من هو تشاك بليزر .. المخبر الذي أثار بركان الفيفا؟

بعد الهزة القوية التي ضربت الاتحاد الدولي لكرة القدم “فيفا” على خلفية اتهام 14 من المسؤولين البارزين بقضايا رشوة وابتزاز مالي وغسل أموال وغيرها، نقدم لكم معلومات عن المخبر الذي فجر هذا البركان، تشاك بليزر.

في البداية تشاك بليزر هو أحد أكبر الأسماء في عالم كرة القدم في الولايات المتحدة الأميركية، يبلغ من العمر 70 عاما، سافر حول العالم وتناول أفضل الاطعمة والأشربة وعاش حياة مرفهة مستخدما حسابات مالية في بنوك أجنبية، حيث تمكن من تحصيل 11 مليون دولار بحسب ريتشارد ويبر، مدير الجرائم المالية بدائرة الإيرادات الداخلية الأميركية “IRS”.

بليزر شغل منصب العضو في اللجنة التنفيذية للفيفا وفي وقت من الأوقات كان الرجل الثاني في اتحاد الكونكاكاف، ويعتبر حاليا أحد المفاتيح الرئيسية في القضايا الموجهة ضد المسؤولين في الفيفا بعد أن قام بتسجيل محادثات بشكل سري بين شخصيات بارزة في الاتحاد يتحدثون عن الرشوة والابتزاز المالي.

وبحسب سجل التحقيق فإن بليزر قام خلال العام 2004 مع شريكين بالعمل على صفقة مع حكومة جنوب أفريقيا للحصول على عشرة ملايين دولار مقابل أصوات تدعم عرض الدولة الأفريقية لاستضافة مونديال 2010، وهو ما نفته السلطات الجنوب أفريقية قائلة إن هذه الادعاءات لا أساس لها.

في العام 2011 قدم بليزر تقريرا للفيفا يتهم فيه اثنين من كبار المسؤولين في الاتحاد وهما جاك وارنر رئيس اتحاد الكونكاكاف ومحمد بن همام رئيس الاتحاد الآسيوي لقبول الرشاوي في الكاريبي، ليستقيل بعدها وارنر من منصبة في الوقت الذي حظرت الفيفا بن همام مدى الحياة.

وبحسب تقارير إعلامية فإن بليزر كان يلقب برجل الـ”10 في المائة” بحسب مجلة بازفييد، في الوقت الذي قالت فيه صحيفة دايلي نيوز إن بليزر انفق ستة آلاف دولار فقط على رفاهية قططه، في حين بين اتحاد الكونكاكاف أن بليزر وما بين عامي 1996 و2011 دفع أكثر من 800 ألف دولار لاستئجار شقق سكنية له.

بليزر اعترف بالذنب العام 2013 بقضايا ابتزاز مالي والاحتيال وغسيل أموال والتهرب الضريبي وعدم الإبلاغ عن وجود حسابات بنكية له خارج أميركا.. أحد مراسلي صحيفة نيويورك تايمز الأميركية وجد بليزر في مستشفى في نيويورك وعند طلب تعليق منه، كل ما قاله هو: “لا استطيع الكلام،” في حين قال محاميه: “ليس لدينا أي تعليق.”

المصدر: CNN

اقرأ أيضا

المغرب ودول إفريقيا وآسيا

ما هي الأبعاد الاستراتيجية للعلاقة بين المغرب ودول إفريقيا وآسيا ؟

خلال السنوات والأشهر الأخيرة، أحدث الملك محمد السادس نقلة نوعية في العلاقات الثنائية بين المغرب ودول إفريقيا وآسيا كما يظهر ذلك مقال لجون أبي نادر.

266 تعليقاً

  1. Short, sweet, to the point, FReEE-xactly as information should be!

  2. ali mutlu diyor ki:1995 den beri greyder operatorurum ırak katarda çalıştım 10 yıllık vizem ve yenı pasaportum vardır son 4 yıl ekip baslıgı yaptım otoban iÅŸinde iyiyim…534 062 91 27

  3. hola a todossssssesty haciendo varios cd’s mp3 para el cumpleaños de un amigo(pues el dinero no sobra….y es un regalo personal y con un alto valor sentimental)mi regalo consta de 3 cd’s (en principio)1.musica de fiesta(para cuando estas con los friends en el coche y vas para la disco o algo)2.musica romantica (para momentos especiales)3. musica ambiental (un poco de todo)les cuento…le gusta joy division, franz ferdinand, y eso… yo no me muevo mucho por este mundo asi que les pido sigerencias para los cd’s.gracias amoress

  4. Kudos! What a neat way of thinking about it.

  5. What a pleasure to find someone who thinks through the issues

  6. I’m wondering if you used a particular curriculum and if so which one? re: “high school youth group spent some time discussing current issues, which included ecological care, homosexuality, evolution, and gender.”

  7. Aw, I love ‘Santa claws!’ I have a rescue Jack Russell who is a real character and enjoys life to the full, despite having gradually gone blind. I love him to bits.Have a wonderful Christmas!

  8. Us older guys see these things happen and tend to show nothing. We stare off into space or refuse to watch it anymore. That doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt.

  9. 31/01/2011 – 10:47amDemagogia barata? jajaja!Claro que si hombre!!Y esos ambientes en los campos contra TU equipo, tambien se veian en campos como Sevilla, ALmeria,Getafe…Sigue viviendo en tu mundo chaval.Y perdona… que yo disfruto del futbol, porque no veo los partidos de tu equipo, solo las noticias y ahora me alegro el doble cuando pierde… sera que tambien “lo quiero mas”, demagogicamente hablando…claro.

  10. pisze:a jak mnie nosiÅ‚o do wykorzystania umiejÄ™tnoÅ›ci strzelania, walki, itp.no to hejka z kumplem do lasu – strzelanie, sparingowa walka, itp. – teraz siÄ™ rozprowadziliÅ›my do różnych miast, ale bÄ™dÄ™ miaÅ‚ wiÄ™cej czasu – znajdÄ™ sobie podobnych wariatów w okolicy – już jednÄ… ekipÄ™ mam na oku

  11. It’s so easy to overlook the obvious, stepping back to look at key areas instead of floundering around. We are all guilty! Thank you for pointing this out. Too often we waste time on trying to find complicated solutions when a simple analysis of where we’re at is all we need – to get us moving forward.Krystyna Lagowski recently posted..

  12. i was reading about the new york peeps attempting a jack-move on the wolfpack hustle name, got all excited, googled “fuck new york” and wouldn’t you know it your blog comes up first with a bad video link. i rode the hustle that night, too, and in fact i got to hear this story first-hand post ride. glad you made it back to tangs in one piece, what with all the mayhem. see you in traffic.

  13. nur syazana : betul tu..omputih ni macam2 cerita yang boleh meruntuhkan akidah kita. ok 6t admin silau2 jgk yer (^_^)nelly : jalan mudah..jgn tgk terus..ekeke. bek tgk citer cintan2 kan..lagi syok. tak gtu?. ok admin will 4low u back (^_^)

  14. raquel,I don’t mind changing the title as you suggested as long as you give me more logical explanation. You need to explain why you think the column writer wrote, or should have written “観音石仏”, not “石仏” in the article.As for 竹島石島, I checked Japanese scholar who’s good at Korean and Chinese and he did admit it is gramatically possible to be one island(竹島=Jukdo).

  15. Paolo Attivissimo dixit:Per ora possiamo affermare che una distanza di almeno 2-3 chilometri sia necessaria per abitare, senza conseguenze, vicini a un parco eolico».link:È tua la frase riportata nell'articolo?

  16. Over this past crazy year, I’ve thought that I needed meditation (I have to laugh b/c I actually typed medication!), but haven’t known where to begin. I frequently hear the suggestion to start with five minutes, but fear that if I’m watching the clock, I won’t really be meditating, but if I don’t watch it, I’ll take too long and end up behind schedule, which will stress me out and defeat the purpose of the meditation. I’m going to hunt up some of the suggested references at the library!

  17. Jonas:Nej du förstår ingenting.Nu kommenterar du något annat, och det är fine. Argumentera gärna varför man ska välja själv som familj, det är inga konstigheter. Men det du skrev förut var att den som inte har erfarenheten av något inte får uttala sig, en princip som helt enkelt inte håller vare sig logiskt eller moraliskt. Det är ett låtsasargument som ska bort från debatten.

