وقف حروب.. لا تسويات نهائية

هناك الآن محاولات جادة لوقف الحروب والأزمات المشتعلة في المنطقة، التي تشمل ساحاتها كلاً من سوريا والعراق واليمن وليبيا، وهي البلدان التي امتزجت فيها صراعات محلية، وتدخل عسكري إقليمي، ودولي سافر، مع مواجهات عسكرية مفتوحة ضد الإرهاب، الذي يقوده الآن تنظيم «داعش»، وإفرازات القاعدة.
ولعل هذا المزيج المركب، من عناصر الصراعات المحلية، والإقليمية، والدولية المجتمعة في هذه الأزمات، ما يجعل من الصعب التوصل لحلول وتسويات نهائية لها، لكن مخاطر استمرار وتصعيد هذه الأزمات أصبح هو الدافع الآن للبحث عن اتفاقيات مؤقتة تنهي الحروب، لا جذور الصراعات.
فهناك ارتفاع دولي مشترك لمنسوب المخاوف من تفاعلات مما يحدث تحديداً على الأرض السورية، إن كان لجهة زيادة دور الجماعات الدينية المتطرفة، والمحسوبة اسمياً على جماعات «داعش» والقاعدة، أو أيضاً لمحاذير امتداد الصراعات المسلحة إلى مواجهات إقليمية ودولية، كما هي الأزمة الآن بين روسيا وتركيا، العضو في حلف الناتو.
إن سوريا هي قضيةٌ حاضرة الآن في كل الأزمات الدولية، وسيكون مصير الحرب المشتعلة فيها، أو التسوية المنشودة لها، هو الذي سيحدد مصير الأزمات الأخرى. كذلك، فإن استمرار الحرب يعني استمرار التأزم الغربي مع موسكو وطهران، ويعني مخاطر حرب إقليمية تشترك فيها إسرائيل، إضافة إلى التورط التركي الكبير الحاصل في الأزمة السورية، ما قد يؤدي إلى تورط الناتو عسكرياً، وهو أمر لا ترغب به الآن الولايات المتحدة، وحلفاؤها الأوروبيون.

إقرأ أيضا: بعد سوريا والعراق..هل ستنال ليبيا نصيبها من الحرب ضد “داعش”؟

أيضاً، فإن مخاوف إدارة أوباما من زيادة نفوذ جماعات التطرف المسلحة في سوريا، ومخاطر انتشارها إلى أميركا ودول الغرب، لا يمكن إزالتها من دون تسوية سياسية للحرب الدائرة في سوريا، وعلى سوريا. مراهنات دولية ،وإقليمية كثيرة على الحرب في سوريا وصلت إلى طريق مسدود، كما هو أيضاً الخيار بالحل العسكري عند كل طرف. وستكون العقبة الكبرى أمام أي صيغة تسوية سياسية جادة للأزمة السورية هي في جماعات التطرف المسلحة على المستوى الداخلي، وإسرائيل، ومن لديها من عملاء أو حلفاء على المستويين الإقليمي والدولي.
ما يحصل في سوريا هو أشبه بتقاطع طرق لمشاريع عديدة في المنطقة، بحيث نرى تكاملاً بين بعضها وتناقضاً بين بعضها الآخر، لكن في المحصلة هي مشاريع لها خصوصياتها الإقليمية أو الدولية، ولا أجد أن أياً منها يراهن على تصعيد نيران الحرب في سوريا باستثناء المشروع الإسرائيلي، الذي وجد مصلحة كبيرة في تداعيات الأزمة السورية، فإسرائيل لا يوافقها توصل واشنطن وأوروبا، من جهة، وموسكو وطهران من جهة أخرى، إلى اتفاق كامل، بشأن الأوضاع في سوريا، لأن ذلك يوقف النزيف الدموي في الجسم السوري، والعربي عموماً، ولأنه يعني أيضاً تفاهمات أميركية- غربية مع روسيا، وإيران تتجاوز المسألة السورية، ما قد يدفع أيضاً بإعادة فتح الملف الفلسطيني.
إن المراهنات الإسرائيلية في الأزمة السورية هي على مزيد من التفاعلات السلبية أمنياً وسياسياً، وعدم التوصل إلى أي حل في القريب العاجل، فمن مصلحة إسرائيل بقاء هذا الكابوس الجاثم فوق المشرق العربي والمهدد لوحدة الأوطان والشعوب.
كذلك، تراهن حكومة نتانياهو على صراعات عربية- إيرانية لتكون مدخلاً لصراعات عُنفية مذهبية محلية في المنطقة لتغيير خرائطها. لم تجد إدارة أوباما أي مصلحة في تصعيد التوتر مع إيران أو في تبني مقولة الحكومة الإسرائيلية منذ العام 2009، بشأن استخدام الضربات العسكرية على مواقع إيرانية لتصنيع الطاقة النووية، بل نظرت إلى هذا العمل العسكري الذي كان مطلوباً إسرائيلياً كونه خطراً أكبر على أميركا ومصالحها من أي حرب أخرى خاضتها في المنطقة.

*مدير مركز الحوار العربي في واشنطن/”البيان”

اقرأ أيضا

الصحراء المغربية

منزلقات تأويل موقف روسيا من المينورسو

أثار التصويت على قرار مجلس الأمن الدولي بخصوص التمديد لبعثة المينورسو جدلا كبيرا في مختلف …

257 تعليقاً

  1. More posts of this qulyati. Not the usual c***, please

  2. A pleasingly rational answer. Good to hear from you.

  3. My Texan relatives regardless of political affiliation view the TTC with mild contempt to outright hostility. And most of them aren’t opposed to new local road construction in the slightest, so like M1ek, I don’t how see anything approaching the descriptions will get built.

  4. If only there were more clever people like you!

  5. Let me know how it turns out! As far as the buttermilk, just use all milk save for two teaspoons. Add two teaspoons of lemon juice instead and you’re good to go!- Joe

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  7. Eh oui ma belle on est loin des urnes etc… loin de tout d'ailleurs mais bon si on s'etale sur le sujet on en sort plus :)Mmmm il a l'air ldiiiide 🙂 j'aime les creme parfumees a la fleur d'oranger et l'orange est mon fruit prefere du moment :)Bizzz ma belle

  8. We simply LOVE the idea…….Just wished you had debuted it BEFORE the latest financial crises……People may be a little more tight now with impulse spending unless the prices are really a bargain!…….Let's see

  9. Hi. I don’t remember how I found your site, but since you specifically address the question of links at the bottom of this post, I want to ask permission before I link to you. My readers are largely feminist and smart, so I don’t think there’s anything to fear from them, but my site *does* get a fair bit of traffic, and I don’t know if you want an onslaught of people reading this. If it’s okay, just leave a comment here and I’ll check back; if it’s not, that’s okay too.

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  13. Out : Hilario, Belletti, Deco, Ricardo Carvalho, Paulo Ferreira, Michael Ballack.IN:Aguero,Shweini.—————–Cech—————Ivano/Boss—-Terry-Alex—-A.Cole—Shweini—-Essien—–Lampard——-AGUERO–Drogba–Malouda—-SUB:Turnbull,Bruma,Hutchison,Mikel,Zhirkov,Anelka,Kalou,Sturridge/Borini.Reply

  14. WausTjonge tjonge, je gaat nu zelfs @geen's dochters op een uiterst onsmakelijke manier betrekken bij je fittie.Ik dacht dat je, ondanks je rare trekjes, nog wel enige stijl had. Maar dat blijkt dus een totale misperceptie.

