نيلسون مانديلا والمرزوقي… وجه واحد للشبه

بعد سنوات على رحيل نيلسون مانديلا أعظم شخصيات التاريخ التي غيرت وجه أفريقيا يبقى حلم تكرار تجربته النضالية والإنسانية متواجداً في عقول السياسيين الباحثين عن تسجيل أسمائهم في التاريخ كصناع سلام وحرية.
تجربة الزعيم الأفريقي تبقى نادرة الحدوث والتكرار لأن مانديلا حول سنوات السجن الطوال لتكون مرحلة للصفاء النفسي وإعادة قراءة الأحداث وصياغة رؤيته ومواقفه السياسية بعيدا عن الإصرار على منهج واحد في التعامل مع الواقع، والبقاء ثابتا لا يتزحزح لتحقيق حلمه بحرية بلده ونهاية زمن الميز العنصري البغيض.
لم يستوعب الكثيرون أن تكرار نضال الزعامات التاريخية عسير وغير ممكن لاختلاف الواقع والرؤى والظروف، وتجربة نيلسون مانديلا لم تكن فقط في صموده في السجون لسبع وعشرين عاماً في زنزانة منفردة بل بقدرته بعد خروجه في قيادة مصالحة تاريخية وسلام عميق بين نظام جسد أسوء أشكال الميز العنصري طوال عشرات السنين وضحاياه، واللحظة التاريخية التي قادها عندما لم يسمح لتيار الحقد والانتقام المتجسد بقوة على الأرض أن يخرج ويتمادى بل وقف بوجهه بكل قوة داعياً لمصالحة حقيقة بين متناقضات يفرق ما بينها الكثير ويجمع بينها القليل.
مانديلا اعتبر أن حلمه تحقق بعد نجاح بلده بالسير نحو المصالحة وتجسيد الديمقراطية بكل معانيها على الأرض ولم يحتاج رغم كل ما وفرت له الظروف من إمكانيات للانتقام أو التشفي ممن وضعوه لأكثر من ربع قرن في زنزانة ذاق فيها أقسى درجات التنكيل والعذاب.
في تونس يحاول المنصف المرزوقي زعيم “حراك شعب المواطنين” أن يتشبه بالزعيم الأفريقي العظيم رغم أن مسار الرجلين متناقض تماماً لكن رمزية نضال مانديلا تجعله رمزا لأحلامه التي يحاول تجسيدها على الأرض.
التناقض في الرؤى والمسارات ينطلق من البداية فالزعيم الأفريقي قضى جزء طويلاً من سنوات عمره في السجن صامداَ لم يهتز، بينما أصاب الانهيار العصبي المنصف المرزوقي بعد قضائه أيام قليلة في سجون نظام بن علي ليرحل بعدها إلى فرنسا أين قاد حرباً عبر وسائل الاتصال ضد النظام.
نيلسون مانديلا بعد خروجه من السجن دعا لمصالحة تاريخية مع نظام تجاوز الديكتاتورية إلى الميز العنصري، ونجح في إنجازها وجنب بلاده منزلق العنف والانتقام والتشفي وهذا ما جعل العالم أجمع يقف احتراماً لقائد تاريخي تحمل الظلم وصنع السلام وهذا ما صنع الفرق في شخصيته مقارنة بالأخريين.
المنصف المرزوقي عاد لتونس بعد سنوات غربة في باريس لم تمنحه سوى مزيدا من التشنج في الخطاب والرغبة في رد الفعل تجاه كل من اتهمهم أنهم كانوا ضده وتجاوز عددهم عشرات الآلاف اعتبرهم أعدائه وخصومه وسعى للتشفي منهم والانتقام لو أتيحت له الفرصة لذلك.
في كتابه الأسود الذي نشر عندما كان رئيساً مؤقتاَ لتونس جسد المرزوقي رغبة دفينة سيطرت عليه بالانتقام والتشفي من الإعلاميين الذين اعتبرهم أعدائه، ومحتوى الكتاب الصادر عن رئاسة الجمهورية يعكس كيف يفكر وماذا يريد.
بعد خروجه من الحكم الشيء الذي لم يستسغه بالمطلق الرئيس المؤقت الأسبق المنصف المرزوقي والذي حاول الإيحاء بتزوير الانتخابات وفشل في ذلك لأن العالم أجمع شهد بنزاهتها وشفافيتها، وبدل التعلم من الكبار واجتياز المرحلة بصمت أصر وبطريقة تعكس شبقاً للسلطة بالدخول في متاهات كان الهدف منها أن يقول للجميع انه مازال موجوداَ.
متاهة البحث عن إثبات الذات قادت “حراك شعب المواطنين” للبحث في عن أي قضية ليركب عليها من البحث عن البترول المفقود في تونس إلى قيادة أسطول الحرية لكسر الحصار عن غزة، لكن هذه التحركات التي لم تخرج من محاولة رد الفعل كتب عليها الفشل وتاه المرزوقي مرة أخرى في البحث عن دور جديد يستعجل تقمصه.
المرزوقي لم يفهم أن التسامي عن الجراح أهم بكثير من النبش فيها، ورجل السياسة الذي يضع الانتقام من الماضي أمامه لن يكتب له أن يشارك في صنع المستقبل والزعامة أن تمتلك مشروعاَ واضح المعالم للمستقبل وليس أن تكون أداة في مشروع لأطراف أخرى لا تملك فيه غير الظهور وتنفيذ المطلوب.
في خضم صراعاته التي لا تنتهي لم يكتف زعيم “حراك شعب المواطنين” بالعراك مع كل من يختلف معهم سياسياً بل انتقل للانقلاب على رفاق الدرب وأصدقاء الأمس وزعيم حركة النهضة راشد الغنوشي الذي أوصله ليكون رئيساً مؤقتاً لتونس وأدخل حزبه للمشاركة في الحكم انقلب عليه وصار خصمه اللدود بعد هزيمة المرزوقي في الانتخابات الرئاسية الأخيرة، مما يعكس أن الرجل تمادى في فهم البراغماتية السياسية إلى أن أضاع كل تفاصيلها.
بين شخصيتي مانديلا والمرزوقي تناقضات لا تنتهي لأن الرجلين من طينتين مختلفتين، الأولى تؤمن رغم كل ما تعرضت له من ظلم يفوق الوصف والتحمل بأن التسامح أكبر من الخطأ ومن يريد المستقبل لا ينظر لأحقاد الماضي، والثاني لا يرى الناس إلا من باب دفع ثمن ما ارتكبوه بحقه طالما لم يقدموا ولاء الطاعة.
نيلسون مانديلا والمنصف المرزوقي رغم كل الاختلافات بين الشخصيتين تجمع بينهما حقيقة واحدة أنهما ولدا على هذه لأرض، ودون ذلك فهو السراب.