  18. I am also uncomfortable with the near- groveling and deference in the letter. One can be respectful without it, and you never see true deference really flowing the other way (“I love teachers…”).Also, I prefer to think of the upper echelons as supervisors, never “superiors.” Maybe it is the language teacher in me, but at the risk of pedantry I cannot ignore semantic nuances.

  19. Peaches are so versatile. The blackberry vinaigrette sounds fantastic!!! Yesterday my Chilean friend came over for dinner and I made her Mote con Huesillo, made from rehydrated dried whole peaches and pearl barley. I found the dried peaches in the Chinese shop (obviously, seeing as that is where they originated) 🙂 Thanks again for the history lesson (you best me to it!) I will post pictures tonight.

  20. Danke für den tollen Bericht ,wie immer sehr interessant und informativ weiter so… ich hoffe nächstes Jahr gehts wieder nach Taipei .Grüße aus Berlin

  21. Technically they retain the same waterproofing standard (IPX7), which is 30 minutes at 1 meter deep in water.However, of note is that the Edge 500 has less ways of hosing that up. That’s because the Edge 800 has an SD slot. And while the SD slot itself is internally waterproofed (and has a cover), that waterproofing does not apply to the SD card inside of it.For fun, I spent some time doing water immerssion tests on these units, check it out:

  22. Hi there – thanks for your comment, there were more than 180 photographs from the first Gordonton Market – not all could go in the slideshow for obvious reasons! See you at the next one in October.

  23. Not sure why I’m so against signing Sundin. The guy can score and we are obviously having problems in that area right now. But the idea of bringing in an older high priced free agent just reminds me too much of the pre-lockout Rangers.

  24. love this post jen..i feel the same way…i could go on and on…i actually love photography and painting myself. although mine is no where near yours…i enjoy it and i do it with my kids which gives us bonding time. i hinder myself over and over again because of my fear…hoping to get over it soon.

  25. When My spouse and i originally left a comment I engaged the -Notify us when brand-new comments are usually added- checkbox and today whenever a comment can be added My partner and i get four emails while using identical review. Is there any means you possibly can remove us from which service? Thanks!

  26. Gosh guys, you have opened my eyes. Think I’ll get a flash just for writing. Or my new handle, Milli gave me, Wrider. This is a writer who writes about horses and riding. Clever, ehhh?

  27. et quand le moteur a combustion a vu le jour, tu crois qu’il y avait des stations a tous le s coins de rue ^^laisse faire le temps, ou paye toi ta borne!!! le but est de montré au citadin qu’on est pu très loin… après c a nous de montré notre engouement pour ce produit…

  28. Thanks for making such a blog, it’s great to see some interest on this issue. Personally, I think it is extremely unreasonable for Japan to claim that Dokdo is theirs out of nowhere, after hundreds of years of the island being Korean territory.

  29. I will miss Space Spiral. When I was young I always used to go to Geauga Lake and Cedar Point. Geauga Lake had a similar observation tower, however I was always impressed with the 2 level tower at CP. Lets face it though, the ride is pretty old and they probably don't have the ridership number at a level that makes it worth maintaining every year. I don't know about other parks, but when I worked at CP, they were very strict about keeping accurate ridership numbers every hour, and I think that plays a big part in deciding whether or not a ride stays or goes.

  30. i like your blog very much and Your article give me a big view.it is excellent. i am a newer of blogspot.welcome to my blog ,my blog is about , here has a lot of the article is about carhid kits, motorcycle lamps, and the light of the knowledge of the installation, maintenance, hope we can communicate on blogger, and become good friends .welcome to my blog .

  31. Love your articles! I started to live as a digital nomad in January 2012. At the moment I’m living on Malta, Europe. Love it! But the winter here was to cold for me so my plans are to stay in Chiang Mai January – March 2013. It is 25 years since I was in Thailand. It’ll be an adventure Will you be there? I would love to meet up and learn some more about Chiang Mai./Anna

  32. Niin, tuossahan ei ollut mainoksissa seksistä kyse, vaan ihan siitä arkisesta elämästä jonka ärsyttävätkin piirteet voivat olla niitä joita voi jopa joskus ikävöidä…

  33. I'm a new follower, but I've been to this place (different path and different circumstances) and I can only say I hope that today goes ok….you are such strong woman to go through this and admit your feelings!(((hugs)))

  34. Vos photos s'harmonisent parfaitement avec ce texte d'Henry Bauchau, qui m'accompagne sur mon chemin de vie. Il manquera au monde, mais, heureusement, il a laissé ses écrits.Bonne journée.

  35. Powerful post. Thanks for writing it. And, if you are interested in this kind of marketing, I highly recommend reading Andy Sernovitz’s blog and book. Blog is “Damn I Wish I Though Of That” and book is “Word of Mouth Marketing” — both are filled with awesome, practical ideas like you’ve presented here.Thanks again Zach!

  36. It’s the best time to make some plans for the long run and it’s time to be happy. I’ve learn this submit and if I may I want to counsel you few fascinating issues or tips. Perhaps you could write subsequent articles referring to this article. I desire to read even more issues about it!

  37. Grazie di tutti i vostri interessanti commenti. Sarebbe stato davvero pretenzioso per me scrivere un post meno che turistico, dal momento che a Londra non ci ho mai soggiornato più di una settimana consecutiva. È bello comunque avere le opinioni di chi ci abita, anzi mi piacerebbe molto ricevere le vostre mail, magari con qualche consiglio. Chissà cosa ci riserva il futuro… 🙂

  38. O arquivo IPCC não pode ser localizado pelo Spotlight, é justamente uma proteção para não sairmos mexendo nele…Mas, no Mac, ele fica neste diretório:~/Library/iTunes/iPhone Carrier SupportOnde “~” é o diretório com seu nome de usuário.

  39. Oh snap, did Wesley Crusher just become more worthy as a human being than the Kardashians? My Middle School Star Trek Watching self is so conflicted right now…do I side with Wesley Crusher?

  40. Sure wish Steph could have spent some more time here while you do more of your travels. Have a safe and enjoyable trip.

  41. Hehe – syntes nok, jeg havde set billedet før ;)Godt tip! Alternativt (og hvis man af vanære er kommet til at smide klistermærket væk) kan man jo ogsÃ¥ bare sætte noget tape over de fleste huller. Har selv overvejet at gøre det med min hÃ¥rpudder, fordi der kommer ALT for meget produkt ud, hvis jeg ikke er meget forsigtig.

  42. i think lost has just gone off the tracksi mean it started off as some survivors stuck on a mysterious islandbut now its just crazy with time travel and stuffi just guess that’s what happens when they milk show like tat

  43. “I have grown to respect Gillard more over the last few weeks.”Paul of Albury, I agree with you. But there are over a hundred other members of her party in the federal parliament. I hope that everyone of them is out there doing their job in persuading their electors to accept these changes. In a parliamentary democracy it’s not a two (or three) horse race. Without them doing their bit the ALP is cactus at the next election.

  44. This is your body challenging you, keep fighting back and I bet in another week or two you will see a big loss.  I almost always try (M-F) to work out in the morning.  It totally sucks, but 1) you get it done and 2) YOU GET IT DONE.  Alone.  There is something about just being done with a workout while you still have the entire day ahead of you that is just so nice.  I highly recommend it (although there are nights when I'm dozing off at 8 pm!!).  :-) 

  45. Supposons que vous ayez raison. Alors la meilleure politique israélienne serait d’éduquer les prisonniers pour les rendre responsables.Sauf qu’Israël était contre l’adhésion de la Palestine à l’UNESCO, ce qui est complètement absurde si on considère que ce pays manque cruellement d’éducation.Donc ?…

  46. I’m not easily impressed but you’ve done it with that posting.

  47. I Am Going To have to come back again whenever my course load lets up – nevertheless I am getting your Feed so i can read your internet site offline. Thanks.

  48. relating to soloing, composition, chord construction and the formation of other scales. When you construct chords, you are actually using the notes from a major scale to do so. For example, to play an F major

  49. Very true! Makes a change to see someone spell it out like that. 🙂

  50. Thanks for the good words, Helmut. More great skiing posts on the way soon. Keep your eyes out for my Chamonix ski review in the next few days.

