لكي لا تصبح الحرب على الإرهاب وقودًا له

كان من الطبيعي أن تثير الاستراتيجية التي عرضها رئيس الوزراء البريطاني ديفيد كاميرون هذا الأسبوع في إطار تكثيف الجهود لمحاربة الإرهاب، اهتمامًا ونقاشًا في وسائل الإعلام وداخل الجاليات الإسلامية وفي أوساط المهتمين. فالحقيقة أن هناك استراتيجيات كثيرة توضع وتعرض للبحث والنقاش والتنفيذ، لكن الإرهاب مثل السرطان لا يزال ينتشر ويدمر ويقتل. لا توجد حتى الآن استراتيجية متكاملة وناجحة مائة في المائة لدحر ظاهرة معقدة كالإرهاب. هناك تجارب حققت نسبًا متفاوتة من النجاح، لكن الحرب ضد الإرهاب لا تزال مستمرة بلا هوادة لأن ناره لم تخمد، وأعداد ضحاياه في تزايد، بينما تجد دعايات شيوخ الإرهاب والتطرف طريقها إلى عقول شباب يتحولون إلى وقود في هذه الحرب.
هناك أسئلة كثيرة في موضوع الإرهاب، لكن السؤال الذي ظل يتكرر كثيرًا هو: كيف نحول دون أن تتحول الحرب على الإرهاب إلى وقود له؟
فالإجراءات التي تتخذ والقوانين التي تسن في إطار الحرب على الإرهاب ومواجهة حركاته وشيوخه، تثير في بعض الأحيان جدلاً؛ لأن آثارها وتداعياتها تطاول كل الناس، ولا تقتصر فقط على المتطرفين والإرهابيين. لكن الأخطر من ذلك هو خلق أجواء تصب في تغذية مشاعر الشك والتباعد والكراهية. فهناك نزعة في بعض الأوساط «لشيطنة» المسلمين كلهم، كما أن الطريقة التي يتم بها تناول الإرهاب وجرائمه تجعل كثيرًا من المسلمين يشعرون بأنهم يوضعون في سلة واحدة مع المتطرفين والإرهابيين، وأن دينهم يتعرض للاستهداف والتشويه بسبب تصرفات قلة ضئيلة مارقة. وبينما يجأر كثير من المسلمين بالشكوى من هذا الأمر ويدعون إلى معالجة متعقلة وتناول متوازن، فإن شيوخ التطرف والإرهاب يجدون فيه مادة خصبة يستخدمونها في دعاياتهم وخطبهم لتأجيج العداوات ولتجنيد الشباب الغاضب أو الضائع.

المزيد: وزير تونسي سابق: “محاربة التطرف لا يتم عبر إغلاق المساجد”

كثير من القادة السياسيين في الغرب يشددون في تصريحاتهم وبياناتهم على أهمية التفريق بين الإسلام كدين يعتنقه أكثر من مليار ونصف المليار إنسان حول العالم، والإرهاب الذي تقوم به قلة قليلة منبوذة من الغالبية العظمى من المسلمين التي تتبرأ من أفعال هؤلاء وأفكارهم. المشكلة أنه كلما يبدأ نقاش حول الإرهاب، أو تقع جريمة إرهابية يعود الكلام عن «الإرهاب الإسلامي» وينطلق الكلام عن «التشدد الإسلامي» فيوضع الدين كله في دائرة الاتهام، كما يترسخ الانطباع عن المسلمين وكأنهم كلهم متطرفون وإرهابيون.
الإعلام الغربي يلعب دورًا كبيرًا في هذا التعميم المضلل والتصوير التبسيطي الذي يشوه صورة الإسلام والمسلمين ولا يخدم في النهاية سوى المتطرفين ودعاة الكراهية في الجانبين. هناك بالطبع أصوات عاقلة ومتوازنة تحاول معالجة الإرهاب وجرائمه بعيدًا عن الصور النمطية أو التعميمات والأوصاف الجاهزة، لكن استسهال الإعلام في غالبيته العظمى للأوصاف الجاهزة سرعان ما يغرق هذه الأصوات.
كاميرون طرح عدة نقاط مهمة في استراتيجيته. وتطرق إلى موضوع التغطية الصحافية، عندما ناشد الإعلاميين تحكيم عقولهم في تغطية الموضوعات المتصلة بظاهرة الإرهاب، وإعطاء فرصة أكبر للصوت الإسلامي المعتدل، بدلاً من أصوات التطرف. هذا الأمر مطلوب لكنه بالتأكيد غير كاف، فهناك جهد آخر مطلوب من المسلمين أنفسهم لتصحيح الصورة المشوهة التي ترسم لهم. الجاليات والدول الإسلامية لا تنشط بشكل كاف في اتجاه الإعلام الغربي بهدف تصحيح هذه المفاهيم. ومن دون جهد حقيقي وتواصل إيجابي ستبقى الصورة المختلة ويكبر معها الإحساس بالاستهداف وتنمو مشاعر الشك والعداء.
التصدي لعملية التشويه التي تحدث بحق الإسلام والمسلمين جزء مهم من جهود الحرب ضد الإرهاب، خصوصًا أن كثيرًا من الشباب المسلم في الغرب يشعر بأنه مستهدف وأن هناك تمييزًا ضده وعداء للإسلام، فيصبح عرضة لتأثير دعايات وخطب المتطرفين. فالدول الغربية لا يمكنها إهمال هذه التأثيرات في بحثها عن الأسباب التي جعلت أكثر من ثلاثة آلاف شاب مسلم ترعرعوا فيها، ودرسوا في مدارسها ومن مناهجها، يتوجهون إلى سوريا والعراق للانضمام إلى «داعش» وأخواتها من تنظيمات الإرهاب. صحيح أن هناك عوامل أخرى مثل انغلاق بعض الجاليات المهاجرة ومشكلات التعايش والانصهار، أو تأثير البطالة والإحساس بالضياع، إلا أن أجواء «الإسلاموفوبيا» لا تقل أهمية من حيث تأثيراتها.
هناك كلام كثير عن المطلوب من الدول الإسلامية في التصدي لبيئة التطرف وخطاب الكراهية، ودعوات للإسراع بالمعالجات المطلوبة للمناهج الدراسية. وهناك أيضا كلام متواصل عن المشكلات السياسية والقضايا الاقتصادية والاجتماعية، وعن أهمية ترقية فكر الحوار والتسامح والتعايش مع الآخر ومع الأقليات في المنطقة. وكل هذا مطلوب وضروري، لكن الأمر الذي لا جدال فيه أنه مع كل ما سبق ذكره فإن الحرب ضد الإرهاب لا يمكن كسبها إذا لم تنظر الدول الغربية في بعض سياساتها التي أسهمت في خلق بؤر التوتر أو في المظالم التي تغذي مشاعر الغبن.

المزيد: وثائق سرية: واشنطن سمحت بقيام “الدولة الإسلامية”

*كاتب صحفي/”الشرق الأوسط”

اقرأ أيضا

الصحراء المغربية

منزلقات تأويل موقف روسيا من المينورسو

أثار التصويت على قرار مجلس الأمن الدولي بخصوص التمديد لبعثة المينورسو جدلا كبيرا في مختلف …

285 تعليقاً

  1. Super infaomrtive writing; keep it up.

  2. These pieces really set a standard in the industry.

  3. Essays like this are so important to broadening people’s horizons.

  4. Hey, that’s the greatest! So with ll this brain power AWHFY?

  5. This “free sharing” of information seems too good to be true. Like communism.

  6. Je viens de découvrir ton blog, et je le trouve très bien! Je sens que je vais me repasser tout l’historique tiens…ah bah sinon très belle explication. Mais si ya une particules de Raiders dans le twix?