*إعلامي ومحلل سياسي/”إيلاف”

اقرأ أيضا

الصحراء المغربية

منزلقات تأويل موقف روسيا من المينورسو

أثار التصويت على قرار مجلس الأمن الدولي بخصوص التمديد لبعثة المينورسو جدلا كبيرا في مختلف …

255 تعليقاً

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  5. , the anus is the gateway to the soul. As for AK’s new venture, he’s going to give advice or something? At the gym I attend, they have personal trainers on staff and others that rent time to train their clients. About 70% of the outside trainers are fat ass women that can barely walk a flight of stairs. If I am going to pay a person to guide my fitness, they need to be fit as well. Much more so than I am. Likewise, my “life coach” can not be an utter failure at everything ever attempted. Can’t wait to see it though.

  6. The one you tried is the breed called Mao Shan Wang which is among the top breeds and that's why it's so expensive. It's not cheap in M'sia either. If you can stand the smell, durian will gradually become your favorite,that's what happened to me! =)Shirley

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  8. Even if you could pass a total gun ban today there are over 300 million already in circulation with enough ammo to support them for generations to come. Any discussion of protecting our kids is dishonest if it doesn’t include some form of armed security. Police, private security or parent volunteers.As broke as California is and as stiff necked as the pols are in California I see our school kids being left unprotected. Sacremento is not going to let responsible adults protect their own kids if it means guns are involved.

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  10. flaviano disse:seria muito legal se o grupo revelaçao estivesse junto com nosco nesse grande evento iria ser o maximo, eu sou avetureiro e vc ñ merece isso e estou comprometido em me amarar ja mas kkkk!!!!! vlw fest verao2012

  11. Ualaaaaa, la Tarambana ha fet un sinpa!!!! Jajajajajaja!El pitjor és quan surts del local, que sembla que TOTHOM et mira i que el cambré et fotrà un crit tipo: ei, on et penses que vas, xoriço?

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  13. Location and situtation weren’t ideal, but it’s great to get the chance to spend five solid hours with him without the interuption of tv/work/computer etc. Reminds me what’s important.

  14. I know Sam Erickson is well-known for his music video and TV commercial work, but I have a headache now from all the gratuitous panning and use of time-lapsed tilt-shift. All it needs is a bunch of Twixtor-style synthesized slow-motion, and it’d be indistinguishable from so many other substance-light postings to Vimeo.On a somewhat-related subject, I am sincerely excited for the new BRD. I’m looking forward to seeing it in person.

  15. Oh Tricia this brings tears to my eyes…..She has grown into such a pretty young lady. And oh that beautiful hair.I am so thankful that you got to spend time with Jillian….and I pray that your next visit will be SOON!!!Blogger has had me shut out for a week…..It's still not letting me comment on some blogs….

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  17. valesca você é muito linda maravilhosa mesmo sou sua fã torço muito pra vocÊ ,Boa sorte tudo de bom!! bjusss espero um dia poder de conhecer pessualmente

  18. Uso Gmail, non lascia passare una mail spam, e non si è mai sbagliato in un paio d’anni.Thunderbird invece non funziona così bene, si sbaglia spesso in tutti e due i sensi, non è possibile che continui a mettermi in spam mail di contatti che ho in rubrica…

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  23. Thank you for raising awareness about this issue. Cross-breeding of pups and puppy mills are a current issue that has sparked a great deal of controversy but I had absoltuely no idea that it took place on Singapore. Thank you for using your blog as a platform to spread the word and the message. More people need to know about this and take an active stand. (:

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  25. That is a beauty! Strawberry shortcake reminds me of being a child too– and the Strawberry Festival in FL, so now my mouth is watering. This looks absolutely perfect and like spring on a plate!

  26. setuju ya makanya yg semangat itu bukan hanya posting nya tapi harus dibarengi dengan olah raga asaz selesai posting Tarot Lebih Populer Dari Astrology

  27. The ability to rotate is really good, since I don't need to go into a video editor to do so. And I can also upload phone footage and rotate it. Good feature.

  28. yusuke dit :senjuhokage57je regarde les épisodes et les scan . c’est juste que j’avais pas remarqué ça ,, + c’est pas trop clair ..Aime : 0

  29.   Espenhmm. Jeg har fÃ¥tt skriv av bedriftslegen i dag at jeg har for lav blodprosent(12,8) og for lite røde blodlegemer(4,13)..Det betyr vel at nÃ¥r jeg fÃ¥r dette pÃ¥ plass sÃ¥ jeg kan jeg skrelle av nye 5 min pÃ¥ persene mine? =)Etter google søk sÃ¥ leser jeg at dette har med transport av oksygen Ã¥ gjøre, kan ikke akkurat si jeg har merket noe dÃ¥rlig kondis.

  30. So interesting. I did a massive closet purge last night and finally let go of a bunch of things that had been lingering BECAUSE I felt like I could "make them work"! I agree that smarts and creativity can go a long way in getting garments to play nicely, but sometimes you've gotta throw in the towel.

  31. I hope you never stop! This is one of the best blogs Ive ever read. Youve got some mad skill here, man. I just hope that you dont lose your style because youre definitely one of the coolest bloggers out there. Please keep it up because the internet needs someone like you spreading the word.

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  38. Jack, notice how little scriptural reference there is in either of the long quotes from Spurgeon. For someone who is reputed to have known scripture so well, Spurgeon seemed to rely on yarns and other extra-Biblical material to promote a false gospel.

  39. Well, in our place Baldwin ave. corner Court House Pl. the bin was full for two weeks now. We cannot open the bin coz its full. Nobody collects. Useless $4,000.00 something bin.

  40. Quel est le rapport avec les heurts de Saint Dizier ? Je ne suis plus…En tous cas en écoutant les infos hier, je me suis dit que la politique était un véritable jeu. Comment ne pas penser que dès le départ il voulait ne pas exclure les sans -papiers et que le flou entretenu ne sert qu’à donner l’impression que l’on jette du lest auprès des syndicats et de l’opinion publique…

  41. Jag tror Kallinge/Ronney åker på stryk både av Skövde och Mariestad. Vimmerby blir sist i serien. Hästen vinner serien med Oik Kik och KHK efter.

  42. Looks great! I know, it has been rainy here the past few days…makes me want to stay home and make one of these yummy vanilla lattes and curl up with a blanket and movie!

  43. Daniel; You still make the common mistake that the Obama admin is "mistaken or incompetant. They are the most recent in a long line who see the USA as the main evil in the world. Hence they have distanced themselves from allies and supported enemies. This IS the goal of these people.