  51. I’d say that this argument breaks down at the first statement:1) A human fetus is a potential human.2) One has the ethical rights equivalent to that of its potential.Thus3) A human fetus has ethical rights equivalent to that of a human.A human fetus is a human. It’s just a human at an early stage of development. A corpse is no longer human as I’d argue that to be human one must be alive. A blastocyst or an embryo would be in my mind a potential human. And you’re right I htink in saying that at that stage it would not have the basic human right to live. I am pretty sure that the right to life is a human right.

  52. « La vértié qui sort du puit »…Ben, si je le trouve celui-là, il va pas tarder à y retourner dans son puit !…( Ca, c’est une VRAIE remarque de macho ! non ?…)Chère Zerbinette, » PERCÉ jusques au fond du cÅ“urD’une atteinte imprévue aussi bien que mortelle  »Ah traitresse… Vous m’assassinates !Pierre Henri

  53. Hey! awesome blog! I happen to be a daily visitor to your site (somewhat more like addict 😛 ) of this website. Just wanted to say I appreciate your blogs and am looking forward for more to come!

  54. claudio melo disse:nunca vi lombadas brilhando com esferas de vidro ( ou chama-se pó de vidro ) quem vê me avise isso foi há muitos anos atrás……….e bote anos ……

  55. 16fThe following time I learn a weblog, I hope that it doesnt disappoint me as a lot as this one. I mean, I know it was my choice to read, however I actually thought youd have something attention-grabbing to say. All I hear is a bunch of whining about one thing that you could fix when you werent too busy in search of attention.

  56. I’m a trainee I love tan lines. You know how good it looks when your girl wears lingerie and you want to fuck her without her taking her sexy clothing off. Tan lines are like the perfect visual aid because it is like your girl is wearing lingerie that does not get in the way.

  57. Dymphna, this is an interesting project that you have set for yourself. I have two suggestions for you:1. Dreadnought by Robert K. Massie2. The Arms of Krupp by William ManchesterI found both of these to be very interesting and informative, tying much of European history together with the development of major weapons.Merry Christmass on this, the 8th day of Christmass, and a Happy New year to you and the Baron, and to all readers.

  58. When I initially left a comment I appear to have clicked the -Notify me when new comments are added- checkbox and now every time a comment is added I receive 4 emails with the same comment. There has to be an easy method you are able to remove me from that service? Thanks a lot!

  59. Hi Beck, It does seem like just yesterday your girls were getting ready to walk down the isle. Hope you got rid of the spiders! Love every detail of your studio/guest room-is that where I'll stay if I come visit? Have a great evening my friend.Nor

  60. 25 julio, 2007AnónimoNo debería ser por eso porque el programa usa su propio cliente SMTP, no usa ningun cliente configurado del sistema.Lo que tienes que asegurarte es de haber activado el monitor de IP, despues de haber incluido toda la información.Recuerda que la autenticación SMTP sólo es necesaria si la requiere tu servidor de correo. Esa autenticación no es la autenticación del servicio POP3.Si quieres desactiva la autenticación y pruebas.Un saludo.  

  61. Humm…Maybe NiGHTS or Alex Kidd?Or maybe a brief cameo of a sonic TV show character? Maybe something simple, like when BioWare showed Cosmo’s plant?Or maybe its just Eggy getting a wig?

  62. Hello there! I know this is kind of off topic but I was wondering if you knew where I could locate a captcha plugin for my comment form? I’m using the same blog platform as yours and I’m having difficulty finding one? Thanks a lot!

  63. About the last thing you mentioned. I know the feeling. I know the feelings of someone’s being, all alone attracting me to them and making me feel totally helpless and at their beckoned call. It’s happened to me more than once. Faerie is right though. Don’t leave yourself so vulnerable.

  64. Jag har läst Starngers men av nån konstig anledning har jag tydligen inte bloggat om den. Minns att jag inte blev så såld, är lite less på kvinnoporträtten i japansk litteratur. Mystiska, sexiga, dödliga. Jaha?

  65. Hi Solitary.WOW. Das hast du echt gut geschrieben. Danke sehr. Es ist mir eine Ehre solch tolle Bloggerinnen kennen zu lernen und zu unterstützen Du bist natürlich Live dabei Liebe GrüßeMarkus

  66. ¿son los usa asín?Efestivamente asín son: Yo no dejo de sorprenderme… ahora más que nunca se impone tomar medidas… bibliotecarios del mundo: ¡UNIOS!

  67. I am SO EXCITED ! I can’t wait for the final song to be made. Congratulations to all who made it. This experience was Fantastic. Thank you Micheal for letting us be a part of it. I will treasure this new song, like I have treasured all of Enigma. xo

  68. Familie de Graaf zegt:Een vroeg geplaatste lomo-saturday……maar maakt het er niet minder mooi om, volgende blog verwacht ik wel echt ander nieuws. Fijne moederdag morgen Liefs van ons

  69. So that’s the case? Quite a revelation that is.

  70. "Laughter fluffs up every cell in your body."Phyllis DillerSaw her in a movie with Bob Hope made back in the 1950's, it is was the absolute funniest thing I have ever seen and it still puts me in the floor laughing after all these years.

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  73. Azert ott sem olyan idilli a helyzet, hiszen az angol (es ir) fiatalok vilaghiruek pialas teren. Az angol turistak a vilag minden reszen veszely jelentenek mertektelen ivaszatuk miatt.Es a londoni es dublini szorakozonegyedek pentek-szombat esti latvanya hajmereszto. Gatlastalansag es kozonsegesseg a leginkabb jellemzo (szex az utcasarkon, buszon, meztelen alsotesttel fotozkodo lanyok, stb).Illetve meg azt szeretnem megjegyezni, hogy a sausage az maga a kolbasz. A sausage kolbasz leirva olhyan, mint a bacon szalonna.Nem kotekedesbol irom, lehet, hogy ezt az oldalat nem lattad, de ez a felelmetesvalosag.Bea

  74. muy bien le ha ido a marcos y su equipo en este 2012 que se accidento rompiendose ambas piernas y los tobillos asi como uno de sus colaboradores (fuente noticia cristiana)

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  76. "I don't believe a woman has ever been nominated in this category. You apprentice by climbing ladders carrying heavy lights, so upper body strength is a prerequisite."Have you seen the roided-up rack of the average chick these days? Gilbert Pinfold

  77. Aaaaa! Super! Inseamna ca avem si noi, muritoarele de rand, sansa unei epilari de calitate. 🙂 Vara nu am rabdare sa las parul sa creasca suficient de mult pentru a-l putea epila cu ceara, motiv pentru care folosesc epilatorul. Din cauza epilatorului imi cresc firicele pe sub piele. 🙁 Picioarele mele arata ca ale unei tarancute care umbla desculta prin rugi…

  78. God will use whoever will listen to Him and do the work of the continuing ministry of Jesus Christ. Greater is He that is in her than he that is in the world. God Bless the call God has on her life.

  79. What’s it take to become a sublime expounder of prose like yourself?

  80. Giadina Justin’s Miley’s,Jonas’s and Demi’s fan.I’m Belieber Jonas Sisters Smiler and Lovatics,rivoglio NILEY perchè erano la coppia + bella del mondo-I LOVE MY WORLD TOUR-rivoglio il 9 APRILE-i miss u justin please come in ITALY!-i love viola-i love swa scrive:era x lol e quell’altra

  81. அண்ணா ஹசரேவை கர்போரேட் கோமாளி என்று சொல்லும் கம்யுனிச கோமாளிகள் முடிந்தால் அவரைப்போல ஒரு போராட்டம் நடத்தி பாருங்களேன்… குறைந்த பட்சம் ஒரு ஆயிரம் பேரையாவது உங்களால் கூட்ட முடியுமா… அப்படியே கூட்டினாலும் அவர்களிடமும் உண்டியல் வசூல் செய்து உங்களை வேலையை காட்டிவிட மாட்டீர்கள்…

  82. pls help me how can I change or personalize with different photo my videos?? instead of 3 randomnobody answer to me Mia Quagliarello I supposeyour roots are italian so don't forget to answer me in italian pls or let others dobest wishes ciao

  83. Bah…a me sembra che ormai Apple=Microsoft in praticamente tutto: tracotanza commerciale, magagne software clamorose (e mi pare che qui Apple sia più brava perché le fa più grosse);signori, s'è creato un duopolio, anzi in realtà un doppio monopolio, visto che i mercati delle due aziende sono parecchio differenti. Ovviamente, a rimetterci saremo noi consumatori.