  7. Pelo menos a postura mudou. W.A, com a média atual de pontos que está até agora. O 16º se salvaria com menos de 40 pontos se a média se mantiver nesse 2º turno. O Sport não precisa vencer 10 jogos em 19 se continuar os times de baixo com pouco aproveitamento.…15º Coritiba 1916º Bahia 1717º Palmeiras 1618º Atlético/GO 1619º Sport 1520º Figueirense 14Se dobrasse os pontos até o 15º ficaria com menos 40 ao fim do campeonato.

  8. Mij lijkt dit niet normaal dat je alleen maar water kan verdragen. Van in het begin drink ik alles, ook koolzuurhoudende dranken ! Vraag eens na bij je dokter want ik denk dat dat toch niet juist is !Anja

  9. Li comentou em 28 de janeiro de 2009 às 19:46. Olha, Marina.Eu jogo fora quando a data expira…Mas tem um batom rosa que eu amo de paixão e já venceu a muito tempo, só que a cor saiu de linha…Então este eu não abro mão!

  10. If you’re the crafty-capable type, this may be an opportunity to show off your bangin’ knitting/sewing/crochet skillz! Or an awesome time to learn… even if you knit the most basic sweater ever, you’ll still be pleased with yourself when you wear it. 🙂

  11. I feel so much happier now I understand all this. Thanks!

  12. Grazie mille caVa! Ma ti assicuro che non era niente di che!@Lauren: Passerò sicuramente! Grazie!@feH: Grazie! Decisamente interessanti…e decisamente costose, ahimè! é_è

  13. These days of aus­ter­ity plus rel­a­tive anx­i­ety about hav­ing debt, many peo­ple balk con­trary to the idea of uti­liz­ing a credit card in order to make pur­chase of mer­chan­dise or per­haps pay for a hol­i­day, pre­fer­ring, instead just to rely on the tried as well as trusted approach to mak­ing pay­ment — hard cash. How­ever, if you pos­sess the cash there to make the pur­chase entirely, then, para­dox­i­cally, that is the best time for you to use the credit cards for sev­eral causes.

  14. I have a bunch of pages I need removed and this will help a lot. However I have a question – what if we put the page back in the future? How will Google reindex? For example, if we changed our web page from http://www.xxx.com/about to http://www.xxx.com/about_us. If for some reason we do another update in 6 months and change to /about again, what will happen?Meg

  15. OláPreciso de ajuda, onde comprar roupas para meninos?Meu filho está crescendo cada vez mais, e as vezes fico na duvida de como vesti-lo, acho que vestir menino é tão complicado, principalmente depois dessa idade.Alguém pode me ajudar?bjs

  16. I love the still life drawings – so fun to see both yours and Ella’s interpretation. Beautiful! It’s the simple things we always neglect doing because we are so focused on the other million things that have to get done.Glad to hear someone else also freaks out from a storm of mosquitoes … Good that you ran to safety first! 😉

  17. As Charlie Sheen says, this article is “WINNING!”

  18. Congrats, Kathy! I am only surprised that it took them this long to recognize what an important cog you are and have been to the Bozeman Girl Scouts. Since I have known you since elementary school this doesn’t come as a surprise at all! I am proud to call you “friend”!

  19. Shiver me timbers, them’s some great information.

  20. Holy cow! This is my fav thing in the entire world! I just gave up fried foods for lent and I am feeling a little vulnerable after seeing your post! 🙂

  21. infernospurse February 21, 2013 00:08this is photographic evidence of the damage done to our crops by pollution and environmental carelessness.if you don’t help take care of the planet: you get fat, disgusting twitter addicted tomatoes. 1  0

  22. Gente de vetpraxis, les escribo porque ya me anoté en el curso, pero quería saber cuales son los requisitos técnicos de mi pc para poder ver el curso.muchas graciasMarcelo Lerena

  23. If you haven’t moved all your writing related posts yet, I have a tip for you. I didn’t want to lose the comments I had when my site was reformatted, so I copied/saved each set of replies into a Word Document. Then I copied the sets into one long reply under their related posts. The long set of comments only counts as one comment, but at least people can read all the previous ones. For an example of what I mean, take a look at the Research category on my site and apost entitled “Once Upon a Time.”

  24. With havin so much written content do you ever run into any problems of plagorism or copyright violation? My blog has a lot of unique content I’ve either written myself or outsourced but it looks like a lot of it is popping it up all over the internet without my agreement. Do you know any solutions to help reduce content from being ripped off? I’d really appreciate it.

  25. The Peabody also had a resident magician — Dantini. He had about three tricks he did over and over. But when he died, he lay in state in Baltimore and thousands flocked to pay final tribute. A true Baltimore institution — the man and the pub!

  26. sokong CILI dan SENAH KEPOH….kebodohan org melayu mg terserlah sgt2….org bkn melayu tmpg gelak berdekah2 tngk kita berpecah2 dan berpuak2…sekali lg nak ckp…BODOH!!

  27. Hi, i'm an italian student who made the transcription, translation in italian, intruction and notes (this is my thesis on musicology) of the book De Templo Musicae by robert Fludd. If anyone is interested on a collaboration, a translations in other languages or publications, donìt hexitate to contact me. Thanks. guarientoluca @ libero.it

  28. Cowardly lion. Oh, not farm animal. Weasel. Oh, not farm animal. Snake?Thanks for a fun class last month in NYC, just looking at my xmas colored swatch and trying to decide how to turn it into an ornament.

  29. Excellent! You must be very chuffed with him I’ve been sooo busy this week so haven’t caught up on all my blog-reading, and you’ve been very productive on yours I must say.WOW on the facial recognition results – I don’t think Damien is going to have any trouble finding girlfriends. Heath Ledger eh? Yum!

  30. Help legalize Marijuana go to the non-profit web site norml(.)org. From there you can send an E-mail or print a letter to send to your local government officials in favor of Marijuana legalization. Let your voice be heard! Together we can make a difference!

  31. Witamy Tomku na MP.Życzymy dużo listów i pocztówek.Przyjaciele z MP nigdy nie zawodzą i są zawsze z nami gdy tego potrzebujemy.Pozdrawiamy Ciebie Tomku i Twoją rodzinę.

  32. I like this thickcrust character.I know lots of freakishly outdoorsy people who have taken rafting trips through the Grand Canyon. Their pictures are definitely impressive, and they get this far off dreamy-eyed look whenever they talk about it. Doesn’t sound half-bad.

  33. the GOP intended to win they would have selected Ron Paul"Wrong…….that's why he's not the nominee…do try to pay attention."I agree. I've read comments from people that seem to be saying that since the candidate they wanted to win the primary was unsuccessful, the election was fixed. The people voted. Last time they rejected Romney, Ron Paul, and others., this time they selected Romney and rejected Ron Paul and others. That's the way politics goes.

  34. Excellent post. I was checking constantly this blog and I am impressed! Extremely helpful info particularly the last part I care for such information a lot. I was looking for this particular information for a long time. Thank you and good luck.

  35. Cand nu ai argumente (mai ales ca banii pentru aceste reclame au niste surse cel putin misterioase), normal ca te folosesti de orice tertip ca sa faci audienta. Pana la urma la asta se rezuma totul. Audienta..