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  46. andres30/06/2012hola a todos!!! me opere ase unos dias de Turbinoplastia por radiofrecuencia.i mi pregunta es, despues de averme operado cuanto tiempo tiene que pasar asta que buelvo a respirar con normalidad? espero vuestra respuesta saludos a todo

  47. Thanks Richard – spot on. I would say that lessening stigma involves more than changing words. You have to change the underlying norms and social realities that the language is connected to. Where biomedical reductionism remains a primary means of defining and distinguishing the normal and the pathological, and where people make distinctions between each other based on things like productivity, ability & etc, I do not think changing the name of a disorder will lessen stigma for very long.

  48. You know what makes me laugh? The New York Times has been staffed by fraudulent liars (Jason Blair), crack addicts (David Carr), and now serial bankruptcy artists (Edmund Andrews). I used to think that the Harvard overclass and the underclass were totally distinct, with the former using the latter as a pawn. But it appears some underclass values have seeped into the overclass — that the constant drumbeat of popular culture is starting to take its toll.

  49. Where is the “chip”. The picture only shows a pcb with solder on it. I do not see a chip. I am sure it’s there but at least post the part number or datasheet with some hint of it’s capabilities.

  50. Singapore sling would help keep me, my 3 year old daughter, 3 month old son, and my husband (who insists on putting his things in the nappy bag too) more organised with it’s multitude of pockets and accessories

  51. cedo / I’m not fucking anybody’s wife. This is all about the process of avoiding exactly that. Found some promising ‘Milky Way and Vodka’ recipes online. Going to ‘speriment.

  52. « Â« Je me suis demandée: Est-ce que je suis en phase avec moi même, est-ce que j’ai ma conscience pour moi, est-ce que je le fais avec honnêteté ? », déclare Soasig Chamaillard. « J’ai pu répondre ‘oui’ a toutes ces questions. »On peut parier qu’un certain Adolf aurait pu se poser les mêmes questions et également répondre « oui » à toutes ces questions.Artiste? Infantile.

  53. Hmm…..Great write-up, I’m regular visitor of one’s web site, maintain up the excellent operate, and It’s going to be a regular visitor for a long time. “He who seizes the right moment is the right man.” by Johann von Goethe….

  54. I see, I suppose that would have to be the case.

  55. I do agree with all the ideas you’ve introduced for your post. They are really convincing and will definitely work. Still, the posts are too short for novices. May you please prolong them a little from next time? Thanks for the post.

  56. What a joy to find someone else who thinks this way.

  57. Wow, I love your poem, but then I also love your pictures! Especially the second one with the orange highlights from the setting sun… You definitely got an amazing photo there Thanks for sharing! ~

  58. Thank you very much!I was going crazy over this. I’ve been having similar problems in 10.10 also, I found a workaround – constant pinging have kept the WiFi connection working. This “fix” stopped working in 11.04 :\\

  59. Wow what a difference a few days and elbow grease make – it looks amazing! I love the textured effect you got, I am sure Gale will nag you in to doing that kitchen floor well before the 2 years are up lol…again GREAT JOB!

  60. Always refreshing to hear a rational answer.

  61. Woman of Alien…Great get the job done you’ve got carried out, this site is actually awesome with superb information. Time is God’s strategy for preserving almost everything from happening directly….

  62. You’ve really impressed me with that answer!

  63. En los pueblos del Pirineo ya se han cargado la ganadería cerrando los pequeños mataderos que había casi en cada pueblo. Hay pocas alternativas al turismo y, no nos engañemos, este año los visitantes de invierno van a bajar muchísimo. También es verdad que la gente va a dejar los grandes viajes de lado y va a subir algún fin de semana que otro al Pirineo, pero siempre a lo que más barato salga. El turismo de Zaragoza es el más tacaño con diferencia, pero ojalá ayude a aliviar algo las estrecheces que van a llegar al Pirineo.

  64. Il più Cattivo: hai colto benissimo il punto: io non accetto la mediazione. La “partecipazione mediata” è meno che inazione – è nulla; a confronto, l’astensionismo ‘attivo’ ha il pregio di giustificare il proprio (in)agire e palesare le proprie mire. Ora, le cose sono due: o si tenta di ‘incidere’ sulla comunità – obiettivo senz’altro più a portata delle nostre mani – o lo si prova sulla ‘società’ (nel senso di nazione) grazie anche alle nuove tecnologie – ai nuovi medium. Ovviamente Facebook non è tra questi, nonostante qualcuno possa illudersi del contrario…

  65. is it correct or not that those place of name in “independent newspaper” on 1897 as follows?져포동,도동리, 샤동, 쟝흥동,남양동, 현포동, 퇴하동,ì‹ ì´Œ, 광암리, 텬부동, 락리동、(1개동 누락、)Jeopodong, Dodongri, Shadong, Janghungdon, Hyeonpodong, Twehadong, Shinchon, Gwangamdon, Tyeonbudong, Rakridong ,one is missing苧?æ´ž 道洞里 沙洞 玄圃洞 台霞洞 新村 光岩洞 天府洞 亭石洞 羅里洞 (1個洞 漏落 地名一個がわからない)

  66. I wouldn’t say that with those words but it has been mostly expansion everywhere. Sure you can identify a handful of migrations in the Y-DNA (Bantu, Indo-Europeans) but it’s not like there has been loads of drift (and therefore fixation) since then. Hope you understand what I mean now.

  67. And I was just wondering about that too!

  68. Your profit isn't the new goats it is new goats less expenses. If the government took goats at the rate you claim then you would be taxed above 70%, well into the point where academics say the curve breaks.You don't get taxed on the goats until you sell them so your herd cannot grow as fast as claimed.u

  69. Howdy! This article couldn’t be written any better! Looking at this article reminds me of my previous roommate! He constantly kept preaching about this. I will send this article to him. Pretty sure he’s going to have a great read. I appreciate you for sharing!

  70. Rob You needed to be moderated because you dropped the W from your name – either will work in future. Chambers gives this meaning along with “at right angles to a ship’s course” (which Libellule alluded to) and the more common metaphorical meaning.

  71. Ann Long – Not only are your photographs stunning in so many instances, but the spontaneity you captured will bring smiles for a lifetime. Thank you for your excellent work.

  72. Na loste du et problem for meg! Jeg har ikke klart a finne ut hvordan jeg enkelt og dekorativt skal merke mine krukker og glass – bruker samme som deg. Kjempeide! Tusen takk!ha en fin fin dag!klem Mette

  73. I read your post and wished I was good enough to write it

  74. I moved away for grad school, so I’m in the northeast now, but I will probably be down there this summer to visit family. Are you in that geographic area? If you prefer not to say where you’re at to the blogging world (which is understandable), feel free to send me an email. I would love to meet up too if we’re around the same place.