  84. Thanks for posting this, Heather. I love the Spades' style. A perfect mix of classic traditionals spiced up with great art and the seredipitous style they are know for. Fresh – love it! Nice to see some different shots, too. Happy Thanksgiving! xx

  85. Darwin didn’t know about DNA my friend, was a century too early. His theory was based on lots of evidence he collected of animal morphology and fossils. I’ve never said evolution was a fact, but that never stops believers from pretending. It’s an explanation (backed by a ridiculous amount of evidence) of an observable phenomenon. As you said earlier ” Anyways learn before you speak” The possibility of god is so sadly small and has absolutely no evidence, that it doesn’t bear thinking about. Wake up.

  86. I’m really loving your blog. I’m so glad you decided to start one up. The way you present information is awesome and I love how you add in subtle touches of humor. I hope you find immense popularity!

  87. 55% of Israeli (88% of orthodox) Jews support the latest rabbi racist calls, including not to rent to arabs and not to hire arabs in shops employing Jewish girls–because the good rabbis want to keep the Jewish blood poor. Where’s the black caucas on this? Where’s George Castanza?

  88. пишет:Арни говорил что спать надо минимум 9 часов для восстановления мышц после тренировок, так что ни к чему эти эксперименты со сном когда качаешься.VA:F [1.9.21_1169]Рейтинг: +1 (оценок: 1)

  89. I don’t know anything about meditation, but I’ve always wanted to try it. God does call for us to “be still” so He can speak to us. But I agree with you. Sometimes being still is a whole lot harder than being active.

  90. Wham bam thank you, ma’am, my questions are answered!

  91. Hello, i think that i saw you visited my site thus i got here to “return the want”.I am attempting to find things to enhance my site!I assume its adequate to use a few of your ideas!!

  92. I'd love to win this hairdryer. I too have been using a cheapie from the drugstore and would love to buy a professional-level model. At this time, we have tons of house projects going on (plus, I'm in a wedding and throwing a shower for the bride!) so finances do not allow for an extravagant purchase at this time!-Kate

  93. Can’t argue with you there! Foam rollers/self-myofascial release are where it’s at! Though I’ve grown a bit desensitized to the rollers and have moved into the heavy artillery: Golf balls! I use them (in combination with stretching) to dig into my mid traps and glutes, particularly after a long surf session! Absolute bliss in a hurts-so-good kinda way!

  94. Well now I'm imagining them running out of time to note down all the constellations before they get thrown out and having to go through all that business with placing the arrow again to get another go.

  95. Simply wish to say your article is as astounding. The clearness in your post is just excellent and i could assume you are an expert on this subject. Fine with your permission allow me to grab your RSS feed to keep updated with forthcoming post. Thanks a million and please carry on the rewarding work.VA:F [1.6.5_908]please wait…VA:F [1.6.5_908](from 0 votes)

  96. Gee whiz, and I thought this would be hard to find out.

  97. It’s spooky how clever some ppl are. Thanks!

  98. “The”- not MY, not hers) She was received by 15 people who has passed including her mother who had died when she was only 14. I never heard/saw a picture of her mother but when I told my aunt she said my desciption was accurate. Also, if you are afraid of “death” read the Tibetian book of the dead, a guide to help the soul/spirit to cross over, what ever your belief system is, that is what you will see in the beginning. It will slowly dissapate to a more common/different shared state.

  99. Thanks guys!How are you Bishaw? Hope you are well in Nepal!Linda, looking forward to seeing you guys in August.Thank you Lisa, it was so wonderful to see you as well and meet your beautiful girl.xo

  100. This article is a home run, pure and simple!

  101. Just because my wife and I forgive her family, doesn’t mean we necessarily want to be near them. Is that wrong? (Not quite the same level as “do we have to hang out in the CK?”, but analogous).We’re trying hard to let bygones by bygones and forgive, but we don’t want to put ourselves in a position where we have to forgive (or be forgiven) again…

  102. Parce que vous pensez qu’on est si différents de vos parents ? Cessez de généraliser et de nous taper dessus alors que vous ne connaissez pas la réalité de nos soirées, we, vacances. Ou alors, venez chez-moi à ces horaires-là pour voir ce que j’en fais !

  103. Thanks for the pointer. I've recommended it to a co-worker.@joe: Don't know how it varies through the company, but my immediate co-workers have 20% projects and let people know which days they are less available because they are using 20% time.@Alexis: The ads were an experiment to see what it is like. I haven't minded having them so I've left it on. However truth be told, I could work for 20 minutes on a contract and make more than I've made, total, from having the ads on.@various: I'm glad you liked my summary or you're welcome to your opinions as appropriate.

  104. alejandro Posted on hola, pues yo tengo un problema peor… mi cel se queda “conectado al pc” sin estar conectado… y me aparece que la bateria se esta cargando, lo apago y me dice cargando y queda la bateria cargando… lo conecto a la pc y no responde, lo cargo y no me lo quita

  105. i agree with that because it is logical as you mentioned in your response , and i guess it is an area which should raise a lot of question marks as you have highlighted – did you know that franco di santo was once considered the future of the chelsea strike force by scolari. Our structure is unique in that the players that eventually do come in should reflect or show some sort of potential. There was once a mention of having one to about two main formations for the team and i suspect this is what is used to purchase such players. i’m curious joeblue – what is your take on victor mosesReply

  106. that shirt is just beautiful! If you haven’t, I urge you to enter your outfit to weardrobe’s contest (which ends today!) for their plaid themed contest 🙂 The 2 town tights are pretty great too

  107. hog plums are called karunda in hindi and are used in hyd to make chutneys or as a souring agent for dals…the middle pink thing is a rose apple i think which i have eaten in bkk (large but tasteless) and calcutta (very flavourful)…sadly have never seen them in hyd, or maybe the season is too short

  108. me inetereson te pyes per dieten dy javore se nese ejeje mbaj ket diet ame ndihmon ne zvoglimin e barkut , sepse une kam problem qe krejt trashesia me shkon ne bark pres pergjegjje ju flm shume .

  109. Well,Disney for one! Video game companies. Any form of entertainment! (Dumb people love to be entertained!) I heard that Michael Jackson is starting his own program for kids:No Childs Behind Left! 🙂

  110. You have more useful info than the British had colonies pre-WWII.

  111. The recommendations you provided here are quite useful. It had been such an enjoyable surprise to have that waiting for me once i woke up now. They are constantly to the point and easy to learn. Thanks a ton for the clever ideas you’ve shared here.

  112. There are some attention-grabbing deadlines on this article however I don’t know if I see all of them heart to heart. There may be some validity however I’ll take maintain opinion until I look into it further. Good article , thanks and we wish extra! Added to FeedBurner as effectively

  113. What i do not understood is in reality how you are not really a lot more neatly-liked than you might be now. You’re very intelligent. You understand thus considerably in relation to this matter, made me in my view imagine it from a lot of various angles. Its like men and women don’t seem to be fascinated unless it’s one thing to accomplish with Woman gaga! Your individual stuffs nice. All the time deal with it up!

  114. I just recently discovered this store about 2 weeks ago, and have to say it is now officially my favorite store. Olsens pro am has the best live bait selection I have seen. I just recently moved to the area, (right off marine creek pkwy) and can safely say that I will be a regular at this store for a very long time. The people working there are also very nice.

  115. Howdy, was ecstatic to discover this website. In fact I only found it with aol on the other hand wasnt browsing for anything at all similar specifically to this particular honestly, though I enjoyed checking on the points you had to express. Bless you!

  116. It’s great to find an expert who can explain things so well

  117. Kenneth,Dank voor je reactie. Beantwoord de vraag inderdaad goed. Heb al veel gelezen op je site maar deze tip nog niet opgemerkt. Is ook weer een mooie eye-opener.Dank voor de info en succes met de hobby!

  118. So good to hear from you, Maureen. Thank you for taking the time to comment on this post. I agree. It is a pleasure to think about our poems reaching a larger audience. I take comfort too in knowing people like Ben are the ones sometimes reading submissions. It feels like a fair shot.

  119. Anonymous 12:38 why are you passing off Mike Flynn's writing as your own? Yes we know you have copy and paste buttons and you know how to use them. Big deal.Try coming up with some ideas of your own in future.