  15. Tichonow brzydki? No proszÄ™, nie przypuszczaÅ‚em. Jeszcze jeden dowcip mi siÄ™ przypomniaÅ‚.Stirlitz wybraÅ‚ siÄ™ na spacer nas SprewÄ™. Idzie, idzie, idzie, zobaczyÅ‚ nagle wÄ™dkarzy.- WÄ™dkarze – pomyÅ›laÅ‚ Stirlitz- PuÅ‚kownik Isajew – pomyÅ›leli wÄ™dkarze

  16. HI Ya Mandy.. It sucks when you dont feel well and you're looking at your crafty gear and thinking I should be crafty, but honestly you feel so sick..(i've been sick for about a month and the MoJo has dissappeared) I hope you feel better sooon and are back crafting and sharing with us all.Sallyxx

  17. I like to party, not look articles up online. You made it happen.

  18. I wouldn’t vote for anyone who didn’t get a speeding ticket in NJ. The only way to avoid all the mobile revenue agents deployed by the state is to hire a car and driver, and what kind of person has that much money laying around . . oh yeah, Mr. MoneyBags, our governor, does.

  19. pttui pttui pttui pttui pttui pttuipttui pttui pttui pttui pttui pttuipttui pttui pttui pttui pttui pttuipttui pttui pttui pttui ppttui pttui pttui pttui pttui pttuipttui pttui pttui pttui pttui pttuipttui pttui pttui pttui pttui pttuipttui pttui pttui pttui pttui pttui pttui pttuipttui pttui pttui pttui pttui pttui pttui pttui pttui pttui pttui pttui pttui pttui pttui pttui pttui pttuipttui pttui pttui pttui pttui pttui!!!

  20. skriver:Ibland händer det ofattbara. Det rungar vår vardag och våra liv. Med din positiva kraft och energi står du väl rustad inför den kamp som du nu måste gå igenom. And what goes around comes around. Dvs du har ett stort hjärta, det gör att du får tusenfallt tillbaka.Det är många som med stor värme går bredvid dig i kampen och önskar dig allt gott.Jag kommer följa dig.Varmaste hälsningarMiaDykarmamma

  21. You could pin and silver solder the suppressor on. Similar to how you can have a barrel under 16″ without registering it as a SBR so long as you permanently attach a muzzle device which makes it over 16″

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  23. she loves me alot but now she sent a message that said its over.i dont know what happened and she wont tell me, her phone is now off, and she doesnt send back any letters.PLEASE HELP

  24. Anne, I'm still missing Borders too – the Bristol one for me. There are some nice small bookshops around, but Borders was like a big comfortable library; you could go and browse through children's books, then spend hours researching a wonderful range of non-fiction. I did buy stuff too!

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  26. Thanks Mike! I appreciate your kind words and support. I am really looking forward to using this blog as a way to share useful information that will help dentists develop a fun and profitable practice.

  27. When I originally commented I seem to have clicked on the -Notify me when new comments are added- checkbox and now every time a comment is added I recieve 4 emails with the same comment. There has to be a means you are able to remove me from that service? Appreciate it!

  28. “Do bolszewików przystÄ…piÅ‚o wielu Å»ydów, ale byli odszczepieÅ„cami, ateistami, którymi w wiÄ™kszoÅ›ci gardzili ich pobratymcy. Podobnie byÅ‚o z żydowskimi czÅ‚onkami KPP w Polsce.”Prosze podac linki do sondazy na ktorych powyzsze stwierdzenie o pogardzie wiekszosci pobratymcow jest oparte.

  29. latter anon, mayabe you should examine the sacred runes a little more closely, since moldbug (in this particular post and the next, anyway) seems to be saying the opposite: that all political speech — let alone clearly incendiary political speech — is, a priori, on a continuum with political violence. indeed, for not owning up to this association is exactly why he's mocking fjordman and the sleestak robert spencer. and, please, enough with the "you're new here" townie shit. this is the internet, not your local darts-and-skanks watering hole.mitt

  30. There's only one woman from a military background whose testimony I take seriously, and that's Kay Griggs.Does anyone know whatever happened to Kay after those marathon interviews she gave? I've never heard or seen her online since….

  31. Marine dit :La lessive de rouge étendue devant moi qui n’attends que d’être ramassée! Comme tu vois je préfère trainer sur ton blog a la place …

  32. Normally I’m against killing but this article slaughtered my ignorance.

  33. Greg, don’t bother my friend. S.Smith has been coming to these sites for years, taking stabs on UK, their players, and coaches. Don’t let His UL Ways get to ya

  34. 舒爾賽: —— 你的回應漏了下列問題。請回答: 行者:『難道應該要像余秋雨般《含淚勸告請願災民》才叫做不抽水嗎?余秋雨不也是抽水嗎?抑或余是「舉正義之旗」?』 ###### 設若以天災、災禍、人禍等字眼取代「天譴」,而文章內容不變,那又是否抽政治水呢?評論一件事,除論點理據外,當然可以加入評價;評價如何,可人人不同。這件事上林忌評之為天譴,是負面的價值判斷 (先撇開是否真有「天譴」這回事不論),於是便被你視為抽政治水。可是若果將整件事稱為天災,難道就不是抽政治水?是否凡事正面評價才不叫抽水?這件事上,順你意(評價) 者不是抽水,逆你意者是抽水,如此明顯的因人廢言和扣帽子,確實令人掩嘴。 若然評論涉及論者價值觀便被視為抽水,則新春秋這兒的絕大部份作者和留言者,他們在大部份文章裡亦是抽水,例如抽政治水、抽感情水、抽老板水、抽友誼水、抽宗教信仰水……。問題是以如此準則來判定「抽水」,根本就是說廢話了。 ^^^^^^ 舒爾賽:「但言論自由是要用來意圖及引他人及影響他人, 這點我不認同」 舒你要先分辨清楚「言論自由的目的」å’Œ 71 所說「在這言論自由空間裡, 任何一個網民發出聲音」之目的,兩者是有差異。 至於你是否同意 71 說「在這言論自由空間裡 …… 例外的都鎖起自己的網誌, 或在現實裡寫日記吧! 何必到這虛擬的言論自由空間裡來? 」,與原先我和你的討論點無關,本人暫不予置評。

  35. "But the site has always attracted its share of exploiters. On a good day you can see South American and African vendors peddling commemorative patriotic knickknacks and on a bad day the Truthers show up howling their contempt for the site. Tourists stop by and pose for snapshots with their families. Office workers walk by without thinking."Very sad:( Keliata

  36. Hey Colin,If you want to live in a civilized society then you pay taxes in exchange for services. Even services you don’t consume. If you don’t like it, fuck off. Go live in the woods and shit in a hole in the ground. If paying taxes is taking your hard earned money by force then don’t pay them. Don’t expect to live with other people though. Jackass.

  37. achei o primeiro livro mais legal que o segundo, mas achei esse mais explicado que o outro, pena que o final foi uma bela de uma droga, fiquei muitoo p da vida por ela ser tradada no Lua azul daquele jeito, não gosto de ler livros que a personagem é humilhada como ela foi.[]garotaquele Reply:November 12th, 2010 at 9:40 amEu não sei dizer muito sabe Milk, achei legal o primeiro e o segundo, mas eles são bem diferentes né? E realmente, o fim é destruidor u.u[]

  38. Howdy! Someone in my Facebook group shared this site with us so I came to take a look. I’m definitely enjoying the information. I’m book-marking and will be tweeting this to my followers! Terrific blog and brilliant design and style.