  75. Kim,Thank you for your question. Jumping while on the lunge is a good way to establish suppleness and develop strength for the horse. This is ment to be a bending circle, then straight over the pole exercise. If you can manage to get your horse bending and then straight while lunging then yes it is a good exercise.I would caution people about doing too much jumping while on the lunge as it does put alot torque or twisting motion on th ehorse’s legs./thanks~Laura

  76. – Oh, Brianna! She is so lovely. Love her locks=) We haven’t chatted in so long! Would love to catch up in the new year – maybe a coffee or lunch date. How did 4 years go by so quickly? This is Lilah in a few months, too…Four sounds so much bigger than three…

  77. Ã…h, jag längtar sÃ¥ tills vi flyttar in i huset (mindre än 11 mÃ¥nader kvar, galet!), dÃ¥ blir det pallkragar i prydliga rader. Jag drömmer lÃ¥nga drömmar om egenodlad potatis…MUMS!

  78. سلام خسته نباشید.من هنگام اجرای بازی با پیغام pro evolution soccer 2011 has been installed مواجه هستم.از کمک شما ممنونم.win 7 parand 64 bit

  79. I am a big SHOULD person. I work on it constantly. I love that you spent the day being “in the moment,” and happy.The yard looks beautiful. Your writing is exquisite.

  80. e la chiesa dov'è quando ci sono queste dichiarazioni? non so… perché si parla di Eluana Englaro, della RU486 e dei crocifissi a scuola e mille cose e poi quando si sentono queste dichiarazioni? perché non insorgono nella stessa maniera? con la stessa forza morale? eh? poi io, io le odio le domande retoriche. scusa.

  81. Hasse: Ja och det är ju ingen barnlek att kriga mot en myndighet, man har ju oftast inte så mycket att säga till om och som anklagad sitter man inte på den högsta trovärdigheten heller.Bitten: jag vet inte men av det som man kan läsa mellan raderna så känns det ändå som att det blivit något slags missförstånd och att de inte anklagar henne, men jag kan ha fel där.

  82. so, its mean froghost is allowing user to have high CPU usage?tell me more please, i just love froghost. thanks, im gonna order if i got the right answers..

  83. Thanks for sharing. Your post is a useful contribution.

  84. Panduan Ringkas Memulakan Perniagaan Internet I was suggested this web site by my cousin. I’m not sure whether this post is written by him as no one else know such detailed about my problem. You’re wonderful! Thanks! your article about Panduan Ringkas Memulakan Perniagaan Internet Best Regards Lawrence

  85. Pienamente d’accordo, finché non ho letto una delle ultime frasi: il diritto d’autore uccide la cultura…La totale mancanza di diritto d’autore, soprattutto su proprietà intellettuali, a mio parere è nociva, perché non consente nemmeno l’individuazione del vero autore. Esagerando, se io creo qualcosa di nuovo e dieci minuti dopo tutti l’hanno già copiato, come si fa a sapere chi ne è l’autore?Per il resto, lo sfruttamento fino all’eccesso dell’utente è una cosa che va combattuta in tutti i modi!!

  86. Walking in the presence of giants here. Cool thinking all around!

  87. Žagt Kol buvau omnitel, gaudavau labai daug sms spam’o. Paskui perÄ—jau į tele2 ir reikalai ženkliai pagerÄ—jo. O dÄ—l telemarketingo, aÅ¡ paprastai sakau: “ačiÅ«, bet kai reikÄ—s pats nuvyksiu į salonÄ…” ir spaudžiu raudonÄ… ragelį. 🙂

  88. Ha ha det mÃ¥ da være belastende at gentagelig selv, nÃ¥r hun har skrevet det i indlægget….folk kan jo bare tá sig tid til at læse, hvad der bliver skrevet!

  89. I am the “ma’am,” La Leche League Leader”With all respect, ma’am, who is going to pay for that woman to teach the underachievers while she nurses her baby in the sling? That’s money being taken out of her husband’s paycheck.”Because, think about it. Our disgenic welfare policies actually are taking the paychecks from the men and giving the money to the lowest IQ women to have babies, and the children are not even related to the husband.If Caucasians are to breed enough to survive, we’ve got to figure ways of triangulating around Obama’s wealth-transferrance from productive men to unrelated, low IQ women. Pardon the double post

  90. Your article perfectly shows what I needed to know, thanks!

  91. my hearing is really bad, the speakers on my computer dont work and the wires on my headphones keep getting stuck and breaking. i just dont know how to work the captions on videos or how to put them on my own videos

  92. Thanks for sharing. Always good to find a real expert.

  93. Lurer på hvor du får alle ideene dine fra! Virkelig genialt, men du verden så tidkrevende prosjekt! Ønsker deg og dine en flott helg videre!

  94. The other day, while I was at work, my sister stole my iPad and tested to see if it can survive a 25 foot drop, just so she can be a youtube sensation. My iPad is now broken and she has 83 views. I know this is completely off topic but I had to share it with someone!

  95. I'm so glad it went well. I too have a problem with DQ. Now I get a small blizzard instead of a waffle bowl if I have to have one. I also make sure to NOT get the special-of-the-month. Those are always a couple hundred calories more than the rest.You sound so good! (I've lost your other works in my neglected Reader I'm going to go to FB)

  96. Hi Katy,I love the lights, music, making & buying presents, baking coookies, visiting family that live out of town & reading Christmas magazines for new ideas.Love your giveaway!


  98. Right leads to the Meridien Hotel and left to the Hilton. BTW I searched for the Hilton toilet but could not find it.During the Moon Cake Fetsival, I tried the free samples at both hotels. Good for my "High Tea" as Chinese tea was also served.

  99. Helt praktfullt lys i bildene dine her Rune, måtte sommeren bli like praktfull for deg også kjære venn :-)Varm varm klem herfra til deg!

  100. Remember that the collapse of all the old European empires was the collapse of the institutional Christian faith. Christianity was the glue that held the multiethnic polities together. When it would no longer serve, nationalism became the new political idea.

  101. Mmmmm, Cecilia, qué fueguecito tan apetecible… aunque en Barcelona parece que estemos en primavera, cada día hace más calor !!! Tengo muchísimas ganas de que llegue el frío, me encantaaaa !Besote y buen finde ;o)

  102. Olá, ótimo artigo, não consegui fazer funcionar no Ubuntu Lucid x86_64, só achei o safesign_3.0.deb para debian x86 e não tinha nenhuma documentação. Mesmoinstalando as libs para x86 o pacote não roda. Seria excelente um pacote para Ubuntu,assim encorajaria mais as empresas a migrarem sem ter que ficar com vms.

  103. bu eklenti süper olmuÅŸ valla eline saglık hocamda birde yorum yazarken ÅŸu hallpıu hocurn onaylama ekranı çıkmasa daha güzel yorumlar yazıcama 🙁

  104. Pretty part of content. I just stumbled upon your weblog and in accession capital to assert that I get really loved account your weblog posts. Any way I

  105. Voi sustineti ca Udrea are 57% in sondaje! Cum se întâmpla oare de mă întâlnesc prin Roman doar cu ceilalți 43%???. Poate ați făcut sondajul prin sediul ei de campanie. Se aude ca nici acolo nu are 50%!