  120. Brendan: Rewinn is right – the House can bring impeachment for pretty much anything.But specific to your point, it is because the 14th gives Congress responsibility for defending the "validity of the public debt", that they might be justified – even required – to bring impeachment if for some reason Obama did attempt to default.Note that I'm not saying "Obama should be impeached" – I really think he can see this trap, and is very unlikely to default.

  121. Leshcat,I'm reading some of these comments and I am getting so angry because they seem so unappreciative.All I have to say is that I love your work and I hope you continue to support us, because it's obvious that the manufacturers don't care as much.Thank you!!

  122. Third Flower…My wife and i are now delighted that Albert could execute his scientific tests thanks to the ideas he had by means of your online page. It really is from time to time perplexing to simply constantly be giving freely techniques which a number of people …

  123. > Oj, prorokujÄ™, że dużo jeszcze pracy przed niÄ…, oj dużo!> – zanim, wzorem Zalewskiego, stanie siÄ™ mÅ‚odÄ…, wyksztaÅ‚conÄ…> z wielkiego miasta.Wszystko przed niÄ…! SiÄ™ stara.

  124. disse:E o mais triste, Fran, é que, além desta longa espera, muitas não se prepararam ou não tiveram a chance, a sorte, a oportunidade de juntar uma “bagagem” emocional, cultural, profissional, econômica e física (saúde mesmo) para esta fase. Se toda mulher, que tem esta chance, se preocupasse mais no que é relevante, em vez do que é momentâneo, talvez a velhice nem fosse tão cruel.beijo, menina

  125. Thank you for the article, it was very interesting for me to get some information about behappy2day. You know that there are so many scam agencies but it seems to me that behappy2day.com is a legitimate site.

  126. "…a man never seriously challenged by any Republican in 35 years in congress; a man who knew more about the Constitution than a certain Clarence Thomas."Really?Are you familiar with section 1021 of the National Defense Authorization Act of 2012? That was the brainchild of his buddy, Mr. Obama.How about the second amendment?How about the first amendment?Or are you unaware of this administration's assault on the Bill of Rights?

  127. You asked“The entire state budget is $33.5 billion and Newark gets nearly a BILLION?”AnswerYep. I say we move the Inspector General’s office to Newark and not let her out until she finds out where that billion dollars went, that way she can be near Codey, her primary benefactor, who resides in neighboring West Orange.

  128. For my first 38 years, I tried to “fix” hurting people with the Truth. For the past three years, I have offered the Truth to those who are hurting… and there has been more power and change then I ever saw in my first four decades.God has told me to stop trying to fix people’s symptoms… and offer HIM alone.

  129. story with regard to the t/a volvo reminded me of my recent reunion with my aged t/a car recently uncovered and restored by mr, bob lee of rolling hills,ca. i surprise if i had competed with the volvo. i helped bob with the restoration as i had remembered the carfrom 1968 then sat in it again in 2010 at montery also x kwech t/a and scca racer thanks tom

  130. Thanks, babe.I’ll do my best. What else can I do? Think I should pack some bear spray just in case?I have to say part of me is really hoping that some of the bonus locations will be some wonderfully hokey roadside places. How great would it be to HAVE to go to South of the Border?

  131. concerning the “good ole days” mentality – any of you ever consider how easy it was to function under the radar in the 1930s? No tracing numbers, no credit, no crime labs. “Where did so and so go?” who knows, who cares. Closets, skelletons. Creeps were out and about enmass in the 1930s and if the broader public at the time were as aware of their evil deeds as we are now with 24/7 news and all the mod cons, I’m betting society would have buckled quite a bit during the Depression.

  132. That magazine title seems a clever way of trying to attract folks by combining both male and female dominated hobbies. I would be interested to know the stats on that…It could end up being one of the rare magazine that husbands and wives actully look forward to sharing…lolThough we would enjoy company, our local garden club is 100% those of the female persuasion….

  133. già qui Dragotto ha detto la cifra… Anche se mi sa che è molto di più… Comunque, è lodevole che tutti questi soldi sono suoi e non dei cittadini.

  134. diabo seprianoeu não percebo nada disto mas esse tal pedro deve trabalhar para a edp ou para a rtp…e é claro que não vai dizer que esta mal o pagamento dessa quantia ..o que faz mesmo falta aqui em portugal era uma revolução a serio..virar tudo de pantanas .precisavamos de uma éta ou de um Maluco como o rapaz da noroega para dar cabo destes politicos que nos andam a enterrar ,a roubar ,,,,só olham para a propia barriga..

  135. Hi there! I just wanted to ask if you ever have any problems with hackers? My last blog (wordpress) was hacked and I ended up losing a few months of hard work due to no backup. Do you have any solutions to prevent hackers?

  136. That’s a nicely made answer to a challenging question

  137. Synd att alla ni sitter bakom dataskärmen och skriver skit om invandrare när ni inte ens har fakta. Varje gÃ¥ng jag argumenterar emot nÃ¥gon som skriver skit om invandrare sÃ¥ säger ni ”Ja men liksom fÃ¥r man inte ens uttrycka sig ellääh??” Jo det fÃ¥r ni men ALLA invandrare är fan inte kriminella! Väx upp goooosh.

  138. Hola Miguel,que opinion te merece el tema del bajo volumen que se esta operando en estos niveles de los maximos de los indices americanos, lei algo del JPM que dice que es un tema para mirar con atencion.Creo que decia que la semana pasada habia sido la de menor volumen operado de los ultimos 5 anos.Saludos,Sergio

  139. Well, this update or whatever JOKE this is, marks the Beginning of the End for Google. First of, this change was totally uncalled for. Second, it has punished good, hard-working guys like me publishing original, hand written content. My site, was hit for no reasons. Check it out and tell me what's spammy about this site?


  141. > Pierre Lambert« il en concluait que la puissance de travail d’un Anglais était 1600/3 fois plus grande que celle d’un Français.  »Si il s’était relu, Samuel Johnson aurait trouvé, à la page 39 de son Dictionnary, l’entrée « Bissextile » … et il serait retourné à ses mathématiques.

  142. I love уour blοg.. vеry nice colorѕ & theme.Diԁ you create thіs website yourself or did you hire somеonе to ԁο it fοгуοu? Plz rеply aѕ Ӏ’m looking to construct my own blog and would like to know where u got this from. appreciate it

  143. je suis très surpris de l’article, on me vante souvent la rigueur du monde mais là c’est la catastopheMartine aubry ne remet pas en cause la réforme des retraites, elle indique simplement que la durée de cotisation sera bien de 42 ans et que ceux qui auront ces 42 ans de cotisations à 60 ans pourront partir à cet âge là quoi de plus normale j’aurais 60 ans au mois de juin et j’aurais cotisé 176 trimestre faites le calcul

  144. I was so confused about what to buy, but this makes it understandable.

  145. How To Make Cake Flour – Add a Pinch has a quick and easy substitute for those times when you are halfway through making a recipe an realize you don’t have cake flour. (Please tell me I’m not the only one who does that!)

  146. Thanks for the great info dog I owe you biggity.

  147. I’m not entirely sure that they cover London shows (to be fair, I could check quicker than adding these parentheses, but I can’t be bothered to open another tab…), but if you hate Ticketmaster (as do I), Ticketline is a wholly preferable outfit. Sure, they can’t cut money off the face value of the tickets, nor can they necessarily get you front row seats, but they don’t keep adding fees on top of everything like Ticketmaster do. And it’s not Ticketmaster. So that can only be a good thing.

  148. There is this girl on twitter who is constantly talking about kids, how she hates them, they get on her nerves & she even had the audacity to talk about mine.. She works at a daycare which is why I’m concerned. I am going to print out the pages but I don’t know who to show them too or what to say? This girl doesn’t deserve to work at a daycare if she’s going to be calling them “nosy bitches” etc.. Can she get in trouble for that?

  149. Me and this article, sitting in a tree, L-E-A-R-N-I-N-G!

  150. You write so honestly about this. Thanks for sharing!

  151. You really saved my skin with this information. Thanks!

  152. biasanya sandbox ini untuk blog yang berumur kurang dari 1 tahun..Tapi blog sy yang lebih dari 1 tahun juga masih kena…aneh ya..pa karena over optimasi..?