  39. Sama ministerin suusta. Peruspalveluministeri Paula Risikko haluaa sairaaloiden hoitotulokset nettiin. Ministeri haluaa nettiin tiedot esimerkiksi siitä, mistä sairaalasta kotiudutaanuseimmin työkykyisinä tai missä sairaalassa on korkeimmat kuolleisuusluvut. Risikko uskoo, että hoitotulosten julkistaminen toisi lisää kilpailua sairaanhoitopiirien ja sairaaloiden välille ja parantaisi samalla laatua. Hänen mielestään hoidon tasokkuutta pitää vertailla sekä sairaanhoitopiireittäin että sairaaloittain tapauskohtaisesti.Palveluvaaka-sivuston on määrä olla valmis parin vuoden kuluttua. Sitä työstetään parhaillaan STM:n ja Stakesin yhteistyönä.

  40. Economies are in dire straits, but I can count on this!

  41. An intelligent answer – no BS – which makes a pleasant change

  42. I really like this blog, but as of yet I am not sure exactly what the formalist would do with Lippmann. Is the approach that you are advocating a new mainstream – the progagation of formalism by your intellectual converts, to replace the progressive-idealism spread by the Northeastern prestige universities? I get that impression sometimes, but sometimes it sounds like you advocate such decentralized opinion-making that the mainstream would sort of go away and be replaced by a sort of intellectual bazaar, rather than a formalist consensus.Anyway, I hope I’m on at least one of the right tracks.

  43. Yes, lovely sentiment, RaeAnne. Without the tremendous help from author friends, workshops and writing contests, I have a feeling my “magical spark of creativity” would be better referred to as “a wild fire burning out of control.”

  44. Anonymous 4:40: Look at the turnout rate in Waukesha and see if you don’t think something funny is happening out there in conservative country. It’s higher than in Iraq or in the old Soviet Union! (Of course, maybe it helped that they had enough machines there, unlike in many areas of Milwaukee.)

  45. Thanks Kevin this is a great reminder to take a step back and remind ourselves why we do what we do everyday. Today’s consumers want personalized service and products, something different, otherwise they might as well shop online and be part of ” the system”.

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  48. I remember when girls had to go away to homes for unwed mothers to have their babies. It was an embarrassment for them and for the families. This was the 1950’s. If you didn’t get shipped off to a home, you had a shotgun marriage.

  49. « Le capitalisme libéral-libertaire des pays anglophones diffuse partout dans le monde par l’internet l’individualisme émancipateur et la liberté pour le citoyen de faire ses propres choix sans être plus ou moins subtilement guidé par les personnes agrées par les autorités compétentes »Apparemment, vous avez trop lu le Journal de Mickey.

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  55. Mas diga-me uma coisa Zazie… essas turbas da extrema direita com as quais nunca estive em motins, fazem-nos a propósito de quê? Não me tem constado.Quando na tv há motins, quem invariavelmente aparece são os vulgo anarcas… mais conhecidos por jovens… Da extrema direita não tenho visto ninguém (não é ironia) e se aparecessem não deixariam de ser assinalados… acho eu. "Extrema direita" costuma ser a polícia… hehehe… porque anda para lá a dar umas varadas… — JRF

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  65. Jéssica começou hoje nos EUA,mais quando vou colocar aqui não posso te dar certeza,primeiro vou esperar sair uma legenda,e depois tem que sobrar um tempo entre o meu curso e o trabalho,mais assim que possivel coloco,provavelmente amanhã sexta ou sábado.

  66. / All Democrats and the Democrat Political Party are enemies of life, liberty and We The People. Democrats are against life; they endorse abortion & partial birth abortion. Democrats are against liberty; they conceived, passed, endorse & defend Obamacare. Democrats are against We The People; Barack Obama, leader of the Democrat Political Party openly violates our Constitution and scoffs at those who criticize his lawlessness.

  67. AYou may be right but I know that you can have two accounts open if one is gmail and the other is a “domain app” account (it appears to be a cookie path thing) so I don’t believe it’s IP limited (which probably wouldn’t work well for corporations behind firewalls either).

  68. I’m actually based underground amongst other food aficianados in Workforce Management. We love to explore this site and figure out where to eat. I’m like a Disney Food Guru to them. I’ll definitely keep you posted, especially since I make a daily stop by this site.

  69. Hi Myra,I’m not so sure kung ano ang weight limit ngayon ng PAL but you can try checking it out sa website nila. One thing m sure though, yes you can have a hand carry/carry on luggage with you..may limit din kung ilang weight.To make sure kung ano na ba ang weight limit nila, go to their website..G

  70. My 6 yo twins watch YouTube makeup tutorials constantly. Frankly, I thought I was a crappy mom for letting them do that but it gives me a few moments of much-needed respite from bickering and other goings on. Now that I see that Maggie does it as well, I am THRILLED. Clearly, it’s a fine past-time. Right?????Thanks for the smile today. And for the great review. Our agency (V3) works with the team at GCH and we all love seeing not only your adorable kids, but hearing that you like the “stuff.” Enjoy!! 

  71. by rahatsız diyor ki:Sevgililer öpüşürken neden gözlerini kapatır bilir misin? Çünkü gözleriyle değil de kalpleriyle görmek isterler. Yani hissetmek isterler. Ben de seni ruhumun derinliklerinde hissediyorum sevgilim çünkü seni çok seviyorum. by rahatsız dan balına nisadan canomu calarmısınız

  72. Alex, oh what an interesting observation! That had not occurred to me, but what a fascinating echo it adds to the story. Mieville is one I always thought about but never got to either and now that I have I wonder why I waited so long! So jump in, you will be glad you did

  73. Oj tom jag kände mig lite ledsen att du lämnat skolan. Haha, jag vet inte varför! Men jag har älskat bilderna därifrån! Hoppas att flytten blir bra för dig!

  74. made a lot of sense. But, think about this, what if you added a little content? I mean, I dont want to tell you how to run your blog, but what if you added something to maybe get peoples attention? Just like a video or a picture or two to get people excited about what youve got to say. In my opinion, it would make your blog come to life a little bit.

  75. Cormac, Point Blank is awesome!! As you'd hope with such a great cast and a Donald Westlake novel.Lee Marvin … another actor I could watch in anything, from The Dirty Dozen to The Big Heat to (yes, even this) Paint Your Wagon. ;)Thanks for commenting!!

  76. Ã…hh! Den var superfin, Emmy! Perfekt inspiration för jag gillar verkligen die cut papper men vet sällan hur jag ska använda dem… *hihi*KramLinda

  77. Awww Libby, Im sure he doesnt mean it..You know people sometimes tell hurtful words out of anger or frustration. that's why we need to practice to slow to speak and slow to anger…Things will be fine hun..

  78. That’s cleared my thoughts. Thanks for contributing.

  79. für die Rückmeldung. Ich habe keinen einzigen Forum-Beitrag zu dem Gerät oder einem ähnlichen Problem finden können. Werde es wohl tauschen müssen… es gab letzte Woche nur noch 1 weiteres Exemplar im hiesigen Laden. Ich melde mich dann nochmal.