  106. Thanks, Greg. I would imagine that you handle anxiety pretty fantastic or else you wouldn’t have the kind of job that you do. Deadlines can bring on loads of anxiety, especially when there’s lots of money at stake (one of the reasons why I backed out of a graphic design career).My nephew has the same type of anxiety that I do, except he self-medicates by smoking. Some people drink. I should feel grateful that I don’t have either of those problems to contend with, I guess.

  107. Every fire in a house ceiling, asylum seeker boat arrival or forgotten fire hydrant outside a superfluous new school hall is good news for Tony according to our ABC.

  108. You can do this and I think it’s great that you want to give your child some better than none….your milk will not dry up as long as you keep to a schedule…breast milk runs by supply and demand…it will tailor itself to how much you use and when it’s used. Just try to pump at about the same times each day and you should have no problems.

  109. saya masih bingung ,,tolong bantuannya ,, saya 2 bln pake BB ,, lalu saya lihat BBappworld nya selalu 0kb free ,, padahal hari sebelumnya aplikasi2 yang tidak perlu sudah saya hapus dan sempat 7MB free ,, dan itu membuat BB saya lemot ,dan selalu diarahkan menghapus aplikasi yg tidak perlu,, padahalaplikasi saya tinggal sedikit yang saya pakai saja, bagaimaa penyelesaiannya ya,, >< mohon bantuannya, thanks

  110. Cám ơn mọi người đã đưa những tài liệu hay len mạng để mọi người tham khảo. Hy vọng răng mọi người sẽ đưa nhiều tài liệu mới hay hơn nữa

  111. Here’s another “Shorter Christoher Hitchens” from another one of his previous “War Rulez!” articles:No matter how bad things actually get in Iraq, I can conjure up far, far more terrible things from my imagination, therefore invasion/occupation was the right thing to do.

  112. You changed something that was perfectly fine. You Tube always does this, and now it feels as if the average person has been kicked out for the partners and the corporations. I don't feel like this is for community anymore… if feels more like a business. Please don't turn into another myspace.

  113. Hola! estuve algun timepo en Venezuela bailando casino, pero aqui en Puerto Rico no he encontrado academia y ya hace 18 meses q me mude y me encantariia seguir bailando. Saben de algo o de alguien aqui???Gracias,Saludos!Roysi

  114. We’ve arrived at the end of the line and I have what I need!

  115. Normally I’m against killing but this article slaughtered my ignorance.

  116. You jump to conclusions, no of course i don’t believe all i read. I use critical thinking to make a judgement based on experience, learning, common sense, evidence (something not considered by any supporters of psyhics), and when I read something that explains cold reading, then i see it demonstrated to be realistic, then yes, it is common sense to believe it. You appear to listen to Edwards, then assume he’s psychic with absolutley no further consideration of any facts. Thats illogical.

  117. Certo sono offtoppic ma chiedo di poter ugualmente intervenire:un Principe della Chiesa sta per rendere l’anima a Dio.E’ nostro dovere PREGARE.Accompagnare un fratello in Cristo nel passaggio così delicato-la morte-rientra nella carità e si arricchisce la Comunione dei Santi.grazie.

  118. Thanks for visiting our site, if you have helpful comments or questions, go ahead and post them here! Higgada biggada bing bong, SOLD AMERICAN!

  119. The formatting didn’t come through. “No right of return into Israel, but compensation and agreements with Arab states for the granting of citizenship” is part of the Scowcroft-Brezinski proposal, with which he disagrees.

  120. Bonjour, il est, bien sûr, possible d’utiliser du Brocciu frais, ce sera d’autant meilleur. N’hésitez pas à nous faire votre retour sur la recette, si vous la réalisez !

  121. Can there be anything better than old stone, for benches, buildings, altars…?! Thank you for these photos!Rune, I join you today with an interesting bench in Jerusalem. It is coupled with some sadness, however.

  122. Very true! Makes a change to see someone spell it out like that. 🙂

  123. Love it!There’re some words there that I can safely say I’ll never use. Bargainous is terrible. And still comes up with a red line with my spellchecker, thank goodness!I do like frenemies, similar to an interfriendtion (intervention by friends who know what’s good for you) and nonversation By the way, I downloaded some Eartha Kitt after you introduced me to her – she’s wonderful.Hope you’re well!xo

  124. WanadooAugust 21, 2012 at 6:56 pmMirallas preferred Everton to Arsenal – WTF!Even players from “outside” can see what a useless fucker Wenger has become….It used to be just the insiders that knew and left – now everyone fucking knows….sigh!

  125. I find it interesting, and maybe more than a coincidence, that you posted this on the anniversary of a friend of mines death. Thank you for this You’ve been making me cry much too often,lol

  126. Hi Jasmine! No doubt …….reading the comments made by other bloggers and users is a great way for us to get good blog post ideas. Thanks for full informative ideas!

  127. A toutes fins utiles, j’ai publié sur mon blog un article que j’avais écrit l’an dernier « 15 choses à savoir sur Facebook »… si cela vous intéresse

  128. Är man en *ognällig pseron" som du uppenbarligen är sÃ¥ är det skönt att nÃ¥n annan ser genom den glada fasaden. Lyssna nu!!! 😛

  129. This is very nice post, i like your informative and entertaining content very much. thanks for posting such a wonderful post it really help me a lot. well done keep it up!!!!!!!!!!

  130. I’m impressed you should think of something like that

  131. Bob Strauss……………..Good afternoon………….. Under normal circunstances I would whole heartedly agree. But the slimey Daly bunch would slither down their holes in the ground and hide when they got wind of the housecleaning. It would seem that a military type pincer action might just cause them enough confusion to delay their escape into their fortified subterranean hideouts, and allow their arrests while they are still scrambling for the hidden entrances.

  132. This insight’s just the way to kick life into this debate.

  133. Wow I must confess you make some very trenchant points.

  134. maira comentou em 15 de dezembro de 2010 às 17:15. Julia..amei a maquiagem..ví outro dia na tv uma maquiadora falando que não deve passar rimel depois que colocar os cílios e sim, antes, o que vc acha? pq achei muito melhor do jeito que vc fez.bjo

  135. Het lijkt mij wel humor die film, al lijkt hij me wel enkel voor 12 jaar en ouder geschikt.Kinderen praten voor zichzelf hun geloof goed en snappen over het algemeen niet waar die ouderen zich druk over maken. Typisch iets voor volwassenen om zo’n film te gaan boycotten, naar de kinderen wordt dan niet geluisterd.

