroit, au bon moment : pour la mère, et pour la fille.Le temps de détente n’a pas de sens ; dans ce métier, l’essentiel n’est-il pas à la confidence ? AmicalementB.

  252. Therése Blomster skriver:Schysst förslag Peter! Tänk om man på hemsidan för en antirynkkräm skulle kunna ladda upp ett foto på sig själv och sedan få se hur man skulle se ut om tjugo år om man använde deras antirynkkräm respektive om man inte gjorde det.

  253. Donnez-moi des sources en langue française, et applicable au droit européen, et on en reparle, OK ? et tu veux pas 100 balles et un mars en plus.Désolé, mais si tu n’est pas capable de lire un texte scientifique en anglais, je ne pense pas que tu pourras comprendre un jour.

  254. I bow down humbly in the presence of such greatness.

  255. By July 14, 2012 – 8:34 pmThis is what you and Keith are such fabulous mates and parents. You realized early on what is important. I learn from you with each post. Thank you.

  256. The whole problem goes away when one honestly asks and seeks the answer to the terrible question, ” Is this all there is?” You dont have to go to some cold stoney mountain to find out. But you already know the answer. The other side is beckoning.Please don’t check out before we have the Michael is free celebration. It may be the last time this side we meet.

  257. asia mówi:WITAM;na początku chciałam pogratulować pani Kamili wspaniałych sukcesów,i odpowiedz;nagle czuję że coś jest nie tak jak być powinno niby dobrze ale nie do końca zatrzymuję się w tej bieganinie zastanawiam się i zanim się obejrzę znowu w to wszystko wpadam niesamowite

  258. J’en avais dans mon jardin et je ne savais pas comment les cuisiner,j’ai essayé cette recette et toute la famille s’est régalée.Merci à vous pour vos recettes.

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  261. Jason Bourne: he’s a fugitive and an ass kicker without even knowing how he can miraculously kick butt. He’s on the run constantly with enough adrenalin to put infomercial pitchmen to shame. Ohhhh he also has a babe for a tagalong, very nice! Now that is a class act fugitive right there!

  262. Romeo Nesi scrive:E’ incredibile!!!! Ma come è possibile? La politica non ha niente da dire? Siamo sempre più delusi.Ci vuoleuna rivoluzione etica e morale, e i truffatori e i loro complici vengano puniti severamente!!!

  263. word, mad ghey when I see ppl going nuts about using that term. I use breaker, breaking and maybe a few other forms other than bboying for the dance and so do most others. I dont like using breakdance but I won’t fukkin die if I hear it, especially from someone who doesnt know better

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  265. brittni hampton – Randy, these are such great pieurtcs! You did an amazing job!! We are so happy to have Amanda in our family. Clay and Amanda, I hope you guys have a life time of happiness! I love you both!

  266. Skönt att höra att det inte bara var jag som tyckte att den var kass. Jag vet inte vad den har fÃ¥tt för kritik i övrigt i tidningar och sÃ¥, men har svÃ¥rt att tänka mig att det kan vara sÃ¥ värst positivt. Hade jag varit Läckberg hade jag nog varit lite sur…

  267. With havin so much content do you ever run into any issues of plagorism or copyright violation? My website has a lot of exclusive content I’ve either authored myself or outsourced but it looks like a lot of it is popping it up all over the internet without my permission. Do you know any solutions to help reduce content from being ripped off? I’d definitely appreciate it.

  268. Field, Wow. We live in a land of white rappers, black golfers, and black presidents, but….I am marking my calendar – I believe this is the first time I have ever seen a white, grey-haired Republican make it to Field Negro status.

  269. eBay Is another fine example of a place where many can’t be bothered to read the bloody webpage before asking questions.Something I routinely sell on eBay has my most common question answered within the first few lines of the auction description, yet I routinely receive emails asking that exact question.It’s tempting to give these idiots a piece of my mind in the response, but it probably wouldn’t do much for my sales, so I just grit my teeth.

  270. ¡QUE BUENA NOTICIA ! ESTOY MUY FELIZ , y solo me queda decirles GRACIAS F.E.T.A.P. ahora si nuestros obreros serán reconocidos como corresponde y nunca se habia logrado hsta la fecha y tambien Gracias a todas las O.N.G.,Asociaciones , Fundaciones, Familias y Autoridades que con su lucha lograron hacer de la Ley una realidad y una herramienta de defensa para las Personas con Discapacidad

  271. Adesso mi hai messo curiosià…! Gia quei dolcetti che hai postato tempo fa…mmmm!In effetti anche delle volte sento frasi del tipo “eh… ma la cucina italiana” o “si mangia bene solo in Italia”…Mi chiedo effettivamente se sia veramente vero o se si tratta di una forma di presunzione da parte nostra…Certo, è vero che ti basta andare fuori Rovigo per trovare piatti tradizionali diversi, ma mi sembra strano che in tuuuuuuuutto il mondo l’unico posto dove si mangia bene è l’Italia…SPerimenterò anche io;-)Grazie per avermi dato del saggio….;-)))A rileggerci….:-))) !!!

  272. This is certainly significant. Us stare upon exactly that gist so we are bowled over. We are most certainly attracted to one of these circumstances. We appreciate your potential insert, and value your precious time with this. Please keep editing. They’re genuinely worthy critical information means that may give your panel a very pimple free insight.

  273. Any means to advance the cause of animal welfare must include the political. I am so pleased this plea for help started with representatives of both parties coming together on this important issue.

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