  80. Recuerdo las épocas gloriosas con el “600″ calentando a todo calentar en la N-II en cuanto pasábamos Fraga en dirección Zaragoza. En Candasnos intentábamos que alguien nos diera agua para echar al radiador, je, je, je, ¡agua en Candasnos!, je, je, je…

  81. Um ok, a lot of people could probably do with more vegetables and less meat; but when exactly did you develop an interest in these "Startling Implications for Diet, Weight Loss and Long-term Health"? Personally, I've decided to mainly live on fried insects. Their availability seems to be largely unaffected by currency changes and commodity markets.

  82. JMG, it would be wonderful if an equivalent process to the ending of South African apartheid occurred with its Israeli counterpart. Rhisiart by the way, is a friend of mine and the cliche I would guess he is referring to is the one where the media and western governments portray the issue as an equal argument between two equally irrational parties while the rest of the world, particularly the United States looks on powerless. As I have hinted at in my 2 comments, it is anything but

  83. Suite au succès de la première infographie publiée il y a quelques semaines, Webleads Tracker poursuit avec une seconde infographie sur la manière d'identifier les contacts les plus pertinents, de les aborder et de … 

  84. Hola buenas!Tengo dos preguntas, soy bastante novato en esto y me preguntava si los 4 huevos van o no con su yema también. Por otra parte me pregunto si se le puede añadir levadura! pero no se si lo empeoraria xD (ya lo probaré) felicitaciones por este blog, mil gracias!!Un saludacoP.D: Creo que se pone la yema verdad? aun así sin esta bueno jejej

  85. I love your blog.. very nice colors & theme. Did you design this website yourself or did you hire someone to do it for you? Plz answer back as I’m looking to design my own blog and would like to know where u got this from. cheers

  86. > Pierre HenriConcernant les goûts alimentaires de Salami, il y a peut-être une autre explication. Sachant que le basset hound est à l’origine un chien conçu pour la chasse à courre au lièvre, il pourrait obéir à quelque instinct du type « dis-moi ce que tu manges, je te dirai qui tu es » qui lui permettrait de mieux comprendre la psychologie de ses proies ataviques…

  87. I think in ten years time, direct navigation will be virtually obsolete. That will completely change the value of short, memorable domains such as lll.com’s. Descriptive names with high monthly searches will be the most desirable names IMO.

  88. of supporting disaster reliefMade possible by water"I am so grateful" — a tsunami survivor's storyModern times, ancient storiesFreedom of imaginationA winning essayIn partnership news…Suffer together, rebuild together —

  89. Suspen dgr ceritanya. Ingatkan mahluk mana tadi. Cekap betul tindakan dari pihak berwajib. patut highlight kan nama pihak terbabit. Mekar recently posted..

  90. I got up extra early this morning to have some alone time before the Thanksgiving madness/joy starts. And lo, I see a shout out to the gravy recipes and Thursday’s menu! Thank you for that and the recommended reads. Happy Holidays! Bye now.

  91. Nous avions, au début des années '90, un Art Rock Café, à Liège, qui me semblait plus dans l'esprit Hard Rock que celui qui a effectivement ouvert à Bruxelles.C'est dommage qu'il soit fermé, et c'est dommage que la version belge du HRC soit si peu attirante. Ptêt qu'avec le temps ?

  92. olá!Parabens para quem fez os desenhos….muito legal, fiz uns quadros com os desenhos e mostrei o site q copiei, nossa ganhei elogios…muito obrigada!

  93. Ok, well my comment didn’t get sent! Argh…I am not sure when they check you, but I know for a few of my friends they did when they got tested for strep b. I never got checked, but I ended up having Kennadi at 36 weeks.

  94. Hi AgainThe Bay of Biscay??? My grandfather was on a ship in that sunk in the Bay of Biscay in the early 1900's. He was 1 of only 2 survivors who managed to swim the bay to safety. I've always had a fascination with this are and would love to see it and the Atlantic Ocean!! You have me dreaming now!! thanks… hehe

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  99. Let me write that down. You say that the one degree rise in temperature in the past hundred years has caused all those problems? According to your reasoning there should be more cancer in Miami than in Boston. I am moving North!

  100. Does your blog have a contact page? I’m having trouble locating it but, I’d like to send you an e-mail. I’ve got some suggestions for your blog you might be interested in hearing. Either way, great site and I look forward to seeing it improve over time.

  101. Dacă aș mai fi în clasa a IX-a, cu mintea de acum, aș învăța serios la limba germană, aș face un sport în mod regulat, aș sta mai puțin la soare. A, și nu m-aș apuca de fumat ! (Între timp m-am lăsat, dar îmi mai amintesc cât de rău îmi era când fumam.)PS Ai un ping la ARTE !

  102. Hi Lakshmi! Wonderful!! Lucky girl…Sorry for the rush!! I’ll be off for my official week holiday but Blogtrotter Two will be showing you the road to a wonderful setting: Costa Smeralda!! Enjoy, leave your comments and have a great weekend and week ahead!

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  105. She could be my mother and she’s STILL completely stunning.I love her!!! <3 I don’t understand why people in this post are speaking about nose shapes and face features as being an indication of specific groups in the CONTINENT of Africa. Please educate yourselves.

  106. I don't have anything against psychodynamic therapy, but the quality of any meta analysis is limited by the soundness of the included studies. It's always a good idea to look at source material rather than accepting conclusions uncritically. This is especially true in the case of Shedler's article.

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  111. Hi Valeria, I’m glad you found me here – and thanks again for the encouragement to jump back into Twitter (your Italian roundabout metaphor worked a treat)I think you hit the nail on the head with this comment:“suddenly you catch a message and meet a person and it or they spark a recognition in you”I will keep exploring, and listening and watching for those sparks of recognition.Joanna

  112. Saudações!Amigo Laurentino Mello,É uma mensagem belísima!Nos conduz a realizar profundas reflexões sobre cada detalhe do mundo fantástico da natureza e toda a forma de vida manifestada. São valores que não devemos jamais esquecer, pois, tudo foi manifestado em consonà¢ncia com a mente divina.Parabéns pelo Post!LISON.

  113. The best ever is the Medicated Acne Spot Treatment at Bee-Luscious! You put it on and in the morning the spots GONE! Don't do what I did and try and put it all over because it is WAY to strong for that! OMG it made my face like beat red! Oh the easiest way to get it is order on-line from their web-site.References :

  114. I agree, everyone SHOULD have their own jubilee, preferably every day if possible. Congrats on your 100th!!! As one who pops in occasionally (time is always an issue in my life!!), I'm always glad when I do. I love this dress, today and yesterday. And again, congratulations.

  115. 捞潘2012 年 10 月 10 日游戏渠道:(梦宝谷版幻想精灵)区服:闪耀平原账号:13560970982 朦朦的常晃ID号:24537角色名:捞妹。我的建议/想法:1、关于物品获得概率,我觉得开宝箱获得好东西的概率有点低了,而且竞技场连胜也基本打不出竞技证明了。2、关于宠物,新版本有得获得起源之卵很不错,希望多举办多点这样的优惠活动。可惜就是经常都是开到男的怪物很郁闷的,搞基又不能,很无奈。3、关于技能,我觉得超能的技能好痛,而电系和冰系的好弱,希望能够改得平衡一点。而且NPC技能伤害高的极奇恐怖,很经常卡在某个关卡。4、关于升级,升级好无聊很累。打野怪和npt都得不到什么经验。希望经验(包括打怪和特训的经验)上有点提升。或者说双倍的活动多点搞。5、好想要转生珠,可是人民币好贵。而且有些像超导之石那些太贵了,建议便宜点或者说登陆奖励那里增加一些像转生珠一样高级点的物品奖励。6、建议生命之源的回血金钱降低,因为好贵,每次都二十w,打怪都没那么能打那么多钱。总的来说就要简便和优惠点就会让人满意。

  116. Very well put! But will the people who this is intended for even understand it?? It is a sad state of affairs, to say the least, and this archaic approach will indeed spell doom for the any hope of progress, intellectual, emotional and social, for our nation. &nbsp;

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  118. Das nenn ich ein ordentliches, erwachsenes Mixtape, das nicht auf Teufel komm raus dem Indie huldigt. Doves, St. Etienne… feine Wahl! Hoffe dich lesen durch byte.fm ein paar Leute mehr, wäre verdient.