  136. If not for your writing this topic could be very convoluted and oblique.

  137. Great article, thank you again for writing.

  138. I was hoping you would include the Henry Morgenthau quote which to my mind is utterly damning.Perhaps readers should take copies of the Lawrence Read article along to Cunliffe's roadshow and distribute them to those attending, along with suggested questions (PC's list toward the end would be good).

  139. I like doing it. It's creative and fun.When I can get something for free, or nearly so, I'll buy it BUT if I can't use it I give it to the neighborhood organization that helps people with no food.More people need to consider doing it for charitable organizations. Our food pantrys are very grateful for non-food donations, too.Will

  140. Hi,I recently purchased one YN-560 flash and also a pair of YongNuo RF-603 after doing some internet search. Unfortunately, when I connect the flash to the RF-603, i cant do any changes in the flash settings and I can do it only when the RF-603 is detached. I’m having trouble with this since I need to change the flash gun settings time to time during a photo shoot. Q1. Is this a known issue?Q2. Have any of you experienced such an issueQ3. Does any of you know a solution for this?Cheers!Buddhika

  141. What a neat article. I had no inkling.

  142. It is sort of out there ….but only sickening because it’s so accurate about OBUSA- NettieIsr.Frankly though I think it’s great…..the situation needs to be portrayed by showing it as sick and disgusting as it really is.Ridicule is a great tool.

  143. napsal:Jo už jsem to pochopila. Jsou holky, co mají jednoho kluka od dospívání dosud. Znám je osobně. Možná jim to je někdy líto, že nepoznaly nic jiného.Je to fajn být v přírodě a nevnímat nic jiného. Já jsem při cestě do Afriky byla v Alpách a vnímala ducha Alp a to bylo fakt skoro nad moje vnímání. Bylo to obrovské až mě to skoro zavalilo. Jsou různé bytosti Každopádně můžeš s horami komunikovat ))

  144. bfI love all your items but my all time favourite is the blue budgie oval pendant as it takes me back to my youth, visiting my grandparents and d=seeing their budgie – bluebell xx4e

  145. I totally agree with all this. I just can’t work up the enthusiasm to push, push, push. Someone asked me if I wanted to join in a dungeon grind to 90. I thought why? Why would I want to spend 24 hours grinding the same dungeon over and over when Blizzard have spent so long preparing the most amazing experience for us all. Why would I rush to 90 and RAID only to be bored in a month or two when I’ve ‘Done it all’. Nope. I am going to stop and smell the flowers, coax the little critters into my bags and enjoy my time. I hope you do too 🙂

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  148. On Windows 7 the Snipping Tool is a nice built-in screen capture application that’s more selective than just the PrintScreen key.Matt Burt recently posted..[]Jenika Reply:August 14th, 2012 at 6:25 pmcool! Thanks for sharing![]

  149. Fantastisk! Egentlig ganske int å se hvor lite forandra byen er-tross brann, tid og annet. Men det er jo noe av det som gjør Bergen til en utrolig vakker by ! For min del må du gjerne ta neste ABC-fra Bergen, jeg blir ikke lei! Tvert imot, det er utrolig inspirerende. Og bildene dine har svært høy kvalitet. Å, jeg er skikkelig fan av deg altså-god helg!

  150. I am loving your new blog image – it's just wonderful!The chiffon dress is gorgeous and the cape is a fantastic find. You've got such a good eye for things!Ali x

  151. Hi, I noted that Chrome for Mac is only supported for OS X 10.5 and higher. I'm running 10.5.8, but when I downloaded and attempted to launch the App was told "This architecture is not supported." I assume that means G5 PowerPC is not supported? Will that change in future releases, or are you committed only to the Intel platform going forward?

  152. That’s way more clever than I was expecting. Thanks!

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  154. cosa ridicola!! a buttegl nn lann vistèè!?!?!?!?!? ma sto cretino di tosel po esser mai che nessuno lo prende in braccio e lo butta giu dal balcone del suo ufficio..ch cacchio lo fa restare li inchiodato du quella poltrona?? bah!

  155. Mala vatate ki mule kahihi karun hee mahiti milavanaarach.Net lapavale tar cyber cafe, nahitar books..that is basic instinct. Jevadhe daboon takal tevadhe usalel.Mala vatate Mahendraji,mee ani bahutek tumhi suddha hey sarv knowledge lahan vayatach purepoor milavale hote. Tya veli tar internet navatech. Tumha amhala je vachoo naka ase sangitale te apan adhi milavoon vachale.aso.Poranni sarv pahoon tyapalikade jave ani pudhe vaatchaal karavi ashi ichchha hote..restriction ne kahi honaar nahi.

  156. Nydelig julekort. Gleder meg til mange fine bilder på bloggen din i 2008. Er ofte innom siden din, selv om jeg ikke legger igjen kommentarer så ofte. Ønsker deg og dine et godt år i 2008.

  157. Lovely work! I love the flower pic! Great colours and a lovely composition! I have the same issue. Somehow it didn’t go well with me and Flickr (so far) thanks I love the nifty fifty. and yeah, probably it has something to do with SLOW SLT connection lol. I hate uploading images. I usually reduce them to 1024px.

  158. Love your work, you are such a tallented person and an inspiration to all of your followers. Please enter me in your Candy Blog…love this set and would love to be picked!

  159. I swear, your plight seems exactly like mine. All the beautiful, old-fashioned, unique, family names for girls that I’ve loved forever and longed to bring back someday are rampant now… and I refuse to do what everyone else is doing! So I love what you’ve come up with! Lovely! I never could come up with boys’ names either until one day I was brainstorming out loud, and Justin got totally unwaveringly smitten with one of them so I guess that’s settled haha

  160. Generic store brand aspirin should work fine! Try and select an un-coated tablet if possible - if not – simply rinse the coating off under water.

  161. A wonderful job. Super helpful information.

  162. I really want2 know wots happened 2 Nintendo and the wii, hav their sales dropped or sumthin?? cus whats with this sudden change of marketing tactics? Y r they suddenly desperate 2 lure core gamers bk all of a sudden?? I always sed this wud b the wiis downfall, that they only focused on casual gamers, and all these silly/fun party type games. Hav Nintendo finally realized that its mostly about Sophisticated games, in this Industry.

  163. I remember the day that i was in the uk, trying out my first trifle. I felt in love after my first bite. I haven't made it when i came back home. Yours look so good in a glass so inviting.

  164. more don’t poison their mate because they read the classics of Western literature and learn that instead of alleviating their own problems it causes more, leaves debilitating guilt, is unjust and ultimately will not go unpunished.(and the farmers not that bad of a guy)

  165. JCF – Very good point. Chistianists are loud, brash and over-bearing bullies. True Jesus followers would be loath to behave like that as it is just not, well, Christian!