  36. I think it really started to change in the late 80s and mid-90s, seemingly as a reaction to concerns that crime was going to be completely out of control in the future and the perceived militarization of urban street gangs. The usual events mentioned are Ruby Ridge, Waco, and the Los Angeles shootout. Dangerous, militarized criminals need dangerous, militarized police to fight them… with no thought at all to the real cost of that. A police officer on every corner will certainly keep crime down, but that brings plenty of problems of its own.

  37. Randy, Sorry, I didn’t mean to put words in your mouth! I edited it, replacing my phrase with yours. Bingo on the missionary endeavor. Thank God others bothered to do this for us! I like your list, and only now noticed that it starts with Jesus, which is not just a nice touch — it’s fundamental. The book So Beautiful calls out a divine DNA of three strands: missional, relational, incarnational. When faith is in a system of beliefs, then it leads to becoming rote. It is so important to put our faith in a person. Yes, I keep harping on that!

  38. I understand your motivation here (you’re trying to make a Watson analogy), but I’m still skeptical. After all, the Italians were dominant in pretty much everything in the late Middle Ages and the Renaissance, then declined in everything in the centuries since. I doubt if we can blame for the Galileo case for the lack of post-1700 Dantes, Michelangelos, or Raphaels. Sometimes things like this just move in cycles whose exact causes are beyond human ken. And since you admit the alleged effect didn’t kick in for the rest of the century, that’s all the more reason to doubt that the effect existed to begin with.

  39. ay hache. me tienes q contar tantas cosas q me parece a mí que no va a ser por teléfono “porque es muy auténtico” jajajajajaja AUTENTICA ERES TU!un camión de abrazos a todos!

  40. Yes. It can work. My sister installed a doorbell on her backdoor at home and when her akitas want to go out, they simply ring the bell. The key to training them is to ring the bell every time you go out or come in the door. I think it is very clever and wish I had something on my door like it. My bigger dog is very quiet and is very subtle when he needs to go out, so some kind of signal would be nice.

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  43. Hallo Marina,weil Campact dafür verantwortlich gemacht werden könnte, falls Kommentare Beleidigungen oder Bedrohnungen enthalten, müssen wir die Kommentare erst freigeben, bevor sie auf der Seite erscheinen. Vielleicht hat es deswegen etwas länger gedauert?Herzliche Grüße!

  44. I feel like whatever season it is, there’s a major expense; in the winter it’s skiing, in the summer and fall it’s vacations! Never ends; fortunately, we try and control routine day to day costs to stay in the green.

  45. Double down…everybody knows the score on the money rates.Little guys hunkered down and took their lashes with their cold gruel. But heads eventually will spill into the hot oil and pop like fireworks.Don’t think I quite captured clot’s expressiveness, but the intent was there.

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  47. Caro Xatoo, não há mais proficiente custódio para preservar o capitalismo liberal que a social democracia!!! O Syriza representa o último suspiro amedrontado, a grande conferencia de medos que, acima de tudo, querem que tudo mude para que tudo fique igual!! Aquilo é, verdadeiramente, o evangelho social democrata, o lugar de todas as aspirações da história contemporanea, não há ali nada de estranho nem de extraordinário!! Apenas alguém a preencher o grande espaço vazio (vazio ou abandonado, desertado)!!

  48. Eeeech Opi, do zagadnienia podchodzisz od dupy strony. Już dawno naumiaÅ‚em siÄ™ jednego: caÅ‚y ten szajs krÄ™ci siÄ™ dla mnie, bym mógÅ‚ przez chwilÄ™ mieć na czym oko zawiesić, do czego ucho przyÅ‚ożyć i kogo skląć lub przelecieć.Tak, piszesz też po to, bym miaÅ‚ co robić rankiem.Å»e też wszechÅ›wiatowi tak siÄ™ chce wciąż tyrać dla mnie…

  49. Oh my, oh my, beautiful pictures and a lovely menu also. Connor is so adorable, how could you not have a wonderful Thanksgiving?I really enjoy your blog, thank you for all the gifts you share with us.

  50. Thanks for working this out! It makes me sad.I do’t believe, that there are not enought women with tech background around. It is mainly the lack of confidence to deal with a tech position.Let us be examples and encourade women the make the web more female

  51. Just do me a favor and keep writing such trenchant analyses, OK?

  52. leuk boek!zou mijn man ook wel willen dat boek.wasmiddel maken he dat wil ik ook wel weten!wat een superfoto's van de honden.

  53. Raq, sua linda! Que linda história! Vc é uma das grandes novas amigas que tive o prazer de conhecer em 2012 e seu depoimento só mostra que vc é uma pessoa maravilhosa! Nunca desista dos seus sonhos! Muitas felicidades e muito sucesso hoje e sempre! Mil bjs, Mari.

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  55. I have seen lots of anti-global warming videos (either by or supporting leading authorities in this area (even people high up in greenpeace dont support human-caused global warming)) and if you go back millions of years we are actually a lot colder than the earth has been, the temperature tends to go Warm, then Ice Age, than warm then ice age (note these changes happen over many years). Al Gore is just trying to get votes by pretending to care.

  56. I feel like such a bad blogger/commenter friend for not commenting sooner. I spent the weekend in Dallas for AFI. That was pretty awesome, and crazy.Goodyear, thanks for posting my poem, it’s the highest form of flattery for me. I really appreciate it – and I look forward to reading more of your poems (if you choose to post them). I don’t mind constructive criticism either, it always helps, and there’s always room for improvement in a “finished” poem – at least for me.And thanks to everyone who commented. I’m so flattered I’m embarrassed

  57. Lets hope the AB hasn’t hired Simon Francis to direct the R+J screening on Stvdio. Who remembers the shocker job he did with Firebird and other legends, with shots changes at a rate of every 1 to 3 secs? Petrushka was unwatchable! For heaven’s sake, use someone who knows how to edit dance properly this time!!!

  58. runo “For det første oppfordrer blogginnlegget til kriminelle holdninger. Ã… forskjellsbehandle basert pÃ¥ kjønn, etnisk bakgrunn, seksuell legning e.l., er forbudt for eksempel for arbeidsgivere. Hvorfor skal det være noe annerledes i politikken”denne kriminelle handlingen, er faktisk en praksis nedfelt i ansettelsespolitikken i stat og kommune. Etniske hvite menn blir diskriminert til fordel for kvinner og innvandrere

  59. I believe that a ‘complete prat of the first order’ can also be abbreviated to FOCP, was hereditary until recent Labour reforms, and entitles the bearer to a seat in the House of Prats (non-voting). Second-order prats receive the same treatment but are not allowed the use of the mustard-orange moustache. Both, as I recall, came immediately after (in precedence) the old imperial OMFG honour and before ROFL awardees and sundry arse-clowns. I shall consult my Debrett’s List.

  60. Nice recipe. I think I want to try this with sweet potatoes, my favorite food in the world! Also, I like the idea of adding potato pureed to the dressing to make it creamier. Another idea to try!

  61. Putting some of this bread dough in the fridge right now so I can bake these in the morning. I've been craving them since I saw them. Hope you are having a great week my dear.-Gina-

  62. The accident of finding this post has brightened my day

  63. Which came first, the problem or the solution? Luckily it doesn’t matter.

  64. These pieces really set a standard in the industry.

  65. L'antipasto mi piace molto e penso che potrei rifarlo per natale se trovo un avocado alla giusta maturaxione (qua sono sempre acerbi)… comincio a farti gli auguri per il tuo natale clandestino, visto che io sarò un po' latitante.. un abbraccio!!!