  119. I totally love this game, and find myself not wanting to put it down. Saying, ok just 1 more time, trying to beat my last score.. Oh, so addictive!lots of fun, thanks!KAT

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  121. There are no added ingredients in maple syrup other than maple sap that has been boiled down. (There’s nothing to do with Aunt Jemima, here, which doesn’t qualify for this cleanse; or for the? title of “maple syrup” for that matter.) I also agree with setting good examples.

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  123. Si si, son hermosas a pesar de que se hablen de espantos. Y esta es bien poco conocida, por eso me anime a contarla aqui. Ademas, juro que mi padre jura que es cierta.

  124. so are you saying Michelle Obama is forcing poor schools to grow gardens and actually make already obese kids eat healthy *GASP*. I could be wrong here, but if the existing system could be revamped, they would. that or the existing system doesn’t give a dam about the kids and are only worried about money in their pocket. I say this because the US health care makes quite a bit of $ per person. people eating healthier = people BEING HEALTHIER + less doctors visits= less $ for them

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  127. Okay I’m convinced. Let’s put it to action.

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  130. The Tall Circus is a great name for a psychedelic rock band!Could that possibly be the same Paul Kirchner who did The Bus for Heavy Metal? I think it must be.M

  131. rgbact,“As com­pared to any prez I can remem­ber, Obama had more power to push an agenda through in 09⁄10.”And you base this on what?Inabil­ity to count to 60?

  132. Arra tippelek, hogy a zebra miatt lehet, mert ha jól látom nincs felfestve külön a "biciklis zebra", a gyalogoson meg ugye csak tolva szabályos átkelni, így talán erre próbálják rávenni a kerekezőket a korláttal (bár a túloldalon meg nincs..)

  133. Kewl you should come up with that. Excellent!

  134. I love my compression sleeves for my calves and knees but have to get another pair for my calves soon, TheWife has confiscated mine and told me to they stink after I run in them, so that I have to leave them alone .Harold recently posted..

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  136. If you’re reading this, you’re all set, pardner!

  137. Márti jóvoltából én is meghímezhettem a kis unokaöcsémnek akit eddig csak skypon láttam de jól ismerjük egymást.Imádom mikor a babahangján mondja by by Sziszi. Várom én is a leendő alkalmat, hogy végre egy kislánynak is elkészíthessem.Nagyon bájos lett a Tiéd ezzel a barna kerettel.

  138. I was seriously at DefCon 5 until I saw this post.

  139. Justice4All, why would a scared little toddler reverse his direction of safety and return to circle someone in a vehicle with less than friendly posture ?. Who in their right mind would pull such a stunt if they just wanted to get back to the safety of the pad ?.Answer: trouble maker thug.

  140. Dans « Georges le tueur » de Wolinski, Georges donc, est en visite commandee dans une contree paradisiaque ou (u accent grave) rien n’arrive et dont les habitants sont au comble du bonheur, limite somnambules.Sa mission: les tuer tous pour mettre fin a cet etat insupportable.Devant les yeux emerveilles du lecteur, Georges s’acquitte tres bien de cette mission.C’etait une BD, a quand un livre ? Un film ?!

  141. Have you ever thought about your own self worth and what it really means?More than most I believe. And I feel I've contributed my share of good things toward society while asking little of it in return. Anyway, some times the most important thing you can do for society is to not be a burden on it like those fucking rich capitalists and cocksucking wall street types.

  142. Boa noite,Uma vendedora de enxovais (noivas e bebes) que atende de porta em porta no enquadramento no (MEI) poderá usar o seu endereço residencial como endereço comercial.Desde já agradeço sua atenção.

  143. Capt Crash and the Beauty Queen of Mars was my favorite song from that album. It’s even better live. There are some pretty good live versions of it on Youtube. To all the people out there who just don’t get Bon Jovi, once you go to your first BJ concert, you’ll be hooked. Line and sinker!

  144. “Are you confident Tolzien is a good No.2 QB?”Umm.. was anyone confident in Smith before Harbaugh came along? I’m sure Tolzien can manage the occasional 4 yard checkdown on 3rd and 9 if necessary.

  145. Dr. Phil just wants attention to be paid to the fact that there is an unnecessary pattern of redeployment going on which is in turn causing PTSD which can obviously reach dangerous magnitudes. Something should be done to PROTECT them, not REJECT them.

  146. Scamp, you look digitally suicidal. You’re turning your once very informative and engaging blog into a good place for worthless exchange of idiot replies between genetic errors. I think it’s time you did something about it.

  147. I disagree with the advertisement system you are going to introduce because it will interupt videos, and some videos shouldnt be interupted due to the time taken to make some of them. I think its ruining the viewing expereince, and more things to load will make youtube slower than it already is…

  148. immergaz eolo mini cred ca este o centrala buna mentionez ca de 5ani asigur garantii la ele ,dar daca vreti sa va cumparati buderus u042 ,eu zic ca sant bune eu personal am buderus si tot eu asigur garantia la aceasta marca,la fel si la bosch

  149. Tom, da Du den Beitrag publiziert hast, wäre es als Redaktion möglich, Dr.Eckehard Franz zu bitten, er möchte in so-online zu der Umweltfrage etc. doch über Praktisches,bereits Umgesetztes aus der Sicht seiner unmittelbaren Tätigkeit schreiben. Immerhin vereint er auf seine Person 8 Aktivitäten in Ausschüssen, im Aufsichtsrat …Klaus Horn

  150. Thesa, in Colorado, out of state Sellers have 2% of the sale price withheld, unless they can sign an affidavit saying that there was no gain at all, or if it is owned by a corporation rather than an individual. They are all looking to close loopholes and get every penney they think they are owed!

  151. I have been looking for a ring organizer I went to boring route and hung necklaces from hooks but for rings I am stumped I like the ice cream cup idea off to goodwill.

  152. Très bonne émission, beaucoup de choses vraies et importantes ont été dites par l’ensemble des intervenants. Je pense que l’europe veut éviter le défaut grec parceque les cds feraient sauter les banques américaines, donc en fait les usa font pression sur l’europe pour qu’elle assume les pertes greques pour de faux pretextes. Je me trompe ?

  153. Two links here on how Hitler was never an elected chancellor of Germany. The highest percentage of the vote he ever got was 37%. His popularity was dropping when a backroom deal was presented to him, handing him the position of chancellor.

  154. This insight’s just the way to kick life into this debate.

  155. Mord är det när en människa dödar en annan människa. Att använda ordet “mord” om att döda djur visar pÃ¥ dÃ¥lig respekt för människovärdet! Undra hur det uppfattas av familje och vänner till verkliga mordoffer! T.ex. Englas familj, för att ta ett aktuellt exempel.Tycker du att slaktaren som dödar kreatur hela dagarna är mer avskyvärd än Englas mördare, Anders Eklund?