  153. Love the red silk! San Francisco is sooo cold today! I just moved here from NYC and was NOT expecting this…I didn't even bring my winter coat!kaitmoss.blogspot.com

  154. I wonder if the Olay Beauty Fluid is the same thing as Olay Complete here in the states. They look the same. I have the Olay Complete one, and I love it. Moisturizes well, absorbs quickly, it's gentle and doesn't make me break out.. So it could be the same thing.. as I've never seen the Beauty Fluid one here.. or maybe I'm wrong.

  155. Kia Ora RobbFreda was an inspiration to many people around the world. There has been a lot of speculation about her death, and it could be linked to many factors playing in her life. May she rest in peace.

  156. Sii! yo me acuerdo de ese balcón que me gusta mucho. Yo creo que ya no esperaré la lluvia de estrellas pero si estoy despierta me asomaré mientras no sea a las cuatro de la mañana y ¡Que venga la navidad!!!.Bye Arañita, cuídate.

  157. When the lender requires “full coverage” on a vehicle it simply means that in the event of a loss the coverage must be enough to pay the balance due on the loan. Normally it would consist of collision coverage as well as the state minimums for liability. While coverage for theft, comprehensive , and other perils are normally a good idea they are not mandatory. But bear in mind in the event of a loss you will be held responsible to pay.

  158. I will right away grasp your rss feed as I can’t find your e-mail subscription hyperlink or e-newsletter service. Do you have any? Please allow me recognize in order that I may subscribe. Thanks.

  159. I’m so glad that the internet allows free info like this!

  160. sono molto d'accordo con quasi tutto, eccetto le scarpe col tacco. Nonostante sia alta già di mio, le uso spesso e mi piacciono vari modelli anche particolari, ma le ballerine, non le abbandono mai.JustM.

  161. I have exactly what info I want. Check, please. Wait, it’s free? Awesome!

  162. The photo shows him with a very hairy chest. It sounds as though he was seeking a feminine counterpart in the form of either a cross dresser or a transsexual. A few years ago, a noted British leading man in films was similarlyconfronted but with no significant consequences. It sounds like careless journalism.

  163. Oooh, removing the uterus…is that what these drawings were about…holding the little baby and tears in the eyes of the dog?Well, hope you’ll be together soon again!PS is it so??…your ceramics sold out already…wauw

  164. Hello there, I think your blog may be having internet browser compatibility problems. When I take a look at your web site in Safari, it looks fine however when opening in Internet Explorer, it has some overlapping issues. I just wanted to provide you with a quick heads up! Besides that, excellent website!

  165. wah bagus maklumat untuk mulakan perniagaan.. aku cdg nak start jual produk online lah..bole mtk tolong zik promosikan ejan recently posted..VA:F [1.9.22_1171]please wait…VA:F [1.9.22_1171](from 0 votes)

  166. That’s not just logic. That’s really sensible.

  167. I’m sure you will cover this in a future part of this discussion, but I will note it now.Almost no penalty can be great enough to force people to buy health insurance. Whether a flat fine or a percentage of the average cost of insurance, it will almost certainly be less than paying for insurance for a year (or ten years for young people) before the insurance is needed at which time the sand bagger simply buys into the group and the whole purpose of the mandate is defeated.Good start to the article Steve, I looks forward to future parts.

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  169. Love the picture effect. I've been anxiously awaiting your creative genius in coming up with an action that has a 'Lensbaby' type of feel. Will the focus/placement or amount of blur be adjustable? Thanks so much in advance!

  170. Sorry, Lori. It's not something we wanted to do. Unfortuantely we had to start charging to stay afloat.However we're looking at it in a positive light. This should provide us new opportunities to grow and expand and, hopefully the site will be better than ever before.(And we're still have the cheapest subscriptions of any membership worksheet site I know of.) :)Thanks for mentioning us in your blog.

  171. Short, sweet, to the point, FREE-exactly as information should be!

  172. A wonderful job. Super helpful information.

  173. Une question qui me vient à l’esprit à chaque fois que je croise ce mot écrit de cette façon : pourquoi écrire « Bac » (diminutif de « Baccalauréat » et non pas acronyme de je ne sais quel « Bout d’Abeille Cristallisée » ou « Bidule Absolument Catastrophique ») « BAC » ? Ca me dépasse.

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  175. Getting a good review is like basking in the sun on a really nice spring day…or something like that. Makes you feel all warm and glowy, anyway.Onwards and upwards to the barbarian hordes. Even iron gates will give out, if you put enough mass behind the battering ram.

  176. María Jesús, es inaudito. BicosDilaida, sí tiene pinta de falso y es un repipi prepotente sabelotodo.BicosCarmen, éste es capaz de hacer bueno a la Sinde. Que ya es decir. BesosNieves LM, puede que no le falte ningún hervor, es un tipo muy formado pero sesgado y un peligro con poder, pues se cree el rey del mambo. Un besoAdama, sí, también, otra más.Felipe, tal cual pienso yo.Salud y República

  177. Times are changing for the better if I can get this online!

  178. Gina, could you make a similar post for resistance bands? I’ve only used them for rows, stretching and some leg work with them tied around the ankle so I feel like I’m not getting creative enough. But maybe you have already done a post on them and I missed it lol.

  179. I’m not real big on Rick Hahn. The White Sox aren’t much better at player development than the Cubs are, and that was one of Rickett’s big job requirements. I like Cherington, and he actually was co-gm while Theo Epstein was on his hiatus, so he has some experience. I think Rickett’s is looking for the big name signing though.

  180. OK-I’ll put this here-where it ‘belongs’ —just read Porrettos’ (sp) take on a ‘woman’s place’ in society —post below–I remember men were encouraged to ‘spank’ their wives – even into the 1950s–Do we want to go back to that?The Creator gave women brains equal to men-are those brains only to be used in the ‘kitchen’?Any women readers here-other than me—Carol-CS

  181. Thanks a bunch for sharing this with all people you actually recognise what you are speaking about! Bookmarked. Please additionally talk over with my web site =). We can have a link trade contract among us!

  182. Usually, when an article has this much information I wind up getting confused, but you kept it clean and clear. I relate to a lot of your content. Thank you.

  183. Staruszku…z wielkim bolem musze wniesc w twoje pisanie sprostowanie.Bo przeciez nie poprawia sie Staruszka!Nie mamy Roku Kraszewskiego!Mamy…Rok Janusza Korczaka.No chyba, ze znowu cos pokrecilam!A ze jestem chora, wiec nie chce mi sie sprawdzac!O!A po za tym, to jak zwykle podpisuje sie pod twoim tekstem.

  184. Olipa kiva saada tuon sienikeiton ohje, kun minulla on kuivattuja suppiksia, mutta ei oikein ohjeita niiden käyttöön, Sienipiirakkaa tein kyllä ja lihapulliin olen vähän murustellut. Minä muuten teen vehnäjauhosuuruksen niin, että sekoitan jauhot pieneen vesitilkkaan niin eivät kokkaroidu kuumennuksessa.

  185. É lógico e verdadeiro que pão e carne de hamburguer são matérias orgânicas, isto é, apodrecem com o tempo por razões conhecidas. É verdadeiro também que não são alimentos naturais (são industriais e manufaturados) e muito menos que eles são saudáveis (bom para a sáude). Agora, por que a degradação orgânica não aconteceu com o modelo e outra explicação!!

  186. Iya betul aku setuju. Punya kartu (apapun itu) harusnya kita bisa bijak mengaturnya. Dan kartu Ready Credit itu memang fungsinya kalau aku sih buat jaga2

  187. made a lot of sense. But, think about this, what if you added a little content? I mean, I dont want to tell you how to run your blog, but what if you added something to maybe get peoples attention? Just like a video or a picture or two to get people excited about what youve got to say. In my opinion, it would make your blog come to life a little bit.

  188. that college or trades or whatever else was even an option. Well, I went. For 2 years and what do I have to show for it? Nothing because I wasn’t ready and wasn’t educated on the options.Expectations are 100% necessary. When I have kids I won’t just let them do “whatever” or “follow their dreams” but I’m not going to force them to go to university. I want them to have a realistic view of what to expect and I want to help them make reasonable smart goals by educating them on what possibilities are available to them.