  66. Así es Oswaldo. Emisiones de plasma solar con actividad baja. Se repite el patrón desde el 3 de julio. El sol pierde campo gravitacional.La pregunta es….¿Ese plasma encaja en la hipótesis de Haramein?. De hecho, a menor actividad solar, mayor emisión de plasma. El sol tiene un patrón claramente binario. Un saludo.

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  68. This makes me SO HAPPY. Especially since after that car accident a few years ago it didn’t even sound like she’d be able to get pregnant again – so this is a SECOND miracle for Niki! Congratulations to Niki, Burney, Hunter, Jake & Ciel!!!

  69. So much info in so few words. Tolstoy could learn a lot.

  70. Glory, you are frickin’ adorable! Also loved the choice of music. <3 RATM!! Only thing I had a hard time with was the myiasis. Massive quantities of maggots squick me the f*ck out. But otherwise, I recognized all the other videos, soooo… well, we know what that means! I’d have to give it 4 stars, simply because I can’t deal with the maggots.Next time I’d like a warning, please, Halphie!!Well-loved.

  71. This was so helpful and easy! Do you have any articles on rehab?

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  73. Excellent ideas, Peg. I especially like the idea of giving kids boxes and toilet paper rolls. Creative play indeed. (Makes me want to return all the stupid Pokemon cards I bought for my nephew).

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  75. Roberto, il Napoli stà su tutti i giocatori ma poi non si porta a casa nessuno stai tranquillo…..E purtroppo questa è una grande verità, porcaccia la miseria, 2 giocatori seri ed è un’altra storia

  76. OMG! Totally Team Derek! I mean, Lucas is hot and everything, but I think he cares a little more about his pack. And then there’s the problem with his grandma. But Derek totally loves Kylie, and he isn’t afraid to tell her that. Plus, his supercharged emotions definitely show that he loves her. C.C., you should totally have them be together. It just seems fitting, because Derek hasn’t done anything to hurt Kylie, and she keeps thinking about him while she’s “dating” Lucas.

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  79. Kick the tires and light the fires, problem officially solved!

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  89. I was already fond of Five, but after finishing his last story, he's made his way to my top five Doctors. I didn't really realize how much I loved him until I watched that regeneration scene. The only other serial I've fangirled over for this long is "The Curse of Fenric," and that made my brain reel for very different reasons.

  90. “Bella thinks of Jacob as someone she could have been perfectly happy loving in “real life,” but Edward’s her fairy-tale love, and so of course that trumps real life.”ARGH NO. Really? Goddamnit!…Actually, come to think of it, I feel strangely validated in my life decisions by having Bella Swan disagree with them.

  91. “I’m a human with a heart…..” . You sure are, Island Traveler…. You are so sensitive and fair, kind and loving, compassionate and giving….yes, you have a Heart of Gold. Thanks for a great post…and a great interpretation for Near and Far.

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  93. the number of subscribers to income as a guestimate, he is pulling in $5K a month.  There are other estimates that says he is making even more than that.  It’s great to see him share some of his wealth

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  98. I enjoyed om nom nomming on this story, though I am assuming that the end was meant to be decided by the reader. Me gusta, but the story was a little short to be with such an ending. Comment by Travis on January 21, 2012 at 1:41 am

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  100. Éva, köszi szépen. A tökfaragás pedig aranyos elfoglaltság, akkor is ha nem ünneplik otthon:)Szia Hankka, gyerekeknek ízleni fog, ha esetleg kipróbálnátok!Köszi Kati:)Teller-cake, igen ahogy látom egyre népszerűbb otthon is a tökfaragás, gyerekek nagyon szeretik itt is faragott tökkel díszíteni a házat.

  101. On the archives pages [multiple by month], the Continue Reading kink does show. The only way to get to the full story is by category. Is there a way to fix this? I’m using 3.3.2.

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  103. Their timing is off, one horse canters while the rest trot — sorry, but I’ve seen better drill teams. Nice costumes though! Great to see something different than the usual same old same old western and english.

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  105. Hocam senin en büyük özelliÄŸin ne biliyor musun? Hiç bir zaman gereksiz bir yazı yazmıyorsun. Yazdığın yazı illa ki önemli birÅŸey taşıyor içinde. Bir nevi özünü alıyorsun yani. Rss Readerımda senin entryyi nadiren görüyorum, ama banko iyi biÅŸey çıkacağını bilerek giriyorum 😀

  106. The Hill rightly points out that the GOP is in full control over all of the Fed, and if the Dems and the President don’t do exactly what they say, their will be hell to pay.

  107. Yes it is. I love how bright and independent they are. And yet still so needy sometimes… my 16 y/o was just surprised by my offer to make him some grilled cheese, one I made because he was prowling around my kitchen “Foood, foood” lol

  108. सुषमाहा एक सोपा पर्याय आहे अकाउंट सेफ ठेवायचा. पण त्याच बरोबर कुठ्ल्याही लिंक्स वर क्लिक करू नका , त्या मुळे पण अकाउंट हॅक होऊ शकतो.

  109. You’ve got to be kidding me-it’s so transparently clear now!

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  113. Yow, Cindy!! Now that is a statement card!! I love, love that you stamped on to the diecut like that!! I love how perfect it looks and fits, but how that colored JOY softens the industrial look it has 🙂 great card, Cindy :)~ Amanda 🙂

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  115. mag stimmen. I don’t know. Aber es geht, so wie ich’s verstehe, um „die bösen Juden“ (also das altbewährte antisemitische Klischee) in deutscher Massen-Qualitäts-Presse. Ich erwähne das hier nur, um Dich nicht zu konterkarieren mit meinem ausschließlichem Lob an tapferimnirgendwo ‘S geht eben um verschiedene Perspektiven.

  116. Os exoplanetas son os planetas exteriores ó Sistema Solar, que dito agora parece algo habitual, aínda que o primeiro descubríuse no ano 1995. a busqueda de exoplanetas foi increíble dende entón, e cada ano descúbrense máis. Na actualidade hai uns 350 exoplanetas decubertos.

  117. Jeg mÃ¥ indrømme, at jeg har det svært med krimier og vil til enhver til foretrække en god gyserhistorie. Men jeg kan godt lide fx. Agatha Christie. Det eneste nye jeg har givet mig i kast med var Sara Blædels “Grønt støv” og “Kald mig prinsesse”. Underholdende nok men sgu ogsÃ¥ lidt gumpetungt. SÃ¥ hvis du kan anbefale mig noget der er bedre skrevet, sÃ¥ ja tak!

  118. Een druilerige zondagochtend op de bank, terwijl de kids om mij heen scharrelen: het boek in 1 keer uitgelezen. Prachtige verhalen gelezen, sommige met een brok in mijn keel, en weggedroomd bij de mooie foto’s; puur en echt. Gewoon even stilstaan bij de dingen die belangrijk zijn. Mooi dat Hans en Nel dat bereiken met hun verhaal. Een boek om trots op te zijn!

  119. I had those same interactions with my mom. Ridiculous how I took them. Now when my mom cleans something I’ve already cleaned, I just say “excellent” to myself. And, actually, now I don’t clean those things in the first place.

  120. I've watched this video more times than I'd care to admit. My mouth dropped open the first time I saw it and as soon as I would find the power to close it something would ake it fall open once again.