  156. I’m in agreement with Thomas A. Camp. FPV modeling/flying is just a fad like most things in our society today. This hobby has been fun for decades without FPV, so why get the government and politics involved in our sport that will usher in all kinds of limitations and restrictions that could eventually hender what little freedom we already have. I’m all for technology as I have worked in it for 30 years, but FPV rc flying could be a technology that we rc enthusiasts just may want to pass up.

  157. I’m going to post a list of “things that will make me a better person” on my blog — kind of a giant NY resolution thing. Maybe with a list, I’ll get something done instead of just bitching about it all in my head.

  158. I like to spend my free time by scaning various internet recourses. Today I came across your website and I found it is as one of the best free resources available! Well done! Keep on this quality!

  159. The take-home lesson is that wherever gene flow is impeded, no matter how geographically close, population differentiation can be recovered with dense autosomal genotype data.Yes, you are surely right on this.

  160. Debbie Hi William, do you mean on photographs on another page, or yours? If someone else’s page, then they have probably set their permissions so that no-one can comment (can’t quite see the point though) especially if they’re trying to attract controversy!

  161. Has the suggestion about allowing the semi-finalists to participate in the web version(see my message above) been considered? I haven’t heard a response from either Mayo Social Media or from Ragan Communication about this possibility.best, Laura

  162. Good day! I just want to give an enormous thumbs up for the nice data you could have here on this post. I might be coming again to your weblog for extra soon.

  163. Ooooh….I love these kinds of pictures. I can totally relate to the pleasure of standing back and regarding one’s orderly possessions. Disorganization has an equal and opposite effect on me and my house, unfortunately, tends towards the latter. I see organization as an ongoing practice — the end result is wonderful, but the path towards it is equally valuable. It’s like gardening — one can make progress, but is never done.

  164. If for some reason you do get a smart meter installed, PUT TIN FOIL AROUND IT !!!!!Then it can’t communicate with PG&E, and will most likely block much of its radiation……….

  165. on: September 18, 2012 Author: embracedisruptionLeave a comment TweetI recently wrote about some reading suggestions for fall and winter 2012. One of the titles from this list was “How To Win Friends And

  166. I'm pretty fussy about my pb cookies too, Mary! I've never added peanuts to my recipe though. Going to try that!With a glass of milk (the only time I drink it) and a pb cookie, I am in heaven.

  167. Now if only he can repeal the Patriot act, Indefinite Detention act and the NDAA and close down Guantanamo Bay……truth be told he is not judged by adherence to the US Constitution.

  168. We do not provide legal advice. I would suggest you contact your state Law Society and they can refer you to some solicitors who work in this area.

  169. Tiv Hang、KAItO:可以啊,這樣的話價錢就是「(350*數量)+運費」。不知道台灣寄香港要怎麼寄比較便宜?我會問一下注香港的同學,也歡迎你們提供意見。我建議香港的朋友一起團購,分擔運費。如果Tiv Hang或KAItO願意當主購(負責收錢匯款、收東西分發),我可以幫你把email放在上面,或者我可以當聯絡人,讓想要團購的香港朋友email給我,我再給他主購的email。

  170. ccSra. Erika: pues sí, me parece raro!Sra. Pilar: sí, seguro que tú lo sabes bien!Sra. Anta: ays, qué ilusión me hace que alguien pruebe mis recetas! Bso!Sra. Núria: gracias!32

  171. Tu n'as pas aimé la grande scène de la confrontation "Fellowship of the sun" et vampires dans l'eglise ?Jason et son pistolet paint ball, la blonde épouse cruche, ces répliques navrantes..C'était une parodie hilarante des series de Chuck Norris, j'ai pleuré de rire…Mais c'est peut être pour ce coté grand guignol et parodique que j'ai adoré la série ? (et non pas seulement pour Eric ;p)

  172. Nothing I could say would give you undue credit for this story.

  173. 1974: In a UN speech, Boumedienne declares: "One day, millions of men will leave the Southern Hemisphere to go to the Northern Hemisphere. And they will not go there as friends. Because they will go there to conquer it. And they will conquer it with their sons. The wombs of our women will give us victory."Then again, it is written that they will be stopped or they would possess the land and fill the world with cities. Isaiah 14:22ishLooking at the figures and the over-reaching bending of our laws to accommodate them, with no complaint from 'moderates' this suggests it will be in our generation .Kate b

  174. Alva, you would have to check the Winn-Dixie site for their recipes… that is not a recipe that I have run. Their fuel perks page should also list the participating gas stations… I know that the Circle K on the corner of 92 and Berkley Rd is participating though.

  175. Mis recuerdos van conmigocuando quiero y sin quererque no piensen que me olvidode mi tierra alguna vezY es el mar que llevo dentroaquel mar de mi niñezque hoy aún me está doliendocomo duele lo que quieresy no lo puedes tener.

  176. I am also writing to let you understand of the extraordinary experience my friend’s daughter gained studying the blog. She figured out some pieces, not to mention how it is like to have a great teaching mood to make a number of people smoothly fully grasp a number of extremely tough issues. You really did more than readers’ expectations. Thank you for providing these precious, dependable, educational as well as unique thoughts on that topic to Kate.

  177. We need more insights like this in this thread.

  178. I came, I read this article, I conquered.

  179. YMMD with that answer! TX

  180. Can anyone here show me where I have advocated anything like that?How about “Don’t burn a book after the General Commanding the troops and the Secretary of Defense asks you not to because it will harm thier troops.”Which is what I’m actually saying.And now who’s trivialising things?

  181. Sometimes being put outside your comfort zone is such a good experience. Recently I bought a crazy bright eyeliner for fun, and decided to wear a thin line right below my water line. This meant leaving off the rest of my black liner and heavy mascara, but the look was fresh and new. I liked it!The dramatic red lipstick looks amazing by itself on you.

  182. Your cranium must be protecting some very valuable brains.

  183. Holy shiznit, this is so cool thank you.

  184. FUCKING HUGE!! im in my room right now with the DBA holding tight for the interview!Damn… the Rhianna verse captures u then the BEAT! o lord the beat. Its kinda like an anthem beat like Jesus Walks! Ye is killing it right now, he rules the game i believe along side Jay Z.excited for the album drop! a couple productions from Hudson i hear?

  185. “oh well guess I can’t ever get another pennant”. They were heartfelt comments from mature people to whom the station meant something. From this I infer that many DXers have incorporated shortwave as you desire it to be present in their lives, they just aren’t in touch with stations.2. I notice there’s another Kevin posting here. This is my first post. I will use Kevin2 if I post here again.

  186. I just want to say thanks to DV for watching this so that the rest of don’t have to.  I’ve seen it once or twice before going to church in a rage.   0 likes

  187. नमस्कार,या अशाच विषयावर साधारण महिन्याभरापूर्वी लोकसत्तामध्ये लेख आला होता. अकोला / अमरावती असे काही ठिकाण होते, नाव नक्की लक्षात नाही पण तिथेहि स्मशानात लोक फिरायला येतात, मुले अभ्यासाला येतात, परिसंवाद चालतात. गेले महिनाभर तुमचे blogs वाचत आहे. आधीचेही लेख वाचले. SUPER हा एकाच शब्द आहे तुमच्या लिखाणाबद्दल. मी हि किंचित लिहितो पण तुमच्यासारखे सातत्य, वैविध्य आणि खुमासदार नाही. लिहा, आम्ही आहोतच आसुसलेले…- राजन महाजन

  188. lol like … lol like douches, “nice guys finish last” but i’m a girl, and personally, if the girl is worth it, she likes a confident, but nice guy, not a dick. All my girl friends think the same thing. His advise, is good for getting a hoe and getting laid. You want a real relationship, be yourself, and don’t be an ass. Was this answer helpful?