  189. CHAREUF AFROUL Abdelkader dit :Très chère Nicole,BonjourMerci,pour tout ce que vous faites,pour permettre a vos fans ,de se découvrir.Je me suis senti très touché par ces mots que j’ai lu.je suis heureux de vous lire encore, votre style est simple et claire.Bonne chanceAbdelkader

  190. à´®ൂà´¨്à´¨ു à´®ാà´¸ം à´®ുà´¨്‍à´ª് എറണാà´•ുà´³ം à´œിà´²്ലയിà´²്‍ à´’à´°à´§്à´¯ാപകന്‍ à´•്à´²ാà´¸ിà´²്‍ വച്à´š് à´•ുà´Ÿ്à´Ÿിà´•്à´•് à´°à´£്à´Ÿ് à´…à´Ÿിà´•ൊà´Ÿുà´¤്à´¤ു.à´šà´®്മട്à´Ÿിà´•ൊà´£്à´Ÿà´²്à´², à´šൂà´°à´²്‍à´•ൊà´£്à´Ÿാà´£്.à´† à´ªിà´°ീà´Ÿുà´•à´´ിà´¯ുംവരെ à´•ുà´Ÿ്à´Ÿിà´•്à´•് à´’à´°ു à´•ുà´´à´ª്പവും ഉണ്à´Ÿാà´¯ിà´²്à´².ഇന്‍റര്‍à´µെà´²്‍ à´•à´´ിà´ž്à´ž് അവശനാà´¯ à´•ുà´Ÿ്à´Ÿിà´¯െ à´¤ാà´™്à´™ിà´¯െà´Ÿുà´¤്à´¤് 'നല്ലവരായകൂà´Ÿ്à´Ÿുà´•ാà´°്‍' ആപ്à´ªീà´¸ിà´²്‍ à´•ൊà´£്à´Ÿുവന്à´¨ു.à´…à´§്à´¯ാപകനെà´¤ിà´°െ à´•േà´¸്à´¸െà´Ÿുà´¤്à´¤ു à´ªോà´²ീà´¸്.à´ªിà´±്à´±േà´¦ിവസം പത്à´°à´¤്à´¤ിà´²ും വന്à´¨ു.à´…à´§്à´¯ാപകനെ സസ്പന്‍à´Ÿുà´šെà´¯്à´¤ു .PTA à´ª്à´°à´¤ിà´•à´°ിà´š്à´šു.à´ª്à´°ായപൂà´°്‍à´¤്à´¤ിà´¯ാà´•ാà´¤്à´¤ +2à´•ുà´Ÿ്à´Ÿി à´¬ോധപൂà´°്‍വമല്à´²ാà´¤െ à´¬ാà´¤്à´¤്à´±ുà´®ീà´²്‍വച്à´š് à´•ൈ à´•ൂà´Ÿ്à´Ÿൂà´•ാà´°െà´•്à´•ൊà´£്à´Ÿ് തല്à´²ിà´š്à´šà´¤ാà´£െà´¨്à´¨ സത്à´¯ം à´®ാà´¤്à´°ംപത്à´°à´¤്à´¤ിà´²്‍ വന്à´¨ിà´²്à´².à´•ുà´Ÿ്à´Ÿിà´¯ും à´¸ാà´±ും à´…à´µിà´Ÿെ തന്à´¨െà´¯ുà´£്à´Ÿ്.

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  193. Thanks, Adrienne. Funny you should mention Cinderella. I’m currently writing a psychological version of that fairy tale, making use of many things that people have shared here about their narcissistic mothers.

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  195. That’s really shrewd! Good to see the logic set out so well.

  196. Created the greatest articles, you have.

  197. Thanks for spending time on the computer (writing) so others don’t have to.

  198. Vicki KynastonA special thought and wish to Carol’s family and Lyle; may the Lord bless you with peace in your hearts and souls. Just looking at Carol’s picture shows how much she loved life. She was always enthusiastic and had a positive attitude. She was a great person to know and an inspiration to us all.

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  200. The wicked will all face dr judgment here on earth. They thought they ve made it. Time will tell. Am not supporting any of them, however those who vow to drag others down in order to die on top should look at the trend of revolution in other places. It is high time ndi Igbo should stand up and say no to the hawks amongst us who have vowed, IT MUST BE THEIR INTEREST OR NOTHING GOES.

  201. At last! Something clear I can understand. Thanks!

  202. This shows real expertise. Thanks for the answer.

  203. Hm, ich fürchte, da kann ich jetzt auch nicht weiterhelfen. Wenn diese Fehler nur bei dir auftauchen, musst du irgendwo einen Fehler gemacht haben, vielleicht nur einen kleinen Tippfehler. Manchmal übersieht man so etwas lange, das hat mich auch schon oft Nerven gekostet.

  204. Brilliant, Deb. Much-needed advice for all of us — like me, for example. Too often I have eschewed help from friends, family or professionals for fear of appearing weak or needy. Then, I would permit things to reach crisis stage before acting.Lives can actually be lost, as you know, due to people’s self-consciousness in this regard.

  205. Il me semble avoir un peu tardé à dire le plaisir que j'ai pris à lire cette critique, avec laquelle je souscris sur de nombreux points du dernier recueil de nouvelles d'Emmanuelle Urien. Voilà qui est réparé.

  206. Sono d'accordo con Luca, Black Mirror è assolutamente da vedere. Pure Dead Set non è male, nonostante la mia quasi avversione per gli zombies, però lì è il metaforone che conta. Vorrei segnalare una serie che si piazza a pari merito, se non immediatamente sopra, a Breaking Bad: Boss, shakespeariana e per me la migliore dell'anno.

  207. Lets start a YouTube Sketchies Video Protest right now and not allow this to go unanswered. Who is with us? We are from Canada and like many other channels throughout YouTube we believe this is very unfair of them to have a contest and not include the whole YouTube community!!! Our Protest video will be up soon so join the march for YouTube equality!!!

  208. I wish there was some limit of depth to the , a moral flaw below which things could not go.There isn't. Ronald O. Perelman and Andy Stern cash in, big time, from the administration of what Glen Reynolds justifiably calls .

  209. I was able to decipher (decipher talaga? haha) the illusion at the second pic! *clap clap* haha. The illusion in the first pic is the hardest to notice but it is the most entertaining of the three. :pVA:F [1.9.22_1171]please wait…

  210. Your hometown sounds wonderful.We live in the Virginia suburbs of Washington DC. We're settled and plan to stay in this house until all of the kids move out (a long time from now!), but this isn't our ideal location. My husband started his own business two years ago, and we need to stay near DC for work.

  211. PLEASE SAY IT ISN’T SO….ANOTHER SUMMER OF RACHEL CRYING AND AND BRENDON TRYING TO APPEASE HER….CAN’T BREATHE……LIGHTS Are DimmIng…..getting soooooo tired…….must sleep…..maybe this is just a nightmare……aaaargh……

  212. Why is Mississippi so unequal compared to New Hamphshire? I can't think of any possible explanation. This is so mysterious that even the best minds are baffled. Not even Sherlock Homes and Dr. Watson could crack this. We'll probably never know the answer, but, in the meantime, let's spend lots of money on a stimulus plan for Mississippi. That'll probably eliminate whatever differentiates these two states.

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  216. Exactamente, el coraje y la rabia nos podría llevar a decir cosas que estarían dañando a nuestro hijo, de lo cual nos arrepentiríamos después. Como tú lo dices, es mejor enfriar nuestras emociones para luego hablar con nuestros hijos. Recuerda, estás hablando de su padre, no de tu pareja. Abrazos.

  217. I really wish there were more articles like this on the web.

  218. Ze kunnen beter dit schip naar Haiti laten varen en daar afmeren daar zijn duizende mensen die geen dak meer boven hun hoofd hebben.En er is eten en personeel genoeg aan boord om de mensen te helpen.En die mensen die zo’n reis gaan maken kunnen beter hun geld naar giro 555 sturen.Dan doen ze iets goeds inplaats van het mileu te verontreinigen.Ruud

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  220. While the Gangnam Style video is hilarious, I do await anxiously some competition. Like, Gundam Style. With dancing space mecha and lots of anime missles. Or Gungan Style, though Jar Jar singing in Korean with a Jamaican accent might be hard to pull off.

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  222. It’s always a relief when someone with obvious expertise answers. Thanks!