  121. YES I AGREE! Like and favorite should be a different button! If I like it I will have to favorite it too! I hated the ratings and this will probably be better. AND THAT'S NOT FAIR, because it's going to get more hates than likes because hate is just the hate button not like the like and favorite.

  122. Articles like this really grease the shafts of knowledge.

  123. kenapa kecoh sangat pasal dia gedik? biar la dia. bukan dia gedik dengan laki kau or bapak kau pun. elok lah happy go lucky macam tu. setiap masa serius je pun tak boleh jugak.

  124. Ach, das sieht sooo entspannend aus! So wie du es sagst, es liegt ruhe ihn der Luft 😉 Ben ist ganz schön groß geworden, nicht von der größe, das kann ich ja nicht beurteilen, aber vom aussehen! Wahnsinn! Ich drück dich und denk an dich! Grüße Sabine

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  128. It’s useful to note that, using Patton’s 4×4 $ values from 2007, that Benoit earned $18, Wilson $15, and Eric Gagne $15. I don’t like the idea of cornering a major league bullpen, but if you had done this with the Rangers last year (and you probably could have bought these three pitchers for a combined $20 at most in most leagues), you would have been quite successful.

  129. This site is great! Every show I can think of is on here. The only thing I could see that would be of use is to maybe put up a FAQ section, or at least I haven’t seen one for questions like how often you update your series still airing, or if someone may need to contac you

  130. Keep these articles coming as they’ve opened many new doors for me.

  131. i may be missing it, but where is the United States option when i select location? also, what if i do want to filter english only videos. i like to browse/news&politics videos, but often a majority of them are in other languages. how does this serve me? i cant understand or read more then 2 languages. why would i be interested in news reports in a language i will never understand?

  132. Je m’excuse pour autant de commentaires envoyés,quelque chose ne fonctionne pas et j’ai toujours pensé que je faisais quelque chose que j’ai fait à droite et ce que j’ai envoyé un si grand nombre

  133. Ultimamente parece que no se pone tanto el rojo en decoraciones navideñas , ha dado pasos a los dorados, platas , brillos, pero para mi es el color navideño por excelencia , me encnatan las flores de pascua.Saludos.ANA

  134. You saved me a lot of hassle just now.

  135. It’s a pleasure to find such rationality in an answer. Welcome to the debate.

  136. Reading this makes my decisions easier than taking candy from a baby.

  137. / Nick Wright the Flying Spaghetti Monster,Pastafarianism, is a parody religion use to mock belivers. And they wahy you commented on the 'gay jesus' you made it out as a statement than a question.

  138. coto seharga Rp. 20.000,- dibilang murah ? wah musti nyoba di tempat lain tuh.. saran saya lain kali klo ke Makassar, coba coto di ujung Jl. Abd.Dg. Sirua dekat Jl. A.P. Pettarani. kuahnya lebih encer dan keknya lebih cocok sama lidah orang Jawa..tar deh, lain kali klo ke Makassar tak anterin..:D

  139. argument supports a situation in which basic civil liberties, such as freedom of speech and assembly, can be violated by both Muslims and the police– with impunity. Is it reasonable to suggest that authorities might needs to make a stand in defense of these basic liberties? Or do we just allow them to be contravened?

  140. We shouldn’t be surprised, Leah, yet more often than not, I am . . . surprised by the attacks. I’ve been reading in the Word about this very thing; haven’t yet worked out my thoughts on paper but they’re coming!

  141. I bow down humbly in the presence of such greatness.

  142. Whoa, whoa, get out the way with that good information.

  143. I love Harry Styles! E poi è sempre così gentile!!!!!! Buon compleanno Harryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.Non basterà mai per dire quanto amo tutti i 1D. Comunque…. Bellissimi i regali XD!!! Il più bello era quello di Zayn… XDXDXDXDXDXDXDXDXDXDXDXDXDXDXXDXDXDXDXDXDXDXDXD

  144. oooer. major milestone. i have to just say that he is (was) THE most beautiful baby I have EVER seen. I hope that pic is enlarged and ‘keepsaked’ somewhere in your home.And from this older woman…he aint looking all that shabby now either!!!

  145. I lost a very sentimental and expensive chain and pendant on Wednesday . I FOUND the chain am very grateful for that . The pendant was apiece of my heart. But what luck I found the chain. Thank you

  146. Write more, thats all I have to say. Literally, it seems as though you relied on the video to make your point. You clearly know what youre talking about, why waste your intelligence on just posting videos to your weblog when you could be giving us something enlightening to read?

  147. Gosh, I wish I would have had that information earlier!

  148. Danke für die geniale Idee. So krigt man nicht nur Reste, sondern auch nicht ganz so schöne Bänder unter die Leute ;)LGNicki

  149. Daddy gives love and affection even when we are the way we are, basically undeserving, but as you see in this song he sings of his angel giving a lot of love and affection whether he is right or wrong…. it can only be supernatural. We are not built to love under such duress. We are not alone, nor have we ever been alone at eny time in anyone one of our lives. We will get it right, we will win the fight. We will delight in the light. ~moJoJo

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  152. I read somewhere: “7:1 Judge not, that ye be not judged. 7:2 For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.”Wish I could remember where that is from. Hmmmm.

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  155. I really couldn’t ask for more from this article.

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  160. NS, jews are responsible, yes. Not for all of it, but certainly for a share that is proportionate to their wealth and power, and disproportionate to their numbers. If you want to argue against that then please do so directly.The part Christian clergy is responsible for is their own. As is the part latinos and muslims and asians and others have played. These are all separate issues with largely independent histories and motivations.What they all have in common is antipathy for Whites. Of them all the clergy is motivated more by passive guilt than the active hate that motivates the others.


  162. A beautiful card as always, love the image and colours you have used and the embellishments are gorgeous. Thanks for joining us at Lili’s Little Fairies this time, hope to see you next week. Hugs Christine x

  163. I’ve been a piss-poor excuse for a blogger lately too, Patty. LOVE that last shot–maybe I need to check out Instagram. I didn’t think it was available for Android, but you say yes? Will have to look into it. Doing my best to join you guys for the Odyssey! xoxo miss you!

  164. hahahahahaha perlu argumen banyak tentang fatwa itu chank, sampai-sampai paraulama berdebat hebat…tim saya hadirdalam sidang itu..Yang jelas, FATWA tidak memilki kekuatan hukum positif, dia hanyalah sebuah kejelasan tentang sesuatu yangditanyakan umat pada ulama tentang hukum fikihnya, karena sesuatu itu tidak diatur dalam alquran, sunah dan hadis. Kenapa rokok susah sekali mengambil fatwanya, karena jaman nabi tidak ada rokok…. ya gitu dehhhh

  165. Yes, it is wrong for Libyans to kill American diplomats (and Libyan embassy guards) but you haven't adequately explained why the West has a right to occupy the Middle East. If the shoe was on the other foot, and Islamic governments systematically occupied New Zealand, would you fight back?

  166. Don Freeman – What an incredible bunch of pictures! Trying to pick a favorite would be impossible, but the one with him running in with the red toy and ears up is truly a winner. We train with Nitro, and his name really fits, as Jen obviously found out. Watch for Nitro and Mary to go far in the field.

  167. THX that’s a great answer!

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  170. Sean,As hard as it is to believe, many of the oceanfront and near-oceanfront places from Ocean Grove down to Spring Lake and Sea Girt and down to Bay Head and Mantoloaking are occasional-use places. One cannot read too much into lack of light at night.