  189. / Ótimo tutorial. Para mercado de língua portuguesa existe uma carência de artigos e tutoriais para Links Patrocinados. Com certeza estamos na era do compartilhamento e isso trará bons resultados para você. Parabéns pela iniciativa!

  190. I noticed this in Superdrug the other day. Unfortunately nothing caught my eye and I moved on. From your post it all looks quite decent though. Wish I’ve have done some swatching now. xx

  191. Ron/Vrkaya:Thanks so much, and I’m glad you’re enjoying the book. Here are the quick answers, though I hope to give more detail in a future post about plein air methods.I choose a limited palette on the spot, or premix the colors I’ll be using. And my plein air method is different from what I do in the studio. I don’t use pencil at all, but just dive in with paint on an oil primed board. The post from October 26 shows the palette for a given painting.

  192. I have a habit of never delegating work/ chores or asking for help because if I do it myself I know it's done the way I want it, but then I get frustrated and tired at the same time. Definitly need to let some things go!

  193. That’s a subtle way of thinking about it.

  194. that plait (it sounds weird, can I sya tartan?) shirt sounds horrible in context, but its amazing. My mum threw out all her old clothes ): Your dead lucky

  195. oh did I tell you how much I love your posts about places, restaurants, parks, inspirations in your life…etc. Of course, not to mention that I always love your photographs!Loves Marta!

  196. xin anh chị có thể cho biết thêm là trường đại học này có đào tạo những ngành khoa học cơ bản hay công nghệ kỹ thuật ko ạ? điều kiện tuyển sinh ra sao?

  197. 2008/06/17 kyknya udah berhasil keluar dr penjara sandbox ya..?sekarang giliran saya mas yg masuk sandboxmungkin ada yg bisa bantu -Makasih-infopemulas last blog post..

  198. Admiring the persistence you put into your site and in depth information you provide. It’s good to come across a blog every once in a while that isn’t the same outdated rehashed information. Wonderful read! I’ve bookmarked your site and I’m including your RSS feeds to my Google account.

  199. Your family has been on my mind a lot today! I have shared your story several times with friends and patients….no words can make it better but just know that a lot of people are praying and thinking of you all. The way you are able to share your journey is amazing. Many hugs for you all!

  200. Que Barbaridad seria bueno que nos explique y nos mejor detallado para colaborar con sus operaciones es interesante pero da algo de temor saber que no estare bien protejido de acuerdo a lo que respecta con lo de las VPN. en el video sale que usemos PROXPN pero aqui se contradice diciendo que no es seguro???

  201. I think many people get upset about it because they’re scared. They don’t know what to do if a child has a reaction and worry that if they’re the one to give them peanuts then they will have to carry that guilt forever.I understand.But that doesn’t mean they won’t have to get used to changing the way they do things

  202. Hi all,I’m currently researching free e-learning platforms and I have narrowed down the choice to Moodle and OpenClass.As you are experts in the field, I would like to ask for advice: which platform would you choose for a 40 people class in performative arts?Thank you for all the above ideas. Food for thought.

  203. Hace unos días atrás se produjo una gran explosión solar, aumentando significativamente el número de partículas ionizadas expulsadas del astro y, que indudablemente, debieron haber tenido algúnos efectos en nuestro planeta .

  204. This was a perfect combination dinner. I honestly think your corn relish gave some oompf to your Pilaf. Such a good side with salmon. Would love to have your friend Jane’s barley/tuna salad recipe. I went cold with my Barley, used Dorie’s Bonne Idea and threw in ham and just loved it.

  205. Cu totii avem bagaje nedorite ale trecutului… E mai usor uneori sa-i iertam pe altii, decat sa ne iertam pe noi insine. Totusi, ceea ce a fost face parte din noi, ceea ce suntem astazi e si datorita situatiilor placute sau mai putin placute din trecut.

  206. Thanks for this superb article, Bob. It is great to be reminded of this mountaineer who, in m opinion, epitomises the spirit of mountaineering more than any other. As a mountaineer with far, far less to show than Boukreev, I can but admire his strength, integrity, purity and heroism. What a privilege to know such a man and what a bleak day 25th December 1997 was for mountaineering.

  207. But its cool cause we do get the Chive here to keep our spirts up..Thanks to all the Chivettes for keinpeg smiles on our faces.. KCCO Thanks Scott for sending these in

  208. Jepa, kerran järkkäri, aina järkkäri <3I love my Nikon <3Hieman kalpenee meikän vanha pieni kamera ton uuden tilalla, eikö oo ihana että meillä on elämässä näitä miehiä jotka lahjoo meitä kameroilla 😀

  209. I totally agree with you. In fact I had posted a similar article on my blog as well. Its a pity that western directors continue to portray India in such poor light.Well what can I say…I have no idea whats it going to take for the Indians to come to their senses.VA:F [1.9.22_1171]please wait…VA:F [1.9.22_1171](from 0 votes)

  210. To be honest, I do not know how these applications can even be compared.WordPress is typically for single users wanting a simple web application.Revolution on the other hand, can be extended from WordPress functionality (i.e. blog) to any application you can dream up.Also, I do not know if you have seen how a WordPress site was converted to a Revolution site:

  211. last week, Enterprise Irregulars editor Brian Sommer called this “The Month IT & ERP Permanently Changed.” He based this declaration on what he’d been hearing over the last month at more than a dozen

  212. It is a race, isn’t it? And one that cannot be won. Lovely. yes, you know you are in trouble when “stop worrying about the to-do list that is Life” is on your to-do list and thus causing you worry. Good, very good, to know that I am not alone in this race.

  213. Itselläni on Weledan manteli puhdistusemulsio. En tykkää. Haisee niin vahvasti mantelille ja alkoholille, että tuntuu kuin Amarettolla putsaisi naamaansa. Lisäksi ihoni ärtyi tuosta jotenkin; tuli kuivia ja punaisia läikkiä.Itse kaipaisin vinkkejä myös hiustenhoitotuotteista. Olen käyttänyt Urtekramin tuotteita, mutta hiukset on karheat ja takkuiset. Lisäksi tuntuu, ettei hiuspohja puhdistu kunnolla.

  214. Wow – starker Beitrag!Interessant ist auch, dass die Juden ihn damals auch für den Aufstand gegen die Römer haben wollten …

  215. Allison – I love all the pictures. The one of the garden hose is really cool. I like that its kind of abstract. I like the rain spout as well. Too bad you only have 1 strawberry. I picked 12 pounds last week!

  216. Adooorei o post, Ju!! Pura verdade tudo o que vc falou… As peças polêmicas do universo fashion, não é mesmo?!! Hahah… Algumas ainda não me descem, mas temos mesmo que acostumar!! Beijos!

  217. One year on Mykonos couldn’t find a hotel – the whole island fully booked. Had to sleep on some guys, some shop’s roof. It was great. Really great. Seeing the stars. Had a few drinks that night. Mighta helped a little. Got kids now, so not planning on that. but looking forward to getting back there. The Greek people are great and friendly, even in the tourist islands. This time will probably visit Mykonos and Santorini (for my wife) and then 1 or 2 quieter ones. Cheers!