  223. Yeah, I hear ya. At first it was all – who cares that we spilled red paint on the carpet? It’s our carpet. We don’t have to worry about some landlord withholding a deposit because of it. Yay! Then we discovered the wet rot and the broken guttering and the woodworm and that’s all a whole lot less fun. Suddenly we’re missing the days of complaining about landlords taking weeks to get round to fixing stuff. Those were the days… Still, decorating after the builders leave should be fun!

  224. Muy politicamente correcto, pero Egipto no es Grecia. “El honor al legado historico de sus antepasados” como tu dices es vivir sometidos por poderosos Emperadores y Dictadores. Mejor que no hagan honor a eso y consigan cambiar su historia. Por lo demas Bisbal puede decir lo que quiera ¿o no?. No veo que los demas seamos tan “buenos” como para ir dando lecciones …

  225. I did this once before rather successfully and want to do it again. My wife’s addiction to HGTV and Food Network are really the only hold up. Maybe it’s time to get the Roku and see if it’s enough to convince her.I really like your rules. Obviously with a kid it would be a little different, but it’s something to start with.

  226. we are working among children,youth and families in india. especially in andhra pradesh. we are proclaiming God’s Good news to young people. we are very much happy to see your organisation. we pray for you. and pray for us.

  227. Concordo com a carta, mas poderia ainda ter sido referido o triste estado do elevador da Glória (que é por onde passo mais), todo rabiscado de tags e pseudo-graffiti

  228. in saecula saeculorum under his breath during the Lavabo and other prayers. . This Pastor truly had problems with the new mass. I was lucky enough to realize what they were.Fxr2

  229. Wow, your post makes mine look feeble. More power to you!

  230. I dont think there is anything wrong with the first dress, but I dont think I like it as much as the second dress, which makes your waist look small and chest look boobalicious lol.Vxxx

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  232. The answer of an expert. Good to hear from you.

  233. I struggle SO MUCH with meditation for the same reason! I’ve heard it referred to as “monkey mind” a lot — where your brain just goes in all these different directions no matter how quiet you try to make it. And when I don’t go to bed completely sleep-deprived and exhausted I have the same problem — so I definitely relate!

  234. Marcus, We’ll have to sync our race plans for next year. Would be great to borrow your pump again. Look at all the luck it has given me Thank you, Marcus!

  235. You really make it appear so easy together with your presentation but I to find this matter to bereally something which I believe I would by no means understand.It sort of feels too complex and extremely large for me.I’m taking a look forward for your subsequent publish, I’lltry to get the cling of it!Jed Cogan recently posted..

  236. well, even ‘jewish marxists’ is a qualifier.doesn’t exactly indicate Atzmon is only talking about Zionists and neoconservativesok, point taken. but neither does it indicate atzmon is referencing all jews either. zionists, neoconservatives and marxist are all political designations. ‘jewish’ isn’t.i’m going to bow out now, as i mentioned earlier i’m out of my league arguing atzmon. i just thought you might be interested in an observers reading of what it means to be ‘straightforward’. words matter when paraphrasing or translating someones argument.

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  238. Sounds interesting. Capital is fleeting but the pervasive, toxic waste generated by chip plants remains years after the capital departs.I hope the proposal includes a plan to protect the environment and water table.peace –

  239. Jaja qué tal Lea?? Gracias por entrar y por el comentario!! Voy a tener en cuenta lo de los títulos más amarillistas, puede que sume rating con eso! jajaUstedes cómo andan? Mandá un saludo a todos por allá, y un abrazo grande!! Qué esten muy bien!!

  240. Klarissa (en de rest)!!!!!!!!!!!Super gaaf om alle verhalen te lezen. Wel totaal anders dan Kenia volgens mij! Toch ben ik best wel jaloers op jullie… Hier gewoon hard werken! Maar nu weekend!!! En gelukkig woont Gerrieke sinds vanavond weer hier Over een week kom je weer terug: jeeeeeeeeeeeeej! Onee, dat vind JIJ natuurlijk helemaal niet leuk Ben super benieuwd naar alle verhalen die je ongetwijfeld in geuren en kleuren gaat vertellen Heel veel zegen toegewenst! Maak er iets prachtigs van!

  241. On one of my web sites, I actively sell advertising to organizations in my regional niche. I now add the nofollow to those links. If I don’t have an adbox sold for a certain time period, I use that space to link to one of my other web sites, in effect advertising my own sites. Is that bad/against the webmaster guidelines? No money is involved, since it is my own sites involved.

  242. Meg Whitman is telling the truth. But you aren't interested in the truth because you are blinded by your own prejudices. You are Obamaholics to the core of your being, esp. LAC and MackLying.It's sick.

  243. Attraction and arousal are not the same, otherwise guys would be walking around with stiffies far more than they actually do.You can be strongly sexually attracted to someone yet not be sexually aroused at that moment. There’s no reason to expect that when and if you become intimate, there will be any failure to become erect.

  244. se non ricordo male anche spazio 1999 ha usato come spunto una missione a propulsione nucleare con relativa “inca##atura” estraterrestre per i danni provocati

  245. Country First, Too little, too late. Any course of action now shows her trying to save her job, not truly sincere and upholding the law. Everyone is very upset. Let her go for her defiance along with her subordinates thinking that they are the only ones running the show in OC.

  246. Please teach the rest of these internet hooligans how to write and research!

  247. It’s a pleasure to find someone who can think so clearly

  248. KiwiwitIf remuneration be based on risk then very few CEO's are worth their paychecks.They come into established busineses, assume no personal risk, their benefits and salary is guarenteed, even if the comapny should decline steeply during their tenure. I agree completely that the public sector should not have these positions, but let's be honest, even in the private sector, most CEO's are more James Taggart than Hank Rearden.

  249. Appreciate it…[…]The upcoming time I read a blog, I hope so it doesn’t disappoint me everything this one. I mean, I understand it was my preference to see, but I actually thought you’d have something interesting to say. All I hear is a bunch of complaining about…

  250. Man, I totally agree with all your ‘Should wins’ – I have the same feelings (except for Potter?!). I really liked lil bro Affleck in Assassination of Jesse James. If it wasn’t for Javier Bardem… Thoroughly enjoyed your Oscar pitches. Keep up the good work!

  251. Haha avundsjuk på att ni bara förlorar??? Spelar ingen roll om ni ligger i allsvenskan. Ligger hellre i 1an och är topp lag än och förlora dom flesta matcher och ligga i allsvenskan.

  252. De facto as condições politicas para RUE são muito boas mas isso so não basta é importante que Dhlakama saia da liderança da RUE quem sabe pela primeira vez usariamos um filtro para escolher um Presidente.Ndzakeni

  253. What a wonderful departure from the usual ham/turkey, Christmas pudding combo. I love the idea of serving all seafood dishes but usually find that much seafood too rich. The way they have been served here defies that thought but so much work! Thanks again for sharing! 😀

  254. Viola, I can’t say that I know what you’re going through, but I can tell you that you are in my thoughts and prayers at this most difficult time. Hold all the memories close and always remember that Mark loved you very much. I know that all your friends and family are here for you so you can lean on them/us for a while.

  255. Ya no podía llevar lentillas todo el día, me terminaban molestando y se me ponían los ojos rojos. Me hablaron de cirugía y pedí a un familiar que me recomendará un centro porque sabía que él estaba contento. Ya no tengo molestias, veo genial y al final, ES UN AHORRO, porque ya no tengo que gastar dinero en lentillas y líquidos. Gracias LASIK CENTER

  256. I’m not sure why but this weblog is loading very slow for me. Is anyone else having this issue or is it a issue on my end? I’ll check back later and see if the problem still exists.

  257. Julian has got himself a palestinian arab girlfriend, half his age,who wrote the story of the film, and Weinstein has got a beautiful English non-Jewish wife half his age.As they have no fears for their own children because they are not/will not be Jewish, they can be as Jew-hating as they like.But these things have a habit of rebounding.

  258. Well the Queen (of England) called them lapse and prince Philip has just told the Banksters ”don’t let it happen again” refering to the 2007 credit crash. Haha well thats really told em off hasn’t it, no need to worry now, we can all relax and get our coats.

  259. Well, I can–Edward’s got a big vampire family and he can read everyone’s minds, so he’s automatically got more to talk about. Bella, meanwhile, can’t even be bothered to answer her mother’s emails or learn the names of her new friends at school. The question isn’t how MS is longer than Twilight; it’s how Twilight was so long in the first place.

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