  171. dit :LecteurDee7u dit :Bonjour,J’aime beaucoup lire mon petit rtpaihce tranquille dans le train sur ma tablette le Lundi matin mais depuis presque 10 rtpaihces, il n’y a plus jamais de lien de te9le9chargement complet donc plus de dose Fairy Tail avant le boulot pour moi.Bref, plus aucun inte9reat pour moi de venir sur ce site. Si vous pouviez y reme9dier avec un petit re9cap des 10 derniers rtpaihces en te9le9chargement, e7a rendrait mes de9buts de semaine plus joyeux.

  172. cucciolo!!lui è csì gentile e premuroso,k tesoroooo!!!poverino certo k se fosse una volta all’anno xò è tutti i giorni….io nn sopravvivrei!!!ma loro nn devono assolutamente smettere,sono la nostra ragione di vivere!!!io sinceramente sn curiosissima di sapere cs succederà con la Swift…voi??vvb directioners #love1D

  173. This series has had my attention for a while. I love the covers. I just finished reading Vampire Vacation by CJ Ellisson. It was an erotic urban fantasy. I liked it. I find that I'm reading a lot of erotic nowadays. 

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  175. What a pleasure to find someone who identifies the issues so clearly

  176. Peter,Can you tell me if this scenario is remotely plausible:1) Astrophysicists are seeing evidence of a dark matter particle at 130 GeV, which is close to 125 GeV.2) It’s very rarely produced in the LHC, it hasn’t been explicitly caught because there’s no search algorithm that would find it.3) When it is created, it decays into photons.4) 130 GeV is close to 125 Gev, and the resolution is not sharp, so it looks like a single bump at 127 GeV with higher-than-expected normalization.

  177. I thank you humbly for sharing your wisdom JJWY

  178. Sollten wir nicht Flyer mit dem Aufruf haben, PERMANENT (auch NACHTS) im Park zu bleiben? Ich denke das könnte aktuell wichtig sein. Zum tapezieren der Stadt und zum Scheibenwischer / Briefkästen bestücken.Fällt mir nur so ein, da ich heute Nacht das Gefühl hatte, unsere starke Präsenz hat gewirkt und eine vielleicht geplante Aktion abgewendet / verzögert.

  179. Of course, as a socialist, Hollande wants the collectivisation of the debt. Hollande did say in a debate last year "it's true : I don't like rich people". He doesn't like rich countries either. As a socialist he claims he is the friend of the poors when in fact he is the friend of poverty just like all communists and socialists. They hate middle classes… I still can't believe this asshole is my president >:-[

  180. Thanks for your thoughts. It’s helped me a lot.

  181. Hallo!Habe es gleich gekauft wie ich raus gekom­men ist und bin total zufrie­den damit!Hatte vor­her ein Asus EEE aber würde nie mehr tau­schen!Schreibe Jeden Tag mit One Note mit da ich Student bin und hab keine Probleme damit.Und neben bei tue ich noch Internet sur­fen *gg*aber natür­lich nur Wikipedia ;-Pmfg

  182. This article went ahead and made my day.

  183. Sex Mono or Poly Mmm, the kissage! Never Pinch a Sadist #3: Relationship Rules Primary? Alpha? Safewords in the Real World Shields The long distance thing The Next Evolution – Swinging-Open

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  187. Songdongnigh,If we can only protect some people, I think the celebrities should be the last ones we protect.An army of frightened and enraged celebrities would do wonders for public awareness of our cause.Too many of the rest of us already have to live that way — famous authors could discover what it’s like for the peons.Ain’t gonna happen, but it’s a nice thought.

  188. I adorar your flamingo poncho and sexy kegs amor.Picnic basket is huge, i prefer your version, thats too bloody carero (expensive)I am loving your angelic picnic foto, bet you had some hidden wine in there.

  189. Hvor er det altsÃ¥ bare blevet et rigtig fint stor-pige-skoleklar hjørne til Frederikke 🙂 Er sikker pÃ¥ hun blev glad og overasket over den nye forvandling 😉


  191. , “I don’t think ‘bummer’ means to me what it means to you. What does it mean to you?”“A ‘bummer’ is a pervert!” He looked quite miffed.I explained what it means in the States and he calmed down but it was quite a learning experience about American slang.

  192. I actually found this more entertaining than James Joyce.

  193. / Can surgery revome thin-skin caused by using steroid cream to treat eczema?I have a friend who used a steroid cream for a long time to treat her eczema. Now she has very thin-skin that half wraps around both inner thighs that looks almost like stretch marks. We know there’s not creams that will help the thin skin but Is it possible to have the thin-skin surgically revomed and if so – what type of doctor handles this type of surgery?-what might this type of surgery be called?-would she be left with an even bigger scar from the surgery?

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  195. Howdy! This is my first comment here so I just wanted to give a quick shout out and tell you I truly enjoy reading your articles. Can you recommend any other blogs/websites/forums that go over the same topics? Thanks a lot!

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  197. Laura,This was a delight to read (as always). But I really enjoyed learning about this small company on the West Coast…I'm such a sucker for places and companies like this. I only wish I could get my hands on some of this fruit! Thanks for sharing a wonderful pie recipe too. I love blueberry pie, but I've never thought of plums!

  198. Hey, you’re the goto expert. Thanks for hanging out here.

  199. “The “slumdog” label really gets under my skin like all those other labels. What goes around comes around friends.”Why? Since when did “slumdog” become some kind of ethnic slur? It’s a MOOOOOVIE!!! But maybe one of my Indian friends can educate me, I am always open to being educated about a particular subject. And you know me folks, if I am wrong I will say it.

  200. derrière>clairon, je ne sais pas mais il me semble que l’on clôt avec des clous (clore/clouer). Un clou sert à relier deux choses ensemble mais à fermer également, d’où l’expression je lui cloue le bec .Ce ne sont qu’hypothèses fortuites.

  201. Edson Augusto Flogner • 24 de Novembro de 2009 às 19:49Olá Celso, Sou novo aqui e é a primeira vez que posto em seu blog. Então gostaria primeiramente de dar-lhe os meus parabéns pelo excelente trabalho que tem realizado aqui, através de tutoriais, dicas, além de ferramentas e themes diversas.Quanto à essa ajuda que você deu, muito obrigado, pois isso facilita e muito nosso trabalho (blogar).

  202. The Allegoria perfumes are nice, uncomplicated “can’t-go-wrong” scents, I’ve happily used some of them during my “career” (I loved the Pivoine). Now that you wrote about I fancy again to get one or two of them for the summer – I somewhat lost the overview about them recently, but could use the time at the airport duty free on Friday…

  203. Beste Koos en Willemien,Door alle verhalen van de afgelopen dagen heen lezen we dat jullie een heel gastvrij en goed verzorgd logeeradres hebben.Hartelijk bedankt dat jullie je op deze manier inzetten. Het is fijn om te merken dat het zover van huis goed gaat met de groep.

  204. Je dis « NOT ». J’ai eu entre les mains le révélateur d’éclat de Nina Ricci. Pareil, trop gras et pas totalement convaincu du résultat. Produits à éviter, donc.PS: si tu as des produits à envoyer, ne m’oublie pas…

  205. Melissa PettigrewJanuary 19, 2011I am not trying to be rude by any means. But I do think that it may help her for the winter. I hate seeing this. Its very sad and if more people opened up and could see that homeless people need a huge amount of help. Medical, Mental health, Spiritual, They need people to assist them. I would open my home to anyone that I considered a friend that was in the streets without a doubt. I might have to place limits but I would do it. I would also assist them in finding affordable housing. If there is a will there is a way!!