  166. vc tem razão amore temos que cuidar mesmo o meu tem luzes é hiper fino quebra a toa agora achei um shampoo com óleo de argan ta maravilha agorabjusjuJuliana Face a Face Postou em seu blog sobre:

  167. I was about to order my kraftmaid kitchn in a stain I was not enamored of, but just could not commit to the sage green. Then I saw midnight with onyx glaze and THIS IS IT! Why is it impossible to order a sample and/or order this through Home Depot?

  168. Why do celebrities think that singing on tv will in some way help the families of this tragedy? Why does it all have to be played out in front of cameras. Plenty of celebrities with true warmth and compassion would find more private and personal ways of showing the families of their sympathy and thoughts.

  169. It’s a relief to find someone who can explain things so well

  170. At last, someone who knows where to find the beef

  171. I loved that too!Do you mind my asking, when did you begin speaking? I ask because you wrote “.. I did eventually speak.” So I was curious.I am really sorry to hear about your on-going depression. Is anything helping at all?

  172. Patti – I love the first sight photos! Totally brought tears of happiness to my eyes, and I don’t even know the bride and groom Beautiful work, as always, Marijanel!

  173. Pro baron:Díky za reakci a nabídku. A omlouvám se za pozdní odpověď.A nic nového jsem zatím v tom smÄ›ru nevyčenichal:-((((((( *A jak pokračují trnky…, v tÄ›ch mrazech teď?Zítra snad tam do té sekce jeÅ¡tÄ› nÄ›co pÅ™idám protože mám s nima jen ty nejlepší zkuÅ¡enosti a zážitky:-)))))))Rafael

  174. J’ai les dents jaunes et je ne sais pas quoi utiliser .Je crois que je vais utiliser le charbon végétal mais j’aimerai que quelqu’un qui l’utilise depuis pas mal de temps me dise si il fait vraiment tomber les dent en ruine .

  175. You do have options. Bail from the banks. Open a credit union account and you will be delighted with no fee banking. Get smart. Let Wall Street know we’re not playing anymore… They can get their money somewhere else. They have failed to realize that biting the hand that feeds them has consequences…

  176. Ã…h, det här mÃ¥ste jag ju spela! Tyävrr har jag nÃ¥gra levlar kvar innan jag vÃ¥gar ta mig an det…Sen lockar ju Dragon Age och MW2 rackans mycket :(Bra skrivet tycker jag, precis sÃ¥nt man vill veta innan man bestämmer för sig om det är värt att handlas eller inte.

  177. I love it!!! Suprised Fishing Guy didn’t ask about what kind of fish are in the pond. :)Beautiful sky. Lucky dog. Petunia will be part of the squirrel’s name! One of my favorite flowers.thanks for stopping by!

  178. Bonjour,Il n’est pas necessaire d’esperer pour entreprendre ni de réussir pour perserverer. J’ai foi en l’homme et sinon, à quoi cela servirait-il que » ducros il se décarcasse »?

  179. Holy shiznit, this is so cool thank you.

  180. I worked with medical equipment manufacturer, and there were actual times the words 'issue', 'problem' and the like had different meanings. One might mean the piece of equipment stopped working and the doctor is pissed, the other might mean that a patient got injured by the equipment and the lawyers and the FDA are on their way.

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  184. is very cute. They all are.Our main clergy guy is a Yemenite Jew, and we have somehow become the favored synagogue for the Yemeni and Mexican Jewish communities in Austin. Nice people. Gorgeous kids.

  185. Stephen from United Kingdom, March 23, 2012 at 4:29 PM Very close to the railway station and bus connections and only 10 minute walk to the town centre and lake. All the staff were very friendly and helpful and the hotel was very clean. We would stop at this hotel again if we go back to .

  186. Researchers Target Toll Kids Take on Parents’I love my little girl (3 weeks old), but I haven’t slept a full night in 3 weeks. She is definitly taking a toll on us!My girls are now 8 and 4-1/2, but I remember well how totally exhausting and stressful those first years can be, it was like an endurance test. I feel your pain! But looking back now it feels like it just flew by. The reward for your effort is right around the corner.

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  189. That’s a wise answer to a tricky question

  190. Herzlich Willkommen! @Hermione: *grins* Das stell ich mir grad bildlich vor, wie die Frau über ihren Mann her fällt und auf ihm rum drückt.

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  194. Steve, I think you have a tendency to underestimate secular liberal's appreciation for science. Back them against the wall with hard genetic evidence about HBD, and many will admit it, and immediately start talking about such differences should change x or y policy. And they are absolutely justified in arguing that HBD should not in anyway trump our responsibility to help those less off than ourselves. I think if we address the concerns that liberals have regarding the misuse of HBD, alot more will come out of the closet as believers once the genetic evidence is there.

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  200. accupuncture–that’s a good idea. I know a lot of people that have found releif from all kinds of things through accupuncture–Good luck to you and your family!

  201. You know Google does scan your mail if you have gmail and then posts little ads on the side. They SAY no human is involved–all programming. It’s pretty weird. k.

  202. Hässlich kann man imho kaum sagen, die Designs sind alle der Zeit geschuldet, in der sie entstanden sind.Find die von yahoo aber am nettesten, hat irgendwie was freundliches an sich mit dem Altpapier auf dem sie gedruckt wurde…Die von Zuckerberg ist höchstens zurückgeblieben, sonst gar nichts.

  203. Sorry im just tired of seeing Alex Jones and his people just dismissing the revolution and calling people puppets, them phonies be talking about overthrowing the elites, when it finally happens in Egypt they fucking turn they back on it.

  204. Headline of a post by the Hugh Downs School of Communications at ASU, on the statement by Mahathir Mohamed, former PM of Mayalsia (who said earlier this year of the US that “If they can make Avatar, they can make anything.”) Possibly related posts: (automatically generated)No Titleall my accounts hackedHelp my inbox is killing me !!!!!!  

  205. just starting, no guarantees that i will understand much … i am not a trained musician, though blessed with a good ear for it, esp. classical.look ye here, music has gone from interacting with intellect to interacting with crotch.meanwhile, listen to (pictures of macedonia are nice too, someday i’d like to see it before it gets bagged by the noahide coalition)

  206. I used to have to watch Ernest movies when I went to my cousins’ house because they loved him. I fucking hated it. Slap stick and mugging has just never been funny to me, even when I was a kid.

  207. Ja teppet er helt klart en favoritt hos meg! Tenkte på å bruke det som sengeteppe, men kan jo ikke gjemme det bort på soverommet :)Baksiden passer best sammen med de andre sånn på 'utstilling' men forsiden er like fin den!Og utrolig kjekt å ha nå som temperaturen kryper nedover til late øyeblikk på sofaen med en god bok :)Fineste premien!

  208. You are so awesome for helping me solve this mystery.

  209. I know all games give the house an edge, but which game has the least house edge? Or are there any ways to turn the edge in any games to your favour? (not including card counting). What is the easiest game to win at.