  218. Nochmals Hallo,ich habe selbst eine ganz einfache Lösung gefunden:Ich habe im Backend die komplette Topnav-Ebene auf Ebene 2 verschoben. Im Hauptmenu ist sie weiterhin verschwunden und die Ebenen 1 und 2 des Hauptmenüs sind auch ohne expAll sichtbar, wenn man auf einer Seite des Top-Menüs ist.Zusätzlicher schöner Effekt: Wenn ich auf einer Seite von Topnav bin erscheint in der rootline erst “Home” als Link und dann die Seite.Viele GrüßeChristian

  219. I love reading these articles because they’re short but informative.

  220. Haha, well I better take action instead of just complaining! Very hypocritical of me! This is my first blog, so I don’t know all the settings I have control of yet. I was able to quickly find where I can configure word verification and it’s now turned off, so I should no longer be torturing the 5 people who may come by to comment with that damned annoyance.

  221. Hello there, I discovered your blog by way of Google at the same time as searching for a similar subject, your site got here up, it appears great. I have bookmarked it in my google bookmarks.

  222. LAST WORD ON WILLESDEN, FOR NOW, FROM THEIR BLOG:”Total 645 entries received. Not a bad turnout, all things considered. The results will be known sometime in the new year. A notice will be posted here after the short-listed or commended have been contacted. So you can keep an eye out for that to know when to check your email. After that it’s up to Rana Dasgupta to pick a winner and runners up. If we can find three good stories Willesden will be spared, otherwise it goes the way of the cities of the plain.”

  223. Ah, a régi szép világ, mikor még olvasókörök, s nem írókörök alakultak…Bár az ökörkör se' vót rossz!Pont ilyen rajongói levelekre gondoltam, ha meglesz a honlapom, csinálok egy kamu rajongói oldalt, és telerakom ezekkel…Nem élet! De ha vesszük, hogy Szélesi könyvheti könyvével egy egész évet csúsztak, akkor olalá!

  224. I am a big fan of dumplings in all forms. Growing up in Japan, I ate a lot of gyoza, shumai, and manjyu. They have many different forms of dumplings. I have never made empanadas but I had them many times. I am glad that I have recently run in to your blog. Going through it, appears to me that you have perfected your empanada recipe. I especially like the leek empanadas. I am going to try making couple with out making my home made dough. But rest assured, I will be trying it from scratch.Thanks for the inspiration.

  225. This is, in fact, my FAVORITE recipe from Bi-Rite Market’s “Eat Good Food”. (Which is saying a lot, because I haven’t found a bad dish yet from this cookbook!)Why does it not surprise me in the least that you’ve adapted it here! :)Congratulations, again, Kimberley! So excited for you!

  226. I understand because I too have a prblema acne …… I am an Italian girl. I do not know but I know your story is long and complicated (maybe I did not understand everything) but I wanted to say that my situation has improved a lot by eliminating milk and all foods that contain derivatives and also, try to at least 3 weeks see if it improves, however congratulations for your videos

  227. “since my real goal was to prove that lib­er­als can’t be trou­bled to research things that don’t con­firm their bias. Mis­sion accom­plished.“Bull­shit! Pure bull­shit. Gut­less, cow­ardly bull­shit to cover for your own lack. Shame on you! In three com­ments on the one issue, I’ve pro­duce more ACTUAL research than you have in months!Sad.Yep. “Mis­sion accom­plished” is cor­rect. But not the way you thought.

  228. Good Morning Julie, Great interest piece on Wausau, the economy,local businesses and job searches. I am more curious about Wausau,now, Having read your blog. Your joy and enthusiasm comes through, loud and clear. Make it a great Tuesday.

  229. Wow! Great to find a post knocking my socks off!

  230. ana Tienes mucha razón, nos cuesta relativamente poco y conseguimos conservar el medio ambiente bastante más limpio.Gracias por la visita y el comentario.Saludos de un mañico.

  231. Great stuff from you, my friend. Ive read your posts before and you’re just Awesome! I love what you’ve got here, love what you’re saying and the way you say it. You make it entertaining and yet you still manage to keep it smart & to the point. I cant wait to read more from you. This is really a great & very well blog!

  232. My girls felt finger puppets I have made for them. They act out stories or make all the sounds. We also like white boards with washable markers.

  233. Il signor Dobson dovrebbe fare causa, magari alla Apple, ed ottenere un buon risarcimento senza neppure arrivare in tribunale. I danni sono evidenti e c'è pure il rischio di subire violenza da proprietari di telefonini poco comprensivi.

  234. You’re welcome, it is helpful to remember that everyone and everything are our teachers, even and especially those who get under our skin, in fact they can teach us the greatest of lessons in patience, loving kindness and much more…

  235. I am not certain the place you’re getting your info, however good topic. I must spend some time finding out more or understanding more. Thanks for great info I used to be searching for this info for my mission.

  236. Read Marijane Meaker's memoir about her relationship with PH ("Highsmith: A Romance of the 1950s"). It's both touching and chilling. PH was f'd up (overtly anti-Semitic, among other issues). Still, Ripley books are sensational.

  237. “Trygg” norsk mat ? Det er det dummeste jeg har hørt pÃ¥ lenge. Som en økmonom er subsidier det verst for bÃ¥de jordbruket og folket i landet. Jorbruket mÃ¥ kunne stÃ¥ pÃ¥ egne bein, det samme som resten av næringslivet.Hvorfor kan ikke all fÃ¥ subsidier, sÃ¥ har vi det all bra _

  238. Oh doamne…e absolut revelator acest articol! Eu stiam de aceasta cupa si chiar am ras, gandindu ma ca este o idee foarte proasta si imaginandu mi toate dezavantajele posibile! Dupa articolul tau pur si simplu imi doresc sa o incerc! Eu folosesc numai tampoane, dar din cele cu aplicator atasat (Tampax) datorita temerilor legate de introducerea in vagin a diverselor particule. Multymesc pentru review, e chiar schimbator de viata, as zice (daca renunt la tampoanele atat de nocive, chiar e) !

  239. By October 17, 2012 – 4:21 pmI think i’ve got the fourth space, but no real word for it. It’s people that do some stuff that create content that could be termed hyperlocal but don’t see that as their motivation.People having fun, maybe.

  240. I think this is among the most significant information for me. And i am glad reading your article. But want to remark on few general things, The site style is perfect, the articles is really nice : D. Good job, cheers

  241. I tried the Ice cream last night? and omg was it delicious. The pizza crust looks awesome too! Keep up the videos, you should make a cooking dvd and publish it for us low carbers, id buy it!

  242. 06 juin 2011, 17h09 [citation][pseudo]Jerem[/pseudo]Wahhh c’est abuser ces jeux ^^… Même si j’ai pas hésité à les tester tous les 2 xD[/citation]La même ^^ lol

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  244. Dianne, I also have a Wii fit and you know that ” oww” noise it makes, I feel mine would scream it,lol. I am determined to do this, baby step by baby step if I have to.

  245. Non, pas pour le moment.Si je m’améliore en macro, je pense que je ne suis pas encore apte à utilisé un objectif aussi spécifique.Il faut connaitre ces limites!

  246. If not for your writing this topic could be very convoluted and oblique.

  247. Affubler Sarkozy du nom de « Chef de guerre » va lui faire plaisir mais tient de la basse flatterie alliée à un zeste de propagande. On pourrait en rire si les événements n’étaient pas aussi accablants. Mais bon,cela nous montre l’orientation de l’article et le discrédite totalement.

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