  206. Jerry, the originating lender would not know if your existing FHA mortgage was endorsed by HUD prior to June 1, 2009 until they have your previous FHA Case number. This can be found on your existing deed of trust. Do you still qualify to refi without the reduced mortgage insurance? HUD requires that your new PIMI is reduced by 5% to meet “net tangible benefit” guidelines (which I think should be dramatically changed).

  207. Thanks for your thoughts. It’s helped me a lot.

  208. By the way, I meant put a couple hundred extra away a MONTH. I need to read before I hit submit!I love my Smarty Pig sub-accounts. I have one for taxes, one for vacation, and one for camps.

  209. I like the treasured data you present in your content pieces.I’ll bookmark your web log and check out once again here continually.I am somewhat positive I’ll know a good deal of latest stuff best the following! Good luck for your subsequent!

  210. Hey, the excavation I mentioned was just before the caves in the above photos( where there are some sanscrit inscriptions). I had the privilege of being accombined by a ASI veteran who explained about the excavation and other things.

  211. Haha. The greatest melt up in history…“The amount of homes available for sale was 29.7% below levels last year and represented a 4.9 months supply. A six-month supply historically marks a balanced market for sellers and buyers.”

  212. Hallo zusammen, die gelbe Tasche ist nicht ganz aktuell, man kann sie zum Teil noch im Ausverkauf bekommen, bei H&M. Ich muss euch ein Geständnis machen, ist die Tasche von meiner Schwester, ich hatte nichts, das so toll zum Outfit passte. Danke für die lieben Kommentare. Wir werden also demnächst wieder mal ein Haar-Tutorial machen. Ich liiiiiiiiiebe Flechtfrisuren! LG eure Désirée

  213. Un’ fois qu’ils ont cassé leur pipeOn pardonne à tous ceux qui nous ont offensésLes morts sont tous des braves typesGeorges Brassens

  214. With all due respect:Spanish:Merendar (the verb) To take a light meal/snackMerienda (a noun) a light meal/snack“Merienda Time”No coffee for me. It’s too late. but I am having some crackers, cheese and ham.Bon Appetit !![With all due respect: “Merenda” is Italian.]

  215. C’est dommage, le 25 c’etait mon anniversaire, j’aurais bien aimé en avoir une !Du coup j’ai pris celle a 149€ lundi, j’y perds un peu mais bon, a l’achat c’est juste inenvisageable pour moi et ca me laisse 2 ans pour que les prix baissent un peu ou en trouver une d’occaz …J’ai hate de la recevoir !

  216. Yle kirjoittaa tasan sitä puolueellista propagandaa, jota valtion omat johtavat virkamiehet haluavat viljellä. Ylen mielipiteet voi huoletta jättää omaan arvoonsa.

  217. I’m not confident exactly where that you are finding your data, but great topic. I needs to spend some time learning significantly more or understanding far more. Thanks for excellent info I was searching for this information for my mission.

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  219. Thanks for your thoughts. It’s helped me a lot.

  220. It’s wonderful to have you on our side, haha!

  221. Excellent information—am practicing a version of this now- a new way of hearing it only helps us grow! Thanks for sharing. I will add this to the mindset things I rehearse on a regular basis and share with others I know. Blessings.

  222. Thanks for everything you did to help make our big event a success! Everyone looked great in our logo apparel while helping raise money for the homeless and abandoned animals at the Humane Society of Boulder Valley!

  223. Unii au idei putine, dar fixe! Si cand mai primesc si premiul Nobel pentru ele, devin de neclintit! Si absolut inutile! Dar profitabile (nu numai din punct de vedere material) pentru posesorul (si emitatorul) lor!

  224. And I thought I was the sensible one. Thanks for setting me straight.

  225. con eso has aprendido que no todo lo que esta escrito pero ciertose le da mas credibilidad a las cosas que se leen que a las que se escuchan,pero hay tambien se miente

  226. The voice of rationality! Good to hear from you.

  227. I was just searching for this information for some time. After six to eight hours regarding continuous Googleing, finally I got it in your web website. I wonder what on earth is the Google¡¯s issue it does not rank this type of informative internet sites closer towards the top. Usually the top sites are packed with garbage.

  228. La loterie c’est une très bonne comparaison…Parce que en amour comme a la loto…Suffit de gagner l’gros lot UNE FOIS…Mais c’est là TOUT le défi

  229. I put 10-50, but I don’t consider that lazy. I’ve learnt that I don’t produce much unless I spend at least 50% of my time on the internet or gazing out of the window. I remember being in my first job at BMP a long time ago and giving it 100% – at work, at home and in my sleep – Mark Reddy looked at our work and told us we were trying too hard. It took a good few years to learn how not to – (not that it made me a genius, but good enough to get by.)

  230. Keystone is such a fun place year round for kids big (like me) and small. Excited to take my kids to Kidtopia this season!Lori Lavender Luz recently posted..

  231. Ben Kaw Bawk Jr, MTA’s BIGGEST FAN March 12, 2012 14:12Of course not, loser!! Do YOU see any whimsy verses up there about AJ Burnett or Nunez?? Muse on that for a bit, why don’t you 5  1

  232. we shouldn't criticize Jews because it will turn ordinary people off, to getting giddy with excitement over the murder of a bunch of pro-Palestinian teenagers. What's the common thread here?

  233. saya butuh frame scafolding sebanyak 400 set.tolong saya dikasih pricelist sewanya plus biaya mob demob dan biaya yang lain apabila ada.trims wasalam…

  234. / Please let me know if you’re looking for a author for your weblog. You have some really good articles and I believe I would be a good asset. If you ever want to take some of the load off, I’d love to write some articles for your blog in exchange for a link back to mine. Please blast me an email if interested. Many thanks!

  235. Hey MM, You always give yourself two impossible choices! Are you going to call me back or do I have to dress up as a dust bunny and hide behind your sofa again?

  236. This article went ahead and made my day.

  237. Floriana,Este o desfatare si un rasfat sa te citesc.Iarna aceasta as vrea sa-mi bucur sufletul cu o carte rara: “Jurnal” de Alice Voinescu, Ed.Albatros, 1997.As fi o femeie fericita daca m-ai putea ajuta sa o gasesc. MultumescTe imbratisez

  238. A minute saved is a minute earned, and this saved hours!

  239. Great tips! Poorly done gallery walls are one of my biggest design pet peeves. I hate when they are too mismatched and cluttered-looking . . . that’s why I’ve always been a little intimidated by creating one myself, but I love when they are done right!

  240. Hi Cathy M. I hope one of my ARCs makes it to your special bookshelf sometime! Dage was a fun hero to write about–being the king of all living Beings made him pretty sexy, in my mind.

  241. that she was going to live with her friend. That’s why she was dropped off at Haiyang Zhu’s place.3. ACSS did not “barring anyone from disclosing any information”, instead, ACSS suggested people who did not know Yang and Zhu not to spread rumors.4. Zhu was not a member of ACSS, not even friends with any board members of ACSS.5. ACSS is not an offical organization sponsored by Chinese government. ACSS is organized by Chinese students and anyone who is willing to serve the Chinese community can become a member.

  242. Daniel Luban wrote:“The lobby’s critics don’t need to show that its influence is unique or total, only that it is significant and pernicious.”These are important points and often ignored by proponents of militant Zionism. Thanks, Daniel!