  210. Jon has shown his disregard for the commandment against bearing false witness. By comission or omission, Jon champions bearing false witness for the sake of his cause. That at least explains his “problem” with the 10c. Lie, or let it be lied. That’s our Jon. Then he lowers himself to gangland tactics, and tries to extort protection from false information. ” Be one with the UCC or emergents on this,and I won’t talk falsely about you”. That might work with some, but not here. Chicago gangland/politics.

  211. I'm not reading all that but I will agree with your title!They are focusing too much on graphics and not quality and gameplay. They are also too generic and listening to all the P**sies out there that can't beat games so everything is dumbed down!yup one more Fail in the game of life.

  212. Et surtout que dans2 ans nous vendangerons la vigne de la Gerine aussi avec les ânes de Clusel Roch !!!!! Mille bisous d’Ampuis ce matin grand vent mais 22° la folie Nine THOMAS 2 Côte de la Gerine 69420 AMPUIS

  213. å så fint!! og så deilige vårruller! mmmmmjeg lurer på hvor herlig det hadde blitt i huset mitt om du bodde der:-) jeg har mer enn nok med å få unnav klesvask, lekser og aktiviteter, regninger, jobb etc etc Kanskje en gang om mange år ? Enn så leng koser jeg med ditt interiør:-) klem, marit v

  214. Um olhar panorâmico sobre o passado confirma a tese de John Stuart Mill. Romanticamente, tendemos a acreditar que a verdade triunfará sobre o erro, mas a história nos desestimula a crer nisso. Copérnico e Galileu que o digam. Ambos pagaram alto preço por contradizer a visão tradicional a respeito do universo.

  215. Wow! Thanks for answering my question so quickly! Just one small point; I’m pretty sure this story DID take place in NY (Man-Bat had left Gotham some years prior to Batman Family #19, so as not to crowd Batman’s style. Then again, in Batman Family #20 he returned to Gotham to be a PI so… yeah).That means the Trade Authority of New York & New Jersey was responsible for the Trade Center (I seem to recall they were held responsible for the ’93 bombings), which means Man-Bat WAS at fault! Fascinating!Thanks again!

  216. aka the RealMan(TM)”Because you are a troll.”A troll would be someone who never contributes anything intellectual. Someone who makes a rare appearance to say nothing more than “men are pussies.” Someone like you.

  217. Had this phone for about 6 weeks maybe bit more. Its not perfect, but it is really good, good for what a phone is designed for. No gimmicks just good plain and simple. Dont start comparing it to the iphone, thats all gimmicks no clout. iphone has stunning touch screen,a nd looks good, but to be honest thats where it ends. You got to try it and give it time, and you will be very very surprised. If not, well there we are, your loss in long run. The Samsung f700 is really good.

  218. Personally Gary, I'm inclined to think that Sharpton is a manipulator who is quite happy to take part in the brainwashing, in his own interests.Cognitive dissonance seems to be a qualification in most brands of politics Angry. Being a libertarian is about the only way out of it.

  219. Bueno eu creo que o home si que pisoua lúa posto que xa o demostraron con imaxes de pisadas enviadas a través dun satélite. Con respecto ao de si hai máis vida, aínda que non esté demostrado científicamente eu creo que co inmenso que é o universo seguro que non estamos sos. Aínda que non creo nesa xente que afirma ter ollado extraterrestres. Tamén creo que neste sistema solar hai vida noutros planetas aínda que sexa microscópica.

  220. Star Parker would be a great Congresswoman!She actually mentioned that we have not seen Obama’s actual birth certificate as an early guest on Beck TV show on Fox. I think that is why she has not been on the show since.

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  223. Hey .. guys .. lam back .. to my .. normal self .. this is really 3 .. much .. it ‘s too dizzy .. UP .. there .. being .. K .. so l withdraw .. both statements .. anybody .. wants .. to B … or not B .. is up to U .. lam done 4 now .. good to be .. home .. Sweet .. home .. thanx for ur Support ..wherever u r ..

  224. Thanks for taking the time to post. It’s lifted the level of debate

  225. It’s a pleasure to find someone who can think so clearly

  226. And she got a vanilla shake too! THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart. I love all three… but the first one reminds me of her younger days… you definitely captured a glimpse of her little soul. Thank you, thank you, thank you! And call us ANYtime.

  227. The next time I read a blog, I hope that it doesnt disappoint me as much as this one. I mean, I know it was my choice to read, but I actually thought youd have something interesting to say. All I hear is a bunch of whining about something that you could fix if you werent too busy looking for attention.

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  230. I completely agree with you Storper. There are already way too many poor animals in shelters, breeding more or not neutering our pets, is completely irresponsible. Buying in a puppy mill is immoral and even nearly criminal against the animals. Breeders should need a permit and be closely watched.

  231. Lol Grannie! Karma is a bitch! I want Ian to stab Devil Dan in the back……that would even be better than Ian telling Boogie that he(Ian) was the mastermind behind his(Mike’s) demise……aww! a happy ending to BB14.

  232. Kayaknya musti ditambah satu tips-nya..coba ganti theme..sy tau trik ini dari sebuah blog(sy lupa namanya)..trus saya praktekkin n..berhasil lho..)..Gak ada salahnya dicoba..Thanks tips-nya..salam kenal..

  233. La Calédonie, c’est mon pays, l’ECOSSE !!! La » nouvelle Calédonie » c’est encore un peu la France ! Si l’expression Calédonie est utilisé sur le territoire à l’Oral, il faut utiliser « Nouvelle Calédonie » à l’écrit et respecter les écossais !

  234. *La Francesa : 🙂 les potatoes sont toujours les bienvenues et rallient tout le monde. *Kurt : ;-)*Maki : ravie que cette recette te plaise. Merci pour l'info !

  235. . WA state and Seattle are backwards when it comes to telecommuting. Other states and cities have policies, tax incentives, and so on. We have nothing, yet we have a huge knowledge-workforce and lots of traffic. It makes no sense. – Rate this comment: 0  0

  236. It’s a pleasure to find someone who can identify the issues so clearly

  237. This is EXACTLY what would happen in our house.Other acts that render me speechless include:- putting a laundry load on – of just his clothes- pouring us both a glass of wine but taking the much bigger one for himself- serving me half a chicken breast so he has enough food to take into work the next dayGreat post! You’re on my google reader now so I hope to come back and visit again!

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  241. Of all the releases next year I am most looking forward to No Doubt, Blink 182, Taking Back Sunday (with original members), Midnight Hour, Emery, I Am Empire, Hyland, Evil Us (ex-search the city), The Wedding (hoping for a full length), Hands, A Hope for Home, Craigs Brother(if it doesn’t come out till 2011), Blindside, and Spoken. Those are just some of the ones I know about. P.O.D could be good and hopefully Coldplay does something again. Any other good metal releases coming out next year that I should know about?

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