  243. There’s nothing like the relief of finding what you’re looking for.

  244. « Je ne désespère pas de voir un jour un Arabe parmi les Justes »Monsieur Aïssaoui, je suis certain que vous serez de mon humble avis. Souhaitons voir tous les jours le plus grand nombre possible d’Arabes parmi les hommes justes d’aujourd’hui. Qu’ils croient à l’impossible divinité ou qu’ils n’y croient pas.

  245. Heya i am for the first time here. I found this board and I find It really useful & it helped me out much. I hope to give something back and help others like you aided me

  246. Lääketieteessä ja tieteessä onkin se ongelma, että ne eivät toimi ihanteidensa mukaisesti.On myös paljon esimerkkejä siitä, miten kehitystä olisi sittenkin ollut parasta jarruttaa. Esimerkiksi mielialalääkkeitä on nyt vuosia syötetty aika helvetin monille täysin turhaan.

  247. Apart from the general shitfulness of this spot, I have two questions.1) Where is her bicycle helmet? (It would contravene advertising standards in Oz)2) Why does the PVC top she’s wearing and the overall lighting make her look like some submissive Japanese manga porn character? Were they aiming to achieve product recall in the spank bank of your average 14 year old boy?

  248. whatever you may think you need your career. try getting on a part-time prog or taking less credits at a time so that you can have time with you baby. though school will now take longer.

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  250. Great common sense here. Wish I’d thought of that.

  251. thanks! @Biblio Yes, I loved his style. Thanks!@Logan I haven’t decided yet. I loved the book, but it was heartbreaking…I am not sure I can handle it again!@Sniffly Yes, I love that too! It’s hard to find an author that can be that patient too.

  252. I, for one, really like the infinite scrolling. It saves time, it’s easier than waiting for new screens to load, and it makes reading everything on this site much quicker. Please fix it asap!

  253. Great post! I’ve come to realise that networking really just means being friendly and genuine but still practical. Get along with people, but don’t pass up the opportunities you can all share!

  254. Stuart,"At one level – it's good news for those of us that like to eat that food prices are declining…"It is now abundantly clear that your analysis is unbalanced. As a trained econo cockup optimist it is obvious to me that you do not understand the law of substituteobfuscation. Why is this good news? Do you intend to eat more now? What about the obesity epidemic? And what if you are wrong and food prices go higher? Surely you realize that people will simply eschew food for another product as the price rises? You probably believe in peeek oil LOL!

  255. Cris­tina obri­gada por ter aceite fazer parte deste ‘bando’ de tris­tes que esca­lam mon­ta­nhas com a ale­gria às cos­tas e obri­gada Maria João por nos apre­sen­tar a Cris­tina de uma forma tão, tão feliz.

  256. It's all coming true. Obama the kenyan usurper marxist fascist socialist nazi usurper is going to get in our heads with his commie-rays. Put the tinfoil on now, boys, or the socialist, commie, nazi, fascist, nazi will get us!

  257. The soya beans-almond cookies are irresistible and totally delicious. I have yet to find gorgeous soya beans like what you used, in our market!Photos are superb, especially the first one:DDD

  258. Good to see you are still with us Melanie!My little sister and her hubby still haven’t got Niall into a sleeping routine (14 months now – time flies!!) so don’t beat yourself (or anyone else! giggle) up. ((hug))I love the mira beasties – look forward to seeing yours soon.

  259. I just discovered your blog today (after seeing some outfits on weardrobe)…you have such a great style..and I definatly want most of your clothes!!That chain necklace is quite fun!

  260. fantastic points altogether, you just won a new reader.What may you recommend in regards to your publish that you just made some days in the past?Any positive?

  261. Yes…and not only that but learning by programming and conformity precludes one if the two most basic skills necessary to achieve competence: the capacity for deductive reasoning. (The second skill is, as the old joke goes, "practice, practice, practice…).

  262. Isn't Lemon Grove a bit of a hidden gem?! A bit 'blast from the past' too ;)Highly recommend the Grape Garden Beijing shop for freshly made Shanghai noodles!

  263. Excellent goods from you, man. I have understand your stuff previous to and you’re just too great. I really like what you have acquired here, really like what you are saying and the way in which you say it. You make it entertaining and you still take care of to keep it wise. I can’t wait to read far more from you. This is actually a wonderful site.

  264. bah peut-être qu’elle prend le temps de les évaluer pour choisir le bon pis qu’elle juge pas d’une personne au 1er rendez-vous

  265. Hm, otro internet adicto. Yo ayer estuve sin internet y no me sentía persona… (aparte de que lo necesitaba, la ley de Murphy no perdona) además, expresarse aquí, engancha.No veo qué hay de malo en hacer puzzles, deja mucho espacio para la reflexión…

  266. Undskyld, det havde jeg slet ikke set, man må huske at læse de andre kommentarer også (-; Men det lyder nu ret spændende, det du går og leger med i dagligdagen!

  267. Great post guys but the bit about photos is a little off target. The photo strip on the Fan Page can’t be hacked in the same ways as those on profile pages as they appear randomly. So that link to Mashable won’t tell people what they need to know.Howvere, if you linked to our post about the your readers would get the full skinny!Ian

  268. I’ve read a few good stuff here. Definitely worth bookmarking for revisiting. I wonder how much effort you put to create such a magnificent informative website.

  269. glad to help with the field. i’ll try and track down one of the monster biscuits if you think it would be better. but the seem to be working just fine.- tof

  270. salah ni black,,,,itulah,,xnak org pertikai agama kita,tunjuk r prngai elok2,,,,mnusia ni mcm2,bila org ptikai tu ,jgn la nk marah,,tnjuk akhlak yg bek,,,Well-loved.

  271. LÃ¥ter verkligen som en superhärlig kväll! Och apropÃ¥ magar sÃ¥ verkar ju beach vara det man ska träna för att fÃ¥ tvättbräda… 😉

  272. Robredo, je n’ai pas vu le match mais d’après les échos, contre Kohli, ça allait à 2 à l’heure.Imagine Karim, déjà ce bilan H2H, et d’un coup de raquette, effacer Sampras et Agassi en même temps, là où il a toujours échoué.Contrairement à ce qui a été dit depuis dimanche, je crois que c’est le tournoi du GC le plus dur pour Fed, en tenant compte de tous ces éléments psychologique et bien sûr, sur le court, de son jeu sur courant alternatif et de l’impression laissée par ses derniers concurrents.

  273. Absolutely superb post, Daniel! I'd add more, but you've nailed this so well that I simply cannot.About all I can say is… you've already got links to many of the social media sites so, please, get thee to Google+!Nice that you provide the option to make anonymous comments, but I'm happy to stand beside you.

  274. I see so many articles with poorly written content that this one is refreshing. It’s great to know there are people that can write well and get their point across.

  275. Yang paling aman, upayakan antara pertanyaan dengan jawaban selalu paralel (tensisnya dan pola-pola yang digunakan sama). Tolong pak posting contoh pertannyaannya agar diskusinya lebih fokus. Thanks

  276. – Léa : Merciiiiii ma Léaaa ! Je pensais être guérie mais aujourd’hui : extinction de voix ! C’est mon namoureux qui va être heureux !- Indi : Il n’y a pas de quoi. Par contre je le ferai sans doute à mon retour de vacances.- Angely : Merci ! Je tente tant bien que mal d’aller mieux !

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